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Saint Gabriel College

Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan

Midterm Examination in Purposive Communication (Technical Writing Integrated)

Facilitator: Ms. Milagros Yunzal-Lumbo

Name_________________________ Score: ----Rating:

Course/Section:_________________ Date:_________

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer inside the parenthesis and write the letter of the
correct answer.

1. ( a. Philippines b. Brazil c. Argentina) has an average fixed-line

broadband speed of 5 mbps.
2. ( a. Philippines b. Brazil c. Argentina) ) has an average fixed-line
broadband speed of 5.5 mbps.

3. ( a. Philippines b. Brazil c. Argentina) ) has an average fixed-line

broadband speed of 4.2 mbps.
4. The fastest speed is ( a. South Korea b. Japan c. America)
5. The least active among social media users is (a. South Koreans b. Japanese
c. Americans).
6. (a. Brazilians b. Filipinos c. Argentinians) spend an average of 3
hours and 32 minutes on sociial media.
7. (a. Writing b. Appropriateness c. Self-confidence) is the
process of defining what we mean to say accurately and without ambiguity.
8. (a. Writing b. Appropriateness c. Self-confidence) is the music
of writing knowing when to say something and how to say it foe best effect.
9. (a. Self-confidence b. Appropriateness c. Functional Report Writing) is intended to
serve only its purpose of providing useful information whether for immediate use , for
later reference, or for permanent record.
10. (a. Report b. Literature c. Fiction) is designed to fulfill a need to
tell , and a need to know by communicating a set of ideas from a writer’s mind to a
reader’s mind.
II. Identify what of the ABC’s of a Technical Report writing is used by every statement
referred below.

1. It depends not only on individual words, but on the way sentences are put together, the
way paragraph are developed, and the way the report as a whole is balanced.
2. Write only when you have something worth saying and then write as though you were
performing a service that only you can perform.
3. A report is not written to its writer. It is aimed at an audience, and so you should think
in terms of pacing and timing.
4. Everything is clearly relevant to the main point under discussion and nothing should be
left haning-no questions left unanswered.
5. It is established with the first sentence and should be maintained consistently
throughout the report. It may be that of a reporter, teacher or a researcher.
6. Be as precise as you can ; avoid pompous , ornate words, and especially vague words.
7. You are obligated to think through the subject, analyze and investigate it, analyze and
organize the results, present your information, and draw significant conclusion-
negative, as well as, positive.
8. To make the best impression, a report should be in perfect shape.
9. The complete report needs to have a clear idea , of where you are going to end before
you begin writing.
10. It is more than a collection of data, for it involves interpretation and the formulation of
11. The use of other people’s information or work must be acknowledged, either in
footnotes or in text
12. These are the materials used to clarify or support the text, not for their own sake.
13. Make your writing straightforward, logical and clear, and check your statement for
sound, as well as , sense.
14. You are an authority the moment you finish your report because you have spent
months compiling information, thinking about it, testing it, and constructing it into an
orderly, connected body of thought.
15. It is a courtesy to your readers as professional people. Thus, contractions should not be
used ,; diction must be exact.
III. Explain (5 points each)

1. Compare and contrast telegram and text (or SMS) messages in terms of advantages and
2. How do social media help or hatm you as a user?

Send your answers to my gmail after 1 ½ hours.

Good Luck!

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