1 OnlineTesting Manual CUATC-EN

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Online Test-taking Manual

Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center

Chulalongkorn University
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3 Floor,
Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, THAILAND
Tel: +66 2218 3717 | Fax: +66 2218 3700
Email: cuatc@chula.ac.th | www.atc.chula.ac.th

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710


Online test-taking overview.............................................................................................................................................2

1. Online test-taking consent form ............................................................................................................................3
2. Getting ready before the test date .......................................................................................................................4
3. Getting ready on the test day: 30 minutes before the test .......................................................................... 14
4. What to do during the test .................................................................................................................................. 16
5. What to do after the test ..................................................................................................................................... 16
6. How to use the TestCenter program ................................................................................................................. 17
7. How to join ZOOM Cloud Meetings®................................................................................................................. 21

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 1

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

Online test-taking overview

Getting ready before the test date

1.1 Study the information and details in the test announcement email
1.2 Study the details of and submit the online test-taking consent form
1.3 Study the online test-taking manual carefully
1.4 Prepare the devices and venue as specified in the manual
1.5 Download and test the test-related program(s)
Remark: If you require assistance in the installation and testing of the program, please contact
CUATC via email.

Getting ready on the test date: 30 minutes before the test

2.1 Join the ZOOM Cloud Meeting® for your specific test to verify your identity and confirm
the test-taking
2.2 The proctorvenue
will send a password via chat after your identity and venue have been verified.

During the test

3.1 Listen to and follow the instructions given by the proctors

3.2 If you encounter problems during the test, use Device 2 to click ‘raise hand’ to notify
the proctors.
3.3 At the end of the test, show the proctors that any white board notes you have taken
have been wiped clean.

After the test

Test takers must listen to the announcement from the proctors and act accordingly.
Remark: Test scores are final. Should the Academic Testing Center detect misconduct either before, during, or
after the test, the scores received will be annulled and the Academic Testing Center’s Regulations in
Test-taking and Penalties for Misconduct during the Test B.E. 2563 will be implemented. Also, if cheating
is found to have taken place during the test, the Academic Testing Center retains the right to stop the
test immediately
CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 2
Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

Due to the spread of COVID-19, the Academic Testing Center of Chulalongkorn University is unable
to administer its testing services as normal. In recognition of the need for individuals to receive test scores
and for their own safety, the Academic Testing Center is offering online testing which will be administered
under exceptional circumstances. The online test-taking protocol is as follows:

1. Online test-taking consent form

Download the consent form from the attached file in the test announcement email as shown in
Fig. 1. Please study the information carefully, fill in the details and return the form via email prior to
the deadline stated in the test announcement email.

Fig. 1 Sample of an online test-taking consent form

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 3

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

2. Getting ready before the test date

2.1 Test takers study the information and consent to the agreement in the online test-taking
consent form. If the test takers do not wish to consent to the online test-taking agreement,
they should choose ‘I do not consent.’, and wait until the test can be taken under normal
testing conditions.

2.2 Test takers who consent to the online test-taking agreement and conditions are hereby known
as ‘test takers’.
Prepare the required items as shown in Fig. 2 as follows:
⃣ Device 1 to verify the your identity and take the test:
A computer with a speaker and microphone with Microsoft Windows® 7 or higher
operating system
⃣ Device 2 to verify the venue, notify of problems and contact the proctors:
A smart phone or tablet with a camera, speaker and microphone that has the ZOOM®
application installed. This can be used with or without a mount, stand or other kinds of
holder as long as the test taker and computer screen are clearly visible throughout the
testing period.
⃣ Internet connection
Prepare a stable internet connection for Device 1 and Device 2
Device 1 and Device 2 must be used to join ZOOM Cloud Meetings® throughout the
testing period
⃣ Test venue
Prepare a venue suitable for test-taking.
The test venue must be a private, enclosed space with no other person present or
disturbing noises occurring during the test period.
⃣ Note-taking during the test (if allowed)
You may use only a small physical whiteboard and whiteboard marker to take notes.
The whiteboard must be wiped clean after the test, and this must be shown to the
**** Test takers who do not have the required devices will not be allowed to take the test. ****
CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 4
Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

Device 1
A computer with a speaker and microphone with Microsoft Windows® 7 or higher operating system

or or
Notebook All-In-One PC Desktop PC

CHECK Camera Speaker Microphone Internet Connection

Device 2
A smart phone or tablet with a camera, speaker and microphone that has ZOOM® application installed.

