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LSVI Spirit of Faith

VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022


LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

of the committee that drafted the

Malolos Constitution

● Don Jose de Araneta
○ Don jose de Araneta + Unknown
had Vicente Araneta Y Sta. Ana
and Buenaventura Araneta Y Sta
- Don jose de Araneta +
Unknown had Vicente
Araneta Y Sta. Ana and
Buenaventura Araneta Y
Sta Ana
- Buenaventura and Vicente
left Iloilo while the other
○ Buenaventura Araneta Y Sta Ana
+ Theresa Estrella had 5 children
including Hermenegildo Araneta
Y Estrella
○ Hermenegildo Araneta Y Estrella
+ Petrona Estansilao Militante
had 8 children including Felix
Araneta Y Militante
- Hermenegildo Araneta y
Estrella who later became
Gobernadorcillo of Molo in
○ Felix Araneta Y Militante + Paz
Soriano had 17 children including
Gregorio Araneta Y Soriano
- Paz Soriano y Ditching
daughter of Don Anselmo
Soriano y Flores
(Gobernadorcillo of Molo,
Iloilo in 1860) and Maria
Ditching of Binondo
○ Gregorio Araneta Y Soriano +
Carmen Zaragosa Y Roxas had
14 children including Don
Salvador Araneta
PROFILE OF DON SALVADOR ARANETA ○ Don salvador Araneta + Victoria
● Don Salvador Araneta Lopez had 5 daughters named
○ Birth: January 31, 1902 Carmina, Ana Maria, Ma Victoria,
○ Born: Quiapo, Manila Maria Lina, Maria Regina
○ Has Chinese, Malay, and Spanish
○ Heart of a Filipino ● Total of 7 boys and 7 girls
● Gregorio Araneta ○ Carmen or Carmelita, died at the
○ Secretary of the Revolutionary age of three.
Congress in Malolos and member ○ Jose (1900-1944)
○ Salvador (1902-1982)

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

○ Consuelo (1903-1945) ○ Remembered the big world news

○ Pacita or Paz (1904-1984) of the century
○ Antonio (1905-1985) ○ Learned about the death of
○ Rosa (1906) Edward VI
○ Ramon (1907-1952) ○ First decrees from Pope Pius X
○ Theresa (1908-1983) (early reception of first
○ Vicente communion by children )
○ Carmelita or Conception (prohibition of lay woman from
(1911-1934) died age of 23 due to singing in the choir)
tuberculosis ○ Following the rising star of former
○ Margarita (1915-1942) Civil governor William Howard
○ Luis Ma. (1916-1984) Taft who later became the 27th
○ Rev Francisco (1918) a priest of president
Society of Jesus ○ On his birthday his parents would
held a banquet where they are
DON SALVADOR’S ARANETA’S treated as adults
○ Carmina (Dec, 14, 1928) + Jose BUILT
Sego Via had 10 children
○ Ana Maria (June, 22, 1932) + ○ (first 9 years of Gregorio’s
Antonio Santos Ocampo had 5 marriage life ) the house of Don
children Salvador’s grandmother in san
○ Ma Victoria (June, 8, 2936) + sebastian (that’s where the first 4
Jose S. Conception Jr children were born))
(businessman) had 8 children ○ they first left san sebastian
○ Maria Lina (May, 20, 1941) + because of Don Salvador’s
Danilo H. Santiago had 4 children Grandmother
○ Maria Regina (March, 29, 1949) + ○ aged 1 or 3 moved to San
Enrique Teodoro had 3 children sebastian street, designed by
LIFE OF DON SALVADOR (renowned architect)
○ Santa Mesa (twice) elevated,
● Some important points on his early wooden, fresh air near club filipino
childhood and education vicinity in a chalet (Rented from
○ Childhood & early education mariano tuason) another chalet
narrated in his article Life with (rented from mr hausserman)
○ Life with father is in the book 1030 DON SALVADOR’S ADULT LIFE
Hildalgo (Vol. 1 The family) (all
narration came from this book) ○ “If you have to make a decision,
○ The book was edited by Antonio act on it quickly.” That was August
S. Araneta 13, 1927 (advice that Maria Lina
○ Don Salvador's early memories are heard the advice of Don salvador)
well-etched, like flashes in a ○ August, 14, 1927 the day he
quick, colorful but somewhat marries Victoria Lopez
disconnected. ○ Don Salvador only had P100 not
○ He remembered waking up to knowing Victoria Lopez was given
hailey’s comet mixed with the P20,000 before the wedding
first eruption of Taal Volcano ○ September, 5, 1929 Victoria wrote
○ 1907 – Virgin of Antipolo – a pledge for Don Salvador. It read,
Triumphant coronation (passed “I solemnly promise that this night’s
through in their home in Manila) speech will be the last I will deliver

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

at a public assembly.” However it American Obstacles to our

was constantly broken industrialization and a lot more.
○ spent his life reading, exchanging ○ advocated: “to reach the promised
views, writing and delivering land of plenty, we must realize that
speeches to explain his ideas and we have to cross the desert of
convince his listeners to the validity austerity.”
of his thoughts ○ First to say “Buy Filipino”
○ Victoria Lopez could not stop him ○ organizers of the NEPA- National
therefore she tried to convince him Economic Protectionism
to “make it short” Association. His wife was the
○ When President Magsaysay moving spirit.
ignored Don Salvador’s long letter, ○ His shoes were “Ang tibay”
Victoria Lopez Advised Don ○ He bought Filipino; he thought
Salvador to telegram the Filipino. He lived and died Filipino.
President He said: “I believe in the capacity
○ 1954 he was trying to save on of the Filipino people, in our innate
gasoline. He changed the motor of good nature, in the need of making
his black car to what sounded and maximum and efficient utilization of
shook like a tractor. our abundant, untapped natural
○ Mrs. Araneta would say, “Salvador resources to increase the wealth of
you are dreaming of Utopia”, our people, to provide a decent
when he expanded his livelihood for all.”
Bayanikasan Constitution. ○ Salvador Araneta was a pioneer in
○ Don Salvador realized then, it was Philippine Aviation, in education, in
too early. He wrote: “To be agriculture, in the manufacture of
implemented ten or twenty years animal vaccines, in business and
from now. industry. He was a holy man, a
○ He believed in participatory charitable man, a generous man.
democracy He generously endowed us
○ The federal republic is to consists Araneta University, now De La
of five states: Northern Luzon, Salle Araneta University.
Southern Luzon, Visayas, ○ “I believe in God, in love of our
Muslim Mindanao, Christian country and people, in the
Mindanao.) independence of Church and State
○ population in the life of a nation, but not in the independence of the
with moderating powers headed by State from God.”
Troika, (the President, Prime
Minister, Speaker of the EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
parliament, and the
establishment of Federal ○ first lesson was from his father
Republic.) (proper behavior and integrity)
○ He submitted a bill to the National ○ training at home
Economic council in 1956 (main ○ kindergarten at calle limasana (by
pillar for our prosperity since it madame toulousse)
provides a sense of serenity and ○ American kindergarten (la salle
self-respect. Today, our housing brothers)
problem is beyond proportion.) ○ tutor miss ercarnita
○ cry for reforestation, a cry for world ○ 1909 ateneo (age 7)
peace, through brotherhood of ○ pilar zamora and andrea arce tutor
man, a cry for A United Nations ○ latin, greek, spanish from parents
reborn, a cry for neutralization of ○ last four years in ateneo English
the Philippines, a cry against and spanish play

