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“John DryDen works”


About john Dryden:

After John Donne and John Milton, John Dryden was the greatest
English poet of the 17th century. After William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, he was the greatest
playwright. And he has no peer as a writer of prose, especially literary criticism, and as a translator.

He was a poet, playwright, literary critic and also worked as a translator. He is well known as a
representative of restoration age or restoration period.

His famous works in a chronological order:


1. Heroic Stanza (1659):

 on the death of Oliver Cromwell 2ND
 Written immediately after the death of Oliver Cromwell
 Celebrates the achievements of Cromwell

2. Astrea Redux (1660):

 Celebrates the Restoration of King Charles
 Considers as the restorer of peace and order
 Royalist panegyric

3. To his sacred majesty(1661) :

 A panegyric on the coronation of King Charles the 2nd
 Designed to dignify and strengthen the monarchy
4. To my lord chancellor (1662):
 A panegyric presented on new year’s day

5. Annus Mirabilis: The Year of Wonders (1667):

 About the terrors of the Great Fire of London
 Also describes some events from the disgraceful war with Holland

6. Absalom and Achitophel (1681):

 Political Satirical poem
 Allegorical work taking bible story of David and Absalom
 To ridicule the whig party
 Written in heroic couplet

7. The Second Part of Absalom and Achitophel (1682)

8. The Medal: A Satire Against Sedition (1682):

 Epistle to the Whigs
 A work full of unsparing invective against the Whigs

9. Mac Flecknoe:
 Verse mock-heroic satire
 A direct attack on Thomas Shadwell, another prominent poet of the time
 A Satire upon the Trew-Blue-Protestant Poet

10. Religio Laici; Or, A Layman's Faith (1682):

 Dfending the Anglican church against all other sects

11. Threnodia Augustalis:

 Occasional poem written by John Dryden to commemorate the death of Charles II in
February 1685.
 Sacred to the Happy Memory of King Charles II

12. The Hind and The Panther (1687):

 Religious Allegorical Work
 Written in heroic couplets
 Hind as a symbol of Roman Church
 Panther as a symbol of Anglican Church

13. A Song for St. Cecilia's Day (1687):

 For the annual festival of Saint Cecilia's Day observed in London every 22 November from
1683 to 1703

14. Alexander's Feast (1697):

 An ode by John Dryden.
 It was written to celebrate Saint Cecilia's Day.

15. Fables Ancient and Modern (1700):

 His last and one of his greatest works
 Translated into verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer

Dramas written by john Dryden

1. The Rival Ladies (1664):

 Tragicomedy
 Performed in KING’s Theatre London

1. The Indian Queen (1665):

 Collaboration with Sir Robert Howard.
 Heroic tragedy in Rhymed Couplets
2. The Indian Emperor (1667):
 A heroic drama

3. Secret-Love; or, The Maiden-Queen (1668):

 remarkable hit with a tragicomedy
 appealed particularly to the king

4. Sir Martin Mar-all; or, the Feign'd Innocence (1668):

 English Restoration Comedy

5. The Wild Gallant (1669):

 Written in Prose
 Restoration Comedy

6. The Tempest; or, the Enchanted Island (1670):

 Collaboration with Sir William D'Avenant
 Comedy play

7. The State of Innocence and Fall of Man (1677):

 An Opera and Tragedy

8. All for Love; or, The World Well Lost (1678):

 Written in Blank Verse
 His only play written to please himself
9. The Spanish Fryar; or, The Double Discovery (1681):
 A Tragic comedy

10. The Duke of Guise (1683):

 A Tragedy

11. Albion and Albanius (1685)

12. Don Sebastian, King of Portugal (1690):

 A Tragedy Acted at the Theatre Royal

13. Love Triumphant; or, Nature Will Prevail (1694):

 A Tragic Comedy
Prose work

1. Of Dramatic Poesie, An Essay (1668):

 Due to this work Samuel Johnson called him Father of English Criticism
 Focuses on dramatic works

2. Notes and Observations on "The Empress of Morocco" (1674)

3. His Majesties Declaration Defended (1681)

4. The Vindication

5. A Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire (1693)


1. The Lives of Plutarch, in 3 Volumes (1683)

2. The History of the League (1684)

3. The Life of St. Francis Xavier (1688)

4. The Satires of Juvenal (1693)

5. The Art of Painting (1695)

6. The Works of Virgil, in 3 Volumes (1697)

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