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Ore Geology Reviews 13 Ž1998.


Wallrock alteration associated with turbidite-hosted gold deposits.

Examples from the Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt in central
Victoria, Australia
F.P. Bierlein , T. Fuller a , K. Stuwe
¨ b, D.C. Arne a, R.R. Keays c

Minerals Industry Research Institute, UniÕersity of Ballarat, Ballarat, Vic. 3353, Australia
Department of Earth Sciences, Monash UniÕersity, Clayton, Vic. 3168, Australia
Department of Earth Sciences, Laurentian UniÕersity, Sudbury, Ont., Canada P3E 2C6
Received 1 August 1996; accepted 1 January 1997


The study of wallrock alteration phenomena around slate belt-hosted gold deposits can provide valuable information
regarding the physico-chemical conditions of the ore-bearing fluids and the timing relationships between deformation, peak
metamorphism, granitoid emplacement and mineralisation. Thus, studying the processes involved in the interaction of the
hydrothermal fluids with the host rock is critical in order to constrain genetic models and, ultimately, as a tool for
exploration. Largely due to the characteristics of the host rocks, turbidite-hosted mesothermal gold deposits were historically
believed to lack such diagnostic alteration haloes and their study has long been neglected. However, recent studies in the
Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt in southeastern Australia and in similar tectonic settings elsewhere have demonstrated that
alteration around many of these deposits is more widespread and pervasive than previously thought. A review of existing
information and new data strongly support the viability of studying hydrothermal alteration as a guide to turbidite-hosted
mineralisation and as an indicator of the character of the solutions associated with ore deposition.
Characteristically, the auriferous reef structures are surrounded by broad bleached zones, while disseminations of
carbonate spots, pyrite and arsenopyrite porphyroblasts are the most obvious features of alteration. Depending on parameters
such as fault geometry, fluid pressure, and reactivity and permeability of the host rocks, these disseminations can occur up to
a kilometre away from the auriferous structures. Sericitisation and carbonatisation are commonly discernible within 3- to
10-m-wide haloes. Wallrock alteration chemistry of turbidite-hosted gold deposits in the Lachlan Fold Belt shows consistent
enrichments of K 2 O, CO 2 , S and As, and the anomalous values of these elements also provide the most useful dispersion
haloes for turbidite-hosted gold exploration due to both their regularity and extent. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: wallrock alteration; ore fluids; turbidite-hosted; gold mineralisation; Lachlan Fold Belt; Australia

Corresponding author.

0169-1368r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 1 6 9 - 1 3 6 8 Ž 9 7 . 0 0 0 2 6 - 7
346 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

1. Introduction out of contact with its immediate host rocks Ži.e.

waterrrock 4 1., compared to pervasive travel
Turbidite-hosted gold deposits have a wide distri- through the rock mass as a result of retarded fluid
bution throughout the world and represent an impor- flow ŽPhillips and Powell, 1993.. By contrast, Gray
tant class of lode gold resources Že.g. Bonnemaison et al. Ž1991. interpreted d18 O nonequilibrium rela-
et al., 1986; Bow, 1986; Boyle, 1986; Padgham, tionships between quartz veins and host rocks from a
1986; Sandiford and Keays, 1986; Kontak et al., large number of localities across the Lachlan Fold
1992; Christie, 1996; Goldfarb et al., 1996.. Exam- Belt in terms of rock buffering under conditions of
ples of these deposits, which occur in graded-bed low fluidrrock ratios Ži.e. waterrrock< 1; see also
sediments ranging in age from Archaean to Tertiary, Waldron and Sandiford, 1987.. This interpretation
include Yellowknife ŽNorthwest Territories, Canada., contrasts with the findings of Cox et al. Ž1983. and
the Otago Goldfield ŽNew Zealand., Salsigne Binns and Eames Ž1989. who suggested that lack of
ŽFrance., Cariboo district ŽBC, Canada., Muruntau alteration in deposits within the Lachlan Fold Belt
ŽUzbekistan., Sabie–Pilgrim’s Rest goldfield ŽTrans- implied that the ore-bearing fluids must have been in
vaal, RSA., the Meguma terrane ŽNS, Canada. and chemical equilibrium with the host rocks. Based on
the Victorian goldfields in the Lachlan Fold Belt of textural and isotopic constraints, Cox et al. Ž1983.
southeastern Australia. The deposits typically consist argued in favour of a metamorphic origin for the
of bedding-concordant and discordant quartz veins, ore-bearing fluids, as equilibrium conditions are
segregations, saddle reefs, disseminated gold in sedi- likely to be attained during peak metamorphism.
ments andror replacement bodies and they are com- Nevertheless, both origin and absolute timing of gold
monly associated with faults, fractures, brecciated mineralisation in many turbidite-hosted deposits are
shear zones, drag folds and openings on anticlines. still controversial, due, in part, to the apparent ab-
Although some deposits are characterised by a com- sence of a diagnostic alteration halo.
plex mineralogy, the mineral constitution of most Recent studies have demonstrated that alteration
deposits is simple and comprises essentially quartz, around many turbidite-hosted mesothermal gold de-
with subordinate amounts of carbonate, feldspar, posits is more widespread and pervasive than previ-
mica, pyrite, arsenopyrite, native gold, Cu-, Pb-, Zn- ously thought ŽCrouzet and Tollon, 1980; Stuwe ¨ et
and Sb-sulphides and tourmaline ŽBoyle, 1986.. al., 1988; Annels and Roberts, 1989; Kontak et al.,
It has long been considered a general rule that 1990; Miller et al., 1994; Phillips and Hughes, 1995;
diagnostic wallrock alteration is characteristically ab- Kwak and Li, 1996.. These studies strongly support
sent or weakly represented in turbidite-hosted gold the viability of studying hydrothermal alteration as a
deposits ŽSiems, 1984; Boyle, 1986; Cox et al., guide to turbidite-hosted mineralisation and as an
1991a,b; Phillips, 1991.. If present, alteration ap- indicator of the character of the solutions associated
pears selectively pervasive or vein-controlled ŽSiems, with ore deposition. Steed and Morris Ž1986. re-
1984.. Textural relationships such as sharp contacts ported that auriferous quartz–carbonate veins at the
between quartz veins and the enclosing slate, argillite Clontibret prospect, Ireland, were enveloped by
or greywacke wallrocks seem to support this reason- bleached, sericitic andror silicified greywackes. The
ing. Likewise, in many occurrences quartz masses alteration assemblage consists of quartz, ferroan
contain abundant fragments of seemingly unaltered dolomite, sericite, pyrite, arsenopyrite and Cr-mica.
host rock material. A variety of hypotheses has been This alteration halo, which extends from 5 to 10 m,
proposed to account for the lack of significant alter- is in turn fringed by an irregular zone of propylitic
ation in turbidite-hosted lode gold deposits. Phillips alteration ŽSteed and Morris, 1986.. Carbonate–
and Powell Ž1993. argued that the precipitation of sericite alteration envelopes around auriferous quartz
quartz early in the development of channelways veins in the Otago goldfield, New Zealand, have
would effectively ‘seal’ the vein-wallrock contact, been documented by Paterson Ž1986.. Alteration
thus preventing the ore-bearing fluid to chemically haloes in the hosting meta-greywackes and -pelites
‘see’ the host rock. Likewise, relatively unrestricted have widths of 0.9 to 3.5 m and consist of calcite,
flow along major structures is likely to keep the fluid sericite, pyrite, arsenopyrite and kaolinite. Kontak
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 347

and Smith Ž1987. described the extent and nature of lower greenschist facies. metamorphosed Ordovician
distinct alteration zones associated with numerous through Devonian quartz-rich turbidites with an esti-
gold deposits in the Meguma Terrane of Nova Sco- mated thickness of over 10 km ŽGlasson and Keays,
tia. Although Kontak and Smith Ž1987. were able to 1978; Gray, 1988.. Underlying the turbidites is a
clearly identify variably developed types of alter- Cambrian metavolcanic succession with lavas of
ation Žsilicification, carbonitisation, phyllic, tourma- tholeiitic and andesitic affinities ŽCrawford, 1988.
linisation., the authors conceded that recognition of and interflow metasediments Žtermed ‘greenstones’;
alteration features in the field may be difficult, due Sandiford and Keays, 1986.. On the basis of differ-
to the fine-grained nature and appearance of pelitic ences in sediments, igneous rocks and structural
and psammopelitic host sediments. Thus, geochemi- styles, the LFB has been subdivided into eight tec-
cal analysis and interpretation is paramount to the tonic zones ŽFig. 1., which are bordered by major
qualitative and quantitative study of alteration asso- thrusts ŽVandenBerg, 1978; Gray, 1988.. Slivers of
ciated with turbidite-hosted deposits. The usefulness greenstones and Cambrian metavolcanics are struc-
of geochemical methods is evident in the extensive turally emplaced along these bounding faults, indi-
literature documenting the alteration chemistry asso- cating vertical displacement of up to 10 km ŽGray
ciated with a variety of hydrothermal ore deposits and Willman, 1991.. These bounding and major
Že.g. Studemeister, 1983; Siems, 1984; Lemiere et internal, high-angle reverse thrust faults are thought
al., 1986; Phillips, 1986; Robert and Brown, 1986; to have a listric geometry and flatten at depth ŽCox
Newberry and Brew, 1988; Stuwe ¨ et al., 1988; Bar- et al., 1983; Fergusson et al., 1986; Gray et al.,
ley et al., 1990; Eilu et al., 1995; Kwak and Li, 1991.. The three structural zones that define central
1996; Mikucki, 1998 - this issue.. Victoria ŽStawell, Bendigo–Ballarat and Melbourne
A gross imbalance still exists regarding our cur- zones. are separated by steep west-dipping reverse
rent understanding of the processes that lead to the faults, whereby displacement and overthrusting ex-
formation of slate belt-hosted gold mineralisation posed successively older parts of the sequence to the
Žincluding the role of wallrock alteration. when com- west. The pre-Middle Devonian successions in Vic-
pared with the wealth of knowledge for mesothermal toria have been folded into upright, north-trending
lode gold in other tectonic settings Že.g. Archaean in folds and intruded by late to post-orogenic granites,
Western Australia; Clark et al., 1989; Groves, 1993; ranging in age from Early to Middle Devonian to
Phillips et al., 1996.. In this paper, we aim to Early Carboniferous ŽRichards and Singleton, 1981..
synthesise the available information concerning the Although endowed with some of the world’s richest
documentation of wallrock alteration associated with goldfields, the Palaeozoic of Victoria is still shrouded
turbidite-hosted gold deposits in central Victoria and in controversy. Folding and thrusting is generally
present new data from a number of key deposits in interpreted to have occurred during the Early to
the study area. The aim of this presentation is to Middle Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny and there
highlight the significance of wallrock alteration for is little evidence for more than a single pervasive
turbidite-hosted gold exploration and utilise petro- orogenic event ŽGray, 1988.. However, structural
graphic and geochemical information to constrain the investigations and recent Ar–Ar studies ŽFoster et
timing and origin of mineralisation. al., 1998 - this issue. strongly suggest that folding
across the LFB was diachronous and up to four
distinct phases of deformation have been proposed
2. Regional geology and mineralisation for its structural development ŽRamsay and Vanden-
Berg, 1986; Cox et al., 1991a,b; Forde, 1991; Forde
The geology of Victoria is dominated by the and Bell, 1994; Ramsay et al., 1998 - this issue..
Lachlan Fold Belt system ŽLFB; Fig. 1., which This controversy has significant implications about
represents a part of the composite Palaeozoic Tas- the question of relative and absolute timing of gold
man orogenic belt of eastern Australia ŽGray et al., emplacement in central Victoria.
1991.. The LFB is characterised by a monotonous The development of better constrained genetic
succession of low-grade Žprehnite–pumpellyiter models for gold deposits in central Victoria have
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of Victoria showing the extent of Palaeozoic basement sediments and metamorphic rocks of the western margin of the Lachlan Fold Belt
demarcated by the Moyston Fault. Structural zones after Gray Ž1988.: A sGlenelg Zone; BqC sStawell Zone; Ds Bendigo-Ballarat Zone; E s Melbourne Zone;
F s Tabberabbera Zone; G sOmeo Zone q Buchan Zone; H s Mallacoota Zone. Gold centresrmine locations mentioned in text: Av s Avoca; Cl sClunes; Bd s Bendigo;
Sa sSt. Arnaud; Dus Dunolly; Fo s Fosterville; Ma s Maldon; Ta s Tarnagulla; Wa sWalhalla; Br s Ballarat; Wg sWattle Gully.
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 349

