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Renacimiento School

School Year 2022

Topics: Writing Complex Sentences with Adjectives Clauses
Expectations of achievement: To study how to add sentences variety, how to write sentences with
adjectives clauses.
Teacher name: Belci Torres
Subject: Writing
Week of: Date: September 26th to 30th
Grade or course: 7th A, B and C
Value to reinforce: Patriotism
Teaching resources: Zoom, book, HHRR, notebook, computer
Vocabulary of the week: complex sentences, adjectives clauses
Day Activities
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the value of the month: Patriotism by giving them the message of the
 Introduce the topic about writing complex sentences with adjectives clauses.
 Explain what is and adjective clause.
 Write on the board what is an adjective clause and write examples on the board.
Day 1  Check homework #1: Complete the exercises from the book pages 175-176.
The student’s will:
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write in the notebook the message of the week.
 Present homework #1: Complete the exercises from the book pages 175-176.
 Assess participation, homework #1, discipline, and comprehension of the
Day 2 The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Encourage students to complete pages 183-187
The student’s will:
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Complete the exercises from the book pages 183-187
 Assess participation, classwork, discipline, and comprehension of the students.
 Complex sentences: a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses.
 Adjective clause: Adjective clauses are dependent clauses that give information
about nouns. They allow you to combine two sentences into one by using relative
pronouns (who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that, and why) as
Observations: They developed the classwork #1 in 95%.
Authorized by: Jessica Godoy Teacher’s Signature: Belci Torres

Renacimiento School
School Year 2022
Topics: Verb Tense Constistency
Expectations of achievement: To practice verb tense consistency.
Teacher name: Belci Torres
Subject: Writing
Week of: Date: September 26th to 30th
Grade or course: 8th A, B, C
Value to reinforce: Patriotism
Teaching resources: Zoom, EduBox, book, HHRR, notebook, computer.
Vocabulary of the week: verb tenses


Day Activities
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the value of the month: Patriotism by giving them the message of the week.
 Introduce the topic about verb consistency by explaining them the verb tenses.
 Write on the board the topic and give them examples.
 Check homework #1: Write a narrative paragraph and highlight the beginning the middle
and the end of the paragraph.
The student’s will:
Day 1
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write in the notebook the message of the week.
 Write in the notebook the topic and examples about the topic.
 Present homework #1: Write a narrative paragraph and highlight the beginning the
middle and the end of the paragraph.
 Assess the homework #1, participation, order and discipline of the students.
Day 2 The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the verb tenses by encouraging to write examples of their own in their
The student’s will:
 Pay attention.
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write examples using the verbs tenses learned in classes.
 Assess the classwork, participation, order and discipline of the students.
 Verb Tenses: Verb tense refers to when the action in a sentence takes place—whether it
happened in the past, is happening in the present, or will happen in the future. Most verbs
take a past, present, or future tense.

Observations: They developed the classwork #1 in a 97%.

Authorized by: Jessica Godoy Teacher’s Signature: Belci
Renacimiento School
School Year 2022
Topics: Words Forms/Brainstorming
Expectations of achievement: To practice word forms and to learn how to write a brainstorming.
Teacher name: Belci Torres
Subject: Writing
Week of: Date: September 26th to 30th
Grade or course: 9th A, B
Value to reinforce: Patriotism
Teaching resources: Zoom, Edu Box, book, HHRR, notebook, computer.
Vocabulary of the week: word forms, brainstorming


Day Activities
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the value of the month: Patriotism by giving them the message of the week.
 Reinforce the word forms of verbs and parts of speech.
 Write on the board and write examples.
 Check homework #1: Investigate a classification essay and write it in the notebook.
The student’s will:
Day 1
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write in the notebook the message of the week.
 Write in the notebook the topic and examples.
 Present homework #1: Investigate a classification essay and write it in the notebook.
 Assess the participation, classwork, comprehension and discipline of the students.
Day 2 The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Encourage students to complete a brainstorming in the book.
The students -will:
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Complete the brainstorming pages 175-176.
 Assess the participation, classwork, comprehension and discipline of the students.
 Word forms: They are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions,
articles and interjections. 
 Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a group problem-solving method that involves the
spontaneous contribution of creative ideas and solutions. 

