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 How can Nanded improve cc/dc ratio?
1. By asking the call time from parents and mentioning it clearly in the comment, so that BDA can call
on the leads at specific given time.

2. By engaging customers BDE can have the two-way conversations at the time of generating the leads,
which will make them curious about the call and the counselling session.
3. Trying to communicate what will the Impact the counselling would have on child academics and
Analysis- sis
In N-1 the D/L ratio is only 49.15% so the other ratios are affected respectively.
In N-2 the D/L ratio is 79.18%.

 Analysis report on why B/CC is low and action plan on how will B/CC improve?
N-1 B/CC ratio is 13.33%
N-2 B/CC ratio is 25.81.
1. The measures that can be taken to improve the B/CC to be clear communication of BDE and
parents what is the procedure to book the session.
2. Taking review from sales team about the leads generated weekly and what are the responses
they are at the time of unsuccessful bookings.
3. The audit of call recording between parents and BDA.

 Why O to D is low for N-3 week in Aurangabad and Nanded (3 rd Aug- 9th Aug)?

1.Aurangabad O to D- 1.14%

The total demos booked was 90 and the completed demos were only 46 which is 50% to Demo booked to Demo
completed. If the sales team could cater at least 80% demo we could achieve the numbers required.

2.Nanded O to D- 0.92%,

Call connected to Dialled 72%. Total 11 Demos were booked and only 4 were completed, from that 1 order
was placed. Remaining 8 demos were left unattended. We might have extracted at least 2-3 orders from
those remaining demos.

 Why O/L is low for N-1 and Action plan on how will O/L for N-1 will improve?

1.We need to improve the B/CC ratio to get the O/L ratio as required. The less demos are booked that is the
main reason we are not able to achieve the required numbers.

2. By asking the call time from parents and mentioning it clearly in the comment, so that BDA can call on the
leads at specific given time.

3.By engaging customers BDE can have the two-way conversations at the time of generating the leads, which
will make them curious about the call and the counselling session.

4.Trying to communicate what will the Impact the counselling would have on child academics and future

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