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Q1. Demographic details -

I. Name - ____________________________
II. Gender - Male ⃝ Female ⃝
III. Age -
(a). 15-20 ⃝
(b). 21-25 ⃝
(c). 26-30 ⃝
(d). 30 + ⃝
IV. Qualification -
(a). Under Graduate ⃝
(b). Graduate ⃝
(c). Post Graduate ⃝
(d). Other ⃝

V. Residence -
Q2. Are you active on social media?
Yes ⃝ No ⃝

Q3. How many hours do you spend in social media per day?
Below 1hr ⃝ 2hrs ⃝ 4hrs ⃝ Above 6 hrs ⃝

Q4. Is checking social media the last thing you do after you get out of bed and
before going to bed?
Yes ⃝ No ⃝

Q5. What do you usually do when you are active on social media?

Q6. Statements –
(These are the following statements. Tick according to your choice )
1. Social media is the best medium for
sharing thoughts, believes, opinions
2. Social media can be the reason for
time wastage amongst teenagers.
3. It is a good platform for consuming
required information like from
4. It is a good source of entertainment
and enjoyment because it meets our
5. It is a good platform for connecting
with the world and make new
6. It has made running daily errands
7. It is an excellent platform for
keeping abreast with the current
8. Social media intervenes with the
user's privacy.
9. Social media is an addiction as it
grabs all the attention of the user.
10. People live pretentious life on social
media compared to their real life.

Q7. What kind of communities do you follow on social networking sites?

(You can select multiple options)
a. Educational ⃝
b. Informational ⃝
c. Entertainment ⃝
d. Any other ⃝

Q8. Do you feel peer pressure to be on social media?

Yes ⃝ No ⃝

Q9. In how many social media platforms are you active?

(You may select many options)
(a). Facebook ⃝
(b). Instagram ⃝
(c). WhatsApp ⃝
(d). Twitter ⃝
(e). You tube ⃝
(f). Snap chat ⃝

Q10. Do you think you are addicted to social media?

Yes ⃝ No ⃝

Q11. According to you, Is social media a boon (beneficial) or a bane (harmful) ?

Boon ⃝ Bane ⃝
Explain your answer.

Q12. In a heavily dominated ‘like’ society, would you care about the amount of
likes you get on social media?
Yes ⃝ No ⃝
Explain your answer.

Q13. Has social media affected your relationship friend/family/romantic?
Yes ⃝ No ⃝

Q14. Do you think Social Media Influencers and Celebrities impact your lifestyle?
Yes ⃝ No ⃝

Q15. Do you think parents should control over children’s social accounts?

Q16. Feedback :
(a). Satisfactory ⃝
(b). Good ⃝
(c). Excellent ⃝
(d). Bad ⃝
(e). Need Improvement ⃝

Any Suggestion / Opinion -


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