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Forgotten Realms fiction by Kate Novak-Grubb


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Greater Drakes and Riders

Johnathan M. Richards Issue # 260 Volume XXTV, No. 1 June 1999
Fabulous draconic mounts for your AD&D’ game heroes.

Draconic Designs
Gregory W. Detwiler
Take your tired, old dragons in for a makeover.

Spawn of Tiamat, Children ofRahamut Departments
Keith Francis Strohm
The awesomely powerful champions of the dragon gods. 71 Dragon Ecologies

48 Johnathan M. Richards
Learn how the bug-men found
an ax to grind in "Ecology
of the Aspis "
Bj Any Other Name: Dragons
Owen K.C. Stephens Arcane
Who's afraid of a dragon named Puff? Johnathan
You can do better with this dragon name generator. Wizard spells

88 for the dragonslayer.

Zero Point PI
Richard Baker Heroes and villains

The for your Star*Drive<*> campaign, plus

Herbalist's Shop the secret to getting the most out of
Cindi Rice your AlternitY* game heroes.
Steve Miller
Even after his
disappearance, the The Wyrm's Turn™.
good Doctor's work goes on. Forum .

80 D-Mail™ .
Sage Advice.
Fiction Role Models .

The Honor of Two Swords Convention Calendar.

PC Portraits .
Kate Novak-Grubb
DraconMirth™ .
West meets East when Priam Agrivar follows
Ishi Barasume to the secrets of her past.
Knights of the Dinner Table
TSR™ Previews
88 Profiles ..

0\ the Cover
On most of our recent anniversary covers, we've been fortunate to have great dragons by veteran
TSR illustrator Jeff Easley. This is another one of those years. For the past two decades, Jeff's dragons
have defined the genre as they soared and roared at us from game boxes, book covers and more. If you
missed our interview with Jeff in "ProFiles," issue #254, this would be a good time to pull that issue off
the shelf.
PI aim SCAPE TORMENT & DESIGN 01999 Intorplay Production-. AN R»|tii’. Hnwvid Inlmrty f n»»m«r ‘d'AlA IlHjwmre Otfp rations *:*1rri8 TSR. In*. torment F'tannv^M Plnnnv^p111,'9° AdeenOfd bietMort* I
Inrtf) nriii Ihn TSR k>oo are trademerke 61TSR Inc . • *it>S*fcarY Wkfiiftl-. nl It*- OwM Ir* nr*f at*, used 6/ tnTorpI.ry ot»k-t home* AH MtfJhK Hn-.f-fv-nd Mw(4;iy lfw, Merf.l.ry loqo (tot* I Ur- >tf1-os and the- (flat* let* Mutkos
Frtf G.Mttffi * mo trademarks of Interp'ay Entertainment Crnp All fV|tiK Rowrmrt Itmwnn- Ir.fintfy I nflme »v|»» BtoW.irn lorjo are IradwAKHol Btfiwtfirn Gorp AN Rpatfwxl //«I'lonr.''t*, and WnOr,r/-.'-/»n .-nr- rogieler. i
Kpnr.itktfi All RigMn Reserved AN ottv-r trademark-, and copyright* an* pr^M-ity of their reepoclwe owner*
Encounter inventory items with personalities. Manage an You can regenerate, speak with the dead, and have
unpredictable party of the strangest allies to walk the magical immunities. You’re a power to be RECKONED
faces of alternate planes. with. Unfortunately, so is everyone else.
Wendy Noritake
Extfcutiw Editor

Wyrm's Pierce Watters

Dave Gross
Art Director

Turn Larry Smith

Associate Editor
Chris Perkins
Assistant Editor
Jesse Decker

Your Inner Munchkin Scott Ricker

Dan Gough

S ome hopeful powergamer just put

his 88th-level Wizard up for auc¬
weren, punching out VoidCorp thugs
right through the windshields of their
Editorial Assistant
Chris Carlson
Production Manager
John Dunn
tion on eBay for a minimum bid of aircar. Earlier, I'd teased Chris about Advertising Sales Manager
Bob Henning
$55. You've got to admire that sort of min-maxing his mighty warrior. Now, a
Advertising Traffic Coordinator
audacity. little voice inside me was crying out for a Bobbi Maas
It's easy to pick on the power- miniature body tank and a stars word. I Circulation
Rebecca Heft
gamers—munchkins, as we used to call think I recognized that voice.
them. Their stories of lOOth-level half- It was my inner munchkin, and it A Lr m * (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monlNy except Novenfoer
(twice monthly) by TSR, Inc., 1801 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, WA 98055, United
drow Paladin/Assassins with golf bags wanted out. States of America. Pertodfoal-dass postage paid at Renton, WA. U SA. and
addrtiona! makng offices Postmaster Send address changes to Dragon Maga
full of vorpal blades and lifestealing swords The local park in my hometown has a one. P.0. Box 469107, Escondido. CA 92046, U SA USPS 318-790. ISSN
0279-6848.The postal address lor a! materials from the United States o! America
are unquestionably silly. Secure in my neat legend on the back of its sign, so and Canada except subscription orders and change-of-address notices is:
Draqoh Magazine. 1801 Und Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055. U.SA
own roleplaying maturity. I've often you see it when you're leaving—a DISTRIBUTION: Dragon Magazine is available from game and hobby
shops throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and
imagined that most munchkins eventu¬ reminder aimed at those returning home through a limited number of other overseas outlets. Newsstand distribution
throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom is by Curtis
ally become more sophisticated role- to pay the bills, feed the dog, and run a Circulation Company, 730 River Road, New Millord, NJ 07646-3048
telephone; (201) 634-7400.
players. If only it were that simple. few loads of laundry before bed. It reads: SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscription rates via periodical-ciass mail are as
follows: $34.95 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent to an address in the U.S.;
Recently, Dungeon Adventures editor "You don't stop playing because you $52.95 in U.S. funds tor 12 issues sent to an address in Canada; £34.95 lor 12
issues sent to an address within the United Kingdom, £41.95 for 13 issues sent
Chris Perkins ran his Planet of Darkness grow old. You grow old because you to an address m the UK; $57.95 in U.S. funds lor 12 issues sent by surface mail
to any other address. Payment in full must accompany al subscription orders.
adventure for the rest of the editorial stop playing." Methods erf payment include checks or money orders made payable to Dragon
Magazine, or charges to valid MasterCard or VISA credit cards, send subsenp-
staff. While the other guys designed That sign has been a beacon for me in tion orders with payments to Dragon Magazine, P.0. Box 469107. Escondido,
CA 92046, USA; email; phone 1-800-395-7760.
Alternity® game characters capable of my adult life—not to mention Exhibit A In the United Kingdom, methods of payment include cheques or money orders
made payable to TSR Ud„ or charges to a vaM ACCESS or VISA credit card;
obliterating a squad of stormtroopers when I've had to justify my hobby (and send subscription orders with payments to TSR Ltd., as per that address
above. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. The issue expiration of
single-handedly, I made Maximillian job) to a girlfriend's parents. Lately, each subscription is printed on the maibng label of each subscriber’s copy of
the magazine Changes ol address lor the delivery of subscription copies must
Vane, a pilot/ trader with lots of Intelli¬ though, I realized that I'd lost sight of the be received at least six weeks prior to the effective date of the change n order
to assure uninterrupted delivery.
gence and Personality skills. He was a real meaning of that sign. I was playing SUBMISSIONS: AH material pubfeshed in Dmoon Magazine becomes the
exclusive property ol the publisher, unless special arrangements to the contrary
3-tall ladies' man with bright red hair the character I thought I should play, not are made prior to publication. We welcomes unsolicited submissions ol written
material and artwork: however, no responsibility tor such submissions can be
and an ego the size of a capital ship. Max the one I wanted to play. assumed by the publisher in any event. Any submission accompanied by a self-
addressed. stamped envelope oI sufficient size will be returned if it cannot be
was a roleplayer's character, no good in To stay young, it's not enough just to published. We strongly recommend that prospective authors write for our writers
guidelines before serving an article to us. In the United States and Canada, send
a fight, but perfect for a player who play. Indulge yourself, let go of your a self-addressed, stamped envelope (9'/2* long preferred) to Writers’ Gudefcnes,
cto Dragon Magazine, at the above address; include sufficient American postage
wanted to prove himself above such inhibitions, and forget the notion that or International Reply Coupons (IRC) with the return envelope.
ADVERTISING: For information on placing advertisements in Dragon
petty concerns as damage adjustments "roleplaying" is inherently superior to Magazine, ask tor our rate card. All ads are subject to approval by TSR. Inc.
TSR reserves the right to reject any ad tor any reason.
and multiple attacks. "roll-playing." Dust off that old copy of Contact: Bob Henning. Advertising Sales Manager, Dragon Magazine.
1801 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton. WA 98055, U.S.A., (425) 204-7262. In the
Playing Max was plenty of fun ... your own 88th-level Wizard. northeast contact: Sig or Scott Buchmayr, Buchmayr Associates. 137 Roway-
ton Avenue, Rowayton. CT 06853. (203) 855-8834.
until the action broke out. Sure, there Let your inner munchkin take over Advertisers and/or agencies of advertisers agree to hold TSR, Inc. harmless
from and against any loss or expense from any alleged wrongdoing that may
were moments of comic relief as the little next time you're gaming. At worst, arise out of the publication of such advertisements. TSR. Inc. has the right to
reject or cancel any advertising contract for which the advertiser and/or agency
guy became a struggling hostage in the you'll have a few laughs. At best, you'll of advertiser tails to comply with the business ethics set forth in such contract.
Dragon is a regstered trademark of TSR. Inc. Regetration applied for in the
first conflict, then scampered away from have a lot more fun. United Kingdom. Al rights to the contents of this pubbeabon are reserved, and
nothing may be reproduced from it in whole or to part without first obtaining per¬
a big firefight. It was even funny that he mission in writing from the publisher. Material published in Dragon Magazine
does not necessarily reflect the optoions of TSR. Inc. Therefore. TSR win not be
spent the rest of that day's action as a held accountable tor opinions or misinformation contained to such matere*
® designates registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. '* designates
voice on the other end of a commlink, trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Most other product names are trademarks
owned by the companies publishing those products. Use of the name of any
safely closeted in a hotel room. product without mention of trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
Eventually, however, I began to wish I * indicates a proctoct produced by a company other than TSR. Inc. Most
product names are trademarks owned by the companies pubbshng those
could wade in like Chris Carlson's products. The use of the name of any product without menbon of its trademark
status should not be construed as a challenge to such status
01999 TSR, Inc. Al Rights Reserved. Al TSR characters, character names,
and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. TSR.
Inc. is a subsidary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
6 • JUNE 1999 Printed in the U SA
f jJR
t9£ fWtim
m; i(m| >3
m i $ri

You found the ExoSoft microchip-rather, you pried it out of that meat puppet's skull casing-but Ewan's
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Question of trwlVf.onth
Respond HMUe Question of the Month or any other roleptaying topic
by nhiiling'Toru^rfoAGbN* Magazine, 1801 Lind Avenue SW^Renton,
WA 98055, USA' dpiail@wizarc!5!^om. Include yourfull name and mailing
address; we u>on'tpint a letter sent anqmrmously. We'll withholi^*
your name orynnt ypurfutl addxess if you wish.

[X,N v ""N
What one house rule has had the most
significant impact on your AD&D* campaign?

A Magical System Naturally people find this explanation A Look at Priestly Magic
In Issue #254 Geoffrey Plauche wrote confusing and lame. If you memorize I am writing in response to your Ques¬
that one of the things he would like to something, you've memorized it; you tion of the Month regarding the need
see changed in the AD&DV game is the don't forget things you've memorized. for 8th- and 9th-level Priest spells. I
spellcasting system, specifically because That's the whole point behind memo¬ believe that they are definitely not nec¬
he has "never liked that a Mage forgets rizing them in the first place. People essary for several reasons. Just the
a spell after casting it, and the AD&D also find it incredible that Mages could thought of needing 8th- and 9th-level
game is the only game I have found so spend decades memorizing the same spells makes me want to laugh.
far in which this occurs." spell over and over and over again, yet First of all, I want to know who is
In my experience there is no other never commit it to memory. playing these high-level Priests that
system in the AD&D game that has The problem here lies entirely in the require spells above 7th level. In my
been subjected to as much patching and term "memorization," which sends a eleven years of playing the AD&D
fixing by DMs as the magic system— confusing message. A Mage doesn't game, 99.9% of the time was spent play¬
often for the reason Geoffrey cites: A lot memorize a spell in the same sense that, ing characters of low- to mid-level (i.e.,
of people consider Mages' forgetting for example, an actor memorizes his 14th level or lower). Most DMs I know
spells to be silly and unbelievable. lines. "Memorizing" a spell is some¬ have never had a character of any class
While I too have fiddled with this thing quite different, and using the rise above 12th level in any of their
system in the past, allow me to make a same term is naturally confusing. campaigns. The point is, high-level
few points in its defense. Defenders of The solution? Find a more accurate spells are nice to look at, but how often
this system sometimes say, "Magic isn't description of what a Mage does to pre¬ do players stay with one campaign long
real, so why should it be believable?" pare a spell for casting. My suggestion enough to cast them?
This argument is questionable, since is to describe the process like this: My second reason for believing that
suspension of disbelief is essential Casting a spell is a complicated 8th- and 9th-level Priest spells are
regardless of what genre your game process that takes several hours to per¬ unnecessary is that Quest spells for
employs—magic might not be real, but form. If it takes twenty minutes for a Priests have adequately fulfilled any
it should be plausible. My defense of Mage to cast a magic missile spell, how¬ need for divine magic beyond 7th level.
the spell system rests on the principle ever, then that spell isn't worth much in Quest spells can do some amazingly
that the system works just fine; iPs the a pinch. To surmount this problem Wiz¬ powerful things, and they help
explanation that is flawed. ards have developed a process by which balance a Priest's powers with a Wiz¬
A system in which a character com¬ they cast most of a spell ahead of time, ard's 8th- and 9th-level spells.
piles a list of spells at the beginning of leaving only the last few details to be A larger variety of general low-level
the day, can cast each of those spells added at the time of the actual casting. spells would help Priests more than
once, and then must spend some time This altered description is logical, high-level magics. It's true that many
resting before compiling a new list of intuitive, and (most importantly) accessories include new Priest spells,
spells is a system that not only works believable. Best of all, it requires no sig¬ but they are often deity specific and
but that is neither superior nor inferior nificant changes to the system itself. A therefore unusable by most Clerics. The
to other options, such as the popular few minor changes could be added if biggest problem with playing a Priest
alternative of a spell-point system. desired (such as adding a provision character is the Priest's lack of effective
Then what's the problem? The prob¬ allowing a Mage to cast any spell at any combat spells. The Player's Handbook is
lem is the explanation tacked onto the time, so long as the Mage is willing to woefully lacking in useful Priest spells,
memorization system. Mages are take the time to do so), but these would while the Wizard's Spell Compendium
described as memorizing spells and not be troublesome or even necessary. seems to have a spell for every occasion.
then forgetting them when they are Justin Bacon In conclusion. I'd like to see a
cast, forcing them to rememorize them. Minneapolis, MN broader selection of low-level spells

8 • JUNE 1999
rather than 8th- and 9th-level Priest A Simple Charm everyone's friend. Part of his job is to
spells. I hope other gamers out there I'd like to address the question of the give away a few beers. No big deal, no
sympathize with my desire for a more month from issue #255. Of the three life and death risk here. You buy a few
balanced selection of priestly magic. best spells in the AD&D game, fireball beers; he gives you a few beers. Perhaps
Matthew Avery tops the list. The AD&D game just you'll have a 10% discount on your dag¬
Berkeley, CA wouldn't be the same without fireball. ger purchase, and maybe the armorer
It's a classic, and no spellbook should will throw in an extra shield for the
The Powers of Faith be without it. Second place goes to the fighter when he buys his chainmail. The
I am writing to agree with Dennis Rose entire group of clerical healing spells key is to not ask for too much. These are
on his observation that Wizards are very such as cure light wounds, cure serious your friends, so treat them as such.
weak in the AD&D game and, more¬ wounds, and the like. If Wizards are When the charm wears off, there's no
over, that Priests are very powerful! walking fireball throwers, then a Cleric's reason for the NPCs to be hostile. After
Did you ever compare the Priest and job is to heal the injured. all, what could be a better boon to the
Wizard classes? First of all. Priests have Choosing the last spell is trickier. I local weaponsmith than to have your
more spells available. They have no would have to rule out the high-level band of adventurers' future business?
need for spell books and gain bonuses wish, enchant an item, or permanency Further, while drinking at the inn prior
for having a Wisdom of only 13. They spells. Although the backbone of myth to adventuring, a local or two can be
might have a chance of failing a spell, and legend, these spells are beyond the charmed into joining your group.
but only if their Wisdom is 12 or lower, ability of the average Wizard. And, Brett Paufler
and almost every character I have seen upon being able to cast them, the cost in Danville, CA
has at least a 13 in the prime requisite.
Take, for example, a score of 16. You
could either put it in Intelligence and be
he AD&D game just wouldn't be the
a Wizard (70% chance to learn spells),
or put it in Wisdom, and be a Priest (a same without fireball.
bonus of two lst-level spells and two
2nd-level spells). The choice is obvious.
Also, Priests need not learn their spells time and life force makes them unpop¬ Wimpy Dragons
as Wizards do, so they always have ular for PCs. It is often easier to go I just wanted to take a moment to com¬
useful spells at their fingertips. adventuring for a ready-made item ment on something that has been both¬
Secondly, Priests are much more rather than manufacturing it. Read ering me for quite a few years: the lack
powerful in combat. Priests have a magic, being a requirement for all other of reality to the hit-point system that
much wider range of weapons than magic, is an obvious if trivial and unin¬ has been allotted to dragons. Come on!
Wizards (although it is still quite lim¬ teresting choice. You can't really expect a 480-long
ited), and they can wear armor and cast Therefore, my choice is the humble lizard to have only 149 hp. This exam¬
spells at the same time. They also have charm person spell. True, depending ple comes from the module A Paladin in
double the hit points that a Wizard upon the campaign, this can be a less Hell, which is otherwise excellent.
does, and Priests can cure wounds. effective spell. In one campaign, the ver¬ A human Fighter can achieve those
Third, to gain second level, a Wizard bal and somatic components for charm hit points and be nowhere near as big,
needs to earn 2,500 experience points, person were essentially jumping up and powerful, old, or mean as a dragon. I
while a Priest needs to earn only 1,500. down and screaming to everyone in the understand that the dragon's AC is low,
Wizards are much weaker than Priests area, "I'm trying to charm your friend." thus making it harder to hit, but in the
until about 7th level (by which time the Needless to say, this attracted large, hos¬ aforementioned module, characters start
Priest is equal in power to the Wizard). tile crowds. However, if casting the spell at 15th to 20th level. A 20th-level Fighter
I know that Wizards advance faster becomes a more reasonable action—say, has no problem putting a serious smack
from that point upward, but they are extending a hand in handshake on a dragon. Might I add that the nor¬
still quite weak. ("How's it going, friend?"), proffering a mal human male is only around 5,8,,-6M'
Oh, and comparing the spells of the small gift, or giving a rose to a lady— tall? Compare that to a dragon bigger
two classes, the Wizard's are slightly casting the spell becomes the logical than a football field with the same
more powerful, but they are so hard to way to meet all NPCs. amount of hit points. That7s an average
acquire that the spell selection for the While the adventurers buy their of about 1 hp per 4 feet of dragon. If all
two classes is about the same. equipment, charm the weaponsmith, the were equal, the human should have
The way I have remedied this in my armorer, and the barkeep. Charm every¬ only approximately 2 hp, since he's
campaign is by allowing Wizards to use one. The NPCs become the party's dear much younger and smaller.
the Spells & Magic spell point system and trusting friends. This is the only Jade Murphy
but denying it to Priests. goal: immediate friendship. Having Austin, TX
Jon Schmunk acquired their friendship, don't abuse it.
Gleason, WI It is the stereotypical barkeep's job to be

DRAGON 260 • 9
Keep in Touch!
To share your opinions on this issue of the magazine,
post a letter to "D-Mail/' Dragon* Magazine,
1801 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, WA 98055, USA.
Send email to

Include your full name and mailing address if you

expect your letter to be printed, and let us know

D-Mail how much of that address you'd like printed.

(We'll assume city and state otherwise.)

For subscription inquiries, send email to

dragon@pcspublink, or call 1 (800) 395-7760.

More Skills & Powers Don't forget the Skills & Powers articles for acid rounds. They weight less than 1 kg
I'd like to see more Skills & Powers arti¬ for the Planescapef (in issue #235) and and Imve a hide value of +3.
cles. Issue #256 was terrific, especially Dark Sun (in Annual #2) settings. Note tlvit both paratoxin and nanite
"Rogue Heroes," giving my players While both are campaign specific, the rounds have a limited shelf life of about
more options when creating their char¬ individual abilities are easily imported to three months, if stored properly. After that,
acters. Other than this and a small your own world. the rounds degrade, and their special effects
handful of past articles (the Skills & We're not done with Skills & Powers no longer function. These rounds still inflict
Powers for Cerilian characters, some articles. There's one lined up for the October normal stun and wound damage.
new options for Priests, and a brief issue, and we're always looking for more.
Every Rogue's a Hero
I am writing about the outstanding
n future issues, new psionic powers should be "Rogue Heroes" article from issue
presented, they should be presented using the #256.1 just started playing a Bard
under a new DM. I had never run a
new rules from the Skills & Powers book ... Bard before (I usually DM) and was a
little worried I wouldn't be able to pull
conversion for Psionicists in DRAGON* Chuff Stuff it off. But after reading Mark Hart's
Magazine Annual #2), this exciting ver¬ In the AlternitY* game article on the work, I was excited about the chal¬
sion of the AD&D* game has seen little mechalus (in issue #250), the chuff lenge. Great job, Mark.
press in the magazine. weapon system is incomplete, with no I especially liked the idea of Rogue
My group is currently running a weight or magazine size given for the points. As a DM, I let all characters use
Skills & Powers campaign (with a few weapons. Since these are mechalus CPs for the same thing, but Rogues
house rules, of course) and is enjoying weapons, I am surprised they seem need more of an edge to survive and
it a great deal. inferior to the stutter weapon system. gain that much-needed reputation.
Another topic I'd like to see covered Max Buckner Also, the nonweapon proficiency pack¬
is Psionics. Issue #255 was terrific in Tukwila, WA ages are an excellent idea. Reading over
that it offered new kits for Psionicist them helped me decide how my char¬
PCs and new powers for Ninja Psioni¬ " World of the Mechalus" author Wolfgang acter's background would affect which
cists. In future issues, new psionic Baur provides the answer: skills he had.
powers should be presented using the Chuff rifle magazines hold 30 rounds; I am glad to see that Dragon Maga¬
new rules from the Skills & Powers the rifles themselves weigh 3 kg and have zine has brought back articles on minia¬
book (MACs and MTHACOs). The no hide value modifier. Standard paralytic tures. "Through the Looking Glass"
Shinobi-Psionicist kit offered some rounds cost about 75 Concord dollars per used to be my favorite feature. I am an
interesting new powers, but they were clip if bought from the mechalus or from a avid painter and would like to see more
in the Complete Book of Psionics format, Rigunmor Star Consortium merchant. on the subject. How would I go about
not consistent with the rules presented Acid rounds cost 200 Concord dollars. The submitting painting guides or minia¬
in Skills & Poivers and the revised cost of either type of ammunition is tripled ture house rules?
Dark Sun® setting. outside the Consortium. The older (and Robert K. Young
Aside from these things, I think the illegal) toxin, BMP, and WP rounds are Midland TX
magazine is doing a great job. Thank rarely for sale, and the cost is whatever the
you for many years of great reading, market will bear. While we have "Role Models" articles
tips, and entertainment. Pistol clips follow the same pattern, lined up for some time to come, you can
C. Neil Roach though they are slightly less expensive: 17 still submit an article on painting or rounds, 30 Concord dollars for paralytic, 90 miniatures house rules. Check out the

lO • JUNE 1999
writers' guidelines at or send Mages, Fighters, Psionidsts, Thieves, Roman dtizens, after the emperor Cara-
an SASE to the magiizine address for a and Paladins have had, espedally when calla pronounced virtually everyone in
jwjvr cofy. so many gamers enjoy these classes. the empire dtizens in the early third
So, in interest of Bard and Ranger century a.d. As for being "one of the
Short Shrift for Bards lovers everywhere, please heed my plea richest jewels in the Roman Empire's
Currently I am enjoying my first sub¬ and give us more possibilities (yes, I did crown," read John James's The Bridge of
scription to Dragon Magazine, but I catch the artide on the Dandy and Out¬ Sand for a much more plausible atti¬
have been collecting it off and on for a law Bards—loved them!) for our Bards, tude. I doubt the Roman Empire ever
good fifteen years. I thoroughly enjoy Rangers, and while you're at it, Hlusion- made a profit from Britain.
articles like issue #247's "Taltos"—a ists. Stop giving these popular sub¬ I do not understand the distinction
fantastic new Rogue sub-class that I classes such short shrift. Thank you. between Britons and Celts; all the
fully intend to play—and issue #256 Christopher D. Blamires inhabitants of southern Britain, up to
was one I was really looking forward Norman, OK the line of Hadrian's Wall and probably
to. Imagine my disappointment when I some way beyond, spoke the same lan¬
noticed that it was wonderful for Rogue Wc don't haw a serial issue for Rangers guage, and all were part of the Roman
PCs but rather lacking for sub-classes and Bards in the near future, but fear not: Empire. The Piets spoke something sim¬
like Bards. The Skills & Powers article Well make a sfkxial effort to find such ilar (but the Roman Empire never con¬
barely added anything of substance to articles, since Christophers fwints are well trolled all of Scotland, rarely even part
the Bard, and the only article I found taken. In the meantime, uv'd like to hear of it). Only the Irish, from whom the
applicable to my favorite PC class was from ciYryotte what classes youd like to see Dalriada Scots derived, spoke a com¬
the Arcane Lore, "Haunting Melodies." colored most often in these pages. pletely different variant of Celtic, the
Overall, the issue was a disappoint¬ ancestor of Gaelic, which spread over
ment for someone who prefers to play Revisiting the Dark Ages much of Scotland only with the uniting
Rogue characters with more substance Well, I don't know about history buffs, of the kingdoms of Piets and Scots.
than normal Thieves. Unfortunately, I but there were many points in Ian Mal- The information on Anglo-Saxon
think I'm noting a trend for at least two comson's account of the British Dark weapons is definitely misleading. The
sub-classes that, although they're clear Ages that irritated me. I could shoot sword with two straight edges was a
favorites of both myself and most of my lots of holes in it (e.g., why is Bemicia common weapon, as correctly shown
friends, get short shrift in the magazine. shown as a British kingdom on the being worn or wielded in the illustra¬
These are the Bard and the Ranger. Pal¬ map? Buellt = Builth is in the wrong tions on the cover and page 28, and it
adins get quite a bit of attention (see place. It's Chi/temsaetas, "dwellers should be made clear that the seax and
issues #257, #243, and #236), Psionidsts in the Chiltem hills." Why take the scramaseax (reckoned to be the same
even more. Mages and Fighters too. Dark Ages up to 1066? What is the thing, according to my wife, a special¬
This is truly disappointing, especially evidence that the pagan Anglo-Saxon ist in Anglo-Saxon archaeology, who
when I realize my subscription to the rulers—quite uncharacteristically for always pronounces it 'sax' by the
magazine is already half over. I would any polytheistic group—imposed their way—much easier) were one-edged
dearly love to see Bards and Rangers religion on British subjects?), but here weapons, more like large battle knives,
get the single issue dedications that are the complaints that I think are though not as long as a true sword.
most relevant. The ax was not a significant weapon,
Those who lived in the province(s) of judging from what was buried with
Britannia (not Britannicus!) were all the dead, and is found only in early

By Aaron Williams


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DRAGON 260 • 11
(5th—6th century a.d.) contexts. Germanic faith over either those of Roman greatly influenced than their neighbors. It is
I grow tired of seeing suggestions Christian, resurging pre-Roman, or early a distinction of general cultural characteris¬
that Rome was gone after the fifth cen¬ Roman pagan faiths. tic, rather than one of linguistic basis.
tury (though the legions certainly were I disagree with the idea that imposition of The scramaseax and seax were indeed
no more; the late Roman army was not polytheistic religion is uncharacteristic. The single-edged but separate weapons. The
organized in legions or cohorts). The Romans, for instance, did so with the scramaseax was roughly 1 foot long (but
city of Rome fell for the first time in Britons after the Conquest, and such impo¬ could vary from the size of a small eating
410 a.d., but the western Roman sition can also be found in the history of the knife upward), and the seax approached 2 Vi
empire lasted, at least in name, for sev¬ unification of the Egyptian kingdoms. feet in length (hence, the rough equating to
eral decades after that. The eastern The only place Britannicus is used is on AD&D daggers and short swords, respec¬
Roman empire, with Constantinople the map to indicate the English Channel, tively). They are often lumped together
as the capital, survived intact, tem¬ and this is in keeping with the labeling because of their similar shape, but there is
porarily regained control of Africa, methods of several old English cartogra¬ definitely a size difference.
Italy, and Sicily in the sixth century, phers (e.g., John Speed). As for axes, it is true that they are found
and was still a great power in 1066. The people of Britain were treated as sec¬ less often in burials tlmn either seax or scra¬
From a gaming point of view, it should ond-class citizens during the occupation, maseax (roughly 3% of weapons finds over
be a great power known to most char¬ despite Caracalla's "constitute Antonini- 5% for the seax!scramaseax), but the writ¬
acters, assuming a reasonable knowl¬ ana" of 212. Britain was on the edge of the ings of the period (e.g., the Anglo-Saxon
edge of the world. Empire and was seen more as a resource. Chronicle, in its various guises) give the
If you think these criticisms are nit¬ Also, the fact that Britain was so readily weapon more coverage than such finds sug¬
picking, try running something of this abandoned virtually whole-scale by the gest. In the case of this weapon, I went with
kind on Bronze Age and early Iron Age Romans provides a good indicator of the the contemporary literature and the movie
Greece, my area of greatest expertise! Roman attitude to the native Britons. depictions of the Anglo-Saxons rather than
Oliver Dickinson As for the wealth of Britain as a province: with the archaeology.
York, England Initially, the Romans wanted to invade While it is true that the Eastern Roman
Empire lasted until 1453, the Western
Empire ended in 476. The article notes this
he story of the English Dark Ages is very point in the Campaigning in the Dark Ages
much the tale of the rise of the Germanic section, citing that the Empire was no more
peoples following the withdrawal of Rome. roughly a century after the withdrazoal from
Britain. The focus of the article was on
Britain and was necessarily introspective.
Hey, Oliver! Pitch us a proposal for those Britain to prevent the British Celts from The Eastern Empire had little to do with
Bronze Age and Iron Age articles. In the aiding Gaul. When they finally gained Britain until the twelfth century, and Rome
meantime, here's Ian's response: Britain, they went to great lengths to retain itself, beyond 476, retained political power
The kingdom of Bernicia is indeed labeled it (prior, that is, to the withdrawal). Both only through Christianity, as highlighted in
incorrectly as being a British kingdom. This Hadrian ’s and the Antonine Walls, and the the Chronology by the influence of Augus¬
was something that escaped us—so apolo¬ appointment ofCarausius in 286 show this. tine and Paulinus, and the Synod of Whitby
gies. However, the map description text cor¬ Allectus was proclaimed Emperor in of 664. Since the point of this article was to
rectly gives Bernicia as a Germanic Britain, and Magnus Maximus went to describe history and culture of Britain, with
kingdom. some lengths to gain the province from a dash of legend and mythology, rather than
Buellt/Builth is in the correct position Theodosius. religious matters or a global view of Europe,
accounting for the fact that the map is not The activity of the Empire in Britain over the Roman Empire and its divisions were
corrected for longitude. nearly four hundred years of occupation, the beyond its scope.
The region identified as Chintern Saeten archaeology of the period indicating the You have made several good points,
is given several different names in record. wealth and prosperity of the Romans that but the article does recommend that any¬
You aren't wrong, but neither am I. settled here, and the legacies still evident one wishing to use the source for a histori¬
The year 1066 provides a logical cut-off today all provide a picture of a land of good cally based campaign should carry out
date for Anglo-Saxon dominion over Eng¬ resource. further research. It would take far more
land, since the story of the English Dark The distinction between Briton and Celt than a single article to deal with the sub¬
Ages is very much the tale of the rise of the comes not from language but from the level ject exhaustively.
Germanic peoples following the withdrawal of Roman influence received by the cultures. I hope I have provided answers to your
of Rome. As noted in the article, the Welsh and Irish criticisms enough that you might look again
The evidence for the imposition of the are defined as Celtic—retaining much of at the material in a more favorable light.
polytheistic pagan faith is in the recorded their pre-Roman character during and after
archaeology of the period. There are several the occupation. The Britons, again as More Dark Ages Quibbles
sites where Britons have been buried with defined in the article, are the ancestors of I enjoyed Ian Malcomson's article on
household religious objects pertaining to the those originally Celtic tribes who were more gaming in the British "Dark Ages"

12 • JUNE 1999
because I have been working up a Aethelbert of Kent, to operate a pagan had little quarrel with the Christian
campaign like that myself. I have only temple right beside the new Christian faith in theory, and he is supposed to
a few minor quibbles. Church. Certainly this could not have have remarked that the faith would be
First, in the Priest Kits, the Tribal been encouraged by the early Christian perfectly good if its followers would
Priest is said to be "restricted in missionaries, but they probably had to only live up to their own principles.
weapon proficiency depending on the tolerate more than a few instances of He offered no resistance to missionar¬
description provided for the deity he cross-over worship. The Beowulf poet ies wishing to win converts among
worships." But pagan priests (at least himself complains about the backsliding his people.
what we can surmise of Anglo-Saxon of Hrothgar's people in the face of the In fact, the role of the grand villain of
paganism from the sources) were not attacks by Grendel. Surely there were these early days might well go to
allowed to bear arms at all. In fact, plenty of pagan priests who played Aethelfrith, King of Northumbria, who
when Bede describes the conversion of both sides—handling such opportunism (probably between 613 and 615)
Edwin, led by the pagan high-priest is a DM's own decision, although there defeated the Britons at the Battle of
Coifi, it is clear that Coifi's decision to is at least one suggestion about the fate Chester, where he also ordered the
don arms and cast a spear into the awaiting such opportunists in the third slaughter of more than two thousand
pagan temple is a gesture of defiance in canto of Dante's Infemol monks and others from Bangor Iscoed
the face of the old ways. While some Second, while the depiction of for praying for a British victory. Aethel¬
players, ever against the restrictions on Penda, King of the Mercians, as a Law¬ frith was later killed by Raedwald after
clerical arms, insist that it is a restriction ful Evil prince can be supported by the attempting to convince the East
imposed by Western Christendom, this historical record, given the perspective Anglian king to murder the exiled
is not the case. of men like Bede, the notion that "a Edwin of Deira. His thinking, all
By the same token, the comment that Christian missionary operating within around, betrays a certain ruthless
"Tribal Priests may not be Christian in the early Mercian kingdom may well logic—in game terms, surely the logic
faith" seems obvious but is not neces¬ find himself the target of insults, and a of Lawful Evil.
sarily bom out by the evidence. Raed- number of much sharper implements, Finally, the douty and ever-delightful
wald. King of East Anglia and a for daring to speak out against the Brother Cadfael was not the brain child
Bretwalda, was known, following his revered German pantheon" is a little of "Peter Ellis" but Ellis Peters, which
"conversion" at the behest of King misleading. Penda, a pagan to the end. was of course the pen name of the late.

