21st Century Literature Lesson 1 A Glimpse To The Study and Appreciation of Literature

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21st Century Literature - Lesson 1-A Glimpse to the Study

and Appreciation of Literature
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World (Bulacan State University)

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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Lesson 1: A Glimpse to the Study and Appreciation of Literature


a. Literature
- from Latin word litteratura which means writing, from litteratus, means learning.
- is the art of written work and can, in some circumstances, refer exclusively to published
- is an expression of man’s thoughts, feelings and emotion presented in an artistic manner.
- serves as our foremost source of sound ideals to better understand and appreciate life.
- takes significant human experiences such as miseries or glories as its main subject.
- covers both oral and written forms of works which manifest expressive of imaginative
quality, nobility of thoughts, timelessness, and lastly, universality.

b. Reasons for reading

- mainly for the acquisition of relevant information and also entertainment.
- to satisfy one’s curiosity, to uplift cultural understanding, to escape from reality, and lastly,
to fulfill one’s desires and aspirations.
- attributed to one’s desire to better understand life.
- to enrich his experiences and to explore the world which may propel to great discoveries
and genuine realizations about the various dimensions of life and of the world in a broader

c. Different Views about Literature

- “literature as the collective production of the human mind that deals with permanent and
universal themes ascribed by creativity and grace of expression. (Webster Comprehensive

- “literature as writings manifesting excellence of form which also covers the expression of
ideas of permanent and universal produced in a particular language, country, or age.
(Webster 9th New Collegiate Dictionary)

- “literature mainly provides a unique depiction of life which is different from what science
provides. It enables people to have an imaginative experience the ‘lived’ meanings of a
piece of life.” (Brooks et. al.)

- “literature as a general term used for poetry, fiction, and drama is mainly the expression of
meaning articulated through form.” (Tiempo et. al.)

- “literature as the artistic reproduction of human experiences in either poetry or prose.”

(Baritugo et. al.)

d. Key features of literature

• Literature is a form of communication.
o Man’s inner thoughts, feelings, and conditions can be disclosed and revealed
through the power of literature.
o As we read stories from the past, our ancestors communicated with us through
o Literature engages us to share and to impart a portion of ourselves which may be
interesting and benefiting to other people.
• Literature is an art.
o It is said to be an artistic expression of man’s desires, aspirations, and conditions.

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o The appeal of a literary work mainly intensifies its value to the people depending on
how they judge and perceive the beauty and quality of a work.

• Nobility of thoughts
o Literature should deal with ideas that can lead to new responses to the world and
can move people to achieve great discoveries of the dimensions of human life and

• Timelessness
o The significant truth about life that a literary work reveals should not wane and
dissipate as time passes by.

• Universality
o A work must have global applicability in which a work transcends across space.

• Literature has utility.

o Through literature, we can obtain relevant information to better understand people,
society, and culture.

Direction: Accomplish the table below by providing the responses for each column.



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Direction: Draw some images that will best represent what literature is all about. Draw it in a short
bond paper and write a short description about it. Attach it in your module.

Downloaded by Junnel Masaluon (junnel.masaluon@deped.gov.ph)

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