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

○ graduated 1918 at 16 bachelor of countrymen, and that although

arts magna cum laude they may not become famous but
○ ust law 1922 licenciado en derecho prayed that not a single one of
meritissimus them becomes infamous.
○ august 1922 bar exam(passed) ○ On the graduation day in March
○ usa 1922 law harvard 1 year 1948, Dr. Araneta wished the
(constitutional, administrative and graduates a life fruitful of good
commercial law) deeds and for them to be faithful
○ 1946 doctor of laws fordham stewards of the talents they have
university honoris Causa received from God.
○ Crowning Education with Love of
PHILOSOPHY OF DON SALVADOR God and Nation. In his inaugural
address as the third President of
● TRAINING THE MINDS, HANDS, AND the Araneta Institute of Agriculture
HEARTS on March 24, 1956, Dr. Salvador
○ On his salutation address to the Araneta professed his faith to
first graduates of the Araneta GOD, COUNTRY,TO HUMANITY,
Institute of Agriculture in March TO DEMOCRACY, TO THE
1948 Dr. Salvador Araneta YOUTH OF THE NATION, TO
reminded the Deans and Faculty EDUCATION AND RESEARCH
that by our fruits we shall be and to the FUNDAMENTALITY
judged by history. He professed OF AGRICULTURE. He
although primarily the Institute is emphasized that we must fight
expected to train agricultural intellectual indolence among our
scientists and successful farmers, students, eradicate moral turpitude
they must not forget that they must by disciplining their muscles, their
train also the hearts of their hearts, their minds, and their
students and let their training reach character and crowning their
the souls of their students education with fire of love of God
○ Dr. Araneta believed that the and nation
good qualities that are imparted ○ Dr. Araneta believed that the
are more important than the discipline necessary for leadership,
knowledge that might be gentlemanliness, alertness,
transmitted to them. He advised responsibility, thriftiness and
that the field and laboratory hours determination must be nurtured not
of students shall be carefully so much by formal education, but
planned out, in a way that their by constant example of correct
future problems and battles in life attitudes on the campus, in the
will be reenacted and previewed. church, laboratories, in the fields,
He added that, in agriculture in all extracurricular activities that
courses where field and laboratory 6+should be fostered by the school
hours take the greater time of the to provide opportunities for
class, the professors have the character building.
greatest opportunity not only to ○ Conscious of the need to provide a
transmit knowledge but also to blended liberal-technical education
impart the qualities necessary for a that will produce scientists as well
successful career and a good as job- givers for the country, Dr.
citizenship. He also wished that Araneta believed that only by
students and alumni should always patronizing research shall we
remain close to the land, finding provide on the campus the
joy in being co-partners with God necessary environment for training
in the creation of life, destined to in the sciences and advancement
become food-providers for their of agriculture. His concern for

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

agriculture is farsighted and based magazines; listen to associates

on the love for our land, and the and learn from them for learning
preservation of its basic and should be a life-long endeavor.
fundamental wealth-its soil, water ○ Further, he advised graduates to
and forest resources. like our jobs for he who likes his
○ Dr. Araneta has faith in the youth jobs has the enthusiasm to do his
and that they can take an active task well. It is he who gets
role to play in nation building. His promoted, not the griper , nor the
faith in our youth is just the same man who dislikes his work. Dr.
faith of Jose Rizal who called them Araneta added. It demands the
the fairest promise of our finest type of discipline to remain
fatherland. Because of that faith, righteous. Provided you have
Dr. Araneta dedicated his integrity, and are honest in all your
remaining years by participating dealings, and people find that they
actively and directly in the molding can trust you, you will find that
of youth by providing AIA more and more responsibilities are
conceived to train students the art thrown upon you. When one
and science of cultivating the land. weakens morally, he should turn to
He led the management of AIA as God to overcome temptation.
an instrument of both education Lastly, he said, “Success without
and agriculture, an institution integrity is hollow and empty.”
conceived for service to science, ● TEACHING OF RELIGION IS TEACHING
agriculture, youth, country and LOVE FOR GOD AND NEIGHBORS
God. ○ In a speech delivered at the
● EDUCATION IS A NEVER ENDING conference of Catholic Schools
PROCESS Association of Dagupan Diocese,
○ “If you wish to succeed in life, February 15, 1958, Dr. Araneta
continue to grow spiritually, professed that prayer is important
intellectually and socially,” advised to attain intense love for Jesus
Dr. Araneta to the graduating class which is the essence of Religion.
of Araneta Institute of Agriculture in He stresses the prayer is
1957. According to him, one will necessary to be on the road to
achieve a more meaningful life by sanctification which is the
enriching his soul with a constant immediate end of Christian
commune with God through the Education. He pointed out that
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. prayer, mental or silent prayer
By enriching the intellect, he meant should take more importance not
that by reading one can build a only in religion classes, but in all
progressive life. By understanding classrooms and in all contacts with
people and knowing how to please students. This explains why at
them, one can enjoy a hearty life. Araneta University, classes start
○ Dr. Araneta repeated this advice to and end with a short prayer.
the graduates of the University in ○ According to Dr. Araneta, Christian
1959, he said, “Continue education must not be
studying even after College; compartmentalized, into education
Please remember that man for God and education for country.
never remains the same. He Hence, our school cannot be
either moves forward or falls non-sectarian. We are a Catholic
backward.” He explained that one school as stated in the Articles of
does not necessarily have to go incorporation and we do our best
back to the University to study but to be, by deeds, a Catholic
on the bigger campus of life itself. institution. In essence, according to
He should read books and Dr. Araneta, real and

