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Adv Clin Exp Med 2015, 24, 6, 931–941 © Copyright by Wroclaw Medical University
DOI: 10.17219/acem/31243 ISSN 1899–5276

Anna Wiktorowska-OwczarekB, D, F, Małgorzata BerezińskaB, D,

Jerzy Z. NowakA, B, E

PUFAs: Structures, Metabolism and Functions*

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical University of Lodz, Poland

A – research concept and design; B – collection and/or assembly of data; C – data analysis and interpretation;
D – writing the article; E – critical revision of the article; F – final approval of article

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) include two series of fatty acids: omega-6 and omega-3 series. PUFAs have
amphiphatic properties: hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail. Such structure and other properties of unsaturated
fatty acids are responsible for exerting the following biological action: maintaining cell-membrane fluidity, inhib-
iting inflammatory processes, decreasing secretion of proinflammatory cytokines by monocytes/macrophages,
decreasing susceptibility to ventricular rhythm disorders of the heart, improving functions of vascular endothe-
lial cells, inhibiting blood platelet aggregation and decreasing triglyceride synthesis in the liver. In an organism,
aracidonic acid (ARA) is converted to prostanoids series 2 (PGE2, PGI2, TXA2) and leukotrienes series 4 (LTB4,
LTC4, LTD4) which are endowed with pro-inflammatory potential and are able to induce platelet aggregation
and vasoconstriction. The metabolism of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) gives
prostanoids series 3 (PGE3, PGI3, TXA3) and leukotrienes series 5 (LTB5, LTC5, LTD5); this group of eicosanoids
shows anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet and antiarrhythmic properties (Adv Clin Exp Med 2015, 24, 6, 931–941).
Key words: polyunsaturated fatty acids, ARA, EPA, DHA.

Adequate development, both physical and in- inflammation, regulation of blood vessel contrac-
tellectual, depends to a great extent on proper nu- tility and proper brain and eye retina function-
trition. Therefore, a  diet should be varied and ing. Thus, they are necessary not only for adequate
should include proper amounts of proteins, carbo- growth and development of the human body but al-
hydrates, fats, vitamins and mineral content. Fats so for the functioning of the adult organism. The re-
are an essential element of the diet, which are most- sults of studies on omega-3 fatty acids have aroused
ly used as a highly energetic material. Some data de- interest in the possibility of increasing their level in
scribed an association between low mortality rate the human body through proper nutrition as well
among the Eskimos due to cardiovascular reasons as through modified food and diet supplements.
and their diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids The intake of dietary supplements containing
(PUFAs) derived from sea fish, which has focused omega-3 fatty acids has increased in all countries
attention to other important functions of this group of the world because of their beneficial effects on
of compounds in the human body [1, 2]. Studies on the human body, which have been recommend-
the use of fish oils in the prevention and treatment ed by different medical specialists and the media
of cardiovascular diseases as well as in psychiatric [4, 56, 60]. The aim of the present study is to pres-
and ophthalmological disorders have been under- ent the most important facts regarding the struc-
taken. Omega-3 fatty acid derivatives play a signif- ture and metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty ac-
icant role in the process of blood coagulation, in ids and their therapeutic application.

* The study was financed by the Medical University of Lodz within the statutory activity (503/5–108–03/503–01).
932 A. Wiktorowska-Owczarek, M. Berezińska, J. Nowak

