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A. Narrative essays i.

Components Setting Characters Weather Actions and reactions of characters Feelings

ii. Language items adjectives to describe setting and characters adverbs to describe actions sensory words to describe sights, smell, sounds, etc

Sample essay An Attempted Robbery It was just after 7 pm. The Lee family had just finished having their dinner. After clearing away the dishes, Mrs. Leong joined her son, Joo Chye, who was watching his favourite cartoon programmed on television. Mr. Lee was absorbed in the newspaper. Suddenly, the door bell rang. Mr. Lee peered over the newspaper and gave his wife a quizzical look. They were not expecting any visitors. Mr. Lee got up to open the door. Just as he unlatched it, two masked men, one armed with a pistol, charged into the house. A bewildered Mr. Lee quickly put his hands up. The robbers then herded the family into a room. The robbers gagged and tied them up. While one of the robbers held the family at gun point, his accomplice took all the jewellery and cash and put them into a sack. Meanwhile, Mr. Lees eldest son had just returned from his tuition class. He saw that the front door was left ajar. Suspecting that something was amiss, he peered into the living room and saw a masked man pointing a gun at his parents. He ran to a telephone booth across the road and telephoned the police. Within minutes, the police arrived. At the sound of the police siren, the robbers made a desperate bid to escape. But the police quickly surrounded the Lims residence and apprehended the robbers. They freed the family.

Introduction - Setting - Atmosphere - Characters

Complication - Rising Action - Development

Climax - conflict

Ending -Resolution

Mr. and Mrs. Lee were proud of their son. Through his quick action, the robbers were caught red-handed. B. Opinions and arguments i. Components - make a stand tie ideas using connectors such as besides, furthermore etc. - provide at least 4-5 points to support your stand - provide enough elaboration to support each stand - reiterate stand in the conclusion ii. Language items - apt vocabulary - sequence connectors - logical connectors Sample essay Students should not be allowed to bring hand phones to school. Do you agree? Provide reasons to support your answer. In the 21st century, the percentage of people owning a hand phone is extremely high. This is not surprising when we take into account the improved standard of living, advancement in technology, competition between service providers and the affordable prices. However, this cannot be an excuse for allowing students to bring a hand phone to school because it could lead to several problems. In my opinion, students should not be allowed to bring hand phones to school. Firstly, bringing a hand phone to school is not only unwise but against the school rules. They could easily get lost or be stolen. Students caught bringing them to school would not only be punished but also have their hand phones confiscated by the school authorities. As a result, they have to write in an appeal letter and also trouble their parents to come to school and meet the principal. Surely, we have better things to do in school than having ourselves entangled in such a mess! Secondly, besides breaking the school rules, students who bring hand phones to school may also end up distracting the attention of the teacher


Make a stand

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Point 4

Conclusion -reaffirm stand

and the other students. When a lesson is in progress, the sudden sound of a ringing tone will disrupt the teaching and learning process. The teacher for sure will be very annoyed and the classmates will not be pleased too. As a consequence of loss of concentration, the teacher may have to start explaining all over again. Precious time will be wasted. Imagine the disruption to a lesson if all the students were allowed to bring hand phones to school! The classroom will surely look like a busy office where all the students are busy answering their calls. Thirdly, as a result of poor concentration in the classroom due to the presence of hand phones, not surprisingly, the performance of students in school and public examinations will surely go down the slope. Since students will be the busiest people in school answering phone calls, sending and receiving messages to their friends, when will they have time to concentrate on their studies? Are hand phones such a necessity for our students? Can hand phones guarantee the success of our students in the future? The answer is an absolute no! In this case, the hand phones are not only misused and a waste of time, but they will also result in students having a bleak future. Definitely, it is not worth a price to pay for. Finally, there are several public telephone booths in schools which enable students to communicate with their parents or friends if necessary. Hence, it is a silly excuse that working parents can contact them in schools using hand phones. If parents are really concerned about their children, they can call the school administrators to obtain information about them. Besides, if they suspect something, they can drop by at the school and speak to the school principal. In a nutshell, students should not be allowed to bring hand phones to school as they will cause more harm than good. Students should set their priorities right by concentrating on their studies.

C. Descriptive essays (place) i. Components - Introduction, Type of place - Location

Distance, how to get there Atmosphere of the place, climate, weather Facilities, attractions Activities

ii. Language items adjectives to describe place, atmosphere, facilities etc adverbs to describe actions sensory words to describe sights, smell, sounds, etc

iii. Sample essay National Day Celebration Introduction Location Atmosphere It was a glorious affair. This years National Day celebration was held on 31st August in my school. Despite the public holiday, all the teachers and students of the school turned up to show their patriotism towards the country. Many auspicious events were organized to create an ambience that would fill the hearts of all the participants with deep love and respect for their country. First of all, there was a grand march past led by the school band. The school band major led her staff proudly as the members of the band marched by looking smart and dignified in their collared shirts and impeccable red jackets. The onlookers cheered as the band belted out the school song. Behind the band, other members from clubs, societies and uniformed bodies also did not fail to show their deep reverence for Malaysia as they marched by waving banners and flags. After that, everyone gathered in the school hall. For once, the students were unusually disciplined and jostling amongst themselves was conspicuously missing. The main reason for that was because the raising of the national flag Jalur Gemilang was about to begin. With the school band providing background music, the students stood proud and tall, singing the National Anthem at the top of their lungs as they watched the national flag being raised high above their heads. This was followed by several other patriotic songs and the students sang along in high spirits. Next, the events commenced with a stage performance which included cultural shows such as

Activities - details - sensory words

Activities - details - sensory words

Activities - details - sensory words

Activities - details - sensory words

Conclusion - feelings

singing and dancing. Nurhayati from 5S1 captured the souls of the audience with her melodious voice, as she sang a few numbers of Siti Nurhalizas. Traditional dances were also performed by the different races as they pranced around on stage, showing their well-practiced moves. Finally, the National Day celebration ended with a beautiful rhythmic gymnastics presentation. The school gymnasts joined together to perform an enchanting show. They used colourful ribbons and hoops, all in the hues of the Malaysian flag red, white, yellow and blue. Their costumes were also adaptations of the national flag, and they glittered in the light as these young talented students performed bridges, forward flips, rolls and splits. In a nutshell, this years National Day celebrations in our school will never be forgotten. It has managed to plant deep love and passion for our country. We now realize hoe important and vital it is to uphold the name and integrity of our country, our truly independent home.

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