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

comprehensive education for God, and Country. To live that motto,

covers education for the country remember the four L’s – Love,
and vice versa. And so the best Labor, Loyalty and Leadership.
way a student will learn his religion
○ To love God and country, to labor
is by practicing religion and
teaching religion. He suggested for the glory of God, the welfare of
that students in Catholic Schools our country and the happiness of
should teach religion in the public their family; to be loyal to the
schools. principles and teachings of the
○ Dr. Araneta quoted F.J. Sheed on Alma Mater; and to practice
the teaching of Religion. According leadership in all their activities. He
to Sheed, Religion is to be taught
advised them to think boldly, plan
not only to impart doctrine, but
more to impart sanctity. The carefully, act diligently,
teacher is not simply handing out perseveringly, and wisely.
information like a post office girl ● THE FOUR ABSOLUTES
handling out stamps. The teacher ○ Dr.Araneta said that there are four
must give herself with the truth absolute standards for human
adhering. Corollary to this principle values just as there are for
are the following suggestions engineering. These are: Absolute
made by Sheed: honesty, Absolute purity,
1. The teacher must regard religion class as absolute unselfishness, and
a kind of sacrament. This attitude would absolute love.
ouster insincerity in teaching religion. The ○ Dr. Araneta commented that
teacher must be well prepared for class because we do not apply absolute
and must know and believe what he is standards to our living, society is in
teaching. danger of collapse. It has to be
2. There should be no harshness in the class absolute because it is not a
of Religion. If students learn nothing else standard if it is not absolute.
from their religion classes, let them learn ○ An honest apology is the best way
and retain that religion is love. Sheed to understand, communicate and
advises against punishing students in peace. If nations do not practice
Religion Class. absolute honesty they will keep on
3. Religion is taught not only by what the suspecting each other.
teacher says, but also by what he is. The ○ Absolute purity inspires a great
latter form of teaching lasts longer and is cleansing force through the
more permanent. nations. Absolute unselfishness
4. A Religion teacher should be soaked in makes one nation experience
the New Testament greater joy in giving than in
5. The teacher should not only be receiving.
well-versed in the dogmas of the Church ○ Absolute love, not self-seeking but
but be possessed by the dogmas. selfless love, makes caring for
people a more satisfying
At this point, Dr. Araneta advised that experience.
teachers should teach their students to ○ Dr. Araneta explained that
pray with the mind, the mouth, the heart practicing the absolute standard is
and the soul. not difficult if one sincerely puts
himself in the presence of God and
● THE FOUR L’S asks for daily guidance. In that way
○ Dr. Araneta reminded the all his thoughts and actions are in
graduates in 1960 to keep in mind accordance with the will of God.
the motto of their Alma Mater- God ○ One will know that they come from
God if they are in line with

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

HONESTY, PURITY, ○ During the incumbency of Dr.

UNSELFISHNESS, and LOVE.If Araneta as President, he usually
everyone practices the four treated the graduates to breakfast
absolutes then the world can be in his residence, the White House
changed to a better place to live in. as they call it. In one of the
○ Everyone wants to see the other traditional breakfasts in March
person change. Every nation wants 1962, he advised the graduates:
to see the other nations change. From now on, be not on the
Everyone is waiting for others to receiving end only but should start
begin. Dr. Araneta advised, “If you to be on the giving side of the
want an answer for the world, the world: to give yourselves to your
best place to start is with yourself.” families, to your communities, to
○ The change in ourselves starts your Alma Mater, to your country
when we can be honest, truthful, and to God.
and humble with someone we want ○ Prayers must be offering not only
to change. Only when we achieve petitions. For Don Salvador, we
a unity of soul, peace of mind and should ask God what we can do for
spirit can we build a new world. others to serve Him; by serving
● THOROUGHNESS others, we would be serving God.
○ In his message to the graduates of ○ “Indeed,” Dr. Araneta said, “you
1961, Dr. Araneta emphasized the have many things to give-your
value of thoroughness. He shared time, your expertise, your services-
you have your whole self to give.
his impression about the Japanese
The sooner you start giving
which he noted when he attended yourself, the sooner you will
an Educators’ Conference in receive in return.
Japan. He revealed that the ○ During the traditional breakfast, he
Japanese do not have a keener pointed out to the graduates to
intelligence than Filipinos, but that remember one fundamental law in
the former are generally more life- in this world, one must give in
order to receive back; no one can
thorough than the latter.
all the time be on the receiving
○ The value of thoroughness is end, for he who has a beggar
difficult to impart in the classroom. mentality will never raise himself
Hence, to acquire this asset, he above the status of a beggar
encouraged the members of the ● BASIC AND COMPLETE EDUCATION
faculty to organize and undertake ○ “To be successful in life, the
small service projects to provide important thing is to get in college
the students practice on a basic and a complete education,”
thoroughness. It is most fortunate if Dr. Salvador advised the incoming
one’s training takes place under freshmen during the Convocation
efficient superiors. Thoroughness at the Araneta University
and Efficiency can be acquired not Gymnasium on August 26, 1964.
only from superiors but also from One who has a basic and complete
workers in the job. So, when education, later on can learn many
choosing future employment, one other things and become useful
should not consider the initial and efficient, even though he may
salary alone but the training he not be pursuing the profession
would get from the job and the which he originally intended to
inspirations he would get from the take.

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

● BASIC EDUCATION controlling even the mind. It is an

○ A basic education requires five exercise of the interior organs of
basic elements: the body and a system of postures.
- a good command of the modern universal ○ Rather than having gymnastics, he
language wanted students to learn yoga
- logic, philosophy, and religion; postures that will improve their
- mathematics health and teach them to have
- social sciences self-control, better poise and
- physical sciences temperament.
○ One must know English to be able ○ Also, he wanted students to take
to keep abreast with the progress yoga and jiu jitsu exercises to be
of the sciences- social and able to know how to defend
physical sciences. themselves. He did not encourage
○ One needs a good command of boxing, though. Further he
the English language to be able to discouraged students from
show others what he knows and to acquiring the bad habit of smoking
be able to communicate with them and going to bad movies because
clearly. it would not teach them any good.
○ Logic, the fundamentals of correct ○ They will save a lot of money
thinking and reasoning, enables throughout their life by not smoking
one to distinguish what is essential and by accumulating all these
and what is accidental. savings.
○ On the other hand, Mathematics ○ He asked the students to figure out
trains the mind and broadens the how much they can save everyday
reasoning power, so with social by not smoking, multiply it by 365
and physical sciences. All these days, and multiply by the average
provide the student skills to learn length of their lifetime and he said,
major and professional subjects. “ if you invest this amount in
● COMPLETE EDUCATION business and this is managed
○ Dr. Araneta says that complete diligently and grow, you will
education looks at education from become a millionaire by just no
another perspective. It is the smoking.
education of the mind, of the heart ○ The advice of Dr. Araneta against
, of the will, and of the body. smoking had been communicated
○ A perfect complete education from one generation to another
produces a good leader. The generation of students, that today
education of the mind is the one we have a strict prohibition of
that is given in the classroom. smoking inside the campus of the
○ The education of the heart and the University.
will is given by good examples. It is ○ Long before the enactment of the
best acquired by deeds and NO SMOKING POLICY in public
practices and not by words. places, Dr. Araneta had been
○ Extracurricular activities are constantly advising his students
important to educate the heart and and faculty not to develop the bad
the will, while athletics and habit of smoking.
physical education provide the ○ PLAN YOUR PROGRAM OF
education of the body. ACTION. Dr. Araneta stressed the
○ During his incumbency as importance of getting things done
President, Dr. Araneta introduced being a conscientious, thorough,
yoga and jujitsu as part of the efficient, diligent executive and
Physical Education curriculum. doer.
○ Yoga is an Indian discipline of ○ To be able to do this, we must
controlling the nerves and have a daily, weekly, monthly, and