The Structure and (Fig. 1). Depending on the number of attached ac-

ids, mono- (1 acid), di- and triacylglycerols are
Nomenclature of Fatty Acids formed. Simple triacylglycerols are character-
ized by the presence of one type of acid; howev-
Fats (lipids) are a heterogeneous group of com- er, there are two or three types of acids in mixed
pounds built up of carbon and hydrogen atoms, triacylglycerols. Fatty acids are the main compo-
possessing a tsmall number of oxygen-containing nents of membrane lipids and most frequently
functional groups. Because of their specific molec- contain 12 to 24 carbon atoms forming hydrocar-
ular structure, they have amphipatic (amphiphil- bon chains. They may be represented by saturated
ic) properties: hydrophilic head and hydrophobic (without double bonds), monounsaturated (one
(lipophilic) tail – such a structure affects their ar- double bond) and polyunsaturated (with two or
rangement within the cellular membrane. Lipids more double bonds) fatty acids –  Fig.  2 presents
are divided into simple and complex compounds polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6
(waxes –  lanoline, cetaceum, beeswax). Simple series [3–5].
fats include esters of fatty acids and various alco- Fatty acids commonly occurring in nature
hols. In the case of lipids, glycerol is an alcohol possess usual names (e.g. palmitic acid, linoleic ac-
that contains three hydroxyl groups at three pres- id, arachidonic acid), however due to a variety of
ent carbon atoms, which according to stereospe- forms and great possibilities of conversions, defi-
cific numbering are defined as sn-1, sn-2 and sn-3 nite rules regarding nomenclature of such struc-
tures have been implemented. The order of num-
O bering carbon atoms in aliphatic fatty acids starts
CH2 O C R1 with the carboxyl group; and carbon in this group
(COOH) is defined as C1, and further numbering is
sn-2 as follows: C2, C3, etc. According to another classi-
CH2 O C R2 fication, carbon attached to the carboxyl group, i.e.
O C2 is defined by the Greek letter alpha – α, C3 – β,
C4 – γ etc., and the carbon atom furthest from the
CH2 O C R3 COOH group is defined by the letter omega – ω.
Fig. 1. Glycerol – stereospecific numbering When we start counting from carbon ω to the first

LA C18:2 Dietary ALA C18:3

Linoleic acid α-linolenic acid
∆6 desaturase
GLA C18:3 C18:4
γ-linolenic acid stearidonic acid

DGLA C18:2 C20:4

The omega-3 series
The omega-6 series

dihomo-γ-linolenic acid eicosatetraenoic acid

∆5 desaturase
EPA C20:5
AA C20:4 eicosapentaenoic acid
arachidonic acid

C22:4 C22:5
docosatetraenoic acid docosapentaenoic acid
∆4 desaturase
C22:5 DHA C22:6
docosapentaenoic acid docosahexaenoic acid
Fig. 2. Pathways of biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and -3 series
PUFAs: Structures, Metabolism and Functions 933

double bond between carbon atoms in the hydro- acids requires the involvement of Δ-6, Δ-5 de-
carbon chain (-C = C-), we can determine the af- saturases (enzymes forming double bonds) and
filiation of acid to series of omega-3, omega-6 or elongases (elongating hydrocarbon chain) occur-
omega-9 fatty acids. The chemical structure of fat- ring in the endoplasmic reticulum. The last stage
ty acids is presented in the following way: the num- of conversions, i.e. β-oxydase, requires translo-
ber of carbon atoms (e.g. C22), the number of dou- cation of substrates to peroxysomes. Omega-9
ble bonds and the group ω; e.g. docosahexaenoic series of fatty acids also competes for the same
acid is defined as C22 : 6ω-3, which means that it enzymes and these reactions result in a final for-
possesses 22 carbon atoms and six double bonds mation of eicosatrienoic acid (C20 : 3:ω-9) from
and it belongs to the group of omega-3 (possesses oleinic acid (C18 : 1:ω-9), which is not so impor-
the first double bond when we count from the end tant as the remaining two series because it can
at the third carbon atom) [3–5]. be totally synthesized by humans from saturat-
ed stearic acid. Moreover, a  high concentration
of eicosatrienoic acid, which normally occurs in
Metabolism of Fatty Acids trace amounts, indicates deficiency of substrates
for the synthesis of omega-3 and omega-6 series
Saturated fatty acids such as palmitic (C16:0) of polyunsaturated fatty acids; this value might
or stearic (C18:0) acid, which mainly provide ener- thus have a diagnostic importance. The same en-
gy, are produced in the human and other mammal zymes participate in conversion of fatty acids of
organism. The formation of malonyl coenzyme all three series, showing functional connections
A (malonyl-CoA) and acetyl-CoA is a fundamen- between metabolic paths of omega-3, -6 and -9
tal stage of fatty acid synthesis. The elongation pro- acids, which depend on competing for enzymes
cess takes place with the involvement of fatty ac- and regulating a  given stage of transformation
id synthase. However, some mammals including based on a negative feedback through a direct or
Homo sapiens do not possess enzymes (or possess indirect product [3, 4, 6].
them in slight amounts) capable of creating double
bonds in fatty acid chains at a  place further than
at carbon C9. The human being is not able to pro-
Biosynthesis of Eicosanoids
duce linoleic (LA; C18 : 2ω-6) and α-linolenic ac- As a result of exogenous conversions of ome-
id (ALA; C18 : 3ω-3) in the sufficient amounts to ga-3 and omega-6 families of fatty acids, such
meet the requirements for these compounds, thus compounds as arachidonic (ARA), docosahexae-
they are named exogenous acids. These two com- noic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
pounds give rise to the others, and all of them con- are formed, which are precursors of mediators
stitute a group of essential unsaturated fatty acids of a wide physiological importance (Fig. 3). Eico-
of high physiological significance (Fig. 2). Looking sanoids (prostaglandins and leukotrienes) are
through literature reports the reader can find rich products of the arachidonic and eicosapentaeno-
nomenclature connected with this group, such as ic acid metabolism; their names derive from the
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), essential fat- Greek world –  eikosi –  twenty, as their precursor
ty acids (EFAs) or long-chain polyunsaturated fat- contains 20 carbon atoms. Arachidonic acid af-
ty acids (LCPUFAs). The human exhibits the abili- fected by cyclooxygenase (COX) undergoes con-
ty to elongate these two exogenous acids to a slight version into prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which is an
but de facto insufficient degree; however, the re- inflammatory mediator, prostacyclin I2 (PGI2), re-
quirement for them is higher than ‘endogenous’ sponsible for blood vessel dilation and thrombox-
supply [3–5]. ane A2 (TXA2) activating blood platelet aggrega-
tion and vasospasm. Due to lipoxygenase (LOX)
Linoleic and α-Linolenic Acid action, 4-series leukotrienes are formed, which
play a  crucial role in the development and main-
Elongation tenance of the inflammatory response. Eicosapen-
The omega-6 series derives from linoleic ac- taenoic acid (EPA, C20  :  5ω-3) is metabolized in
id and includes arachidonic acid (AA or ARA; a similar way with the participation of the same en-
C20  :  4ω-6), the last one being docosapentae- zymes, i.e. cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, how-
noic acid (DPA; C22  :  5ω-6). Administration of ever its metabolic products are different: 3-series
α-linolenic acid into the body enables to form prostanoids and 5-series leukotrienes of different
omega-3 fatty acid series such as eicosapentae- properties mostly antiinflammatory (PGE3, LTA5,
noic acid (EPA; C20 : 5ω-3) and docosahexaeno- LTB5, LTC5, LTD5), antiaggregatory (TXA3) and
ic acid (DHA; C22 : 6ω-3). Biosynthesis of these vasodilative (PGI3) [3, 6–8]
934 A. Wiktorowska-Owczarek, M. Berezińska, J. Nowak