DRAGON 260 • 13
great Dame Edith Pargeter, who is
surely even now sipping mulled wine
with the worldly herbalist of the Abbey
of St. Peter and St. Paul.
Aside from these minor quibbles, the
article was a very nice one, and I hope
w Magazine' to see more ideas about the Dark Ages
published in Dragon Magazine soon!
Back Issues Marc Mazzone

1. To order back issues of Dragon Magazine, mail a photocopy of the form Nashville, TN
[below to Dragon Magazine, 1801 Lind Avenue S.W., Renton, WA 98055.
2. Make checks or money orders payable to Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Please
[specify U.S. Funds on all non-U.S. checks or foreign bank draft orders. Once more from lan:
3. This limited-time offer is good while supplies last. The Tribal Priest kit is meant to portray
all manner of non-Christian Priests of the
period, including Celtic, Danish, and Viking
Dragon Magazine Priests as well as Anglo-Saxons. Several
Priests from these groups were not barred
Back Issue Order Form from carrying or using arms—hence the
caveat that weapon restrictions should be
based on the deity or faith follmoed.
Although there are instances of pagan
and Christian faiths operating simultane¬
City/State/ZIP: ously in the same area (such as our example
of East Anglia), it is likely that these faiths
Phone: would have a separate priesthood (or
#70* #94 #129 #164 #185 #209 #236 individual) administering the different
#73* #95 #130 #165 #186 _#210 #237 churches and temples. Thus, while an
#75* #96 #131 #166 #187 #211 #238
#97 #132 #16 7 #188 individual worshiper might be pagan and
#76* #212 #239
#77* #98 #133 #168 #189 #213 #240 Christian simultaneously, Priests may not.
#78* #99 #138 #169 #190 #214 #241 Penda is given the title of "grand
#79* #101 #140 #170 #191 #215 #242
#102 #141 #171 #192 villain" in the article simply because his
#80* #216 #243
#81* #103 #143 #172 #193 #217 #244 exploits were more famed than those of
#82* #105 #145 #173 #194 #218 #247 Aethelfrith (or Ethelfrith), his presence in
_#83* #107 #147 #174 #195 #219 #248*
#149 #175 #1% the Anglo-Saxon world had more
#84 #108 _#221 #249*
#85 #109 #151 #176 #197 _#222 #250* longevity, and his story represents much
#86 #110 #152 #177 _#198 #223 #251* of the more spiritual struggle between
#87 #112* _#153 #178 #199 #224 #252*
#119 #154 #179 #201 pagan and Christian faiths (e.g., in the
#88 #225 #253*
#89 #120 #156 #180 #203 #226 #254* battles of Heathfield and Heaven field).
#90 #121 #157 #181 #204 #231 #255* Finally, you are correct about Ellis Peters
#91 #124 #158 #182 #206 #232 #256*
#126 #160 #183 #207 #257* being the true author of the Cadfael series. I
#92 #233
#93 #128 #163 #184 #208 #235 #258* apologize for this mistake. [And so does the
editor, who is quite ashamed that he didn't
* Newly available
catch and correct the mistake.]
Note: Issues not No. of Issues:
listed are not x $8.00/issue $ A Miniature Hobby
available. WA Residents add 8.6% tax: $ Reading Jeff Ibach's letter on playing
Total in U.S. Funds: $ with miniatures set me thinking. Start¬
ing from a straight wargaming back¬
Method of Payment ground, I have been playing fantasy
O Check O Money Order O Mastercard □ Visa roleplaying games for at least eighteen
years. Playing with miniatures and ade¬
Card No.: Expiration Date:
quate scenery is the only way to keep
my interest in the game.
Signature: Date:
In Britain, I think we have been for¬
Price includes postage and handling. Issues will be shipped via regular mail. tunate to have many fantasy figures
Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. available, and I have amassed quite
a collection. I realize that beginners

14 • JUNE 1999
or he can make the players roll to notice
hidden or half-hidden items. I use what
I call "mystic dice" for this. These are
two dice painted with symbols; one has
the four elements plus male and female.
To use the dice, the DM reads the val¬
ues from a table according to the sym¬
bol combination thrown. It could be
from 1 to 36 if desired. The advantage
cannot afford to purchase and paint of this is that the player does not know fields, and other scenery painted on
every monster needed. I consider it whether he has thrown low or high, cereal box cardboard. Hills and suitably
essential that figures be used for the whether to continue searching, or what distorted crags are easily made from
player characters. Monsters can be unpleasantness has been triggered. scrap polystyrene. Tents can be made
represented by nearly anything, as While a fortune in money and time from paper. Wonderfully gnarled dead
long as the size is fairly accurate. Then can be spent creating scenery, there are trees can be made from old heather
even if only a paper layout of the cheap short cuts. I have a vast collection twigs, and it is as cheap to pick up a
scene is used, the positions and ranges of paths, tracks, roads, ditches, brooks, variety of standing stones. I make
of the combatants are easily deter¬ streams, rivers, ponds, moats, plowed buildings from stout card in batches to
mined. If steeds are used, there should simplify design. I have some white.
be mounted figures available. Recently Mediterranean-style buildings that
a party of eleven had to lead their have been used for fantasy, ancient,
steeds (twelve horses and two uni¬ medieval, napoleonic, WW1I, and
corns) single file through a forest. On American gangster scenarios without
the table they stretched 27 inches. looking out of place.
Think of how delightfully vulnerable John Mumford
they were. West Lothian, Scotland
With miniatures, the DM can show
details of a scene not readily apparent.
You cakh
out/ rtovj
DO such


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16 ■ JUNE 1999


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By Ray Winninger

Five installments so far, and we've yet to Before we get started, let's briefly implies that the base is under the com¬
draw a single map. If you've followed recap the role the players' home base mand of a local authority. The presence
this column, you know that we've will play in the campaign. Once play of these forces assures the PCs that their
already created lots of background begins, we're going to subject the heroes enemies can't easily pursue them and
details about our campaign world. In to all sorts of trials and tribulations, kill them as they sleep. Note that the
this installment and the next, we finally pushing them to their limits whenever forces present need not be formidable—
begin taking some of these concepts and we can since a fast, perilous pace makes a simple detachment of thirty to forty
turning them into a playable setting. for fun gameplay. Occasionally, though, soldiers (0 level) is sufficient. The
Our first mission is to map the players' the players need to escape to some safe authority who oversees these forces is
base of operations. (See Dragon Maga¬ haven to divvy up treasure and plot typically a minor noble or civil servant.
zine issue #257 for details on selecting an strategy. From time to time, they'll need For the purpose of drawing maps, the
appropriate base of operations.) to purchase new equipment, heal their authority and his troops call for the
Although many DMs begin mapping wounds, experiment with new magical presence of the appropriate quarters
their gameworlds on a larger scale and items, and perform all sorts of other and barracks, which should be on high
slowly work their way down to more mundane but useful tasks. Over time, ground or otherwise defensively placed.
detailed local maps, it's much easier and these tasks provide a welcome change Don't forget that societies have align¬
more efficient to go in the opposite of pace from the rigors of the wild and ments, just like individual characters.
direction. Remember the First Rule of woolly campaign. That's where the (See the Dungeon Master* Guide.) To
Dungeoncraft: Create only those details home base comes into play. An effective foster the players' sense of security, it's
that are immediately useful. It's unlikely base serves as a safe, civilized haven for probably best if the society inhabiting
the base of operations is Lawfully
aligned. One of the key functions of the
local authority is to enforce and main¬
on't forget that societies have alignments, tain this order. As you create the local
just like individual characters. authority, think about whether the local
code of conduct includes any unusual
laws or provisions. You should also
that you'll need large-scale maps of your the players and houses the infrastruc¬ plan on incorporating some sort of
campaign environment for quite some ture they need to carry out their various stockade or jail into your base map.
time. The players' local base of opera¬ administrative errands. After all, it's difficult to enforce laws if
tions, on the other hand, is likely to Effective bases have the following there is nowhere to house lawbreakers.
serve as the setting for the bulk of play features: In the campaign developing in these
throughout your first several game ses¬ pages, the players' base of operations is
sions. Although the players are unlikely A Local Authority a forest stronghold known as Ironoak.
to embark upon adventures within their Remember that the base is supposed The local authority is a minor noble
home base, the details you lavish upon to give the players a sense of security. named Richard who holds the title
the area establish the tone of the cam¬ Usually, this means that the base is Warden of the Black Wood. Ironoak
paign and prepare the players for the home to some sort of constabulary or was built along the edge of a vast forest
challenges they'll face later. military formation, and this in turn wilderness (the Black Wood) to protect

18 • JUNE 1999
the civilized kingdom of Umbria giving them all names and statistics; that Similarly, what if the players decide to
against incursion. Because this mission won't be necessary. In this case, invent¬ seek out an expert on ancient lore to
is so critical, Richard has complete and ing too many details can actually prove help them translate some elder runes?
unquestioned authority within Ironoak harmful. The main reason to establish Now you need a nearby sage. A vaguely
and its environs; his role is essentially the players' base of operations in a pop¬ defined population in the vicinity of
that of an old west sheriff in a frontier ulated area is to provide a handy mech¬ your base of operations allows you to
town. Fortunately, Richard and the anism you can later use to insert useful introduce new nonplayer characters as
society he represents are both Lawful NPCs into the game. When you get they are needed; they've always lived
Good. Richard has thirty-five men-at- around to creating adventures and deal¬ "on the other side of town" and just
arms and sixteen archers at his dis¬
posal. Because Ironoak is a forest
stronghold, I've decided upon an inter¬ vaguely defined population in the vicinity
esting provision in the code of conduct
that he upholds. Fearful of devastating
of your base of operations allows you to
forest fires, during the summer dry sea¬ introduce new nonplayer characters as
son Richard has ruled that leaving an they are needed ...
open flame unattended in or around
Ironoak is a serious offense that
deserves brief imprisonment in the ing with the whims of your players, haven't yet encountered the players.
stronghold's stockade. This also gives you'll find it's often necessary to intro¬ When it comes to drawing maps, all
me the idea to plan on incorporating duce new nonplayer characters into the these townspeople require houses and
some sort of central fire alarm (such as campaign. Suppose, for instance, that hovels in which to live. One important
a bell or gong) into the Ironoak map. you come up with a concept for an note to keep in mind is that the resi¬
adventure that revolves around an aging dents of genuine medieval villages
Townsfolk ex-soldier who hires the players to tended to crowd many more people
In addition to the soldiers, it's a good accompany him on a mysterious mission into a single dwelling than we do today,
idea to have a handful of common to meet an old battlefield enemy. Now with ten or twelve largish buildings
townsfolk around. Don't worry about you need a nearby aging soldier. usually providing more than enough

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DRAGON 260 • 19
Dear Dungeoncraft shelter for anywhere from fifty to one think about how many total shops are
One of the people in my gaming hundred residents. Of course, nothing present and which shops sell which
group plays a Chaotic Neutral Thief. requires you to design your fantasy vil¬ goods. Since it's generally easier to deal
She wants to use her Pick Pockets lages according to this principle, though with a fewer number of buildings, try
ability to secretly steal items from it's certainly something to consider. As thinking in terms of larger general
the other player characters. Is this you're preparing your base map, also shops that sell many different cate¬
legal? How would we make it work? think about what the townsfolk do for a gories of goods rather than smaller spe¬
After all, if she suddenly announces, living; perhaps this industry requires cialty shops that sell only one or two
"I use Pick Pockets to secretly rob other structures and dwellings. A town items. Alternatively, you can go with
Gurak blind!" she's going to get a full of shopkeepers, for instance, means one or two large marketplaces that
sword between her ribs whether the that there are plenty of shops around, as house many small, specialized vendors.
attempt succeeds or not. She's talked well as the infrastructure necessary to The following items are normally not
about passing me a note whenever allow for the easy importation of goods available in Ironoak: any sort of expen¬
she feels like helping herself to (i.e., facilities to quarter merchant cara¬ sive clothing, any kind of animals
someone else's treasure, but I don't vans, warehouses, etc). (including horses), any sort of transport,
think that will work either. Everyone I envision Ironoak housing between spyglasses, water clocks, arquebuses,
knows she's a Chaotic Neutral Thief, seventy-five and one hundred towns¬ composite bows, hand crossbows,
and the minute she and I start pass¬ folk. Most of them live in multiple- lances, khopeshes, scimitars, and any
ing notes around and dropping dice, family treehouses, so I'm assuming that armor better than chainmail. I'm going
the other players are bound to figure there are between twenty and thirty to presume that most of the other items
out exactly what's happening. What total dwellings. Most of Ironoak's resi¬ listed in the Player's Handbook are avail¬
should we do? dents earn their keep in the surrounding able somewhere in the stronghold,
—Addled in Illinois forest as trappers and hunters, though though I won't rule out the possibility of
several operate market stalls catering to excluding other items on a case-by-case
First off, yes it's certainly legal for one the steady stream of merchants and basis later. Although a small smithy is
player character to steal from the oth¬ adventurers who pass through the fron¬ the only real shop in Ironoak, the strong¬
ers. It's usually not a good idea, since tier stronghold. All of this suggests to hold is home to a large market that fea¬
cooperation is almost always the key to me that the Ironoak map should feature tures several dozen specialized stalls
successful adventuring in the AD&D* an unusual number of inns (say, three) and tables. The regular vendors who
game, and anything that threatens the for an outpost of its size to cater to the operate in this market are sometimes
spirit of that cooperation is bound to adventurers and merchants. temporarily joined by merchants pass¬
cause your players all sorts of prob¬ ing through the stronghold, some of
lems. But if your Thief insists on dip¬ Shops whom occasionally offer the items not
ping into her comrades' purses, then Because the PCs will eventually need to normally available for sale.
who are you to stop her? upgrade their equipment and purchase
The way to make this work is to pre¬ various supplies, your base of opera¬ Temple
arrange some sort of signal with the tions should feature all the shops and You should definitely think about incor¬
Thief player. For instance, every time merchants necessary to meet their porating a temple or two into your base
she shakes a pair of dice next to her ear needs. This does not mean that you of operations. Not only does it give Cler¬
and sets them on the table next to one should offer all of the items listed in the ics and Specialty Priests a place to pray,
of the other players, she's signaling her Player's Handbook for sale in the imme¬ it also gives your adventurers some¬
intent to pick that player's pocket. If diate area. You want to leave some where they can turn to receive the
the Pick Pockets attempt fails, don't items, particularly some of the more higher order healing spells and cures
forget to roll the victim's chance to expensive pieces, unavailable for the early in the campaign before the PC
detect the attempt. time being. Later, when the PCs can Priests are capable of casting such spells
Incidentally, how do all the other afford these items, the fact that they themselves. Of course, the NPC Clerics
players know that Thief is Chaotic Neu¬ must seek them elsewhere can serve as who run the temple will expect a dona¬
tral? In general, it's not a good idea for a useful springboard for an adventure tion in exchange for their services. (See
the players to announce their align¬ or two. Suppose, for example, that Chapter 12 of the Dungeon Master
ments to each other. This makes it far too horses are unavailable in the base of Guide.) A good rule of thumb is to place
difficult to deal with the occasional operations. When the players are ready the temple in your base of operations
player who wants the challenge of to purchase mounts, they must travel to under the aegis of a 7th-level NPC
secretly playing an evil character within the nearest larger town or city, giving Priest. This gives the players indirect
a party of good adventurers and vice you a great opportunity to make their access to all Priest spells up to the 4th
versa. Get in the habit of asking your voyage a bit dangerous and exciting. level, including: cure light wounds, detect
players to keep their alignments secret For now, simply make a list of those poison, cure blindness, cure disease, remove
now so you can easily deal with such a items that are definitely not available in curse, cure serious wounds, and neutralize
situation if it should arise later. or around the base. You should also poison. Making these services available

20 • JUNE 1999
to the players will give you much folklore, and religion. (See Chapter 12 include the various spell and magical
greater freedom when it comes time to of the Dungeon Master Guide; I'll con¬ item descriptions, children's books, and
select monsters and adversaries to place sider his temple library "Partial" for the even modem buildings and cities. As an
in your adventures. purposes of Table 62.) Of course, the example of the latter, since Ironoak is
If you read the column on AD&D temple master expects compensation suspended in the treetops, I think a
game world religions (see Dragon for his services, just like any other sage. large, ornately carved wooden elevator
Magazine #258), you should already that moves people and items from the
know something about the nature of reli¬ Fantasy Element ground up to the trees sounds like a lot
gion and temples in your fantasy world. This is no more than a matter of per¬ of fun. The elevator operates via a com¬
You may want to review those notes sonal taste, but I like to place something plex series of winches and pulleys; it's
now to give you a better idea of how one "fantastic" in all the towns and villages I cranked between treetop and ground
of your temples might appear on a map. create for my AD&D games. This ele¬ level by a contingent of Richard's troops
Are all your temples located in forested ment immediately signals to the players who act as watchmen.
groves? If so, such a grove must exist in that they are not in the real world and That should be enough to get you
or around your base of operations. Are gives them an idea of what they can started. Next month, we'll take a look at
your temples surrounded by large colon¬ expect. Flip through the Monstrous a couple of additional characteristics of
nades? If so, you should plan on allocat¬ Manualtu book. Perhaps one or more of effective home bases and explore strate¬
ing more map space. its denizens are active in your base or gies for actually drawing the map!
Ironoak boasts a small temple dedi¬ village—maybe the local innkeeper
cated to the sect known as the "Chil¬ keeps a mischievous leprechaun
dren of Aris." The temple occupies yet trapped in a cage behind the bar, or per¬
another treehouse, and it boasts, among haps a centaur serves as a special scout
other things, a large library of ancient and advisor to the local authority. Simi¬ Ray Winninger has so far written six of
writings and scrolls. This library will larly, you might think about whether these columns in four different cities.
make an excellent source of arcane any demihumans are active in the base (This installment comes to you via San
information for the player adventurers, and what sort of role they play in the Francisco.) He's designed more games than
and the master of the temple also acts local society. Other good sources of he'd care to remember for more publishers
as a sage with fields of study in history. ideas for workable fantastic elements than he can easily recall.


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DRAGON 260 • 21
Need Some Help
With Your
Irrthe U.S.:
"Sage Advice,” Dragon Magazine,
1801 Lind Avenue S.W.,
Renton, WA 98055.
in Europe:
“Sage Advice," Dragon Magazine,
Wizards of the Coast, Belgium
RO. Box 2031.2600 Berchem, Belgium
| In the U.K.:
“Sage Advice," Dragon Magazine
Wizards of the Coast. P.O. Box 61
Maidenhead, Berkshire SL61FX

The Sage cannot make personal replies;
By Skip Williams please include no SASE with your questions.

This month, the Sage pauses to explain some Looking at the spell's description in second roll is made just like a dispel magic
recent advice, then goes on to consider char¬ 1999, after ten years and a new edition of spell—11 or better on ld20 for success,
acter abilities in the AD&D* game. The Sage the rules, I find nothing to support the subtract one from the roll for each level
also takes a look at dwarven rune magic from old way of thinking about the spell. the Thief is below the level of the creator
the Forgotten Realms* setting. of the trap. If the Thief is higher level,
The Player's Handbook says a Thief add one to the roll for each level of
Back in issue #256, you said that the fire can find and remove traps of a magical difference.
shield spell inflicted either fire or cold nature at half the normal rating. The If you prefer something simpler,
damage, depending on which version fire trap and glyph of warding spells are ignore the text in the Player's Handbook,
of the spell was in use. Way back in addressed, but no definition is ever use the Thief's full Find / Remove Traps
issue #146, however, you said that a fire given as to what constitutes a magical score, and subtract 5% from the thief's
shield spell inflicted neither fire nor ,
trap. Axe the spells symbol lesser sign chance of success (for both finding and
cold damage. Which is correct? If the of sealing, and greater sign of sealing removing) for each level of the spell
newer answer is correct, how did you traps? Can a 7th-level Thief really dis¬ used to create the trap. For example, a
come to change your mind? arm a 9th-level spell? Could you pro¬ Wizard's symbol spell imposes a -45%
The newer answer is the correct one. vide some clarification concerning penalty.
To be honest, I'd forgotten about the what kinds of magical traps a Thief can
older answer when writing the answer disarm? I think this is an old question, but I
couldn't find the answer. Can Thieves
use shields?
cin Thieves use shields? No, Thieves cannot use shields.

I have two questions regarding the

Thief's Backstab ability. First, do char¬
that appeared in issue #256; if I had See the 2nd-level Priest spell find traps acters using two weapons gain the
remembered, I would have included a for a definition of the term "trap." A Backstab bonus on both attacks since,
note pointing out the update. magical trap relies on magic rather than according to the rules, they occur at the
The older answer reflects what the on any physical means to do its dirt. same time? Second, when using the
staff at TSR, Inc. thought about the fire I suggest that you allow Thieves to Backstab against an opponent like a
shield spell at the time. The thinking use their Find / Remove Traps skills to beholder, I understand that the damage
went something like this: The fire shield locate and remove any magical effect multiplier does not apply, but does the
spell produces a magical field that pro¬ that qualifies as a trap, including all the Thief still gain the +4 attack bonus?
tects the user against fire or cold. The sample spells you've listed. The Thief When a Thief receives multiple attacks
field also duplicates any physical dam¬ should roll at half his normal chance to for any reason, only the first attack
age the user suffers and directs that locate the trap. If the “find" roll suc¬ receives Backstab bonuses (+4 attack
damage back at whatever creature ceeds, the Thief can tinker with the mag¬ bonus and a damage multiplier). Under
caused it. There is no stopping the ical trap without harm but must make a the core AD&D rules, a Thief using two
redirected damage. second roll to actually remove it. The weapons decides which one will be first.

22 • JUNE 1999
A beholder cannot be backstabbed at out). An unarmored svirfneblin has an failure chance. Note that a Thief always
all (no attack bonus, no damage multi¬ Armor Class of 10, but its racial defense has a 25% chance for a harmful failure,
plier). In fact, a beholder with function¬ bonus applies. (See below.) whereas it is possible for a Wizard to
ing eyestalks has no "rear/' and foes Any svirfneblin gains an Armor Class simply fail outright with no catastrophic
cannot even gain the standard +2 bonus bonus of +1 for each level beyond 3rd. effects. You might want to let the player
for rear attacks. The racial bonus can never make a choose to have the character attempt to
svirfneblin's Armor Class better than -6. use a scroll as a Wizard or as a Thief.
When a Mage is casting a fireball or
lightning bolt spell, must the target be This might seem like a dumb ques¬ If a Sha'ir sees a Mage cast a true
visible, or can the Mage cast them in tion, but as a relatively new DM, I dweomer, can the Sha'ir send his or her
complete darkness? need some sort of guideline. Who rolls gen after it?
According to Chapter 7 in the Player's the dice when it comes to obtaining No, but a Sha'ir could work on and
Handbook, the caster must be able to see the results for various encounters— cast a true dweomer just like any other
the target point to cast any spell with a the DM or the players? Or does it Wizard.
range other than "touch/' If the caster is really matter as long as each trusts
unable to see the target point for any rea¬ the other not to fudge the roll My players have recently annoyed me,
son, he cannot cast the spell. If the spell (although I realize the DM may do claiming that it was illogical for their
has "touch" range, the caster can use the so at his discretion)? characters not to rise in attack skill
spell against anything he can touch, Really dumb questions have to vie for (THACO) with simple training:
whether he can see it or not. Although spots in the April columns—and even parrying against mobile dummies and
the rules don't specifically say so, it then funny wins out over dumb. fighting against each other with ban¬
stands to reason that a caster can always It really doesn't matter who rolls the daged swords, etc. I understand that it
use a spell with a range of "0" even if he dice. Most players prefer to roll their would disrupt the game mechanics if
can't see or touch anything. It also stands own dice, and the DMs should let them characters could become better fighters
to reason that a character can cast any except in cases where the result won't be simply by training in the comfort of a
spell with a range of greater than "0" readily apparent to the PC. For example, town, but I really need a minimally
against anything he can touch whether it's probably best for the DM to make logical explanation to prevent my
he can see it or not. rolls to find secret doors. As a practical players from pouting.

Can dwarves claim their -A AC bonus

against any creatures of sufficient size,
f a Sha'ir sees a Mage cast a true dweomer,
or only against the creatures listed in
the Player's Handbook? The bonus is a can the Sha'ir send his or her gen after it?
function of size, right? So it should
apply to all really big creatures.
The bonus is a matter of intense train¬ matter, the DM should make all the rolls You might want to start by pointing
ing, not size. The Player's Handbook for monsters and villains. out that the characters in question might
assumes that all dwarves are trained to have once trained against dummies, but
fight against the creatures on the list. I cannot find a reasonable answer to that's probably how they became adven¬
Individual DMs can change the list if this question: A lOth-level Mage has a turers in the first place. Nothing beats
they feel the need. A creature should not 60% chance to cast a 9th-level spell real combat for sharpening fighting
be added to the list unless it is bipedal from a scroll. An llth-level Thief has a skills, especially once a character has
and size L or larger. 75% to cast the same spell. Should a achieved a basic level of combat profi¬
Thief have a better chance of success ciency.
How exactly does a deep gnome's than a Mage of comparable experience? You might want to consider introduc¬
defense bonus work? The Complete When you have a combination ing the weapon expertise rules from the
Book of Gnomes and Halflings seems to Mage/Thief, how do you compute the Combat & Tactics book, which could
imply that deep gnome Warriors have a chance for a scroll spell to fail? Does account for extra training. Note that PCs
natural Armor Class of 2, that improves the fact that the character is also a Thief must have weapon proficiency slots
with level. Do deep gnome Priests give a bonus to the attempt? available to gain the benefit. If your
have a natural Armor Class of 2 as Thieves indeed often prove better at players balk, you might explain to them
well? Do deep gnome Priests still have reading unknown spells from scrolls that proficiency slots reflect a character's
an Armor Class bonus that improves than Wizards, especially when dealing general rate of development and oppor¬
with level? with high-level spells. When training tunity to learn something new. If the
Page 25 says a typical svirfneblin War¬ fails, the talented amateur often has the character has no slots available, the
rior has an Armor Class of 2, but that's advantage over the pro. character is not in a position to learn
thanks to the armor they wear (some¬ For Wizard/Thieves, calculate both anything new.
thing that the book should have pointed failure chances and use the lowest

DRAGON 260 * 23
I'm trying to use the martial arts rules Your DM is correct, of course. been poisoned. If the character very care¬
in The Complete Fighter's Handbook. In Your DM probably is looking at the fully tastes poisoned food and is equally
how many styles can a character Movement in Melee section in Chapter 9 careful not the swallow any, it might be
specialize? How do I handle continu¬ of the Player's Handbook, which indicates reasonable to allow a proficiency check
ing weapon specialization in martial that a character can move at half rate and to note the poison; many poisons have
arts? How quickly can a character gain still make a melee attack. The text very little taste and should impose a
attack and damage bonuses? Can a implies that only one melee attack is pos¬ penalty to the check. Sticking an
character save up unused slots and sible while on the move. Most DMs I ingested poison in one's mouth is dan¬
apply them at each level gained? know, however, allow a character a full gerous, so require the character to make
You seem to be referring not to allotment of attacks during a half move, a saving throw vs. poison, but at a
weapon specialization but to martial arts but the letter of the rules is on your DM's bonus, say +4. If the character tastes a
style specialization as described on side. contact poison, no saving throw bonus

ould a person with the Epicure proficiency tell Dwarven Rune Magic
The recent Demihuman Deities book
if food were poisoned?
contains references to something called
dwarven rune magic. What is rune
pages 77-78 of The Complete Fighter's The Monstrous Compendium tome magic? Where can I find rules for it?
Handbook. (and various appendices) seem Dwarven rune magic was first pre¬
A lst-level character can specialize in ambiguous about whether a damage sented in Dwarves Deep, which is now
one (and only one) form of martial arts. bonus from Strength is added to all of a out of print. The references to rune
If the character devotes an extra weapon creature's attacks or just to weapon magic in Demihuman Deities were
proficiency slot to the style (two slots in attacks. After extensive reading in the intended to keep the entries of dwarven
all), the character gains all the bonuses various manuals. I've not been able to deities consistent with what was
and abilities associated with the style resolve this either way. In some cases presented in Divarves Deep.
plus the specialization benefits noted on (as with the equinal), the Strength The rune magic in Dwarves Deep con¬
page 77 (under the Specializing in Mar¬ bonus has already been added in the sisted of exactly two spells, which the
tial Arts heading). After 1st level, the entry, but in other cases (like the pit Sage presents here in slightly revised
character can devote additional weapon fiend), the entry is less clear. Also, in and updated form:
proficiency slots to the style and gain the some cases, the text seems to imply that
additional benefits noted on page 78 the Strength bonus should be added to Rune of Bower
(under the Continuing Specialization all attacks (for example, the pit fiend). (Abjuration, Evocation)
heading). Even if you allow characters to In general, a Strength bonus is added Level: 5
save unspent proficiency slots, they can to weapon attacks only. Exceptions Sphere: Guardian, Wards
improve their martial arts skill only as abound, so follow these two guidelines: Range: Touch
they gain new weapon proficiency slots. ♦ If the creature has a Strength score Components: V, S, M
A Fighter, for example, can have two listed and the Damage/Attack line at the Duration: Until discharged
slots devoted to martial arts at 1st level top of the monster entry does not Casting Time: 1 round per square foot
and cannot add a third slot until 4th include a Strength adjustment, apply the Area of Effect: See text
level, when the Fighter gains a new Strength damage adjustment only to Saving Throw: See text
weapon proficiency slot. attacks made with weapons, no matter This special type of magical inscrip¬
what the text in the monster description tion was once the heart of all dwarven
Our DM has ruled that characters lose might imply. magic, usable by all dwarves with differ¬
half their melee attacks when moving ♦ If the damage line at the top of the ing degrees of power and reliability.
half their movement rate. That can't be monster entry includes bonus damage, Modern dwarves do not have this
right. Why can't my 7th-level dwarf kill always apply the bonus, even if the text power. Certain dwarven Priests (see
an opponent with his first attack and of the entry indicates that it is a Strength Demihuman Deities) can cast these runes
move up to another opponent (in the bonus. as spells.
adjacent square) and use his second A rune of power is similar to a glyph of
attack? Is the DM confusing another Could a person with the Epicure profi¬ warding spell. A rune can be drawn to
rule that concerns missile fire rates and ciency (described in Dragon Magazine any size larger than the caster's hand
movement? I always thought that a issue #254) tell if food were poisoned? and can be extended to encompass any
character can have full melee attacks if I suppose so, since the character can size area provided the rune remains on a
moving less than half the normal determine what ingredients were used single, contiguous surface. Successful
movement rate and has half the usual to prepare a dish. Of course, once the dispel magic or erase spells will remove
attacks if moving more than half the character has tasted enough to detect the runes ofpozver. Thieves can locate and
full movement rate. Who's correct? poison, the character has also probably disable runes ofpozver as magical traps.

2* • JUNE 1999
Any being touching the rune, touching 20'-radius area suffer 3d6 points of fire Corsimmyr: Acts as the 5th-level
or opening the surface upon which the damage (save vs. spell for half). Wizard spell passzvall. A Priest must be at
rune is inscribed, or passing though an Sabras: This rune creates an effect simi¬ least 11th level to cast this rune.
opening bounded by the rune on four lar to a blade barrier 10 feet thick and as Delhaubrin: Acts as the 2nd-level
sides suffers its harmful effects. Runes long and wide as the surface the rune Wizard spell shatter.
cannot function offensively; for example, protects (or the opening the rune sur¬ Elemsyr: Acts as the 2nd-level Wizard
a rune placed on a sword is not triggered rounds). The barrier lasts one round but spell invisibility, affecting a single crea¬
if the sword is used to strike an enemy. inflicts 4d6 points of damage to creatures ture of any size or object up to human
If, however, someone picks up a sword within the area (save vs. spell for half). A size.
protected by a rune, the rune is triggered. Priest must be at least 13th level to cast The material component to create any
The Priest casting the rune can specify this rune. rune of power is the Priest7 s holy symbol,
a password or set of conditions that keep Thundaril: This rune acts as a polymorph which is used to trace the rune.
the rune from discharging. other spell on all creatures within a 20'-
A rune of power can be set to avoid dis¬ radius area (save vs. spell to negate). The Rune Chant
charging when creatures of certain races, caster must choose a tiny, innocuous (Abjuration, Evocation)
alignments, faiths, and sizes try to pass form for affected creatures to assume. Level: 7
it. It cannot be set to avoid specific levels, Snails, slugs, and toads seem to be the Sphere: Guardian
hit dice, or classes of creatures. favorites. A Priest must be at least 9th Range: 10 yards/level
A rune of power cannot be placed in the level to cast this rune. Components: V, S
same area with another rune, a glyph of Velunidyn: This rune acts as a reverse Duration: Instantaneous
ivarding, or a symbol. The second ward¬ gravity spell. When triggered, it flings all Casting Time: 2 rounds
ing spell placed in such an area fails. beings within 20 feet upward as high as Area of Effect: Special
The most widely known runes of power 30 feet, before releasing them to fall to Saving Throw: Special
are: the ground. Creatures unable to fly suf¬ This spell causes a rune of power (see
Alhalbrin: This rune melts metal. Once fer normal falling damage. Some old above) to form anywhere in range, even
triggered, it glows for 3 rounds. All dwarven fortresses feature spiked ceil¬ in midair. The rune takes effect immedi¬
metal within 30 feet of the glowing rune ings that make this rune even more ately. A rune that does not have a specific
becomes hot, inflicting ld4 points of deadly. A Priest must be at least 15th area of effect fills a 20'-radius area when
damage each round upon any creature level to cast this rune. cast via this spell.
wearing or touching it. Each metal item Some runes of power can be scribed in
must make a successful saving throw vs. the air or on a surface the caster can
magical fire at a -3 penalty each round it touch. These have a casting time of 1
is affected or melt. Melting metal inflicts round and take immediate effect when Skip Williams is something of an epicure
4d6 points of damage on any creature completed. himself. His most recent culinary adventures
touching or wearing it. The most widely known of these runes include Caribbean and North African cui¬
Faerindyl: This rune causes a 10- are: sine. Skip reports that he has not yet been
diameter sphere of flame to shoot from Bhelaerak: Acts as the 8th-level Wizard called upon to taste for poison but adds that
the protected surface and roll over the spell glassteel, affecting ten pounds of some Caribbean dishes are hot enough to kill
creature who triggered it. The sphere material per level of the Priest. at twenty paces.
travels in a straight line at a movement
rate of 18 for 1 turn. If the sphere collides
with an object larger than it is, it bursts,
‘That’s the last time we’ll have the
filling a 20-radius area with flame. (It
dentist crown him.”
always bursts when its duration
expires.) The sphere simply rolls over
smaller objects. If an object is too large to
roll over and too small to burst the
sphere, the sphere rolls around it (50%
chance to go left or right). The sphere
must roll along a surface. If it rolls over
an opening in the floor, it falls and bursts
if the drop is more than 10 feet. It can roll
up or down stairs or ramps. %
Objects the sphere touches must make
a saving throw vs. magical fire; creatures c
the sphere touches suffer 3d6 points of 1
fire damage (no saving throw). When
the sphere bursts, all creatures within the m

DRAGON 260 • 25
Forgotten Realms Novel AD&D* Forgotten Realms'
Tl\c Silent Blade Skallport
R A Salvatore Joseph Wolf
TO They meet again.
n. < Wulfgar returns from the Abyss Waterdeep has its splendors to

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prepares to battle his most hated infamous city of thieves
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This is the paperback reprint of everything a DM needs to run
R. A. Salvatores rousing tale of players through a gauntlet of
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Don't miss it. dealings. Whether used in the
Forgotten Realms or in another
world eriUrely. Skullport will deliver
the goods No questions asked.
Draconic {Mounts
for <your \ i
6HD&^D' Characters

2 8 • JUNI 1999

bij €ric Peters on

reater drakes are larger kin to the drakes featured in David €. Cates’

“Dragons are Wizards’ Best ‘Triends" in Dd&qosT {Magazine *146.

nNhile they share the dragon’s general build (so much so that they are

often mistaken for true dragons), they are not adept at magic, do not inspire

magical fear or hoard vast amounts of treasure, and grow only to about the

size of a large horse. (They also share the horse’s general level of intelligence and

can be taught to serve as aerial steeds, greater drakes are Neutral in

alignment, but once domesticated and trained tend to mirror the

alignments of their masters. (They have a lifespan of about ffty years.

DRAGON 260 • 29
M ^Wreater drakes make excellent
Any land
Mountains or hills
aerial mounts. They provide
FREQUENCY: Rare Very rare
#many of the benefits of a dra-
ORGANIZATION: Solitary Solitary or mated pair
^ iconic steed without the accompa¬
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any Any (usually night)
nying disadvantages. For example, a
dragon's enormous size makes keeping DIET: Carnivore Carnivore
one adequately fed and housed both INTELLIGENCE: Semi- (2-4) Semi- (2-4)
difficult and expensive, a huge dragon TREASURE: Nil Incidental
cannot land atop a castle keep without ALIGNMENT: Neutral
causing massive destruction, and one NO. APPEARING: | 1-2
cannot fly a dragon to the middle of the ARMOR CLASS: 4
city to pick up a few supplies without MOVEMENT: 9, fly 18(C)
causing widespread panic. In addition,
dragons tend to take a dim view of their
kin being used as beasts of burden by 15
mere humans and demihumans; riding
a greater drake is less likely to arouse 1-10/1-8/1-^
the wrath of an ancient wyrm! Nil
There are six known subspecies of L DEFENSES: Etherealness
greater drake, although there might C RESISTANCE:
well be more. Knowledge of the greater MM
drake is only now reaching humanity
for several reasons. First of all, these UE: g|L||tep^
creatures inhabit secluded wilderness
areas, far from the cities. Perhaps more
importantly, they are often mistaken for Vandalraug "clack" from two sets of the hollow
young dragons. The vandalraug, or battle drake, is the horns clashing travels quite a distance.
Just because humanity is only now "heavy war horse" of the greater Vandalraugs also inflate their throat
learning of greater drakes doesn't mean drakes, easily domesticated into service bladders prior to releasing their mating
that the creatures are unknown to other as a flying battle mount and able to calls, which can be heard for miles. Both
intelligent races. Elves, ores, and lizard carry a heavily armored warrior with¬ sexes exhibit this behavior, though the
men are well acquainted with several of out sacrificing maneuverability or females' call is somewhat higher in
the greater drake subspecies that share speed. It is the largest of the greater pitch than those of the males.
similar environments. Many humans drakes and one of the most common. In the wild, Vandalraugs fight with
first encounter a greater drake serving The vandalraug is often domesticated teeth and claws, inflicting 1-12 points of
as a riding mount for a member of one by ores. damage with the former and 1-10 points
of these races. Scale coloration covers a broader of damage with the latter. If on the
Regardless of subspecies, all greater range than in most greater drake ground, the vandalraug can also slash
drakes have several things in common. species. The most common scale colors an opponent with the sharp, swordlike
They are reptilian, hatching from eggs are green (ranging from olive to a dark spines extending from the tips of each
and molting several times during their forest green), brown (from a tan to a "finger" of its batlike wings. The crea¬
lives as their bodies outgrow their cur¬ dark coffee color), dark gray or black, ture can target only a single opponent
rent set of scales. They have the standard and the occasional reddish-orange. with each wing, inflicting 1-8 points of
"dragon" physiognomy: a long head on Each specimen has scales of a single damage on a successful hit. The wing-
a supple neck, four short lizardlike legs color, with wings of a slightly lighter slash victim must be on one side of the
ending in powerful claws, a serpentine shade. Since their scales are often the vandalraug; the drake cannot use its
tail, and a set of batlike wings providing color of chromatic dragons, vandal- wings to attack creatures directly in
flight. Also like dragons, most (but not raugs are easily mistaken for dragon front of it, nor can it employ its wing-
all) greater drake subspecies have devel¬ hatchlings. Regardless of scale col¬ blades as weapons while in flight.
oped a breath weapon. oration, all vandalraugs have orange If trained as a fighting steed, the van-
The greater drakes' various breath eyes with black, slitted pupils in the dalraug's combat abilities are enhanced
weapons all derive from a bladder-like manner of many reptiles. by those of its rider. Many vandalraug
organ in their throats. The drake's Vandalraugs sport a pair of back¬ riders of the Warrior class employ
throat bladder can expand like a bull¬ ward-curving horns, similar to those of lances or crossbows. Even Wizards are
frog's throat or a pelican's beak; while a wyvem. While the horns are not used fond of riding vandalraugs into combat,
not all greater drakes have developed in combat, the males often butt heads for the creatures can glide between
breath weapons, the throat bladder is like rams in the springtime as part of wing-strokes, allowing Wizards to cast
present in all known subspecies. their elaborate mating rituals. The spells while mounted with little chance

30 • JUNE 1999
<S3r$alon Retchenbeast- Sitislirttb Ooimarcmdi
Temperate woodlands Swamplands * Oceans, coastal shorelines Any temperate land
Very rare Very Rare Rare Very rare
Solitary Solitary Solitary Solitary
Any (usually day) Any Any Any
Omnivore Carnivore Carnivore Omnivore
Semi- (2-4) Semi- (2-4) Semi- (2-4) Semi- (2-4)
Incidental Nil NO Q
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
i 1-3 1 1
4 6 5 6
9, fly 18(C) 6, swim 6, fly 9 (D) 9, fly 18 (C), swim 15 9, fly 18(C)
5+4 4+2 6+2 5+2
15 17 15 15
3 3 3
1-10/1-6/1-6 or 1-12/1-6/1-6 2-9/1-4/1-4 1-10/1-8/1-8 1-10/2-7/2-7
Breath weapon, poison Breath weapon, surprise Breath weapon Breath weapon
Nil Resistant to add Resistance to cold Resistant to fire
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Steady (11-12) Unsteady (5-7) Average (8-10) Steady (11-12)
2,000 650 1,400 975

of spell disruption or misfire due to the the care of the female. She teaches the are easily mistaken for white dragons
jostling caused by most riding mounts hatchlings hunting and flying for the or ice lizards. A row of sharp horns
(aerial or otherwise). first year of their lives; after that, they forms a ridge along either side of the
Ironically, the greater drake most fly off on their own. Females breed only kavainus' skull, giving it a wedge-
prized as a combat steed is one of the once every three or four years. shaped head. The creature's teeth and
few that lacks a breath weapon, but Vandalraugs are desirable mounts, claws are bone white, and the dark,
most riders agree that the creature's for they are easily trained for combat. deep-set eyes are each protected by
ferocity more than makes up for the While usually aggressive in the wild a bony crest. Kavaini have exceptional
lack of a ranged combat attack. Some only when aroused (when hunting or vision and can see into the Ethereal
sages point out the similarities between when a potential threat approaches), a Plane at will. Their scales absorb light
the vandalraug and the fang dragon vandalraug's lust for combat can be during the daytime and glow faintly
(both lack a breath weapon and can greatly enhanced through training, during the hours of darkness, giving
slice at opponents with wing-blades), until it is as eager for battle as a trained the creature its nickname, "ghost
although a direct lineage is as yet war dog. Furthermore, they are loyal to drake." (The name "kavainus" means
unproven. their masters so long as they are treated "spirit-dragon-kin" in the language of
Vandalraugs are immune to all forms well—tales abound of vandalraugs sav¬ the gray elves, many of whom have
of magical fear, although they are intel¬ ing their masters after they've been domesticated these drakes.)
ligent enough to realize when it's best thrown from the saddle, often fighting Kavaini bite for 1-10 points of
to flee from battle. against incredible odds until help damage and inflict 1-8 points of dam¬
Like the majority of greater drakes, arrives. Unfortunately, while several ore age with each set of front claws. The
vandalraugs are generally solitary crea¬ tribes have taken to raising vandalraugs kavainus' jaws are powerful—any
tures, coming together only in the as aerial steeds, few have learned the "bite" attack roll that succeeds by
springtime to mate. The female initiates benefits of treating their mounts well. more than four points automatically
the mating call, which is answered in Because of their value as riding inflicts maximum damage and forces
turn by any males in the area. The mounts, vandalraug eggs can be sold the victim to make a Strength check
males fight ritualistic combats (involv¬ for as high as 2,000 gp and hatchlings the following round to break free. If
ing the head-butting mentioned above) for as much as 3,500 gp. the victim fails to'escape, the kavainus
to win the right to breed. These combats automatically inflicts bite damage the
are rarely to the death; the loser flies off CXavainus next round (normal, not maximum)
in search of another female. The kavainus, or ghost drake, is cov¬ and strikes with its claws at +2 to hit.
The mated pair stays together until ered with hard, bony scales ranging Victims may attempt to break free (by
their clutch of 2-5 eggs hatch; after that, from bone white to snow white to a making a successful Strength check)
the male flies off, leaving the young in light, dusty gray. From a distance, they once each round.