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

yearly plan of program of action bound together in a spirit of caring

and periodically checkup what they and sharing.
have failed to accomplish, to ○ Education in and for bayanicracy
analyze the reasons, and to try and universal peace is the answer
again by a more determined effort to the confused and divided world.
to reach their short term and long Dr. Araneta pointed out that
term goals. bayanicracy should not try to flight
○ Further, he advised them to keep a directly the four horsemen of the
notebook where they can write world in turmoil: Economic
immediately everytime they realize Imperialism, International
a particular thing to be done. Subversion, Militarism, and
○ Up to this time I do not remember Materialism, but should promote a
how I have developed a habit of way of life that requires changes in
always having a small notebook or human values, and great changes
diary in my bag, to keep track of in the organization and institutions
my activities. In my younger days, I of society.
used it to record vocabulary words ○ He said that, because we nurture
I picked during conversation and in our hearts negative and divisive
reading newspapers. values, man has reached the lake
○ Later on, I used it to record some of tranquility in the moon through
reminders, even passages I the efficient use of modern
encountered. The small notebook equipment but he may not reach
had kept track of my dates, the lake of peace in his own heart.
activities and plans for the day, ○ To make education in and for
weeks, and even months. Even bayanicracy and universal peace
now that as administrator I have a effective, it has to be a continuing
huge executive diary to record process from cradle to grave.
important agenda during Hence, all people who are involved
administrative meetings, yet I keep in the molding of a person; like the
a small notebook in my bag to mother, babysitter, the members of
keep my private and public life the family, the teachers, the society
organized. in which he lives, are all
○ Lastly, he advises them to seek contributory to the molding of his
inspiration from the Lord in their heart and attitude.
offering of prayer at the start of the ○ Hence, education in and for
day when they ask Him what to do bayanicracy and universal peace is
as His instrument in this world. partly due to personal values and
○ “Always keep your vision and partly to external institutions in the
ambition high, and your feet down cultural, educational, social,
to earth, and you will be a worthy economic and political sectors.
son of your Alma Mater” ○ The concept of education should
● EDUCATION FOR BAYANICRACY AND not be limited though, to the formal
UNIVERSAL PEACE education inside the classroom
○ Bayanicracy is a word and in the halls of the university.
compounded from the word There is a need for universal,
“BAYANIHAN” and the Greek word comprehensive and life-long
“Kratos”. education.
○ “Kratos” means power, while ○ The role of educators must be
“Bayanihan” is the ancient Filipino jointly performed by mothers,
spirit of organized togetherness, of religious leaders, academicians,
caring, and sharing, of love and journalists, and members of mass
charity for our neighbor. Bayanihan media; to blend into the fabric of
starts in the hearts of people, society the best of the East and

LSVI Spirit of Faith
VET1ML | PROF. Sr. Sherwin “Ciao” A. Cabalsa | TRISEM 1 2022

West, the best of the capitalist obstructed by foreign vested

world and the best of socialist interests more interested in making
world, and in the process improve money with imports than in
the spiritual human fiber of the developing the economy of the
people of all nations of this world. country.
○ Believing that bayanicracy and ○ The new-found ideology is world
peace start in the minds of men, brotherhood, a burning desire to
Dr. Araneta envisioned a pluralistic rebuild the world, which has
world with different socio-economic become one Great neighborhood,
systems providing the background in which we are all neighbors and
to peaceful evolution, with the brothers under God.
common universal end, the ○ Along this line, he envisioned that
attainment of world prosperity and this faith and new found ideology
peace. be advocated by all educational
○ This can only be realized if the institutions not only in Asia but
material progress of the world is throughout the whole world.
matched by a parallel spiritual ○ Dr. Araneta recommended that
advancement Education for World Citizenship
● EDUCATION FOR WORLD CITIZENSHIP must be a basic subject in all
○ In line with the significant modern universities. This would
advancement in the physical teach students that our first and
sciences and economics, there greater loyalty in this modern world
should be advancement in social is no longer to the head of the
sciences. state, but to the faith and that
○ The armament race must and will ideology that will usher in the age
stop and worldwide cooperation of the Kingdom of God on earth.
must and will take place. ○ This advocacy was confirmed by
○ All of these can be made possible the bulk of foreign students
not by the advent of a new higher enrolled in Araneta during his time,
race of men brought about by which included Thais, Nigerians,
science changing the minds, the Indonesians, Chinese, Iranians,
hearts and the souls of man, but Nepalese and Americans.
because man himself will ask God ○ They were provided convenient
to change his outlook and purpose accommodations at the dormitories
in life, and give him a new faith and of the University.
a new-found ideology. ○ Dr. Araneta and the institution had
○ Our faith should be the conviction made contributions not only to the
that with worldwide cooperation, improvement of agriculture in the
without an armament race, with the home countries of its students but
present knowledge in science and in the inculcation of world
technology, and with new citizenship.
discoveries in the science of
economics, unemployment and ACCOMPLISHMENTS
poverty can be eradicated from the
world and world peace can be
secured. LAWYER
○ He encouraged the big powers to
help with self-imposed export ● oath as a lawyer in January, 1922.
restrictions to new emerging ● practiced law with his father, until the
nations, especially to countries latter’s death in 1930
with developing economies, so that ● Justice Mariano de Joya, his brother
their path to industrialization and Antonio, and his uncle, SalvadoR
diversification may not be

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● Zaragoza as his partners. Constitutional Convention with Rafael

● stopped the practice of Law in 1937. Palma
● in 1924 started teaching as a professor ● Director of Manila Railroad Co. (1934)
of Law with part time and occasional ● National Housing Commission (1945-
assignments at University of Sto. 1946)
Tomas, Philippine Law School, and ● National Cooperative Administration
Jose Rizal College for six years. (1947)
● appointed a member of the Board of ● Capital City Planning Commission
Bar Examinations in 1933, 1949, and (1948-1949)
1952. ● Government Corporation’s
Reorganization Commission
EDUCATOR (1949-1950)
● He was also member of the National
● 1931, he co-founded the first Economic Council (1950-1956)
corporation of the Aranetas, the ● Magsaysay Interim Committee on the
Gregorio Araneta Inc Budget (1953)
● 1954 became president of Gregorio ● Secretary of Economic Coordination in
Araneta Inc the Quirino Administration (1950-1952)
● co-founded and became the ● Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
Vice-President of the Iloilo-Negros Sr. Resources in the Magsaysay
Express in 1933. Administration (1954-1955).
● Iloilo-Negros Sr. Express became Far ● participated actively in international
Eastern Air Transport, Inc. (FEATI) after affairs by being Chief Delegate, FAO
the war till 1947 Council Meeting in Sept, 1955
● FEATI Converted to an Institute and ● Chief Delegate in the Colombo Plan
then to a University. Conference, in Singapore in Oct.,
● Vice-President and also became an 1955
active President of the Chamber of ● Delegate at the FAO Conference,
Commerce of the Philippines, from Rome in November 1955.
1945 to 1947.
● co-founded the G.A. Machineries, Inc CIVIL ACTIVITIES
(company distributed heavy tractors and
other agricultural equipment handled by ● President, Harvard Club of the
the family of Don Vicente Araneta, and Philippines (1934-1937);
his brothers) in 1953. ● Co-founder of the National Economic
● FEATI Industries, Inc. that dealt on Protectionism Association (NEPA)
heavy equipment for so many years. (1935);
● 1957 was the Republic Flour Mills ● Co-founder of White Cross (1938);
(RFM). Here he ventured not only in ● Co-founder of the Civic League, which
flour milling but in solvent extraction of sponsored the re-examination
soybeans (AIA Feed Mills, 1963) and movement of our political status (1939);
in the refining of soybean oil and its ● Co-founder and at one time, President,
manufacture into margarine (Republic Friends of the Lepers (1945);
Soya, 1965). ● Co-founder Liga Filipina, which was
● established the Philippine Machine organized to fight the Bell Trade Act and
and Tools Manufacturers Association the “Parity” constitutional amendments
in 1958. (1947);
● Co-founder and at one time
PUBLIC SERVANT Vice-President of the Philippine Rural
Reconstruction Movement (PRRM)
● July 10, 1934, Dr. Salvador Araneta (1952).
was elected Member of the