prostaglandin E 2 (PGE2), prostanoids prostaglandin E3 (PGE3)

prostacyclin I2 (PGI2,) prostacyclin I3 (PGI3)
thromboxane A 2 (TXA2) thromboxane A3 (TXA3)



arachidonic eicosapentaenoic docosahexaenoic

acid acid acid
(AA) (EPA) (DHA)


5-HPETE 5-HPEPE neuroprotektin D1

↓ leukotrienes ↓

Fig. 3. Metabolic pathways of a polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3 series

Formation of Compounds which acetylates cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and

Capable of Inducing Extinction ASA-COX2 in turn metabolises ARA, EPA and
DHA acids into intermediate products, which next
of Inflammatory Processes form lipoxins and E- and D-series resolvins with
participation of lipoxygenases. COX-2 acetylation
Prostanoids and leukotrienes are mobilized in inhibits formation of prostanoids produced by this
response to damaging stimulus, i.e. inflammation. enzyme; however, it maintains the ability to syn-
Acute inflammation that lasts for a relatively short thesize 15R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, which
time is a  beneficial process in which threatening is next converted into resolvins through activated
factors are removed and functions as well as tissue inflammatory cells. To emphasize the role of ASA
structures are restored. Inflammatory resolution/ in the initiation of these conversions, the achieved
/extinction is an important active stage, which is products are preceded by the symbol ‘AT’ derived
mediated by small molecules that are the products from aspirin triggered: aspirin-triggered lipoxin
of the omega-6 and omega-3 acid metabolism. Un- – ATL, aspirin-triggered resolvin E –ATRvE or as-
der the influence of lipoxygenases (LOX: LOX-5, pirin-triggered resolvin D  –ATRvD  [11–13]. The
LOX-15 and LOX-12) ARA, EPA and DHA acids described above ASA functions indicate an im-
undergo conversion into lipid mediators actively portant role of this drug as an anti-inflammatory
extinguishing the inflammatory process such as li- agent, which not only inhibits the initiation of the
poxin A4 and B4 (LXA4 and LXB4 – arising from inflammatory process but participates in the ex-
ARA), E-series resolvins (RvE1 and RvE2) – gen- tinction of ongoing inflammation as well.
erated from eicosapentaenoic acid and D-series re- DHA, influenced by lipoxygenase (LOX), is al-
solvins (RvD1, RvD2, RvD3 and RvD4) generated so converted into other compounds with protec-
from docosahexaenoic acid  [9, 10]. Furthermore, tive potentials, i.e. protectins PD1 (D1 indicates
at least two oxylipins are formed from DPA-ω6 derivation from DHA and no.  1 defines the first
acid, which also have properties extinguishing compound in this series). The protectin produced
inflammation. At the same time, a  particular in- in the central nervous system is named neuropro-
volvement of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), common- tectin, NPD1, which has neuroprotective proper-
ly named aspirin/polopirin, has been observed, ties. NPD1 occurs in photoreceptors and retinal
PUFAs: Structures, Metabolism and Functions 935