DRAGON 260 * 31
Unlike most other greater drakes, humans, or other dangerous members takes full advantage, biting and sting¬
the kavainus has no breath weapon. of the outside world. ing repeatedly while grasping its prey
However, it can become ethereal at Kavaini provide important compo¬ in its front claws. Repeated stings do
will. While ethereal, the kavainus nents needed in the creation of several not slow the victim longer but inflict
remains visible and can see on both the magical items. The shell fragments of normal damage. Because of the relative
Prime Material and Ethereal Planes, their eggs can be ground and used to shortness of the arsalon's tail, it cannot
but it can be attacked only by other formulate the magical inks necessary to be used to attack creatures from behind
ethereal creatures or those employing inscribe the Priest spell faerie fire. or to the side of the drake.
platemail of etherealness or similar magic. Kavainus blood is often used in the In addition, the arsalon sports a
Kavaini take a full round to become manufacture of platemail of ethereal¬ unique form of breath weapon, the
ethereal or return fully to the Prime ness—several drops are spilled onto result of a strange symbiosis between
Material Plane, and they generally use each metal plate as it is being ham¬ the drake and normal wasps. The
this ability only to escape more power¬ mered into shape by the armorer. arsalon secretes a wasp-attracting,
ful foes. Anyone in contact with a A kavainus egg can be sold for about nectarlike substance in its throat blad¬
kavainus can be turned ethereal along 1,500 gp in the open market; hatchlings der. Over time, the bladder becomes
with the creature or not, at the drake's can sell for as high as 2,500 gp. home to an entire wasp nest, and the
whim, as long as the "passenger" is arsalon can excite the wasps simply by
smaller than the kavainus. This makes <53rsalon contracting its throat bladder and
it difficult to capture grown speci¬ One of the more unusual of the greater exerting pressure on their hive. This
mens; most domestic kavaini are drakes, the arsalon, or hive drake, gen¬ "cloud of wasps" breath weapon is
trained from infancy. erally conforms to the standard dra¬ similar to the insect plague spell but
During the night, the kavainus' eerie conian shape, although its tail is cannot be magically dispelled, nor
glow often frightens away intelligent shorter and thicker than normal and does the swarm dissipate until the
humanoids, who believe the creatures ends in a bony stinger like that of a offending creatures (other than the
to be undead. On the other hand, the purple worm or a dark naga. The crea¬ arsalon itself) are out of sight. The
glow acts as a weakened faerie fire effect, ture's scales are large and thick, giving enraged wasps do not stray far from
allowing enemies to strike the drake at it the plated appearance of a giant the arsalon, and anyone caught in the
+1 to hit darkness. insect. This effect is enhanced by the swarm automatically suffers 1 point of
Kavaini are one of the few greater drake's two slim, backward-thrusting damage per round, regardless of
drake subspecies that mate for life. horns, which can be mistaken for Armor Class. Spellcasting is not possi¬
They lair in mountain caves or aeries antennae from a distance. ble in the middle of a wasp swarm.
all but inaccessible except by air. Once Arsalon range from a dusty yellow to The symbiosis between arsalon and
a year, the kavaini perform an elabo¬ tan to a light gray. Their batlike wings wasp benefits both creatures: The
rate mating ritual wherein the male are often much darker in color, ranging drake gains a mobile "attack force,"
flies in and out of the Ethereal Plane in from a coffee-brown to nearly black. while the wasps gain a permanent lair
pursuit of the fleeing female. After¬ The arsalon's body scales occasionally and can feed upon the scraps of food
ward, a single egg is laid back in the bear vertical stripes of a darker color caught between the arsalon's teeth.
cave and protected by the female until along the edges, much like the stripes of The sweet-smelling chemical attractor
it hatches. During this time, the male a bee. While many believe them to be that the arsalon uses to lure wasps
brings slain prey back to the cave for some kind of dragon/bee hybrid, arsa¬ into its mouth occasionally attracts
his mate. Both parents care for the lon are completely reptilian. other insects, such as bees, hornets, or
kavaini hatchling and guard it fero¬ The arsalon's combat tactics differ yellowjackets. The arsalon doesn't
ciously—both parents strike at +2 to depending upon its position. On land, care what type of insect it supports
hit when defending their lair. it uses the standard claw /claw/bite inside its throat bladder, so long as
If captured when very young, the routine common to most drakes, they can be "summoned to battle."
kavainus can be trained as an aerial inflicting 1-10 points of damage with Only one type of insect will be in a
steed. Kavainus mounts are highly its sharp teeth and 1-6 points of dam¬ symbiotic relationship with any indi¬
sought after by messengers, and many age with each set of its foreclaws. If air¬ vidual arsalon, although for the pur¬
cities have begun establishing a messen¬ borne, the drake usually foregoes its poses of combat, the insect type has no
ger service employing several of these bite attack and attacks first with its bearing on the creature's "breath
creatures and their riders. Their ability front claws, and then, if both are suc¬ weapon."
to "go ethereal" is almost a guarantee cessful, swings its tail under its body Fortunately, the arsalon's "breath
that any message will make it to its and jabs at its prey with its bony weapon" is a one-shot deal; once the
intended destination. Similarly, the gray stinger. The stinger inflicts 1-12 points wasps have been sent out into battle,
elves use their kavainus mounts to of damage and forces the victim to the drake has no further breath weapon
patrol the wilderness areas around their make a successful saving throw vs. available during that combat and must
dwelling-sites, keeping a wary eye poison or be slowed for ldlO+2 rounds. rely upon its physical attacks. Because
against encroachment by ores, goblins. While its victim is slowed, the arsalon of its thick, plate-like scales, the arsalon

32 • JUNE 1999
Retchenbeasts and arsalons have the most unusual breath weapons of the greater drakes.

is immune to the stings of wasps and Retchenbeast' they are habitually covered in the muck
other similar-sized creatures like bees The retchenbeast, or muck drake, is not and slime of the swamps, bogs, and
and hornets. only the smallest of the greater drakes quagmires that they call home. While
Arsalon, like most of the greater but also the ugliest. Rather than sport¬ not swift, retchenbeasts are excellent
drakes, are territorial creatures, seldom ing the graceful, draconian form com¬ swimmers, able to keep afloat even in
encountered in any numbers. They mon to the other drakes, the retchen¬ quicksand and bogs.
come together only in the springtime to beast resembles nothing so much as a A retchenbeast prefers to stay sub¬
mate, after which 4-7 eggs (ld4+3) are giant, bloated toad with short, stumpy merged up to its protruding eyeballs
laid in a cluster at the base of a tree, wings that can barely support its until ready to spring out at its prey.
roughly camouflaged with twigs and weight in flight. Like a toad, the crea¬ Such victims receive a -2 penalty to
grass, then abandoned. ture's eyes bulge from the top of its their surprise rolls. Inherently lazy crea¬
Arsalon seldom make permanent head, allowing it to submerge all but its tures, retchenbeasts prefer to dispatch
lairs, spending the night in one of a eyes under the swampy waters of its their victims with as little fuss as possi¬
dozen locations: alongside a fallen tree, home territory. Its neck is much shorter ble. They can bite for 2-9 points of dam¬
in a hastily constructed nest of inter¬ and thicker than those of the other age (their wide, froglike mouths are
twined branches, or under an outcrop¬ drakes. All four feet are webbed, allow¬ filled with sharp teeth) and make two
ping of rock along a river bank. The ing for a faster swimming rate. The claw attacks per round for 1-4 points of
bones of their prey are frequently retchenbeast retains the standard damage each, but they prefer grappling
strewn about these temporary lairs. drake's long, serpentine tail, which prey and holding them underwater
Arsalon do not collect treasure, but looks misplaced on the creature. until they drown. *
valuable items are occasionally found When clean, retchenbeasts are a gray¬ In addition to their standard attacks,
alongside the remains of their victims. ish-brown, with irregularly sized scales. retchenbeasts have a revolting breath
Mostly because of the wasps inher¬ (The larger ones often have wartlike weapon they can bring to bear—vomit¬
ently connected to the arsalon, few projections on them, further enhancing ing up a sticky, sludge-like liquid from
wilderness races have successfully the likeness to a giant toad.) However, the storage pouch in their throats. The
domesticated them. clean retchenbeasts are rarely seen, for victim of a retchenbeast's "muck"

DRAGON 260 • 33
attack (only one human-sized individ¬ aerial steeds—although they predomi¬ back on their feet. (No attacks can be
ual can be targeted with each attack) nantly serve lizard man and bullywug made the round immediately after
must make a successful saving throw masters. They prefer to stay around the being knocked over.)
vs. poison or experience extreme nau¬ swamplands whenever possible, but The silislithis can employ its breath
sea, striking at -2 to hit until able to domesticated retchenbeasts can be weapon every other round, so long as it
wash the gunk off. The muck has a ten¬ coaxed into flying just about anywhere. refills its throat bladder between uses.
dency to drip into the victim's eyes and Lizard men often use their mounted The breath weapon is ineffective under¬
slows movement to the extent that the retchenbeasts as aerial spies, allowing water, but the bladder is put to a differ¬
victim's AC is penalized by 2 points them to monitor large areas. Though ent use in that environment—by closing
whether or not the victim makes a suc¬ not as frequently found in the service of off its esophageal valve, the bladder's
cessful saving throw vs. poison. In human or demihuman adventurers, a contents can be forced through two
addition, anyone within 10 feet of a muck drake could be a useful mount to vents just behind the creature's wings.
"mucked" victim (with the exception of a swamp Druid or Ranger. This "jet propulsion" mirrors the move¬
retchenbeasts themselves, who are ment capabilities of the octopus and
immune) must make a successful sav¬ Silislithis squid, giving the silislithis an additional
ing throw vs. poison or strike at -1 to A silislithis's scales are tiny and close- spurt of speed while swimming.
hit for 1-4 rounds due to the stench. set, giving the creature a sleekness that The silislithis saves against cold-
The retchenbeast must have access to allows it to glide through the water based attacks at +1 and suffers -1 point
a fetid, swampy region to replenish its with supple grace. A bony frill flanks of damage per die (minimum of 1 point
disgusting breath weapon, for the crea¬ each side of the silislithis's head, pro¬ per die) from such attacks.
ture's "muck" attack draws heavily on tecting the gill slits that allow the crea¬ Silislithi spend most of their day in
the mud and mire of the swampland ture to breathe while underwater. The the ocean, chasing prey. At night, they
environment. The retchenbeast can silislithis's powerful wings are used lair in seaside caves along rocky coasts.
employ its breath weapon once every 3 not only in flight but also as fins while They are solitary creatures, coming
rounds, so long as it has access to the creature swims, slicing through the together only in the springtime to mate.
swamp muck and mire. Salivary glands water with powerful strokes. A silis- The female is allowed to share the
help "store" a dose of wet muck in the lithis has webbing between its digits, male's cave during this time; once the
retchenbeast's throat bladder for nearly and the tail sports fins on both the eggs are laid (2d4 in a cluster), the male
a month between uses. dorsal and ventral sides. Coloration abandons his lair to the female and the
Because of the damp environment in ranges through the blues, aqua¬ new generation of silislithi. The female
which retchenbeasts live and the thick marines, and greens, with the wings stays only long enough to guard the
coating of slime and ooze normally usually a shade or two lighter than the eggs until they hatch, at which time she
found covering their bodies, retchen¬ overall body color. Silislithi are also departs as well. The cave is then shared
beasts save at +1 against acid attacks known as "sea drakes." by the newborn silislithi for about two
and suffer one less point per die of In water, a silislithis usually attacks years, at which time it becomes the sole
damage from acid-based attacks. (Acid first with its bite for 1-10 points of dam¬ property of the largest of the brood,
still inflicts a minimum of 1 point of age and, if successful, follows up with who chases the others away.
damage per die, however.) claw attacks using its forelimbs for 1-8 Silislithi are easily tamed when
Retchenbeasts are usually solitary, points of damage. (The silislithis swims young, and are used as mounts by sev¬
although occasionally a small group with its legs pressed close to the sides of eral aquatic races—chiefly locathah,
occupies the same general territory. This its body, as this streamlining allows the aquatic elves, and tritons (although the
isn't a form of cooperation, though— creature to move faster through the tritons greatly prefer hippocampi).
each retchenbeast looks solely after its water.) On land, it uses all three attacks They are just as frequently used as
own interests and ignores the others in a single round, usually targeted steeds by surface-dwelling races that
around it. Mating occurs in the spring, against a single foe. live along the coastal regions, as the air-
with a small clutch of 2-7 small, leath¬ In addition, the silislithis has a breath breathers can usually make better use of
ery eggs abandoned among the cat-tails weapon, but it is usable only while out the silislithis' flight abilities. In fact,
and rushes. Retchenbeasts do not keep of the water. Silislithi fill their throat many coastal cities have a small contin¬
permanent lairs, wandering from place bladders with sea water, then compress gent of silislithis cavalry, used not only
to place in search of food. the bladder to shoot a high-speed as flying guards but more importantly
Retchenbeasts prefer fresh meat but stream of water at opponents. The force as firefighters: The silislithi fill their
are not above devouring carrion. They of this watery breath weapon acts as storage bladders in the ocean, then are
often hang around pools of quicksand, the geyser effect of a decanter of endless flown to the site of a burning building
waiting to gobble up anyone or any¬ water, forcing the target to make a Dex¬ and discharge their bladder contents,
thing that falls in and becomes trapped. terity check at a -6 penalty or be dousing the flames.
Although not as stately as the other knocked over. Those knocked over auto¬ Many air-breathing riders of silislithi
greater drakes (much less dragons), matically lose initiative the next round wear a magical item that allows them to
retchenbeasts are nevertheless used as and must spend the round getting breathe underwater (necklace of adaptation,

34 • JUNE 1999
helm of underzoater action, pearl of the
sirines) to take full advantage of their
mount's movement abilities.
Rivilithis: The rivilithis, or river
drake, is a freshwater version of the sea
drake, able to breathe both air and fresh
water (but not sea water, just as the silis-
lithis cannot breathe fresh water). The
rivilithis' coloration tends more toward
the greens and grays, and it lacks the sil-
islithis' resistance to cold-based attacks,
but it is otherwise indistinguishable
from its ocean-dwelling cousin.

One of the smaller of the greater drakes,
the fumarandi, or smoke drake, is
nonetheless a formidable and fearsome-
looking opponent. Its overlapping
scales are the color of charcoal, and its
eyes glow like burning embers. A black
tongue the color of charred wood flick¬
ers frequently out of its mouth, like that
of a snake or a lizard. The beast's claws
are black as well, as are the twin horns
that curve back from the creature's
skull. Much like the firedrake, the crea¬
ture gives off a shimmer of heat,
although the fumarandi is not uncom¬
fortable to the touch and can be ridden The relatively small fumarandi are excellent mounts for smaller humanoids.
safely without fear of burning one's
saddle, boots, or clothes. Its internal points of damage due to smoke inhala¬ radiate heat and can be used as a
heat shows up exceptionally well to tion. The fumarandi is immune to the source of warmth during the cold win¬
infravision, though. effects of its own breath weapon and ter—a fact that encourages other crea¬
Like most greater drakes, the can see through the smoke cloud as tures lairing in the cave to keep the
fumarandi attacks three times each well. To others in the cloud, whether eggs protected. The eggs hatch in the
round, once with its teeth (inflicting they make their save or not, visibility spring, exploding in a burst of flame
1-10 points of damage) and once with drops to 5 feet. Fumarandi habitually that inflicts ld6 points of damage to
each of its front claws (2-7 points of start an attack by blowing a cloud of anyone within a lO’-radius area but
damage each). It prefers targeting a smoke at their opponents, then rushing causing no harm to the hatchling
single opponent and usually sticks in for a claw/claw/bite routine. Unless drakes.
with that opponent until it is slain or in a closed environment (like the back of Fumarandi are attracted to small,
the fumarandi is driven away. a cave), the smoke cloud dissipates in shiny objects. Their lairs often contain a
The smoke drake is named not only 1-3 rounds. handful of small gemstones they have
for its coloration but also after its partic¬ Fumarandi are immune to normal acquired from previous victims.
ular breath weapon. Once every three fire and heat-based attacks, saving Much like the firedrake's pyrophoric
rounds, the creature can expel a 10’ x 10’ against magical fire (a fireball or flame blood, the fumarandi's digestive
x 20’ cloud of smoke at opponents. The strike spell, the breath weapon of a red enzymes burn the food it swallows
smoke is usually exhaled through the dragon, and so on) at +2 and reducing rather than dissolve it. The fumarandi's
beast's nostrils and forms a dark cloud damage by 1 point per die (although stomach lining is the equivalent of a
of vapors that obscures and chokes the each die still inflicts a minimum of 1 layer of smoldering coals, and its throat
drake's enemies. Creatures caught in point of damage). bladder is used like a bellows in a fur¬
the confines of a fumarandi's breath Fumarandi are solitary by nature, nace. This is what grants the creature its
weapon must make a successful saving fiercely defending their territories smoke cloud breath weapon; in addi¬
throw vs. poison or choke and cough for against others of their kind. They mate tion, wisps of smoke stream from the
ld4 rounds; during this time they suffer in the late fall, with the female laying drake's mouth when it eats, as the food
a -2 penalty to hit and a +2 penalty to and abandoning a clutch of ld6 eggs is burned deep in its stomach. The
AC. Choking victims also suffer 1-4 in the back of a cave. Fumarandi eggs fumarandi is a carnivore by choice.

DRAGON 260 * 35
although it supplements its diet with knight's liege, perhaps, or the mountain city that they protect. They wear dis¬
leaves and twigs between meals of fortress of the sorcerer he or she serves). tinctive uniforms in the city's colors and
freshly caught prey. ("Kindling" snacks Air Knights are seldom found singly; are easily recognizable by the people
help keep its internal "furnace" stoked.) instead, there is usually a small group they serve.
If captured when young, a fumarandi of them working together to form a con¬ Weapon Proficiencies: Required:
can be trained to serve as a riding centrated aerial defense. Large cities Lance (any). Sword (any). Recommended:
mount. The chances of successful with enough resources may have scores Shortbow, Light Crossbow. Most Air
domestication decrease with each year of Air Knights patrolling the skies over Knights prefer the lance when attacking
of the creature's life, though, for they their boundaries. enemy flying creatures. However,
value their freedom as adults and Air Knights fall into a military hierar¬ smaller melee weapons are useful as
become ill-tempered in the wild. Those chy, much like the town guards or the well, and the ability to attack at a dis¬
trained from an early age as steeds per¬ local militia. They are led by a captain, tance with arrows or crossbow bolts,
form quite admirably. Because of their generally the most experienced of the while difficult skills to master, come in
smaller size, fumarandi are often Air Knights serving in the unit. A extremely handy to the Air Knight.
domesticated by goblins. sergeant-at-arms oversees the general Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required:
Fumarandi eggshells are sometimes welfare of the other knights and their Airborne Riding, (greater drake).
used in the creation of rings of fire resis¬ steeds, reporting directly to the captain. Recommended: Animal Training (greater
tance. When crushed to a fine powder, Air Knights know the value of a drake). Direction Sense, Endurance,
they may be used to create the ink nec¬ trusted flying steed and take extremely Heraldry, Hands-Off Mount Control
essary to record the Wizard spells stink¬ good care of the mounts in their service. (see sidebar), Rope Use, Weather Sense.
ing cloud and fire shield and the Priest They are in turn trusted by their mounts, Special Benefits: As noted above. Air
spells endure heat and resist fire (but not and the two often form an emotional Knights enjoy great popularity among
their reversed forms, endure cold and attachment similar to that between a Pal¬ the citizens they protect, receiving an
resist cold). Unhatched eggs can be sold adin and his or her warhorse. automatic -2 bonus to reactions by the
for as much as 2,000 gp each. Role: Air Knights are seasoned war¬ common folk of the city for which they
riors, often having come up from the work. They are also generally well loved
ranks of the regular army. Most have by their steeds, with which they have
Drafte~R.ider3'Ut:s prior experience riding horses into bat¬ spent a great deal of time and training.
Drake-Riders use their greater drake as tle, and need only learn the intricacies An Air Knight's mount, if treated well,
battle mounts, adding the drakes' com¬ of aerial combat to become adept remains extremely loyal to its master.
bat abilities to their own. Others seek to Drake-Riders. They value the rigid mili¬ While this is especially true of vandal-
use the drake as a mobile reconnais¬ tary structure, as they know their exact raugs, such loyalty can be fostered in
sance platform with which to spy upon place in the hierarchy. Air Knights tend any of the other greater drakes as well.
others. Still others become Drake-Riders to be of Lawful or Neutral alignments; Because their mission keeps them
as a service to their city or country, act¬ Chaotic members often find the rules patrolling the skies. Air Knights are
ing as messengers, couriers, firefighters, and regulations inherent to military comfortable with heights and seldom
or mounted soldiers. society to be too constricting. suffer from vertigo.
Regardless of why people become The majority of Air Knight units Special Hindrances: The Air
Drake-Riders, there are a number of serve a defensive role for their cities, Knight's greatest hindrance is that all
kits that PCs can adopt when raising a patrolling the borders and using the kit abilities depend upon having an aer¬
greater drake as an aerial mount. Some vantage points of their high-flying ial steed. Without a flying mount, the
kits are class-specific, while others can steeds to spot any approaching ene¬ Air Knight is no more than a common
be chosen by characters from any class. mies, whether they be a marauding Fighter. Furthermore, if an Air Knight's
Similarly, some kits are best matched dragon or an army of footsoldiers intent flying steed is slain, the Knight suffers a
with a specific subspecies of greater upon conquest. While Air Knights -1 attack penalty in all combat until
drake, while others can be used by rid¬ might be sent out on an occasional such time that a similar bond of attach¬
ers of any type of drake. Many of these offensive mission, they are generally ment and trust develops between the
Drake-Rider kits can even be incorpo¬ reserved as defenders of the city, where knight and a new riding mount. The
rated for use with other flying steeds, their visible presence serves to make the length of time it takes for this bond to
such as griffins, pegasi, or even nonliv¬ populace feel more secure. develop is left to the DM, but it gener¬
ing "steeds" like a carpet of flying or Most Air Knights are fiercely loyal ally forms after about a month of train¬
ebony fly (one of the figurines of won¬ toward the city they have chosen to pro¬ ing daily together.
drous power). tect. While paladinhood is not a require¬ As part of an established military, the
ment to become an Air Knight, many Air Knight also stands out among ene¬
<51 ir Knight (rv\tarrior) Paladins do take up the calling, often mies of his or her city. Aggressors are
The Air Knight is a soldier devoted to serving as high-ranking officers in an not likely to treat captured Air Knights
the defense of a city, or, less frequently, a Air Knight unit. Air Knights generally well, knowing the role they played in
single structure (the castle of the have the good will of the people in the the defense of their city.

36 • JUNE 1999
Wealth Options: Air Knight PCs offensive. They go forth to attack not Sky Wizards wear a distinctive uni¬
begin play with the standard Warrior's only invading armies but any enemy form in the city's colors, although they
allotment of 5d4 x 10 gp. Most Air whose death serves the city. do not wear armor. They disdain wear¬
Knights attain the kit after several Sky Wizards are seldom found in ing the standard Wizard's robes, as they
years in the military, however, and leadership roles. This is not due to a are not cut for comfortable riding
thus start play with whatever wealth lack of ability but rather a lack of astride an aerial mount. Instead, Sky
they have amassed during that time. desire—most Sky Wizards are loners, Wizards prefer a simple outfit of tunic
An Air Knight must begin his or her preferring to look after their own objec¬ and pants.
career with at least a lance, a sword, tives rather than coordinating the Role: High-level Sky Wizards are
and the best armor the Knight can movements of subordinates. The work- often the "powerhouses" of the Air
afford. Depending upon the resources Knight units in which they serve. As
of the city the Air Knight serves, some such, they are defended by the Air
New Proficiency:
or all necessary equipment might be Knights in battle, whose best interests
issued at no cost. 3iand$~0ff[Mount Control lie in keeping the Sky Wizard safe from
Highly Prized Equipment: Whether harm so that the Wizard may strike
General, 1 slot. Wisdom
issued or purchased on his or her own, down the enemy from a distance. Sky
Some drake-rider kits require the
an Air Knight's most prized possession Wizards avoid melee combat whenever
character to perform actions
is often a ring of feather falling, a pair of possible, and so the kavainus is a popu¬
involving the free use of his or her
winged boots, or a similar magical item lar choice of steed.
hands while mounted upon a
allowing self-sustained flight or at least Not all Sky Wizards are members of
steed. This ability is especially
protection from falling. These items are an Air Knight unit, however; some
useful for Wizards and Priests, as
usually used only if the Air Knight is work on their own, protecting their des¬
many spells require elaborate
knocked from the saddle or if the steed olate castle dwellings from aerial attack.
somatic components. Other drake-
is slain while in flight. Air Knights often These Sky Wizards can be of just about
riders might find it necessary to
invest quite a bit of money in a good any alignment, whereas those in service
employ two-handed weapons
saddle as well, strapping themselves to a city lean toward the Good end of
such as bows or crossbows. In any
onto their mounts in such a way as to the spectrum.
case, when the rider’s hands are
prevent accidental dislodging. Saddles Sky Wizards tend to fill their spell
otherwise employed, they cannot
and harnesses often have a quick- arsenals with long-range attack spells
be used to direct the rider's
release strap, allowing the Air Knight to and those that enhance or protect their
"eject" from the steed if it is slain while mount's flight abilities. A short list of
The Hands-Off Mount Control
in flight. favored spells includes feather fall, light,
nonweapon proficiency allows the
magic missile, continual light, sleep, blind¬
rider to control his mount by
Sty nVi zard (nVizard) means of pressure from his legs, a
ness, darkness 15' radius, Melf's acid
The Sky Wizard is the spellcasting arrow, fireball, flame arrow, fly, lightning
subtle shifting in weight, verbal
counterpart to the Air Knight, riding bolt, Melf's minute meteors, protection from
commands, and so on. The profi¬
out into battle to defend a city. How¬ normal missiles, chain lightning, flesh to
ciency allows the character to
ever, while the Air Knight's goal is stone, and meteor swarm.
train his mount to respond to such
direct hand-to-hand aerial combat with Because they concentrate on aerial-
subtle clues; it does not automati¬
the foe, a Sky Wizard prefers to keep based spellcraft, many Sky Wizards
cally invest such knowledge upon
enough distance from enemies to allow choose to become Air Elementalists (as
any mount the rider may use. The
long-range attack spells to be brought to described in the Tome of Magic).
two must train together for 2d4+2
bear. Sky Wizards are often found serv¬ Weapon Proficiencies: Required:
weeks before the mount can
ing in the ranks with a unit of Air None. Recommended: Any.
respond to the rider's commands.
Knights, or they might even form a Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required:
The proficiency requires a riding
small unit of their own. As far as num¬ Airborne Riding (greater drake). Recom¬
mount of at least animal intelli¬
bers go, there are usually many more mended: Animal Training (greater drake).
gence. It can be used on either land-
Air Knights than there are Sky Wizards, Direction Sense, Hands-Off Mount Con¬
based or aerial mounts.
so a Drake-Rider unit may count itself trol (see sidebar). Weather Sense.
lucky to have even one of these aerial Special Benefits: As part of a city's
spellcasters in its midst. ings of magic generally keep the Sky Air Knight unit, the Sky Wizard enjoys
Like an Air Knight, a Sky Wizard Wizard busy enough without having to the same benefits—the reaction bonus
feels a strong duty toward the defense direct fighting men into aerial maneu¬ from the city's populace and loyalty
of the city. However, while Air Knights vers; such tasks are best left to the War¬ from his or her steed. Sky Wizards tend
tend to remain a defensive force seldom riors. As they are given freer reign than not to become as attached to their
straying far from the cities they are the more heavily "militarized" Air mounts as do Air Knights and thus do
sworn to protect. Sky Wizards' tactics Knights, Sky Wizards have no con¬ not suffer "withdrawal symptoms" if
are often heavily geared toward the straints against Chaotic alignments. their current mount is slain.

DRAGON 260 • 37
Special Hindrances: The Sky Wiz¬ whichever band will pay for their ser¬ soon as the tide of battle starts to turn
ard's greatest hindrance is that he or vices. Of all the Storm Priests, these against the Storm Priest's army, the
she makes an excellent target for ene¬ individuals are the most likely to be of Priest strikes with a -1 attack penalty
mies. As the kit is specifically designed an Evil alignment, although not all mer¬ until the tide of battle turns back to his
for those Wizards who fly into battle cenary Storm Priests are Evil. or her army's favor.
using flashy and dynamic spells, they Role: The Storm Priest has two main Wealth Options: Storm Priests begin
are often the most visible target in the roles in battle: attacking enemies and play with the standard 3d6 x 10 gp of
air and tend to attract quite a bit of defending the members of his or her the Priest class. If part of a standard
attention from those trying to over¬ own army. Both missions are usually army, much of the Storm Priest's equip¬
come the Sky Wizard's forces. For this accomplished with a wide variety of ment (armor, weapons, saddle, etc.)
reason, many Sky Wizards feel it nec¬ spells. Popular attack spells include may be supplied.
essary to have a personal "escort," faerie fire, dust devil, spiritual hammer, Highly Prized Equipment: Storm
usually of Air Knights, when they go call lightning, control winds, flame strike, priests prize any weather-related magi¬
out against their foes. transmute rock to mud, earthquake, and cal items or weapons, such as staves of
Wealth Options: The Sky Wizard firestorm. Defensive spells include pro¬ thunder and lightning, javelins of light¬
receives the normal Wizard's starting tection from evil, remove fear, obscure- ning, and hammers of thunderbolts.
wealth, (ld4+l) x 10 gp. ment, protection from lightning, wall of Because of their reluctance to wear
Highly Prized Equipment: Any thorns, and weather summoning. Natu¬ metallic armor, they also highly value
magical item capable of doing long- rally, the deity worshiped by the Storm items providing magical protection,
range damage to enemies is prized by Priest affects which spells the Priest such as rings of protection, cloaks of protec¬
Sky Wizards. Favorites include wands of may cast in battle, so not all Storm tion, bracers of defense, and nonmetallic
lightning, wands of magic missiles, wands Priests have access to the same com¬ magical armor.
of fire, staves of the magi, and staves of plement of spells.
power. They also appreciate passive Weapon Proficiencies: Required: None. nVind Scout- (Ro^ue)
magical items that deflect or absorb Recommended: Any. The Wind Scout is often part of a fielded
spells, such as brooches of shielding, rings Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required: army and is primarily used for aerial
of spell turning, and ellipsoid ioun stones. Airborne Riding (greater drake). Weather reconnaissance. The Scout's principal
Sense. Recommended: Animal Training task is to determine the lay of the land,
Storm Priest (Priest) (greater drake). Astrology, Direction paying specific attention to details such
The Storm Priest is the Priest class's Sense, Local History, Hands-Off Mount as the terrain, habitations, and enemy
equivalent to the Warrior's Air Knight Control (see sidebar). Religion. movements and reporting back to his or
or the Wizard's Sky Wizard. Storm Special Benefits: Storm Priests are her superiors. The Wind Scout does this
Priests traditionally ride their aerial well respected by the members of their upon the back of a flying mount, such
mounts into battle. While often found army and the citizens they protect, as any of the greater drakes.
as part of a city's Air Knight unit, a receiving an automatic -2 bonus to Wind Scouts traditionally work
large city may have enough Storm reaction rolls when dealing with such alone, scouting ahead with only the
Priests to form their own, separate unit. people. companionship of their flying steed,
As the name suggests. Storm Priests Storm Priests are often used to rally with whom they form a close bond.
are often in charge of weather during the soldiers of their armies. Knowing They realize they are performing a use¬
battles. Depending upon circumstances, that they are being led into battle by the ful function and greatly prefer their role
they might pray for clear skies, to make favored Priest of a powerful deity often as an information gatherer over other
conditions optimal for their own aerial causes an increase in the army's morale. roles more directly involved with com¬
forces, or crashing thunder, the better to As long as the Storm Priest remains vis¬ bat. This doesn't mean that scouts are
cause lightning strikes to fall upon ible, the soldiers of his or her army bat¬ afraid of fighting, merely that they rec¬
enemy forces. tle with a +1 bonus to morale ratings. ognize combat is not one of their great¬
Storm Priests are found of many dif¬ Special Hindrances: Like the Sky est strengths.
fering alignments. Those cities with a Wizard, the Storm Priest makes an Wind Scouts can be Lawful or
large number of Storm Priests have a excellent target by flying out in the Chaotic. Many enjoy the sense of being
predominantly Lawful assemblage, open. Because of their frequent use of the "eyes and ears of the general" and
while Chaotic Storm Priests are usually lightning and electrical-based spells, have a deep pride in the importance of
happier as solo members in an Air most Storm Priests refuse to wear their contributions.
Knight unit Although Druids can metallic armor or carry metal shields, Role: A Wind Scout's primary role is
become Storm Priests, most who take preferring instead to rely upon magical to learn the overall lay of the land and
up the calling worship gods of weather, protection if possible. report it back to the rest of the unit.
lightning, thunderstorms, and the like. In addition, as Storm Priests are cred¬ This is most often done while soaring
Not all Storm Priests are members of ited with their own armies' boost of at great heights above the land, where
a regular army. Some are mercenary morale, they take it as their responsibil¬ vast distances can be seen at once.
in nature, hiring themselves out to ity when their army begins to falter. As However, upon occasion, it is necessary

38 • JUNE 1999
for the scout to get a closer view, and
for such occurrences the scout must
rely upon strong infiltration abilities.
Hiding in Shadows and Moving
Silently serve the Wind Scout much
more than Picking Pockets or Opening
Locks, and most Wind Scouts develop
these abilities before others. The Wind
Scout might need to adopt a disguise
or at least be able to pass as a neutral
party; as such, most Wind Scouts do
not wear their army's colors or carry
anything that would give away their
true affiliation.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required:
None. Recommended: Any. Most of the
weapons employed by Wind Scouts
tend to be small and easily carried
and/or hidden. Daggers are more pop¬
ular than broadswords among those
who follow this vocation.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required:
Airborne Riding (greater drake), Read¬
ing/Writing. Recommended: Alertness*,
Cartography (as detailed in Lloyd
Brown Ill's "Working Class Wizards" in
Dragon Magazine #253), Direction
Sense, Disguise, Information Gather¬
ing*, Hands-Off Mount Control (see The Storm Priest controls a potent weather-related arsenal.
sidebar), Observation*, Reading Lips,
Survival*, Weather Sense. Proficiencies many military commanders. Their spe¬ Wealth Options: Wind Scouts begin
with an asterisk (*) are detailed in The cial skills earn them the respect and with the standard 2d6 x 10 gp allotted
Complete Thief's Handbook. admiration of even the hardest-nosed to all members of the Rogue class. As
Special Benefits: Wind Scouts enjoy generals. with Air Knights, much of the Wind
special status in the camps of their Special Hindrances: A Wind Scout Scouts' equipment (saddle, armor,
armies, usually reporting directly to the without a flying steed is like a fish out weapons, etc.) may be supplied by the
army commanders. This gives them a of water. Most Wind Scouts take to the military, depending upon the size and
special relationship with powerful indi¬ job because of a love of flying, and wealth of the army.
viduals, people who probably won't even if their skills aren't particularly Highly Prized Equipment: Wind
mind "pulling a few strings" to help out needed, they take every opportunity to Scouts value magical items that increase
the Scout if he or she asks for an occa¬ saddle up their drakes and head for the ability to see: eyes of the eagle, gems of
sional favor. They also gain the privi¬ the skies. If a Wind Scout goes for a seeing, rings of x-ray vision, and the like.
leges and respect that are associated week without being able to fly, the They also prize nonmagical means such
with being a military member, while Scout becomes sullen and grumpy, as spyglasses and are seldom found
bypassing many of the hardships that causing a +1 reaction penalty to those without blank parchment, inks, and
go along with the job. For instance. he or she meets. In addition, many of scroll tubes with which to make and
Wind Scouts seldom march on foot with the army's regular forces resent the carry maps of the areas they scout out.
the regular soldiers, nor must they special treatment Wind Scouts receive
devote as much time training in and do what they can to remind the
weapons practice. Instead, they spend prima donna just where the true back¬
most of their days soaring on their bone of the army lies. This can take the
mounts above the treelines, taking in form of anything from snide remarks Johnathan M. Richards has started a
the details of the surrounding terrain, to cruel practical jokes at the Wind modest collection of dragon statuary that is
then flying back to base camp where a Scout's expense. Of course, such occur¬ completely outnumbered by his wife Man/'s
cozy tent waits for them. rences only reinforce the Scout's views vast unicorn collection. A tiny fraction of
Wind Scouts are also in one of the few on the pleasures to be had alone in the her unicorns reside in a 6'-tallglass curio
"respectable" jobs available to members air with his or her trusted mount on an cabinet; the others remain in storage until
of the Rogue class—at least as seen by intelligence-gathering mission. the Richards find a bigger house.

DRAGON 260 • 39
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All dragons arc

not created equal

//{^player who reads

the Monstrous Compendium*

volumes can memorize enough

to defeat any dragon in the

AD&D' game. The standard

solution is to create new dragon

species, but that takes a lot

of work.

Creating variety in standard

dragons is not a new idea.

Simple solutions like changing

color or breath weapons have

been presented long ago. More

recently, Paul Fraser’s article

"Building a Better Dragon,"

in Dr.\gon* Magazine #248,

suggests giving dragons addi¬

tional powers such as increased

spell ability, spell-like powers,

and other unique abilities with

out creating new species. This

is a step in the right direction,

but DMs can take it even further.

DRAGON 260 • A3
Possible Dracoforms to assume a "green dragon's" jaws of ground with incredible swiftness.
One of the easiest ways to confuse play¬ cause the same amount of biting dam¬ Aside from its physical attacks, it can
ers about a dragon's identity is to give it age whether they are the standard also attack castles and cities by drop¬
a different color. But what happens shape, a beak like that of a snapping ping boulders and similar heavy
when they encounter a white, acid-spit- turtle, or the jaws of a crocodile. If the objects on them; in a mountainous
ting dragon in a northern swamp? Is it thing looks different, players won't region, it would have an almost unlim¬
an albino black dragon, a white dragon have any idea that it's a green dragon— ited supply of ammunition.
with a different breath weapon, or an so far as the statistics go—unless they
entirely new subspecies of dragon? peek at the DM's notes. This way, DMs The Behemoth
Another solution is to eliminate the can keep the standard AD&D game The behemoth is a massive, slow, and
standard AD&D dragon species as tables for age. Hit Dice, damage per powerful beast. This wingless creature
such, though keeping their statistics. physical attack and breath weapon. is quadrupedal, with bulging muscles
Instead, a DM can use dragon "tem¬ Magic Resistance, and so on, and con¬ that give the beast the general build of
plates," each with its own distinct centrate on individualizing the physical a bear, or perhaps a muscle-bound,
physical form yet with plenty of room appearance of each dragon. sabre-toothed tiger. It may have a shell,
for individual variations in appear¬ DMs creating new dragons can in the tradition of the tarrasque
ance. The DM can then assign breath choose from the tables in this article or (assumed in legend to be a type of
weapons, spells, spell-like powers, and roll randomly to determine a new dragon rather than a separate species).
other special abilities to each dragon to dragon's form. "Crafted" dracoforms It might have sharp, bearlike claws;
make it unique. are much more likely to seem realistic, blunt, powerful claws like those of a
DMs can keep the statistics of the while randomly determined shapes ground sloth; or cloven hooves, since
standard dragon but change the out¬ might generate creatures owing more the thing walks about so much. A
ward appearance every time. It's simple to chaos than to the DM's imagination. lashing tail is more important for this
creature than for some other dragon
nurimm Dracoform Templates types, as it is built for power, not speed.
The Avian Dragon Behemoths also make good use of
This is the two-legged dragon with horns and tusks. They inflict formida¬
Table 1: Dracoform Colors wings, like the wyvern, whose name ble claw and bite damage, starting at
1 d20 Result comes from wivere, the Saxon word for Idl2/ldl2/2d20 and increasing with
1 Blue
"serpent." It can also resemble the size and age.
2 Green
3 Purple birdlike hai riyo, or dragon bird, of the The behemoth should settle close to
4 Red Orient. Avian dragons look like reptil¬ civilization, unless it's an unintelligent
5 Yellow
ian birds of prey, with metallic scales beast. If it collects treasure like most
6 Orange
7 Black instead of feathers and possibly with a dragons, it must have one or more rich
8 White tooth-filled mouth and clawed wings sources to raid or from which to exact
9 Brown
like the prehistoric Archaeopteryx, or tribute. Otherwise, it could starve to
10 Gray
11 Gold like a regular wyvern or a pterosaur. A death trekking to and fro due to its slow
12 Silver potent tail weapon like that of the movement rate. This massive beast
13 Platinum
wyvern is possible but not necessary, should be powerful enough to smash a
14 Copper
15 Brass though a tail weapon can be used as a castle wall or city gate, wade in through
16 Bronze substitute for an additional breath a barrage of whatever the defenders on
17 Electrum
weapon, since this creature can make the walls throw at it, and haul off the
18 Cinnibar
19 Steel claw attacks only while flying. If this wealth of an entire treasure vault or
20 Orichalcum (orange-gold) creature collects treasure, a prehensile marketplace.
tail could serve as an extra hand in car¬
rying sacks of loot. Such a beast should The Classic Dragon
have a speed of no more than 12 while Everyone knows what a classic dragon
Table 2: Color Patterns on the ground; flying speed can range looks like: a long-necked, long-tailed
ldlO Result
1 Stripes from 21 to upward of 42 for the smaller, reptilian monster with wings and four
2 Leopard Spots lighter types. Combat damage should legs. This form is included because you
3 Dotlike Spots be comparable to that of the wyvern or needn't abandon it entirely under this
4 Jaguar Rosettes
5 Irregular Spots large birds of prey, including the giant new system. In fact, players being the
6 Dark Above, Light Below eagle and the roc, depending on the suspicious sorts they are, putting a
7 Light Above, Dark Below dragon's age. dragon of the old form into the cam¬
8 Solid Color
9 Mottling This type of dragon can dwell farther paign after a series of newer versions is
10 Chameleon away from its victims than many other liable to terrify them all the more.
dragon types simply because the gift of Needless to say, the full array of pow¬
flight enables it to cover vast amounts ers and combat actions are available to