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Catholic Activities: on June 12, 1964

8. Certificate of Appreciation as Guest
● He manifested a strong and ardent love Speaker in the National Architectural
for the Catholic faith by being: Engineering,
Co-founder of White Cross (1938) 9. Education Seminar given by the
● Active Member, Legion of Mary Association of Philippine Government
(1942-1946) Architects, October 23, 1964
● Co-founder, Holy Rosary Crusade 10. Testimonial Plaque in Recognition of
(1945) Meritorious Services as
● Pontifical Knight, Order of St. Silvester Commentator on Economics in the
(1948) Friends of the Lepers (1948) Symposium “Ways and Means” by
● Knight of the Grand Cross and the Manila Times Publishing Co., Inc.,
Lieutenant, Equestrian Order of the given on December, 1964
Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (1953) 11. Certificate of acknowledgement and
● Member, Knights of Columbus (since grateful appreciation for countries
1923) 4th degree (1953) extended as Guest speaker given by
the Manila Lions Club on February 10,
12. Certificate of Service as an
1. One of the ten Philippine’s expression of Appreciation for the
Outstanding Young Man in the Distinct Service extended to the
Learned Professions-by a jury Manila Board of Realtors, Inc. on July
composed of Claro M. Recto, Camilo 23, 1965
Osias, Manuel Briones, Dr. Bienvenido 13. Greatness and Immortality Award
Gonzales, Director Celedonio Salvador, given during the United Nations Day,
Dr. Mariano V. de los Santos, and Dr. October 24, 1967
Manuel L. Roxas- (GRAPHIC, April 10, 14. Plaque of Appreciation in
1941) Recognition for the assistance to the
2. For loyalty to principles and Philippine Youth Corps and the
exemplary courage in fighting for his common concern to the cause of the
conviction as Secretary of Economic organization given by the Philippine
Coordination and Member, Export Youth Corps, Inc., Manila, Philippines
Control Committee” awarded by the on October 5, 1969;
National Federation of Sugar Planters 15. Recognition on the celebration of
and Sugar Producers Marketing Columbus Day given by the Knights of
Association, June 12, 1952 Columbus,Lipa City, Philippines,
3. Economic Leader of the Year 1953, October 12, 1969;
Business Writers Association of the 16. Certificate of Appreciation in grateful
Philippines recognition of outstanding service to
4. Award of Distinction, Philippine humanity and support extended to the
Association of Constitutional Law National Blood Program, given by the
Professors (1958); Philippine National Red Cross on
5. Award of Distinction as the November 28, 1969;
Philippine’s Most Dynamic Crusader 17. Certificate of Appreciation for the
and Militant Economic Nationalist in value support, guidance and
the Patriotic Ideals of Rizal, cooperations Speaker during the
December 30, 1961 Convention of the Rotary Club of
6. A Plaque as Elected Director in the Caloocan given in March, 1970;
Philippine Chamber of Industries, 18. Plaque of Appreciation for his
Manila, Philippines, January 15, 1964 unselfish dedication to bring about
7. Certificate of Membership in the enlightenment to teachers and
League of Filipino Merchants, given parents on the viral issues regarding

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Constitutional Amendments, given by Rizal, Philippines, (1962).

Francisco Benites Elementary School 5. ECONOMIC NATIONALISM AND
during their Seminar, October, 1970; CAPITALISM FOR ALL IN A
19. Special Award for Distinguished DIRECTED ECONOMY. Published,
Service to the Filipino People as Araneta University Press, Victoneta
Delegate to the Constitutional Park, Rizal, Philippines (1965).
Convention of 1971-1972 given by the 6. BAYANICRACY – THROUGH
Pontifical and Royal University of Sto. CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMS.
Thomas on January 23, 1973; Supported with views of Apolinario
20. Plaque Of Appreciation and grateful Mabini, Chief Justice Concepcion,
recognition of invaluable Presidents Carlos Garcia, Diosdado
cooperation and wholehearted macapagal and Senator Manglapus.
support to the defenders of Bataan Manila, Philippines (June 12, 1969)
and Corregidor, Inc., and the Ruby 7. DEMOCRATIC
Anniversary Executive Committee BAYANICRACY-Through 64 basic
during the 10th (Ruby) Anniversary Constitutional Reforms Recommended
Commemoration of Bataan Day, April by the PHILCONSA Committee on
12, 1982; Constitutional Reform, Manila, (July,
21. Certificate of Recognition for the 1970)
distinguished services as a Member 8. THE EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY
of Board of Trustees and invaluable OF A UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT.
contribution to the movement’s effort Terminal report of Dr, Salvador Araneta,
to reduce poverty, protect the First president, Araneta University
environment, and strengthen Foundation, AIA, Inc. Press (1971)
participatory democracy, given by the 9. HINDI KAYANG LUTASIN NG
Philippine Rural Reconstruction PILIPINAS ANG PROBLEMA SA
Movement (PRRM) National PAGPAPABAHAY. Araneta University
Headquarters, Quezon City, July 19, Research foundation, for the 1971
2002. Constitutional Convention (1972).
with Tomas Benitez Alfonso Cruz.
1. THE INSOLVENCY LAW. Co-authored Araneta University Research
with his father, Don Gregorio Araneta Foundation, (June, 1972).
(1927). With his brother, Antonio, 11. BAYANIKASAN- THE EFFECTIVE
Salvador helped his father in the DEMOCRACY FOR ALL. Published by
annotation of the ADMINISTRATIVE the Bayanikasan Research Foundation,
CODE, published in 4 volumes. AIA, Inc. (1976)
economic policies dictated by ALLY IN 1899 AND 1946. Published by
Washington. A collection of speeches the Bayanikasan Research Foundation,
and studies on the subject-1947-1953. AIA, Inc. (November 1978)
The AIA Printing Press, Malabon, 13. THE BAYANIKASAN
Philippines. For the Philippines a be used in 10 to 20 years. Published by
re-examination of attitudes and views. Bayanikasan Research Foundation
Araneta University Press, Malabon, (1981).
Rizal, Philippines (1958). 14. World Government THE UNITED
Araneta University Press, Malabon,