pigment epithelium (RPE); it is responsible for the 13-OOH). On the basis of the above formula, 6 dif-
inhibition of expression and activity of proinflam- ferent monoperoxides are produced from ara-
matory factors and proapoptotic caspase-3, as well chidonic acid (20  :  4) –  8 from EPA (20  :  5) and
as for the stimulation of antiapoptotic factors (i.e. 10 from DHA (22 : 6). As a consequence of PUFA
proteins of Bcl-2 family) [14–19]. oxidation, changes in the physical properties of the
There is still another path of the DHA conver- cell membrane (a decrease in electric potential dif-
sion affected by lipoxygenases, which leads to the ferences on both sides of the membrane) occur,
formation of the next group of compounds, ma- which results in the loss of functioning and struc-
resins, having antiinflammatory activity. Until tural integrity of the cellular membrane [21–23].
now, only one compound from this group, MaR1, Lipids are attacked by free radicals in a special
has been determined. The term “maresin” derives way. The conversions described above, which occur
from the initial letters of the words macrophage, under the influence of radical oxygen species (ROS),
resolution, inflammation – which describe the site are not the only ones because Morrow et al. [25] in
of formation of this compound and its biological 1990 discovered isoprostanes, the compounds re-
function. Biological activity of MaR1 includes mul- sembling prostaglandins, which are generated from
tidirectional interactions leading to the limitation arachidonic acid due to ROS oxidation, irrespec-
of polynuclear leukocyte aggregation in the area tively of cyclooxygenase (COX). Further studies re-
of inflammation resulting from the stimulation of vealed that due to peroxylic transformations, iso-
phagocytic activity of macrophages [13, 20, 21]. prostanes of different types can arise both in vitro
as well as in vivo conditions from omega-3 series of
PUFAs, such as eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and doco-
Oxidation of Poly- sahexaenoic (DHA) acids [26, 27]. Isoprostanes de-
unsaturated Fatty Acids rived from DHA within the tissues of the central
nervous system are named neuroprostanes; what is
Due to double bonds (–C  =  C–), PUFAs are interesting, there are more of them as compared to
especially susceptible to oxidation by radicals pro- other isoprostanes [28]. In in vivo conditions and in
duced in excessive amounts during the oxidative the presence of increased partial pressure of oxygen
stress (homeostasis disorders resulting in intensive from arachidonic acid, additional compounds of
production of radical oxygen species that are not the isofuran structure and DHA-structurally simi-
sufficiently deactivated by antioxidants). Lipid per- lar compounds called neurofurans are formed [29].
oxidation without the enzyme involvement com- Their higher concentration has been found in the
prises the following processes: initiation, propa- cerebral cortex of animals used as a  model of Al-
gation and termination. The process of initiation zheimer disease [30]. Even the first observations re-
depends on the OH• reaction with PUFA, as a re- garding free-radical formation of isoprostanes from
sult of which a lipid radical is produced, which in re- arachidonic acid suggested that these compounds
action with oxygen provides LOO• (a radical of lip- might be mediators of oxidative stress. Such a sug-
id peroxide), having the ability to detach hydrogen gestion has been confirmed by further research on
from other molecules and to generate subsequent free-radical formation of isofurans and neurofurans
radicals L•. Such radicals undergo conversion in- in biological fluids such as urine, blood or cerebro-
to alcoxylic radicals LO•, in the presence of iron spinal fluid. Thus, the measurement of iso/neuro-
Fe2+, and next into peroxylic radicals that are de- furan concentration may be a  reliable biomarker
composed into reactive aldehydes: 4-hydroxynon- of intensity of oxidative stress and lipid peroxida-
enal, 4-hydroxyhexanal, malonic dialdehyde and tion in the cell/tissue/organism, and a biomarker of
acroleins, defined as secondary toxic transmitters. an advanced process of neurodegeneration in the
Omega 6-series fatty acids, such as linoleic or ar- nervous tissue [27, 29]. There are some suggestions
achidonic acid, are mainly converted into 4-hy- that supplementation of fish oil containing a high
droxy-2-nonenal (HNE), and omega-3 acids (EPA, amount of EPA provides antiinflammatory prop-
DHA) into 4-hydroxy-2-hexanal (HHE)  [22–24]. erties also as a  result of considerable reduction in
Monoperoxides are always primary products of forming isoprostanes (F2-IsoPs) from arachidonic
PUFAs, which are defined as lipid peroxides with acid with strong proinflammatory activity [30].
an additional group of LOOH. The  number of
monoperoxides that can be generated from unsat-
urated fatty acids depends on the number of double Fatty Acid Functions
bonds (n) and can be represented by the following
formula: 2n-2, which means that 2 monoperoxides Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids play defi-
with –OOH groups will generate from linoleic ac- nite functions in the organism and their new func-
id (18 : 2) at the 9th and 13th carbon atom (9-OOH, tions are still being discovered. On the basis of
936 A. Wiktorowska-Owczarek, M. Berezińska, J. Nowak