been hindered by the paucity of precise dating of key deposits is often restricted to arsenopyrite andror
tectonic and mineralising events. Although styles of pyrite haloes. However, due to the widespread occur-
gold mineralisation across central Victoria are known rence of pyrite in the host rock lithology, most pyrite
to display distinct genetic attributes ŽRamsay and porphyroblasts in metasedimentary rocks are consid-
VandenBerg, 1986; Ramsay and Willman, 1988; ered to represent recrystallised iron sulphide origi-
Kwak and Gao, 1995; Hughes et al., 1996., the nally present in the rock. Both hydrothermally intro-
origin of gold mineralisation is poorly understood. duced and extensively varying amounts of synsedi-
Thus, the question still remains as to whether there mentary pyrite commonly recrystallised after cleav-
has been a single phase or multiple phases of gold age development and vein introduction, and it is
mineralisation and whether the auriferous fluids are therefore difficult to establish the extent of a hy-
metamorphic or magmatic in origin. Likewise, the drothermal pyrite halo with any accuracy.
source of gold remains a subject of controversy with The geometry of the reefs, mine-specific prob-
granite plutons, metasedimentary rocks and Cam- lems Ži.e. common absence of extensive workings on
brian volcanics having been suggested as possible footwall side of thrust planes. and structural com-
source rocks ŽGlasson and Keays, 1978; Hamlyn et plexities produce further difficulties. For example,
al., 1985; Keays, 1987; Broome et al., 1996.. the contact between auriferous reefs and the country
rock is often unfocused, brecciated or irregular, due
to lateral and vertical convergence of layer-concor-
3. The dilemma of recognising ‘true’ wallrock dant and thrust fault-related reefs and spurs.
alteration around turbidite-hosted gold deposits An additional impediment for recognition of wall-
rock alteration, at least in Victoria, arises from a
Recognition of wallrock alteration associated with prolonged history of postmineralisation weathering.
turbidite-hosted gold deposits is anything but The exposure of Cambrian to Devonian country rock
straightforward for a number of reasons, all of which to weathering possibly since the Mesozoic ŽJenkin,
might explain why it has been neglected for such a 1988. has had a pronounced effect on the chemical
long time. The most important problem is that any composition of these rocks and resulted in their very
sampling traverse perpendicular to auriferous reefs distinct appearance in outcrop. While extensive
will crosscut the generally steeply dipping lithologies bleaching, pervasive kaolinisation and sericitisation
at varying angles. The bulk chemical differences can commonly be observed to depths of around 50
between, for example, aluminous shales and siliceous m, the generally subvertical orientation of axial
sandstones will therefore affect the development of cleavage planes and shear zones allowed meteoric
wallrock alteration in mainly two ways: Ža. the de- water to descent to even greater depths in some areas
gree of reactivity of the metasediment will influence Že.g., Ballarat East; P. d’Auvergne, pers. commun.,
the extent of any chemical reaction; and Žb. the 1996.. Although it cannot be ruled out that hy-
dilution of the reacting volume of rocks by quartz drothermal alteration during the Palaeozoic was partly
will result in bulk changes of the alteration amount. responsible for the metasomatism of metasedimen-
In addition, large variations in porosity and perme- tary rocks in Victoria, there is certainly no spatial
ability are responsible for diversions from the ideal relationship between gold mineralisation and the
halo effects. Thus, visible wallrock alteration, though practically ubiquitous occurrence of deeply weath-
extensive, may often appear to be absent or only ered, bleached and friable meta-turbidites.
weakly developed. This is simply because the host
rock composition did not allow for the extensive
development of distinct alteration assemblages, such 4. Wallrock alteration in turbidite-hosted gold
as those which are recognised within extensive alter- deposits of central Victoria
ation haloes in reactive ultramafic host rocks around
Archaean lode gold deposits in Western Australia Despite the inherent problems outlined in the
ŽMikucki, 1998 - this issue.. Therefore, macroscopi- previous section, it is possible to delineate some
cally visible alteration around turbidite-hosted gold general characteristic features from the few system-
350 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

atic studies on alteration mineralogy around tur- event and the veins also cross-cut a postcleavage
bidite-hosted gold deposits of central Victoria ŽTable basalt dyke. Visible bleaching of the meta-grey-
1; Fig. 1.. Commonly, the most striking type of wacke is most intense within a few tens of centime-
alteration consists of a combination of arsenopyrite tres of veins, while the abundance of carbonate
and pyrite porphyroblasts which occur as dissemina- porphyroblasts appears to be independent of distance
tions in wallrock haloes around these deposits ŽCox from veins ŽBinns and Eames, 1989.. Although
et al., 1991a.. Aside from these sulphides, main whole-rock geochemistry of the hosting meta-grey-
alteration phases are calcite, siderite, ankerite, mag- wackes revealed that mineralogical alteration had
nesite, chlorite, sericite, quartz and albite. Tourma- occurred up to 80 m from the veins ŽBinns and
line and stibnite are also common in some deposits Eames, 1989., the main chemical effects noted by
within the Melbourne zone ŽGao et al., 1995.. Alter- these authors were only limited carbonation and
ation styles represented include carbonatisation, Žde-. replacement of former silicate cations by arsenic Ž10
silicification, sericitisation, chloritisation, tourmalini- to 30 = background within unveined host rocks for
sation and albitisation. This wide range of alteration As.. Owing to the lower permeability of associated
styles directly reflects the lithological diversity of the pelites, the chemical effects Ži.e. introduction of CO 2
hosting composite turbidites. Variations in perme- and As. were even less pronounced in these metased-
ability and porosity account for the irregular width of iments. An unexpected finding of the study by Binns
alteration haloes from a few centimetres to several and Eames Ž1989. concerned the anomalously low
hundreds of metres. The potential significance of densities of the bleached wallrocks. Failing a miner-
widespread development of carbonate porphyroblasts alogical explanation, the deficiencies in bulk-rock
within extensive zones around gold deposits, which density were attributed by the authors to increased
has recently been highlighted by Phillips and Powell micro-porosity, induced by more intense deformation
Ž1993. and Phillips and Hughes Ž1995., is addressed of the Clunes anticline and minor mobility of
in more detail later in this paper. lithophile elements during cleavage development.

5. Clunes 6. Bendigo

Auriferous quartz veins at Clunes are surrounded The Bendigo goldfield covers an area of 125 km2
by conspicuous carbonate porphyroblasts within a and has produced some 684 tonne of gold since 1851
zone of bleached turbidites of Lower Ordovician age ŽSharpe and McGeehan, 1990.. It remains Aus-
ŽStephens et al., 1979.. Textural evidence at Clunes tralian’s second largest goldfield, exceeded only by
suggests a geochemical contrast between this and Kalgoorlie in Western Australia ŽWoodall, 1990..
more remote country rocks ŽBinns and Eames, 1989.. Gold mineralisation occurs entirely within laminated
The auriferous quartz reefs occur along the crest and to massive quartz veins hosted by Lower to Middle
adjacent flanks of a major north-trending anticline Ordovician turbidites and set in a major regional fold
and overall resemble a typical saddle reef, although culmination structure ŽCox et al., 1991b.. The sul-
Coldham Ž1953. argued that the veins occupied faults phide content in the veins is commonly less than
transgressing the bedding at low angles Ži.e. flexural 2.5%, while the gold is typically free and coarse
slip.. Vein mineralogy is dominated by quartz, with grained Ž100 m m to 2 mm; Sharpe and McGeehan,
minor ankerite, chlorite and albite. The deposit is 1990.. Kwak and Li Ž1996. documented the develop-
characterised by a low abundance of sulphides, which ment of alteration mineral haloes around and up to
include arsenopyrite and pyrite, with trace amounts 150 m above reef structures in anticlines. These
of galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Binns and haloes, which are developed in metasandstone units
Eames Ž1989. observed mm scale selvages rich in but absent in pelitic units, tend to mirror the shape of
chlorite and auriferous pyrite fringing the veins and the anticline but do not extend up to the next anticli-
occurring beyond vein terminations. Emplacement of nal zone ŽKwak and Li, 1996.. Alteration assem-
the veins appears to postdate the pervasive folding blages consist of phengitic sericite, chlorite, calcite,
Table 1
Mineralisation style and type of hydrothermal alteration in representative turbidite-hosted gold deposits in Central Victoria
Name of de- Mineralisation style Host rock Hydrothermal alteration Carbonate Reference
positr goldfield spots a
Avoca qtz-Au Ž"py-ga-sp-cp . within fault Cambrian to Ordovician carbonatisation, pyritification extensive Sandiford and Keays Ž1986 .
zone turbidites
Clunes qtz-Au Ž"py-asp . within saddle Lower Ordovician carbonisation ŽCO 2 ., arsenifi- observed Binns and Eames Ž1989 .
reefs and possibly on fault planes turbidites cation; potassic alteration
Bendigo qtz-Au Ž"asp-py-po-ga-sp-cp-stb . Lower to Middle desilification, carbonatisation minor Cox et al. Ž1991b .;
within saddle reefs, bedding con- Ordovician sediments Kwak and Li Ž 1996.
cordant fault reefs, on bedding-dis-
cordant reverse faults, spurs and
within vein stockworks
St. Arnaud qtz-Au breccia veins Upper Cambrian to silification, chloritisation, car- not reported Forde and Bell Ž 1994.
Lower Ordovician bonatisation
Dunolly qtz-Au reefs on limbs of anticlines Lower Ordovician silification, chloritisation, car- observed Forde and Bell Ž1994.
in folded turbidite sequence bonatisation
Fosterville Au-py-asp Žqtz F 2.0 wt% . in lithic Lower Ordovician silification, sericitisation, Ž fer- absent Roberts Ž 1995.
breccias and stockworks within ruginisation .
shear zones and thrust planes; also
associated with felsic porphyritic
Maldon a . qtz-Au-asp; b . py-asp-Au Ž"ga- Lower Ordovician contact metamorphosed minor Morgan and
sp-po-cp-stb, mt, Mo, Au 2 Bi.; Žquartz–illite–kaolin . Woodland Ž1990 .
reefs, veins and spurs within sandy
to shaly hornfels in aureole of
Hartcourt Granite
Tarnagulla qtz-Au-py-asp Ž"sp-po-ga-cp .; Lower Ordovician chloritisation, sericitisation observed Molloy et al. Ž1995 .
reefs, veins and stockwork within
turbidites near contact aureole of
Tarnagulla pluton
Woods Point Au-bearing quartz veins, reefs and mafic dykes ŽMiddle regional propylitic alteration; absent Green et al. Ž1982 .;
stockworks associated with inter- Devonian . cross-cutting silification, carbonatisation, Tomlinson et al. Ž1988 .
mediate to mafic dykes Lower Devonian clastic sericitisation
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

Ballarat East qtz-Au-asp Ž"py-po-ga-sp-cp-stb- Lower Ordovician silification, arsenification, abundant d’Auvergne Ž1990 .
mc . on reverse faults, in bedding- turbidites sericitisation, carbonatisation
parallel subvertical breccias, spurs
and crosscourses
Ballarat West qtz-A u-asp Ž " py-ga-sp-cp-stb . Lower Ordovician carbonatisation, sericitisation; two generations, Fuller Ž 1995.;
veins on reverse and bedding-paral- turbidites potassic alteration Ždesilifica- abundant this study
lel faults; also associated with fel- tion .
sic dykes
Wattle Gully qtz-py-Au Ž"asp-sp-ga-cp-po. Lower Ordovician arsenification, tw o generations, Cox et al. Ž1995 .;
within bedding-conformable reef carbonatisation Ž CO 2 . abundant this study
and network of reverse faults

Abbreviations for mineral names: qtzs quartz; py s pyrite; po s pyrrhotite; asp s arsenopyrite; ga s galena; sp s sphalerite; cp s chalcopyrite; stb s stibnite; mc s marcasite; mt s

