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Module 1




If I have seen further than

others, it is by standing on the
shoulders of giants.

--Sir Isaac Newton

 Based on your own understanding from the quote said by Sir Isaac Newton
above, take time to answer the following questions below.

1. What do you think Newton has seen?

- When newton says he has seen farther than others, it is also quite metaphorical
because it is not as if he actually looked and has better vision. He is implying that he
has figured out more about the actual laws of the universe and the forces around
them (such as gravity, etc...).
2. . What do you think Newton refers to as “giants”?
“If I have seen further", Isaac Newton wrote in a 1675 letter to fellow scientist Robert
Hooke, “it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” ... Standing on the shoulders of
giants is a necessary part of creativity, innovation, and development. It doesn't make
what you do less valuable.

3. What do you think this quote tells you about Newton’s character?
The phrase is understood to mean that if Newton had been able to discover more
about universe than others, then it was because he was working in the light of
discoveries made by fellow scientist, either in his own time of earlier.


Think of different technologies that you use more often. After that, state why is that technology
became useful for you.

Android Phone It’s helps me to connect to my family,
friends, classmates, teachers and I use this
for my online classes that far away to me.
Computer This device helps me to make my reports,
hands out in my report and specially my
Radio This is the device that inform me to the
updates in the outside world.
It’s helps me to wash my cloths.
Thermometer Helps to measure my temperature.
Printer It’s helps me to print out my lectures and
III. Let’s Exercise

Answer the following questions base from your own understanding. Please provide at least 100
words per questions.

1. Is it better to know or not to know?

It is better to know knowledge so we can understand the other knowledge and we be
smart for it. It may perhaps be better to know about something, if one will be held
morally or legally culpable for knowing about it, but we really need knowledge we may
not get a wealthy and happy life so I do all the best until to became a better person. If I
become a better person I can do all the things that is better and if there are people
who keep judging me then I will prove to them that I can do all my best so that I
become a better person and also, I can live without them.

2. Should scientist be allowed to do anything that they can?

No, because some scientist is bad and they must have a scientific attitude like
honesty, curiosity, open-mindedness, optimistic and more, they follow others
sometimes because for their own good.

3. Our identity is based on how we see the world”. What is your opinion about this
On how we see the world, is how we lived for having different experiences that’s
why we see the world all different because we have our own opinion based on our
experiences. Our personal identity is how we perceive ourselves, but our social
identity is how other perceive ourselves but in social identity is how other perceive us.
People recognize us by our characteristics with in our own, school career or other
community context.
4. What is the most impactful effect of science and Technology to human life

Science and Technology enables every people to live an easy and modern way of
life. It is having had a major impact on society and their impact is growing. By making
life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal concerns such as
ethics, aesthetic, education, and justice, to create cultures, and to improve human
conditions. Through science and technology, it is easier for inhabitants to
communicate with other people around the world. As we all know that we live in the
age of science and technology. The life of everyone of us is highly depends on the
scientific inventions and modern-day technologies. It has changed the lives of people
to a great extent. It has made life easy, simple, and fast.
• Based on what you have learned about this chapter, describe each term and complete the
diagram below and label each bubble by indicating the relationship among science, technology,
and society.
Science is the st
natural world by
method. Collecti
through a system
And technology
apply science to
that can solve pr
perform differen
Technology is lit
application of sc
really impossible
the two.

1.What characteristics do these news items have in common?

 Timelines
- A good story contains the current information that occurs the day of or the day before,
and if possible, is reported before competitor journalists.
 Proximity
- A good news story is relevant to where you live or work, etc. an event that occurred closer
to a reader or viewer is going to have a bigger impact than something that occurred far
 Impact
- A good news story contains important information that has an impact on its readers and
viewers is relevant information that people affect the people reading.
 Singularity
- The most unique and unusual an event is, is the better story. People don’t really care
about common things that happen every day, but they are far more intrigued by things that
they don’t see or hear about very often.
 Conflict or Controversy
- Is what makes the story matter. Readers and viewers are intrigued by drama and conflict.

2. Write down some disadvantages of science and technology that were presented in the news.
- The disadvantages of Science and Technology are environmental degradation, the rise and
surge in cybercrime, increase the terrorism capabilities, information overload, loss of privacy.