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SUPPORTING VIEWS. Ms. Santiago that things were not so

good in the morning but that he had
● Shortly after, he suffered a heart
Dr. Salvador Araneta was a well-travelled man attack. Dr. Sulit, his attending
as evidence by the following trips abroad physician, came but all attempts to
revive him were useless. It was time
- To the United States, 1922-23, 1939, to go.
1945. ● We will always remember Dr. Salvador
- To Europe, 1923, 1938-39, 1955. Araneta as a man with incessant
- To various countries in Asia, 1922, prolific thinking and ideas for the
1923, 1938, 1939, 1955. benefit of mankind, a man with a
- To Canada as self exile 1972-1982. foresight, a man for all seasons. The
memory of Dr. Salvador Araneta will
LAST YEARS OF DON SALVADOR always linger with us, and make us
solicitous over his sixth child, the
● Self exile in 1972 Araneta University which he
● Philippines to Canada (Cardinal Egidio bequeathed to us to care for and
Vagnozzi, - one time Apostolic Nuncio nurture
to the Philippine)
● After martial law he returned to Manila
and stayed with Vicky (daughter)
● His stay in San Francisco afforded him ADVOCACIES OF DON SALVADOR
time to get acquainted with the ARANETA
● In Vancouver, his grandchildren, ● DR. ARANETA AS AN INDUSTRIALIST
Bettina Teodora and her sister Carla
(Catechism lessons) After World War II, the problems of the Third
● While in San Francisco with his wife, Republic were manifold. The ravages of war left
he did a lot of good cooking. the citiesBand towns burning.
● Manila, he had a chance to visit old Roads,buildings,and bridges were blasted.Trade
friends or receive them and act more and commerce,and the educational system were
like a doting grandparent to “his paralyzed. The economy was reeling. Peace and
sixth child” as he would refer to his order was a problem, not only in the outskirts of
Gregorio Araneta University the country, but in the cities as well. Troubled by
Foundation. the continuing crisis, and committed to improving
● Vancouver, he had read somewhere of the nation's economy, Dr.Araneta ventured to.
the good effects of a liquid diet. He Pioneer the cause that he strongly advocated-the
thought it was a good idea and went industrialization of the country. As a pioneering
into one for more than two weeks. It industrialist he completed several projects that
weakened him a lot and led to the were known for his “firsts”。Together with his
need for a heart peacemaker. brothers Ramon and Vicente who founded the
● At the start of the semester of 1982, he Araneta Institute of Agriculture(AIA). In March,
suddenly gained a lot of weight, Then 1946, on the 2000-hectare Gregorio Araneta
he fell seriously ill. Estate in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, where the
● On October 7, 1982 the doctor who Hacienda Hacarin
saw him the night before, thought he
was recovering. He told the family
members that there could be a need for
an operation in two weeks time. Dairy Farm was also located.It was the first
● When his daughter, Lina saw him just private agricultural school in the country.After one
before lunch, his private nurses told and a half years the Institute was transferred from
San Jose del Victoneta Park in the

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Municipality of Malabon, then a province of Dr.Araneta introduced a research laboratory that

Rizal,and nowa city in Metro Manila. However, manufactured vaccines like Microdin.It was the
health and security problems came about.The Republic Flour mills that milled the first wheat
Victoneta Campus then had an area of 48 flour. AIA also had its own printing press.
hectares, covered with a mass of tangled Industries established by Dr.Araneta sprang like
shrubbery,thickets of bamboo, mushrooms almost at the same time.
mango,kalios,cacawate,tamarind,and other
wild-growing trees and pasture grasses. He co-founded the Feati Institute of Technology,
the first post war airline, and the first flying school.
Feati Industries was another first in his campaign
for industrialization. Put up in 1957, it
When the school was moved to Malabon, Dr. manufactured electric motors, transformers, and
Araneta and his wife, Dona Victoria Lopez took electric floor polishers.
over and infused more capital.In 1958 the school
was raised to the status of a university and in The immediate industrialization of our country,
1967 it was converted into a foundation. It is not according to Dr.Araneta,is the promised land-the
amiss to state that at a ceremony that marked the goal that he wished to achieve for our country. In
conversion of the university into a foundation, his book Christian Democracy for the Philippines
Carlos P.Romulo,who was then the Secretary of Dr. Araneta justified the urgency of
Education remarked that there was no "gesture industrialization as a vital factor necessary to
more noble than this'. The university was worth advance our agricultural development. He
P8 million and had an endowment equal to 1/6 of qualhed the dependency agriculture on
the common mass of the real estate of Dr. and industrialization in the following vein:
Mrs.Salvador Araneta. This gesture amounted to
the creation of one more heir---Araneta University 1. Agriculture cannot advance in the sector of
Foundation as his 6th child,and his only son.It production without chemical fertilizers and
became part of the De la Salle System in June, agricultural machinery to increase the yield
2002 and now bears the name De La per hectare of our depleted lands and to
Salle-Araneta University. increase the per capita efficiency and
production of the farmer.
A Products Division of the Araneta Institute of
Agriculture in 1947 was established that 2. Agriculture cannot advance in the field of
pioneered in poultry industry,very well known for utilization without driers,canning and other
the famous VICTONETA, Super Chicks and
poultry feeds such as the AIA MASTERMIX and processing plants to enhance the keeping
the ALL MASH feeds that gained recognition in all value of the products,to multiply their
the poultry communities.Other products of the AIA uses,and to facilitate their marketing.
Division known for their"firsts"were the biological
laboratories that manufactured poultry and 3. Utilization of the agricultural waste products
livestock vaccines and remedies,and a workshop could increase the value of our national
that produced glass incubators which were used production by hundreds of millions of pesos
in the Victoneta Hatchery.This wood carving shop with the manufacture of
likewise produced poultry and livestock pulp,rayon,plastics,and wallboard.
equipment for the local animal industry.
He underscored that it is easier to industrialize
Starting as a division of AIA,it gained an than to modernize our agriculture and
independent status in 1961 and six years later it increase substantially agricultural
was named AIA Feed Mills.Amill acquired from production,aside from the fact that our
Switzerland,added to the farm's asscts. This industrial backwardness constitutes a
industry pioneered the use of local products like roadblock for a more speedy progress of our
corn, rice,bran,soybeans,ipil-ipil,fish meal,and agriculture. He clarified that:
meat scraps.It became the first feed mill engaged
in solvent extraction of soybean.In 1969