U*a • JUNE 1999

the classic dragon, which might live any¬ or macelike weapon at the end). Unable Table 3: Behemoth Limbs
where and collect as much treasure as it to make a claw attack, this creature 1 d4 Result
1 Bearlike; Sharp Claws
likes. Check the Monstrous Manual,• should have a particularly powerful 2 Blunt Claws (sloth)
book for the complete description and bite and the ability to swallow medium¬ 3 Hooves
templates. sized prey whole. Because this beast 4 Pillarlike Limbs

keeps its head high off the ground, it

The Hunting Beast could carry a large sack of treasure in its
Table 4: Lindwyrm Shapes
This creature is superficially shaped mouth. A non-flier, the lindwyrm must 1 d4 Result
like the behemoth, but it is far more live fairly close to the civilized commu¬ 1 Snake with Two Legs
slender, built for speed and agility nities it plunders. 2 Dragon with Two Legs
3 Standard Camosaur
rather than brute force. The basic pos¬ 4 Armless Camosaur
ture and body shape is that of a wolf, The Mammut
big cat, hyena, or weasel. (Note that The mammut (the root word of our
the latter shape is best if the creature "mammoth") appears in legends from Table 5: Wyrm Shapes
lairs in narrow caves.) The hunting Siberia. There are two basic forms for 1 d4 Result
1 Standard Snake
beast's running and swimming speed this template: a massive, hulking, 2 Snake with Homs
should be comparable to those of clawed form like a giant mole or the 3 Crested Snake
these animals. The closest dragon of mammut itself. The latter's shape is 4 Dragon-Headed Snake

myth to this template is the sirrush of reminiscent of the behemoth, or a stan¬

Babylonian and Assyrian legend. You dard lizard shape.
Table 6: Hunting Beast Shapes
don't need many fancy spell-like Whether it travels by burrowing 1 d4 Result
powers and breath weapons with this with its powerful forelimbs or has 1 Big Cat (lion, tiger, etc.)
one, as it can use standard claw and 2 Wolf
some magical means of tunneling, the
3 Hyena
biting attacks, and it might have a tail mammut can move underground with 4 Weasel
lash as well. Wings are optional, mak¬ surprising speed; indeed, its digging
ing the hunting beast similar to the speed could be comparable to the
Table 7: Avian/Wyvem Shapes
dragonne, as well as allowing you to walking and flying speeds of normal
ld8 Result
place it deeper in the wilderness than dragons. Biting and clawing damage in 1 True Wyvem
the other types of dragons. Combine combat should be similar to that of the 2 Metal-Scaled Bird
3 Archaeopteryx (bird with teeth and
the standard dragon with the image of behemoth, if it is of the mole form, or
clawed wings)
the hunting beast that scares the liv¬ conventional dragons, if it is built like a 4 Pterosaur, No Crest or Tail
ing daylights out of wilderness travel¬ giant lizard. 5 Pterosaur with Long Tail
6 Pterosaur with Crest
ers by their campfires, and you have a This type of dragon threatens sub¬
7 Pterosaur with Long Tail and Crest
fearsome monster. terranean races because of its ability to 8 Winged Serpent (with or without legs)
attack their cities at any point, possibly
The Lindwyrm even burrowing through the cavern
This is the two-limbed dragon, referred ceiling and dropping down into the Table 8: Sea Serpent Shapes
to as the linnortn by the Norse and the city center. Mammuts tend to have ld8 Result
1 Plesiosaur (long neck and flippers)
lindwyrm by others. (Marco Polo extra-heavy armor to withstand the 2 Protoplesiosaur (webbed feet
reported seeing several lindwyrms on scraping of the soil and rocks through instead of flippers)
the road to Cathay.) Exactly how you which they burrow. If your specimen 3 Turtlelike (dragon turtle, lung wang,
archelon, etc.)
portray this creature is up to you. It can has few special powers, compensate 4 Crocodile (with nonnal or webbed
look like a serpent, balancing awk¬ by boosting its AC a step or two. Need¬ feet)
wardly on two legs, or it could have the less to say, such a creature can also 5 Mosasaur
6 Fish (like ichthyosaur)
appearance of a flesh-eating dinosaur easily pass through stone or earthen 7 Swimming Lizard (like marine
that has evolved sufficiently to lose its castle walls. iguana)
forelimbs completely. In the latter case, The mammut is the lucky dog 8 Sea Snake (flat-sided body and tail
for sculling)
the legs are farther up the body than among dragons when it comes to trea¬
those of regular carnosaurs, so the crea¬ sure. Not only can it raid any settle¬
ture is well balanced. The creature's ment, but also it can gather gold, silver, Table 9: Dragon Heads
speed on land should be comparable to platinum, and other precious minerals 1 d8 Result
that of the large carnosaurs found in in raw ore form directly from the rock. 1 Standard Dragon
2 Oriental Dragon
the Monstrous Manual book. A good way to introduce this dragon
3 Snake
As with the wyrm, the lindwyrm into the campaign is to have a group of 4 Turtle (beaked)
should rely on breath weapons and miners find the rich vein they are 5 Lizard
innate magical powers rather than 6 Crocodile
working suddenly come to an abrupt
7 Camosaur
physical attacks, save for biting attacks end, with nothing before them but a 8 Ceratopsian (particularly good for
and a lashing tail (often with a spiked great empty cavern. hoofed behemoth)

DRAGON 260 * *5
Table 10: Ceratopsian-Style Skulls The Oriental Dragon and dumping the loot overboard. If
ldl2 Result This is the standard oriental dragon the dragon raids to collect its treasure,
1 No Homs, Short Frill
form: a serpentine beast like a normal it concentrates on ships rather than
2 Long Nasal Horn, Short Frill
3 Forward-Curving Nasal Horn, wyrm but with four limbs and possibly coastal communities, either restricting
Short Frill wings, though a special organ or magi¬ its attacks to ships that pass in the
4 Bony Knob on Snout, Short Frill
cal gem in the head provides the power immediate vicinity of its lair or else
5 Nasal Horn, Long Frill Spines,
Short Frill of flight. The head often has twisted contenting itself with killing or driving
6 Short Nasal Horn, Long Brow antlers and tentaclelike whiskers. off the crew, then towing its prize home
Horns, Short Frill
Most oriental dragons fall into this before sinking it.
7 Short Nasal Horn, Long Brow
Homs, Long Frill category, though some exceptions may
8 Short Frill, Brow Homs, Nasal Horn exist. The earth dragon (li lung) could The Wyrm
9 Short Brow Homs, Short Nasal
belong to either the behemoth or the Based on Norse and Saxon mythology,
Horn, Long Frill
10 Short Nasal Horn & Frill, Long hunting beast template, while the sea this is the dragon-as-snake template. As
Brow Homs Face Sideways dragon (lung wang) is more like a sea such, it needs the most modification in
11 Short Nasal Horn, Long Brow
serpent. As with the wyrm, the orien¬ regard to physical combat. It can dwell
Homs, Short Frill, Spikes on Cheeks
12 Short Forward-Curving Nose Horn, tal dragon can dwell on land or in the in a terrestrial or aquatic habitat with
with Pair of Large Homs at Back water with equal facility. Essentially a equal ease; its form makes it well suited
of Short Frill
skinnier variant of the classic dragon for narrow-tunneled caverns no other
shape, this creature has all the power dragon form could occupy.
and ability to gather treasure; its Folklore commonly portrays these
Table 11: Back Adornments
ldl2 Result speed and damage in combat are iden¬ "wyrms" as dwelling in rivers, lakes, or
1 Fish Fin tical to those of standard dragons. even wells. Wyrms generally have a
2 Pelycosaur Fin (like dimetrodon)
3 Stegosaur Plates, Single Row movement rate of 12 on land, with a
4 Stegosaur Plates, Double Row The Sea Serpent swimming speed of 18. They do not
5 Stegosaur Plates, Alternating Rows Maritime myths gave birth to this crea¬ fly, though the DM should feel free to
6 Single Row of Spines
ture, the dragon that lives in the sea introduce variants with a magical gem
7 Double Row of Spines
8 Ankylosaur-type Carapace and eventually comes up from the or other organ in its head that enables
9 Ankylosaur-type Carapace ocean depths to destroy all life. This the beast to fly in the manner of the ori¬
Covered with Spines
template starts with the Leviathan leg¬ ental dragons.
10 Bonv Knobs over Back
11 Turtle Shell end and persists in modem times with This creature lacks variety in physi¬
12 Armadillo Shell (segmented armor) reports of creatures like the Loch Ness cal attacks. The DM should adjust for
monster, Nessie. Its standard shape is this deficiency with a lavish use of
that of the plesiosaur: a long-necked spell-like powers and multiple breath
Table 12: Homs On Head
dinosaur with four flippers instead of weapons. A poisonous bite and acidic
ldlO Result
legs, though legs with webbed feet are body secretions are also good addi¬
1 Ceratopsian (see Table 10)
2 Single Nasal Horn also suitable for this template. Other tions. The tail should definitely be
3 Double Nasal Horn variants include the crocodile or used as a weapon, either as a simple
4 Triple Nasal Horn
mosasaur shape (the latter resembling whip or as a constrictor. Additional tail
5 Single Forehead Horn (like unicorn)
6 Pair of Curved Horns on Sides the gargouille of medieval French folk¬ weaponry like a bony club or spikes
of Head lore), the sea turtle shape (like the are also possible, but too much elabo¬
7 Pair of Straight Homs on Sides
dragon turtle or the oriental lung ration can impede the creature's slith¬
of Head
8 Head Covered with Short Spines wang), and the fishlike form (like a ering, and it is slow enough to begin
9 Head Covered with Long Spines draconic ichthyosaur). The last shape with. The wyrm swallows its prey
10 Combination, roll twice
should be used only if the sea dragon whole like a true snake, and it feeds
need never move onto dry land. only near its lair.
The sea serpent should be extremely More than any other dragon, the
Table 13: Other Head Adornments
long and large enough to sink any wyrm gains its treasure by compelling
ldlO Result
1 Short Tusks (like boar) ship. The creature's speed and dam¬ intelligent races around it to pay tribute
2 Long Tusks (like elephant) age in combat should be comparable or face attack. This is, of course, because
3 Short Trunk (like tapir)
to the appropriate marine reptiles at its form makes it physically impossible
4 Long, Prehensile Trunk
(like elephant) young ages, while the older beasts are to pick up and carry anything. Thus,
5 Sabre Teeth (or poisonous fangs) the size of large whales. Those forms these dragons must have some kind of
6 Multiple Sets of Sabre Teeth
that can travel out of water, however, communication ability, either normal
(of varying lengths)
7 Domelike Bony Skull should never have a land movement speech or telepathy, if they are to obtain
(like pachycephalosaurus) rate greater than 12. wealth. If you treat it as an unintelligent
8 Pairs or Sets of Bony Knobs
Sea dragons are tribute-collectors. beast, you can forget this part. The orig¬
9 Broad Skin Flaps (like Australian
frilled lizard) Payment of tribute generally entails inal legends do present wyrms as mind¬
10 Combination, roll twice sailing directly over the dragon's lair less destroyers.

ue • JUNE 1999
Example: Frostfire everything it can gather. If the defen¬ Table 14: Dragon Tail Types
Our innovative DM, Jim, wants a behe¬ sive walls are of a particularly hard ld20 Result
moth dragon. His campaign is currently stone or even metal, Frostfire hits them 1 Standard Dragon Tail
(spadelike blade at end)
taking place on an Italian-style penin¬ with alternating blasts of fire and frost; 2 Fishlike Tail
sula with lots of prosperous city states the massive extremes of heat and cold 3 Slender Whiplike
4 Muscular, Constriction
along the coast, while the narrow neck crack even the hardest walls, which the
5 Single Row of Spikes
of land in the interior is still wilderness, dragon then sunders with blows of its 6 Double Row of Spikes
allowing the nonflying dragon easy armored tail. Although of Low intelli¬ 7 Long, Swordlike Blade at Tip
access to most of the city states. gence, Frostfire knows that it likes 8 Ankylosaur-style Bony Mace
9 Scorpion Sting (wyvem)
Jim has always wanted to create a pretty, shiny things like precious metals 10 Musoilar, Prehensile
dragon with both fire and frost as and jewelry. If the dragon finds that 11 Covered with Shooting Spines
(like manticore)
breath weapons and this seems like a there's so much small stuff that it can't
12 Stiff, Covered with Segmented Armor
good opportunity. Rather than simply carry the loot in its huge paws without 13 Rattlesnake Rattle
rolling on each table, Jim looks over dropping most of it, the beast will order 14 Long Spike at Tip; Can Arch Over
Back To Strike
what's available and makes logical the surviving inhabitants to seal the
15 Covered with Spikes on All Sides
choices for the desired result. treasure in barrels or chests, which it 16 Bony Mace with One Spike
Frost and fire are the breath weapons can easily handle. Frostfire is not a 17 Bony Mace with Two Spikes
18 Bony Mace with Four Spikes
of the white and red dragons, which are, sparkling conversationalist, grunting
19 Bony Mace Covered With Spikes
respectively, the smallest and largest of out orders like "Give treasure!" and 20 Short Stub; Useless In Combat
chromatic dragon types. Thus, in deter¬ "Pack treasure!" By the same token, its
mining size, Jim decides to pick an inter¬ Low Intelligence (7) means that Frost¬
mediate form, giving his creation the fire cannot cast spells.
size and general stats of a huge ancient Because it breathes both fire and Table 15: Breath Weapons
green dragon. He decides that the beast ldl2 Result
frost, the dragon is immune to ordinary
1 Sleep Gas
is a mottled red and white coloration, fire (including burning oil) and even 2 Poison Gas
once again using his initial choice of the most severe nonmagical tempera¬ 3 Frost
breath weapons to make his decision tures, suffering only half damage from 4 Fire
5 Lightning
rather than roll randomly. magical fire and cold-based attacks, 6 Heat Lightning (combines effects
The hulking body and powerful and then only if Frostfire fails its saving of results 4 and 5)
limbs of Frostfire are reminiscent of 7 Salt Spray (blinding)
throw. The dimensions of its breath
8 Sodium Spray (blinding, explodes
those of a prehistoric ground sloth. The weapons are those of a huge, ancient when in contact with water)
dragon is covered with scales, how¬ green dragon. For any other informa¬ 9 Radiant Energy
ever, and its back is covered with 10 Sonic Blast (double damage
tion, Jim just uses the standard AD&D
knobby armor, again like the bony stats for a huge, ancient green 11 Slow Gas
nodes in the skin of a real ground sloth. dragon—but he doesn't let the players 12 Combination; Roll Twice
(Jim has studied his paleontology well, know it.
so he notes that Frostfire walks on the
edges rather than the soles of its clawed Dragons are an integral part of fantasy
feet. This sort of detail can add much to
Table 16: Dragon Intelligence
gaming, yet they are quickly reduced to
ld4 Result
a redesigned dragon.) neat stereotypes. Throw away the old 1 Animal
Frostfire's body ends in a stiff tail of stats, and make each dragon a cus¬ 2 Low
3 Humanlike
moderate length, sheathed in seg¬ tomized, tailor-made monster in its
4 Dragonlike (Genius)
mented links of armor. Although not own right. Not only will you dispel
particularly flexible, the tail makes a player ennui but also you will ensure
suitable mace or club, and it is equally that they never look at dragons in the
useful in striking a living opponent or same way again.
Table 17: Communicating Ability
smashing down man-made structures. ld4 Result
Frostfire's head resembles that of an 1 Unable To Communicate; Animal
ordinary snapping turtle, except for the Intelligence
2 Signs and Signals
massive bony dome that rises from the 3 Normal Speech
skull that is used for smashing down 4 Telepathy
walls. The head and jaws are large
enough to swallow man-sized (Size M)
prey whole. Greg Detwiler discovered the AD&D Table 18: Form of Undead Dragon
Frostfire, like any good behemoth, game, as well as Dragon Magazine, in ld4 Result
garners the wealth of the city states the late 70s. His first work appeared in 1 Lifelike
2 Rotting Corpselike Form
by smashing holes in their walls with issue #99, and he's been busy writing arti¬ 3 Skeletal
its head, lumbering in, and taking cles ever since. 4 Spectral (transparent incorporeal)

DRAGON 260 ■ *7
AD&D® dragon until it leaves the demiplane alone, the PCs might par¬
ley with the creature, perhaps exploring some of the nearby
LIKE DRAGONS. Winged beasts of incredible power, demiplanes (sparking a series of linked adventures) to find a
wise beings of ineffable wisdom, mythic monsters that strike less populous area on which An-Ur can dine.
fear into the hearts of heroes, dragons play many roles in a fan¬ Perhaps the PCs meet one of the good dragons in its polymor-
tasy campaign. Yet even dragons have their luminaries known phed human or demihuman form. The disguised dragon might
for their great power, extraordinary personality, or both. enlist the PCs' aid in stopping the dark plans of the Undead
The most notable of these unique dragons are noble Dragon. In fact, having the PCs function as pawns to the grand
Bahamut, the platinum dragon, and dreadful Tiamat, the chro¬ designs of two or more god-spawned dragons is a sure way to
matic dragon, demipowers locked in an eternal conflict. The mix intrigue and combat into a campaign.
multiverse, however, is an infinite battleground, and these
demipowers command vast armies of creatures. A ^o+e on braconic Spettcartiw
None, however, are more powerful or influential than the Since these unique dragons do not cast spells in the same man¬
spawn of Tiamat and the children of Bahamut. These beings are ner as traditional Priests (i.e., they do not pray to specific
descendants of the dragon gods—heirs of an ancient war for deities), they are not subject to the same planar restrictions as
dominion of the multiverse. Each of these god-bom creatures is Clerics who are removed from their deity's home plane of exis¬
a powerful and complex paragon of dragonkind. tence. However, DMs should feel free to modify draconic spell-
casters in accordance with the dictates of their own campaign.
h) Your Cat*t>a&r) For a deeper look at draconic spellcasting, refer to the Cult of the
A DM should not use these creatures as mere sword fodder— Dragon accessory.
though such a combat-oriented approach could indeed yield
hours of fun. These are powerful and intelligent dragons, and a
clever DM can use these traits to guide the players' characters
into specific adventures.
For example, denizens of a specific demiplane could
approach the PCs for help in dealing with the Ethereal Dragon Despite recently being domesticated, Keith still finds time to lose
during its time of hunger. Rather than simply attacking the himself in an imaginary world.

48 • JUNE 1999
An-Ur, the
DIET: Ethereal matter
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil

ARMOR CLASS: -4 (-9)
MOVEMENT: Special (9, fly 18 C, swim 6)
HIT DICE: 18 (140 hit points)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special (special)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d4/2d4/3dl2
SIZE: G (140' long with a 100* tail)
MORALE: 19 (Fearless)
XP VALUE: 32,000

An-Ur wanders the limitless expanse of the Deep Ethereal, neutralize threat, An-Ur fights with claws, teeth, tail, and
feeding on the prima matera—or concentrated ethereal mist— spells. (It can use’mth Wizard and Priest spells at the 10th level
that makes up the Ethereal Plane. An-Ur appears as a ghostly of ability.) An-Ur is always interested m negdirdkin.rathej^fhian
shape on the rare occasions during which it semi-materializes combat, and any honest attempt to end a battle (whose out¬
on the Prime Material Plane, but it ripples with myriad colors come is unknown) through peaceful resolution usually suc¬
when seen on the Deep Ethereal. Some sages have pointed to ceeds. It possesses genius-level intelligence and typical dragon
An-Ur's many hues as "proof' of its connection to the curtain instincts, so negotiating parties might need to make difficult
of vaporous color, a shimmering wall of ethereal mist that concessions. An-Ur rarely keeps its word, and adventurers
serves as a doorway to specific areas on the Border Ethereal. who successfully parley with this dragon often find them¬
An-Ur speaks the Common tongue of both good and evil selves under attack again after it has regained its strength.
dragons. Furthermore, it possesses the innate ability to com¬
municate with any creature native to the Ethereal Plane. Habitat/Society: An-Ur lives a solitary existence on the Ethe¬
real Plane, navigating the Waveless Sea on its own implacable
Combat: An-Ur avoids combat when it can. Though smaller course. Some sages speculate that it floats through the plane
and less physically imposing than other unique dragons, An- and acts as an ecological regulator, feeding off of the energy
Ur commands fearsome combat powers. that bleeds into the Ethereal from the Inner Planes and main¬
When on the Deep Ethereal, An-Ur can summon an ether taining some form of equilibrium.
cyclone, a colossal, serpentine column of spinning ethereal Since it sometimes discovers or coerces items and treasure
matter, three times per day. The cyclone blows anyone within from individuals unfortunate enough to raise its ire, An-Ur
300 feet, except An-Ur, through the curtain of vaporous color must have a lair hidden in the Deep Ethereal, but no one has
to a random section of the Border Ethereal. Affected creatures discovered it.
must make a successful saving throw vs. spell to remain on the An-Ur is the oldest of Tiamat's children. Legends say that it
Border. Failure indicates that the cyclone blows the creature to sprang into being from Tiamat's first breath. Despite existing
the nearest plane adjoining the Border Ethereal. for hundreds of centuries, An-Ur has steadfastly ignored the
When fighting on the Border Ethereal or the Prime Material ongoing struggle between the courts of Tiamat and Bahamut.
Plane (as a semi-material creature), An-Ur spews forth a stream
of ethereal mist 10 feet wide and 60 feet long. Any creature Ecology: An-Ur feeds off of the swirling ethereal particles that
caught within the path of this mist must make a successful sav¬ compose the Ethereal Plane, culling its food like a whale. Once
ing throw vs. breath weapon or find itself transported to a ran¬ every three hundred years or so, this creature's hunger flares,
dom section of the Deep Ethereal. and it must consume vast amounts of prima matera. It is the
Only enchanted weapons of +3 or greater can damage An- time of An-Ur's Hungering that the creatures of the Ethereal
Ur while it is in its semi-material form. The physical attributes Plane fear the most, as it scours the Deep Ethereal, devouring
for the semi-materialized Ethereal Dragon appear in parenthe¬ whole demiplanes. Once it finds an appetizing demiplane, An-
ses in the statistics given above. Ur causes it to break apart using an innate ability similar to the
If its breath weapon or cyclone summoning power fail to demiplane decay* Priest spell.
* For information on demiplane decay, prima matera, ether cyclones, and other
conditions of the Ethereal Plane, see A Guide to the Ethereal Plane.
DRAGON 260 • 49
Dhrakoth the Corrupter
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Mass grave sites/ancient tombs
DIET: Life energy
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional (16)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil

MOVEMENT: 9, fly 6(D)
HIT DICE: 20 (160 hit points)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Id8/ld8/4dl0
SIZE: G (100* long with a 3L tail!)
MORALE: 20 (Fearless)
XP VALUE: 37,000

Cold, manipulative, and utterly evil, Dhrakoth repres nts the *oth is immune __ J«eblement, polymorph,
pinnacle of undeath. Dhrakoth resembles a black dragon with .magical dfe^S^rwis' triritiy, hold, death spells, and
scarred, oozing, membranous wings. The creature's enoty eve X)ls. Weapons of less nai> +2 em ^hantment do not affect this
sockets pulse with sickening green light. .reature. Dhrakoth cann >e turmed.
Dhrakoth speaks the draconic tongue common to all evil
dragons. In addition, it can communicate with any creature Habitat/Society: Dhrakoth nnakes its home in ancient under¬
with a connection to the Negative Energy Plane. ground tombs, slowly ex>rtimg its evil influence over the rot¬
ting corpses buried within. In fact, Dhrakoth can animate dead
Combat: Dhrakoth eschews personal combat, preferring to as often as it wishes, limiting the size of its undead army to the
command its legions of undead followers against any threat. If availability of corpses.
forced to melee, it uses its breath weapons before clawing and Bom in the heart of the Negative Energy Plane, Dhrakoth's
biting its way to victory. The creature's first breath weapon, a essence was fused with a corporeal dragon through Tiamat's
blast of pure decay, causes 10d8 points of damage to any crea¬ dark magic. The foul creature once served Tiamat unswerv¬
ture caught within its blast radius (a cone 5 feet wide at its ingly. As Dhrakoth's power grew, however, it began to seduce
point of origin, 45 feet long, and 15 feet wide at its base). This several of Tiamat's key generals. This small but powerful cadre
excoriating stream painfully corrupts any living tissue, perma¬ seceded from Tiamat's court and began a centuries-long cam¬
nently reducing a character's Charisma score by ld4 as skin, paign to annihilate every living creature in the multiverse.
hair, and other matter decay beneath the blast. A successful Although still fiercely independent, Dhrakoth has recently
saving throw vs. breath weapon reduces the damage by half, sealed a pact with the court of Tiamat. Thus, the creature bides
but even those who save still suffer the Charisma loss. A regen¬ its time, building its dark forces until Tiamat is ready to begin
eration spell restores ld2 points of Charisma, but only one such her conquest of the multiverse. Though a potentially unstop¬
spell can benefit victims of the breath weapon. pable pair, these two dragons hold no love for each other. Tia¬
When sorely pressed, Dhrakoth releases a stream of negative mat knows that Dhrakoth's ultimate goal is the destruction of
energy 10 feet wide and 35 feet long. Anyone who is caught all life—including her own—and has set several of her servants
within the stream must make a successful saving throw vs. to watch this necromantic beast for treachery. Dhrakoth, for its
breath weapon or lose two life energy levels. Dhrakoth can use part, feels that Tiamat's resolve is weak, and it plots to over¬
this breath weapon only once per day. Those protected by the throw her and assume her role as the ruler of all evil dragons.
Priest spell negative plane protection gain an additional saving
throw vs. death magic to avoid the effects if they fail the origi¬ Ecology: As an undead creature, Dhrakoth does not require
nal save. However, Dhrakoth does not suffer any damage from physical sustenance. Rather, the beast feeds on the life energy
the blast of positive energy summoned by the spell. In addi¬ of its victims. As a result, any creature slain by this undead
tion, the dragon can attempt undead control on any undead monster cannot be raised from the dead, resurrected, or wished
creatures within 180 yards, at will. The targeted undead crea¬ back to life. In addition, the spirits of these unfortunates cannot
tures' saving throws against this ability suffer a -3 penalty. travel to the plane of their alignment upon death; they are
Due to its connection with the Negative Energy Plane, irrevocably destroyed.

50 • JUNE 1999
DIET: Scavenger
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

MOVEMENT: 12, fly 24(C)
HIT DICE: 24(190 hit points)
THAC0: 1
NO. OF ATTACKS: 6 + special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Id6/ld6/2d8/2d8/3dl2/ldl0
SIZE: G (170* long with a 100’ tail)
MORALE: 20 (Fearless)
XP VALUE: 46,000

Sages speak of Mordukhavar in whispers. Reputed to be the person, detect mvist^UyjWTect magic, fireball, hold person,
offspring of Tiamat and one of the Dark Eight, the two-headed improved invisibility, infravision, know alignment, polymorph self,
Mordukhavar is one of the most powerful abominations ever produce flame, pyrotechnics, suggestion, symbol (pain), teleport with¬
to climb from the pits of Baator. The creature's wings are pow¬ out error, and wall of fire. It can also wield Wizard and Priest
erful, batlike appendages with wicked claws, and its thick tail spells at the 14th level of ability. Once per day, the creature can
ends in a cruel barb. polymorph itself into the form of a 30-tall pit fiend.
Mordukhavar is immune to poison, acid, and fire (both mag¬
Combat: Mordukhavar prefers close combat, as it enjoys rend¬ ical and nonmagical), and it suffers half damage from cold-
ing flesh and shattering bone. Like its pit fiend cousins, Mor¬ based and gaseous attacks. Only weapons of +3 or greater
dukhavar can attack six times per round, dividing its attacks enchantment can damage this creature, and it regenerates 3 hit
between six different opponents. Mordukhavar attacks with its points per round. Finally, Mordukhavar can gate in six lesser
scaly wings (1-6 points of damage), its razor-sharp claws (2-16 baatezu or three greater baatezu. As a last resort, it has a 65%
points of damage), its terrible bite (3-36 points of damage), and chance to summon an avatar of Tiamat to aid it in battle.
its wy vemlike tail (1-10 points of damage). Those struck by its
physical attacks must make a successful saving throw vs. poi¬ Habitat/Society: Seemingly ignored by the Lords of the Nine
son or fall into a coma in ld4 rounds. (Slow poison retards the and distrusted by almost all of the Dark Eight, Mordukhavar
onset of the coma by another 2d6 rounds, and neutralize poison moves between the Nine Layers of Baator, gathering informa¬
nullifies the effect entirely.) tion and making deals on behalf of Tiamat. Recently, Mor¬
Mordukhavar has two powerful breath weapons, each from dukhavar received command of a large detachment of baatezu
one of its heads. The first, from the right head, is a devastating with orders to fight in the Blood War. If this is true, then Tiamat
gout of hellfire 5 feet wide and 55 feet long, and it causes 22dl0 has certainly entered the conflict between Law and Chaos—
points of damage to creatures caught within the area of effect. but for what purpose?
The second, from the left head, is a spray of corrosive acid 5 feet Mordukhavar's recent commission is sure to unsettle mem¬
wide at its point of origin, 45 feet long, and 15 feet wide at its bers of the Dark Eight. A few successes on the battlefield, and it
base; it causes 20d8 points of damage and forces all items to could find itself the newest member of the ruling Pit Fiends of
make appropriate saving throws. Victims of either breath Baator—an incident sure to raise Tiamat's influence in Hell.
weapon can make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon
to reduce damage by half. Failure against the corrosive spray Ecology: Mordukhavar clearly holds some close connection
indicates that the acid completely destroys the items in ques¬ with Tiamat. If the creature is really the offspring of the Chro¬
tion. Damage inflicted to either head counts only against Mor¬ matic Dragon and one of the Eight, then the baatezu now pos¬
dukhavar's total hit points, but neutralizing one or both heads sess one of the most powerful weapons in the Blood War.
by magic or other means reduces the number of breath weapon Occasionally, Mordukhavar answers the summons of an evil
attacks or eliminates the dragon's breath weapons entirely. Wyrm or Great Wyrm as a representative of Tiamat. Such visi¬
Mordukhavar can also employ the following spell-like abili¬ tations to the Prime Material Plane are rare, but they usually
ties, once per round at will: advanced illusion, animate dead, charm involve the long-term plans of the Chromatic Dragon.

DRAGON 260 • 51
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Deep oceans or seas
DIET: Carnivorous
TREASURE: Incidental
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good

MOVEMENT: 12, swim 36
HIT DICE: 22 (176 hit points)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 + special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d4/2d4/3d6/6dl2
SIZE: G (120’ long with a 30' tail)
MORALE: 20 (Fearless)
XP VALUE: 36,000

Medrinia is the representative of Bahamut to all aquatic drag¬ Medrinia can use the following spell-like abilities at the 15th
ons. She rules from her undersea palace—a magnificent struc¬ level of ability, once per round: water breathing (Priest), part
ture made from coral, shells, and pearl—and protects water; detect invisibility, Samprey's sensible sea sphere*, pressure
Good-aligned aquatic creatures. Medrinia is a sleek dragon resistance*, polymorph self, polymorph other, conjure elemental
with deep blue-green scales and sturdy wings. The membrane (water), withstand water*, enhance zvater creature* (Priest), shell-
stretching between the cartilage in her wings is thick, allowing skin*, and rapture of the deep*. She can summon ld4 sea wyrms
her to use them as powerful fins. Her wide tail also ends in a and ld2 dragon turtles every turn. These creatures arrive
crescent-shaped fluke. Medrinia can telepathically communi¬ within 3 rounds of the summoning.
cate with any living thing. She also speaks the language of any
mundane aquatic creature, as well as the tongues of the good Habitat/Society: According to legend, Medrinia formed from a
dragons, sea elves, locathah, mermen, and tritons. tear shed by Bahamut after the platinum dragon witnessed the
carnage of the first battle between the draconic forces of good
Combat: Though generally peaceful, Medrinia is quick to use and those of the Chromatic Dragon. When Medrinia acts as
her powers when one of her subjects is threatened. In combat, Bahamut's representative, there is a 20% chance that she is
she can claw for 2d4 points of damage. She often bashes oppo¬ accompanied by another emissary of Bahamut or even one of
nents with her powerful tail, causing 3d6 points of damage and Bahamut's avatars.
stunning victims for ld4 rounds. Finally, Medrinia has a pow¬ Medrinia patrols the breadth and depth of the oceans in
erful bite attack that inflicts 6dl2 points of damage. search of evil. She oversees a vast network of allied creatures—
Medrinia can breathe a cone of pure force 10 feet wide at its from dolphins and sea-horses to other aquatic dragons—that
origin, 50 feet long, and 20 feet wide at its base. This breath provides aid to its members in times of need.
weapon causes a funnel of water to pummel anyone within its Medrinia demonstrates compassion for Good-aligned sur¬
area of effect, inflicting 15dl0 points of damage. The breath face dwellers who find themselves threatened by the sea. Some
weapon can be employed only when Medrinia and the target even say that Medrinia sends out patrols of dolphins to rescue
are both underwater, and a successful saving throw vs. breath drowning sailors.
weapon reduces the damage by half. Medrinia's palace. Sea Reach, serves as a haven for all Good-
Medrinia also uses a powerful breach attack against sailing aligned sea-creatures in time of war.
vessels. Sinking as deep as necessary, she arrows toward the
surface at top speed, breaking the surface and launching her¬ Ecology: Medrinia feeds upon vast amounts of fish and other
self completely out of the water. Once airborne, Medrinia tucks simple aquatic creatures. Although she often fights other evil
in her wings, rolls on her side, and smashes the offending ves¬ and powerful aquatic creatures—such as deepspawn, were-
sel. This attack destroys ships under 60 feet long and has a 35% sharks, morkoth, and especially sahuagin—Medrinia refuses
chance to sink ships over 60 feet. If using the naval combat to consume these evil creatures.
rules found in Of Ships & the Sea, this breaching attack causes
18dl2 points of both crippling and hull damage. All Seaworthi¬
ness checks made as a result of this attack suffer a -2 penalty. •Indicates a spell described in Of Ships & the Sea.

52 • JUNE 1999
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Positive Energy Plane or the
Prime Material Plane
DIET: None
TREASURE: Incidental
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

ARMOR CLASS: -10 (-6)
MOVEMENT: (Infinite) 12, fly 24 (C)
HIT DICE: 18 (154 hit points)
NO. OF ATTACKS: (1)4-1- special
DAMAGE /ATTACK: (7dl0 + special)
SIZE: G (165' long with 80' tail)
MORALE: 20 (Fearless)
XP VALUE: 38,000 Such creatures with more than 10 Hit Dice must make a saving
throw vs. death magic (with a -2 penalty) to survive. Creatures
Xathanon has no physical form; it is composed entirely of posi¬ that save still suffer 8d8 points of damage.
tive energy. In fact, some say this beast isn't a dragon but rather Finally, Xathanon can plane shift at will.
the physical embodiment of the Positive Energy Plane. When
on the Prime, Xathanon resembles a burst of golden energy in Habitat/Society: Formed by Bahamut from the essence of the
the shape of a dragon. Its eyes appear as multicolored, glowing Positive Plane, Xathanon serves Draco Paladin unswervingly.
"crystals." On the Positive Energy plane, Xathanon is a form¬ However, Xathanon rarely attends the Draconic Court on
less swirl of positive energy. This dragon can communicate Mount Celestia, preferring the pulsing depths of the Positive
with any sentient object or being via telepathy. Material Plane. Despite its seeming isolation, Xathanon keeps a
close watch over the events unfolding in the multiverse. This
Combat: Xathanon detests evil and often acts outside the dragon is 100% likely to answer a summons from Bahamut or
boundaries of law, responding swiftly to any perceived threat. one of Bahamut's children.
In combat, Xathanon is a force of nature. On its native plane Xathanon follows the exploits of certain heroes, and it might
(the parenthetical statistics represent the creature's abilities on (15% chance) come to the aid of one of its "chosen." When on
the Positive Energy Plane), it moves as swiftly as pure energy. the Prime Material Plane, Xathanon can fuse its essence to the
Xathanon can travel to any point on the Positive Energy Plane corporeal form of a Good-aligned character. Filled with the
instantaneously, where it always strikes first in combat. On the power of the Positive Material Plane, the hero transforms into a
Positive Plane, this creature has one mode of attack: a blast of gold dragon, receiving all of the benefits and powers (includ¬
pure positive energy. Any creature struck by such a blast suf¬ ing AC, hit points, physical attacks, innate abilities, etc.) of a
fers 6dl0 points of damage. In addition, the creature must Great Wyrm of that species. Note that heroes retain their per¬
make a saving throw vs. death magic or explode into millions sonalities during the transformation, and they need not make a
of particles of positive energy. System Shock roll. The change lasts one hour for every level of
On the Prime, Xathanon uses traditional draconic melee the hero. Afterward, Xathanon must immediately return to the
attacks. Its deadly "claws" inflict 3d4 points of damage each, Positive Energy Plane to recuperate for no fewer than 10 hours.
and its razor sharp "teeth" inflict 5d6 points of damage. Xathanon holds a special hatred of Dhrakoth. The two have
Xathanon can also strike opponents with its tail for 3d8 points never met in combat, and some say that, if such a battle were to
of damage. All undead creatures—and beings from the Nega¬ occur, the very fabric of the multiverse might tear under the
tive Energy Plane—suffer triple damage from these attacks. opposing forces of positive and negative energy.
While on the Prime Material Plane, Xathanon can breathe a
stream of pure positive energy 45 feet long and 10 feet wide. Ecology: As a creature composed of pure energy, Xathanon
This breath weapon acts as a resurrection, heal, and restoration does not require physical sustenance. It is not known
spell on Good-aligned creatures. In addition, the energy whether this dragon must return to the Positive Energy Plane
destroys (as the clerical turning effect of the same name) any on a regular basis—except after infusing mortal heroes with
undead or negative energy being of fewer than 10 Hit Dice. its essence.

DRAGON 260 • 53
Vanathor, the Golden Harpist
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Mount Celestia or the Prime
Material Plane
DIET: Carnivorous
TREASURE: Incidental
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good

MOVEMENT: 12, Fly 24(C)
HIT DICE: 20 (160 hit points)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3d4/3d4/5d6
SIZE: G (145' long with a 45’ tail)
MORALE: 20 (Fearless)
XP VALUE: 41,000
6th Octave: These piercing notes cause 10dl2 points of dam¬
Regal Vanathor embodies everything that is pure and good in age to any creature within a 60' radius (no saving throw).
dragonkind. This dragon serves as Bahamut's advisor and Vanathor's deep, melodious speaking voice, coupled with
Bard in the demipower's palace on Mount Celestia. Vanathor is the dragon's mastery of storytelling and oration, enthralls (as
a master of all things musical. the spell) anyone listening to it for more than one round. It also
Vanathor appears as a powerful and charismatic gold uses spells as a 19th-level Wizard and can polymorph self at will.
dragon with a swirl of rainbow colors across its scaled chest. This creature is immune to all silence spells and spells that
This dragon speaks the Common tongue as well as the lan¬ dampen or otherwise affect sound. In addition, it is immune to
guage of Good-aligned dragons. In addition, it can communi¬ weapons of less than +2 enchantment.
cate with any creature through song.
Habitat/Society: As one of Bahamut's most trusted and pow¬
Combat: Like Bahamut, Vanathor reveres all life and is reluc¬ erful advisors, Vanathor wields a great deal of influence over
tant to kill. However, the creature possesses powerful claws draconic affairs in Mount Celestia. When not advising Draco
that inflict 3d4 points of damage and a ferocious bite that Paladin, Vanathor spends a good deal of its time serving as
causes 5d6 points of damage. Bard for the Draconic Court at Bahamut's palace. It is on good
Instead of using a traditional breath weapon, Vanathor uti¬ terms with all of the powers of Music—especially Corellon
lizes the power of its six-octave voice to help those in need and Larethian—and it often travels to share music and information.
defeat particularly powerful opponents. The effects of each Vanathor watches over Bards and other musicians who
octave are as follows: travel on the Prime Material Plane. Occasionally, Vanathor
1st Octave: This subsonic rumble shatters all metal weapons travels to the Prime and polymorphs itself into the form of a
and armor within a 90' radius area. Magical weapons and handsome half-elven Bard. In this form, it offers advice, shares
armor receive an item saving throw vs. disintegration to resist information, and otherwise assists those in need. As a half elf,
the effect. Vanathor carries an elaborate ash wood harp that duplicates its
2nd Octave: This basso profundo sound disrupts magic own sonic abilities and wields a broadsioord +3, flame tongue.
within a 60' radius. All spells and spell-like effects, regardless Good-aligned Bards of 15th-level or higher have a 15% chance
of their duration, are dispelled. (Note that this includes perma¬ to summon Vanathor if they mention its name in a song.
nent spells.) Magical items—such as rings, rods, staves, and Unlike the other children of Bahamut, who were either cre¬
wands—and magical weapons and armor cease to function for ated by Draco Paladin or spawned by mortal dragons,
2d4 turns. Vanathor simply appeared as an expected guest at Bahamut's
3rd Octave: This deep octave charms every creature within a Court and offered its service. Some sages say that this creature
90' radius (normal saving throws apply). is actually a dead power from an ancient pantheon, given new
4th Octave: This range of notes heals (as per the spell) all life by Bahamut's magic.
creatures within a 60' radius.
5th Octave: These bugle-like notes cause anyone within a 60' Ecology: Vanathor hunts and eats as a normal dragon. How¬
radius to plane shift to a destination of Vanathor's choosing. ever, other dragons often bring it meals as a sign of reverence.

54 • JUNE 1999
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“Dragons ... are known and feared for

their size, physical prowess, and magical
abilities. The oldest dragons are among
the most powerful creatures in the
world”- Monstrous Manual book
N ames are an
important part of
any AD&D® setting.
Less common fantasy races can be far
more difficult to find names for. This is
particularly true for nonhunianoid
characters. For any of these roles,
dragons need interesting, consistent,
and memorable names to bring their
races, who appear less frequently as personalities and roles to life.
They can make cultures major characters in fiction. And while The dragon name generator on page
seem mysterious, warriors few DMs need names for a pair of 56 is designed to assist with this daunt¬
sound heroic, and villains owl bears who attack the party, some ing task. No list of name fragments
remain memorable. Well- monsters need good names as much could ever include all the possible
crafted and appropriate as the PCs do. Most famous of such names and variations found among the
names are powerful tools monsters are the mighty dragons, from different dragon sub-races, but this
for DMs and players alike. which the AD&D game takes part of its generator can serv e as a starting point
name. Dragons can be found as master and easy reference for creating
Although it can be difficult
villains, helpful advisors, cunning draconic names.
and time consuming for a rivals, or even romantic interests for
DM to create lists of non¬ How It Works
human names appropriate Each draconic name consists of one or
to particular humanoid Table 1 more name fragments (from Tabic 2).
characters and cultures, Definitions have been included in this
there are frequently 1d20 Result table to help determine what a name
resources available to help 1 Roll once on Table 2. means once it has been generated. A
2-12 Roll twice on Table 2. dragon may also have several common
with these tasks. Dwarven
13-13 Roll three times on monikers it has earned or chosen, and
names might be taken from Table 2. Table 2 can also help develop these.
Norse myth, and numerous 19-20 Roll twice on Table 2 for Dragons are complex and ancient crea¬
elven names are found in a first name and twice tures, and it would not be unusual for
modern fantasy literature. for a second name. one to have a dozen or more names and

56 • JUNE 1999
it would not be unusual for one to have a dozen or more names and titles.