Carbonate spots are either ankeritic, dolomitic, sideritic or calcitic in composition; note that carbonate poikiloblasts have also been observed at Maryborough, Berringa and Daylesford.
352 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

sideroplesite, ankerite, siderite, arsenopyrite Žwithin deformation event ŽD. Taylor, pers. commun., 1996..
10 m of auriferous veins., pyrite Ž50 m., chalcopyrite Recent 40Arr39Ar dating of metamorphic mica grown
and sphalerite. Geothermometry of chlorite by Kwak in cleaved slates from within the Avoca fault zone
and Li Ž1996. suggests wallrock alteration developed gave an age of 440 " 2 Ma ŽFoster et al., 1998.. This
at temperatures of around 260 to 2908C. These au- age provides a maximum age for gold mineralisation
thors also reported elevated CO 2 values within the within the Avoca fault zone, since the numerous
alteration haloes as well as plum-shaped anomalies auriferous structures are commonly associated with
of As and Pb above the mineralisation. Cox et al. brittle deformation and postdate cleavage develop-
Ž1991b. observed the presence of carbonate spots ment, whereas first-order structures and ductile and
associated with alteration in the Bendigo goldfield. strongly deformed quartz veins are generally barren.
Detailed examination and staining reveals that these Laminated quartz–sulphide–gold Ž"carbon–
300-m m to 1-mm-wide spots have commonly an silver. reefs within the Avoca fault zone vary from
ankeritic or, less commonly, a dolomitic or sideritic 0.3 to 6.1 m in width and occur along westerly
composition. Kwak and Li Ž1996. noted that these dipping reverse-thrust fault planes which cut across
carbonate spots became deformed along chevron- bedding ŽRamsay and Willman, 1988.. Wallrock al-
shaped, parasitic fold limbs indicative of a major teration around the mineralised fault reefs at St.
deformation postdating mineralisation. Based on pre- Arnaud and Avoca is dominated by carbonate–chlo-
liminary Sr–Rb dating of vein sericite and albite, the rite " graphite assemblages. Disseminated pyrite
authors ŽKwak and Li, 1996. argued in favour of a porphyroblasts Žup to 3 cm across. are extensively
Silurian mineralisation age, predating the Middle developed within 10 m of the reef structures Že.g., at
Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny. Fiddlers Reef, west of Avoca.. Green Ž1983. noted
that mineralisation at Avoca is accompanied by a
zone of intense development of carbonate porphyrob-
7. Avoca–St. Arnaud lasts which extends up to 1 km across strike from the
auriferous reefs. ‘‘However, recent work by the cur-
The Avoca–St. Arnaud goldfield is located west rent authors has shown that carbonate spotting is
of the Avoca Fault and occurs within the Stawell generally limited to ; 50-m-wide haloes along
zone ŽFig. 1.. Auriferous veins in the Avoca–St. NNW-trending faults.’’ Sandiford and Keays Ž1986.
Arnaud goldfield are characterised by a greater pro- argued that the contrasting sulphide assemblages and
portion of sulphides than in the Bendigo–Ballarat distinct halo development around gold deposits in
zone whereby the sulphide assemblage is pyrite– the Stawell zone may reflect higher fluid tempera-
galena–sphalerite–chalcopyrite, in contrast to the tures and greater depths for ore formation than in the
predominant pyrite–arsenopyrite assemblage to the Bendigo–Ballarat zone. This hypothesis is supported
east of the up to 2-km-wide Avoca fault zone ŽSandi- by the presence of slightly higher Žto upper green-
ford and Keays, 1986; Ramsay and Willman, 1988.. schist facies. metamorphic grades in the up-thrown
Gray Ž1988. and Morand et al. Ž1995. interpreted hangingwall of the Avoca Fault ŽMorand et al.,
this fault as a steep westerly dipping major Žlistric?. 1995..
thrust which separates simply deformed Ordovician
turbidites on the east from polydeformed Cambro–
Ordovician turbidites of similar character to the west. 8. Dunolly
In addition to the occurrence of extensive sinistral
strike–slip movement along the fault, the presence of Mineralisation at Dunolly is confined to aurifer-
metabasite slivers within close proximity of the ous quartz reef structures along steep, westerly dip-
poorly exposed fault implies a significant component ping reverse thrust fault planes on both the eastern
of vertical displacement, estimated by Sandiford and and western limbs of anticlines in Lower Ordovician
Keays Ž1986. to be in the order of 5 km. Up to three turbidites ŽForde and Bell, 1994.. Highest grades
cleavages are recognisable within the fault zone, were reported from intersections between convergent
although these may have developed during the same westerly and subvertically dipping fault pairs ŽQueens
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 353

birthday line., as well as from easterly dipping quartz tion, minor sericitisation and abundant fine-grained
veins associated with a westerly dipping fault ŽCairns disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite, both of which
Reef; Ramsay and Willman, 1988.. No detailed study occur within several metres of the auriferous quartz
on wallrock alteration has been carried out at veins. The hosting sediments have been pervasively
Dunolly, but Forde and Bell Ž1994. recognised an kaolinised and ferruginised within the oxidised zone
alteration paragenesis involving silicification of the of the deposit, but it is as yet unclear whether the
country rock followed by development of sparry metasomatism is related to hydrothermal alteration
carbonate, carbonate poikiloblasts and chlorite. Ram- or weathering. However, in a recent infrared study
say and Willman Ž1988. reported a close spatial on mineralogical variations within alteration zones at
association between highly carbonaceous and poten- Fosterville, Pontual et al. Ž1995. demonstrated that
tially auriferous slates and the reef structures, but there is a close correlation between gold grades and
their genetic relationship and significance for miner- an increase in the spectral response of illite.
alisation are as yet unresolved. Several mineralised quartz porphyry dykes occur
within the Fosterville fault zone and are closely
related to the NNW-trending faults ŽWang and White,
9. Fosterville 1993.. These auriferous dykes, which have also been
pervasively altered to kaolin and illite, contain abun-
The Fosterville fault zone comprises a system of dant disseminated sulphides and are crosscut by later
NNW-trending, high-angle westerly dipping reverse generations of quartz veins. On the basis of petro-
thrust faults developed in tightly-folded medium- graphic evidence and preliminary U–Pb dating of
grained sandstones, siltstones and shales of Ordovi- intrusive zircons, Arne et al. Ž1998 - this issue.
cian age. Horizontal slickensides on the sinistral inferred hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation
oblique Fosterville Fault, numerous crosscourses and at Fosterville to be Early to Middle Devonian age.
offsets along the 10-km-long fault zone and evidence
for backthrusting suggest repeated reactivation of the
fault system ŽMcConachy and Swensson, 1990; Wang 10. Maldon
and White, 1993.. Within the fault zone, fine-grained
gold mineralisation Žusually - 1 m m large inclu- The goldfield at Maldon, one of Victoria’s major
sions contained within arsenopyrite and pyrite; Mc- gold producer in the past, is set apart from other
Conachy and Swensson, 1990. occurs predominantly turbidite-hosted gold deposits in central Victoria in
in lithic fault breccias comprising fragments of that it occurs within the contact aureole of an Upper
crushed quartz and sediments, without quartz veining Devonian granodiorite known as the Harcourt
and in quartzose vein stockworks which are exten- Batholith. The auriferous reefs occur within 3 km of
sively developed within a 5- to 35-m-wide diffuse the intrusive contact and are developed within tightly
zone to the east of the fault breccia. Logging of folded Lower Ordovician turbidites. Up to 2-m-wide
diamond drill core ŽSP-5. intersecting the primary reef structures are commonly developed on over-
zone of mineralisation revealed a dense system of turned western limbs of anticlines and dip steeply
quartz-rich veinlets and stockworks within strongly east but are thickest Žup to 15 m. where they cross
silicified siltstone and carbonaceous slates. The 1-mm fold axes. Emplacement of the quartz reefs, which
to 5-cm-thick veinlets are commonly laminated are generally concordant with the strike of bedding
Ž‘crack-seal’ textures., but are in places brecciated and roughly north–south aligned, was controlled by
and contain fragments of silicified country rock. oblique strike–slip shearing and horizontal dextral
Small ankeritic carbonate selvages occur throughout movement ŽJ. deVickerod, pers. commun., 1996..
the veins which also host chlorite nests and minor Gold commonly occurs as visible free grains associ-
disseminated sulphides. No carbonate spotting has ated with lumps of sulphide minerals Žin order of
been observed in the hosting sediments. Visible evi- decreasing abundance: pyrite, arsenopyrite, loellin-
dence for wallrock alteration in drill core is thus gite, sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite and marcasite. or
limited to inconspicuous discolouration, silicifica- as inclusions within arsenopyrite ŽMorgan and
354 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

Woodland, 1990.. Contact metamorphism of the tur- basis of structural and mineralogical data, Molloy et
bidites produced a predominant cordierite- and an- al. Ž1995. further argued that gold mineralisation at
dalusite-bearing quartz – biotite hornfels. The Tarnagulla predated the intrusion of the granodiorite.
metasediments have a distinct purple tinge and are The auriferous quartz reefs are emplaced within di-
spotted with up to 2-cm-wide andalusite and latation zones along the north-striking Poverty Fault,
cordierite porphyroblasts, but sedimentary textures a westerly-dipping reverse thrust structure which has
are commonly preserved, as are lensoidal calcsilicate been displaced by numerous east-striking dextral
concretions. Based on variations in quartz textures, cross-faults. Cuffley Ž1996. argued that later sinistral
grain size, mineral assemblages and field relation- strike–slip reactivation of the Poverty Fault caused
ships, Hughes et al. Ž1996. argued that gold mineral- the development of steep pitching high-grade sub-
isation at Maldon predated the Upper Devonian gran- shoots within the mineralised zone, resulting in a
ite intrusion. Contact metamorphism is thus likely to pinch and swell geometry. The mineralised veins
have obscured any gold-related wallrock alteration comprise a variety of laminated and fine-crystalline,
features and is probably responsible for the pervasive massive or coarse-grained and bucky quartz, inter-
silicification of the hosting metasediments. Neverthe- spersed with subordinate amounts of alteration as-
less, up to 3 cm long pyrite and arsenopyrite porphy- semblages, sulphides and discrete gold grains. The
roblasts occur within several metres of auriferous last are irregularly distributed and occur either as
reef structures and point to conditions of mineralisa- isolated grains within quartz or intergrown with
tion similar to those in other turbidite-hosted gold pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite, pyrrhotite and
deposits in central Victoria. Another similarity are chalcopyrite. Like in many other turbidite-hosted
partially dissolved carbonate spots which are scat- gold deposits in Victoria, visible evidence for wall-
tered throughout drill core intersections of hornfels rock alteration appears to be limited to the close
associated with the Eaglehawk Reef, while Hughes proximity of mineralised structures. Minor amounts
et al. Ž1996. reported a transition from biotite to of disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite porphyrob-
muscovite and ankerite rock alteration selvages away lasts occur throughout the associated metapsammites
from the intrusive contact. However, in the absence and examination of drill core reveals the presence of
of calcsilicate-rich haloes or notable carbonate- carbonate spotting in the somewhat bleached host
bearing lithologies there is little evidence preserved rocks. In places, these commonly ankeritic spots
for pervasive wallrock alteration by CO 2-rich fluids contain fine-grained sulphides, magnetite and possi-
prior to the arrival of contact metamorphism. bly some organic matter. Alteration assemblages in
the auriferous veins and associated metasediments
consist of sparry to micritic carbonates and fine-
11. Tarnagulla grained dark-green chlorite and sericite. Sericite
commonly defines the spaced cleavage, while de-
The Tarnagulla goldfield is located in Lower Or- tailed examination and staining of carbonates indi-
dovician turbidites near the eastern margin of the cates calcite, dolomite, ankerite and siderite are pre-
Tarnagulla granodiorite. The hosting metasediments sent in multiple generations of veinlets and through-
have been deformed into a train of tight to close out the adjacent wallrock. No geochemical data are
chevron folds with subvertical north-striking axial available but detailed work Žby the authors. is in
surfaces and gently to moderately north or south progress to assess the extent of pervasive wallrock
plunging fold axes ŽMolloy et al., 1995.. The pluton alteration and the presence of a CO 2-rich halo around
intruded the metasediments at 391 " 5 Ma ŽRichards the auriferous reefs at Tarnagulla.
and Singleton, 1981. but petrographic studies by
Molloy et al. Ž1995. have shown that the hosting
metapsammites and -pelites in the Tarnagulla gold- 12. Woods point–Walhalla
field remained just outside the approximately
1.25-km-wide contact aureole and thus have not been The development of a plethora of auriferous quartz
affected by a contact metamorphic overprint. On the reefs is intimately associated with the emplacement
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 355