Observations: They developed the classwork #1 in a 95%.

Authorized by: Jessica Godoy Teacher’s Signature: Belci


Renacimiento School
School Year 2022
Topics: Example of a reaction essay/ Part 2: Understanding written Exam or essay question
Expectations of achievement: To know how to write a reaction/response essay, and to understand how
to write an essay question.
Teacher name: Belci Torres
Subject: Writing
Week of: Date: September 26th to 30th
Grade or course: 10th A, B
Value to reinforce: Patriotism
Teaching resources: Zoom, EduBox, book, HHRR, notebook, computer.
Vocabulary of the week: reaction, response essay


Day Activities
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the value of the month: Patriotism by giving them the message of the week.
 Explain what is a response essay to the students.
 Check homework #1: Watch a short documentary on TV or online (no longer than 30
minutes). Remember to begin your reaction with a summary of the program in the
introductory paragraph. In the following paragraphs, write a response to what you saw.
How did you feel about this program? Did you agree or disagree with it? What reaction
did you have after watching it?
 Encourage students to read the essay on page 139-140.
The student’s will:
Day 1
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write in the notebook the message of the week.
 Present homework #1: Watch a short documentary on TV or online (no longer than
30 minutes). Remember to begin your reaction with a summary of the program in the
introductory paragraph. In the following paragraphs, write a response to what you saw.
How did you feel about this program? Did you agree or disagree with it? What reaction
did you have after watching it?
 Complete pages 141-142
 Check the homework #1, discipline and participation of the students.
Day 2 The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Encourage students to write a brainstorming of a response essay.
The students will:
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Choose a topic and brainstorm ideas about it.
 Check the classwork, discipline and participation of the students.
React: act in response to something; respond in a particular way.
Response essay: is your opinion of a work, including but not limited to songs, books, poems,
films, and art. Response essays include two parts. Not only will you provide an overview of
the work, but you'll share your response to it as well.

Observations: They developed the classwork #1 in 95%.

Authorized by: Jessica Godoy Teacher’s Signature: Belci


Renacimiento School
School Year 2022
Topics: Modals
Expectations of achievement: To practice the use of modals.
Teacher name: Belci Torres
Subject: Writing
Week of: Date: September 26th to 30th
Grade or course: 11th A, B
Value to reinforce: Patriotism
Teaching resources: Zoom, book, HHRR, notebook, computer.
Vocabulary of the week: modals


Day Activities
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the value of the month: Patriotism by giving them the message of the week.
 Introduce and explain the use of the modals.
 Complete some exercises using the modals.
 Check homework #1: Write in the notebook the usage of modals and write 2
examples per each one.
Day 1
The student’s will:
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Present homework #1: Write in the notebook the usage of modals and write 2
examples per each one.
Assess participation, homework #1 and discipline of the students.
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Invite students open their book and complete the pages from the book. 180-181
The students will:
 Pay attention.
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Reinforce the topic about modals.
Day 2
 Complete the exercises from the book pages 180-181.
 Check participation, discipline classwork, and notebook
 Modals: Modal verbs show possibility, intent, ability, or necessity. Because they're a
type of auxiliary verb (helper verb), they're used together with the main verb of the
sentence. Common examples include can, should, and must.

Observations: They developed classwork #3, #4 in a 95%.

