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Globalization comes from globe meaning the worldwide is 3.

coming together countries and nations. It is also a process
Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy
of interaction and integration among the people,
named after Karl Marx. It is principally concerned with
companies, and governments of different nations.
modes of production, social exploitation through unjust
Globality, it means globalization as a condition. distribution, and social emancipation through the
transcendence of capitalism. The definition of Marxism is
History and Theories of Globalization
the theory of Karl Marx which says that society classes are
Eight Theories of Globalization the cause of struggle, and that society should have no
classes. An example of Marxism is replacing private
Theories of Liberalism ownership with co-operative ownership. Marxism helped to
consolidate, inspire, and radicalize elements of the labor
Theory of Political Realism
and socialist movements in Western Europe Marxist reject
Theory of Marxism both liberalist and political realist explanations of
Globalization. It is the outcome of historically specific
Theory of Constructivism impulses of capitalist development. Liberal talk of freedom
Theory of Postmodernism and democracy make up legitimating ideology for
exploitative global capitalist class relations.
Theory of Feminism
Theory of Trans-formationalism
Globalization has also arisen because of the way that
Theory of Eclectism people have mentally constructed the social world with
symbols, language, images and interpretation.
Constructivists concentrate on the ways that social actors
(Liberalism – the quality or state of being liberal – willing to ‘construct’ their world: both within their own minds and
respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s through inter-subjective communication with others.
own, open to new ideas. The belief in freedom, equality, Conversation and symbolic exchanges lead people to
democracy and human rights. (KALAYAAN)Liberalism sees construct ideas of the world, the rules for social interaction,
the process of globalization as market-led extension of and ways of being and belonging in that world. Social
modernization. It is a result of “natural” human desires for geography is a mental experience as well as a physical fact.
economic welfare and Political Liberty. As such, trans They form ‘in’ or ‘out’ as well as ‘us’ and they’ groups. They
planetary connectivity is derived from human drives to tend to place themselves as inhabitants of a particular
maximize material well-being and to exercise basic world: In national, class, social status, religion, and other
freedoms. All people cannot be assumed to be equally identities.
amenable to and desirous of increased globality in their
lives. Similarly, they overlook the phenomenon of power.
There are structural power inequalities in promoting In Western philosophy, a late 20th-century movement
globalization and shaping its course. Often, they do not care characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, or
for the entrenched power hierarchies between states, relativism; a general suspicion of reason; and an acute
classes, cultures, sexes, races and resources. sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting and
maintaining political and economic power. In Western
philosophy, a late 20th-century movement characterized by
Political Realism is interconnected in questions of state broad skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism; a general
power, the pursuit of national interest, and conflict suspicion of reason; and an acute sensitivity to the role of
between states. According to them states are inherently ideology in asserting and maintaining political and
acquisitive and self-serving, and heading for inevitable economic power.
competition of power. Another group suggests that a
dominant state can bring stability to world order. The
‘hegemon’ state maintains and defines international rules It puts emphasis on social construction of masculinity and
and institutions that both advance its own interests and at femininity. Biological sex is held to mould the overall social
the same time contain conflicts between other states. order and shape significantly the course of history,
Globalization has also been explained as a strategy in the presently globality. Their main concern lies behind the
contest for power between several major states in status of women, particularly their structural subordination
contemporary world politics. (Hegemon - having dominant to men. Feminism – about all genders having equal rights
influence or authority over others) and opportunities. Feminism fight to put an end to sexism,
sexiest exploitation, and oppression and to achieve full
gender equality in law and in practice

A theory which holds that globalization is a complex process Global Market integration means that price differences
involving a number of different two-way exchanges between countries are eliminated as all markets become
between global institutions and local cultures; it can be one. It was the result of the establishment of a global
reversed and controlled. Transformationalists argue that economy that involved the homogenization of trade and
the flow of culture is not one way, from the west to the commerce.
developing world; it is a two-way exchange in which
The global market was stared after the second World War
Western culture is also influenced, changed, and enriched
with the rise of new conglomerates.
by cultures in the developing world.
Differences among international, multinationals,
transnational, and global companies.
Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that does not hold
International Companies are importers and exporters with
rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but
instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to no investments outside their home countries.
gain complementary insights into a subject, or applies Multinational Companies have investments in other
different theories in particular cases. The definition of countries but do not have a coordinated product offering in
eclectic is something that is made up of various sources or each country.
styles. An example of eclectic is the taste in music of a
person who enjoys listening to country, hip hop, gospel and Global Companies have investments and are present in any
classical music. countries the typically market their product and services.