unsaturated fatty acid conversions in the human Omega-3 Fatty Acid Effects
body, their role in forming prostanoids and leu- on Anti-Inflammatory Activity
kotrienes have been observed. When they arise
from ARA, like PGE2, PGD2, or 4-series leukot- Omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs are incorpo-
rienes, they exhibit proinflammatory activity that rated into cell membranes. They are released from
is commonly known and described in the reports membrane phospholipids and constitute substrates
which discuss the mechanisms of nonsteroidal an- for eicosanoid synthesis, i.e. prostaglandins, pros-
ti-inflammatory drug action. tacyclins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes.
Basic studies have indicated that DHA and Eicosanoids arising from arachidonic acid
EPA acids are beneficial for the human body ex- (omega-6) induce an inflammatory response by
erting the following biological action [31]: 2-series prostanoids synthesize. PGE2 may also in-
–  maintaining cell-membrane fluidity, duce anti-inflammatory effect by increasing lipox-
–  inhibiting inflammatory processes, in production by inducing 15-LOX (lipooxygen-
– decreasing secretion of proinflammatory ase)  [19]. Arachidonic acid-derived eicosanoids
cytokines by monocytes/macrophages, are responsible for proaggregation and vasocon-
– decreasing susceptibility to ventricular striction effect (TXA2 and TXB2) and proliferation
rhythm disorders of the heart, of cancer cells (especially of breast, colorectal and
–  improving functions of vascular endotheli- prostate cancers) [7].
al cells, 3-series prostanoids and 5-series leukotrienes
–  inhibiting blood platelet aggregation, arising from fatty acids of omega-3 series (mainly
–  decreasing triglyceride synthesis in the liver. from EPA) possess weaker inflammation inducing
properties or even anti-inflammatory properties,
Omega-3 Fatty Acid Effects which means that the body response to factors in-
ducing infection, impairment or inflammation de-
on Cell-Membrane Fluidity pends on the composition of the cell membrane.
The membrane of the cell as well as of mi- When the proportions are favourable for ome-
tochondria and other cellular elements is built ga-3 PUFAs, the response to inflammatory factors
up of proteins and lipids which contain saturat- is weaker. Production of lipoxins and resolvins,
ed or unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty ac- as well as oxylipins from both groups of polyun-
ids have simple ‘tails’ because they do not possess saturated fatty acids allows to extinct the ongoing
double bonds. They are densely packed, so there inflammatory process; lack of such reaction may
is no space between the chains, resulting in a rig- contribute to the development of autoimmune
id membrane. The presence of unsaturated fatty diseases, chronic inflammation or excessive tis-
acids with numerous double bonds (occurring in sue damage and development of various diseases
nature in the cis conformation) causes ‘tail’/hy- whose pathogenesis is associated with inflammato-
drocarbon chain bending, which in turn results in ry disease. Omega-3 acid derivatives may also have
forming free spaces and affects membrane fluidity antithrombotic activity counteracting blood vessel
and elasticity. narrowing and inhibiting carcinogenesis [34, 35].
Polyunsaturated docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory
commonly occurs in cellular and plasma mem- and anti-allergic activity, predominantly through
branes of the organism. Its high amount has been the inhibition of excessive immune response, com-
particularly found in the brain tissue and the retina peting for mutual enzymes with omega-6 fatty ac-
(up to 50% and 60–80% membrane phospholipids, ids in the metabolic pathway. They decrease the
respectively). DHA can occur in the free state or synthesis of proinflammatory compounds (LTB4,
combined with phosphatidylethanolamine (PEA) PGE2, IL-1, TNF) as well as stimulate the synthesis
and phosphatidylocholine (PC), as well as with of cytokines with anti-inflammatory action (IL-2,
phosphatidylserine (PS) [5, 32]. TGF). Alleviation of inflammatory symptoms has
DHA in the cell membranes (membrane ‘rafts’ been observed after the administering omega-3 ac-
are especially rich in DHA) exerts influence on id preparations in the case of rheumatoid arthri-
their physical properties –  ensures their proper tis, ulcerative colitis, asthma, psoriasis and other
fluidity, and also affects the proper functioning of autoimmune diseases. Moreover, there are some
membrane receptors, ion channels and transport- reports showing that they can also alleviate the
ing proteins, i.e. elements involved in adequate cell course of inflammatory processes of the bacterial
reactivity, its ability to react to stimuli and in inter- or viral origin [8, 36, 37].
cellular communication [33].
PUFAs: Structures, Metabolism and Functions 937

