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The Mann-Whitney U test is a nonparametric counterpart of the t test used to compare the means of

two independent populations. However, if the assumption of a normally distributed population is

invalid or if the data are only ordinal in measurement, the t test should not be used. In such cases, the
Mann-Whitney U test is an acceptable option for analyzing the data.

The Mann-Whitney U test is implemented differently for small samples than for large samples. If both
n1, n2 10, the samples are considered small. If either n1 or n2 is greater than 10, the samples are
considered large.

Ho : The white blood cell counts of patients on the medical and surgical devices are identical.

H1 : The white blood cell counts of patients on the medical and surgical devices are not identical.

Medical(Values) Medical(Rank) Surgical(Values) Surgical(Rank)

4 2.5 3 1

5 5.5 4 2.5

5 5.5 5 5.5

5 5.5 6 9.5

7 13 6 9.5

7 13 6 9.5

7 13 6 9.5

8 15.5 9 17

8 15.5 10 18

11 20

11 20

11 20

12 22.5

12 22.5

14 24.5

14 24.5

Sum of ranks: 89

Mean of ranks: 9.89

Expected sum of ranks: 117

Expected mean of ranks: 13

U-value: 100

Expected U-value: 72


Sum of ranks: 236

Mean of ranks: 14.75

Expected sum of ranks: 208

Expected mean of ranks: 13

U-value: 44

Expected U-value: 72

Sample 1 & 2 Combined

Sum of ranks: 325

Mean of ranks: 13

Standard Deviation: 17.6635

The U-value is 44.
The Z-Score is 1.55688.
The p-value is 0.11876.

Here alpha = 0.05(Two tailed) also p-value > alpha , we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

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