of an extensive array of ultramafic to felsic dykes up to 3 m wide wallrock alteration zone away from
within a 15-km-wide and 150-km-long north-north- the veins. Therefore, and like in most other
west trending belt in the eastern portion of the turbidite-hosted gold deposits in Victoria, the ob-
Melbourne zone, adjacent to the Mount Wellington served wallrock alteration assemblages around aurif-
Fault zone ŽFig. 1.. Although gold mineralisation in erous veins in the Woods Point Dyke Swarm indi-
the Woods Point Dyke Swarm is set apart from other cate that these minerals could have been produced by
turbidite-hosted gold deposits in the LFB of Victoria the addition of Ca2q, Kq, As, CO 2 , Hq and H 2 O to
in that highest-grade mineralisation commonly oc- the wallrocks. Likewise, the physico-chemical char-
curs within dyke-hosted ‘ladder vein’ reefs, sedi- acteristics of the ore-bearing fluid are in very close
ment-hosted auriferous reefs are far more numerous agreement with observations made in other deposits
than their dyke swarm-hosted counterparts ŽJackson, in Victoria Že.g., Cox et al., 1995, Kwak and Gao,
1996.. The dykes intruded a sequence of strongly 1995.. That is, CO 2-rich and moderately saline Ž5 to
folded and faulted Silurian to Lower Devonian tur- 9 wt% NaCl eq. . fluids with trapping temperatures of
bidites during the Middle or Upper Devonian, before between 2008 and 3608C Žas determined by Green et
a second transpressional tectonic event produced al., 1982.. If gold mineralisation in fact postdated the
shearing and faulting of both dykes and metasedi- emplacement of the dyke swarm and the two events
ments ŽTomlinson et al., 1988.. Jackson Ž1996. are genetically unrelated, one could argue that the
recognised three distinct fracture-related styles of intrusive bodies simply acted as a particularly com-
auriferous reef structures and argued that gold miner- petent and chemically reactive unit during subse-
alisation only occurred within reef structures which quent deformation, thereby providing a focus for
had formed as a consequence of the second period of fluid flow and mineralisation. Richards and Single-
deformation. Dependent on the competence of sedi- ton Ž1981. obtained a K–Ar age of 387 " 14 Ma for
mentary rocks intersected by the fault structures, the dyke swarm, while Tomlinson et al. Ž1988. ar-
stockwork veining and brecciated reefs Žbrittle frac- gued that post-dyke faulting and accompanying min-
turing due to significant displacement across faults. eralisation preceded Late Devonian granitoid em-
or laminated Žductile deformation in pelitic units. placement. These parameters would place a con-
reefs would develop. In a detailed study on the straint on the age of gold mineralisation in the
evolution of gold-bearing veins in dykes of the eastern Melbourne zone and date it as Middle Devo-
Woods Point Dyke Swarm, Green et al. Ž1982. nian ŽSolomon and Groves, 1994..
showed that the dykes had been subjected to several
stages of alteration, from late-stage magmatic Žde-
uteric. through propylitic to vein-related carbonisa- 13. Castlemaine–Chewton — existing informa-
tion and sericitisation. Based on the occurrence of tion and new data from the Wattle Gully Mine
alteration on offsetting faults within the dykes and in
surrounding country rock, Green et al. Ž1982. con- 13.1. Mine geology
cluded that the vein-related alteration must have
occurred after solidification of the intrusive dykes. The Wattle Gully Mine is located within the
From mass balance calculations, Green et al. Castlemaine–Chewton goldfield and represents one
Ž1982. suggested that the ore-bearing hydrothermal of the typical and major turbidite-hosted gold de-
solutions must have contained Ca2q, Fe 2q, Mg 2q, posits in the Bendigo–Ballarat zone. Extensive un-
Kq, Naq, SiO 2 , CO 2 , Hq, HSy and H 2 O. Gold derground exposure has made this mine one of the
within the veins was deposited late in the paragenetic best studied gold deposits in Victoria and the re-
sequence and is associated with quartz, ankerite, gional geology in the Castlemaine–Chewton area, as
sericite and minor sulphides Žarsenopyrite, pyrite, well as the mine history and its geology and struc-
sphalerite.. Green et al. Ž1982. and Ramsay and tural setting are well documented in numerous publi-
Willman Ž1988. reported the presence of pyrite and cations in the recent literature Že.g., Cox et al., 1985,
arsenopyrite in the associated host rocks and noted a 1991a,b, 1995; Ramsay and Willman, 1988; Stuwe ¨
marked decrease of the sulphide minerals within the et al., 1988; Potter, 1990; Cox, 1995.. The Wattle
356 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

Gully Mine also represents a classic example for the believed by Cox et al. Ž1991b. to represent one of
development of both bedding-concordant and -dis- several loci for crustal-scale, fault-controlled fluid
cordant fault-related reefs ŽFig. 2. within a region outflow in central Victoria. Cox et al. Ž1991b. ar-

Fig. 2. Shaft cross section through the Wattle Gully gold mine showing the geometry of folds and faults, major rock types, mineralisation
and sample locations Žmodified from Potter, 1990..
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 357

gued that fluid outflow, intense quartz veining and bonate. Rare calcsilicate concretions and discontinu-
subsequent gold mineralisation within these narrow ous horizons of spessartine-rich strata also occur in
belts of rocks were associated with metamorphic the sequence. The sulphide content of most rocks
devolatilisation reactions in the middle to lower crust ranges between 0.5 and 1.0 vol% Žup to 25% within
late during regional crustal thickening. carbonaceous shale horizons. and abundant dissemi-
The east-dipping, bedding-parallel Gibbers Reef nated pyrite porphyroblasts occur within sandstone
consists of a single, strongly laminated quartz vein even well distant from any mineralisation. Sulphides
which rarely exceeds 15 cm in width. By contrast, within the hosting country rock are of three general
the discordant and reverse fault-related Main Reef types: Ža. idioblastic pyrite and arsenopyrite porphy-
consists of a network of quartz veins and tension roblasts between 0.1 and 5 mm in size; Žb. micro-
gashes with different dip directions, pinching and scopic disseminated specks of pyrite, pyrrhotite,
swelling up to 25 m in width and partly crosscutting cobaltite, gersdorffite, galena and sphalerite; Žc.
lithologies over the entire width of the approximately framboidal pyrite, whereby the framboid spheres are
130 m wide fault zone. The saddle hosting the upper made up of small recrystallised euhedra.
parts of Gibbers Reef forms the hinge of a near-iso-
clinal, upright anticline with a north-trending subhor- 13.2. Vein mineralogy and chemistry
izontal fold axis. The hinge of the related syncline
lies east of the reverse fault system hosting the Main The growth of fault-related dilatant fracture zones
Reef, with fold axial surfaces subvertical to steeply promoted the development of an intense array of
west dipping. The wavelength of these chevron folds veins at Wattle Gully. Quartz commonly forms more
varies from 100 to 600 m ŽPotter, 1990.. The bed- than 95% of veins. As noted by Cox et al. Ž1995.,
ding-parallel flanks of the north-trending fault sys- carbonate minerals are widespread throughout the
tem dip steeply along the cores of the Žwestern. veins and display a wide range of compositions.
anticline and Žeastern. syncline. Vein development Micritic to coarse-grained ankerite Žin places man-
and displacement within these segments are usually ganiferous. is the predominant carbonate phase
restricted to less than 1 m wide zones ŽCox, 1995.. throughout vein growth and commonly occurs as
Maximum dilatancy has occurred in the shallower selvages around inclusions or wallrock segments of
dipping discordant central part of the fault system carbonaceous slate. Less commonly, coarse aggre-
and therefore produced reef widths of up to 50 m gates and fibres of magnesite–siderite Žin solid solu-
ŽCox et al., 1995.. Its reverse movement has led to tion. occur as replacement phase within some veins
fault drag, local overturning of sediments and rock ŽCox et al., 1995.. Dolomitic carbonate appears to be
displacement of up to 80 m ŽPotter, 1990.. Whereas the last carbonate deposited. Other gangue minerals
the footwall side of the fault system is relatively are albite, pods of chlorite aggregates, nests of ver-
sharply terminated by the main fault plane, quartz micular chlorite in vein quartz ŽFig. 3A and B.,
veins and tension gashes extend tens of metres into fine-grained sericite along wallrock-vein contacts,
the country rock towards the hanging side of the and rare apatite and rutile. The presence of sericite in
fault zone. the vein assemblage Žrather than kaolinite or K-
The country rock lithologies are characterised by feldspar. indicates that the vein-forming fluids had a
the Wattle Gully Slate and the underlying Wattle near-neutral to slightly acidic pH Žbetween 4 and 5..
Gully Sandstone. Both units are between 30 and 40 Based on the apparent stability of K mica in veins
m wide and represent Lower Ordovician greenschist and adjacent wallrocks, Cox et al. Ž1995. argued
facies metasediments typical of the Bendigo–Bal- that, with respect to pH, the hydrothermal fluid could
larat zone. Stratigraphically above and below the not have been substantially out of equilibrium with
named units, generally thin layers of shales and the primary quartz–albite–K mica assemblage of the
fine-grained sandstones alternate over the entire mine host rocks not associated with mineralisation.
area. They consist of mainly detrital quartz, minor Sulphides generally make up less than 2% of the
muscovite and some feldspar, together with variable vein volume. The dominant phases, pyrite and ar-
abundances of metamorphic micas, chlorite and car- senopyrite, occur as extremely coarse-grained dis-
358 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

seminated porphyroblasts Žup to 1.5 cm wide. The most obvious alteration effect in unweathered
throughout the veins, but can also form clusters, material is the development of disseminated ar-
aggregates or nests together with inclusions of, or senopyrite and pyrite haloes up to 20 m away from
intergrown with, Žin order of decreasing abundance. the Main Reef Žthe macroscopically visible halo
sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and gold. around Gibbers Reef is much less pronounced.. While
Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite grains occur mainly as the development of sulphide porphyroblasts com-
inclusion phases being at least partially replaced, monly clearly postdates the penetrative cleavage, the
whereas free grains are relatively rare. Gold occurs growth of some porphyroblasts was followed by
as inclusions or as fracture fillings in sulphides, as fabric deformation around the crystals. The up to
coatings on grain surfaces or as isolated grains within 1.5-cm-large euhedra acted as augen which are com-
quartz. Where gold occurs together with sulphides monly fractured, elongated and bounded by fringes
Že.g. in high-grade shoots., it seems to be genetically of prograde minerals Žaligned with the deformational
related with sphalerite and galena. Based on the fabric. and pressure shadows. These features suggest
distribution and paragenetic relationship of gold and growth within the stress field and imply deformation
sulphides in the veins at Wattle Gully, Potter Ž1990. during and after sulphide development, while else-
and Cox et al. Ž1995. concluded that deposition of where in the deposit sulphides were either emplaced
both gold and sulphides must have occurred over an or recrystallised after peak intensity deformation ŽFig.
extended interval during vein growth. 3C and D..
Analysis of fluid inclusions in vein quartz confirm Within close proximity to the reefs Ž0.5 to 1 m.,
the earlier findings of Cox et al. Ž1995.. That is, hydrothermally introduced pyrite commonly occurs
three types of inclusions are recognised: Ž1. abun- within little veinlets and is characterised by its red-
dant aqueous inclusions with low salinity, low CO 2 dish colour. Further away from the reefs, the intro-
and CH 4 contents and rare solid phases; Ž2. aqueous duced and synsedimentary pyrite are optically and
and CO 2-rich inclusions; and Ž3. rare high-density chemically very similar. Microprobe analysis of both
CO 2rCH 4-rich inclusions. Pressure-corrected trap- types yield arsenic contents between 0.1 and 0.5
ping temperatures for the vein-forming fluid range wt%, but there is no relationship between arsenic
between 280 and 3008C and are in agreement with content and distance from the reef. Since arsenopy-
homogenisation temperatures of about 3008C as indi- rite does not occur as a synsedimentary phase, the
cated by sulphur isotope fractionation ŽCox et al., presence of disseminated arsenopyrite porphyroblasts
1995.. in the hosting metasediments may give a good esti-
mate of the amount of sulphide introduced into the
country rock. Stuwe¨ et al. Ž1988. and Cox et al.
Ž1995. reported visible arsenopyrite haloes extending
13.3. Visible wallrock alteration
up to 10 m away from the major vein systems, but
recognisable haloes vary between 1 and 10 m. Also,
Macroscopically visible alteration at the Wattle there is a wide transitional zone between arsenopy-
Gully Mine extends well beyond the vein-wallrock rite-bearing and arsenopyrite-free metasediments.
contact, as documented in some detail by Bowen Bowen Ž1972. showed that despite significant varia-
¨ et al. Ž1988., Gao and Kwak Ž1992.
Ž1972., Stuwe tions in arsenic abundance there is a decline in
and Cox et al. Ž1995.. arsenic as far as 100 m laterally away from the veins.