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Effects arrhythmia in patients with ischemic heart disease.
on Cardiovascular System They function as modulators affecting calcium
flow via type L  channels and controlling calcium
Omega-3 fatty acids beneficially affect lipid release from the endoplasmic reticulum. Thanks
metabolism. EPA and DHA decrease the triglyc- to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, elongation
eride level in the plasma by 30% and in the case of the refraction period (by 150%) and elevation
of patients with hyperglyceridemia even by 80%. in the threshold of cardiomyocyte excitability (the
They also decrease the level of total and LDL frac- power of electrical stimulation required for induc-
tion cholesterol, while increasing HDL fraction ing a  functional potential increases by 50%) have
level [37, 38]. been noted. Long-term administration of omega-3
DHA and EPA normalize blood pressure fatty acids at the dose of 1 g per day leads to a de-
through the rise in the level of prostacyclins and crease in the rate of hospitalization and death risk
endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) – ni- due to heart rhythm disorders [48, 49].
trogen oxide (NO), belonging to vasodilated fac-
tors, as well as through the reduction in the level Omega-3 Fatty Acids Effects
of tromboxane A2 (TXA2), a strong vasoconstric-
tor, and PGE2 (stimulates renin production and
on the Nervous System
reversed sodium resorption). Hypotensive activity DHA plays an essential role in a proper func-
can be also caused by beneficial changes in the lip- tioning of the nervous system of adults, as well as in
id composition of the cell membrane at the recep- its development during fetal life and childhood. It
tor sites for vasoactive hormones and by the weak- is one of the main constituents of phospholipids in
ened response to them. A  correlation has been neuron cell membranes, especially in the synapse.
found between the acid composition in the fatty Omega-3 fatty acids are also indirectly involved
tissue and the blood pressure value; an increase in in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine  [50].
α-linolenic acid in the fatty tissue by 1% was asso- They seem to have a protective function in mood
ciated with a drop in the systolic pressure by 5 mm impairments. Moreover, some reports state that
Hg. A complete hypotensive activity develops after they may exert a beneficial effect on concentration
3–4 weeks of omega-3 acid consumption [36–40]. and hyper-reactivity in children with developmen-
Omega-3 acids have antithrombotic activity. tal coordination disorders (DCD)  [51]. Some re-
They prolong the bleeding time by decreasing the searchers think that the consumption of omega-3
platelets tendency towards adhesion and aggrega- fatty acids by subjects with psychic disorders may
tion. This activity results from inhibiting the syn- provide health benefits not only due to their pro-
thesis of prothrombotic compounds such as TXA2 tective activity exerted on the nervous system but
and PAF (platelet-activating factor), decreasing fi- also due to alleviation of metabolic adverse effects
brinogen concentration, increasing prostacyclin of psychotropic medications and obesity frequent-
level and activity of the tissue plasminogen activa- ly occurring in this group of patients [52].
tor as well as of angiotensin III [41–43]. Omega-3 DHA also appears in high amounts in the eye
PUFA not only potentiate platelet response to an- retina. The most important function performed by
tiplatelet drugs, but also reduce thrombin forma- DHA in the eye is the role of a substrate for the ear-
tion. In coronary artery disease, it was found that lier described compounds that have cytoprotective
in patients who received omega-3 PUFA together and anti-inflammatory activities including neuro-
with aspirin and clopidogrel fibrin clots had a less protectin NPD-1. DHA is involved in the struc-
compact structure, which made it less resistant to ture of plasmic membranes of photoreceptors, and
lysis [44, 45]. especially their outer segments (POS). Moreover,
Due to omega-3 fatty acids, stabilization of the the presence of DHA in POS is essential for prop-
atheromatous plague takes place. In subjects using er functioning of visual pigments (e.g. rhodop-
omega-3 supplementation, thicker fibrous capsule sin) [4]. However, in certain situations, such as the
of the plaque and less inflammation have been ob- occurrence of oxidative stress, DHA easily under-
served. Beneficial changes may occur even in old goes peroxidation and decomposes into smaller
atheromatous plaques. Some reports can be found seven-carbon fragments, from which immunogen-
in the literature, which indicate that omega-3 sup- ic conjugates (adducts) arise after binding protein
plementation may contribute to a decrease in the molecules (e.g. albumins). Such molecules mobi-
incidence of restenosis after coronary angioplasty lize the immune system and can generate auto-
and to a decrease in the incidence of vessel closure aggression reactions, which in consequence can
after coronary arterial bypass graft surgery [46, 47]. lead to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Moreover, omega-3 acids play an impor- An example of a seven-carbon compound is 4-hy-
tant role in prevention of sudden death caused by droxy-7-oxohept-5-enoic acid (HOHA), which is
938 A. Wiktorowska-Owczarek, M. Berezińska, J. Nowak