Smartphone Tablet

CHECK Camera Speaker Microphone Internet Connection

Test venue
Appropriate for the test—a private and enclosed space with no other person present and no disturbing

Fig. 2 How to set up the devices and test venue

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 5
Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

Specifications of required items for test-taking

Device 1 (Notebook / All-In-One PC / Desktop PC)
A computer with a speaker and microphone with Microsoft Windows® 7 or higher operating system.
It is used to verify the test taker’s identity and take the test.
Device 2 (Smartphone / Tablet)
A smart phone or tablet with a camera, speaker and microphone that has the ZOOM® application
installed. It is used to verify the venue, notify of problems and contact the proctors.
You may use either a built-in or stand-alone webcam to verify your identity and test venue.
You may use either internal or external speakers. However, headsets or earphones are NOT
allowed. Speaker need to be kept on at all times to listen to the instructions given by the proctors.
You may use either an internal or external microphone. However, headsets are NOT allowed.
The microphone should be available at all times to communicate with the proctors.
Test venue
Privacy: You must be alone in the test venue, with no other person to disturb you during the test.
Public places such as internet cafés, coffee shops, libraries, etc. are NOT allowed to be used as a
test venue.
Tables and chairs: Device 1 and Device 2 must be placed on a table and there must not be any
items that are not relevant to the test on the table.
You must be seated in an appropriate chair to take the test. Sitting or lying on the bed or sofa is
NOT permitted.
Food and drinks are NOT allowed in the test venue, and test takers are NOT allowed to go to the
restroom once the test has started.

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 6

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

Attire and appearance

You must dress appropriately and your ears must be clearly visible and not hidden by your hair,
hat or any other apparel during the test. You should also not have on any headwear while taking
the test. The proctors will be watching via both devices throughout the test to make sure the test
takers follow the regulations.
***For tests that allow note-taking
You may only use a small physical whiteboard and whiteboard marker to take notes.
The whiteboard must be wiped clean after the test, and this must be shown to the proctors

2.3 Download and test the TestCenter program from www.atc.chula.ac.th/testcenter (1)
Once the download is complete, click on the v icon, (2) Select Show in folder (3)
as shown in Fig. 3, and save the data on your Desktop.


Fig. 3 How to download TestCenter.zip

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 7

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

2.4 Extract the downloaded TestCenter.zip file.

2.4.1 If you have WinZip or WinRAR right click on TestCenter and select Extract Here (1) and
® ®

you will get the TestCenterOnline folder (2) and TestCenter icon (3) once you have
extracted the file successfully as shown in Fig. 4

Fig. 4 How to Extract TestCenter.zip file using WinZip or WinRAR

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 8

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

2.4.2 If you do not have WinZip or WinRAR , right click on TestCenter and select Extract All… (1)
® ®

Select Show extracted files when complete (2) then click Extract (3) as shown in Fig. 5
Once that is done you will get the (4) TestCenterOnline folder (5) and TestCenter icon (6)
as shown in Fig. 6

Fig. 5 How to Extract TestCenter.zip file if you do not have WinZip or WinRAR

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 9

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

Fig. 6 How to Extract TestCenter.zip file if you do not have WinZip or WinRAR (cont.)

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 10

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

2.5 Test the program by double-clicking on the TestCenter icon, or (1) right click and select Open (2)
as in Fig. 7

Fig. 7 How to open the TestCenter program

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 11

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

2.6 If a warning appears when you first sign in, click More info (1) and Run anyway (2)
As shown in Fig. 8

Fig. 8 Warning message when you sign in for the first time

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 12

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

2.7 If the screen appears as shown in Fig. 9, it means the program has been opened successfully
and is now ready for the test.
After the program test runs, click Close (1) to exit the program.

Fig. 9 The screen display when the program has been opened successfully

2.8 Study the TestCenter manual in 6. How to use TestCenter program

2.9 Test takers who require assistance in installing the TestCenter program can contact CUATC to
make an appointment via email at cuatc@chula.ac.th

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 13

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

3. Getting ready on the test day: 30 minutes before the test

3.1 Prepare the note-taking equipment and show it to the proctors for inspection before and after
the test. Ensure that there will be no interruptions beforehand and be sure to go to the restroom
before the test time.

3.2 When it is time to take the test, join ZOOM Cloud Meetings via the link you have received via

email, or join by filling in the Meeting ID and Password included in the email on both Device 1
and Device 2. See how to join at 7. How to join ZOOM Cloud Meetings ®

Name your screen name using your first and last name and put the number of the device in
the brackets.
Naming samples Device 1 Elsa Arendelle (1)
Device 2 Elsa Arendelle (2)

Place the two devices to the side (on the right or left side) and to the back of the test taker
and position the camera of Device 2 toward Device 1 so the screen of Device 1 and the test
taker are visible as shown in Fig. 10.

What is seen from Device 1

Example of how to position Device 1 and Device 2 What is seen from Device 2

Fig. 10 The positioning of Device 1 and Device 2 with an example of what is seen on Device 1 and Device 2
**** Test takers who do not have the required devices will not be allowed to take the test. ****

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 14

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

3.3 Identity verification

You must show your valid national identification card or other government-issued card that has
your photograph on it. Foreigners can show their passport using Device 1 as shown in Fig. 11

What is seen on Device 1 What is seen on Device 2

Fig. 11 Identity verification

3.4 Test venue verification

Turn the camera on Device 2 to give the proctors the 360-degree view around the test venue
as well as the table on which the devices are placed so that the proctors can decide if the
venue is appropriate as a test venue.
If the setting is not appropriate for use as test venue you will not be permitted to sit
the test on that day.