' J*'

titles it uses in different

You may randomly generate a
draconic name by rolling on Table 1. If
you prefer, it is also possible to pick a
set of definitions you like and assem¬
ble a name from the name fragments
listed with each definition. If trying to ores call him "The Slumbering Terror."
name a wise silver dragon who lives on The older a dragon is, the more
a mountain, you might decide that his monikers and titles it is likely to have.
name means Bright Scholar. Looking at breath" or "breath of gas." Name frag¬ Don't worry about two names shar¬
the definitions in Table 2, you end up ments with more general definitions ing the same meaning or having two
with Alaerthauntyr (or Alaeauntyr, (such as Dalagh, meaning "any definitions for one name. Although
Alaeuntryr, or Alaerthuntryr). weapon") likely refer to some favored draconic names have all descended
It is important to remember what object of that dragon. Of course, there from the same root language, the dif¬
impression you want the dragon to are always exceptions to these rules. A ferent sub-races have slightly different
make when assembling its name. As draconic name can also have "Dragon definitions and pronunciations for the
with any random generator, not every of" or "Wyrm" added to it. The simple same names. Besides, who's going to
combination will sound good, and name Anthar could mean "The Dragon argue if an ancient red dragon decides
some names might not be appropriate of the Swamp" or "Dire Wyrm." to change the definition of its name?
for a particular creature. If you want to If you have randomly generated a Dragons sometimes borrow names
portray a dragon as swift and graceful, name and don't like its definition, try or name fragments from other lan¬
you won't want a name that sounds altering the order of the words. It is also guages. It would be possible fora
lumbering and clumsy. possible to use the definition as just a dragon to use all or part of a human's
If you don't like a particular combi¬ starting place for a name's meaning. name in its own, for no other reason
nation, try some of the alternate Often the definitions can be combined than liking the sound of it. You may
spellings listed, or add (or remove) an in a poetic way for better results. In the want to experiment with mixing dra¬
ae, ar, i, ix, u, g, r, s, t, or th. Sometimes case of a name with three or more frag¬ conic and dwarven or elven names. You
only a minor change to a name is called ments, try dropping one or more of the could even mix in name fragments
for, and sometimes a whole new name definitions. Thus Feliymhoon could from other name generators (such as
may be more appropriate for the mean "Dragon of the Evil Shrine to the elven name generator article from
dragon. If you can't make a particular Storms," "Stern Raider of Evil," "Storm Dragon Magazine #251).
name work, try one with a similar of Pain," or just "The Adamant Wynn."
meaning. If you didn't like Draconic nicknames or common lan¬
Alaerthauntyr, try a name that means guage monikers can be chosen or rolled
"Ancient Sage," instead. up in the same way. You can randomly
Draconic names are almost always roll on Table 1 for a few definitions to Owen Stephens is a veteran DM who
self-referential. Name fragments that put together, or you can use definitions lives in Norman, Oklahoma. Although
are defined as a category (like Ethar, you like as a starting point. If you have there weren't main/ dragons in
which means "any breath weapon") decided to name the scholarly silver Oklahoma to intennew for this article,
almost always refer to the dragon itself. dragon Alaerthauntryr, you might Owen says it's amazing who you can
Thus in a blue dragon's name Ethar is decide to roll up a few random titles for talk to on the Internet if you know
likely to mean "lightning breath," but him, or just decide that bards refer to where to look. His article on otyugli
for a gold dragon Ethar will mean "fire him as "Father Sky," and the nearby names is proving harder to research.

DRAGON 260 • 57
Table 2
IdlOO Name Meaning 53 Marun/Marux Lightning; Mighty; Powerful; Wyrm
1 Aeros/Vaeros Breath; Fire; Fiery; Life 54 Maugh Burning; Pesire; Flame; Obsession
2 Agha/Agham Any color or metal 55 Mere Beast; Fiend; Savage; Primal
3 Agyrt/Gyrtu Ancient; Elder; First; Old 56 Miir/Miirym Alert; Cautious; Guardian;
4 Akkan/lkkan Assassin; Bane; Murderous; Sentinel
Savage 57 Morn/Momaug Pivine; God; Omniscient; Priest
5 Alae/Alaerth Agile; Bright; Quick; Lightning 50 Murh Crypt; Sleep; Slumbering; Still
6 Aly/Alymm Charm; Enchanter; Wand 59 Nabal Fate; Fortune; Lucky
7 Andra/Andre Epic; Great; Royal; Vast 60 Nym/Nyth Eyes; Scrying; Sight; Watching
0 Andusk Blinding; Light; South; Sun 61 Nur/Unur Concealed; Peceiver, Masked; Trick
9 Angkar Ally; Pwarf, Elf; Enemy 62 Oloth/Lotho Bardic; Minstrel; Singing; Song
10 Anthar Pine; Pismal; Swamp; Trap 63 Ontor/Ontrix Arcane; Enchanted; Mage; Magic
11 Aradace High; Mighty; Powerful; Ruler 64 Osk Greed; Horde; Lust; Thought
12 Arauth/Tharur Pefense; Maze; Trap; Trickster 65 Oth im Park, Pusky; Shadow; Shadowy
13 Ardu/Arydun Healing; Innocent; Kind; Peaceful 66 Pa\arIPa\a% Pefending; Guardian; Protector;
14 Arveia/Veiar Betrayal; False; Lying; Traitor Shield
15 Aryz/Aryxon Airy; Pancing; Graceful; Sweet 67 Quirin/Quitu Celestial; Eternal; Glittering; Star
16 Atar/Atrux Fang; Feed; Gnaw; Tooth 60 Raali/Raul Silent; Stealthy; Thief; Thieving
17 Auntyr/Untryr learned; Knowledge; Scholar; Wise 69 Ragoth Heaven; High; Sky; Tall
10 Aurak/Uraka Hunter, Stalk; Tail; Tracking 70 Razylym Armored; Hard; Steel; Strong
19 Auth/Autha Black; Blind; Parkness; Void 71 Rith/Rithux Pestruction; Poom; Ruin; Warrior
20 Bahor/Bahr Accursed; Blight; Curse; Toxin 72 Ru/Rurr Friend; Kin; Good; Morale
21 Bane Might; Powerful; Ring; Rune 73 Rysear/Ryx Fast; Lithe; Rain; Water
22 Bala/Ballax Blighted; Corrupt; Plague; Scourge 74 Saryn/Saryx Any gem or stone
23 Calaun Assault; Judge; Smite; Vengeance 75 Ser/Seyr Moon; Orb; Pearl; Silvery
24 Ciym/lym Adamant; Shrine; Statue; Stern 76 Sygax/Zygax Battle; Ruler; Victor, War
25 Claug/Clugh Forest; Garden; Green; Growing 77 Skad/Skarr Avid; Blood; Prey; Ravenous
26 Paerev/Peregh Egg; Hatchling; New; Young 70 Surp/Surr Crazed; Nature; Wasteland; Wild
27 Palagh/Palah Any weapon 79 Thal/Thalu Born in/of. History; Memory
20 Parrh/Parrath Pread; Fearful; Panic; Terror 00 Thanach/Tanarg Chaos; Hatching; Freedom; Living
29 Purg/Paurgo Pracolich; Foul; Rotting; Undead 01 Thot/Thoth Creeping; Larva; Worm; Writhe
30 Peszeld Ambitious; Pragon; Fierce; 02 Thrax/Uthrax Giant; Growing; Impressive;
Lord/Lady Massive
31 Eir/Majeir Fortress; Grand; Huge; Mountain 03 Thriin/Thriina Archer; Arrow; Harmful; Wound
32 Elden/lrden Hermit; Quest; Sage; Search 04 Treori/Treoris Pream; Illusion; Phantasmal;
33 Ethar/Thargar Any breath weapon Sleep
34 Endeem Claw; Sharp; Swift; Talon 05 Tostyn/Tosz Anything of value
35 Endor Brother/Sister; Companion; Twin 06 Traint/Tratain Just; Pact; Right; Truth
36 Eroese/Reoz Historic; Legend(ary); Mythic 07 Turac/Turace Cold; Frozen; Ice; North
37 Fel/lrfel Evil; Malice; Misfortune; Pain 00 Ua/Ualin Pesolate; Pestruction; Pevourer,
30 Gahl/Galad Pying; End; Night; Sunset East
39 Gaul/Gaulir Glory; Honorable; Loyal; Oath 09 Umer/Umerus Bridge; Future; Oracle; Path
40 Golos/Gos Air; Flying; Wind; Wing/Winged 90 Uryte Forgotten; Keeper; Lost; Lore
41 Guth/Guthi Chameleon; Pisguised; Shifting; 91 Uxin/Xin Hated; Hateful; Poison; Venomous
Unknown 92 Vaer/Waer Cloak; Hidden; Riddle; Secret
42 Harn/Hoon Rage; Raid; Raider; Storm 93 Vala/Valam Noble; Queen/King; Worthy
43 Ingeir Pevoted; Heart; Love; Soul 94 Valos Craft, Enchantment; Master/
44 Ix/lxu Courageous; Iron; Resolute; Will Mistress; Skill
45 lyliam/Riylm Bone; Corpse; Entombed; Lost 95 Vinc/Vincix Clay; Earth; Terrestrial; World
46 Jalan Abundant; Bounty; Many; Treasure 96 Voar/Voarex Pead; Peadly; Peath; Slayer
47 Jhar/Ujhar Charm; Mystic; Spell; Wizard 97 Vureem Buried; Cave; Submerged;
40 Kerin/Kerrar Humanoid; Lesser, Servant; Weak Underground
49 Klauth Rumble; Snarl; Thunder; Warning 90 Waur/Wyr Clever; Serpent; Sly
50 Lham/Ulham Coast; Endless; Sea; Vast; West 99 Zundae Harlequin; Laughing; Mirthful;
51 Lothtor Breeder, Creator, Father/Mother; Roar
Progenitor 100 Zyreph Engulfing; Flood; Overwhelm;
52 Mal/Malae Lair; Mysterious; Unknown; Vault Swallow

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Van Richten’s Ifousc

From his amazing library to his well-
stocked laboratory. Van Richten sur¬
rounded himself with the tools of his
ft The Herbalist’s Shop intellectual pursuits. The doctor had
this building remodeled to accommo¬
date his needs about ten years ago,
though many of the changes are known
only to him and the builders, who were
sworn to secrecy.
Van Richten's shop is nestled in a
quiet little intersection on the edge of
Mordentshire, identifiable only by the
small sign hung next to the door, which
bif Cinki 'Rice ant 5 tcv’c Mtiler reads "Herbalist, Dr. Rudolph van
Richten." Each of the doors and win¬
dows has a holy symbol etched in the
illustrated by Thomas Gianni
wood over it, and the flower boxes in
front of each of the windows (except for
those of stained glass) hold well-tended
garlic and wolfsbane plants.
Dr. Van Richten did not think it nec¬
essary to have a live-in servant, but he
did have a neighbor woman come in
once per day. The motherly Mrs. Polk
continued tending to the place long
after the doctor's disappearance, wait¬
ing until the Weathermay sisters had
everything under control before ceasing

i“^S«sSS% her visits.

ttf pr^Ttwe sfcuCd reai ^We hoV^ t0)ind I fabulist Shop

e ac4uieS?fu>zf°und a refTl{ A small bell above the entrance greets
ru, on(^ T. foccitio*1’ art .nffii distressed- J anyone who opens the door to this
Is a&oUt ^ {or the menta M tain[y establishment with its gentle chime.
Next to the door hangs a full-length
ce to a Wgfitoe, * ^ *** mirror, in which Van Richten would
watch anyone coming into his shop.
The inside of this room boasts row
■?5«» »»**I2J* upon row of small shelves filled with
vials and jars of herbs. Everything
from adder's tongue to woundwart
can be found here.
Poisons such as bryony, hemlock,
hemp, mistletoe, monk's-hood
(wolfsbane), mullein, and saffron
are kept behind the counter. Like
Van Richten, the twins take great
care to whom they distribute
these. Under this counter, the
doctor also kept a small strong¬
box. Gennifer and Laurie have
not located the key, so its con¬
tents remain untouched.

60 • JU NE 1999
Sitting Room
Customers rarely see this room, but the
sisters prefer it to any other room in the
house. This area dances with color in the
morning as the rising sun shines through
the two large stained-glass windows on
either side of the iron staircase. Dr. Van
Rich ten purchased these windows (as
well as the one at the top of the stairs)
from a small church of the Morning
Lord, whose Gundarakite priests had
been run out of town by angry Barovian
villagers. The window in the southern
wall offers a less spectacular view, leav¬
ing visitors to enjoy the fine Markovian
leather of the couch below it.
In the corner of the room stands a
sturdy, oak cabinet that holds the
remainder of the Van Richten family
china, which was brought from Rivalis.
Though many of the plates and bowls
have been patched together countless
times, the glassware remains surpris¬
ingly intact. In addition, the bottom
shelves hold bottles of the finest wines
and liqueurs to be found in the Core.
To the left of the door sits a small stand
containing several canes that the doctor
happened across during his travels,
including his favorite—a carved ivory
cane with a particularly fiendish looking
face on the ferrule. If the tongue is
depressed a certain way, a small pronged
metal spike shoots out of the end,
remaining attached to the cane by a The most unusual thing about this bellows, which is operated by a foot
length of strong twine. room is the number of portraits hanging tread, allowing the doctor to pump out
Another reason that the sisters spend on the walls. Almost every bit of empty any smoke and fumes. Mounted under¬
so much time in this room is the harpsi¬ wall space is covered by a small, round neath several of the beakers are small
chord to the right of the door. Van painting of someone that Van Richten cans of a blue gel, which bums much
Richten brought this beautiful instru¬ has lost due to his curse, with the notable hotter than an ordinary candle, allowing
ment back from Richemulot, along with exception of his son, Erasmus. him to speed up many reactions.
a stack of sheet music. Unfortunately, Dr. On another workbench (far away
Van Richten was a scholar, not a musi¬ Kitcfieti from any other flammable materials), the
cian, so the instrument went mostly A dumbwaiter connects this room to the doctor kept his equipment for making
unused. However, Gennifer has more upstairs hallway. This allowed Mrs. Polk bullets and mixing smokepowder. The
than made up for that during her stay. to send up hot water for the doctor's top drawer contains twenty finished,
Several large bookshelves also occupy bath, which he took in his room. Since normal bullets and one special bullet
this room. Despite the spacious library his disappearance, however, the sisters molded from pure silver.
upstairs. Van Richten ran out of room for have moved the tub downstairs, leaving In the ceiling above the door to the
his books, so he began moving some of it in the laboratory when not in use. shop is a small, barely noticeable hole.
them into other rooms of the house. Though this looks like a mere flaw, it is
Because he organized his tomes alpha¬ Laboratory actually the catch for a set of retractable
betically, he simply moved out particular This room remains largely unused stairs that lead to the library. The hole
letters to make room in the library. Thus, since Van Richten's sudden disappear¬ can easily be reached using a cane, a
these shelves contain all of his books by ance. The primary workbench holds a poker, or the large stick that the doctor
authors whose last names begin with the cluttered collection of beakers and glass kept in the comer for that purpose.
letters A and B. tubes. Directly over this hangs a large

DRAGON 260 • 61
A large stuffed dire wolf glares from to come in and dust, but she never researching for Guide to the Vistani.
its rickety wooden stand in the comer moved any of his belongings. After the Under the rug in front of these shelves is
next to the kitchen door. This mangy old twins moved in, they locked the room, the secret staircase that leads to the labo¬
figure hardly looks like anything of intending to leave it sealed until his ratory.
importance, but if pulled away from the return. Along the opposite wall is a large table
wall, it reveals a small staircase leading Above the mantle hangs a large por¬ covered with maps. Though most of
down to the cellar. trait of the doctor's son Erasmus leaning these maps depict the Core domains of
up against a tree and fishing. Behind this Ravenloft, some come from places much
Cettar painting. Van Richten hid the spare key farther away (Krynn, Oerth, the Known
This large storage area holds everything to the strong box downstairs and the World, and Sigil). A large globe of Abeir-
Van Richten had collected for fighting larger one hidden under the false bottom Toril also sits on this table. Though Van
the monsters he has written about in his of his wardrobe. Richten knew little of the world it
books. Weapons line most of the walls Never one to go unprepared, the doc¬ depicts, he was fascinated by the object
here, many of them made of obscure tor also kept a small, loaded snaplock itself.
substances and several of them magical, pistol in the drawer next to his bed. On the table in front of the fireplace
including a powerful sunsword brought Beneath that is his personal journal, the sits a carved, wooden chessboard and a
from Castle Ravenloft itself. He also kept last entry of which states that he small stack of letters. This board was a
a large soup tureen full of holy water, intended to seek treatment for the horri¬ gift from a noble gentleman in Nova
which he restocked regularly, though ble nightmares he had been having. Vaasa, Sir Tristen Hiregaard. Tristen and
most of it has evaporated. The doctor Like many other rooms in his house. Van Richten had been playing a long¬
also used this underground chamber to Van Richten's bedroom contains several distance game of chess at the time of the
grow several rare types of mushrooms. bookshelves. These contain all of the doctor's disappearance, so the sisters
books alphabetized under the letters E have not disturbed the board. Still, they
Upstairs Hailway andF. did reply to Sir Tristen's last letter,
At the top of these stairs is the third of explaining to him the situation.
the stained giass windows. The book¬ Library
shelves in this hallway contain all of the Almost half of the second floor is dedi¬ ** *
doctor's books alphabetized under the cated to Van Richten's library. The Despite being briefly distracted by the Case of
letters C and D. library walls are covered from floor to the Vanishing Cobbler; Gennifer and I have
ceiling with bulging bookshelves con¬ found what we were searching for much
Guest Room taining volumes alphabetized under the sooner than either of us thought possible! It
This room was left mostly empty by Dr. letters G-Z. In many cases, stacks of was so simple that we almost missed it—to
Van Richten, who rarely had overnight books pile up in front of the bookshelves, think, a hidden library within a library! Still,
guests. Since his disappearance, the waiting to be organized. At the back of we dared not trigger the latch for fear that he
Weathermay sisters have moved in, fill¬ the shelves along one wall is a small had perhaps protected or trapped it somehow.
ing the room with their personal belong¬ lever. When this lever is pulled, the Thus, we carefully removed everything from
ings. This is the only room that they felt shelves sink about a foot, revealing the shelves and used a bit of rope to pull the
comfortable in making their own, so they another, secret bookshelf, that holds the latch from around the corner in the halhvay.
have quickly adapted it to their needs. doctor's research notes, his unfinished And what a treasure trove we uncovered! The
manuscripts, and an first book we opened described three dozen
Bedrooom authentic tarokka deck wards and guards against creatures of dark¬
This is the one room that has not given to him while ness and evil. Still, we have not yet found
changed at all since Van Richten's more clues to our uncles whereabouts.
For several months
after he left, Mrs.
Polk continued

62 • JUNE 1999
Wards and Guards Van Richten constructed a fiend-guard Reportedly the mirror always reveals the
Each of these wards can be used in sev¬ some time ago. Gennifer and Laurie true appearance of someone standing in
eral different ways. Each ward descrip¬ found it in the secret basement and had front of it, as well as revealing whether
tion is followed by several different one of the young men in the neighbor¬ or not someone is under the influence of
options, allowing the Dungeon Master hood place it on the roof. a charm, magic jar, or other mental domi¬
to choose which effect best suits his or nation. For example. Wizards using poly¬
her campaign. In addition to these, the + The fiend-guard works as believed. A morph self appear in their true form in the
DM can also choose to have the item fiend that attempts to destroy the fiend- mirror's reflection, regardless of their
simply work as it is described or perhaps guard (even through spell-like effects or altered shape. The reflection of a charmed
not even work at all. dominated minions) immediately suf¬ villager would be covered with a faint,
fers 3d 10 points of damage. The fiend black shadow.
Chime of the Beast can still destroy the building, however. The most powerful effect attributed to
The chime of the beast hails from the dis¬ •F The fiend-guard works as believed, the mirror is that when the command
tant land of Sri Raji. It is a small bell that except the fiend can destroy the fiend- phrase is uttered ("vek dit uhyre"), it
must be made from the metal of a melted guard through any means except physi¬ immediately functions as a mirror of life
holy symbol and the silver used to kill a cal contact. The fiend suffers 3d 10 points trapping, drawing the reflected person
werebeast. Reportedly, if hung above a of damage if it comes into physical con¬ within its silvery surface. The utterance
door or window, the bell tinkles when¬ tact with the weather vane. of a second phrase ("tilbag dit uhyre")
ever a werebeast of the type killed by the ♦ Not only does the fiend-guard fail to restores the victim.
silver passes under it. Functioning bells keep out fiends but it also gives them a Van Richten hung this mirror just
reportedly radiate faint necromantic and +5% bonus to their chance to gate in inside the door to his shop so he could
divination magic, despite the fact that no other fiends. observe those who entered the shop.
spells are used in their creation. Gennifer and Laurie have left it there,
Gennifer and Laurie have created such Mirror of Protection and now they carefully scrutinize cus¬
a bell and hung it over the door, next to The method of creating a mirror of protec¬ tomers who pass by.
the bell that announces customers when tion is unknown, as Van Richten brought
they enter into the shop. They eagerly back the only known example from + The mirror of protection has only one
(and apprehensively) await the day one of his last expeditions. As of his dis¬ function: It reflects vampires in addition
when their second bell chimes. appearance, he had yet to verify to normal people and objects.
whether or not it worked. •F The mirror of protection does
+ The chime of the beast actually reacts > indeed reveal polymorphed and
to any werebeast that passes through the magically influenced beings, but
entrance. it does not duplicate a mirror of
•F The chime of the beast activates only if life trapping.
an infected werebeast of the specified
kind (rather than a natural one) passes
through the entrance.
♦ The chime of the beast activates when
anyone who has ever killed a werebeast
of any kind comes through the door.

The fiend-guard looks like a weather
vane. It must be installed on the roof of
the building it is supposed to protect.
The stand must be made from cold-
wrought iron clad in steel, while the
directional pointer must be constructed
from metal that at one time was part of a
church devoted to a deity of good align¬
ment. After the fiend-guard has been
placed on the roof, an innocent child
must kiss it. No fiend can enter a struc¬
ture displaying such a device. Further,
any fiend touched by the fiend-guard (or
that attempts to use its vast powers) is
wracked with great pain.

DRAGON 260 • 63
4* The mirror of protection has no twins have yet brought themselves to embarrassing curse while murdering the
unique function, except that it has a mild test it; they find the concept revolting. host results in a lethal one, for example.)
I enchantment preventing it from ever However, they have promised each 4* The host's revenge ward works only
needing to be polished. other that should they ever have reason on people who have already failed one
to go mummy hunting, they will bring or more powers checks, plus it doubles
Amufets of Safekeeping along a supply. the chance of failure on the next check.
These unadorned steel or silver amulets 4* The host's revenge actually only
hang on silver chains. They are hollow + Set's ointment automatically pre¬ causes the offender to have horrible
and can be opened by releasing a tiny vents mummy rot, but only for 2d4 nightmares until the act is somehow rec¬
latch and pivoting the lid on a pin. strikes. tified. After one week, the person starts
(However, some are welded shut and 4* Set's ointment works as believed, but to lose 1 point of Constitution per day
cannot be opened.) Inside is a bit of fur, its smell attracts insects and hungry wild due to a lack of sleep.
skin, or bone from the creature against beasts.
which the amulet is designed to protect 4* Set's ointment grants the wearer 4*4» *

the wearer. So long as the amulet is a saving throw vs. poison to resist Today we received another response to
worn, the specified type of creature mummy rot the first 2d4 times struck. our inquiries about Uncle Rudolph. Our
cannot attack the wearer physically. correspondent also had no knowledge of
(The amulets do not protect against Host’s Revenge Uncle Rudolph's fate. Laurie suggests that
mental attacks.) The ward known as host's revenge can we travel to Nova Vaasa to investigate the
The amulets must be forged by a black¬ take many forms (the most common of Clinic for the Mentally Distressed, but I
smith who is pure of heart, using metal which is a doorknocker), but whatever think we should first follow up on some of
that has been blessed by a Good-aligned the form, it must be attached to the the leads closer to home. My head spins
Priest. Once the amulet is completed, it house. These wards originate among with the many unanswered questions we
must be blessed again. The chain must the wealthy of Dementlieu, and many have found in Uncle's notebooks. Shall we
always be of pure silver, and it must stories circulate about their power. brave the House on Gryphon Hill? Shall we
receive the same blessings as the amulet. They can be created from any mixture secure passage aboard a ship and seek the
So far, the twins have not created any of metal, but the metal must contain at council of the tragic lord of East Riding on
amulets. They have yet to find a qualified least 13 silver pieces that were once Ghastria? Or did our Uncle meet a dire fate
blacksmith. (Van Richten experienced owned by a man who was betrayed by while investigating the legendary Dark
similar problems before them.) his dearest friend. Lurker of Morfenzi? Tonight, over dinner,
If someone enters into a home and we shall arrive at a decision.
+ Amulets of safekeeping function as accepts the hospitality of a resident, any
believed, as well as granting a +1 bonus slight against those who dwell there will
to resist any mind-affecting powers the be visited upon the offender ten-fold.
creature might have. For example, a petty thief who accepts
4* Amulets of safekeeping work only a lady's invitation for tea will find Cindi Rice, former lead editor for the
against corporeal undead. They are use¬ himself robbed of all belongings Raven loft* line, has recently moved
less against living creatures. if he pinches so much as a sil¬ into the even darker domain of
♦ Amulets of safekeeping do not protect ver spoon. Guests who utter brand management. Much
against attack, but they grant the wearer an unkind word about a of Steve Miller's work has
a +2 bonus to resist mind-affecting host from a protected been done in tandem with
attacks from the designated creature. house may find their others, including the
own reputations upcoming Carnival
Set's Ointment ruined. (with John W.
Set's ointment is a grayish salve made The Mangrum) and A
from rare herbs, ox grease, and ground knocker on DRAGONLANCE'
mummy wrappings. Nomads revealed Van Richten's Reader's
the recipe for this salve to Van Richten door is one of these Companion:
during his last visit to the Mist-shrouded wards. As of yet, the The Odyssey of
Amber Wastes. The ointment protects twins do not know Gilthanas
from both the harsh sun of these lands whether it works. (with Douglas Niles
and the dreaded, disease-causing touch 4- The host's revenge casts a and Stan!)
of mummies. Unfortunately, it functions curse upon the errant guest
only if the wearer covers his or her entire that ranges in strength
body with it. from embarrassing to
Although Van Richten has a sizable lethal. (Defaming the
supply of this ointment, neither of the host results in an

6 A • JUNE 1999
NOW- UTR&OY. MCNsmoirtw


i rar ife-—\ w w «eal? like. WOULDN'T MS, A J ti EXISTENCE CAME
J obuvionmwv?X EmBrr'j
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7U0S£CARNi«AL- r*H monsters ~seims, ctfvsnL} GELATINOUS CUBES bottled how
nouveiN d aceuN! BALL SNOW 6L0BES ^ ona-st/ck; . S«/N6 (DATES'
thneathat 4 i THE CAVES 1 l&DOEA' m ANPR3W7V HATS’> . WHAT560W6
ARTAX SAIP 1 Loe chaos. J k, ON HERE? a
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flora.' ^

uowA6ar< P RELAX'
want1 ail the flavor OF MUETOFl CRinouE HALTED me CORRUPTION Igrms?J Of TIME FOR
„ PAM/lV! ^

DRAGON 260 * 65
Fiction by
Kate Novak-Grubb

g g IDDEN IN THE JHI BRANCHES OF AN OAK TREE, Reaching out with his spirit, the paladin detected a surge of
M g Priam Agrivar ||R^ held his breath as he evil emanating from the stranger. Agrivar wanted to leap
■» ^ watched Ishi WBarasume dive from' the rail down from his hiding place and challengethis man berating
of the balcony window outside her bedroom. For a moment Ishi, buthe knew somehow that Ishi would never havefwished
she was a blur of colors, the jet black of her shoulder-length hair him to witness this scene.
and the lacquer of her sword's sheath, the coppery tone of ^er The stranger flipped over the cushion of yellow silk, spilling
skin, the fire red of her tunic, the indigo blue of her trousers. the sword onto the dust of the courtyard.
She landed without a waver on the edge of the water trough, Ishi cried out. She crawled forward on her hands and knees,
cartwheeled off, cfrew her sword in mid-air, and hit the ground picked up the weapon, and clutched it to her chest. Only then
on the balls of her bare feet. Her long slender blade, a katana did she look up again, glaring at the^tranger. She answered
she called Deep River, washeld at theieady, prepared to him in Kozakuran, with a cold, determined tone.
defend the courtyard of the Green Dragon Inn from an The stranger laughed, and his shape shimmered in the
imaginary attack. morning light. Then he vanished, leaving his armor to fall
It was only an exercise, but its execution was perfect. As in a pile before Ishi's kneeling figure. Atop the pile stood a
perfect as Ishi herself, Agrivar thought. Her grace and tremendous black rat. Ishi drew back from the creature in
strength, skill and valor made her the perfect warrior... and disgust. The rat hissed at her, then ran out the courtyard
the perfect friend. gateway.
Something kept them from growing closer though. Agrivar Ishi stood. For a moment she looked up at the window to
was not sure exactly what. In his heart he suspected it had Agrivar's room—where he would have been if he were not
something to do with the way Ishi secretly practiced these hiding in the oak tree. Then, clenching the hilt of the sword,
dangerous acrobatic maneuvers when she thought he was Ishi ran out the courtyard gate after the rat.
asleep, and the way he never asked her why she did so. There Agrivar waited for several moments, stunned and confused,
was a part of her life she was not ready to explain to him, a part before he swung down from his hiding place in the oak tree
he was afraid to ask about because she might not wish to and ran to the courtyard gate. The Green Dragon Inn stood on
explain, or because he might not wish to know. There was not a hilltop surrounded by open pasture. Ishi was nowhere to be
yet, the paladin realized, a perfect trust between them. seen. A few goats grazed near the courtyard wall. The only
A dog yelped outside the courtyard gate. Ishi lpoked up and other figure in sight was a marble statue of a small, exotic dog
gasped. Agrivar turned his attentioato what she saw. Standing beside the gate. Ishi had called the statue Riko Inu. It was a
in the courtyard gateway was a scraivny easterner, a man good omen, she'd said. Agrivar slumped back against the
dressed in Kozakuran armor similar to Ishi's own. He had long gatepost. He had no idea what was going on, but he was
black hair, gleaming wet, pulled back in a gold band, and certain if was not good.
small, beady, red eyes. Before him he held out a cushion of "Where did she go?" he whispered.
yellow silk on which lay a medium length Kozakuran sword.. Something barked excitedly near his feet. Agrivar looked
"Ishi Barasume," the stranger said. down but saw only the statue of the small dog. Feeling foolish,
Ishi remained motionless as the color drained from her face. the paladin rubbed the statue's polished head as Ishi had done
The stranger bowed, ever so slightly. when they'd first entered the inn. "Riko Inu?" he said.
Ishi sheathed her sword and bowed low. A tremor shook her Suddenly, blue smoke poured from the statue's ears and
shoulders. , massed into a cloud at Agrivar's ankles. Then the smoke
The stranger spoke in a language Agrivar did not under¬ drifted away, revealing the frantically quivering form of a
stand. The speaker's tone was harsh, his look full of contempt. small dog with long, white hair. Agrivar picked up the creature
Agrivar burned to know what this man said, for the effect of which licked the paladin's ear and yelped. Agrivar heard the
his words on Ishi was profound. Ishi lowered her head, then words, "Hurry! Follow me!" The dog leaped from his arms
sank to her knees. and burst down the hill toward the morning sun.
The paladin pursued, feeling ungainly, trip¬ "Her what?" Agrivar asked.
ping over gopher mounds and stumbling in rab¬ "Her ki, her life force. She addressed the statue with respect,
bit holes as the dog scurried nimbly ahead. The so I came here in my ethereal form to watch over her. You may
creature gave a great leap into the air and van¬ call me by the name she gave the statue, Riko Inu."
ished. Without hesitation, Agrivar leaped after him. "So what did this hengeyokai say to her, Riko Inu?"
Cold, dark water surrounded the paladin. He felt a momen¬ "The hengeyokai came under false colors, wearing the
tary fear, for he could not float in his chainmail. In the next symbol of her family's clan. He accused her of bringing shame
instant his feet touched a ledge, and he was able to scrabble upon her family by losing her father's wakhizashi, by
above the surface of the water. He straightened to find himself abandoning it in the castle of someone called Lord Kori."
standing in water up to his knees. His boots squelched in muck "Her father's wakhizashi—was that the sword the
beneath the water. The air was chill and damp and fetid. Over¬ hengeyokai carried?" Agrivar asked.
head hung weakly glowing lanterns of iron. Stone walls rose "I think it must have been. Sir Agrivar."
on either side of him. The water flowedsluggishly between the "But why did she follow the hengeyokai here? And where is
walls, black as AigfitThe little dog paddled frantically until he here?" - '
reachedAgrivar's knee and pawed at the paladin, trying to "I do not know," the foo dog said with a shake of his shaggy
find purchase. Agrivar picked up the creature again. head. "Ishi followed the hengeyokai through a magical gate,
"Where are we?" he whispered to the dog. and I wanted to show it to you, since you could not see it with
"Shh, not yet," the dog cautioned. "Move quietly." your eyes. I will try to pick up her scent and lead you to her."
Agrivar trudgedihrough the water with as much stealth as "Thank you," Agrivar said. Even if he didn't know where he
he could muster irihis leather boots and mail. Soon he reached was, at least he was on Ishi's trail.
a staircase that rose out of the water to a ledge guarded by a "I am honored to be of assistance to you. Sir Agrivar." The
great black rat with beady red eyes. It could have been the small creature bowed his head. ‘S’
same rat that fled from Ishi. It hissed at Agrivar's approach. "I'm honored to have your assistance, Riko Inu," the paladin
Witlxa feral snarl, the little dog leaped from the paladin's replied bowing his head in return. "Lead on."
arms, landed on the rat's back, and sank his teeth into the Riko Inu spun about and headed up the next flight of stairs.
rodent's neck. The rat squealed furiously and tried to shake the Agrivar followed. Atop the stairs was great door clad in strips
dog loose, without success. Although the dog was no bigger of iron. It was locked fast, but in it was built a smaller door,
than the rat, his jaws were more powerful. In a few moments which stood slightly ajar. With great effort, Agrivar managed
the rat was still. The dog dropped the fresh rat corpse into the to squeeze his great frame through the small opening.
water. It floated past Agrivar. without a sound. Riko Inu sat waiting on the other side. Beyond the door was
The dog shook the water from its back. Then he barked out, a twisting, turning staircase flanked by a canyon of high stone
"This way. Sir Agrivar." He r$n along the ledge to another set walls. Somewhere far overhead daylight shone. "I have Ishi's
of stairs. scent. She's come this way," Riko Inu declared and bounded
Agrivar climbed out of the fetid water. "Whats going on?" upward.
he demanded with a sharp whisper. "Where are we?" His The paladin called out for Riko Inu to wait, but the dog
patience was wearing thin. He felt ignorant and powerless, disappeared beyond a twist in foe staircase. Agrivar followed
feelings he detested. "Who are you? And what was that rat warily. He'd left his sword back at the Green Dragon Inn, and
thing? What did it say to Ishi?" he realized that not only was every turn in foe stairs a perfect
The little dog turned, cocked his head, and fixed the paladin place for an atnbush but also he was an easy target for anyone
with a curious look. "You don't understand Kozakuran?" the on foe walls above. Although he remained unchallenged so far,
creature asked. he was climbing into a stronghold.
"No," Agrivar said, shaking his head. "Though Ishi has told Finally, the stairs ascended into a courtyard, foe strangest
me something of her country. Was that creature a goblin rat?" courtyard Agrivar had ever seen. A field of sand surrounded
"No," the dog answered. "That was a hengeyokai. Weaker three large rocks, and a stunted and gnarled pine grew from a
than a goblin rat, but far more cunning. I am what your west¬ cleft in one of them. Moss grew part way up foe stones. The
ern sages would call a foo dog. My kind visit your world when sand was raked in flowing lines. Overall foe courtyard created
we please. Many centuries ago, in Shou Lung, a wu jen—a the illusion of a vast sea surrounding barren islands. The
wizard—put a spell on a marble statue of a dog. With this illusion was spoiled somewhat by foe three large footprints
statue, the people of the wizard's village could petition me that Agrivar had left in the sand before he'<4 noticed where he
when they needed help dealing with evil spirits. A few years was walking.
ago, a Tuigan soldier looted the statue and carried it to your There was no sign of Riko Inu. The little dog left no trace in
land in the west. That is the statue outside the gate of the Green foe sand. Nor was there any trace of Ishi's footprints. Ishi could
Dragon Inn. When Ishi patted the statue I sensed her, though have leapt over foe sand, he realized, or foe dog might have /

she did not ask for help. Her ki is strong." taken his ethereal form to travel undetected.
Agrivar leaped toward one of the buildings that surrounded The easterner shouted angrily and tried to
the courtyard. He landed in the sand, leaving two more foot¬ step back, but Agrivar anticipated this move and
prints before he reached the edge of the "seascape/' stepped forward faster, knocking the warrior to
The building before him was constructed of wood, plaster, the ground and landing on top of him.
and panels of fine paper set in wooden frames. He could dis¬ In another moment Agrivar had his hand on the hilt of the
cern no doorway until he remembered Ishi explaining how sword and wrenched it from his opponent. He rolled to his
doors in her country often slid in grooves. Spying a small hole knees and leaped to his feet, with the weapon between himself
in one of the wooden frames, he used it as a finger catch and and his opponent, mindful of the second sword the man wore
slid the wooden frame and paper panels to one side. at his belt.
Within was a small room, or portion of a room, for the other "Look, I don't want to hurt you," Agrivar said. "I just want
three walls consisted of hanging curtains of delicate white fab¬ to find Ishi Barasume." ' .
ric. The floor was covered in woven straw mats. A blue and The man on the floor rose to his feet and shouted at Agrivar,
green porcelain bowl sat on the floor in the center of the room. words the paladin could not understand.
Agrivar slid the curtains aside, exploring deeper into the Another man stepped out from behind ared-and-gold
building. Hanging lanterns dimly lit the interior. Each room screen and spoke sharply to the warrior Agrivar had just
was walled off by curtains or screens or sliding panels, many bested. The warrior growled like a furious beast but left the
painted with delicate sketches of trees or birds or landscapes. room, charging through a set of curtains.
Each room held some object, rare or everyday—a lute, a tea set, Agrivar examined this new stranger He, too, was an east¬
a wall of shelving piled with scrolls, a loom, a writing tray with erner but nearly as tall as Agrivar. He had awarrior's build,
pens and ink, a set of armor, a paper fan, an arrangement of but he wore neither weapon nor armorv He was dressed in a >
silk flowers and dead branches. Each room h^d an uncluttered robe of brocaded silk. On his feet he wore sandals. His short,
simplicity that was lovelyto behold. Agrivar was struck with dark hair was gathered in a gold band atop his head, accentu¬
the notion that this place was very like Ishi, that perhaps she ating his high forehead. He was a handsome young man made
belonged here. Yet there was no trace of her. more so by the grin on his face and the gleam in his darkeyes.
Agrivar drew aside another curtain and froze. An easterner "Since my useless guard can't seem to kill you, you may as
in full Kozakuran armor stood in the room, with a two handed well be my guest," the stranger said.
sword drawn. The easterner glared at the paladin and snarled. "You speak the common tongue of the west?" Agrivar asked
"Excuse my intrusion," Agrivar said. "I'm looking for a with surprise.
woman. Her name's Ishi Barasume." "I am well educated," the man replied.
The easterner bowed, then said something Agrivar could "Please forgive my intrusion. My name is Priam Agrivar. I
not understand. followed a friend here through a magical gate. I'm only trying
Agrivar bowed politely and said, "I'm sorry. I don't to find her. Her name is Ishi Barasume." <
understand." "Ishi? Ishi is back? She received my message from my
The easterner continued to glare. Then he raised his sword. servant then? Excellent Well, any friend of Ishi's ... will have
In that moment Agrivar realized he was being challenged. to be studied. I am Lord Kori." The man made a low bow.
If the easterner's weapon was anything like Ishi's katana, it Agrivar bowed in return. "Pleased to meet you," he replied.
could slice him in half like^n apple. "So, you haven't seen Ishi?" he asked, feeling anxious for the
The swordsman remained frozen. Agrivar might have woman's presence.
mistaken his inaction for hesitation, but he remembered Ishi "I. ,t missed her arrival, but I'm sure she'll make an appear¬
explaining how eastern warriors were trained to envision the ance once she's made herself presentable," Lord Kori
outcome of the combat before striking the first blow, some¬ answered, with a meaningful look at Agrivar's clothing.
times making the combat unnecessary. Agrivar was suddenly painfully aware that he must resem¬
If you think I'm going to envision losing, Agrivar thought, ble a sewer rat, and in this orderly and artful place he stood out
you have another vision coming. The paladin had neither like a piece of trash. Water dripped from his tunic and chain
weapon nor shield, but he was a good deal taller and probably mail, and his boots were covered with green slime, which he'd
stronger than this stranger. tracked across the woven mats covering the floor. He was
As the eastern warrior's sword slashed down, Agrivar unshaven, and he smelled.
crouched low and moved inward, grabbing his opponent's "Please, enter," Lord Kori said graciously, leading Agrivar to
wrists before the deadly steel blade could find a target. the room behind the red-and-gold screen.
The easterner's blow was forceful, but Agrivar's hands This room was far more sumptuous. Furs of striped beasts
were stronger, and the sword remained trapped. The easterner draped a low platform on one side, and the screens were
tried to yank his wrists from the paladin's fingers, but Agrivar brightly painted and decorated with gold leaf. A divan cov¬
held fast. "Envision an old-fashioned western brawl," Agrivar ered in yellow silk pillows stood in the center of the room. A
grunted. black lacquered tray sat on the floor beside the divan. Upon it
rested a stoppered bottle and two cups carved prepared to settle for the honor of a landed title. The shikken
from jade. told me Ishi was the daughter of one of the emperor's sons and
Lord Kori motioned for Agrivar to have a seat the shogun's mother's sister. An alliance with her would
on one of the mats on the floor. assure my appointment as lord of the province."
Agrivar held out the hilt of the sword to return it, but Lord "An alliance?" Agrivar asked. "As in marriage?" He felt a pit
Kori shook his head. "Keep it," he said with a sly smile. in his stomach.
The paladin sat cross-legged before the divan and lay the "Naturally," Lord Kori replied. "What other kind of alliance
sword beside him. He couldn't help but note how fastidiously is there where a woman is concerned? On our wedding night,
the nobleman skirted around the wet and slimy spots he had however, my bride told me that her parents were both com¬
tracked on the mats. mon bushi. Hardly more than peasants. What can the shikken
Lord Korf lowered himself onto the divan. He nodded to the have hoped to achieve by having me wed a commoner, do you
jade bottle on the trayJ'A cup of wine to refresh yourself?" think?"
"Thank you, butl don't drink," Agrivar replied. While Agrivar was loathe to persuade this arrogant noble¬
'Tou don't drink*' Lord Kori laughed, "AH you western bar¬ man to enter into an alliance with Ishi, the paladin could
barians ate famous for drinking." hardly allow any insult to Ishi to go unchallenged. "Whatever
"I'm less famous than the rest," Agrivar said. her parentage, Ishi is far from common," he retorted coolly.
Lord Kori chuckled. "What do you do when you're thirsty?" "Shiite the most remarkable woman I have ever met, and I
"I drink water," Agrivar explained. hav^ met many remarkable women."
"Water. How foul. We can't serve you water. It's so very "So the peasant girl has deceived another man of rank with
poisonous," the nobleman declared. He clapped his hands her tricks. You have my sympathies," Lord Kori replied.
once, and from behind one of the screens came a large snow Agrivar bristled. "Ishi's tricks are her grace and strength. In
monkey walking upright and wearing a green silken robe. the western realms we call them virtues, and they have earned
The monkey bowed. Lord Kori spoke in Kozakuran. The her our respect."
monkey bowed and retreated behind the screen. A few Lord Kori snorted in amusement. "The west is a barbarbus
moments later the monkey returned with a blue porcelain land with a peculiar motto: Every man a hero. Here in the^ast
bowl which it set down on the tray. It bowed again to Lord we know that order can be maintained only when every man
Kori and left. remembers his place. Virtue lies in remaining dutiful to the
Lord Kori motioned to the bowl. It was filled with a white position in which the gods placed one at birth. But of course
liquid. "It's wild mare's milk," Lord Kori explained. "They say Ishi comes from a line of peasants who forgot their place."
the horde warriors drink it for strength." Agrivar remained very still and kept his breathing steady in
Agrivar picked up the bowl cautiously. He'd never had an effort to disguise his anger. "If you feel that way, why did
mare's milk before, but he didn't want to appear rude by you have your servant return her father's wakhizashi?"
sniffing at it. "I thought having something as filthy as a rat hengeyokai
"To Ishi," Lord Kori said, holding upone of the jade cups returning to her what she so carelessly left behind was a fitting
filled with wine. He drained it and set it down on the lac¬ insult to her honor. I hadn't actually expected her to return.
quered table. This could be even more interesting."
'To Ishi," Agrivar agreed and sipped at the mare's milk. It A sense of unease chilled the paladin's blood. He felt sud¬
was thin and sweet. He swallowed the remainder and set the denly that he yvould be more comfortable with the sword in his
bowl beside Lord Kori's cup. hands, but when he tried to move, his arms were stiff and his
There was a moment of silence. Then the paladin asked, hands felt like lead weight^. Even his face felt stiff. He looked
"How do you know Ishi, Lord Kori?" up at Lord Kori with shock. The mare's milk had been
"We were introduced by the shikken—you know who that drugged. "Why?" he just barely managed to ask.
is?" Lord Kori asked. Lord Kori rose to his feet. "Why?" The nobleman bent over
"Regent for the shogun," Agrivar replied. Although it had and whispered in the paladin's ear, "Your little peasant friend's
taken weeks, Ishi had managed to help him comprehend some father was a troublemaker whom I killed for the insolence of
of the tangled politics of Kozakura. impersonating a samurai. On our wedding night she took her
"You have had some education as well," Lord Kori noted. revenge by slicing off my head and imprisoning me with
"Do you come from a landed family, Priam Agrivar?" magic for over a decade. She will answer for that affront.
"If I wanted to settle down, there's a holding waiting for Killing you is just another way of insulting jier."
me," the paladin replied. Land, Ishi had once explained to him, With an effort of superhuman will Agrivar fought off the
was a symbol of rank in Kozakura. "Why did the shikken drugged numbness just enough to straighten out his leg, aim¬
introduce you to Ishi?" ing at Lord Kori's shin. The movement was slow and weak,
"I'd defeated his army—twice. I'm not a greedy man, and would do no more than nudge the nobleman, but the
however. I wasn't interested in his position... yet. I was effect it had was most interesting.
Kate Novak-Grubb