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs illustrating various alteration features from the Wattle Gully Mine. ŽA. Vermicular chlorite and sericite Žser.
replacing quartz in auriferous vein; cross polarised view, scale bar 1 mm. ŽB. Pervasively altered psammopelite Žser s sericite, defining
pervasive cleavage., cross-cut by quartz–feldspar vein; albite Žfldsp. and wallrock fractured and partially replaced by siderite Žsid.; plane
polarised view, scale bar 2 mm. ŽC. Pyrite Žpy. and arsenopyrite Žasp. porphyroblasts overgrowing cleavage in carbonaceous pelite; note
flame-like alteration haloes and pressure shadows fringing sulphides; cross polarised view, scale bar 2 mm. ŽD. Arsenopyrite Žasp.
porphyroblasts in carbon-rich psammopelite; note accumulation of carbon along edges of porphyroblasts and recrystallised quartz in
pressure shadows; plane polarised view, scale bar 3.5 mm.
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 359
360 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

Because of the constant arsenic values in pyrite, it rite content and therefore a much wider halo Ži.e.
can be assumed that the whole-rock arsenic content 4 10 m. is implied. However, the data by Bowen
is almost stoichiometrically related to the arsenopy- Ž1972. indicate that a major drop in arsenic content

Fig. 4. Plot of the major elements, CO 2 and some selected trace elements from Table 2 against reef distance at Wattle Gully.
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 361

Žbelow 500 ppm. occurs over the first few metres the reef structures, whereby earlier dolomitic veinlets
from the reefs. Žcross-cutting and along bedding and cleavage. are
Examination of drill core from Wattle Gully re- overprinted by ankerite and Mg-siderite rich veinlets
veals that the reef structures are surrounded by up to Žaverage composition Mg:Fe:Ca s 40:59:1.. Al-
10-m-wide zones of discoloured and bleached though of variable distribution, 0.3- to 1.2-cm-wide
metasediments. In places, the contact between dis- carbonate spots can be observed up to 50 m away
colouration and unaltered country rock is well de- from the quartz veins and constitute the macro- and
fined and surprisingly sharp. Chloritisation Žgreenish microscopically most obvious indicator for wallrock
coloration. and sericitisation Žfine-grained K mica alteration. As they are of potential significance for
laths on cleavage planes, but also in form of large exploration, these intriguing carbonate spots are ex-
blades overgrowing the deformation matrix. is amined in more detail in a later section.
recognisable up to 25 m away from the reef struc- Cox et al. Ž1995. noted that white micas in wall-
tures. In addition, prolonged exposure of drill core rocks have compositions similar to those found in
material to weathering has significantly enhanced the veins. Since the chemistry of white mica is very
distinctness of carbonate alteration. Quartz spurs are sensitive to changes in temperature, metamorphic
commonly fringed by cm-wide ankerite selvages or and detrital micas would be expected to re-equi-
haloes Žaverage composition Mg:Fe:Cas 28:22:50.. librate in the presence of hydrothermal fluids. If not
Carbonate veining and spotting in metapsammites optically visible, the chemical Fe:Mg:Na ratios and
and, to lesser degree, in slates is very abundant near the Fe:Mg:K ratios could thus be expected to trend

Fig. 5. Al 2 O 3 -normalised plots of some trace elements from Table 2 against reef distance at Wattle Gully.
362 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

towards K-enrichment and Na-depletion with prox- hydrothermal alteration which extends far beyond
imity to the reef system. However, due to the overall the sampled traverse. The presence of distinct CO 2
variation in composition of micas mainly as a result and, to some extent, sulphur haloes which are appar-
of continuous re-equilibration with the host rock ently independent of host rock lithology ŽFig. 4.
during cooling, microprobe analysis did not reveal seem to favour the latter interpretation. Anomalously
any of the expected trends. high CO 2 contents of up to 8 vol% in rock samples
adjacent to the Main Reef have already been re-
13.4. Geochemistry ¨ et al. Ž1988.. This CO 2 halo ex-
ported by Stuwe
tends to at least 35 m away from the quartz reefs and
Gao and Kwak Ž1992. reported decreases of SiO 2 , is considered to reflect pervasive alteration of the
Na 2 O, FeO and MnO in black slates from the Wattle wallrocks by infiltration of CO 2-rich fluids. Like-
Gully Mine, while concentrations of Al 2 O 3 , Fe 2 O 3 , wise, when plotted on a ternary diagram of Al 2 O 3 –
K 2 O, CO 2 , S, As, Ba, Rb, Sc, Cr and Au increased ŽCaO q Na 2 O q K 2 O. – ŽFeO q MgO., analysed
where the slates were cut by auriferous veins. How- samples from Wattle Gully and Ballarat West plot
ever, as no data were presented in the study by Gao outside the field of unaltered siliclastic protoliths and
and Kwak Ž1992., the variations cannot be quanti- define a trend characteristic of strong K-metasoma-
fied. Furthermore, the composition of Palaeozoic tism and thus fluids with high KqrHq ratios ŽFig.
turbidites in Victoria is extremely variable due to 6..
spatial and temporal differences in their mineralogy ¨
Stuwe et al. Ž1988. demonstrated that the halo
ŽGlasson and Keays, 1978; Fenton, 1984.. Compar- effects of Au around the Wattle Gully Mine are
isons between hydrothermally influenced and aver- practically negligible. The gold contents of whole-
age Ordovician metasediments are thus rendered dif- rock samples display a pronounced, but very narrow
ficult. Likewise, possible major-element variations halo around the mineralised veins with values ex-
due to hydrothermal processes are likely to be ob-
scured by element variations between different
lithologies. A plot depicting reef distance versus
major and some trace element concentrations of 24
samples analysed in this study illustrates this by
showing the expected trends for most elements ŽFig.
4.. The inverse correlation of SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 is the
result of a constant sum closure. Consequently, most
elements strongly correlate with Al 2 O 3 and are en-
riched in aluminous shales, while SiO 2 acts as a
dilutant resulting in generally lower element concen-
trations in siliceous sandstones. Only Na 2 O indicates
some correlation with SiO 2 confirming that Na-
feldspar Žbeing the main Na carrier. is more abun-
dant in siliceous sandstones. Hence, and because of
the strong correlation of most elements with Al 2 O 3 ,
alumina-normalised plots are generally more useful
to show hydrothermal alteration. The high variability
of the metalrAl 2 O 3 ratios in Fig. 5, coupled with Fig. 6. Ternary diagram of molecular Al 2 O 3 – ŽCaOqNa 2 Oq
the apparent lack of enrichment of Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, S K 2 O. – ŽFeOqMgO. showing compositional variations and meta-
and Zn near the reefs Žassuming a greenstone source somatism in the analysed samples. Arrow ‘A’ indicates K-
for the fluid; see below. may indicate one of two metasomatic transformation into muscovitersericite with fluids
characterised by high KqrHq ratios; the trend moves away from
processes: Ž1. the host rocks did not undergo signifi- the ŽCaOqNa 2 OqK 2 O. apex due to relative depletion in Na 2 O
cant hydrothermal alteration during vein formation, with subsequent Al 2 O 3 and K 2 O enrichment. Modified from
or Ž2. the host rocks underwent weak but pervasive Nesbitt and Young Ž1989. and Bierlein Ž1995..
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 363

Table 2
Major- and trace-element analysis of samples from the Wattle Gully Mine
Sample number
44 41 39 37 35 98 123 118 50 69 68
Level 3 3 3 3 3 5 6 8 3 6 9
Reef distance Žm. a y9 y5 y1 y0.3 0 0 0 0 0.3 2 2
SiO 2 55.46 71.93 73.87 70.8 65.72 68.95 41.96
Al 2 O 3 19.7 10.09 9.75 10.93 16.81 12.7 27.54
Fe 2 O 3 Žtotal Fe. 6.82 4.77 4.14 5.07 3.94 4.28 8.03
MgO 3.26 2.03 1.63 1.96 1.32 1.88 3.08
MnO 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.08
CaO 0.17 0.82 1.17 0.31 0.21 1.22 0.09
Na 2 O 0.3 1.26 1.93 1.46 2.79 0.4 1.02
K 2O 5.28 1.98 1.92 2.39 3.51 3.66 7.05
TiO 2 0.52 0.32 0.59 0.65 0.81 0.68 0.64
P2 O5 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.06
S 0.34 0.22 0.4 0.38 0.3 0.44 0.16
L.O.I. 7.68 6.01 4.32 4.73 3.98 4.41 9.44

Total 99.68 99.61 99.88 98.86 99.59 98.84 99.15

As 58 38 34 70 3866 586 238

Cr 100 41 44 46 60 64 139
Ba 988 415 316 385 518 583 1374
Sc 14 8 5 7 9 9 26
Ce 83 55 92 59 187 103 153
Nd 35 20 7 32 6 41 43
Cu 40 28 21 18 22 43 66
Ga 33 12 9 16 21 16 44
V 124 60 57 65 92 65 177
Zr 111 111 194 142 232 288 133
Y n.d. 30 27 44 31 36 43
Sr 67 196 148 100 98 113 70
Rb 269 11 106 126 197 209 460
Zn 121 83 66 98 102 129 116
Ni 45 37 32 40 36 42 80
Co 19 10 10 56 16 13 22
Cl 55 99 109 41 165 22 94
Nb n.d. 11 11 n.d. 14 13 18
Au Žwhole-rock. 13.6 6.8 39.9 23 278.2 3436 48.3
Au Žsulphide 103 127 244 2769 4908 1266 838 520 733
Aur100% sulphide 104 142 257 2915 3.85 1808 863 650 917
FeO 6.14 4.29 3.73 4.57 3.55 4.9 7.23
CO 2 5.4 6.4 6 7.4 3.2 7

ceeding 10 ppb only within 5 m of the veins, but for exploration. The close correlation of whole-rock
dropping to less than 5 ppb at any greater distance gold and arsenic contents suggests that the sulphide-
ŽTable 2; Fig. 7a.. Nevertheless, even gold values in incorporated gold is mainly associated with ar-
the order of 1 to 5 ppb in whole-rock samples have senopyrite. However, gold contents in sulphide con-
to be considered anomalous and might be significant centrates ŽTable 2. are extremely variable and range
364 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

Table 2 Žcontinued.
Sample number
71 72 73 74 75 83 80r82 117 88 87 114
Level 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 9 9 9
Reef distance Žm. a 2.5 5 8 10 13 16 22 30 31 33 35
SiO 2 67.82 84.52 59.94 75.09 84.35 54.9 60.36 54.43 57.16
Al 2 O 3 13.57 6.3 18.23 10.48 6.29 21.33 18.73 21.77 20.15
Fe 2 O 3 Žtotal Fe. 4.77 2.37 5.54 4.13 2.08 7.52 6.91 7.35 7.72
MgO 2.04 0.93 2.61 1.53 0.8 3.25 3.03 3.38 3.39
MnO 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06
CaO 0.28 0.62 0.32 0.3 0.47 0.16 0.21 0.15 0.29
Na 2 O 1.55 1.67 0.64 1.8 1.84 0.87 0.63 0.63 0.87
K 2O 2.86 0.97 4.06 1.91 1.14 4.37 4.54 5.79 4.92
TiO 2 0.75 0.62 0.51 0.59 0.34 0.62 0.64 0.75 0.69
P2 O5 0.2 0.1 0.09 0.15 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.13
S 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.1 0.14 0.17 0.1 0.18
L.O.I. 5.49 2.29 7.02 4.32 3.45 5.85 3.87 4.67 3.78