3.5 Once you have verified your identity and test venue, the proctors will send the password via
the chat box.

3.6 Once you have verified your identity and test venue, which takes approximately 20 – 30
minutes, please remain silent until you hear the instructions from the proctors.

Those who have not verified their identity or the test venue within the time limit will
not be allowed to take the test unless they have plausible reasons.
The test administrators will exercise their discretion.

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 15

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

4. What to do during the test

4.1 During the test, follow the instructions of the proctors strictly.

4.2 During the test, be visible on ZOOM Cloud Meetings on both Device 1 and Device 2 at all

times. The proctors will record a video of the entire test.

For more information, see 7. How to join ZOOM Cloud Meetings ®

4.3 Be visible in the test venue at all times.

You are not allowed to go to the rest room once the test has started.

4.4 If you encounter problems during the test, use Device 2 to click Raise Hand to inform the
proctor and wait for the proctor to get back to you via chat. If necessary, the proctor will open
a new Meeting room to chat with you without disturbing others.
For more information, see 7. How to join ZOOM Cloud Meetings (7.5) ®

4.5 Once the test time is up, you must show that the white board has been wiped clean.

5. What to do after the test

5.1 Test results: Test results are valid for 2 years after the test date.
To see the test result, register at http://register.atc.chula.ac.th/

5.2 If you wish to have the result mailed to you by post, you can find the necessary information on

5.3 Scores received on the test are final. Should the Academic Testing Center detect misconduct either
before, during, or after the test, the scores received will be annulled and the Academic Testing
Center’s Regulations in Test-taking and Penalties for Misconduct during the Test B.E. 2563 will be
implemented. Also, if cheating is found to have taken place during the test, the Academic Testing
Center retains the right to stop the test immediately.

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 16

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

6. How to use the TestCenter program

6.1 Open the TestCenter program. Enter your national identification number or passport
number (for foreigners) (1) and the password (2) received from 2.1 then click OK (3) to sign in
as shown in Fig. 12

Fig. 12 How to fill in details to sign in the system

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 17

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

6.2 Once you have signed in successfully, the screen will display the your details (1) and the test
details (2).
Then wait for the signal from the proctor before clicking Start (3) to begin the test as shown
in Fig. 13.


Fig. 13 Details of the test takers and the test

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 18

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

6.3 Once you click Start, the main screen will appear as shown in Fig. 14 with the following details:
(1) Photo of the test taker (if any)
(2) A clock showing the remaining test time. If there are various parts, it will show the remaining
time for a particular part.
(3) Open the Select Question screen as shown in Fig. 15. The items that have been answered
and ones that have not been answered are color-coded differently. You should click on
the number of test item you wish to see details about.
(4) Open the answer sheet screen as shown in Fig. 16
(5) Submit the answers. The test is completed once the submission is confirmed.
(6) The screen will show the current test item and total score
(7) Questions are always shown on the top line. Any relevant passage will be displayed below.
(8) Answers: Click to select the answer. The screen will show the answer of the current item.
(9) Go back to the previous item / go to the next item
(10)The screen will shows the examination instructions and groups of questions (if any)

Fig. 14 Home screen

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 19
Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

Fig. 15 Select Question screen

Fig. 16 Answer Sheet screen

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 20

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

7. How to join ZOOM Cloud Meetings®

7.1 Install ZOOM for Device 1 and Device 2.


More details at https://zoom.us/download

7.2 Once the program has been downloaded and installed, the opening screen is shown in Fig. 17.
You can then join ZOOM Cloud Meetings by clicking Join a Meeting (1)

What you see on Device 1 What you see on Device 2

Fig. 17 The screen when opening ZOOM ®

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 21

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

7.3 Enter the Meeting ID (1)

Type your first and last name in English with the number of the device in the brackets in
Your Name (2)
Check that the information is correct, then click Join (3) as shown in Fig. 18

Naming samples Device 1 Elsa Arendelle (1)

Device 2 Elsa Arendelle (2)

What you see on Device 1 What you see on Device 2

Fig. 18 Enter details to join ZOOM Cloud Meetings ®

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 22

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

7.4 Enter the Meeting Passcode (1) then click Join Meeting or OK (2) as shown in Fig. 19

What you see on Device 1 What you see on Device 2

Fig. 19 Enter the Meeting Passcode

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 23

Online Test-taking Manual
Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center
Chamchuri 8 Building, 3rd Floor, Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok. 10330 | Tel: 0-2218-3717 | Fax: 0-2218-3710

7.5 If you encounter problems during the test, use Device 2 to click Raise Hand to inform the
proctor and wait for the proctor to get back to you via chat as seen in Fig. 20.
Follow the instructions below:
(1) Click ... More on the bottom right of the screen.
(2) Click Raise Hand.
(3) A hand icon will appear on the screen.
(4) Click Chat to let the proctor know your problem.
(5) Click Lower Hand.

Fig. 20 How to raise and lower hand

CUATC | Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center 24

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