further converted into 2-(ω-carboxyethyl) pyrrole (US FDA) and is recommended to be given to in-
(CEP) and conjugated with the protein molecule fants and small children. Another recommended
(adduct CEP-protein). Peroxidative fragmentation source of fatty acids is the oil produced by micro-
and formation of immunogenic adducts are likely algae Schizochytrium sp., containing 40% of DHA,
to be also associated with EPA and other acids or 2.5% of EPA and additionally 15% of docosapen-
even all PUFAs consumed with food or in a form taenoic acid (DPA), belonging to ω-6 (DPA-ω6)
of diet supplementation. However, free radicals are acids. It has been stated that bioequivalence and
also generated as a result of DHA oxidation, whose effectiveness of supplementation are similar to
unfavourable action depends on local possibilities those achieved by taking capsules containing oils
of their neutralization through antioxidative pro- from both types of algae and do not differ from an
tection systems [23, 24]. The above situation dem- equivalent portion of ready to eat salmon. In dif-
onstrates that PUFAs are very important constit- ferent countries, food enriched with small amounts
uents for adequate functioning of the nervous of fatty acids, i.e. bread, milk products, margarine
system or the vision organ, however due to their or juice, has been produced. These products are
special susceptibility to oxidation they can give rise regarded as functional food, which beneficially af-
to molecules exerting adverse effect on the above fects the human body owing to the presence of bio-
mentioned structures and contribute to the de- active components (natural or added), regardless
velopment of various diseases. Therefore, supple- of its nutritional properties [54, 55].
mentation with DHA and other long-chain PUFAs Numerous national and international health
should be combined with antioxidant compounds, organizations dealing with health protection rec-
e.g. vitamins E and C as well as lutein and zeaxan- ommend regular consumption at least 500  mg/
thin, the latter ones are especially recommended /day of EPA and DHA  [56]. The National Group
for subjects at risk of AMD development. of Experts in their recommendations regarding
consumption and supplementation of diet with
omega-3 fatty acids advise adults to take fatty ac-
Fatty Acids in Diet ids, DHA and EPA, in the amount from 0.5 do
1.5 g (mean 1 g) per day. In order to achieve ben-
Omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs are also de- eficial health effects, the ratio of omega-6 to ome-
fined as essential polyunsaturated fatty acids ga-3 fatty acids in the diet should be 4 : 1 [4, 31]. Be-
(EFA), which emphasizes their significant role in cause omega-3 acids decrease platelet aggregation
the functioning of the organism and the necessi- in the blood, which prolongs the time of bleeding,
ty of supplying it with food. EFAs are absorbed in their simultaneous application with anticoagulation
the digestive tract (diet, supplementation), reach and antiplatelet drugs may potentiate the response
the liver, where they are esterified into phospholip- to drugs [45, 57, 58]. Therefore, in patients taking
ids and next they are released into the bloodstream these drugs, an additional dose of omega-3 fatty ac-
in the form of lipoproteins. EFAs are necessary for ids should not exceed 1 g per day. This dose, which
proper growth, development and functioning of all may be covered by food, exerts cardioprotective ac-
tissues and organs, especially the retina, brain and tion. In patients with high risk of cancer, cardiac,
heart. Taking into consideration the importance of rheumatoid and neurodegenerative diseases, the
EFAs, and particularly omega-3 series, for proper EPA and DHA dose can be increased up to 1.5 g per
functioning of the human body, the internation- day. In the treatment of hypertriglicerydemia, ome-
al health organizations highlight the need for con- ga-3 fatty acids can be used as supplements un-
stant and regular consumption of about 200 mg of der the physician’s control at a  dose of 2–4  g/day
DHA/day by adults in the form of various foods (capsules containing 465 mg of EPA and 375 mg of
rich in DHA and EPA or pharmacological prepa- DHA in the form of ethylene esters) [59]. It is par-
rations containing these acids [5, 53]. ticularly beneficial to consume omega-3 fatty ac-
Marine fish predators are the richest food ids in everyday diet, combined with statin or fibrate
sources of DHA and EPA. Other types of fish treatment – this combination is recommended es-
like salmons, herrings, sardines, mackerels, tu- pecially in mixed dyslipidemias [60]. According to
nas, halibuts, flounders and trout contain ω-3 se- the FDA data, consumption up to 3 g of omega-3
ries of fatty acids in slightly lower amounts. They fatty acids per day should not induce side effects;
also occur in different seafoods and algae. Culti- however, higher doses should be reserved for spe-
vated microalgae, Cryptehecodinium cohnii, are cial situations (specified therapeutic indications)
one of ω-3 a­ cid sources, whose oil contains 40% of and used under the physician’s supervision [4, 31].
DHA (i.e. DHASCO – DHA Single Cell Oil) – the The best solution for people who do not have
product which has obtained a positive opinion of any special indications for fatty acid supplementa-
the United States Food and Drug Administration tion seems to be the consumption of fatty acid-rich
PUFAs: Structures, Metabolism and Functions 939