Total 99.55 100.5 99.06 100.41 100.98 99.17 99.26 99.17 99.34

As 56 49 36 40 19 39 32 29 31
Cr 62 29 91 46 21 113 91 111 105
Ba 492 154 851 306 173 1174 948 937 914
Sc 9 5 27 12 1 18 22 22 18
Ce 136 57 115 101 80 166 94 131 69
Nd 48 7 21 48 21 43 55 50 57
Cu 23 14 37 26 11 62 46 43 83
Ga 16 3 28 13 5 31 27 33 30
V 77 29 115 60 32 133 122 134 129
Zr 307 281 136 305 257 140 139 145 135
Y 47 27 38 37 25 41 38 38 43
Sr 58 82 65 58 64 68 73 49 79
Rb 153 52 267 102 63 301 249 320 279
Zn 71 44 133 63 42 138 123 117 126
Ni 38 16 46 28 17 71 16 64 64
Co 12 7 15 8 8 22 16 17 18
Cl 327 220 119 87 175 853 126 66 90
Nb 15 7 15 12 8 15 13 17 15
Au Žwhole-rock. 5.6 1.4 5.6 1.8 2 2.5 2.4 2.7
Au Žsulphide 135 203 102 54 54 1563 7 5
Aur100% sulphide 175 270 136 68 136 1563 7 6
FeO 4.29 2.13 4.99 3.72 1.87 6.76 6.22 6.62 6.95
CO 2 6.9 5.5 6.9 4.4 2.5 1.9 1.2 1.1

from less than 1 to 5 ppm, confirming microscopic ŽTable 2; Fig. 7c.. This variation, which does not
observations that gold is present in form of inclu- appear to be related to reef distance, is best ex-
sions rather than in solid solution. Likewise, when plained in terms of randomly distributed gold grains
normalised against the total sulphide content of the in the hosting metasediments.
samples, the goldrtotal sulphide ratio varies widely Sulphur isotope studies by Gulson et al. Ž1988.,
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 365

Sample number
85 28 23 21 20i 20d 113 111 110 109 108
Level 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 surface
Reef distance Žm. a 41 56 60 64 65 66 103 150 185 200 210
SiO 2 55.55 82.95 79.7 82.68 79.85 61.73 56.31 74.84 77.69 59.61 67.84
Al 2 O 3 21.11 7.46 8.91 8.01 8.99 15.69 20.82 11.52 10.39 19.14 15.09
Fe 2 O 3 Žtotal Fe. 6.93 2.01 2.69 2.22 2.97 6.47 7.49 3.9 4.36 6.75 5.92
MgO 3.11 0.61 0.92 0.76 1.01 3.31 3.4 1.73 1.76 3.05 2.35
MnO 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04
CaO 0.15 0.38 0.39 0.23 0.22 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.23 0.17 0.07
Na 2 O 0.64 1.49 1.86 2.04 2.52 0.92 0.78 1.95 1.76 1.01 1.05
K 2O 5.46 1.42 1.73 1.2 1.44 4.08 5.23 2.28 1.9 4.94 3.09
TiO 2 0.61 0.71 0.37 0.36 0.42 0.82 0.76 0.6 0.52 0.79 0.69
P2 O5 0.11 0.12 0.1 0.09 0.11 0.4 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.09
S 0.18 0.13 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.4 0.1 0.04 0.09 0.17 0
L.O.I. 5.17 2.08 2.98 1.79 2.7 4.81 4.14 2.05 2.18 3.6 3.56

Total 99.07 99.37 99.73 99.42 100.33 99.17 99.39 99.38 101.04 99.41 99.79

As 32 8 12 17 20 60
Cr 109 49 33 24 35 110 103 48 53 105 76
Ba 912 272 383 246 266 744 1086 394 316 899 711
Sc 18 8 5 4 6 13 18 9 9 18 13
Ce 130 172 81 55 85 104 122 95 80 105 116
Nd 43 65 20 24 19 42 44 42 1 36 29
Cu 57 16 18 9 14 104 54 28 55 64 55
Ga 32 6 9 6 8 24 31 17 11 28 22
V 135 36 36 30 44 148 122 67 51 116 93
Zr 120 1191 348 184 204 234 113 257 243 148 166
Y 39 56 34 27 25 46 36 35 30 42 39
Sr 65 66 75 78 66 96 71 69 52 45 62
Rb 305 78 94 61 75 222 297 123 102 272 171
Zn 121 29 44 38 49 128 113 59 90 124 89
Ni 66 17 20 11 24 63 63 37 40 71 40
Co 16 5 9 1 5 12 18 10 13 16 13
Cl 117 152 238 19 370 146 119 66 19 40 33
Nb 14 15 11 n.d. 9 16 15 13 10 15 14
Au Žwhole-rock. 2.4 0.9 1 2 12 2.7 1.3 1.6 3.1 n.d.
Au Žsulphide 168 136 44 11 104 13226
Aur100% sulphide 177 179 47 14 110 13922
FeO 6.23 1.8 2.42 1.99 2.67 5.82 6.74 3.51 3.92 6.08 5.33
CO 2 0.9 1.7 1.9 2.5 5.9 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7

L.O.I.s loss on ignition: n.d.s not detected; blank s not analysed.

Major elements in wt%, trace elements in ppm ŽAu in ppb.. Elements determined on ARL 8420 XRF analyser at the University of
Melbourne, Au by radiochemical neutron activation and CO 2 volumetrically determined.
From Main Reef.

¨ et al. Ž1988., Cox et al. Ž1995. and from this

Stuwe to 5‰ in base metal sulphides close to and within
study show the auriferous veins at Wattle Gully are the reef, but increase to values in excess of 15‰ for
surrounded by a comparably ‘smooth’ halo of iso- pyrite in rocks more than 50 m distant from mineral-
topically light sulphur. Values of d34 S range from 1 isation. As there is no relationship between the d34 S
366 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

values and the proportions of arsenopyrite and pyrite, 14. Ballarat West
similar fractionation factors for both sulphides can
be assumed. Diagenetic sulphides in Ordovician
metasediments in Victoria have signatures of around 14.1. Geology of the Ballarat West Goldfield
20‰ or else vary greatly between positive and nega-
tive values Že.g., Green et al., 1982.. The smooth Auriferous quartz reefs in the Ballarat West gold-
shape of the halo curve and the relatively low maxi- field occur within a thick sequence of Lower Ordovi-
mum values of about 15‰ may therefore suggest cian graded-bed greywacke which is intercalated with
that none of the analysed samples is far enough thin layers of quartzofeldspathic to highly carbona-
distant from the hydrothermal fluid focus to bear a ceous shale. Within the goldfield, these sediments
purely diagenetic d34 S signature. are practically entirely covered by 150 m of Pliocene

Fig. 7. Ža q b. Gold Žin ppb. and sulphur Žin ppm. content of whole-rock samples against reef distance at Wattle Gully; Fig. 7c is a plot of
the ratio between gold in sulphide separates and the total sulphide content in the samples versus reef distance. See text for discussion.
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 367

Fig. 8. Cross section through the Ballarat West goldfield showing the geometry of folds and the lode structure, porphyry dykes and the
position of drill holes Žmodified from a section provided by Ballarat Consolidated Gold..
368 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 369

to Pleistocene basalt flows ŽFig. 8; Whiting and segment within the same unit east of the Guiding
Bowen, 1976.. The Ordovician sediments have un- Star anticline.
dergone lower greenschist facies metamorphism and
are folded about close to tight, north-trending axes. 14.2. Vein mineralogy and textures
The mesoscopically penetrative cleavage is strongly
developed in the shale units and is essentially paral- Vein mineral assemblages are dominated by sev-
lel to the fold axial surfaces. Cleavage in some areas eral generations of quartz which commonly forms in
shows a strongly convergent fanning, indicative of excess of 90 vol% of the reef structures. Vein quartz
early cleavage formation during fold growth with forms either large massive interlocking crystals with
cleavage rotation accompanied by further limb rota- sutured grain boundaries or laminated aggregates
tion and fold tightening ŽCox et al., 1991b.. The with slate partings. Crack-seal and mortar textures,
sequence has been intruded by two felsic porphyritic serrated grain boundaries, the presence of polygonal
dykes ŽFig. 8., dated by Arne et al. Ž1998 - this subgrains with distinct undulose extinction arrays
issue. at 368 " 4 Ma. The dykes are weakly miner- and deformation lamellae suggest later deformation
alised and have been pervasively altered ŽFuller, and incomplete recrystallisation. Commonly, vein
1995.. quartz is intergrown with nests of dark green chlorite
Reef structures and quartz veins in the Ballarat aggregates and partially replaced by vermicular chlo-
West goldfield generally cut across folds and the rite and sericite. Partially altered and seriticised al-
associated axial surface cleavage, implying their de- bite crystals are abundant within spurs and small
velopment occurred late during, or after, fold growth. stringer veins. The interlocking striated albite crys-
Sets of cross-cutting veins suggest veins developed tals are commonly fractured and show effects of
during several phases. In places, folded quartz veins deformation. Bladed to sparry dolomite grains with
indicate early quartz injection, whereas boudinage undulose extinction occur in dilatant structures, while
structures in late-stage veins imply that localised micritic siderite and ankerite form 1 to 20 mm wide
extensional regimes existed after quartz vein devel- vein selvages or occur in late-stage veinlets Žtermed
opment. The major reef structure, the Guiding Star ‘stylolites’ by Cox et al., 1995. and fracture fillings.
Lode ŽFig. 8., occupies a west dipping reverse thrust Flakes of graphite commonly occur along vein sel-
geometrically similar to the Main Reef structure at vages, while both apatite and rutile form minor
Wattle Gully. The bedding-parallel western flank of accessories in some veins.
the reef is confined to a steeply dipping pyritic black Arsenopyrite and pyrite are the dominant sulphide
slate unit on the western limb of the Albion anticline. phases, but minor galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite
This segment of the reef is laminated and contains and stibnite are also present throughout the reefs.
graphitic fragments derived from the hosting black Coarse-grained and massive aggregates of arsenopy-
slate along slippage planes ŽBaragwanath, 1953.. rite are more common in nonlaminated quartz veins
East of the anticline, the lode traverses across to the and appear to be concentrated along vein margins,
Guiding Star syncline at a shallower angle and forms whereas pyrite tends to occur along slaty laminae
a 20 to 30 m wide zone of distributed slip, dilatant within laminated veins almost to the total exclusion
jogs and veining. The reef structure cuts across the of other sulphides. Gold is commonly associated
western limb of a pyritic slate unit, but links with the with, or occurs as inclusions, within sulphides. Gold
more steeply dipping and bedding-concordant fault can also occur as isolated grains in quartz, within

Fig. 9. Macroscopic alteration features in drill core from Ballarat. ŽA. Visible discolouration in hanging wall of auriferous vein system. ŽB.
Cut section of core displaying arsenopyrite porphyroblasts and abundant Fe-carbonate spots in psammopelite proximal to quartz reef. ŽC.
Arsenopyrite porphyroblasts in graded psammopelite Žbedding running NE–SW. close to quartz reef Žcontact in lower right hand corner of
photograph.; rectangles on scale bar 1 cm across. ŽD. Arsenopyrite porphyroblast with pressure shadow Žindicating dextral rotation.,
cross-cut by crack-seal quartz vein;.; rectangles on scale bar 1 cm across.
370 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

microcracks or spatially associated with the carbon- Visible haloes of disseminated pyrite and arsenopy-
ate-bearing stylolites. rite extend for 15 m from the mineralised zone and
both phases are commonly deformed and accompa-
14.3. Visible wallrock alteration nied by quartz pressure shadows ŽFig. 9b–d..
Whereas pyrite appears to be the dominant sulphide
The interaction of hydrothermal fluids with the phase with up to 8 mm large subeuhedral crystals
hosting sediments during quartz reef formation is scattered throughout the host rock, arsenopyrite
clearly indicated by the presence of a distinctively blades Ž1 to 10 mm long. tend to be restricted to the
bleached zone on both sides of the reef structure. discoloured zones and are most abundant directly
This zone of pronounced bleaching extends from the adjacent to the lode structure. In addition, these
Guiding Star Lode outwards for approximately 8 m mineralised structures are commonly associated with
and is characterised by a discolouration of the com- discontinuous horizons, lenses and flakes of graphitic
monly dark-grey siltstones to pale-mauve ŽFig. 9a.. carbon andror bitumen.