Transnational Companies are ore complex organizations

that have investments in foreign operations have a central
Global economy corporates facility but give decision-making research and
• is also referred to as “world economy”.
• Refers to the expanding interdependence of world
The Global Interstate System is a facet of contemporary
• refers to the interconnected worldwide economic
political globalization that seeks to form collaboration
activities that take place between multiple
among nation.
• These economic activities can have either a World Trade Organization (WTO) has 164 member-states it
positive or negative impact on the countries is the sole IGO caters to rules of trade on a global scale.
• It may also mean as the free movement of goods, Principles of Interstate System
capital, services, technology and information. NATIONALISM – a doctrine and/or a political movement
International Monetary Fund (IMF) defined economic that seeks to make the nation the basis of a political
globalization as a historical process. structure especially a state. It is a sense of national
consciousness that generally exalts one’s own nation above
International Monetary System (IMS) others and focuses on the promotion of interests.
IMS refers to internationally agreed rules, conventions, and INTERNATIONALISM - desire for greater cooperation and
institutions for facilitating international trade, investments, unity among states and people. In a more comprehensive
and flow of capital among nation-states. definition, it is a political principle that places the interests
of the entire world above those of individual nations and
argues for cooperation among nations for common good.
There are three global IMS1. Gold Standard- functions as a
This can be divided into two broad categories: liberal
fixed exchange rate regime, with gold as the only
internationalism and socialist internationalism.
international reserve and participating countries determine
the gold content of national currencies. Liberal internationalism - set of related concepts on how to
best organize international relations between states and
2. Bretton Woods System- the US dollar was the only
non-state actors that emphasize a belief in international
convertible currency. Thus, it was agreed by 44 countries to
progress, interdependence, cooperation, diplomacy,
adopt the gold-exchange standard.
multilateralism, and support for international political
3. European Monetary System (EMS) - was structures and organizations. The theory assumes that we
successful in the stabilization process of exchange rates. can move past the violence and anarchy of the
National currencies were abandoned and member states international system through cooperation. Liberal
delegated monetary policy onto a supranational level internationalists believe that humans by nature are good,
administered by the European Central Bank. or at least, not naturally aggressive. They also have faith in
the good that both domestic and international
organizations and institutions can do.
Socialist internationalism – believes that it is possible to Russia) and to four of the five permanent members
build a better world based upon the twin goals of equality of the UN Security Council.
and social justice. Nations should work together to create a • The Group of Eight or G8 refers to the group of eight
more peaceful world and finally bring an end to capitalist highly industrialized nations—France, Germany,
exploitation. They argue that there is a shared common Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States,
interest amongst the working-class. Our identity is Canada, and Russia—that hold an annual meeting to
determined by economic forces rather than artificially foster consensus on global issues like economic
imposed national boundaries. growth and crisis management, global security,
energy, and terrorism.
• These countries conduct the G8 summit which is an
GLOBAL GOVERNANCE annual meeting between leaders from eight of the
most powerful countries in the world.
- Also known as World Governance, is a movement towards
• The aim is to try to tackle global problems by
political cooperation among transnational actors, aimed at
discussing big issues and planning what action to
negotiating responses to problems that affect more than
take. The leaders of the countries meet every year in
one state or region.
a different member country.
- defines the political scope of globalization
United Nations (UN) SIX ORGANS 1. General
Assembly the only organ where all membe-states have • Africa, Latin America
equal presentation in discussion and consideration and • Developing Asia, Including the Middle East.
policy making.
These countries are characterized as poor and/or socio-
2. Security Council is the organ with commitment to economically marginalized parts of the world. These
preserve peace and security. countries lack resources that are essential for it to develop
at the same rate as others. Unfortunately, countries in the
3. Economic and Social Council is the main organ for Global South suffer from poverty, lack of human rights, and
cooperation, review, policy dialogue and advice on social the depletion and abuse of natural resources.
economic and environment al issues.
4. Trusteeship Council organ tasked to administer
international oversight 1. Standard of Living – Factors lead to low of standard of

5. International Court of Justice UN’s prime judicial living (Lack of trade and aid, Single crop farming,
Abundance of dept, Neocolonialism)
6. Secretariat is the organ tasked to execute daily activities.
2. Distribution of income around the world – Most South
Countries lost to the competition from the North.

Global North: refers to the countries that are Encourage migration of people from South to North for
geographically in the northern hemisphere or to countries having a better income.
that are economically developed.
3. Economic competition worldwide – Factors determine
The North comprises all First World countries and most
the competitiveness of economy (Appropriate
Second World countries.
infrastructure, Stable macroeconomic framework, well-
Global South: refers to the countries that are
geographically in the southern hemisphere or to countries functioning public and private institutions)
that are developing or economically struggling.
The South comprises Third World countries.
1. Colonialism – Control by one power over a dependent

GLOBAL NORTH 2. Trade – Losing Money

• United States, Canada, Western Europe. Outermost 3. Debt – The only way they could do this was to borrow
Regions of the European Union. money from the rich northern countries.
• Developed parts of Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
• Home to all G8 (France, Germany, Italy, the United
Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Canada, and

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