3. Would you allow Euthanasia or mercy killing of a dying loved one?

- No. because in a life, only the almighty can take it from individual and mercy killing/ Euthanasia
isn’t allowed in the Philippines because it’s like murdering other people.

4. Are science and technology really important and indispensable factors in our everyday life?
- from now, we cannot expect our life without science and technology revolving around it every
single second. Are extremely essentials in our daily life as they have things make it simple, fast,
and secured.


1. Describe science and technology from the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century.
The main technology of the 19th century was steam power. Steam engines provided a
more reliable and effective source of power than water or wind. American cities became
centers of steam-powered manufacturing. The most significant breakthrough in the Age of
Steam was the development of railroads.

2. Differentiate the changes of settings of science and technology from the earlier times to
the present?
The earlier times there was no electricity, phones, laptops, and other technologies. But
todays whenever you are there are so many unbelievable technologies that is upgrading in
just a second or minutes not like in the past.

3. Browse the internet and look for articles about the first test-tube baby.
A test-tube baby is the product of a successful human reproduction that results from
methods beyond sexual intercourse  between a man and a woman and instead utilizes
medical intervention that manipulates both the egg and sperm cells for
successful fertilization. The term was originally used to refer to the babies born from the
earliest applications of artificial insemination  and has now been expanded to refer to
children born through the use of  in vitro fertilization , the practice of fertilizing
an egg outside of a woman’s body. The use of the term in both media and scientific
publications in the twentieth century has been accompanied by discussion as well as
controversy regarding the ethics of reproduction technologies such as artificial
insemination  and  in vitro fertilization. The evolution of these terms over time mirrors the
perception of our ability to manipulate the human embryo, as seen by the general public
as well as the scientific community.
The term “test-tube baby,” prior to the development of  in vitro fertilization technologies in
the twentieth century, was used to refer to babies born as a result of  artificial
insemination . William Pancoast , a physician from Philadelphia, performed the first artificial
insemination  that led to a successful birth in 1884, marking the birth of the first test-tube
baby. Despite the fact that this was the earliest instance of any sort of physician-assisted
reproduction, the grandeur of the event was not recognized by the public or media in any
notable way.
As reproduction technology continued to develop and  in vitro fertilization  research
advanced in the mid twentieth century, the media began to pay more attention to the idea
of test-tube babies and the impact their existence would have on the world. Publications
began to publish articles in the early twentieth century that discussed the ethics behind
the creation of children through means other than human sexual intercourse . Such
publications as  The New York Times ,  Scientific American , and  Newsweek , among others,
published articles discussing test-tube babies and the technologies used to create them,
focusing on what their existence meant for the development of the public’s understanding
of reproduction as well as the ethics involved with such an advanced understanding. The
articles refrained from being overtly outraged in response to the experiments but
recognized the controversy involved with these new scientific developments and included
this in their coverage.

4. Choose between Auguste Comte & Paul Tannery and explain their significant contributions
to science and technology.
Paul Tannery his main contributions were to the history of Greek mathematics and to the
philosophy of mathematics. He published a history of Greek science in 1887, a history of
Greek geometry in the same year, and a history of ancient astronomy in 1893. Tannery did
work of great importance as an editor of famous mathematics texts.

1. Is there a particular extent in your life experiences that has been affected by
some scientific and technological innovations in the past years?

Technology has advanced into many areas of our lives, making information more
accessible, improving communication, changing transportation, and the list goes on.  While
it is easy to sit back and benefit from a plethora of technological advancements, it is crucial
we do not become blind to its effects on society. Today, society is hugely reliant on
technology and showing no signs of curtailing its dependence. When thinking about
technology impacting our lives, what comes to mind may be more extreme than what is
currently at play. Small aspects of everyday life in society are changing, or have already
changed so drastically that it is merely just a societal norm.
Many people wonder about how society and technology will mesh; this concern is only
amplified when it comes to children. Children are being exposed to screens at an early
age, spending time in front of laptops, televisions, and other technology. This has changed
how kids interact socially. Children today can text or message their friend online to
communicate rather than just going and knocking on their door. 

2. What can you say about the history of the nature of science and technology?
The history of science and technology (HST) is a field of history that examines how the
understanding of the natural world (science) and the ability to manipulate it (technology)
have changed over the millennia and centuries.

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