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Modern & School Supported Self-Taught Languages Department Procedures


These are the procedures that will be implemented in the UWCCSC Modern & SSST Languages
Department for the 2022-2023 School year. Your teacher will go over them with you in class.
Please make sure you fully understand them, sign at the bottom of the page, scan and upload
the entire document in ManageBac. Your teacher will create a task where you can upload the
signed document.

1. Students enroll to the Language class they believe is best for them after discussing with
the department’s teachers and/or the IB Coordinator and after having considered
important factors such as time learning the language, linguistic and literary
competencies, interests and university requirements.

2. Students should be responsible to do their best in their class but if for one reason or
another, they are convinced that there is a need to change their Language class, they
may do so but the following conditions apply:
a. Their transfer should follow the school procedures.
b. They are responsible in catching up with the lessons and meeting the
pending requirements of the class they are transferring to.
c. Textbooks given from their previous classes should be returned to their
teacher if they are transferring to another Language class.
d. The grades they have in their class will not be considered for the new class.
That is, their term grade would only consider the grades that they will have
in their new class.
e. At their new teacher’s discretion, they may have to take a test on previous
topics that have been covered in their new class. This may be the case when
the students are transferring after the tests have already been given in the
new class.


Nadine Espiegle 11th August 2019


1. Assessments will consist of tests, exams and various tasks and for DP2, the IAs that are
relevant to studying language at your correct IB level. The dates and deadlines for
these assessments will be posted in ManageBac.
2. All summative tests will be preceded by formative tasks that give students constructive
feedback as to how they can improve their performance.
3. An unexcused absence in a test will be graded with a zero.
4. Students are required to make up a missed test if their absence is excused. They must
contact their teacher to retake the test as soon as they are back in class or school,
(within 2 days). Otherwise, they would get a mark of zero for it.
5. Students who feel sick once they have started a test will not have any valid reason to
re-take it. That assessment will be marked with no special consideration.
6. Late submission of DP draft or final IA submissions will not be tolerated. The deadlines
for tasks will always be before 8:00 pm of the deadline date and will be submitted
on Managebac (no wechat no email).
7. A grade of zero will be awarded for missing official deadlines.
8. Final Oral or Listening Internal Assignments are formal exams. DP students who miss
these exams will not be given another chance to retake it. Their draft will be
submitted to the IB, where it is available and if not, they will be awarded a zero.
9. For all Internal Assessments, and all summative assessments, late submission of the
draft will mean Academic Policy procedures will be activated.

Calculation of term grades

Students will be assessed on formative and summative assessments. Formative and

summative assessments consist of four components – Writing (20%), Reading (20%), Listening
(20%), Internal Assessment/Oral (20%).

The semester grade for both FP and DP students will also include a 20% weight given to the
completion and submission of Formative Assessments.

Nadine Espiegle 11th August 2019


Calculation of year-end grades

1. FP


25% 40% 35%

2. DP1


25% 40% 35%

3. DP2


30% 30% 40%

Nadine Espiegle 11th August 2019


Grade boundaries*

The grade boundaries for FP and DP are as follows:

Score Mark

85.0% 7

71.0% 6

58.0% 5

44.0% 4

29.0% 3

14.0% 2

0.0% 1

*Our Grade boundaries are based on the previous year’s subject report and discussion and
agreement within the department.

Nadine Espiegle 11th August 2019



1. Predicted grades consider the year-end and other summative grades but are always
cross-referenced with the IB grade descriptors. It is up to the professional judgement
of teachers to make adjustments based on the grade descriptors to the year-end and
summative grades in order to come out with a more appropriate predicted grade for
the students.

2. The predicted grades are based on the DP1 year-end grade and teacher’s judgement.

3. Predicted grades are confidential and will under NO circumstances be shared with


1. Classes in the Modern Languages Department are mostly blended learning classes. As
such, students need to come to the classroom with their laptop or tablets for active
participation in class activities.

2. Mobile phones are not to be used for completion of tasks or Teams meetings.

3. Students are expected to use dictionaries to check the meaning of words but not
applications that allow translation of full sentences.

4. Students’ behaviour during Distance Learning (Teams) needs to align with the School’s

a. Students are expected to be in an appropriate study space in appropriate clothes.

b. Students are expected to have their camera on during the whole lesson.

Nadine Espiegle 11th August 2019


c. Students ghosting the online meetings or not responding and participating actively
when called upon will be marked as absent for the lesson.

5. If a teacher suspects malpractice due to the inappropriate use of technology, students

will be asked to resubmit and the task will have to be completed under exam conditions.
6. In the case of a second incident Academic Honesty Policy will apply and there will be no
retake. Student will be awarded a zero.


1. Students are given the textbooks needed. All textbooks handed out must be scanned
and registered on the central book system either by a teacher or the librarian.
2. Students are responsible in taking good care of the books, not damaging them nor
losing them. It is very likely that textbooks can be swapped with other students.
Students are encouraged to write in pencil their names at the back of the front cover.

3. Textbooks are returned after the May IB tests in the second year of the course. The
same textbook issued by the teacher should be returned otherwise it would not be
considered as returned in the student’s borrowing record. In this case, it would be
considered lost and the student will have to PAY for it.

4. Damaging, losing or failing to return the textbook incurs charges to the school deposit
that students have. The charges are based on the current costs of the textbooks that
roughly range from 200 to 450 RMB.


I have read and fully understand the Modern Languages Department Procedures for 2022-
23 outlined above.

My adherence to the courses offered by the department signifies my acceptance of the

department’s procedures.

Nadine Espiegle 11th August 2019


Student Name: Rongtian Xia

Student Signature: Xia Rong Tian

Date: September 5th, 2022

Nadine Espiegle 11th August 2019

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