natural products, e.g. a  meal containing fatty sea food. That is why they are called essentials. Sea
fish twice a week, what approximately corresponds fish oil is a source of DHA and EPA, which con-
to 500 mg/day of EPA + DHA + DPA. The Europe- siderably limits their availability in the diet as com-
an Food Safety Authority (EFSA) draws attention to pared to omega-6 fatty acids present in plants.
the fact that due to the growing environmental pol- However, omega-3 series fatty acids exhibit par-
lution unlimited consumption of meat of large fish ticularly beneficial effect on proper functioning of
predators (especially tuna, shark, marlin and pike) the brain, cardiovascular system or the eye retina,
may lead to the excessive exposure to mercury [61]. owing to the presence and the number of double
Since toxic activity of mercury compounds is most bonds in the molecule. Double bonds, so signifi-
dangerous for fetuses, infants and small children, cant for molecular properties, easily enter into re-
women planning to be pregnant, pregnant wom- actions with radicals, which promotes their oxida-
en, breastfeeding mothers and younger children tion and changes their characteristics. At the same
are advised to choose smaller species of fish that do time, it is worth emphasizing that no significant
not cumulate such a high amount of pollutants. In adverse reactions of this group of compounds have
this group of people possibilities of supplementa- been reported. At the same time, it should be re-
tion with PUFA preparations should be considered. membered that they cannot replace a  pharmaco-
logical therapy. However, due to their involvement
in maintaining heath they should be supplied in
Conclusions proper amounts, if possible in an adequately bal-
anced diet or as pharmacological preparations, i.e.
Unsaturated fatty acids of omega-6 and ome- diet supplements that should also contain com-
ga-3-series are not synthesized by humans in the pounds possessing the properties of lipophilic an-
sufficient amounts and must be provided with tioxidants, e.g. vitamin E.

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Address for correspondence:

Anna Wiktorowska-Owczarek
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Medical University of Lodz
Żeligowskiego 7/9
90-752 Łódź
E-mail: anna.wiktorowska-owczarek@umed.lodz.pl

Conflict of interest: None declared

Received: 4.07.2014
Revised: 7.07.2014
Accepted: 29.10.2014

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