Table 3
Major- and trace-element data for samples from Ballarat West
Sample number
WB-1 WB-2 WB-3 WB-4 WB-5 WB-6 WB-7 WB-8 WB-9 WB-10
Distance from reef Žm. 0.0 1.7 3.2 4.2 6 7.6 8.4 10.0 13.8 19.7
SiO 2 49.2 70.9 71.7 68.9 74.7 68.8 73 75 74.6 71
Al 2 O 3 20.6 10.6 10.9 12 9.6 12 11.8 10.6 10 12.1
Fe 2 O 3 2.24 1.02 0.79 0 0.15 1.16 0.71 0.15 0.86 0.69
FeO 4.6 2.7 3.2 4.6 3.2 3.3 2.8 3.4 2.8 3.6
CaO 2.09 1.85 1.74 1.35 1.62 1.66 1.1 0.98 0.96 1.28
MgO 3.04 1.66 1.84 2.15 1.62 2.04 1.67 1.71 2.01 2.13
Na 2 O 1.63 1.51 1.66 1.54 1.66 1.42 1.83 1.87 1.84 1.67
K 2O 5.44 2.56 2.43 2.73 1.94 2.76 2.47 2.16 2.05 2.55
H 2O 7.37 0.52 1.27 1.95 1.64 1.82 1.85 1.68 1.7 1.92
CO 2 1.6 4.5 4.1 4.05 3.35 4.45 2.15 1.5 1.35 1.6
TiO 2 1.14 0.6 0.59 0.64 0.5 0.62 0.55 0.52 0.48 0.64
P2 O5 0.21 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.15
MnO 0.12 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06
S 0.35 0.3 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05
Total 99.63 99 100.5 100.1 100.2 100.3 100.15 99.77 98.85 99.44

Cu 37 10.5 11.5 17.5 12 30 4.5 12 6 16

Ag - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.05 0.1 0.1 - 0.05
Zn 63 46 48 56 48 61 40.5 45 50 61
Cd -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Pb 3 4.5 7 5 7.5 4.5 2 4 38 9
As 1300 50 28.5 32.5 23.5 33.5 77 30.5 16 12
Sb 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 - 0.1 0.2 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1
Bi 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 0.6 0.2
V 9 6 6 7 6 7 8 7 10 12
Cr 9 7 7 7 7 7 28 31 36 19
Mo - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1
Co 23 42 19 22 31 26 37 23 27 31
Ni 42 19 20 25 17 26 43 34 34 25
P 860 600 660 660 560 600 720 640 600 660
Au Žppb. 28 53 15 2 -1 2 2 -1 -1 -1

All analyses obtained by OES Žmajors. and ICP-MS Žtraces. at AMDEL, Adelaide; Au by AAS; CO 2 and H 2 O volumetrically determined;
major elements in wt%, trace elements in ppm.
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 371

Fig. 10. Plot of SiO 2 , H 2 O, CO 2 and CaO concentrations Žwt%.

in whole-rock samples Žfrom Table 3; Ballarat West. versus
Fig. 11. Plot of K 2 O and Na 2 O concentrations Žwt%. in whole-
distance from the Guiding Star Lode.
rock samples Žfrom Table 3; Ballarat West. versus distance from
the Guiding Star Lode.
Abundant carbonate aggregates and pervasive
sericitic alteration appear to be strongly associated
CO 2 , S, Au and As into the wallrocks. Relative
with the zone of bleaching and their abundance
depletion from the wallrocks is evident for SiO 2 ,
correlates directly with distance from the lode.
Na 2 O, MgO and FeO, while only negligible varia-
Dolomitic Žwith minor calcite. carbonate occurs as
tions of Al 2 O 3 , Fe 2 O 3 , TiO 2 , P2 O5 and MnO exist
either elongated porphyroblasts or as wisps along
within the altered zone.
cleavage planes. These dolomitic carbonates are
Although desilification has clearly occurred within
commonly overprinted, rimmed or crosscut by ran-
several tens of centimetres directly adjacent to the
domly oriented siderite and ankerite-rich carbonate
vein, the extraction of SiO 2 from the host rock could
aggregates. Pervasive sericitisation extends from the
not account for the amount of silica contained within
quartz veins outwards for up to several metres,
whereby sericite laths commonly define the penetra-
tive cleavage. A later phase of sericite is associated
with Fe-rich carbonates developed along evenly
spaced cleavage planes. The distribution of sec-
ondary sericite along these cleavage planes suggests
that pervasive infiltration of the host rock by hy-
drothermal fluids was facilitated by increased perme-
ability along the already existing penetrative fabric.
14.4. Chemical Õariations within alteration haloes
— Implications for ore deposition
To investigate possible chemical changes arising
from reactions between hydrothermal fluids and
wallrocks during the formation of the Guiding Star
Lode, ten samples of homogeneous siltstone within
20 m of the mineralised structure were analysed
ŽDDH 6b.. Table 3 and Figs. 6 and 10–12 illustrate
several chemical trends which seem to correlate
closely with the visible zone of discolouration. Meta- Fig. 12. Plot of P, S, Cr, As Žin ppm. and Au Žin ppb. concentra-
somatism between the hydrothermal fluid and the tion in whole-rock samples Žfrom Table 3; Ballarat West. versus
host rocks involved diffusion of CaO, K 2 O, H 2 O, distance from the Guiding Star Lode.
372 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

the 20- to 30-m-wide lode structure. Therefore, the zone. In addition, CO 2 correlates with CaO and the
majority of SiO 2 in the reef structures must have presence of carbonate spots in the vicinity of the reef
been introduced by the hydrothermal fluids from structure. According to Cox et al. Ž1995., carbonate
deeper levels ŽPaterson, 1986.. While substitution of precipitation can substantially decrease the XCO 2 in
Al 2 O 3 , derived from feldspars, into sericite accounts the fluids so that they therefore become more re-
for the small diffusion volume of alumina, pervasive duced, following the reaction:
sericitic alteration in wallrocks directly adjacent to CO 2 q 2H 2 s C q 2H 2 O.
the veins and less intense sericite development along
cleavage planes up to 8 m from the mineralised Variations in f O 2 and XCO 2 during the wallrock-
structures resulted in the observed variations in the fluid interaction can thus account for the antithetic
K 2 O and Na 2 O propotions ŽFig. 11.. correlation between CO 2 and H 2 O shown in Fig. 10,
With correlating arsenic and sulphur enrichment while the above reaction would also explain the
dominantly attributed to arsenopyrite development, it abundance of graphite near auriferous veins. As de-
appears that the influx of gold may have been closely tailed in a model by Cox et al. Ž1995. for Wattle
associated with the arsenopyrite-forming event ŽFig. Gully, the spatial association of mineralisation with
12.. Textural observations in the Ballarat West gold- carbonaceous slates suggests that gold deposition at
field and elsewhere in Victoria Že.g. Ballarat East, Ballarat West was also controlled largely by repeated
Maldon, Stawell. also suggest a strong correlation episodes of fluid-pressure fluctuations, reaction with
between the deposition of arsenopyrite and the pre- carbonaceous slates, decreases in f O 2 and fluid mix-
cipitation of gold shortly thereafter. The d34 S isotope ing in a dynamic fault-valve system. In this model,
compositions of arsenopyrite and pyrite from wall- which is also supported by the exhibited composi-
rocks adjacent to auriferous veins in the Ballarat tional variations in fluid inclusions, prefailure hy-
West goldfield range between 0.1 and 0.7‰ ŽFuller, drothermal fluid migrates out from the fault and into
1995.. Because of the mineral assemblages, common the wallrocks, where it reacts with carbonaceous
late recrystallisation and textural equilibrium be- slates, thereby evolving to more reduced, less CO 2-
tween sulphides, it can be assumed that d34 S sulphide is rich compositions. Sudden reduction in fluid pressure
equivalent to d34 S fluid . The invariant sulphur isotope in the fault zone due to fault failure drives the
composition of hydrothermal fluids at Ballarat West reacted fluids back into the fault zone, where they
is thus very similar to those obtained for fluids in mix with less evolved, CO 2-rich fluids resulting in
other turbidite-hosted gold deposits in Victoria ŽGul- destabilisation of gold complexes and precipitation
son et al., 1988, 1990.. of gold in the reef structures Žrather than in the
The total iron contents of the analysed samples alteration zones..
lack a distinct relationship with the intensity of
alteration or sulphide abundance. This independence
implies that most of the iron contained in the sul- 15. Carbonate spotting
phides was derived locally from the metasediments.
Studying the hydrothermal processes associated with The presence of 0.1 to 2.5-mm-wide carbonate
gold mineralisation in meta-greywacke at Clontibret, ‘spots’, ‘porphyroblasts’ or ‘poikiloblasts’ in
Steed and Morris Ž1986. argued that most of the iron metasediments associated with turbidite-hosted gold
was liberated in reduced form by the breakdown of mineralisation in central Victoria seems to be an
chlorite andror biotite and reprecipitated directly almost ubiquitous feature. However, the intensity
with the sulphide components introduced by the and extent of carbonate spotting varies considerably
hydrothermal fluids. Chlorite is notably absent from and ranges from several metres at Maldon to kilome-
the altered zone at Ballarat West and its breakdown tre wide haloes at Avoca ŽSandiford and Keays,
would have liberated iron and magnesium for both 1986.. Although referred to in numerous publications
sulphide and ankeritic carbonate development. Ele- Že.g. Sandiford and Keays, 1986; Binns and Eames,
vated concentrations of H 2 O and CO 2 in the samples 1989; Cox et al., 1991b, 1995; Forde, 1991; Phillips
correlate closely with the extent of the bleached and Hughes, 1995; Molloy et al., 1995., to date no
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 373

