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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tarlac City Schools Division
SAN MANUE !"#! SC!$$
San Manuel% Tarlac City

Name: ________________________ Date: _______________ 

&ear and Section: _______________ Score: _______________ 
Directions' Read each question and their corresponding answers carefully and completely. Choose the answer that best
fits the question. Write the letter of your answers on the space provided before the number.

A( Music
TET !. "ultiple Choice
 ______#. !t is the creative organi$ation of sound.
%. "usic &. ong C. Composer '. "usical Composition
 ______(. !t is a musical wor) that has been created.
%. "usic &. ong C. Composer '. "usical Composition
 ______*. % short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.
%. "usic &. ong C. Composer '. "usical Composition
 ______+. Refers to a person who writes a musical piece,
%. "usic &. ong C. Composer '. "usical Composition
 ______-. Refers to a person who sings  especially professionally,
%. %ctor &. Composer C. inger '. !nstrumentalist
 ______/. 0e was the composer of the music of the 1ilipino national anthem 23upang 0inirang4.
%. 3evi Celerio &. 5icanor %belardo C. 6ulian 1elipe '. 7eorge Canseco
 ______8. 23upang 0inirang4 is formerly )nown as,
%. &ayang "agiliw C. "archa 5acional "agdalo
&. "archa 5acional 1ilipino '. 5one of these
 ______9. 0e was )nown as the only man who could play music with a leaf.
%. 3evi Celerio &. 5icanor %belardo C. 6ulian 1elipe '. 7eorge Canseco
 ______. 0e was a prolific composer of the )undiman in the #(;s.
%. 3evi Celerio &. 5icanor %belardo C. 6ulian 1elipe '. 7eorge Canseco
 ______#;. 0e was paid #.- million my <res. "arcos for composing the song 2%)o %y <ilipino2.
%. 3evi Celerio &. 5icanor %belardo C. 6ulian 1elipe '. 7eorge Canseco
 ______##. 0is long list of hits and his entertaining style of music earned him the title of =>ing of <hilippine 5ovelty
%. 1reddie %guilar &. %po 0i)ing ociety C. Ryan Cayabyab '. ?oyoy @illame
 ______#(. 0e is the most popular 1ilipino composer of modern times.
%. 1reddie %guilar &. %po 0i)ing ociety C. Ryan Cayabyab '. ?oyoy @illame
 ______#*. 2'anny4 6avier 6aime Ramon 26im4 <aredes and 2&oboy4 7arovillo are the members of,
%. 1reddie %guilar &. %po 0i)ing ociety C. Ryan Cayabyab '. ?oyoy @illame
 ______#+.0is )nown wor)s are 2ana)4 2&ulag <ipi at &ingi4 2"agdalena4 2Alongapo4 2bayan )o4 2Trabaho4
and 2Estudyante &lues.
%. 1reddie %guilar &. %po 0i)ing ociety C. Ryan Cayabyab '. ?oyoy @illame
 ______#-. This song of 1reddie %guilar is about parentsB unconditional love for a wayward son.
%. %na) &. "agdalena C. &ayan )o '. &ulag pipi at bingi

TET !!. !dentification

'irection: Identify the composer of the following musical compositions. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.

 _____________________#. <as)o na 5aman %ng <ipit Tini)ling a goy ng 'uyan   !ti)D!ti) 
  %)o ay "ay ingsing %libangbang
 _____________________(.  ="agDEercise Tayo=  =i 1ilemon= =<hilippine 7eography=  =&utse)i)=
 _____________________*. 2%raw 7abi4 2>ay 7anda ng %ting "usi)a4 2>umu)uti)utitap4 2Wala >ang >atulad4
and 2Tuwing muulan at >apiling >a.4
 _____________________+.  2"ahirap "agmahal ng yota ng !ba4 2<umapata) ang lan4