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It is not generally realized that it is easier to trade compelled the government in 1950 to adopt
establish a new industry in the Philippines to cater Dr
to the local needs of our population,granted the
necessary protection,than to organize and Araneta's proposal of import and forcign
establish a new farm project,especially if you are exchange controls This meant that the direct ban
introducing a new crop in a given locality. Foreign of imports of non-essentials as well as goods that
know-how and an industrial plant up to the last can be produced locally provided domestic
key may be purchased from any reputable capital,thus,opening the road to industrialization.
engineering of manufacturing firm in the United Not content with the rise of light industries,
States,and you can be sure that you are getting Dr.Araneta remained steadfast in forcing his
the latest of equipment and the latest in stand to develop heavy industries which he
know-how.This service you cannot obtain in considered necessary to convert the nation's
agricultural project.Even soils,and many other abundant raw materials such as
natural factors have to be considered in an chemicals,steel,and copper billets,which
agricultural project. Furthermore,to attain real consumer industries need.“Our
progress in agriculture,we have first to attain the industrialization",he said,"will not only mean an
solution of age-old problems that are sapping the iron industry anda chemical industry but also the
vitality of agriculture,especially that of the small industrialization of our agriculture." Dr.Araneta
farmer .Our industrial development must be advised that industrialization must both be rapid
based on the full exploitation of chrome,coal, and and self-generating and that to be
other natural resources coupled with cheap self-generating,it must start with basic industries.
hydro-electric power,for we envision that we must
have in the Philippines the major basic and ● DR. ARANETA AS AN AGRICULTURIST
chemical industries.Anything less would not do
justice to the program of total economic The Philippines is predominantly an agricultural
mobilization launched by our President,and to the country. Expectedly, farmers dominate the
great natural resources that we have been population. They are the backbone of our
endowed by Providence. nation.In any structure,its strength lies in its
foundation. The farmers are the base of our
Dr. Araneta attributed the failure of economic pyramid.As an agricultural country,the
industrialization in the past years to our free trade land is the basis of subsistence. National income
with America.With free trade,America enjoyed is derived largely from agriculture.The plight of
every opportunity to flood competitive goods to the farmer is the nation's plight. If the farmer is
our market that were sold at prices lower than the miserable,the nation is also miserable. Jeremias
prices in their country.The military assistance Montemayor articulated: If the farmer is poor, he
agreement that allowed the entry of PX cannot afford to pay taxes. Hence, the
goods,free from duties and customs regulations government does not have enough funds with
did not only serve as the great source of which to finance its operations,resulting in
smuggling and tariff evasion,but also an insufficiency and inefficiency in our public service.
obstruction to industrialization.Dr.Araneta
considered the ill-effects of free trade as"the If the farmer is poor, he cannot afford to buy the
Calvary of our domestic industries." products of industry, like shoes, carpenter's tools,
fountain pens, and kitchen utensils. Hence,
The Bell Trade Act which was imposed by private enterprise cannot prosper long. Many
America. In 1947 was another obstacle to our people will therefore look on the Government as a
country's industrialization.In his resolute effort to means of livelihood,and of acquiring wealth.
campaign for its rejection,he argued,"Accept the
Bell Act and all efforts to industrialize our country If the farmer is poor, he could not properly feed or
are bound to fail,as they failed in the past;reject clothe himself and his family.Consequently,he
the Bell Act and we shall sce the birth of would often get sick,and the community must take
prosperous industrial era for the Philippines." The care of him.
drying of the country's coffers as a result of free

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Because the farmers are poor, more and more an agriculture based on the family farm, where
people are converging to the cities. There would agronomy and animal husbandry are properly
be overcrowding and people would go hungry. It balanced,with the proper processing and
was amidst this situation in our country that the marketing of our produce and a fair distribution of
communist and the dissident forces rose into the profits derived from the lands.He warned that
power. progress in the country would be remote if
farmers are not well and fairly paid for their
In his message to the graduating class of Araneta services,and farming areas are not made
Institute of Agriculture in 1950 he said that as accessible and provided with the minimum of
graduates of the Institute they have a great modern conveniences.“We all flourish or decline
mission to perform. He explained that: with the farmer", he reminded.

Agriculture in the Philippines is still in His analysis on the history and the status of
many respects primitive and inefficient.We agriculture in the Philippines revealed
need more science and mechanizations of that:agriculture is still inefficient for the yield per
our farms.The science of hybreeding is hectare is among the lowest; the Filipino may
still unpracticed in the Philippines.We stand in a free competition against Latin
have no concern for the health of our
soil;we have no soil-building program;we American farmers; the Philippine farm compared
do not practice biodynamic farming.The with the American farm has the further
way we are plowing and harvesting our disadvantage of not being Supported by way of
lowland rice fields is still the way it was financing,transportation,processing
done when Magellan discovered the plants,warehousing and marketing facilities;the
Philippines. Many of our national problems income of agriculture in the Philippines has
today in Philippine system stem from our certainly not been at part with industry and
primitive agriculture,and this is due to the trade;and lastly,the farms that have benefited
attitude of many of our citizens who still from the construction of roads and expensive
believe that agriculture does not require irrigation systems have not contributed to the
brains and does not require education or cost/expenses,rendering it impossible to build
training. more. Roads and irrigation systems.

Speaking again at the commencement nites of During his incumbency as Secretary of the
the Araneta Institute of Agriculture in 1951 he Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources
attributed the problems of the nation to the his
primitive and archaic agriculture caused by the
attitude of the people who still believed that Department proposed these ten agricultural
agriculture does not require brains,education and policies which were published in the Manila
training. He enunciated the role of the Araneta Times on March 15,1955:
Institute of Agriculture as an instrument of both
education and agriculture, where agriculture, in all 1. A credit policy that will provide farmers with
its phases is investigated and studied, an Institute sample credit facilities,not only with crop
that is not satisfied in producing efficient farmers loans, but also with facility loans and
but besides has taken upon itself the cause of intermediate credit, and with capital loans and
championing and defending the rights and needs long-term credit.
of the Filipino farmer.
2. A price support policy for the main non-
Dr. Araneta believed in the fundamentals of perishable staples which is the tool that
agriculture particularly in underdeveloped encourages increased production.
countries like ours. He urged that the objective of
agriculture should be to make our country a better 3. Switch to other investments from land to
place to live in by making plants and animals banking and industries by landed estate
more efficient sources of production,without owners.
despoiling our soil, water, and forest resources;