Lord Kori leaped backward as if from a sword's swing. "How could I not come?" Agrivar replied. He
Agrivar's boot still grazed the skin of the nobleman's ankle. put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed
The portion of Lord Kori's flesh with which Agrivar had con¬ them gently. "I was watching you from the tree
nected sizzled and steamed as if it had been branded. The east¬ this morning when that rat thing came. I was
erner cursed in Kozakuran, a phrase that Agrivar had heard worried for you, Ishi. You looked so distraught. Lord Kori said
Ishi use before. that you were married, that you cut off his head. Is he mad?
"For that you will pay/' Lord Kori growled. "I had consid¬ What is going on?"
ered giving you the quick death of a warrior, but now your Ishi hung her head. "It is not easy to speak of such shame,"
death will be slow and painful." she said. "Now it does not matter. I will die fighting Lord Kori
Unable to move his muscles to keep his balance, Agrivar and so regain my honor." <. • • . v
toppled over on his side. As Lord Kori limped from the room "Don't talk of your death like that. Tell me why,"" Agrivar
Agrivar focused with his paladin's sense on the nobleman. insisted.
Evil emanated from the easterner like heat from a fire. Ishi sighed. "My parents were soldiers/n the army of the
As Lord Kori disappeared from view, a second evil of a lord of this castle. Lord Kori and his trbops mowed down the
lesser nature assailed Agrivar's senses. The snow monkey lord's army. For his valor in that combat the lord bestowed
wearing the green robe returned to the room. It approached upon my father this katana and wakhizashi, and the honor of
the paladin cautiously, sniffing, then poking at him to be sy re wearing both swords together. When my father tried to stop
he was immobilized completely. Agrivar felt 3 tickle on his left Kori's soldiers from looting the village-outside this castle, Kori
wrist. He'd left his bracers with the rest of his plate mail back accused him of impersonating a samurai and had my father ./ i
in his room at the Green Dragon Inn. executed. My mother died defending this castle fronvLprd
Suddenly a sharp pain shot up his left arm. The snow mon¬ Kori's siegje. Lord Kori took the castle and slaughtered the lord
key had bitten into his wrist. It began lapping at the blood. and his family.
The irony aggravated the paladin no end. A short while ago "I was not here at the time. I was training with a great kensai
he'd defeated a fully armed and armored opponent with noth¬ who had befriended my parents. After my parents died*when
ing but his strength. Now he was being chewed to death by a I was fifteen, a man named Po came to my kensai's school, and
monkey. my kensai said I was to go with Po for special training so that I
Suddenly a small, furry shadow leaped across the room, could better serve my country and the emperor. For some time
landing on the snow monkey. A furious growling and howling I thought perhaps Master Po was a monk, but later I realized
ensued as Riko Inu tore at the snow monkey's throat with his that the training and the orders I received did not truly follow
teeth, and the snow monkey clawed at the foo dog with its the Path and the Way." , f, -
front paws. Riko Inu had landed the first blow though, and his The warrior woman's viqice broke on the words the Path and
jaw was a vice clamping down on the monkey's life. the Way. The Path and the Way, Agrivar knew, was the reli¬
It was horrible to watch, but there was a grim satisfaction in gious philosophy Ishi's parents had brought her up to follow.
watching the monkey die. Riko Inu whipped his muscular Ishi took a deep breath and when she spoke again there was
neck and tossed the foul creature against one of the screens. It anger in her voice. "When I was sixteen. Master Po brought me
slid to the floor with a thump. to the court of the emperor where the shikken introduced me
The little dog padded up to Agrivar's face and licked his to Lord Kori. Master Po said Lord Kori and I were to be mar¬
cheek. The warmth of the dog's pink tongue ma<$e Agrivar's ried, and he instructed me on how to fool Lord Kori into
face feel a little less stiff. He was ablato ask, "Ishit" believing I was a lady and then how to kill him. I would have
"I found her. Sir Agrivar," the do^ whisper. "She's following vengeance on the man responsible for my parents' deaths, the
me. Hang on. She'll be here soon." man who took my father's weapons and destroyed the
Agrivar started to a warm touch. Ishi knelt beside him, shogun's lord and the emperor's peace."
pouring a potion down his throat. Her hair hung unbound, Ishi held out a small vial of clear glass. "I was to slip this
gleaming like lacquer. She was dressed in layers of beautifully in Lord Kori's wine, cut off his head, and toss his body in the
brocaded silken robes tied at her waist with a wide sash. The sewer."
wakhizashi was tucked into the sash. Her katana was in the Ishi looked down at the vial in her hand. It was still full of
sheath on her back. Her face was fixed in a mask of determined some liquid, a liquid clear as water.
calm. "What happened?" Agrivar prodded gently.
Pins and needles pricked at every muscle in his body, but Ishi looked back up at the paladin. Her tone was soft and
eventually Agrivar was able to stretch out fully. When the gentle. "You know when one is young how proud one is, how
blood finally flowed freely in his limbs and the pain subsided, certain is one's belief in one's ideals?"
he sat up, reached out and took hold of one of Ishi's hands. Agrivar nodded. Pride and ideals were something they had
"Ishi, what is going on?" he whispered. in common, one of the things that attracted him to the eastern
"You should not have come," Ishi whispered. warrior woman.
"I was not/' Ishi said bitterly, "some common trying to steal the sword, and Lord Kori killed him and ate
assassin who poisoned people and hid their bod¬ his heart."
ies. I was a warrior who followed the Path and "Kori ate the thief's heart?" Agrivar repeated with disgust.
the Way. I told Lord Kori who I was and chal¬ "Kori must have been very hungry after all those years. That
lenged him to regain my father's swords. He laughed at me as is what he does with his conquests. It is one of the reasons the
if I were a child. He gave me my father's wakhizashi but shikken did not want to make him a provincial lord."
refused to hand a katana to a peasant. I insulted Kori until he Agrivar refrained from commenting on the Kozakuran diet.
grew angry enough to accept my challenge." It was not a good time for a joke. He looked down at the
Ishi stroked the hilt ornaments of the wakhizashi Just above wakhizashi's hilt decorations, a carp, cranes, a frog.
the hand guard was a golden carp. Ivory cranes decorated "Ishi, your katana's name is Deep River. What name does the
both sides of the hilt, and a jade frog crouched on the pommel. wakhizashi have?"
"Our duel did not last long. Iprd Kori was reputed to be a "Flooding Rivei;" Ishi replied.
great swordsman. To this day I do not know whether I owe my "Is it magic?"
stroke to skill, luck of the god's, or Kori's desire to taunt me. 1 Ishi looked surprised. "Do you think it is?"
sliced offhisAeadinone clean stroke." ' ; "It ctit off Kori's head. It held him in a room. If the blade
Ishi smiled fiercely, then frowned. "There was np fclood," itself isn't magical, the name might be. Lord Kori dislikes
she said, "and as I stood there,vWaiting for the body to topple wate£ 1-drin't think he could follow you through the gate."
ovec it bent down and.picked up the head. It held the head out "It does not m$ttetf, Agrivar," Ishi said firmly. "I had to
to ate. The right eye winked. The mouth laughed and called return to fight Kori again. Not only is my honor at stake but so
me a foolish peasant girj." are the lives of the Kozakurans. He will attack them again. This
"So Kori'snot human," Agrivar noted. "That explains a lot. time he may not agree to a peace."
What happened then?" "I'm not disagreeing, I£hi."
Ishi lowered her head, and her voice grew soft with shame. "I must fight him alone," Ishi said^with equal firmness. "To
"My courage failed me. I fled in fear. I used my wakhizashi to regain my honor. You must not interfere." S
bafcthe doors of the room where we'd fought, locking Kori in. I Agrivar took Ishi's hands in his own. "Ishi, your honor is as
heard him pulling on the doors, screeching and howling. I important to me as my own," he said. 'T will not interfere with
crept through the castle, afraid his men would be alerted, but your combat. But what will you do once you've cut off Kori's
they had all reverted to their true form as animals. I discovered head a second time?"
my father's katana in Lord Kori's chamber and took it." Ishi shrugged. "What can I do except keep fighting until
Tears fell from Ishi's eyes. 'THkd ito idea what to do next, there are too many pieces left for Kori to put back again?"
where to go. I could not return and ^dinit my cowardice to my From somewhere nearby Kori shouted Ishi's name, and
kensai, nor my disobedience Master Po. Lord Kori was now added a string of Kozakuran that Agrivar could not under¬
alerted to the shikken's treachery, and it was my fault. I had stand.
not killed my father's slayer, and I hadn't the courage to take ^ "I must face him now!" Ishi hissed* rising swiftly to her feet.
back the wakhizashi that imprisoned him. I had failed com¬ She disappeared behind a curtain.
pletely." Agrivar rose unsteadily to his feet, shaking off the effects of
"So you left Kozakura?" Agrivar asked. the drug Kori had given him. He shoved passed the curtain,
Ishi nodded. "Master Po told me of the magical gate in the but the warriot* woman was nowhere to be seen. Fortunately
sewage tunnel. At that time the gate led to Shou Lung. The he had Riko Iriu to lead him through the maze of curtains and
gate was enchanted so it would lead to the last person to pass screens. The little dog stopped short just inside a room contain¬
through. That is how Lord Kori's servant found me." ing a three-foot-high cast irbn sculpture of a horse.
"But Lord Kori did not come himself," Agrivar mused. Ishi and Lord Kori stood on either side of the horse. They
"Why should he?" Ishi asked. glared at each other, frozen in a tableau.
Agrivar put his hands on Ishi's shoulders. "Ishi, Kori hates . Envision him headless, Ishi, Agrivar thought.
you. He wants revenge. He couldn't guarantee that the rat "Go on, bushi peasant, draw your father's katana," Lord
thing would entice you back. Yet by sending the rat, Kori lost Kori mocked her. "You think you're worthy, don't you?"
the element of surprise. I think there's a reason he didn't j^ist j Ishi shot an uncertain glance at Agrivar.
follow you through the gate aside from being too fastidiousTo He fears the wakhizashi, Agrivar realized, but not the
travel through a sewer. He said you imprisoned him with katana. "The wakhizashi was good enough to behead you
magic for over a decade. What magic?" before," the paladin noted smugly. "Why should she soil her
"It was no magic," Ishi insisted. "I barred the door with the katana on the likes of you?"
wakhizashi. I think a thief broke into the castle*and pulled the Ishi focused her attention back on her foe, drawing the
wakhizashi out of the door. I found his body lying in front of wakhizashi Flooding River from the sash at her waist. "I will
the door, dead about a week. He must have freed Lord Kori take Sir Agrivar's advice. He is wise in the ways of honor."
Kori's lip curled up in a snarl. "When I have finished with attacker's blade with his own, but he did not
you, bushi, I will see that this barbarian suffers greatly for a immediately counterattack. His attention was
long time." diverted from his own battle by the second ball
"Fight now, boast later," Ishi retorted. of green light forming on Kori's sword.
Kori leaped upward and hung like smoke a few feet in the Ishi stood frozen, staring at the magical energy, as if too
air. Agrivar licked his lips nervously, wondering if Kori used frightened to move. The ball flew from Kori's blade. Ishi
magic, could Ishi still defeat him. reached into the sash at her waist and pulled out a small hand
Kori clapped his hands. A fully armored warrior wielding a mirror and held it out before her. The green light bounced off
katana stepped out from behind a curtain and began closing the mirror and sped back toward Kori, slamming into his
on Agrivar. chest. A blackened, singed hole the size of a melon smoked on
With her free hand, Ishi drew her own katana and tossed it the easterner's robe. He screamed with fury, a wordleiss roar
to the paladin. He caught it just as the warrior woman leaped that knocked over a screen and set all the curtains in the room
upward. whipping about » \ y V' " -
Although Agrivar could sense no breeze in the room, the Ishi lost no time pressing her advantage. She leaped over the
hem and the long sleeves of Ishi's robe and her dark hair flut¬ iron horse, legs first, landing a kick to Kori's legs. The monster
tered behind her. She could not use magic to float in the air, but toppled to the ground.
her leap was higher than Kori's, and she swung her blade at Ishi landed on top of him, and> with a lightning stroke, sliced
him as she fell past him. off his head. The head fell backward, rolling slightly, and
Kori caught Ishi's wakhizashi on his katana. Agrivar swung stopped. Once again there was no blood. \\ y V /.
Ishi's katana at Kori's guard. The air rang with the peal of fine The guard facing Agrivar jumped up apd slashed down¬
eastern steel. ward. Agrivar jumped backward, but his opponent's blade
Ishi landed on the back ofthe horse sculpture and swung tore through the paladin's tunic and the front of his his chain-
again, aiming at Kori's feet. Kori rose another foot and avoided mail, just missing his flesh. Agrivar turned his full attention on
her bloW. his opponent. He slashed ferociously with the light eastern
TheiYKori came down, quickly, his feet kicking at the iron sword until the warrior's shoulder guards fell to the floor and
horse, knocking it over, unbalancing Ishi. his armored sheath slid down his torso. The armor entangled
Ishi somersaulted forward, landing at Kori's left shoulder. the guard's legs, causing him to fall over.
She struck at his arm, slicing it above the elbow. Kori's forearm Agrivar turned back in time to see Kori's body levitate
fell to the floor. There was no blood, and the hand at the end of upward, knocking Ishi off balance. Ishi landed on her left hand
the severed arm grabbed the hem of Ishi's robe. and cartwheeled to a defensive stance.
A small cry escaped Ishi's lips. She leaped backward and Another magical word issued from the decapitated head's
slashed off the bottom of her gown with her weapon. The fore¬ lips, and a curtain behindJshi began, to whip around her like a
arm dropped again to the floor. snake. Kori's body began to drift toward the swordswoman,
Agrivar's blade sliced through his opponent's armor and with its katana outward.
chest. Unlike Kori, the guard bled profusely and fell to the "Riko Inu," Agrivar whispered. "Don't you think it7s fair
ground with a screech. that, if a head gets cut off, it should be disqualified from the
Kori snapped out an unknown Kozakuran word. Prickles of rest of the combat?"
electric energy ran down his katana, massing in an pminous "Most definitely. Sir Agrivar," the foo dog agreed. "Shall I
ball of green light. 7 fetch it for you?"
Ishi skewered the hand on the floor With her wakhizashi "Please;" the paladin replied.
and swung it off the blade through the curtains into another Ishi spun like a dervish, disentangling herself from the
room. enchanted curtain just in time to raise her wakhizashi to fend
Kori pointed his sword at Ishi. off Kori's katana. The two easterners, woman and walking
"Ishi!" Agrivar cried out. "Look out!" corpse, began to slash at each other with fury, each one fending
Without even looking at Kori, Ishi dodged to the left. The off the other's blow with his or her own weapon.
ball of green light soared over the space she'd just vacated and Riko Inu bounded into the room, bit down on the tail of hair
slammed into a sliding panel. The panel burst into flame. atop Kori's head, and dragged the head across the room.
Another armored guard stepped out from behind a curtain, Kori's head screeched. Agrivar yanked the curtain beside
brandishing a sword ^t Agrivar's heart. The paladin, with a far him from the ceiling and dropped it over the head that Riko
greater reach, stabbed the eastern warrior in the throat just v Inu laid at his feet. Scooping the head up in the curtain, Agri¬
above the iron collar protecting his neck. The guard fell in a var asked, "Riko Inu, could you please lead me back to the
heap beside his predecessor. gate."
A third guard leaped out from behind another curtain, "You don't want to see the end?" the little creature asked
howling more like a beast than a man. Agrivar parried the with surprise.
"It will be over soon," the paladin replied. from the water. "We need to dispose of this somehow,"
Riko Inu dashed across the room, between the she said.
feet of a fourth and fifth armored guard. Agrivar "We can take it back to the west," Agrivar suggested. "Or I
swung Kori's bundled head before him. Inside could take it back for you, if you wished to stay here now. If
the swathing, Kori was shrieking. The guards honor is satisfied, there's no reason for you to remain an exile
stepped back in alarm. Agrivar bolted past them, from your home."
then turned back, still swinging the head. "No," Ishi agreed. "But now that I have regained my honor,
Kori's body levitated away from Ishi and began flying I would rather remain in the company of the friend who
toward the paladin. aided me."
"Run for it!" Agrivar called out to Riko Inu. Agrivar smiled. The weight of fear that she would stay lifted
The dog began to dash through the castle rooms, with Agri¬ from his heart.
var at his heels. They burst out into the "seascape," churning They jumped back through the gate, back to the field sur¬
the sand beneath their feet as they made their way to the stair¬ rounding the Greert Dragon Inn.
case down to the sewer. Riko Inu was shaking Lord Kori's head by his tail of hair.
Agrivar caught sight of Kori's body flying after him with The foo dog was like a puppy playing with a rag toy. When he
Ishi in pursuit. The paladin bounded down the stairs two at a spied Agrivar and Ishi he padded over, dragging the head. He
time. Inside the bundle of curtains he sensed Kori's head try¬ dropped the head at fehi's feet.
ing to chew its way through the silken fabric. Lord Kori's faqe was covered with sores where the water
Agrivar squeezed carefully through the little door at the had seared his flesh, but his eyes glittered as they glared up at
base of 4he stairs, tie skirted the ledge above the sewer and the warriors. "Priam Agrivar, the honorable barbarian, and
slipped silently down the staircase into the sewer. He plucked Ishi Barasume, the peasant sword master," he mocked. "The
up Riko Inu and waded toward the gate. day will come when you Will each watch as I dine on the
"The gate is right in front of us. Sir Agrivar," the foo dog innards of the other. Then I shall devour die hearts of all the
barkecL members of your family. Fare not well."
Kori's body thumped on the little door's frame then pushed The head vanished. >/*%
its way into the sewer. Heedless of the danger the water pre¬ "His heart?" Riko Inu asked excitedly. "Where is his heart?"
sented, the body began to fly down the tunnel. "You mean this," Ishi asked, holding out the crystal of ice
"Grab hold, Riko Inu!" Agrivar said, holding up the bun¬ left from Kori's body.
dled head for the little dog to take in his jaws. "Yes," the foo dog barked. He snatched up the crystal,
Riko Inu clamped his teeth down on the curtain. crunched it in his teeth, and wolfed it down. "Delicious," he
"Now, jump through the gate!" ti^ie paladin shouted, tossing said with a slavering growl.
the little dog and Kori's head,into the water. "You easterners eat the darnedest things," Agrivar noted.
Riko Inu sank beneath the surface. A momentary flash of Ishi laughed. She reached down and patted.the foo dog.
bright light lit the surface of the water, then subsided. "Thank you for your help, Riko Inu."
Ishi slipped through the little door and dashed along the "Yes," Agrivar said. "Thank you."
ledge after Kori's body. The body picked up speed as it moved "You are very welcome, Ishi Barasume, Sir Agrivar.
toward Agrivar, katana outward like a pike. Farewell." The foo dog vanished.
Ishi leaped across the water, just managing to grab hold of Ishi stood up and faced the paladin. There was a dark look
Kori's feet. The swordswoman splashed into the water, pulling on her face, "ft is an evil thing to have such a curse on one's
the headless body with her. family's future." *
The water in the sewer suddenly grew very cold, and a great Agrivar shrugged. "I doh't know. I think if we ever have
chilly mist rose from the surface. children, they'd be able to wallop Kori as easily as their
Agrivar reached into the water and helped Ishi to her feet. mother did."
The mist blew down the sewer, leaving Kori's body bobbing in Ishi flushed and lowered her eyes. But now her honor was
the water, steaming and popping like a roasting duck. The restored, and she raised her eyes back to Agrivar's and smiled.
flesh began to shrivel away. A horrible old fish stench, worse "Yes," she agreed. "They will."
than the sewer smell, rose from the body.
The two warriors watched as the body dissipated in the
water. In the end Kori's robes fell away, leaving only a fist¬ «

sized crystal of solid ice floating in the sewer.

"I'd be willing to bet that the vial Master Po gave you," Kate Novak frittered her adolescence away reading science fiction and
Agrivar said, "contains water. Kori told me that water was writing sappy Star Trek stories. In college she moved on to fantasy
poisonous. I realized he wasn't joking. For him, it was." and playing the D&D* game. She is co-author of the Finder's Stone
With the end of her long sleeve, Ishi fished the crystal of ice Trilogy and more recently of Finder's Bane and Tymora's Luck.

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The Ecology of the Aspis
Statement of Explanation

Oiierj: What do pu
f the woodcutter was used to solitude.
give a six-foot-tall \// Every day he left his small cottage in the woods with some bread and
cheese wrapped in a clean cloth for his lunch and his trusty ax upon
bug monster that
his shoulder to go fell trees. He was used to the sounds of the forest:

wants to trade? JJ^the chirping of the birds, the chatter of the squirrels, his own

grunts as he swung his ax with a rhythmic efficiency. He was used to

Statement of fact: the smells of woodcutting: the clean scent of the freshly-cut pine, the

heavy, woodsy smell of growing things, even the presence of his own
Anything it wants.
sweat as he toiled at his work. He was used to the forest's inhabitants:

the chipmunks who watched him with a wary eye, the dragonflies that

buzzed through the air in a frantic dance of shining colors, even the

occasional deer seen in the distance.

He was therefore surprised when a younger days, alas, were behind him—
trio of giant insects approached him one and waved it in what he hoped was a
day. menacing fashion at the insect intruders.
These were like no insects he had ever "Keep away," he warned.
seen before. For one thing, they walked "Kee paway," agreed one of the bugs.
upright on their hind legs. Their stocky "I mean it," Karl said, drawing his
bodies were covered in a hard, chitinous weapon back by his shoulder, ready to
armor like beetles, only theirs was gray¬ swing if they came closer.
ish-white, like no beetle he'd ever heard "I meenit," replied the bug sagely, to
of.1 They reminded him of weevils, with which one of his companions added,
their elongated probosci and the two "Kee paway."
short, stubby antennae poking up They advanced upon the woodcutter,
halfway down their narrow faces—only and Karl swung his ax. Had the lead bug
weevils as big as he was, nearly six feet been a tree, the ax would have sunk into
bj tall. the trunk with a satisfying thunk! How¬
With a grunt, Karl pulled the ax from ever, the bug merely grabbed the ax han¬
the tree he had been chopping—his dle in its two left hands2 and deftly

illustrated by
Brad McDevitt 1. The chitinous armor covering an aspis drone's also it makes the aspis immune to cold and electricity
body provides excellent protection from harm. Not and halves any fire-based damage taken.
only does it give the creature a natural AC of 3 but 2. Aspis drones have manipulatory claws at the

76 • JUNE 1999
pulled it from Karl's grasp. Karl, The bug with Karl's ax approached, "Statement of affirmation: Yes."
unarmed, was unable to prevent the two staring into his face with multifaceted "Command: Learn his strange man¬
other bugs from rushing him. He tried eyes. "Con foundit. Let meego." When ner of communication. Clarification: I
fighting them off, but their eight arms that got no response from the old man, wish three drones to learn; instruct the
against his two were too much. He was he tried "I meenit. Kee paway." Karl only two that went with you to learn as well."
lifted from his feet and carried, arms stared at the bug, a look of confusion on "Statement of undying obeisance: It
pinned, between the two upright insects his weathered face. The bug stared back will be done."
while the third examined his ax and the at him for a short while, then, again at "Feeling of satisfaction: Good. Com¬
tree he had been chopping. "I meenit," some signal that Karl missed, his two mand: You may go."
the bug said knowingly. Then, by some captors dragged him away to a chamber
signal that Karl was unable to fathom,1 deeper in the nest.
the one bug motioned the others to
depart, and off they went, taking the old The next few weeks were trying for the
woodcutter with them. three drones. There were difficulties with
The trip was brief and uneventful. In The drone approached the cow's cham¬ the human from the start. He didn't like
less time than it would have taken Karl ber, ready to give his report. As usual, it being in the dark, so one of the drones
to eat his lunch, the bugs arrived at their was pitch black in the chamber, but that opened the trap door in the tunnel over¬
destination and dropped him down a didn't bother him. He could smell the head to let in sunlight. He immediately
hole in the forest floor. Karl slid down an cow's presence, picking her unique scent tried escaping up the shaft and had to be
angled shaft that led into a large cham¬ out of all the others. If that wasn't dragged back down. He was finicky,
ber. It was dark there, lit only by the fee¬ enough, he could feel the thick liquid refusing to eat tree bark and the specially
ble rays of sunlight filtering down from that covered the walls and floor of the harvested mold from the granaries.7 Even
the entry shaft above.4 Before the wood¬ cow's chamber oozing between his feet.5 after conveying to the drones the concept
cutter could get his bearings, two more "Statement of fact: We have captured a that he ate animal flesh, he balked when
bugs came at him from out of the dark¬ human, as ordered," he reported to the they offered him meat from a dead drone.
ness and held him in place while his cow in the scent-language of the aspis.6 Nor did he want to dig for earthworms or
three escorts climbed down the shaft. "Feeling of strong satisfaction: Good. beetles in the soil of the nest. In the end,
"Confound it, let me go!" he exploded, Query: Has it been taken to the learning he seemed satisfied with fruit and nuts
struggling with his captors. chamber?" brought from the trees in the forest.

ends of each of their six limbs. Each can be used as a Normally, none of these underground chambers nest is invaded, drones often coat their claws in the
hand, although generally only the front four limbs is lit, except for what little light filters down into the substance before attacking enemies, enabling them
are used as "arms/' and then only when the drone is central cnamber. This doesn't bother the aspis to inflict an extra ld8 points of damage on tne first
walking upright. This allows the drone to use two- drones, who are able to maneuver in the dark using successful attack.
handed weapons (usually short swords or hand their excellent hearing and olfactory senses. (Aspis In the event of the cow's death, the drones cut
axes) and two shields when standing erect. drones receive the equivalent of the Blind-Fighting open her body and remove a chemical substance
The shields are both held on the same side, with non weapon proficiency.) However, most aspis nests from her brain. This is then fed to one of the larvae;
the weapons held in the arms on the other side. (Like have several "escape routes"—vertical tunnels lead¬ the substance causes a change of sex in the grub and
humans, aspis drones can be right-handed or left- ing to the surface, whose camouflaged "trap doors" stimulates rapid growth. Within a month, the grub
handed.) Aspis do not hold a shield and a weapon can be opened to let light into the chamber directly achieves normal size for a cow and assumes the
on the same side of the body, as the shield interferes below. Tne chambers directly beneath these escape cow's place in the nest.
with the weapon's movement. Optionally, they may tunnels are generally left empty, so that the rooms 6. The aspis scent-language provides a great
eschew shields and employ two crossbows, firing may be put to various uses as the need arises. If oth¬ amount of information in a snort period. Certain
one and reloading the other each round. erwise empty, these rooms contain at least one aspis specific scents are used as "words," while others are
If an aspis drone must fight without weapons, it drone on guard duty to prevent enemies from infil¬ modifiers, denoting the type of information being
strikes witn two of its claws per round, inflicting 1-4 trating the nest. conveyed, the verb tense, and so on. Thus, a sentence
points of damage with each successful hit. 5. Just as each ant colony has a single queen, each like "The enemy is attacking!" would be conveyed
3. Aspis communicate among themselves via a aspis nest has but one cow. The cow is the only by the "scent-words" for "enemy" and "attack,"
language of scents, which they produce from glands female in the entire nest, as all drones and larvae are along with an overall modifying scent denoting pre¬
in their bodies and detect with their extremely sensi¬ male. Physically, the cow is similar to the aspis' lar¬ sent tense and another denoting urgency.
tive olfactory sense. Humans are unable to pick up val stage, looking like a giant, 15’ long maggot. Cows When an aspis leams a spoken language, it tries
even the slightest traces of these chemical scents and are pasty white, the result of living an entirely putting its words together in a similar fashion. Thus,
so are generally unaware of aspis "speech." Fortu¬ underground existence. a speaking aspis with a large enough vocabulary
nately, about 5% of the aspis drones in a given nest The cow, while less intelligent than the drones, is usually begins each sentence with the sentence type
are able to speak a basic form of a spoken lan¬ nevertheless in complete charge of all aspects of or the feeling behind the information about to be
guage—generally the common tongue of a given aspis life. The cow gives a basic command, and the transmitted verbally, followed by the words of the
area. smarter drones figure out how best to fulfill it. As the sentence itself. For instance: "Query: What are you
4. Aspis nests are underground, not far below the cow is responsible for laying the eges that keep the doing?" or "Statement of personal belief: You proba¬
surface. Typically, they consist of a primary entrance nest functioning, a drone always fights to the death bly shouldn't be doing that" or "Overall feeling of
leading to a central chamber. From this chamber to ensure his cow's safety. contentment: That was a good meal."
radiate several low passageways. One leads to the Although cows never leave their chambers (and 7. Aspis are the epitome of the omnivorous crea¬
egg chambers and grub hatcheries. (There are usu¬ are therefore almost never encountered by other ture, deriving nourishment from nearly any organic
ally 1-3 of the former and 1-6 of the latter, depend¬ races), they are quite able to defend themselves. substance. Tneir digestive systems are very effi¬
ing on the size of the nest.) Another leads to the Lacking eyes, they can track prey through their sense cient, and they are nof as squeamish about their
granaries (2-4 per nest), where foodstuffs are stored. of smell and attack with their enormous iaws, inflict¬ meals as humans are (well, most humans, anyway).
The third leads to the chamber of the "cow"—the ing 3d6 points of damage. In addition, they exude a An aspis doesn't always bother killing its food
aspis equivalent of a queen in an ant colony. There thick, wnite, corrosive liquid from their skin. This before eating it—small insects, spiders, and worms
are side passages along each of the tunnels, leading liquid coats their bloated bodies and the walls and are eaten alive. Even slain aspis drones are "recy¬
to chemical preparation rooms and small storage floor of their chamber, and eats through metal or cled" by becoming food for the nest—if not tne
areas where trie nest keeps its shields, weapons, and wood in a single round. If it comes into contact with drones, then the larvae that swim in the grub hatch¬
any treasure—although many aspis nests do not living flesh, it inflicts ld8 points of damage per eries. The cow has her food brought to her in her
realize the value of gems and coins and treat them as round until washed off. All aspis are immune to the chamber; she is not fussy about what she eats, so
debris. corrosive properties of this substance—in fact, if the long as there is a lot of it.

DRAGON 260 • 77
Shortly after the sun went down, As for the drones, they were apt get the last two words across. As the
though, the human closed his eyes and pupils. How could they not be? Their drones repeated the words, a pair of
lost consciousness. When the drones leader had told them to learn, so learn giant ants entered the egg chamber.
went to check on him, he started scream¬ they did, devoting all of their attention to Feeling the eggs with their nimble
ing and thrashing about. They backed the task at hand. antennae, the ants turned a few over
off, afraid to hurt him, and he huddled in After learning all of the words for and selected one of the biggest. Work¬
a ball and soon lost consciousness again. parts of the body (both Karl's and the ing together, they began dragging the
After a quick huddle, the drones decided drones'), and the words for the objects in egg down a narrow corridor to one of
to leave him alone for a while and see the learning chamber ("rock," "dirt," the grub hatcheries.10
what would happen. He stirred and "shaft," "tunnel," "trap door," "bug," Following the ants and their precious
mumbled, tossed and turned, but even¬ "human," "man," "Karl"—these last cargo into the hatchery, the drones inad¬
tually settled into one position and three causing some confusion for the vertently learned the words "vomit,"
began making strange, rhythmic noises drones, who didn't understand the con¬ "sick," and "stench," after quizzing Karl
in his throat. Fortunately, when the sun cept of personal names and therefore on his reactions to the room.11 They
came up and light filtered into the room, used the three terms interchangeably*), quickly decided to move the tour to
the human regained consciousness. The the drones began bringing objects into another chamber.
drones regarded it as a strange human the room and having Karl identify them. Still, all in all, progress was made, and
trait, and they carried on with their "That's an ax," he would say, and the finally the drones decided they had
lessons.8 drones would nod their heads sagely learned as much as they could under the
The language learning started slowly, and repeat "Ax. Yes. That's an ax," or conditions of the nest. One of the drones
but gradually the drones built up a small "That's an ax. I mean it." reported to the cow in her chambers.
vocabulary and learned to string words After that began an intense series of "Statement of fact: Three drones have
together. At first, they merely repeated pantomimes, wherein the old woodcut¬ been taught to speak as much of the
everything that the human said, a trait ter tried to express certain concepts: human language as is possible here in
that irritated the old woodcutter. Once "big," "small," "old," "young," "eat," the nest."
he learned that they weren't going to "drink," "sleep," "hunt," and so on. The "Feeling of contentment: Good. Com¬
harm him, though, that all they wanted insects seemed intrigued by the game, mand: Bring the human to me."
from him was to learn to speak his often copying the gestures and maneu¬ "Statement of undying obeisance: it
language, things progressed more vers as well as the spoken words. will be done." The drone left, reappear¬
smoothly. In fact, Karl seemed to warm Finally, the drones led their human ing soon thereafter with Karl. They stood
to the role of language teacher, as if real¬ guest/captive/teacher on a tour of the immediately outside the cow's chamber
izing that the faster he finished the nest. In the granaries, they learned the to prevent the acidic secretions from
lessons over with, the sooner he'd be a terms "mushroom," "mold," and "dis¬ harming the human. Karl squinted in at
free man. Indeed, he found himself gusting crap" but didn't fully under¬ the creature and said, "Cripes! She's as
growing oddly attached to the insect trio, stand the difference between them. fat as a cow!"
for he sensed that they earnestly wished Moving on to the egg chambers, they "Statement of intention: I will question
to expand their knowledge by learning learned "egg," "baby," and "hatch," the human," said the cow in scent-lan¬
to speak. He could respect that. with Karl performing a pantomime to guage. "Command: You will translate."

