Philosophical Reflection - B15, Punzalan, Sam Dominique M.

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B15, Sam Dominique M.

Punzalan 10 – 25 – 22

11 – Mendeleev

What are philosophical principles that you adhere on your relationship

with the environment?

There is one eco-philosophical principle that I noticed and I very much

adhere to, it is Social Ecology founded by activist Murray Bookchin. Basically,
social ecology is a theory that seeks to create a more sustainable society
based on improving or modifying the relationship between humans &
nature to protect the ecosystem. Why do I adhere to this? here are the 3

1. Integration. Social ecology seeks to integrate humans in the natural

world, unlike deep ecology wherein even the most fundamental
means for human survival is considered harmful to nature. Making
changes is not inherently good or bad, it is simply what we do as a
reaction to the problem, and the quality of the solution depends on
the threat it poses & time we take to solve it. In 2020, prior to the
Philippine Government’s announcement on the nation-wide lockdown
due to the threat of the COVID-19 virus, my family decided to reside
temporarily in our provincial house in Amadeo, Cavite for 6 months.
The decision to reside in Cavite was not only because of the threat of
the virus in urban Manila, but also because of the better quality and
flow of air due to less high-rise buildings and more greenery or tall
trees. We could achieve the same quality of living in the province in
densely-populated areas if we could only integrate a balance of
plant-life or greenery in urban developmental planning.
2. Decentralization and Self-management. It is the people's ability to
control themselves and their communities without relying on a higher
authority to make decisions. It gives everyone an equal voice, resulting
in tasks being done more efficiently because of flexibility, overall
improving the community and the environment. Back when I was
younger, I threw out garbage anywhere, but ever since I learned the
effects of what I’ve been doing, I stopped randomly throwing trash
onto the street and threw it in the proper garbage bins. I realized that
the only person who could control and change me is myself so, I did
what I had to do.
3. Rational. Social ecology’s principles and goals are rational, in a way
that it provides us humans and our environment the best possible way
to cooperate and not endanger everything. The ideas in social
ecology are rationally ideal because, there are no cons about it, and
provides us the best possible result. Almost everyday in my life I
encounter people who throw garbage everywhere. I used to be like
them but since I’ve developed my way of thinking, I throw the garbage
in the proper place. If I don’t find any near bins, I choose to bring the
trash with me until I have found a bin to throw it into. Rational decision
making is easy, but external factors sometimes prevent us from doing
what needs to be done.

These are the three reasons on why I adhere social ecology. Integration,
Decentralization & Self-management, and is Rational.

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