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MODULE 6 Third World is obsolete because of the dissolution of Soviet Union

in 1991.
 Rich, Industrialized, Wealthy Nations, Democratic Capitalist C. Perspectives of North and South Gap
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE Classical economic development theory claims that the causes of
 Developing Nations, Non-Democratic Countries underdevelopment are internal. Low rates of productivity, a lack of
sufficient investment capital, and inadequate communication and
GLOBAL NORTH transportation system are among the main barriers.
 Home to all the members of the GB & to four of the five Dependency Theory hold that causes of underdevelopment are
members of the UN Security Council external. Less-developed countries are vulnerable to penetration
 USA, Canada, Western Europe by outside forces. The global south has been exploited by wealthier,
 Developed parts of Asia, Australia and New Zealand more powerful members of the world’s capitalist system.
 Africa, Latin America D. Global south’s response to global north

A. The Latin American Experience Various strategies to overcome their weakness and insecurity
have been adopted by global south states. Most of them have
Hugo Chavez Frias, a flamboyant and charismatic lieutenant sought to acquire modern weaponry, which have reduced their
funds for health, education and welfare program. Many also have
coronel became president of Venezuela from 1998 until 2006 in
tried to forge regional free-trade groups, encourage foreign direct
Valenzuela. He initiated a socialist-inspired program to reduce investment, and seek relief from big debts to promote economic
illiteracy, improve health care and redistribute land. He exerted prosperity.
control over the oil industry. His efforts to subvert US foreign
policy in Latin America, which he criticized as “a scheme of CONCLUSION
domination, exploitation and pillage. He tried to forge strong  The South continues to be globalized
bilateral relations with anti-US leaders ranging from Iran to the  The global south has provided models of resistance for the
guerillas of Columbian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC). He world
attempted to cobble together multilateral organizations such as  As global problems intensify, it becomes more and more
his Bolivian Alternative for the America (ALBA) to counter necessary for people in the North to support alternatives
from the South.
Washington’s support for Free Trade Area of the Americas  Emphasis on the state and interstate politics remains
(FTAA). In Chavez’s mind, confrontation with imperial powers is politically and analytically relevant most especially in
inevitable. He vowed to, in a January 27, 2006 speech, that addressing global inequalities.
Venezuela will never be “a colony of the United States” or a pawn
of international financial institutions run by wealthy industrialized
countries. His depiction of a global capitalist system that benefits
some states and limits others resonates elsewhere in the Western
Hemisphere, especially among people who take a Marxist approach,
to understanding world poverty. It is called Chavismo, a political
ideology that highlights the ways in which many people in developing
countries interpret world politics differently than their
counterparts in more powerful, prosperous countries (Kegley and
Raymond, 2012).
The experience of Venezuela during the Hugo Chavez years raises
important questions about those states that are not great
powers. Does being less wealthy and militarily mighty country place
one’s future in the hands of others? What accounts for the
inequalities that currently divide humanity? Can anything be done
to close the gap between the world’s rich and poor?
B. The Global Inequalities
Earth is divided into two (2) hemispheres, north and south, at the
equator. This divide represents a popular way of describing the
inequalities that separate rich and poor states. By and large, these
two groups are located on either side of the equator.
The Brandt Line describes the global inequalities of countries

Issues of North and South Divide

 Distribution of income around the world
 Economic competition world wide
 Standard of living
Many analysts believe that the interstate system has properties
built into it that account for the inability of most poor countries
to close the gap with the wealthy countries. From their
perspectives, almost all the now-independent sovereign states in
the Southern Hemisphere were at one time colonies, subjugated by
far more powerful states.
During the Cold War, the term Third World is used to describe the
economically less-developed states that tended to share a colonial
past. They were contrasted with the First World, composed of the
industrialized democracies in western Europe, North America and
Japan. The Second World was led by the Soviet Union and its allies
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