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Pellet drier


Name | 02 June 2015 | page 1


Principle of the Pellet Dryer AERO

Water pre separator

Air nozzles, curved sieves

Drop demister and air filter

Trouble shooting

Name | 02 June 2015 | page 2

AERO Impact Dryer

Principle of pellet drying with AERO

 The pellet-water-mixture
reaches the integrated
pre-dewatering device

 Air, supplied by a blower,

conveys the pellets through
the pre-dewatering device

 Curve-shaped slotted sieves

separate the water from the

 A separator prevents water-

drops from discharching in the
exhausting air

Name | 02 June 2015 | page 3

AERO Impact Dryer

Main components
Air filter Drop separator

Curved sieves

Pellet outlet

Water return

Name | 02 June 2015 | page 4

AERO Impact Dryer

250 mm + 3mm
Water pre-separator

Air nozzle


Water Pre-
separator sieve

Name | 02 June 2015 | page 5

AERO Impact Dryer

Air nozzle and curved sieves

Older type: SB 22
Improve type: SB 28

Air nozzle

Curved sieve
• Check and clean the curved sieves and the air nozzles
• Use only water, compressed air or a metal brush
(material brass or cupper) for cleaning the curved
• Don’t use any other tools
• Don’t bump the curved sieves on the floor for cleaning

Name | 02 June 2015 | page 6

AERO Impact Dryer

Drop separator and air filter

• Check and clean the drop separator
frequently with water and/or air
• Check and change the air filter

More Information's as mentioned in the

operating instructions for pellet drier AERO.

Pellet drier
AERO pdf

Name | 02 June 2015 | page 7

AERO Impact Dryer

Trouble shooting
Air intake Check blower Check suction
clogged rotation direction filter

Reduced capacity or
low pressure

Pellet moisture After cooling Air flow Check slot Check water Curved sieve
too high time too long angle clogged width pre-separator clogged
& inlet
Pellets in the Check water Check the curved
discharge water pre-separator sieve seat

Dryer water level water Discharge Check slope of

too high drain sieve pipe clogged water discharge
clogged piping

Dryer clogged - Check the complete dryer

completely full and downstream

Name | 02 June 2015 | page 8

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