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After going through this module, you are expected to;

1. Read phrases, sentences and short stories consisting of short vowel words and
the questions about them.
2. Read 2-syllable words consisting of short e to u sound (basket, hotdog, sunset,
3. Read phrases, sentences and short stories consisting of 2-syllable words and the
questions about them.
4. Read grade 3 level texts consisting of 2-syllable words with short vowel sound
with at least 95%-100% accuracy.


A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. Which word has two syllables?

A. old B. proper C. sentences D. speed

2. Which among the words has a short vowel sound of e?

A. flag B. mug C. nest D. pond

3. Which among the words has a short vowel sound of u?

A. bench B. lamp C. lip D. sun

4. Which word has two syllables consisting of short e sound?

A. electric B. feast C. number D. soldier

5. Which set of words does not belong to the group?

A. bed, men, set C. gum, sun, tub
B. hen, pen, ream D. bun, but, gun

Differentiate the words with different medial vowels.
 cap-cop-cup
 pet-pat-put
 cat-cut-cot
 tip-tap-top
 sat-set-sit

B- Direction: Encircle the word that names each picture below.

cup cop cap

pan pin pen

fin fan fun

meg mag mug

son sun sin


Before we read the story let us unlock the following words.

 terrific – extraordinary
 mad – unable to think in a clear or sensible way
 tuck – a body position in which the knees are bent.

Read the story below.
Toto Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think
(an adaptation)

Toto turtle is a terrific turtle. He likes to play with his friends Freddie
Frog, Coco Crocodile and Lucky Duck. Toto is kind and honest. But
sometimes things happen that can make Toto really mad. When Toto gets
mad, he used to hit, kick or yell at his friends. Then his friends get upset
sometimes they get mad too. They hid, kick or yell at Toto. Mama Turtle is
sad that Toto gets mad easily. “Toto,” she says, “You’re a good turtle
except when you’re mad. I’ll teach you a way not to get mad easily.’ It’s
called “Think like a Turtle.” “Think like a Turtle?” asked Toto. “Yes,” Mama
Turtle answers. Just follow these four steps:
1. Know your feelings (Are you starting to feel angry?)
2. Think and tell yourself: “Stop”
3. Tuck yourself inside your shell and take three deep breaths. If you
still feel bad, take more deep breaths.
4. Come out when calm and think of a solution
The next day, Toto is playing with his friends when he is hit by a ball.
Toto starts to feel mad. He yells, “Ouch! Who threw the ball? Was it you,
Coco?” Coco says, “I am sorry, Toto. I did not mean to hit you!” Toto starts
to walk to Coco to hit him but he remembers what Mama Turtle said,
“Think like a Turtle.” Toto stops and thinks, “Why do I feel mad? Coco did
not hit me because he wanted to. I got in the way of the ball.” Toto tucks
his head inside his shell and takes three deep breaths then three more
deep breaths and then two more. Then, he looks at Coco. “It’s alright,
Coco. But be careful with the ball, okay?”

Do you notice the underlined words?

These are the short vowel words and 2 syllable words consisting of e to
u sound.
Read again the words from the story.

Turtle honest upset follow next

Freddie happen get tell but
Lucky Toto except tuck wanted
Duck yell answers shell careful

Short vowel word–when one syllable words have vowel in the middle, the vowel
usually has a short sound.
Syllable – a unit of spoken language that is next bigger than a speech sound and
consists of one or more vowel sounds.

