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•A Latin word “litera” which means letter. •Legends- fictitious narratives, usually about
•A body of literary productions, either oral, written origins. It provides historical information regarding
or visual containing imaginative language that the culture and views of group of people or country.
realistically portrays thoughts, emotions and
experiences of the human condition •Folk Tales- traditional narrative, usually
anonymous, and handed down orally
World Literature
•refer to the total of the world’s national literature •Fables- fictitious narrative and they deal with
and the circulation of works into the wider world animals and inanimate things who speak and act
beyond their country of origin like people

•The term “world literature” was first used by the •Myths- traditional sacred story, typically revolving
German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von around the activities of gods and heroes, which aim
Goethe, referring to the dissemination of literature to explain a natural phenomenon or cultural practice
from and to countries across the globe. Goethe
famously stated in letters to Johann Eckermann in B. Non-Prose
1827, “National literature is now a rather
unmeaning term; the epoch of world literature is at •non prose, any literary work that is based mainly
hand, and everyone must strive to hasten its on fact, even though it may contain fictional
approach.” elements. Examples are the essay and biography.

•World Literature, in the modern sense, refers to •Defining non prose literature is an immensely
literary works that are translated into multiple challenging task. This type of literature differs from
languages and circulated to an audience outside bald statements of fact, such as those recorded in an
their country of origin. old chronicle or inserted in a business letter or in an
impersonal message of mere information.
Two Major Types of Literature

A. Prose Kinds of Non-Prose

•verbal or written language that follows the natural
flow of speech. It is the most common form of •Anecdotes- products of the writer’s imagination
writing, used in both fiction and non-fiction. Prose and the main aim is to bring out lessons to the
comes from the Latin “prosa oratio,” meaning reader
•Essay- viewpoint or opinion of the writer about a
Kinds of Prose particular problem or event

•Novel- long narrative divided into chapters. The •Biography- deals with the life of a person which
events may be taken from true -to-life stories and may be about himself, his autobiography or that of
spans for a long period of time. others

•Short Story- narrative involving one or more •Oration- formal treatment of a subject and is
characters, one plot and one single impression intended to be spoken in public. It appeals to the
intellect, to the will or to the emotions of the
•Plays- presented on a stage, is divided into acts and audience.
each act has many scenes
Linear Text Venn Diagram
 Visual depiction of the similarities
 refers to traditional text that needs to be read and differences between two or more
from beginning to the end. Here, the reader different items
makes sense of the text according to the
grammatical and syntactic arrangement of Timetable
the words.  This graphic organizer presents a
 this type of text has an order or sequence; it schedule of activities, events, or
is typically the author of the text who tasks.
decides the order of the text, or its reading  One best example of timetable is
path. your daily checklist of what to do.
 texts printed on paper are considered as  This list helps you to see what
linear texts. Novels, poems, short stories, activities to attend to, events to
letters, educational texts, all those texts we participate in, and tasks to
read from the beginning to the end, are accomplish. This timetable organizes
linear texts. your schedule to balance your
schoolwork and recreation.
Nonlinear Text
 is the opposite of linear text. As its name Timeline
suggests, it is nonlinear and non-
sequential.  This graphic organizer is used in
 In other words, the readers do not have arranging concepts, and events in
to go through the text in a sequential chronological order.
manner to make sense of the text.
 This type of text has many reading paths  Most of the History teachers use timeline
since it is the readers who decide the in presenting significant dates and events
sequence of reading, not the author of in Philippines, Asian, and World history.
the text.
 Some examples include flowcharts,  This type of non-linear text enables us to
charts, and graphs (ex: pie chart, bar easily understand the significant event
graphs), graphical organizers such as that happened on a particular date or
knowledge maps and story maps. period.
 any text that is not read from beginning
to the end falls into the category of KWL Chart
nonlinear text.
 Charts or graphs these are the  This graphic organizer is used before
representation of data represented by and after reading to check what the
symbols or legends reader already knows about the topic,
which is represented by the K column,
DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHARTS what the readers want to know about the
AND GRAPHS topic which is represented by the W
column, and what the reader learned
Concept Diagram about the topic which is represented by
the L column.
 Represents ideas and information as boxes
and circles and uses lines to show the  You may use K-W-L chart to help you
relationship between them organize information before, during, and
 diagram that shows suggested relationship after a unit or a lesson. It engages you in
between concepts. a new topic, activate your prior
knowledge, share unit objectives, and
monitor your learning.


 It is a graphic organizer used in

arranging items in a text in different
groups, branches, or classes.
 This graphic organizer is somehow
similar with the concept of diagraming.
 Diagraming is a graphic organizer that
shows connection of one idea to another



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