To ensure a steady supply of food for the nest, Not all drones are identical, however. Within the however, being vulnerable to the cow's acidic secre¬
mold growths are cultivated in several granaries in nest, there are various functions that must be per¬ tions. Giant ants are most often used as food gather¬
the nest. The granaries never lead to escape routes, formed. While each drone must be able to perform ers, egg tenders, and warriors when the nest is
so that they can remain in the darkness that pro¬ any of the tasks required, some "specialize" in cer¬ attacked. Only workers and soldiers are found in an
motes the growth of the mold. tain areas: defense of the nest, trap-building, speak¬ aspis nest, never a queen, requiring the aspis nest to
8. Aspis do not sleep. They do rest, however, ing aloud to humans and humanoid creatures, steal giant ant eggs on a regular basis to resupply
spending several hours at a time in a motionless scouting, tending to the mold cultures in the gra¬ their stock of ant slaves.
state, conserving energy and purging fatigue naries or the grubs in the hatcheries, food gathering, 11. Aspis larvae resemble giant maggots, white or
poisons that build up in the body. Like all insects, and even breeding with the cow. A drone that has pale pink. They are blind and deaf, lacking both eyes
aspis drones have no eyelids (larvae and cows don't specialized in a particular task adopts a specific scent and ears at this stage of development. However, they
even have eyes), so they remain aware of events in to identify its area of expertise; tnus, "breeder" or already have a highly developed sense of smell and
their fields of vision even while resting—although "gatherer of food" serves as the closest equivalent a use this to find edible food in the waters of the hatch¬
an aspis drone is more likely to detect someone drone has to a name. Not all drones nave such eries. Each aspis nest has up to six grub hatcheries,
approaching with his sense of smell or hearing pseudo-names, however, and those names used each one housing up to ten larvae. The hatcheries are
than with nis vision, which is somewhat poorer aren't likely to be unique—a nest might have three shaped like a shallow swimming pool surrounded
than that of a human. The multifaceted aspis eye "breeders" and seven "gatherers of food," for by a narrow ledge. Hatcheries double as garbage
was designed for detecting movement, so a Thief instance, any of which are interchangeable. pits, in which the drones pitch food scraps and other
attempting to avoid detection by an aspis drone by 10. Many aspis nests include 1-10 giant ants waste products. The stench of these hatcheries is so
using the Hide in Shadows ability and remaining (larger nests may have as many as 10-100). These bad that nonaspis (other than giant ant slaves) must
motionless does so with a +10% bonus—provided insects are the spoils of war, stolen as eggs from a make a successful saving throw vs. poison upon
he is out of "smelling range" of the aspis. giant ant nest after a raid by aspis drones. Allowed to entering or become violently ill until removed from
9. Aspis drones nave no concept of individual¬ natch in the aspis nest, the ants bond to the aspis the odor. (Incidentally, the aspis ability to tolerate
ity—a drone is a drone is a drone. Tney lack personal cow, mistakenly believing her to be their own queen. such stenches also makes them immune to stinking
names and even distinct personalities. As far as the Giant ants can understand simple scent-words of the cloud and similar spells.)
nest is concerned, a drone's life is immaterial, as any aspis "language," enough to obey direct commands Larvae have enormous appetites and eat almost
single drone is easily replaced by another. given by trie cow. They do not enter her chamber. constantly, growing in size over the course of three to

78 • JUNE 1999
"Statement of comprehension: Under¬
"Query: Where did he get the
The drone turned to Karl and said,
'Where did you get the ax?'"
"I bought it in the village."
"'Bought?' What is 'bought?'"
"I purchased it. With money. You
know, coins?" The drone stared at the
human in incomprehension. "I... traded
small bits of metal for it."
"What is 'village?'"
"Village,uh... man-nest."
The drone switched back to scent-lan¬
guage. "Statement of partial confusion:
He acquired it from his nest, by trading
something of value in return."
"Query: Are there more of these
weapons in his nest?"
"The cow speaks, 'Are more axes in
the village?"'
"Statement of affirmation: Yes."
"Query: What will they accept as trade
for the weapons? Explanation: Metal
axes will allow the drones to better pro¬
tect the nest."
After a moment's thought, the drone
said, "The cow speaks, 'What things
humans trade?' Bugs want axes bought
for bug-nest."
"Beats me. You'd have to ask the
After a bit of further explanation, the
drone passed, "Statement of possible The bugs approached Karl, staring into his face with multifaceted eyes. "Con fbundit. Let tneego"

understanding: The human is unsure

and suggests we ask the question of the will be done, my cow." The drone turned before I take you anywhere else." The
maker of weapons at his nest." to Karl. "We go to your village now." drone had been given no time con¬
"Command: Go to the human nest "Praise be to the gods!" he said. straints by his cow, so he shrugged men¬
and find out. Query: Would the human tally and followed the woodcutter to his
be of assistance in speaking to the others small dwelling in the woods.
of his nest?" "A 'cottage' is a small man-nest," he
"Statement of strong affirmation: Yes, Karl blinked at the sunlight, the first declared upon seeing it. "I understand.
my cow. Our grasp of the noise-language direct sunlight he had seen in over three What is a 'bath'?"
is not complete." weeks. Scrambling up behind him came "Wash with water. Remove dirt from
"Command: Then take him. The other the drone, rising to stand upright once body. Forget it."
two drones will remain here. If you are he cleared the entrance of the aspis nest. The drone chalked it up as another
slain, I do not want to have to start all "Lead bug to your village," he said. odd human custom, like praying to
over. Now go." "First, we stop at my cottage," Karl unseen gods,12 snoring, and the removal
"Statement of undying obeisance: It said. "I want a bath and a decent meal of liquid wastes from the body." While

four months until they reach 6 feet in length. At that the pool and leaves the hatchery to serve the nest in Cows and larvae care only about eating, and as for
time, triggered by instinct, a larva crawls onto the his adult form. The larval husk is devoured by other the drones, the cow is all the deity they need.
hatchery ledge and begins to metamorphosize. Over aspis larvae still in the pool. 13. Waste material takes the form of small, white
the next few days, it grows into an adult drone, 12. The aspis subscribe to no religion. They are flakes that are shed from the aspis' abdomen. Their
which bursts out of the maggotlike outer larval shell. practical-minded, finding it difficult to believe in efficient digestive systems process all liquid intake
The drone then kicks the remains of this husk into something that cannot be seen, heard, or smelled. (most of which is a by-product of the food they eat—

DRAGON 260 • 79
Karl went around to the rain barrel at the on with her business. Whatever happened it," the woodcutter explained.
side of the cottage, the drone examined to us? thought Aegon. We used to be so "What would I do with that?" Aegon
the interior of the man-nest. close. asked.
There was little to see. A cot and blan¬ The blacksmith stepped out into the Karl frowned. "Hmm. What else?" he
ket, a small table and chair, a wooden open air, a ready retort on his lips. asked the drone.
dresser—all items unfamiliar to the Instead, he took one look at the gray- "Slaves. We have many giant ants; we
drone, who couldn't imagine what white insect standing behind Karl, and could trade some for your axes."
strange purposes they might serve. his jaw dropped open. "And what would I want with a giant
Mounted on the wall over the cot was a "Aegon, I'd like you to meet ... well ant?"
sword and a shield; these, at least, the shoot, I guess he doesn't really have a "They are useful. They will care for
drone recognized, for his nest had sev¬ name." your eggs, and help them hatch into fat
eral such items, taken from slain enemies "I am a bug," supplied the drone help¬ babies. They are also good food."
like the ores and goblins who occasion¬ fully. "Uh, it doesn't quite work like that
ally attacked drones gathering food in Aegon just stared. with humans," said Karl.
the forest. The cow, ever concerned "You are a Karl," added the drone. "No deal," said Aegon.
about the well-being of the nest, desired "No, I'm Karl," said Karl. "He's "We can make chemicals," suggested
many more such items.14 Aegon." the drone.
As the drone waited for Karl to finish "Ay-gon. Aegon. Aegon is a human. "What kind of chemicals?" asked the
his "bath," he studied the weapon and Karl is a human." blacksmith. "You mean, like potions?"
nibbled idly on the woodcutter's blanket. "Right." "'Potions?' What is 'potions'?"
"I am a bug." "Magic," Karl explained. "You drink
"Look, I thought we agreed I'd do the the potion and something magical hap¬
talking," said Karl. pens. You know, like you can fly, or turn
"Now, let me do the talking," suggested "What's all this about?" asked the invisible, like that."
Karl, as they approached the village. blacksmith, voice shaky with shock. "Bugs do not know 'magic.' But we
The village of Barker's Grove was a "The bug here wants to buy some can make many chemicals.15 We can
small one, claiming little more than a sin¬ axes. Wants to know what you'd trade make rats come or run away. We can
gle inn, two taverns, a blacksmith's shop for them." make Karl vomit. We can make a crea¬
and a cluster of tiny houses. The black¬ "Axes are ... axes are a gold apiece. ture smell like another creature. We can
smith's was closed; expecting this, Karl You know that." cause an attraction between two crea¬
advanced upon the nearest tavern. It was "No, he doesn't want to buy. He wants tures. We can make—"
late afternoon, and the streets were clear, to trade." "Wait, hold it there a minute," said
so the first to notice the arrival of the "Trade what?" Aegon. "Cause an attraction between
aspis was a donkey tied to the hitching "Good question." Karl turned to the two creatures? You mean, like a love
post. It brayed in fear at the creature's drone. "What would you be willing to potion?"
unfamiliar scent; the drone got a good give to Aegon in exchange for axes for The drone looked to Karl, hoping for
whiff of the donkey and altered his own your nest?" an explanation. Karl ignored the aspis
odor to mimic that of the beast. Con¬ The drone thought it over. "Food. We and spoke directly to the blacksmith.
vinced the danger had passed, the don¬ have many mushrooms and disgusting "You betcha," he said. "The bugs back at
key snorted once and was silent. crap to spare." this guy's nest could whip up a potion
"Thought I'd find you here, Aegon," "What the hell?" asked the black¬ that'd have the women falling at your
said the woodcutter poking his head in smith. feet."
the door. "C'mon out here a minute. "Uh, forget it," replied Karl. To the Aegon rubbed his jaw. "Even Daph¬
There's someone I want you to meet." drone, he asked "What else?" nia? You think it'd work on her?"
Aegon finished his ale in a single swig, "Goo." Karl grinned. "Looking to put the
wiped his mouth with the back of his "Goo?" spark back in your marriage, eh, Aegon?
hand, and climbed off his stool. He "White cow-goo." Well, this love potion'll do the trick just
winked at his wife Daphnia, the tired- Aegon looked questioningly at Karl. fine—you'll be like newlyweds again. So
looking waitress who served drinks at "They've got this white stuff that eats whaddaya say? How many axes would
the tavern. She ignored him and carried through flesh, wood, metal, you name that be worth to you?"

an aspis very rarely needs to drink water). the asms, they are adept at mixing natural concoc¬ that not only attracts giant rats and similar creatures
14. Aspis technology is rather primitive. They are tions tnat can simulate nearly any odor, even those but also drives them into a wild frenzy, causing them
capable of making simple wicker or wooden shields not normally distinguished by humans at a con¬ to attack everyone they encounter.
and often carve spears and javelins from straight scious level. These "nonmagical potions" have a To create a compound that affects a specific type
shafts of wood, but metalworking is unknown to wide variety of effects. Some attract or repel certain of creature, the drones must first have some type of
them, and they scavenge or trade for their metal types of animals; a favorite form of aspis vengeance contact with that creature. They couldn't create a for¬
weapons. against a town that has taken action against an aspis mula of scent to keep wolverines at bay, for instance,
15. Although the concept of magic is unknown to nest is to splash its walls with a sticky, yellow liquid unless they had been within "sniffing distance" of a

80 • JUNE 1999
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ts a trademark of GAMA (the Game Manufacturer's Association) Cd 999 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
"Ten." "Acknowledgment: You may take "Put some of this in food. Give food to
"Not enough." other drones to aid you." partner."
"Twenty." "Statement of gratitude: Thank you, Aegon rubbed his hands together in
"You're not being serious. Perhaps the my cow." eagerness and accepted the flask. "It's
bug and I need to take our business else¬ "Command: After we have the been a pleasure doing business with
where. I'm sure there are smiths in the weapons, you will leave the nest." you," he said, and sped off to the tavern.
city that can spot a value when they see "Statement of bewilderment." The The drone turned to his companions.
it; maybe we'd be better off doing our drone sent out scents of confusion and "Command: Return to the nest and give
business there. Good day, Aegon." distress but could make no coherent the weapons to the cow."
"'City? What is'city?'" scent-words to form a sentence. Had he "Query: Won't you be accompanying
"Big man-nest. Bigger than a village." offended the cow? Was he being exiled? us?"
"Wait!" called Aegon. "How many "Command: Calm yourself. Explana¬ "Statement of negation: I have other
axes do you want?" tion: I have decided that access to the orders."
Karl called a quick conference with the man-nests will benefit the nest. You will "Acceptance: The cow must always be
drone. He had estimated about a dozen therefore go out into the world and obeyed."
drones at the nest; the aspis confirmed explore. There might be other items "Statement of agreement: The cow
fifteen. So, fifteen drones, each carrying available that will also be helpful. You must be obeyed. Statement of sorrow: I
two axes, plus some extras for the newer will find them and return with them to will miss the nest."
drones as the larvae hatched ... "Forty the nest." The others turned and followed the
axes. No more and no less." The drone found his scent-voice again. dirt road leading out of Barker's Grove.
Aegon thought deep and hard. That "Query: How long will I be gone?" As the drone watched his nest-brothers
was a lot of work; he didn't have forty "Uncertainty: As long as it takes to depart, he couldn't help but add, in the
axes back in his shop and he knew it. He find items of value. Clarification and noise-language of the humans, "I mean
looked back at the inn, and thought of return to certitude: In the meantime, we it."
his wife working within. To be like new¬ will begin trade with the man-nest on a "C'mon, cheer up," said Karl. "It
lyweds again ..." Deal," he said. regular basis. They may provide us with won't be so bad. You'll be back to your
other metal items already known to us. nest in no time, with a mess of stories to
We want shields, for instance. Annoy¬ tell your little bug buddies. And in the
ance: Enough explanations—go about meantime, there's a whole world out
The drone reported back to the cow in your duties." there for us to see and explore."
the scent-language of their race. "State¬ "Statement of undying obeisance: It "You will accompany me?"
ment of unqualified success: I have will be done." As he left the cow's cham¬ "You bet I will. I may not be the stal¬
arranged to receive forty axes from the ber, he could still smell the lingering wart warrior I once was, but I can still
humans at the man-nest." words of their last con versa tion.16 Would swing a mean ax if I have to. And let me
"Query: What do they want in that prove to be the last time he spoke to tell you, there's plenty for me to show
return?" his cow? It was possible—who knew you! Wait until you see the city—the big
"Statement of bewilderment: A small what kinds of dangers awaited him, man-nest. The bakeries! The arenas! The
quantity of what they term 'love alone in a world he barely knew? Still, marketplace! We can take a ride on a
potion/" the cow was the cow, and he could not boat—you'd like that."
"Query: Can we produce what they defy her orders. He made his way to the "And you will help me to learn the
want?" chemical preparation chamber and pre¬ noise-language even better?" asked the
"Statement of affirmation: Yes, my pared himself mentally for the task drone.
cow. I have analyzed the human phero¬ ahead. "Sure I will," agreed Karl.
mones involved and can reproduce them "Good. Then, what is 'business'?
(y> cyo ryo
in an appropriate elixir." What is 'buddies'? What is 'stalwart'?
"Command: Assist one of the chemist- What is 'bakery'? What is 'arena'? What
drones in such a preparation." The drone stood at the blacksmith's shop is 'marketplace'? What is 'boat'?"
"Statement of undying obeisance: It at Barker's Grove, watching as the Karl Karl sighed and shook his head as the
will be done." named Aegon counted out axes and they started down the road toward the
"Statement of satisfaction: Excellent. placed them into the waiting hands of city.
Command: After the compound has been the three other drones that had accompa¬
made, exchange it for the weapons." nied him. Satisfied that all forty were
"Helpful input: I will require assis¬ accounted for, he passed over a vial of
tance to carry such a large load, my cow." the chemical he had helped produce.
The following
appendix provides rules
wolverine to capture its particular essence.
16. The scents that compose aspis "speech"
tion. Thus, it is possible for a drone to enter a cham-
ber and smell a recent conversation between others of
on creating aspis
remain in the air for a minute or two before dissipa- its kind. Player Characters!

82 • JUNE 1999
Appendix: The Aspis PC
For those players interested in a role-
playing challenge, the aspis drone makes
an intriguing PC. With the exception of
the thri-kreen in the Dark Sun* world,
insect PCs are virtually unheard of in the
AD&D* game.
The aspis drone is described below in
a slightly modified version of the format
used in The Complete Book of Humanoids.
In addition to the material presented in
that work, an attempt has been made to
include a list of possible kits for the aspis
PC. These kits are from The Complete
Fighters Handbook (PHBR1), The Complete
Thief's Handbook (PHBR2), and The Com¬
plete Book of Humanoids (PHBR10). The
kits listed are suggestions only; the DM
is free to add or delete kits from the list
for his individual campaign.
Ability Score Adjustments. Aspis
PCs receive a +1 bonus to Constitution
and a -1 penalty to Charisma.

Score Range
th 6
ity 3

•\ V

The standard aspis drone (as shown in

Monstrous Compendium* 5: Greyhawk*
Adventures Appendix) has an Intelli¬
gence rating of 11-12. It is therefore likely Aspis are not adept at magic, as they +10%, RL -10%. Their heightened senses
that only those with higher intelligence do not understand it. They are too prag¬ allow aspis to Detect Noise more readily
would be sent to explore the world matic to believe in gods and thus cannot than humans. They have a slight advan¬
around them. While aspis with Intelli¬ receive Priest spells. Additionally, they tage in finding and removing traps
gence ratings lower than 13 certainly have a hard enough time grasping the because of their familiarity with them;
exist, only those with a 13 or higher are concept of a written language, let alone a most aspis nests have numerous traps
suitable for PCs. Similarly, while no rat¬ written language that allows one to protecting their various entrances. These
ings are provided by the entry in MC5, it record magical spells. An aspis con¬ traps tend to be crude ones like rockfalls
is assumed that the tough, chitinous fronted with a Wizard spell on a scroll is and pits, so the DM might only wish to
bodies of the drones require a Constitu¬ more likely to eat it than attempt to have grant the bonus to locating and remov¬
tion score of at least 8. Finally, as most it deciphered. ing such crude traps. Since aspis have no
people find the concept of an intelligent, Most aspis become Warriors, as fight¬ written language, they are also penal¬
talking bug to be disturbing, aspis PCs ing skills are something they readily ized in the reading languages ability.
can have no more than a 15 Charisma. understand. Thieving skills occasionally Aspis cannot climb vertical surfaces like
interest them enough to become mem¬ many other insects do, but can certainly
Class Restrictions bers of the Rogue class, although they learn to climb walls as well as a human.
Class are more interested in useful skills like Class Mixing: Aspis PCs may choose
Warrior Find and Remove Traps than they are in to become Fighter/Thieves.
Fighter learning how to steal items from others. Suggested Kits: Aspis take their
Rogue Thieving Skill Racial Adjustments: responsibilities to their nests seriously,
Thief PP -15%, OL +10%, F/RT +5%, DN but are exceedingly curious and always

DRAGON 260 * 83
tongue. It is assumed that the aspis
drone learned the spoken language in a
similar manner to the drone in the story
above, but the player can determine how
well his character can speak. (Often this
decision is based on whether the player
wishes to say things like "Enemy comes
near" or prefers "Statement of extreme
urgency: the enemy approaches!") Those
players wishing to use the "scent-lan¬
guage" sentence structure when their
aspis PCs speak the "noise-language"
should examine Table 1 for suggested
aspis sentence modifiers.
Roleplaying Suggestions. Aspis PCs
can be fun to play, if only because of their
rarity. They have many traits that are
unlikely to be found in other PC races.
For one thing, the scent-language of
an aspis is based upon natural scents
that the creatures emit under various
circumstances. Thus, there is a "fear-
smell," an odor of happiness and con¬
tentment, a scent denoting worry, and
so on. These scents are easily picked up
by other aspis, so an aspis cannot hide
its true feelings from another member
of its race. For this reason, the concept
of lying is foreign to aspis. This leads to
some interesting roleplaying situations:
An aspis Thief successfully picks the
pocket of a companion, and when the
loss is noticed and the individual asks,
"Hey, who took my gemstones?" the
aspis pipes right up with "Statement of
confession: I did." Over time, aspis
Assume that your aspis PC has orders to explore the world around him.
characters might learn to keep silent or
eager to increase their understanding two shields) or magical protective even lie in such situations, but they
about the world around them. For this devices, but aspis do not wear armor. An begin play blabbing the absolute truth
reason, aspis often take kits dealing aspis with one or two shields lowers its when asked a question.
either with exploration, the honing of a Armor Class to 2. Similarly, until they grasp the concept
particular skill, or protection. Background. Aspis are completely of lying, aspis believe whatever is told
Warrior—Myrmidon, Savage, Wilder¬ subservient to their cows. An aspis PC is them. A band of PCs who tell their aspis
ness Warrior (PHBR1); Tribal Defender, therefore assumed to be a drone with companion to guard their wagon on the
Mine Rowdie, Sellsword (PHBR10) orders from his cow to explore the world outskirts of town while they go buy sup¬
Thief—Adventurer, Scout (PHBR2); around him and report back after a spec¬ plies might return to find the aspis
Scavenger, Tunnel Rat (PHBR10) ified time. He has prepared for this mis¬ standing alone, without the wagon.
Hit Dice. Aspis PCs receive their hit sion by learning at least one "noise- When asked what happened, he merely
dice by character class. language" common to the inhabitants in replies "Statement of fact: A stranger
Alignment. Traditionally, aspis are the immediate vicinity of the aspis nest, approached and said you had given the
Neutral. Aspis PCs may be of any align¬ and arming himself with appropriate wagon to him."
ment, but at least one component of their weapons. Naturally, all aspis PCs are Being in a female-dominated society,
alignment should remain Neutral. drones and therefore male. the aspis naturally believes that this is
Natural Armor Class. The natural AC Languages. Aspis PCs begin play the norm in all societies. Aspis drones
of an aspis is 3. This can be augmented knowing the "scent-language" and one defer to female characters, often assum¬
with shields (an aspis can carry up to spoken language, usually the common ing a subservient role to them (and occa-

84 • JUNE 1999
sionally calling them by the honorific Table 1: Aspis Sentence Modifiers
"my cow/' a title few females are likely Sentence Type Standard Modifiers
to receive in the spirit in which it is Question Query:
intended). Again, this attitude may Command / Order Command:
change as the aspis learns that other Passing along information Statement of fact
races have other attitudes and rules of Helpful input: jjKfU /
behavior. Passing along opinion Statement of personal belief:
Special Advantages. Aspis PCs are Agreeing with someone Statement of (strong) affirmation:
immune to cold- and electricity-based Statement of (strong) agreement:
attacks, and they suffer only half-dam¬ Acknowledgment:
age from fire-based attacks. Since they Acceptance:
have four arms when standing upright, Disagreeing with someone Statement of (strong) negation:
aspis can attack with two weapons per Statement of (strong) disagreement:
round. They are immune to stinking cloud Kissing up to the cow Statement of undying obeisance: (possibly also
and similar spells, and they gain Blind- used when speaking to female superiors)
Fighting as a bonus nonweapon profi¬ Explaining something Statement of explanation:
ciency. Explanation:
Special Disadvantages. Aspis PCs Clarificatiora^BL Jg t ^ . 1**1
are seldom accepted as intelligent Statement of intention:
beings at first glance. They receive a Unsure of one's self Statement of bewilderment:
reaction penalty of +4 to the dice roll on Statement of partial confusion:
Table 59: Encounter Reactions (see the Statement of possible understanding:
Dungeon Master® Guide) when first Uncertainty:
encountering humans, demihumans, or Understanding Statement of comprehension:
humanoids. Additionally, aspis may Statement of certitude:
not wear armor. Finally, in the interest Thanking someone Statement of gratitude:
of game balance, aspis PCs do not know Irritation Statement of annoyance:
the aspis "nonmagical potion" genera¬ Statement of irritation:
tion; it is assumed that aspis drones Contentment Statement of (overall) contentment:
with such specialties are too important Statement of (overall) satisfaction:
to be allowed to leave the nest for great Feeling of (overall) contentment:
lengths of time. Feeling of (overall) satisfaction:
Weapon Proficiencies. The player Pride Statement of unqualified success:
chooses initial weapon proficiencies Panic Statement of (extreme) urgency:
from the following list: Short Sword,
Hand Ax, Light Crossbow, Javelin, Words in parentheses are used to differentiate between varying degrees of a
Spear. Due to their body structures, aspis specific feeling.
cannot use bows except crossbows. These are just some examples of aspis sentence modifiers. Players are encour¬
Nonweapon Proficiencies. General: aged to come up with others as their aspis PCs encounter strange and unusual
Animal Handling (giant ants). Animal situations in the world outside the nest.
Training (giant ants). Mining, Stonema-
sonry. Weather Sense (PHB); Danger
Sense, Eating (PHBR10). Warrior: Animal
Lore, Endurance, Set Snares, Survival,
Tracking (PHB); Close-Quarter Fighting,
Natural Fighting (PHBR10). Rogue: Jug¬
gling (PHB); Alertness, Herbalism,
Intimidation, Observation (PHBR2).

Statement of personal satisfaction: Johnathan

M. Richards enjoys writing "Ecology" arti¬
cles. Command: Look for more Ecologies from
him in the future.

DRAGON 260 • 85

xUlAKS; for the AD&D® game

Johnathan Richards' “Greater Drakes" article in this issue introduces six

greater drakes, including the vandalraug and the retchenbeast. However,
there are even more greater drakes yet to he discovered. Here's your chance
to add a new drake to this growing pantheon of reptilian mountsl
Design a new greater drake:
Descri6e its appearamce, disposition,
habitat, diet, speciaf attack
forms, and any other perti¬
nent characteristics. Give
us tfie "game stats" for
your drake, using tfie /
format presented in the
“Greater Drakes” articCe.

liacl't eutiy is limited’ to 750 words.

Entries will 6c judged on originality,
design, andAD&D rules compatability.
Ad entries must be received by July 26,1999.

The winner of tfie contest shall receive a

Prize Package of new TSR products, inctud- /
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Not all ■ potion recipes, and strategies useful in the hunting

and slaying of dragons. There are seven known copies

of this tome, but it is possible that more were made,

wield a sword. e book was compiled by the Wizard Thurgas Domn, who took

the name "Dragondoom" after his family was slain by a rampaging

adult green dragon. That incident was a defining one in Thurgas'

life; thereafter, he devoted himself to wiping dragonkind from the

face of the land. In his hatred, he refused to differentiate between

dragon species, considering dragonkind as a whole inherently evil.

He is known to have killed both a young adult silver dragon and a

mature adult brass dragon along with several chromatic dragons

over the course of his career.

As dragonslaying became the focus of others, no doubt since a green dragon

his existence, Thurgas devoted much of was responsible for the death of his fam¬
his time researching and developing ily.) Of the other five copies, one was
spells designed to aid him in his quest. made of red dragon scales, one of black
The formulae for these spells are dragon scales, one of the dorsal ridge-
recorded in his life's work, the spellbook scales of a silver dragon, one of brown
Dragondoom, along with other spells he dragon scales, and the last from the bony
found to be useful. head-ridge scales of a yellow dragon.
Of the seven spellbooks known to Other than the color and shape of the
exist, only two of them have the same spellbooks' covers, the seven copies of
appearance. All seven are written on Dragondoom are nearly identical. Each
irregularly shaped parchment, made to bears the legend "Dragondoom" and
bj conform to the shape of a pair of dragon
scales, which serve as the front and back
Thurgas' personal sigil etched into the
scale with acid and colored with a con¬
covers. The two identical copies of Drag¬ trasting pigment (black in all cases save
ondoom were made using the ventral the copy made of black dragon scales,
illustrated by belly-scales of a green dragon. (This rein¬ which uses red pigmentation, and the
Bob Klasnich forces the belief that Thurgas held ani¬ copy made of brown dragon scales,
mosity for green dragons above all which uses yellow).

88 • JUNE 1999
The contents of each copy are the
same. The first several pages detail drag¬
onhunting strategies; oddly enough,
Thurgas suggests extensive reconnais¬
sance before engaging a dragon in com¬
bat. (Given Thurgas' history, many
picture him as a crazed, bloodthirsty
berserker storming into a dragon's lair
and letting fly with attack spells imme¬
diately—apparently, he was much more
pensive and calculating.) Following that
are several pages devoted to the proper
recipes for the various potions of dragon
control (specific dragon types only, as
Thurgas never learned the formulae for
potions of evil dragon control or potions of
good dragon control).
The rest of Dragondoom is devoted to
spells. The following spells are included:
dust shield*, protection from evil; detect
invisibility, filter (from the Complete Wiz¬
ards Handbook); chain invisibility*, fizzle-
breath*, fly, protection from evil 10' radius;
body reunion*, charm monster, lockjaw*,
soften scales*; earth magnet*, hold monster,
temporary youth.* Spells denoted with an
asterisk (*) were developed by Thurgas
and are detailed below.
Wizards should realize that casting a
spell specifically designed to affect drag¬
ons often has the unwelcome side effect
of drawing the dragon's attention
directly to the Wizard. While a spell-
caster might drool at the thought of cast¬
ing spell after spell upon a hapless Dragondoom, he may find himself under being blinded or choked from sand¬
dragon, stripping the great beast of repeated draconic attack as they attempt storms, dust storms, or the dust cloud
many of his abilities, one by one, in prac¬ to rid the world of a dangerous work. formed by a dragon's stall maneuver.
tice this is seldom the case. Usually, the Possession of Dragondoom is therefore a (See the Monstrous Manual™ book for
first dragon-specific attack spell cast is two-edged sword. details on the dragon's ability to stall
also the last one before the dragon turns while in flight.) Dust shield also grants
upon the offending Wizard. Dust Shield the spellcaster protection from the
Note also that openly carrying a copy (Invocation / Evocation) breath weapon of yellow dragons,
of Dragondoom is not likely to win a Wiz¬ Level: 1 allowing the caster to suffer only half
ard many friends among dragon-kind. Range: 0 damage or, upon a successful saving
Even Good-aligned dragons tend to take Components: V, S throw vs. breath weapon, only one-
a dim view of human or demihuman Duration: 5 rounds/level quarter damage. In either event, the
Wizards possessing spells specifically Casting Time: 1 caster cannot be blinded by the breath
designed to cause them harm. Most Area of Effect: The caster weapon.
dragons would willingly destroy the Saving Throw: None Note that the dust shield also makes the
spellbook rather than let the spells con¬ Dust shield is a variation on the lst- Wizard immune to the effects, whether
tained therein become common in level Wizard spell, shield. Instead of a good or bad, of magical dust. (While he
usage; copies of the work are therefore shield-shaped force, the dust shield won't choke on the contents of a packet
unlikely to be found among a dragon's totally surrounds the spellcaster at a of dust of sneezing and choking, neither
many treasures. Knowledge of Thurgas' radius of about 1 foot and moves with will he turn invisible as a result of the use
tomes has reached the ears of many a him. Within that area, dust, dirt, and of a packet of dust of disappearance.) The
powerful dragon, so once word gets out sand particles are deflected from the dust shield does nothing to keep out
that a Wizard has unearthed a copy of caster. Thus, the Wizard has no fear of missile weapons or gas.

DRAGON 260 • 89
Chain invisibility has other uses beyond The purpose of fizzlebreath is to give
distracting dragons in battle. Casting the dragonslayers a chance to do some
Chain Invisibility spell on a pile of dry leaves strewn upon heavy damage to the dragon before it
(Illusion / Phantasm) a floor creates a simple alarm system: brings its most powerful weapon into
Level: 3 Anyone trying to sneak into the room play. Although designed for use against
Range: 20 yards/level during the spell's duration causes the dragons, the spell works equally well on
Components: V, S, M invisible leaves to crunch noisily unless winter wolves, hell hounds, fire toads,
Duration: 30 rounds /level the intruder can detect invisible objects. and the like.
Casting Time: 3 Casting the spell on a pile of caltrops,
Area of Effect: 10' cube/level nails, or broken glass provides an even Body Reunion
Saving Throw: None bigger surprise for anyone unknowingly (Greater Divination)
This spell is used primarily as a dis¬ treading into the area. Level: 4
traction in battle. When cast, a number The material component for this spell Range: 10 miles /level
of individual, nonliving items are made is an eyelash encased in gum arabic, the Components: V, S, M
invisible in sequence. Dragonslayers same as for the spells invisibility and Duration: Special
inevitably use chain invisibility on the invisibility 10' radius. Casting Time: 1 turn
individual components of a dragon's Area of Effect: One body part
treasure hoard, causing them to appar¬ Fizzlebreath Saving Throw: None
ently disappear. In fact, they merely (Alteration) Body reunion must be cast upon a piece
become temporarily invisible, but the Level: 3 of an individual's body that is no longer
effect is very disconcerting to a hoard- Range: 107 level connected to that individual (for
greedy dragon. Components: V, S instance, a lock of hair, a dismembered
The chain invisibility spell only works Duration: Special hand, or, most common for dragon
when cast upon a pile of loose, station¬ Casting Time: 3 hunters, a dragon's scale). At the end of
ary objects—it cannot be used to turn a Area of Effect: One creature the lengthy spell ritual, the body part
party of adventurers invisible. (The spell Saving Throw: Special hovers off the ground at a height of 3 feet
has no effect upon living creatures in any The fizzlebreath spell was specifically and travels at a movement rate of 6 in the
case.) As far as illusions go, this one is designed to combat creatures with direction of the individual from whose
rather convincing—instead of the entire breath weapons. It affects a single crea¬ body the part was taken (provided the
treasure pile vanishing all at once, the ture with each casting of the spell. There individual is within the spell's range at
individual items wink away one at a is no initial saving throw; the next time the time of the casting—if not, the spell
time, and the effect spreads quickly like a the creature attempts to use its breath fails). Body reunion was designed to track
runaway virus. weapon, nothing happens (it "fizzles"). a dragon to its lair, but the spell works
Even a dragon in the heat of battle Note that the target creature has no equally well to track any creature to its
might become distracted by the disap¬ advance notice that there's something present location. It can be particularly
pearance of its precious treasure hoard. "wrong" with its breath weapon—it first useful in tracking a kidnapped victim;
Depending upon the individual (and learns of the spell's effect when its breath many people who fear such an occur¬
the DM's assessment), the dragon might weapon fails. However, the creature can rence (ambassadors to hostile countries,
automatically lose initiative for a few attempt to use its breath weapon on sub¬ the relatives of nobles or royalty) keep a
rounds, turn its back on its attackers in sequent rounds; fizzled breath weapon lock of hair in the safe keeping of a
an attempt to save its treasure, or attack attacks don't count as a use of the breath trusted Wizard, just in case.
everyone in sight in a berserker fury. weapon. For each attempted use of its There are a few limitations to the spell.
Of course, dragons are able to disbe¬ breath weapon after the initial one, the It cannot track a creature to a different
lieve the illusion. Intelligent dragons creature can make a successful saving plane of existence. Once activated, the
might even ignore it and worry about it throw vs. spell to determine whether the body part moves at a constant rate of
later, after the attacking party has been breath weapon works. The first save is speed in a straight line toward its target,
dealt with. A dragon attempting to dis¬ made normally, and subsequent saves regardless of terrain but avoiding obsta¬
believe the chain invisibility makes an are made at a cumulative +1 until a save cles. It is up to the Wizard and his party
Intelligence check with success indicat¬ is successful, at which time the fizzle¬ to keep the body part in sight. (Having a
ing he realizes that his treasure is still breath spell is broken. magical means of flight is useful, espe¬
there. (The check is made with a +2 Fizzlebreath spells are not cumulative; cially when the body part floats over
bonus if he takes the time to check on his multiple castings of the spell are ineffec¬ rivers or up steep slopes.) Once set upon
treasure—while invisible, it can still be tive against a single target. Only when its magical journey, the floating body
felt if touched.) Disbelieving the spell the original fizzlebreath has been broken part doesn't stop until it reaches its tar¬
takes an entire round, during which time by a successful use of the breath weapon get or the magic is dispelled, so keeping
the dragon's opponents can attack it is the creature vulnerable to further up may be difficult on long journeys.
without retaliation. castings of the spell. Finally, whether the Wizard manages to

90 • JUNE 1999
keep up with the floating body part or
not, when it finally reaches its goal (the
creature from which it was taken), it
bums up in a flash of magical flame. The
flame inflicts no damage and cannot
start a normal fire, but it does announce
to the target creature that something is
up, often giving the creature plenty of
advance notice if the Wizard hasn't been
able to keep up.
The only material component for the
body reunion spell is the severed body
piece itself, which is eventually con¬
sumed at the end of the spell.

(Alteration, Necromancy)
Level: 4
Range: 107 level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
The lockjaw spell must target a single
opponent. If successful, the victim's
mouth is magically clamped shut for the
duration of the spell, preventing the vic¬
tim from speaking aloud, casting spells
that require verbal components, biting,
or anything else requiring the mobility
of the jaws. While developed specifically
for use against dragons, it is equally use¬
ful against enemy spellcasters, being
similar in use to the 2nd-level Priest spell
silence 15' radius.
If the spell is cast upon a dragon, its
breath weapon might be rendered use¬
less while the spell is in effect. While all
dragons' breath weapons normally zlebreath can be subjected to a lockjaw. Soften Scales
emanate from the mouth, some (primar¬ These two spells can be used together as (Alteration)
ily gas and fire-based attacks) can be a "one-two punch," depriving a dra¬ Level: 4
used just as effectively when projected conic opponent of its most powerful Range: Touch
through the dragon's nostrils. Regard¬ weapons. Components: V, S, M
less of the breath weapon type, if the Obviously, the lockjaw spell is of great Duration: 1 round/level
dragon fails its saving throw it is unable use against creatures whose only Casting Time: 4
to bite opponents and cast spells of its method of attack is a bite (such as wild Area of Effect: V x V patch of skin/level
own, as dragon spells are all verbal. dogs, poisonous snakes, or giant toads). Saving Throw: None
Those disadvantages alone may be The spell affects only one head per caster The soften scales spell causes an area on
enough to turn the tide of battle against level when cast on multi-headed crea¬ a dragon or other reptilian (or piscine)
the dragon. tures such as hydrae, chimerae, or creature's body to become soft and pli¬
A dragon under the effects of a lockjaw amphisbaena. It is useless against crea¬ ant. The creature must be touched by the
spell can be subjected to a fizzlebreath tures without jaws—puddings, oozes, Wizard (requiring a successful attack roll
spell. (This is especially useful when the slimes, jellies, fungus, intellect devour- in combat) to activate the spell; once acti¬
dragon is still able to use its breath ers, and the like. It is similarly ineffective vated, the touched area becomes slightly
weapon through its nostrils.) Similarly, a against all forms of undead (including discolored. For the duration of the spell,
dragon trying to break the effects of a fiz¬ dracoliches). that area of the creature's body loses 6

DRAGON 260 - 91
points of Armor Class (never worse than any limbs from the ground. Once this failed if the spell's recipient wishes to be
AC 10)—thus, an adult red dragon with occurs, the victim spends the rest of the affected), the targeted creature is restored
AC -5 under the effects of a soften scales earth magnet spell's duration under the in age by one age category. For the pur¬
spell has a patch of skin with only AC 1. effects of a slow spell. It can physically poses of PC races, the age categories are:
The scale discoloration caused by the attack only with appendages not touch¬ infant, youth, adult, middle age, old age,
spell allows the creature's "weak spot" ing the ground. (A troll could still use its and venerable. (Infants are non-combat¬
to be targeted by means of a called shot; two claws and its teeth against anyone ants; youth and adult are the norm for
see the Dungeon Master9 Guide for within range; a dragon could still bite, most PCs; see Table 12: Aging Effects in
details on called shots. Since high-level use its breath weapon, or cast spells, but the Player's Handbook for attribute
Wizards can cause rather large patches couldn't use its claws or tail to attack.) changes in the three oldest categories.)
of softened scales, the "to hit" penalty of If cast upon a creature in flight, the Other creatures, like dragons, greater
the called shot is reduced to -3 when the creature loses one Maneuverability Class mummies, and giants, have separate age
spell is cast by a lOth-level Wizard, -2 for per round as it is pulled to the ground at categories. (Many giant races, when
a 15th-level Wizard, and -1 for a 20th- half its flight speed (if it struggles against young, cause damage as a lesser crea¬
level Wizard. Regardless of the softened the spell) or at twice normal speed (if it ture; young cloud giants, for instance,
area's size, the called shot is never made does not try to resist, or was already div¬ attack as fire giants.) Temporary youth
at less than -1 to hit, no matter how ing toward the ground when the earth causes a temporary "regression" of one
many levels of experience the Wizard magnet was first cast). Diving creatures step to the damage such creatures inflict.
has. In addition, the softened area may forced to crash-land suffer falling dam¬ For a dragon, this means that its combat
not be accessible to some attacks—for age as normal. modifier and breath weapon damage are
instance, if the soft area is on the top of Only potential victims in flight are lessened (see the Monstrous Manual™
the dragon's head, a Barbarian armed allowed a saving throw at the beginning book and individual dragon entries).
only with a broadsword is unable to take of the earth magnet spell, due to their ini¬ Other attributes, such as Hit Dice and
advantage of the dragon's weakness if tial distance from the ground. Once the armor class, are not affected.
the creature is rearing up on its hind legs. spell takes effect, though, there is no fur¬ When the temporary youth spell is used
Obviously, the soften scales spell only ther saving throw, and the victim must against a creature that doesn't have speci¬
works on reptilian or piscine creatures "ride out" the duration of the spell, fied age categories (like a tiger), reduce
(or partially reptilian/piscine creatures, which lasts for one round per level of the the damage of the creature's attacks by 1
like lamia nobles or mermen) that have Wizard (a dispel magic cast upon the vic¬ point (for d4 and d6) or 2 points (d8 and
scales. The material component for the tim cancels out the earth magnet). The above) per damage die (dropping the
spell is the sloughed-off skin of a snake, spell is often used to either force dragons tiger's 2-5/2-5/1-10 damage potential to
which is consumed in the casting of the to the ground or to prevent them from 1-4/1-4/1-8). Each damage die inflicts a
spell. A single creature can be affected taking to the air once battle has begun. minimum of one point of damage.
simultaneously by multiple castings of The earth magnet spell is useless The temporary youth spell can be bene¬
the spell, although the areas of softened against beings from the elemental plane ficial to its recipient, temporarily revers¬
scales cannot overlap. (That is, the scales of Earth (xom, xaren, etc.). It is particu¬ ing the effects of aging attacks like those
already softened by one application of larly effective against creatures who that result from seeing a ghost. The spell
the spell cannot be softened further by crawl on the ground—snakes, giant recipient's memory and mental capaci¬
another use of the spell.) worms, and the like—as it usually pins ties are not affected by the spell. Multiple
them, preventing all attacks. The spell castings of temporary youth cannot be
Earth Magnet requires a small magnet and either a used simultaneously on a single target,
(Alteration) clump of dirt or a handful of pebbles. All nor can the spell be used on a creature
Level: 5 material components are consumed dur¬ already at the youngest age category.
Range: 107 level ing the casting of the spell. (The spell automatically fails in such
Components: V, S, M attempts.) Upon expiration of the spell's
Duration: 1 round/level Temporary Youth duration (or if a dispel magic is cast upon
Casting Time: 5 (Alteration, Necromancy) the spell recipient), the creature returns
Area of Effect: One creature Level: 5 to its original age. The temporary youth
Saving Throw: See below Range: Touch spell cannot be made permanent.
The earth magnet spell creates an Components: V, S
increasing attraction, almost magnetic in Duration: 1 round /level of caster
nature, between the target of the spell Casting Time: 3
and the ground immediately below it. If Area of Effect: One creature Johnathan M. Richards has become some¬
cast upon a creature on the ground, its Saving Throw: Negates thing of a dragon hunter himself these past
movement rate is slowed by 6 each The temporary youth spell can be tar¬ few years: His back-issue collection of
round until it reaches 0, at which time geted only against a single creature. If the Dragon Magazines now spans from issue
the victim is fixed in place, unable to lift saving throw fails (it can be voluntarily #67 to the present.

