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Can mathematics really help to predict the behavior of the nature and the phenomena that’s
happening in the world? People have always observed and examined patterns in nature,
predicting the size, location, and the timing of the natural hazards are clearly impossible, but
with the help of mathematics people are able to forecast these phenomena. Mathematical
development is the result of the search for patterns. Using mathematical tools, people have
created models which helps to correspond to what we can measure and observe in the reality.
With the help of these tools, we can easily determine whether events in nature occur in tandem or
in opposition to one another by examining its patterns, number usage, and various operations.
According to Ian Stewart's book "The Nature's Numbers; the Unreal Reality of Mathematics" its
stated that mathematics is more than just numbers.
It enabled people to comprehend the vastly expanded nature of mathematics envisioned. Their
patterns, sequences, and other characteristics make it clear in our nature, behavior, among
several other aspects. Many mathematicians and scientist have proposed their discoveries,
However, not all of them provide enough support to be taken as based on fact. However, some
findings were thought to be genuine and plausible due to experimentation, observation, and trial-
and-error. At this point mathematics enter the pictures, using mathematics mathematicians or
scientist can provide math equations to show that their findings and observations are not just
random occurrences. These also, in some way discoveries can forecast the behavior of nature and
local occurrences in the world. Mathematics may be of considerable assistance in predicting the
behavior of nature and the things that occur in the world.
Just like in the weather forecast, weather forecasting is the application of science and technology
to predict the conditions of the atmosphere for a given time and location, but how can we predict
the weather for the next days, next months, etc.? When it comes to making predictions, Science
is the one who takes on the role and makes the predictions. Mathematics makes predictions more
reliable and possible through doing correct and precise calculations, specifically through the
process of observing and experimenting. This is when mathematics plays its important role,
working with the set of equations that describe the atmosphere, using the GCMs (Global
Circulation Models) it describes the interactions between the oceans and atmosphere to look at
what average conditions could come in decades. As Ian Stewart explains in his book, Science
and mathematics are intricately connected. Meteorologist at NOAA’S National weather service
used tools to always monitor the conditions of the atmosphere that may impact or can impact the
This procedure is known as Mathematical Modeling using this it constructs models using
mathematical tools based on what we can measure and observe in the real world. And with a
good model, we can start anticipating how nature acts and distinguishing behavior or occurrences
that occur independently of others. Some of the tools that the Meteorologist at NOAA’S use is
the doppler radar which is use for observing severe storms and the satellite data, weather
satellites monitor the earth from space collecting data which our scientist analyze. Mathematics
explains how certain natural occurrences reoccur this is since numbers make it easier to explain.
With observation, experimentation, and trial and error, mathematics can be found, using these
three techniques, discoveries, proofs, and forecasts can be produced.
Additional observations were made after the development of mathematical principles are
performed to determine whether these mathematical equations may be used in other areas of
nature. These mathematical laws include chaos and oscillation notions, which are incredibly
helpful in forecasting the behavior of nature and global phenomena. Where Oscillation can detect
recurring patterns in nature's movements and behavior, whereas chaos is where the starting
conditions are considered when making a prediction. In this modern time where inventors have
devised a method for using mathematics to create models that can assist us in forecasting
weather and cloud seeding. All these Things that being mentioned are the proof that Mathematics
is much more helpful in our lives than people expected it to be.
Mathematical answers of how things operate allow us to share our ideas and thoughts in a
precise, coherent manner. This is significant and quite useful so that everyone else can
comprehend us and recognize that we are individuals with well-organized minds. An important
point of our image is how well we can organize and present our ideas. Mathematics encourage
wisdom in our daily lives, mathematics is widely used in a variety of professions and breaking
technology. In real sense, precise sciences govern a large portion of our daily activities. Math is
extremely important in our lives, and we use mathematical principles as well as the abilities we
develop from tackling math problems daily without even recognizing it.

Humans and animals always depend on nature and nature depends on us on how we handle it
correctly and in such a way that nature is being preserved and protected. But Nature sometimes
challenges us with different natural calamities and occurrences such as floods, storms, etc. but
sometimes we humans can find ways of dealing with nature and its occurrences with the help of
different factors, especially using tools to predict, prevent and control these situations. Just like
according to Joseph Fourier “Mathematics compares the most diverse phenomena and discovers
the secret analogies that unite them.” Just like how Mathematics helps us to become
interconnected, also with the nature that we and other living and non- living things are on it. It
can also help us to organize things to find a better one that is compatible with one another, to
help predict and find answers that make our lives better. Mathematics can also help us to think
rationally and deal with various issues in a systematic and smooth manner, also mathematics can
help us control nature and events in the world for our own purposes.
Mathematics is the main tool used to solve these problems, even Though it may appear strange,
mathematics does really benefit us humans in controlling and reducing the damage caused by
these occurrences. Several tools are being developed and used to help humans in dealing with
nature. Mathematics does not have a tool that can predict whenever these occurrences will occur,
but it can help us reduce the damage and prevent further loss through calculation and deductive
reasoning. By the experiences and date that is being collected, mathematics can help estimate the
loss and other information required so that we can plan and have prior knowledge of a specific
type of situation. We can’t stop the nature itself but with the help of mathematics it can support
us to define the different sets of segments or fields that are essential and gives us details on a
selected area of expertise.
Using mathematical tools helps us to be aware of our surroundings, we create things that help us
to find the exact and appropriate measurement and it is being used nowadays, Models that work
well in times of disasters and calamities. Using these models to guide us to understands things
that we want to have answers and these tools helps us to understand further to our surroundings.
The base for organizing our curiosity about things and the physical world is provided by
mathematics. When it reveals the connection that unifies the subject, it transcends the realms of
the subjective and quantitative. With the presence of Mathematics, it helps us understand the
world itself and we use the world and the resources of it to understand Mathematics.
Mathematics can be used to explain how something happens in nature.

Through out the years these occurrences become normal to us because of mathematics. Through
the years we face different calamities that are brought by nature and mathematics helps us to face
it and overcome the struggles. Mathematics and nature are one itself Despite being incredibly
broad, this topic can provide us with accurate facts we required for daily life. even some of us
choose to avoid mathematics, they must acknowledge that we cannot fully exist without
mathematics, as well as with its interaction with the natural world, how it influences it, and how
nature influences humans. There are numerous ways that mathematics can be a guidance to us,
particularly regarding this topic. For example, it can assist us in finding a way to predict and
control things, on how we come up with the best and ideal situation, on the various tools to be
used in a particular natural behavior and how to deal with it, as well as on how to calculate the
right and precise information for us to identify and come up with a solution that is useful and
provides the exact information and details that will help. Mathematics simply helps us with all of
that because mathematics can help us to control nature and occurrences in the world for our own

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