Authorized by: Jessica Godoy Teacher’s Signature: Belci Torres

Renacimiento School
School Year 2022
Topics: The Grapes of Wrath/The Circuit/ A work in Progress
Expectations of achievement: To increase their reading skills.
Teacher name: Belci Torres
Subject: Literature
Week of: Date: September 26th to 30th
Grade or course: 7th A, B and C
Value to reinforce: Patriotism
Teaching resources: Zoom, book, HHRR, notebook, computer.
Vocabulary of the week: ruthless, bitterness, toil, sorrow, doomed, frantically, thoroughly, wearily,
instinctively, enthusiastically, hesitantly, understandingly


Day Activities
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the value of the month: Patriotism by giving them the message of the week.
 Invite students to complete pages 454-455.
 Introduce and explain the vocabulary of the readings.
 Invited students to read ¨The Grapes of Wrath¨ pages 457-460.
 Check homework #1: Write the biography of Francisco Jimenez from the story the
The student’s will:
Day 1  Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write in the notebook the message of the week.
 Complete page 454-455.
 Write in the notebook the vocabulary of the reading.
 Read and discuss pages 457-460.
 Present homework #1: Write the biography of Francisco Jimenez from the story the
 Assess fluency and classwork #1 of the students.
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Encourage students to complete page 461.
 Invite students read ¨The Circuit¨ page 469-474.
The student’s will:
Day 2  Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Read and discuss pages 469-474.
 Complete page 475.
 Assess fluency and classwork of the students.
Day 3 The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Invite students to read ¨ A Work in Progress¨ pages 493-498.
The student’s will:
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write the backgrounds of the readings.
 Assess their fluency, classwork, comprehension and participation.
 Ruthless: having or showing no pity or compassion for others.
 Bitterness: anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly; resentment.
 Toil: work extremely hard or incessantly.
 Sorrow: a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune
suffered by oneself or others.
 Doomed: likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; ill-fated.
 Frantically: in a distraught way owing to fear, anxiety, or other emotion.
 Thoroughly: in a thorough manner.
 Wearily: with extreme tiredness.
 Instinctively: without conscious thought; by natural instinct.
 Enthusiastically: in a way that shows intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
 Hesitantly: in a tentative or unsure manner.
 Understandingly: in a way that shows sympathy for other people's problems and the
ability to forgive them when they do something wrong.

Observations: They developed the classwork #1 in a 95%.

Authorized by: Jessica Godoy Teacher’s Signature: Belci Torres

Renacimiento School
School Year 2022
Topics: Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and Interculturality / Gender as a Cultural Construction /
Systems of Beliefs and Religions
Expectations of achievement: To define multiculturalism, multilingualism, and interculturality
To talk about gender as a cultural construction and systems of beliefs and religions.
Teacher name: Belci Torres
Subject: Anthropology
Week of: Date: September 26th to 30th
Grade or course: 11th A, B
Value to reinforce: Patriotism
Teaching resources: Zoom, book, HHRR, notebook, computer.
Vocabulary of the week: language, multiculturalism, multilingualism, religion, belief


Day Activities
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Reinforce the value of the month: Patriotism by giving them the message of the week.
 Talks about multiculturalism, interculturalism, multilingualism.
 Check homework #1: Read about Multiculturalism and complete the pages 51 and 54
from the book.
The student’s will:
Day 1
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation in classes.
 Write in the notebook the message of the week.
 Present homework #1: Read about Multiculturalism and complete the pages 51 and 54
from the book.
 Assess participation and homework #1 of the students.
The teacher will:
 Take the attendance list of the students.
 Define the terms of multiculturalism, multilingualism and interculturality.
 Talks about Gender as a cultural Construction and Systems of beliefs and religion.
The students will:
 Pay attention
 Have an active participation of the classes.
 Read and discuss pages 52-57
 Assess participation and classwork of the students.
Language: the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a
structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture.
Multiculturalism: the presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or
ethnic groups within a society.
Multilingualism: Multilingualism is generally understood to mean knowledge of more languages
than a native language.
Religion: is usually defined as a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices,
morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places
Belief: an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.

Observations: They developed classwork #3, #4 in a 90%.

Authorized by: Jessica Godoy Teacher’s Signature: Belci Torres

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