92 • JUNE 1999
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Role Models

Problem Solving
with Miniatures
By Jim Bishop and J.D. Wiker
photography by Craig Cudnohufsky

At the gaming table, they're as ubiqui¬ disagreements and ways that miniatures both sides are responsible for moving
tous as Crown Royal dice bags and can help resolve them. their miniatures. This phase takes place
Player's Handbooks, as common to gam¬ Disagreement: Where are characters when the sides declare combat actions,
ing groups as caffeinated beverages and and NPCs during combat? and proceed in order of initiative rolls. If
salty snacks. Love or hate them, player- Solution: Enforce a miniatures move¬ miniatures aren't moved on the battle
DM disagreements are part of the ment phase. mat, characters and NPCs aren't moved
AD&D* game experience. If you ask the player, Hargath the in the game.
Rather than point fingers at players or Magnificent can be in two places at Disagreement: Which models are tar¬
DMs, this article aims to make the game once. When confronted with a sealed geted by area effect spells and weapons?
more fun and fair by reducing conflict. door, Hargath is the first to rush in to Solution: Use spell effect templates.
Here are examples of some common knock it down. But when giant cobras Despite his spellcasting skills,
begin spitting venom at the intruders, Zorgo's fireball toasts friend and foe
the player complains that Hargath alike if he casts it into a melee, yet
Painting Faces was hiding behind the doorframe. many players feel that area effect
Nothing intimidates a beginning "It's how he opens doors," the player weapons target only enemy figures.
painter like faces. As the most recog¬ explains. This problem is aggravated when the
nizable part of a humanoid figure, Confused location is not just a DM fails to describe a complex combat
it's the hardest to paint right and the player problem. DMs can be hazy in clear, accurate terms, or when he
most prone to scrutiny. With just a about encounter distances too, leaving changes a description in the middle of
little practice at this technique, how¬ players angry (and rightly so) when combat to foil a player's spell.
ever, anyone can do it well. the gnolls they thought were 100 Templates are an excellent way to
If the figure is already basecoated meters away are actually 100 feet away determine spell areas without slowing
in white, paint the head black. Next, and charging! combat with tedious calculations and
paint just the raised areas of the face: How do you solve the problem with¬ measurements. Make templates for just
the cheekbones, jaw, forehead, nose, out either side caving in? The DM a few common spells—fireball (20‘
and lips. The secret is not to use too should enforce a movement phase when radius) and cloudkill (40’ x 20' x 20*
much paint—a little bit will do. Add
a lighter tint of the flesh tone to the
higher areas of the face to show
highlighting, then wash the whole
face with a very light brown wash
(mix with extra water).
Finally, repeat the process with
flesh tone and lighter tint, but leave
a small area around the patches of
flesh to create four areas of skin
tone: black, dark brown, flesh, and
highlighted flesh, which provide a
realistic finished effect.
The secret to painting faces is not to use too much paint in each layer.

9* • JUNE 1999
cloud) are obvious choices—and use
them on the battle mat to determine
exactly which models are affected.
If a model is only partially covered, it
might receive a positive saving throw
modifier, at the DM's discretion.
The templates themselves can be
made from cardboard, foam core,
formica, or any other durable material
and should be made to the same scale as
the rest of the combat (5 feet per inch is
Disagreement: Which models are
within range and line of sight of missile
Solution: Use a range string.
Questions about missile weapon
ranges are common enough to make a
range string useful as a reference,
especially since it can also end argu¬
ments about line of sight.
Mark the short ranges of common
missile weapons on a piece of string.
Use different colored pens for the
different weapons to tell them apart
quickly. In combat, simply use the
string to determine whether a target is
in short range instead of counting
squares or figuring range conversions
from yards to feet.
To settle a question of line of sight,
fix one end of the string at the firing
model and try to connect it with the
target. If the string is bent, the target is
obstructed. If it passes directly through
an intervening obstacle, the target is
not visible.

A Party Divided
(Simple Scenario with Miniatures)
As the party explores a dungeon level,
they are surprised by a group of ores.
The ores take up their position behind
a low wall for cover, then attack with
bows. When the PCs run for cover
behind nearby pillars, some of them
vanish! quickly, since the second room also before turning off the effect. Characters
Behind the scenes: Several squares in contains a large, hungry monster! could end up stuck in a different room
the room are teleporters, pre-pro¬ Note that the teleporters activate for from the rest of the party, which could
grammed to transport creatures into a anyone or anything, so if the ores or the be 20 feet or 20 miles away!
special room deep in the dungeon. The large, hungry monster happen to step on
DM must keep track of which squares one, combatants in the other room are in
are teleporters and set up another bat¬ for a big surprise.
tle mat to represent this second room. Kindhearted DMs might want to
The second room also has teleporters include an on/off switch for the tele¬ JD Wiker and Jim Bishop sometimes wish the
that return creatures to the first room. porters, although this trick might cre¬ Wizards of the Coast offices had convenient
Players whose characters were tele¬ ate more trouble for the party as it teleporters, but only if they don't come with
ported in will want to find these struggles to get everyone in one room ravenous monsters.

DRAGON 260 • 95
June 1200 Edgewood Avenue, Jacksonville, FL
Milwaukee Summer Revel III 32205.
June 10-13 WI Email:
The Best Western Inn, Milwaukee, WI.
Contact: Bruce Rabe, RO. Box 779, August
New Munster, WI 53152. DotCon
Website: ~melka/msr/ August 7-September 7 o
index.htm Online Convention.
Convention Calendar Policies July Email:
This column is a service to our readers worldwide. Anyone UK Games Fest
may place a free listing for a game convention here, but
the following guidelines must be observed.
July 3 O Bubonicon 31
To ensure that all convention listings contain accurate The Sportcentre, Harlow, Essex, UK. August 20-22 NM
and timely information, all material should be typed dou¬
ble-spaced or printed legibly on standard manuscript Contact: Jan Eldridge, The Dashes, Howard Johnson East, Albuquerque,
paper. The contents of each listing must be short and Harlow, Essex CM20 3RZ. NM.
The information given in the listing must include the Email: Contact: NMSF Conference, P.O. Box
following, in this order:
1. Convention title and dates held
37257, Albuquerque, NM 87176.
2. Site and location ManaFest '99 Website:
3. Address(es) where additional information and con¬
firmation can be obtained. July 9-11 CA Email:
Convention flyers, newsletters, and other mass-mailed South San Francisco Conference Center,
announcements will not be considered for use in this col¬
umn; we prefer to see a cover letter with the announce¬ South San Francisco, CA. September
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Contact: ManaFest, P.O. Box 170436,
Canadian conventions are in U.S. currency. San Francisco, CA 94080. September 26-28 NM
Warning: We are not responsible for incorrect infor¬
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check your convention listing carefully! Accurate informa¬ Email: Contact: CogCon, P.O. Box 1939, Rolla,
tion is your responsibility.
Copy deadlines are the first Monday of each month, MO 65402.
four months prior to the on sale date of an issue. Thus, the GrailQuest
copy deadline for the December issue is the first Monday Website:
of September. Announcements for all conventions must be July 16-17 FL Email:
mailed to: "Conventions," Dragon Magazine, 1801 Lind
Avenue S.W., Renton, WA, 98055, U.S.A. The Fat Kat Lounge, 1193 Edgewood
If a convention listing must be changed because the Avenue, Jacksonville, FL.
convention has been cancelled, the dates have changed,
or incorrect information has been printed, please contact Contact: Sanctuary Games and Books,
us immediately. Most questions or changes should be
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Important: Dragon Magazine does not publish phone
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send us is complete and correct.
To ensure that your convention listing makes it into our
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your first convention notice; we will return the card to show
that it was received. You also might send a second notice
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as possible, and always keep us informed of any changes.
Please do not send convention notices by fax, as this
method has not proven reliable.

♦ Australian convention
* Canadian convention
O European convention
Q Online convention

9S • JUNE 1999
PC Portraits

by Pete Venters
"What's the common factor among dragonslayers?" asks Pete
Venters. "Certainly not race or gender. It has to be a motive. But
surely you'd have to be crazy to hunt dragons. Well, either that
or naive, vengeful, or desperately in need of a spell component.
Any guesses which trait each portrait fits?"

DRAGON 260 ■ 97
Zero Point Players
Heroes and Villains of the Star'Drive®Setting
by Richard Baker
illustrated by L-A-Williams

Z Jero Point is the story of two characters—Pete Sokolov and

Geille Monashi. He's a ruthless bounty hunter outfitted with
Monashi's return. Sokolov finds himself an unwilling guide in a
HelixTech expedition to the derelict. Geille is pressed into service,
military-grade cyberware. She's a top-flight computer engineer too; they're now caught in the same trap. They must set aside their
who scratched and clawed her way out of the dismal poverty and differences to keep one step ahead of Karcen Borun.
desperation of Penates' feudal gang kingdoms. Their paths cross A bad situation becomes worse when Devrielle Shanassin appears
when Monashi sabotages her own work at HelixTech, a sinister hi- on the scene, still on the trail of the bounty hunter. Shanassin sees an
tech corporation, and then flees Penates. Karcen Borun, a high-rank¬ opportunity to seize a serious prize and wreak vengeance on Sokolov
ing HelixTech exec, hires Sokolov to bring her back. in the process, and he attacks at once. Then a Jamaican Syndicate
Sokolov doesn't believe everything Borun has to say, but the warship shows up, summoned by a covert message Geille sent when
money's right. He trails Monashi to the outlaw station Icewalk and Sokolov took her into HelixTech. Finally, all hell breaks loose when
abducts her from the hidden base. When icewalk's overlord, a fraal the Solar drivescout Sirocco tracks Shanassin to the derelict, too.
pirate named Devriele Shanassin, pursues Sokolov, the bounty Alliances of convenience form and fall apart as the four powers
hunter punches a random starfall into his ship's nav computer to maneuver for the upper hand.
escape. Sokolov refuses to believe Geille's assertion that Borun might Meanwhile, Sokolov and Monashi must find a way to trust each
be lying to him about the whole scenario, and Geille is desperate other to escape with their lives. While the Solars, the Syndicate,
enough to try anything to escape. HelixTech, and Shanassin battle for possession of the derelict,
After five days of drivespace travel, the Peregrine returns to normal Sokolov and Monashi discover the ultimate secret of the derelict, a
space thousands of light-hours from the nearest star. Here, Sokolov secret that harbors dire consequences for the humans battling over it.
and Monashi stumble across an incredible discovery—a titanic alien The derelict isn't quite as dead as it looks.
derelict. They set aside their personal animosity to investigate the And the owners aren't friendly.
find; an intact ship from an unknown culture is a discovery of aston¬
ishing proportions, potentially worth millions to the right buyer.
When Sokolov returns Geille to HelixTech, he discovers that Rich has been working as a game designer since 1991; he's still trying to
Karcen Borun is more interested in the story of their encounter than figure out what he wants to do when he grows up.

Character-Building Tip find teachers who know the subject material better than the hero at
If you do the math on the following characters, you'll notice that that point. I've applied this shortcut for the four characters in this
their skill-point expenditures just don't add up. But they're really article by assuming that some of their skills were purchased with
perfectly legal AlternitV* game characters. How can this be? Sim¬ the assistance of a mentor, drill sergeant, attentive professor, etc.
ple: the Teach skill. Next time you want to create a competent supporting cast
Characters who learn some of their skills through any kind of character, ask yourself what broad and specialty skills the char¬
education or training program (and that would be most of us!) acter learned in college, boot camp, or from a mentor. Figure that
receive the benefit of some supporting cast member using the each one is 1 point cheaper than it should be due to the mentor¬
Teach skill to make it easier for them to buy the skills they're learn¬ ing of the character's teachers. You'll be surprised at how the
ing. In general, a reasonably competent teacher in a good learning numbers add up.
environment can, on average, reduce any skill purchase by 1 point, Don't forget achievement benefits! They can greatly increase an
averaging out Good and Amazing success against Failures. It gets experienced character's action check score and actions per round
trickier for high skill ranks (rank 4 or better) since it's harder to for a pretty minimal cost in skill points.

98 ♦ JUNE 1999
Pete Soknlnv
Level 15 human Tech Op
STR11 (12*) (+1) INT11 (+1)
DEX12 (+1) WIL11 (+D
CON 11 — PER 9
Durability: 11/11/6 Action Check: 16+/15/7/31
Movement: Sprint 22, run 14, walk 4 # Actions: 3
Reaction Score: Good/3 Last Resorts: 1
* +1 Strength with cybernetic arm.
* -3 step bonus with fast chip activated

Unarmed-martial 16/8/4 d6+ls/d6+3s/d4+lw
Cyber-blade 15/7/3 d4+3w / d6+3w / d4+lm
Sabot pistol 16/8/4 2d4w/2d4+lw/d4+3m
*** Enhance programs add -2 step bonus when active.

CF Softsuit: d6 (LI), d6 (HI), d6-l (En) attracted the attentionpTb^ecruitin^^ht fq/^he Nariac Intelligence
Directorate. He was trained in covert operations, equipped with top-
Skills notch cyberware, and eventually assigned to a black ops commando
Athletics [12]-c//mi? 2 [14], throw 2 [14]; Unarmed Attack [l2]-power team at the age of twenty-two.
martial arts 4 [16]; Acrobatics [\2]-daredevil [13], zero-G training [13]; Sokolov served as a soldier for the Domain for three years, but then
Modem Ranged Weapon [12]-pistol 4 [16], rifle 2 [14]; Vehicle Opera¬ his team was involved in an operation that went terribly wrong. With
tion [\2]-4and [13], spacecraft 2 [14]; Stamina [11]-endurance [12]; Com¬ all of his teammates dead, Sokolov had to use a fusion device to steril¬
puter Science [\\]-hacking 4 [15], hardware 2 [13], programming [12]; ize the mission. Realizing that he could easily be considered dead by
Knowledge [11 ]-computer operation 4 [15], first aid [12], area: Nariac any investigation of the failed mission, Sokolov struck out for the
Domain 3 [14], language: Narislavic 3 [14], language: Standard 3 [14]; Verge. As far as he was concerned, he owed the Domain nothing.
Navigation [ll]-drivespace astrogation 2 [13], system astrogation 2 [13]; Psych Profile: A brooding misanthropist, Sokolov has no real
Security [\\]-security devices 2 [13], protection protocols [13]; System friends and very few professional associates; in his view, nine out of
Operation [llj-sewsors 2 [13], weapons 2 [13], engineering [12]; Aware¬ ten people are looking out for number one, and the other one just
ness [11 ]-perception [12]; Investigate [11]-interrogate [12], track [12]; isn't paying attention. Despite this cynical attitude, Sokolov takes his
Street Smarts [11 ]-criminal elements 2 [13]; Deception [9]-bluff [10]; work and his word very seriously. Once he's said he's going to do
Interaction [9]-bargain [10], intimidate [10]. something, he doesn't rest until it gets done, and he never goes back
on a promise.
Rank Benefits Tactics: Most people are surprised to learn that Sokolov is basically
Martial arts: +1 step resistance modifier in hand-to-hand combat; Pistol: a cautious man—he'll do anything in his power to stack the odds in
Quick-draw; Hacking: -1 step bonus to hacking skill checks. his favor. He possesses serious cybernetic augmentation, including a
fast chip that adds a -3 step bonus to his action checks when acti¬
Perks and Flaws vated, plus a number of enhance programs for physical combat and
Powerful Enemy (the Nariac Intelligence Directorate, Good); Bad combat piloting that provide him with a -2 step bonus to the appro¬
Temper (Good). priate skill while active. Sokolov saves these cyber-bums for when he
really needs them, since he'll suffer stun and fatigue damage by
Cyber Gear using them recklessly. His preferred weapon is a Wesshaur 390 sabot
Cyber limb-right arm (Ordinary); battleklaw (Good); nanocomputer pistol, but his cybernetic arm includes a 25-cm retractable blade that
(Amazing); reflex wiring (Good), fast chip (Amazing), subdermal NI he can employ with his martial arts skill.
jack, subdermal communicator. Enhance programs: hacking (Good), While Sokolov can be a deadly foe in physical combat, he works
pistol (Good), martial arts (Good). Other programs: datadoc (Good), hard to avoid fights through the use of his computer skills. Given a
datascan (Good), decode (Good), break-in (Good). chance, Sokolov will research a target or facility and build a database
of maps, blueprints, traffic patterns, etc., to maximize his effective¬
An expatriate from the Nariac Domain, Pete Sokolov is a professional ness in any kind of confrontation. His NID nanocomputer is a device
bounty hunter who has wandered through the Verge since a few of Amazing quality, providing a -2 step bonus to action checks while
months after the Return. He is a tall, rangy man with short-cropped engaged in computer activities. He possesses a large library of pro¬
dark hair, a neatly trimmed goatee, and fierce blue eyes. He typically grams of Good quality, providing a -2 step bonus to skill checks
dresses in black fatigue trousers, combat boots, a black sleeveless against most computer skills.
t-shirt, and a bulky flight jacket. When working, he usually wears a In Your Campaign: Pete Sokolov might take a job to track down
long bulletproof duster and at least two guns. Sokolov smokes fre¬ the heroes if they've managed to anger some powerful personage.
quently when he's tense or angry. He's smart, patient, and ruthless—if the heroes are too tough to take
Back Story: Born in 2469, Sokolov grew up on the war-ravaged down directly, Sokolov uses diversions to split up the group and goes
world of Novo Tver. He was orphaned at an early age and interned after weaker heroes on their own. As an ally, Sokolov is abrasive,
in refugee camps for most of his lonely childhood. Without friends or arrogant, and strongly inclined to work on his own, but he's also
family, he turned to theft and petty crime to survive. At sixteen he willing to use any means necessary to do the job right.

DRAGON 260 - 99

Geille Monashi
Level 12 human Tech Op
STR9 — INT13 (+2)
DEX12 (+1) WIL10 —
CON 10 — PER 12 —
Durability: 10/10/5 Action Check: 15+/14/7/3
Movement: Sprint 20, run 12, walk 4 # Actions: 3
Reaction Score: Good / 3 Last Resorts: 2

Unarm ed-martial 11/5/2 d6s/d6+2s/d4w LI/O
Combat knife 10/5/2 d4+lw/d4+2w/d4+3w LI/O
Laser pistol (untrained) 6/3/1 d4+lw/d6+lw/d4m En/O

CF short coat: d4-l (LI), d4-l (HI), d6-3 (En)

Athletics [9]; Melee Attack [9\-blade [10], bludgeon [10]; Unarmed
Attack [9]-poiver martial arts 2 [11]; Manipulation [12]-lockpick 2 [14],
pickpocket [13]; Vehicle Operation [12]; Stamina [10]; Computer Sci¬
ence [13]-hacking 5 [18], hardware 4 [17], programming 6 [19]; Knowl¬
edge [l3]-computer operation 5 [18], area: Penates 3 [16], language:
Standard 3 [16]; System Operation [13]-comms [14]; Technical Science
[13^invention [14], repair [14], technical knowledge (OS design) 2 [15];
Awareness [\0]-intuition [11]; Resolve [10]; Interaction [12]-bargain 2
[14], charm 2 [14], seduce 2 [14]; Telepathy [12]-datalink 2 [14]. After five years of harsh schooling, she was assigned to HelixTech's
Research and Development Division. Driven by her work, she had no
Rank Benefits friends, no romantic interests, and no life outside the lab.
Hacking: -1 step bonus to hacking skill checks; Hardware: -1 step Geille's employment with HelixTech came to an end when she
bonus to hardware skill checks; Programming: modify any program; allowed herself to become involved with Karcen Borun. The exec
Programming: create new programs of Marginal or Ordinary quality. used her to steal and then sabotage company research, intending to
profit from the stolen materiel. When Geille doublecrossed Borun, he
Perks and Flaws sent Pete Sokolov after her.
Great Looks: -1 step bonus to Personality-based skill checks. Psych Profile: Like Sokolov, Geille is a loner. She is strongly self-
reliant and suspicious of anyone in a position of power or authority.
Other She is relentless and determined when faced by a challenge, working
Geille normally carries a computer gauntlet of Good quality with the tirelessly to overcome any obstacle. Wealth is very important to her,
following programs: datadoc (Good), datascan (Good), decode since she believes that she'll fall back into the misery of her childhood
(Good), encode (Good), surge (Ordinary), break-in (Ordinary), crash if she isn't good enough and ruthless enough to succeed.
(Good), alarm (Good), fortress (Good), control (Ordinary). Tactics: Computers are Geille Monashi's weapons. She's not a hot-
shot grid pilot fighting for abstract values of information freedom
Brilliant and sharp as a blade, Geille Monashi fought her way out of and nihilism; she's a businesslike professional with a rare gift for cre¬
the gang-ruled tenements of Penates. She is a computer engineer of ative genius. Given half a chance, she'll use her computer skills to
surpassing skill, a programmer and hardware developer who can study her enemies, lay traps and alarms to hinder their actions, and
work miracles with machinery. Like those of many former Solar finally launch preemptive attacks that make it impossible for them to
colonists of Penates, Geille's features show a hint of Old Earth's ethnic strike back. She's not afraid of physical confrontation and even com¬
traits—in her case, Asian. She usually wears her hair in a long, dark mands modest hand-to-hand fighting skills—the legacy of her youth
ponytail, and she prefers to dress casually in tailored jumpsuits or on the streets of Santiago. However, she knows that she has better
excursion gear. She has a strong temper and settles into a silent, stone¬ ways to hit her enemies than with her fists.
faced glower when she's not happy with the way things are going. In Your Campaign: Geille spent years working on secret HelixTech
Back Story: Twenty-eight years of age, Geille spent the first sixteen projects that relied heavily on her own inventions and processes.
years of her life surviving the Pict-dominated ghettoes of Santiago on Some of these became major commercial releases for the company,
Penates. By the time she reached adolescence, Geille had decided that but others were very specialized jobs such as espionage systems,
she wanted out. She found her way into HelixTech, the largest and defense projects, and strategic intelligence hardware. She wants to
most powerful corporation based in Piet territory. Geille worked hard recover the work she did as HelixTech's resident genius and make it
to master the skills she'd need to climb from the ranks of hopeless her own again. Geille may help heroes taking on a corrupt corpora¬
laborers to the corporate towers. She chose computers. tion or government to recover her work, or she might target a com¬
At the age of eighteen, Geille escaped from the labor pool, gaining pany the heroes are supposed to defend.
entrance into an intense education and training program. She discov¬ Sokolov and Monashi make an exceptionally formidable team. It's a
ered that she possessed a latent psionic talent for interfacing with contentious relationship, but they have a great deal of respect for each
computers and proved to be uncannily good at working with them. other's abilities, and they've learned to trust one another implicitly.

lOO • JUNE 1999

Karcen Borun_
Level 14 human Diplomat (Free Agent)
STR10 — INT12 (+1)
DEX 9 — WIL12 (+1)
CON 10 — PER 13 —
Durability: 10/10/5 Action Check: 13+/12/6/3
Movement: Sprint 20, run 12, walk 4 # Actions: 2
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 Last Resorts: 3

Unarmed (untrained) 5/2/1 d4s/d4+ls/d4+2s LI/O
Laser pistol 11/5/2 d4+lw/d6+lw/d4m En/O

CF softsuit: d6 (LI), d6 (HI), d6-l (En)
Deflection inducer: +3 step bonus to Borun's Strength and Dexterity
Resistance Modifiers when activated (+2 step penalty to Borun's
For almost twenty years, Karcen built a ladder leading to the top.
Skills When HelixTech's Board of Directors decided to replace an aging
Athletics [10]; Modem Ranged Weapon [9]-pistol 2 [11]; Vehicle Oper¬ Vice President of Research and Development, Borun quietly arranged
ation [9]; Stamina [10\-endurance [11]; Business [12]-corporate 5 [17], for the board members to split between two more qualified con¬
illicit 4 [16]; Knowledge [12]-computer operation 3 [15], deduce 2 [14], tenders for the position, then slipped into the boardroom as a "young
area: Penates 3 [15], language: Standard 3 [15]; Law [12]-enforcement and easily controlled" candidate tolerable to both sides. Playing off
[13], specific (corporate) 2 [14]; System Operation [12]-comms [13], sen¬ all factions, Karcen Borun built an internal empire within the halls of
sors [13]; Administration [\2\-bureaucracy 3 [15], management 3 [15]; HelixTech. With clients, allies, and sympathetic supporters through¬
Awareness [12]-intuition [13]; Culture [13]-diplomacy 3 [16], etiquette out the organization, his power reached far beyond the Security Divi¬
(Penates) 3 [16], first encounter [14]; Deception [13]-bluff 4 [17], bribe 3 sion. HelixTech, a corporation worth trillions of credits and
[16], gamble [14]; Interaction [13]-bargain 3 [16], charm 4 [17], interview employing more than one hundred thousand people, struck Borun as
3 [16], seduce 3 [16]; Leadership [13]. too small to suit the scope of his ambitions. He wanted to be king.
Psych Profile: Karcen Borun is a predator. He views everyone
Rank Benefits around him as cattle or competition. Carefully concealing his ambi¬
Illicit business: Ignore 2 steps of penalties associated with illegal trans¬ tion and contempt beneath a facade of humor and congeniality, he is
actions; Etiquette: -1 step bonus to diplomacy skill checks on Penates. a master of misdirection. Fair play is a concept he uses only to his
Perks and Flaws As he has grown older, Karcen's ambition has grown into a des¬
Filthy Rich; Great Looks: -1 step bonus to Personality-based skill perate hunger. He senses that his reach will never equal his ambition,
checks; Obsession (winning). Amazing. so he is willing to hazard high risks for big gains. Increasingly con¬
temptuous of the people around him, Borun occasionally lets the
Other facade fall as he strives for bolder and more decisive action in the
Karcen Borun is almost always accompanied by a security detail of pursuit of his goals.
several top-notch agents. Refer to the Supporting Character template Tactics: While Borun doesn't lack courage, he avoids situations in
for "law enforcer" on page 98 of the Gamemaster Guide. which risks outweigh potential gains. He believes in using the appro¬
priate assets to accomplish his goals. If a group of heroes are giving
Executive vice president of HelixTech's Security Division, Karcen him trouble, he'll assign corporate security teams and write checks to
Borun is a player. He radiates confidence, power, and self-assurance, run them to ground. As head of the corporation's Security Division,
easily assuming control of any situation. Every word he speaks, Borun commands a private army with intelligence assets, billions of
every gesture he makes, every action he chooses is part of a seamless credits of top-notch equipment, and thousands of personnel. Tactical
performance designed to get people to do what he wants. On the sur¬ command isn't what interests Borun; he has generals to handle sim¬
face, Karcen Borun presents a front of familiar affability, with the ple exercises such as military operations and covert actions.
rugged good looks of an outdoorsman and an easy-going manner. In Your Campaign: Before the events described in Zero Point,
While he looks like a hale outdoorsman in his mid-thirties, Borun Karcen Borun is one of the four or five most powerful men in the
is actually seventy-eight years old. His glow of health comes from the Lucullus system. He plans to carve HelixTech into pieces, wrenching
most expensive rejuvenation treatments he can find; his ruddy tan entire divisions away from the conglomerate to form a new company
and bleached-blond hair are just as artificial. His face and physique of his own. To do this, he must suborn dozens of key people through¬
have been surgically altered to perfection. out the organization, hide or misallocate staggering amounts of per¬
Back Story: Karcen Borun is a native of Santiago on the planet sonnel and equipment, and cut below-the-table deals with the other
Penates, the child of high-ranking HelixTech officers. He never set powers of Lucullus to help him forge his private kingdom. He might
foot outside HelixTech's fortified compound, growing up inside the use freelance adventurers as agents in his plan, frame some likely
executive towers of the megacorp. Even as a young man, Karcen dupes to damage a corporate rival, or even take some action that the
began to lay his path to power. He made the right friendships, culti¬ heroes begin to investigate independently. Karcen Borun is a mover
vated the right habits, and he sought the most powerful patrons. and shaker; all kinds of plots and scams surround his actions.

a r ■ r
DRAGON 260 • 1Q1
Marius Grayes_
Level 10 mutant Diplomat (Combat spec)
STR15* (+3) INT 10
DEX T — WIL12 (+1)
CON 13 — PER 11 —
Durability: 13/13/7 Action Check: 12+/11/5/2
Movement: Sprint 22, run 14, walk 4 # Actions: 3
Reaction Score: Ordinary/3 Last Resorts: 2
* Includes +1 Strength, -1 Dexterity for effects of High-G adaptation
in Earth-normal gravity. In a high-G environment, these scores are
STR 14, DEX 8.

Unarmed -brawl 19/9/4 d4+4s / d4+5s / d4+6s LI / O
Pulse baton 18/9/4 d8+3s / d4+5w / d6+5w En / O
Mass pistol 8/4/2 d6w/d6+2w/d6m En/G

CF short coat: d4-l (LI), d4-l (HI), d6-3 (En)

Athletics [15]; Melee Attack [15]-bludgeon 2 [17], powered 3 [18]; hardiness were perfect for such work, and soon he was making more
Unarmed Attack [15]-brawl 4 [19]; Modem Ranged Weapons [7]-pis- money as a part-time thug than he was keeping bar. His break came
tol [7]; Vehicle Operation [7]; Stamina [13}-endurance [14]; Business in 2483, when he started working full-time for Syndicate enforcer Kit
[10\-corporate [11], illicit [11]; Knowledge [\0]-area: Penates 3 [13], lan¬ Masen. Masen was a low-level boss on the way up; instead of running
guage: Standard 3 [13]; Security [10]-protection protocols [11]; Adminis¬ numbers rackets and protection shakedowns, Marius was now work¬
tration [12]-management 2 [14]; Awareness [\2]-intuition [13]; Invest¬ ing in corporate security. His natural drive, intuition, and blunt diplo¬
igate [12^interrogate 2 [14], track [13]; Resolve [12]; Deception [11] macy soon made him Masen's trusted lieutenant.
-bluff 4 [15], bribe 2 [13], gamble 4 [15]; Interaction [11 ]-bargain 3 [14], Kit Masen's growing influence and ambition brought him into
intimidate 5 [16], taunt 2 [13]; Leadership [11]-command [12], inspire [12]. conflict with a number of other Syndicate bosses. He died in an unex¬
plained aircar accident in 2490. Marius Grayes narrowly avoided a
Rank Benefits similar fate, then led Masen's organization in a successful counter¬
Brawl: +1 step penalty to opponent's Stamina checks to avoid knockout. attack against Masen's enemy. On the day Grayes killed the rival boss
with his bare hands, he was approached by agents of Masen's myste¬
Perks and Flaws rious employer, the next boss in the Syndicate leadership circles. He'd
Fists of Iron: +1 damage in unarmed combat; Fortitude: -1 step bonus earned his place in the secret ranks of power.
to Stamina checks; Filthy Rich; Clumsy: +1 step penalty to Dexterity- Psych Profile: Marius Grayes is suspicious, distrustful, paranoid,
based skill checks; Slow: +1 step penalty to action checks. and disconcertingly direct and honest about it. He speaks plainly and
does what he says he's going to do. He recognizes that he's not the
Mutations brightest man in the world, but he places great faith in his own
Adaptation, Gravity (Ordinary); Enhanced Strength (Good); Toxin willpower, intuition, and experience. As far as Grayes is concerned,
Tolerance (Ordinary); Minor Physical Change (Good). any given day might be the day that one of his rivals decides to move
in on his organization, so he spends most of his time and attention
Once a mob soldier and enforcer for the Jamaican Syndicate, the watching his peers for signs of hostility and weakness.
criminal organization that rules almost one-fifth of Penates, Marius Tactics: Like Karcen Borun, Grayes commands a formidable organi¬
Grayes has climbed the ranks within the shadowy organization. He is zation of talented and generally loyal people. He's perfectly willing to
a thug masquerading as a businessman, watching over his domain of use Syndicate resources to handle routine problems. If he has a weak¬
"revenue sources" with unwavering vigilance. Marius is a descen¬ ness, it might be over-reliance on his own leadership and intuition;
ded of a group of Taurean colonists genetically engineered to con¬ when his subordinates have difficulty with a situation, he's likely to
quer a hot, arid, high-G planet; he is extraordinarily short and stocky, move in and take over personally. Grayes figures that there are few
with a powerful musculature and hairless black skin. His hands are problems he can't solve by beating the living daylights out of them.
large enough to palm a bowling ball and strong enough to crack it. In a physical confrontation, Grayes is likely to wade in headfirst.
Back Story: Marius Grayes' great-grandparents were members of He often uses a pulse baton as his weapon of choice, but he is also
a group of colonists who settled the hothouse world of Antigua. Dis¬ exceptionally dangerous in a bare-knuckle brawl.
satisfied with prospects there, his father—an independent trader with In Your Campaign: Marius Grayes makes a great mob boss villain
a beat-up systemship—decided to relocate to Lucullus in 2476. He for the heroes to tackle. While he is not particularly malevolent in his
sold the ship and used the proceeds to open a sleazy bar in the city of administration of the properties and businesses the Syndicate has
Port Royal. Marius was fifteen at the time; he never attended another placed in his care, he brooks no rivals and no dissent. The Syndicate's
day of school, working in his dad's business from that point forward. strength rests on unquestioned dominance of as much of Penates as
Unable to see any good long-term prospects in legitimate business they can hold, so crusading heroes trying to "clean up" the town—or
and feuding constantly with his father, Marius left two years later and mercenary heroes looking to make a buck at the Jamaican Syndicate's
started working as a barkeep and bouncer. His natural strength and expense—could easily run afoul of Marius Grayes.

102 • JUNE 1999

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104 • JUNE 1999

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—— I H O R A r R D hi
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Answer appears next issue.

DRAGON 260 • 105

Unights of the inner liable BY JOLLY R. BLACKBURN






MISSY? SOME NERVE. MY HAGGLE oa so you think




106 • JUNE 1999

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DRAGON 260 • 107

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miss another new product. In March, use the chat commands, and create a
the Alternity Subscription Program Virards Conjures Miniatures username at http^/tsronline.wizards.
(ASP) began delivering the latest On March 22, Wizards of the Coast Inc. com/chat/data/html/user/addnewuser.
Alternity game products right to the announced that it will form a new shtml
doors of its fans. The ASP offers cus¬ miniatures games division to produce After you've installed the plugin and
tomized plans for both Alternity play¬ roleplaying miniatures and accessories have your username, enter the chat site
ers and Gamemasters, with fulfillment that supplement the company's Dun¬ at http://tsronlme.wizards.coin/chat/
as soon as new products are available. geons & Dragons? and other roleplay¬ world/html/login.html
The ASP consists of four plans, each ing games. Bob Watts, a well-known Once you're in the chat site, type
tailored to the individual desires of leader in the miniatures games field, /GO EVENTS for the Events room.
Alternity game enthusiasts. agreed to join Wizards of the Coast as
ASP # 1, the Alternity Core Assort¬ vice president of miniatures. 6/4 Dungeon Adventures &
ment, is the option for Gamemasters Peter Adkison, president of Wizards Dragon* Magazine Chat,
and players interested in the core rules. of the Coast, said, "We view miniatures with Chris Perkins and
This package provides all of the base¬ as a critical component in the future of Dave Gross.
line Alternity releases in the year. our roleplaying games, and we are 10 p.m. ET
ASP ftp, the Star*Drivek Core thrilled to have an expert such as Bob
Assortment, contains only those prod¬ Watts develop this new division for us. 6/11 Dragonlance® 15th Classic
ucts that bear the Star*Drive Cam¬ We look forward to his leadership in Anniversary Edition Chat, with
paign Setting logo. (A Star*Drive novel creating a compelling new line of role- Stan!, Miranda Homer,
subscription is available as an add-on.) playing miniatures/ and Steve Miller
ASP #3 starts gamers on their way 7 p.m. ET
John KovaMc,
with the new Dark*Matter™ campaign
setting with its launch in o Totally Twisted Trivia,
November. TSR games, rules,
ASP ttA is a com¬ and settings
plete package of all of the questions, with
Star*Drive Campaign prizes! 11:59 p.m. ET
Setting novels.
All of the plans sell the Return to the Keep on
product at the suggested the Borderlands Chat
retail price. Shipping is with designer John
included in the subscription Rateliff
price, with the exception of 7 p.m. ET
ASP #4, which charges a
$5.00 shipping and handling 6/26 Totally
fee for each month a novel is Twisted Trivia,
mailed if that plan is ordered as 11:59 p.m. ET
a stand-alone package. If
ordered as an add-on to one of
the other plans, shipping is free.
Information on signing up for
the Alternity Subscription Pro¬
gram is available on the web at

DRAGON 260 • 111

Profiles by Stephen Kenson

Rich Baker's career is a gamer's dream

Gamemaster Guide, Rich has worked on
the Star*Drive® setting and various
other Alternity products, including the
Come true. Bom and raised in Florida, Alien Compendium,v book. The Arms and
Baker moved with his family to New Equipment Guide, and The Last Warhulk.
Jersey at age ten. He attended Virginia "A couple of years ago, I got a chance
Tech and graduated in 1988 with a to try my hand at fiction. My first novel.
degree in English, receiving a commis¬ Easy Betrayals, was published in June of
sion as an ensign in the U.S. Navy. After 1998; it's part of the nine-book Double
serving for three years as a surface war¬ Diamond Triangle* series. My second
fare officer on board the USS Tortuga, book. The Shadow Stone, came out in
Rich left the Navy as a lieutenant (junior October of 1998; my third novel, Zero
grade) and married his college sweet¬ Point, is due out in June of 1999."
heart, Kim Rohrbach. Looking for a new Zero Point is a science fiction novel set
career. Rich found it quite unexpectedly in the Star*Drive universe. In it, a
atTSR. bounty hunter named Sokolov takes an
"I'd been playing the AD&D* game assignment to recover Monashi, a top-
off and on since 1979. When I decided to notch computer engineer for HelixTech.
leave the Navy, I sent TSR my r£sum£ In the process of tracking her down,
just for the pure hell of it. TSR sent me Sokolov stumbles across an alien derelict
back a writing test, which I must have from an unknown race, something extra¬
done pretty well on, since they brought ordinarily valuable.
me out for an interview in September of Sokolov and Monashi develop a rela¬
1991. I'd never published a word before tionship over time, but there's still a lot
then or even worked the convention cir¬ of conflict between them. "The charac¬
cuit, but they hired me anyway. I've been ters really make the story," Rich says.
with TSR ever since." "There are some intense personal rela¬
Rich has published over thirty game tionships, making it more than just a
products and many magazine articles space opera shoot 'em up."
since coming to TSR. He started out as a Rich is currently the Creative Director
writer for game products like The Rock of for the Alternity, Star*Drive, and
Bral for the Spelljammer* line, along with Dark •Matter “ game lines. "I have a lit¬
material for the Forgotten Realms'; tle bit of input on a lot of projects now,
PlanescapE*, and RavenlofT* settings. instead of a lot of input on one project at
In 1994, he co-designed the Birthright' a time. I've got to take a step back and let
campaign setting, which won an Origins the designers and editors do their jobs
Award for Best Roleplaying Supplement and help them out with the big issues.
in 1995. "I'm very proud of it. It repre¬ It's a challenging change of pace for me,"
sents an entirely new approach to the says Rich.
traditional fantasy roleplaying cam¬ The Dark*Matter setting, due in
paign, and the world itself is filled with a November of 1999, focuses on conspira¬
strong sense of history and reality." cies and paranormal activity. "I think it
Rich also oversaw the development of showcases the diversity of the Alternity
the Player's Option® series of AD&D game system," Rich says. "We're really
rules expansions. "I greatly enjoyed the pushing the limit on our production val¬
work I did on the World Builder's Guide¬ ues for this project." The new Tangents
book, in particular," he says. sourcebook shows off the Alternity
From these successes, Rich went on to game in another way, by presenting
co-design the Alternity* Science Fiction material on parallel universes. "There is
game. "As much as I am proud of my literally nothing you can't do with it."
other work, I probably learned the most So what's it like having a gamer's
from the work Bill [Slavicsek] and I put dream job? "I get a chance to do some¬
into the Alternity game system. Design¬ thing creative for a living," Rich says.
ing a new roleplaying game from the "That's pretty cool. If you can find some¬
ground up is an immensely complicated thing that you're good at and you love to
undertaking, and I'm very pleased with do, that's a great situation."
the way it turned out." Since his work on
the Alternity Player's Handbook and
for high-speed racing


Two engines.
\ t jtm

One champion
No limits.

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The ‘N’ Logo is a trademark of fmendo of America Inc. £ 1999 Nintendo of A erica li
Game arvd System scAd^dparate^ «
unlm you comidtr “hi” a ncnt jmnmri.

Step right in, friend. All are welcome to join the RPGA6i Adventurer’s Guild™ experience.
It’s free, it’s at your local game store, and you get to play all sorts of adventures you simply
can’t play anywhere else. (You can even count on free gifts!) Hey, it’s like a year-round
clubhouse. And membership is made up of players just like you.

Go to your local game store and ask about the RPGA Adventurer’s Guild today. Tell ’em we sent ya.

r nappy ft nr

* fUY

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TSR, Adventurer's Guild. RPGA. and the rpoa logo are traoemarxs or is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast. Inc. ©1999 Wizards of the Coast. Inc

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