)( Arts
  "ultiple Choice
 ______#. These are %rts Created mainly for @isual
25a)apagtata)a4 perception.
%. @isual %rts &. %uditory %rts
 _____________________-.  >undiman ng 3uha "utya C.5g1estival '. 5one>a
<asig and FF5asaan of !rog,FF
 ______(. !t is a day or period of celebration typically a religious commemoration.
%. @isual %rts &. %uditory %rts C. 1estival '. 5one of these
 ______*. These are style of dress or clothes worn for an eventGperformance.
%. <rops &. Costume C. 'esign '. 5one of these
 ______+. !t is the element of art that is produced when light stri)ing an obHect is reflected bac) to the eye..
%. 3ine &. hape C. Color '. teture
 ______-. These are colors that cannot be created through the miing of other colors. They are colors in their own
%. <rimary colors C. Complementary color
&. econdary colors '. 5one of these
 ______/. !t is one of the famous and world renowned festivals in the <hilippines.  !t is also )nown as &aguio 1lower
  %. 'inagyang 1estival C. <ahiyas 1estival
&. %tiD%tihan 1estival '. <anagbenga 1estival
 ______8. "ass)ara 1estival is a festival held each year in what place,
%. Cebu City &. &acolod City C. >alibo %)lan '. 3ucaban Iue$on
 ______9. !t is celebrated every year on "ay #- in 3ucban Iue$on. !t is in honor of an !sidro 3abrador the patron
saint of farmers in the <hilippines.
  %. 'inagyang 1estival C. <ahiyas 1estival
&. %tiD%tihan 1estival '. <anagbenga 1estival
 ______. Repeated loops and curves floral designs and geometric designs are designs used in what festival ,
%. 'inagyang 1estival C. <ahiyas 1estival
&. %tiD%tihan 1estival '. <anagbenga 1estival
 ______#;. 3ine patterns ric)rac) scrolls curvilinear motifs animal and floral designs and geometric designs are used
  !n what festival,
%. 'inagyang 1estival C. <ahiyas 1estival
&. %tiD%tihan 1estival '. <anagbenga 1estival

C( Physical Education
TET !. "ultiple Choice
 ______#. %n art form that uses patterns of body movements to perform.
%. 'ance &. 6a$$ 'ance C. 1ol)dance '. "odern dance
 ______(. These are dances considered as part of the tradition or custom of a particular people.
%. 'ance &. 6a$$ 'ance C. 1ol)dance '. "odern dance
 ______*. he is the mother of <hilippine 1ol)dance.
%. 1rancisca antiago C. 3ucrecia Reyes rtula
&. 1rancisca Reyes %quino '. 3eonor Arosa 7oquingco
 ______+. This is the most popular fol)dance in the <hilippines. !t involves two people hitting bamboo poles on the
ground and against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who step over and in between the
 bamboo in a dance,
%. Carinosa &. Tini)ling C. "aglalati) '. !ti)D!ti) 
 ______-. These dances are associated with religion vows and ceremonies..
%. Courtship 'ance &. Religious 'ance C. War 'ance '. 5one of these
 ______/. % Classification of fol)dance where in that depicts funny movements.
%. Accupational 'ance &. War 'ance C. Comic 'ance '. 5one of these
 ______8. These are dances that depict actions of a particular occupation.
%. Accupational 'ance &. Comic 'ance C. War 'ance '. 5one of these
 ______9. !n this classification of fol)dance the dancers show imagery combat.
%. Accupational 'ance &. Comic 'ance C. War 'ance '. 5one of these
TET !!. Enumeration
'irection: 1or item no. D#- enumerate the seven classification of fol)dance according to nature.
 . #*.
#;. #+.

D( !ealth
TET !. "ultiple Choice
##. This refers to the surroundings or conditions
#-. in which a person animal or plant lives or operates.
#(. %. Environment &. 5atural Environment C. "anmade Environment '. 5one of these
 ______(. Environment that include such things as trees and other plants rivers la)es mountains clouds soil and the
%. Environment &. 5atural Environment C. "anmade Environment '. 5one of these
 ______*. Environment that include such things as buildings houses schools roads telephone wires bridges and
%. Environment &. 5atural Environment C. "anmade Environment '. 5one of these
 ______+. !t is the destruction of big areas of our forests.
%. Reforestation &. 'eforestation C. !llegal logging '. oil erosion
 ______-. This happens when soil and roc) move from one place to another by wind water and gravity.
%. oil erosion &. illegal logging C. 1orest fires '. %ll of the above
 ______/. 'eforestation is caused by,
%. oil erosion &. !llegal logging C. 1orest fires '. %ll of the above
 ______8. Accurs when the air contains gases dust fumes or odor in harmful amounts,
%. %ir pollution &. Water pollution C. oil pollution '. 5one the above
 ______9. !t is the contamination of any body of water Jla)es groundwater oceans etc.K.
%. %ir pollution &. Water pollution C. 7lobal Warming '. 5one the above
 ______. % gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earthFs atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse
effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioide chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants.
%. %ir pollution &. Water pollution C. 7lobal Warming '. 5one the above
 ______#;. !t is the primary agency responsible for the conservation management development and proper use of the
countryFs environment and natural resources.
%. 'epartment of Environment and 5atural Resources J'E5RK
&. 'epartment of 0ealth J'A0K
C. 'epartment of 3abor and Employment J'A3EK
'. 'epartment of Education J'epEdK

TET !!. Essay J-ptsK

*+!AT CAN &$U D$ T$ !EP PRE,ENT P$UT"$N-

"You mau never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result."
<repared by: Chec)ed by:
NAD"A A( PARAS.+"/RED$ 0( D"0$N 1UAN"T$ ( CASTR$ 1R(
  "%<E0 Teacher "%<E0 3eader  
!EEN #( AUS
 <rincipal !!

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