Virtual Course Linkers Activity

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Ingles lll

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Jose Daniel Arias Correa Id 000753330

Liliana Lombana

Colombia, Guadalajara de Buga Marzo, 27 de 2022


Before doing this activity, please open and explore the following
presentation to understand what linkers are and how to use them

Now , keep in mind the following vocabulary , and then solve the

And: y

porque But: pero
Reason Contrast

So: asi que


Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1. I am hungry ( and / but ) I don’t have any money to buy lunch.

2. It’s late ( and/ but ) I’m tired!
3. John likes funny movies ( and / but ) he doesn’t like scary movies.
4. We live in an apartment ( and / but ) we like it very much.
5. Her name is Maria ( and / but ) his name is Fernando.
Complete the sentences below with ‘because’ or ‘so’ (remember to use a comma
before ‘so’).

1. My cat was hungry, so it ate a fish.

2. I’m tired because I didn’t sleep well last night.
3. Stewart bought lunch because he was hungry.
4. Mary was sick last week, so she saw a doctor.
5. I was late for work this morning because I overslept.

 first First, Sam woke up at six o’clock.

 then Sam got up. Then, he ate breakfast. OR: Sam got up and then he …
 next Sam ate breakfast. Next, he went to work.
OR: Sam ate breakfast and next he went to work.
 after Sam went to work after he ate breakfast.
OR: After he ate breakfast, Sam went to work.
 after that Sam ate breakfast. After that, he went to work.
OR: Sam ate breakfast and after that he went to work.
 before Sam ate breakfast before he went to work.
OR: Before he went to work, Sam ate breakfast.
 before that Sam went to work. Before that, he ate breakfast.
 finally Sam finished work, came home and watched TV.
Finally, he went to bed. OR: He finally went to bed.

Complete the sentences below. Use the linking words in the box. There may be
more than one possible answer for some sentences.

1. I watched TV after that I went to bed last night.

2. I caught the ball after that he threw it.

3. He saw the fire. Finally, he cried for help.

4. I got washed and dressed next I went to work.

5. The phone rang. Then, I answered it.

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