Inside the box are list of short vowel sounds:

led sun
men mug
bed tub
hen jump

set gum
dress but

Inside the box are list of two-syllable word consisting of /e/ and /u/

Two syllable word consisting of E and U sound

market (mar-ket) butter (but-ter)
flower (flo-wer) upper (up-per)
master (mas-ter) cutter (cut-ter)
seven (se-ven) drummer (drum-mer)
tiger (ti-ger) sudden (sud-den)

Here are sample phrases with short vowel sounds and words with 2
syllables consisting of e and u sound.
1. went up the market
 went (short vowel /e/)
 market (short vowel /e/)
 The word market has two syllables mar-ket
2. mother was hungry
 mother (short vowel /e/)
 The word mother has two syllables mo-ther
 hungry (short vowel /u/)
 The word hungry has two syllables hun-gry
3. disturb by the noise
 disturb (short vowel /u/)
 The word disturb has two syllables dis-turb

4. plenty of bugs
 plenty (short vowel /e/)
 The word plenty has two syllables plen-ty
 Bugs (short vowel /u/ sound)

5. seven children
 seven (short vowel /e/)
 The word seven has two syllables se-ven
 children (short vowel /e/)
 The word children has two syllables chil-dren


A. Underline the two syllable word with short /e/ and /u/.
1. Hunter print house
2. Shout climb server
3. Mother champ chair
4. Bread basket brown
5. Lucky type mugs

B. Encircle the two syllable word with short /e/ or /u/ in the sentence.
1. My mother got me a new pair of shoes.
2. Leah and Jenny played under the tree.
3. You are lucky to have a friend like Rose.
4. She ran faster than me.
5. Jimmy looks better in red suit.

C. Read the word in box color the word red if it is a two syllable word with
short /e/ and color it blue if it is a two syllable word with short /u/ and
color it yellow if the word has both /e/ and /u/.

butter duck berry

blockbuster camel cluster
luck well men
bookshelves cut umbrella
D. Group the following two syllable words according to its short vowel
sound. coconut
Write your answer on the space
power chestnut earth
joker closet disturb basket sculptor
hungry busted upper broken taken

Short vowel /e/ Short vowel /u/

1. _____________ 1. _____________
2. _____________ 2. _____________
3. _____________ 3. _____________ 6
4. _____________ 4. _____________
5. _____________ 5. _____________
E. Draw a if it is a two syllable word with short /e/ and draw a if it
is a two syllable word with short /u/. Draw your answer on the space
______1. exam
______2. hello
______3. funny
______4. paper
______5. Button


What are the common pattern among these words?
men sun met mug set pen gut
The common pattern among these words are:
 One syllable word
 Short vowel /e/ and /u/
What do you call these words?
 Short vowel e and u words.
What have you noticed among these words?
butter father children butler joker
All of them are two syllable word with /e/ or /u/ sound.

A. Count the syllable of each word. Put a check if it is a two syllable

__________1. honest __________ 4. proper
__________2. shell __________ 5. turtle
__________3. Solution

B. Write a short vowel word found in the story. Write your answer on
the space provided.
1.____________________ 4. ____________________
2.____________________ 5. ____________________
3. ___________________

C. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. “I’ll teach you a way not to get mad easily.” Which has a vowel /e/ in
the sentence?
A. easily B. get C. teach
2.“It’s alright, Coco. But be careful with the ball, okay?” Which has a
vowel /u/ in the
A. ball B. but C. careful
3.Which among the words is a two-syllable word with /e/?
A. beak B. biscuit C. super
4.Which among the words is a two-syllable word with /u/?
A. garden b. second C. under
5. which among the words is a two-syllable word with /e/?
A. answer B. careful C. lucky

D. Match the phrases in Column A to the pictures in Column B


2.ball on the bus b.

3.sum of money c.

4.when it is warm d.

5.lots of fruits e.


A. Complete the sentence with the correct words inside the box. Write
your answers on the blank provided.

rug rust nuts mug step drop

1. Take care not to slip on the _______________.

2.Fill the __________ with ____________.
3.Be sure to watch your ___________ so you won’t fall.
4.Keep the metal dry so it won’t ______________.
5.Be sure not to __________ it so it won’t break.

B. Write the correct vowel sound in the space provided.

1. P__ppy
2. G__rd__n
3. M__th__r
4. B__ck__t
5. M__n__y

C. Write the name of each picture in the space provided.

1. 2. 3.

______________ _______________ _____________

4.. 5.

_________________ _________________



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