detailed study has been carried out into the nature of a matrix of micritic ankerite andror siderite Žsug-
these carbonate spots. Considering their potential gesting synchronous deposition..
significance as an indicator for mineralisation and Ž4. Pyrite–carbonate porphyroblasts, which are
pervasive wallrock alteration, a closer look at these composed of dolomitic or ankeritic rims surrounding
enigmatic spots is warranted. pyrite crystals. Pyrite commonly replaces and pseu-
In their study on wallrock alteration around gold domorphs the carbonate porphyroblasts.
mineralisation at Clunes, Binns and Eames Ž1989. Although deformed Žpre-foliation cleavage. por-
identified an earlier generation of elongated, poly- phyroblasts are less abundant and partial redistribu-
crystalline carbonate aggregates subparallel to the tion of carbonate has obviously taken place, their
foliation cleavage, as well as a later generation of presence suggests that quantitative remobilisation and
ankerite and siderite porphyroblasts which cut across recrystallisation of carbonates has not occurred. The
the cleavage. Similarly, two generations of carbonate late carbonates are thus considered to have grown
porphyroblasts can also be identified at Wattle Gully from hydrothermally introduced CO 2 Ž"Ca2q .
ŽFig. 13.. In psammopelites, early carbonate spots sources and the breakdown of metamorphic chlorite
occur enriched along phyllitic cleavage layers which during pervasive wallrock alteration. The rimming of
define the penetrative foliation. In slaty units, they siderite porphyroblasts with ankerite Žwhich is the
occur as greenish and up to 1 cm long coarse-grained carbonate most common in auriferous veins. at Wat-
stringers which have been separated into micro- tle Gully may suggest introduction of ankerite by the
boudins by the penetrative foliation. While syn- or hydrothermal fluids and superimposition upon car-
postdeformation cleavage porphyroblasts clearly bonates already present in the metasediments. How-
overgrow the earlier foliation, fine-grained porphy- ever, carbonate porphyroblasts in rocks relatively
roblasts in slates rarely grow along an oblique direc- distal to mineralisation have the same siderite
tion which is possibly an expression of the second, corerankerite rim ratio as zoned porphyroblasts
nonpenetrative cleavage. At least two distinct genera- proximal to the reef structures. It is therefore more
tions of carbonate spots can also be observed at likely that the zoning in these instances reflects a
Avoca, Bendigo, Dunolly, Maldon, Tarnagulla and syn- or postgrowth fractionation effect of calcium
in the Ballarat West goldfield, but the composition of and magnesium and that a change actually occurs in
these spots varies considerably between deposits. On the total carbonate content of the fluids, which is
the basis of their petrographic characteristics, how- determined by variations in pH, f O 2 and XCO 2 .
ever, these spots may be grouped into four general Oxygen fugacity and pH fluctuations in the hy-
types: drothermal fluids during vein development are also
Ž1. ‘Genuine’ carbonate porphyroblasts, which are indicated by variations in the stability of pyrite,
composed almost entirely of micritic carbonate, to- pyrrhotite, albite, chlorite, sericite and siderite in the
gether with minor inclusions of silicates, sulphides veins Žas inferred from textural evidence and the
and carbon. These porphyroblasts can further be relative abundance of these phases..
subdivided Žin order of decreasing abundance. into
zoned and unzoned ankerite, dolomite, siderite and
calcite spots. 16. Implications of wallrock alteration for timing
Ž2. Quartz–carbonate aggregates, which comprise and origin of mineralisation
a core made up by quartz grains, mica and opaques,
surrounded by a rim of ankerite and siderite. Rarely, Textural and structural studies at Ballarat West,
a ring of calcite occurs in between the silica-rich Wattle Gully and elsewhere in Victoria strongly
core and the ankerite rim. These aggregates form suggest that vein development and mineralisation
possibly due to partial dissolution and replacement took place during episodic, possibly fault-valve re-
of calcitic andror dolomitic cores. lated pulses which occurred during and after regional
Ž3. Mica–carbonate porphyroblasts, whereby ran- fold growth. Depending on the parameters control-
domly oriented laths of white mica are embedded in ling fluid pressure built-up prior to fault failure,
374 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 375

hydrothermal fluids migrating out of the fault zone the penetrative cleavage and are aligned parallel to
might have infiltrated extensive alteration zones, be- fold axial surfaces. Possibly associated with the same
fore rapid migration of the fluids back into the fault intense hydrothermal event are early porphyroblasts
zone occurred immediately after failure ŽCox, 1995.. of arsenopyrite and pyrite which show deformation
Thus, variations in the extent of wallrock alteration characteristics, as well as the development of
zones around gold deposits in Victoria are also a dolomitic and calcitic carbonate spots in the wall-
function of fault geometry and kinematics, local rocks. Rare graphite flakes grow along cleavage
stress regime and fluidrrock ratios. Deposits in close planes.
proximity of first-order faults such as the Avoca Ø Assemblages in veins which formed immedi-
Fault might therefore be expected to be associated ately after initial fault failure display evidence for
with more extensive alteration zones along faults, as later deformation, overprint and alteration. Quartz is
is suggested by the occurrence of carbonate spots up sutured, interlocking dolomite grains in carbonate
to a kilometre away from auriferous reefs at Avoca. veins show undulose extinction, albite crystals are
Alternatively, the extensive halo at Avoca may be kinked. Chlorite replaces quartz ŽpH increase.. De-
related to variations in the lithostatic fluid pressure formational alignment of chlorite vermicules.
regime around the regional-scale faults. Cox et al. Ø Second-stage replacement carbonates ŽFe-rich.
Ž1991b. argued that the first-order faults which sepa- occur as porphyroblasts and in the form of anasto-
rate the LFB into tectonic zones extend below the mosing wisps along cleavage planes. In places, chlo-
base of the hydrostatic fluid pressure regime, where rite breaks down to kaolinite and magnesiosiderite.
fluids would drain into the metamorphic pile without Sericite partially replaces albite in veins and wall-
significant circulation through hydrofracture net- rock ŽpH decrease.. This carbonate cleavage offsets
works. Consequently, fluid mixing within these faults earlier veins and crosscuts pre-existing alteration as-
is less efficient and this might explain why signifi- semblages. Deposition of sulphides and gold contin-
cant gold mineralisation in Victoria is commonly not ues in newly formed dilatant veins, together with
associated with first-order faults. Fe-rich carbonates and minor graphite.
The cyclicity of pressure build-up, fluid migra- Ø Late-stage ankeritic and sideritic porphyrob-
tion, fault failure and hydrothermal sealing would lasts develop, together with euhedral arsenopyrite
suggest multiple superimposition of assemblages re- and pyrite porphyroblasts.
sulting in indistinguishable alteration sequences. Porphyritic dykes which intruded the sequence at
Nevertheless, the overall inconspicuous character of Ballarat West are considered to be Late Devonian in
alteration and subtle changes in the physico-chemical age ŽArne et al., 1998 - this issue.. Considering that
characteristics of the hydrothermal fluids can assist these dykes have been intensively sericitised and
in establishing a paragenetic sequence of wallrock carbonatised, and are weakly mineralised ŽFuller,
alteration and vein development. An example for 1995; Arne et al., 1998 - this issue., it seems con-
relative timing constraints are textural relationships ceivable that their emplacement occurred prior to, or
between alteration assemblages in the Ballarat West during, the last consequential phase of mineralisation
goldfield which are summarised in the following: in the Ballarat West goldfield. Although more dates
Ø Pervasive sericitic alteration initially occurs are needed, findings described here support work by
during deformation and fold growth Žpossibly during Cox et al. Ž1995., Foster et al. Ž1998. and Arne et al.
prograde metamorphism.. The sericite laths define Ž1998 - this issue. which suggest that gold emplace-

Fig. 13. Photomicrographs illustrating distinct generations of carbonate porphyroblasts in metasediments from Wattle Gully. ŽA. Early
micritic carbonate spots developed in phyllitic pelite; spots are clearly deformed and elongated along cleavage planes defining the
orientation of the penetrative cleavage ŽS.; plane polarised view, scale bar 1 mm. ŽB. Early micritic carbonate spots aligned with penetrative
cleavage ŽS. in psammopelite; plane polarised view, scale bar 2.5 mm. ŽC. Late carbonate spots overgrowing cleavage ŽS. in psammopelite;
plane polarised view, scale bar 1 mm. ŽD. Late micritic ankerite spot with quartz inclusions and siderite rim Ždark. in psammopelite; plane
polarised view, scale bar 0.5 mm.
376 F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380

ment across the LFB in Victoria was of a progres- sion. In a model for the tectonic development of the
sive, diachronous nature and that mineralisation was LFB, Cox et al. Ž1991b. proposed that the occur-
the result of periodic hydrothermal activity associ- rence of prograde metamorphism and associated fluid
ated with transient tectonic pulses. production at lower levels of the crust was controlled
Pervasive infiltration of wallrocks by hydrother- by the onset of thinning of the mantle lithosphere
mal fluids has led to the development of extensive either by convective erosion or delamination as a
alteration zones around most turbidite-hosted gold result of gravitational instability after thickening of
deposits in Victoria. These wallrock alteration haloes, the entire lithosphere during crustal shortening. As
structural information and differences in C, O, S and demonstrated in Stuwe ¨ et al. Ž1993., the resulting
Pb isotope compositions between veins and host slow crustal thickening-erosion cycle occurring si-
rocks ŽGulson et al., 1988, 1990; Stuwe¨ et al., 1988; multaneously with a prolonged thinning–thickening
Gray et al., 1991; Cox et al., 1995; Gao et al., 1995. cycle of the subcrustal lithosphere is likely to pro-
point to the external derivation of the hydrothermal duce a scenario whereby a wide time gap separates
fluids from a deep-seated reservoir. While Gray et al. greenschist facies metamorphism in the lower crust
Ž1991. suggested that the isotopically remarkably from fluid infiltration and associated gold mineralisa-
uniform fluids derived from Ordovician upper crustal tion in the upper crust late during crustal thickening.
rocks, Carr et al. Ž1995. argued in favour of a The nature and extent of wallrock alteration haloes
Middle Proterozoic mafic source. Cox et al. Ž1995. around turbidite-hosted gold deposits in central Vic-
proposed that large-scale homogenisation of the toria support these genetic models for progressive
fluids occurred by means of their equilibration in the gold mineralisation involving regional convergent
lower crust under rock-buffered conditions prior to deformation, initial fluid evolution during metamor-
fluid migration into shallower levels. Notwithstand- phism and devolatilisation reactions at depth, subse-
ing, the fluid characteristics, as deduced from the quent metamorphic fluid infiltration into upper crustal
observed wallrock assemblages, are remarkably simi- levels late during crustal thickening and fluid fo-
lar to those that deposited gold in, for example, the cussing into a system of episodically active conduits
Archaean in Western Australia ŽEilu et al., 1995; Ži.e. reverse faults. during crustal shortening. The
Mikucki, 1998 - this issue. and point to a greenstone development of alteration haloes was thereby con-
terrain source, which is known to underlie the Or- trolled by repeated pervasive migration of hydrother-
dovician–Devonian turbidite succession in Victoria mal fluid into adjacent wallrocks until dilatation and
ŽCrawford, 1988.. fault slip occurred, resulting in reverse fluid migra-
As demonstrated by Powell et al. Ž1991., meta- tion and focussing back into the fault zones.
morphic devolatilisation reactions at depth during
crustal thickening are likely to produce the character-
istically low-salinity, mesothermal and H 2 O–CO 2 – 17. Implications for turbidite-hosted gold explo-
CH 4-bearing fluids typically associated with the Vic- ration
torian gold deposits. And although the late Ži.e.
postpeak metamorphism. emplacement of these au- Clearly, the physico-chemical characteristics of
riferous veins into brittle–ductile structures and their the prevalent hydrothermal fluids Žsee previous sec-
spatial relationship with granites in the LFB might tion. combined with the stability of quartz–
suggest a magmatic origin for the gold-bearing flu- feldspar–chlorite–muscovite assemblages in the host
¨ et al. Ž1993. illustrated that in internally-
ids, Stuwe rocks do not favour the development of strongly
heated terrains, time gaps of the order of 40 Ma discernible alteration haloes around most turbidite-
commonly separated peak metamorphism at shallow hosted gold deposits. Nevertheless, this review illus-
levels from its occurrence at greater depths. This trates that detailed petrographic and geochemical
time gap between metamorphism and fluid infiltra- studies are capable of detecting and delineating wall-
tion, as well as granitoid emplacement at shallow rock alteration zones around this deposit style which
crustal levels, depends largely on the duration of the was long thought to be characterised by the absence
thermal perturbation and the rates and onset of ero- of such zones. The recognition of wallrock alteration
F.P. Bierlein et al.r Ore Geology ReÕiews 13 (1998) 345–380 377

has implications for turbidite-hosted gold explo- Acknowledgements

ration, which is — due to the nature of the minerali-
sation style — commonly a high-risk affair and We wish to acknowledge the support of Alliance
often based solely on structural interpretation. Al- Gold Mines, Ballarat Consolidated Gold, Newmont
though structural information is fundamental, the Australia, Perseverance Corporation and Reef Min-
recognition of broad bleached zones characterised by ing for providing access to mine sites, sample mate-
carbonate spotting, sulphide porphyroblasts and rial and financial assistance. Dr. P.R.L. Browne and
sericitic alteration can provide an target of signifi- Dr. D. Kontak are thanked for detailed reviews and
cantly increased magnitude for the advanced stages valuable suggestions for improvements of the
of exploration. For example, if an approximately 4 m manuscript. We also express our gratitude to L.
wide mineralised vein system is surrounded by Gentle, G. Ebsworth, B. Ryan, D. Groves, R. Ram-
bleached and altered zones extending 8 m on both say, V. Morand, S. McKnight, S. Carey, J. Besanko
sides of the lode, the exploration target effectively is and M. Hughes for stimulating discussions and assis-
increased by a factor of 5. In addition, inexpensive tance. C. Henderson-Drife is thanked for thin section
whole-rock analyses can be used efficiently to con- preparation.
sider specific elemental abundances in drill core,
where visible alteration is poorly developed. Geo-
chemical indicators considered significant include References
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