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4. Resettle kaingeros in the lowlands with land ● AS AN ECONOMIST

and tools.
To satisfy his vision of a better life for the
5. Implement a credit policy that will provide Filipino people, Dr. Araneta engrossed himself in
credit to those who wish to build soil fighting single-handedly for reforms and policies
conservation capital improvements and deny which he believed were necessary to gain
government credit to those who fail to follow economic independence.He cited free trade that
soil conservation practices. began in 1909,and the Bell's Trade Act that was
enforced in 1946 as stumbling blocks in the road
6. Prioritize water conservation by means of to economic rehabilitation.
upstrear dams which could be a source of
water. His suggestion stemmed from an He was only seven years old when the trade
observation raised by the Special House relations between the Philippines and the United
Committee on Rice Problems headed by States began.Heassailed the acceptance of the
Congressman Teves that existing irrigation Bell Trade Act by the Roxasadministration in
provides water during rainy seasons but not 1946.He urged its rejection."Between the Bell's
during dry seasons when it is needed. Trade Act and no bill at all",he said,"it is better not
to accept any medicine,than to take a bad
7. Reclaim marshes in Cotabato,Pampanga. one".The Bell Act is a bad medicine,not only
Agusan,and many other provinces to provide because of the strings attached to it, but because
fertile land for our ever increasing population. a free trade economy with the United States for a
short period of eight years would simply stop our
8. Implement extension work with such schemes industrialization and rehabilitation program during
practiced at that time:"Operation Dispersal"of that period."He described our economy as a
the President whereby cows are being given shameful economy, an economy of the bull
to be paid with two offsprings;the cart,and the economy with the speed of the
FAO-PHILCUSA program of exchanging carabao.He warned on the ill-effects of the Bell
native cockerels with high breed cockerels;the Act that would simply restore Philippine economy
scheme of the Department of Agriculture and to its pre-war, pre-independence status-primitive
Natural Resources of free fertilizer to and precanious economy-a nation that is
encourage the establishment of model farms ill-housed,ill-fed,ill-clothed.
by farmers,co-operators and the program of
assisting community irrigation systems with The Bell Trade Act provided for an eight-year
free cement with the people in turn trade relations with the United States.Goods
contributing sand,gravel,and labor. coming from the United States and from the
Philippines would be taxed five percent tariff
9. An Abaca Corporation to attend to the.many increase every year until the full 100% was
problems facing the abaca industry. reached in 1974.The bad feature of the law was
the provision giving "parity rights" to the
10. An increased appropriation for the Department Americans, that is to say, the Americans would
of Agriculture as recommended by the Head, have the right to dispose, exploit, develop and
Committee on Rice Problems to provide it with utilize"all agriculture timber,and mineral lands"of
more facilities to serve the farmers. the Philippines, together with the operation of
public utilities and the exploitation of the waters,
He suggested that the objectives should be to minerals, coal, petroleum, and mineral resources
make agriculture more profitable and more of the Philippines. This provision meant that the
efficient;to bring agricultural income at par with Filipinos had to amend the fundamental law which
income in manufacturing and trade;and,to reduce provided that only corporations of which the
the cost of land and of all other services Filipinos owned 60% could dispose, exploit,
ministering to agriculture---from financing to develop, and utilize the public land and their
marketing. natural resources.

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Dr.Araneta stressed the need to achieve is premature as there is yet the need to
economic democracy in a God-guided society to double our food and increase many
strengthen democracy in our lands which he said times,our fiber production to provide for all
could be attained: the food and clothing needed by the
1. by achieving full employment 4. An industrial policy that will assist and
2. by facilitating ownership of the family farm encourage the establishment of
in the rural areas,and in the urban processing plants for our agricultural
areas,the ownership of a house for every products,increase their value,their
Filipino city worker,thus,making the uses,and their marketability.
Philippines a land of family farms and 5. A foreign trade policy that will protect our
family-owned houses, less efficient agricultural practices handled
3. .by promoting the social well-being,social by more expensive labor as compared to
security,and by eradicating social that of our neighboring countries with
injustices. proper tariff protection and even import
In his article published in the Manila Times on
March 15, 1955 “Economic policies basic to a Fifty years ago, in a preface that he wrote for Dr.
prosperous agriculture" Dr. Araneta opined that Araneta's book Economic Re-Examination of the
agricultural policies go to the wind if they are not Philippines, Alejandro Lichauco bragged that had
supported by the proper economic policies this nation heeded the counsel and the specific
covering descriptions Dr.Araneta gave consistently and
currency,transportation,labor,industry,and foreign repeatedly during the formative years of the
trade. Republic,the country would have been the
strongest economy in Southeast Asia today,and a
He advanced the need for the following more self-sufficient than South Korea and
measures: Taiwan,neither of which possesses the natural
resources that we do.Today,the Philippines has to
1. A realistic monetary and foreign exchange content herself trailing the economic giants of
policy to allow the producers-exporters to Asia.
retain a percentage of the dollars earned
for them to sell in the free market,and stop ● AS A CONSTITUTIONALIST
undervaluing the dollar in relation to our
currency. Dr.Salvador Araneta was one of the pillars of our
2. A transportation policy that will Philippine Constitution,having been elected
delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1934,
a.) encourage and assist private and again to the Constitutional Convention in
initiative to have ocean 1971.
vessels under the Philippine
registry,to provide reasonable ● DR. ARANETA AND THE 1934
freight for our export crop CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

b.) b). reduce the cost of The independence missions finally made a
inter-island freights headway with the passage of the
Tydings-McDuffie Law which specified the steps
c.) c).provide a steady financing and conditions that would be complied with before
of rural roads. the establishment of the Commonwealth
Government.First and foremost of the
3. A labor-wage policy that will stop the requirements was the holding of a Constitutional
emigration of labor from rural areas to Convention to frame and draft a constitution.
cities and stop the unsatisfied desire of
farm laborers to become public works Dr. Araneta was among the 202 delegates
laborers--a movement and a desire which elected to

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the convention tasked to draft the Constitution life in the government.The national economy was
that had to be approved by the President of the in distress,widening even more, the gap between
United States after which,the same had to be the haves and the have-nots. Students and
ratified by the Filipino people in a plebiscite. The workers' unrest characterized the streets. People
delegates were grouped into committees. attributed the deplorable condition of the country
Dr.Araneta chaired the Committee on the to the 1935 Constitution. In response to the
Constitution of the "Philippine Economic clarion call for the revision of the Constitution,the
Association". Evidently,the requirement for its Congress of the Philippines enacted R.A.
approval by the President of the United States No.6132, popularly known as the 1970
was a sword of Damocles above the head of the Constitutional Convention Act.Signed by the
framers that compelled them to include provisions President Marcos on August 24,1970,the Act
that were unilaterally beneficial to the Americans. provided for the election of the delegates to the
Constitutional Convention on November 10,1970
A lawyer by profession Dr.Araneta entered the and which had to be convened in Manila on June
convention hall equipped with a finished draft of 1,1971. Dr.Araneta,a candidate from the
the Philippine Constitution.He authored and municipality of
supported proposals which found their way in the
fundamental law. His greatest disappointment Malabon was among the 302 delegates elected to
was the defeat of his proposal that pertained to the 1971 Constitutional Convention.He was then
the Filipinization of the Retail Trade.Dr. Araneta serving his term as President of the Philconsa for
pointed out that at that time,only 20 to 25 percent the second time having been elected as such on
of the retail trade was in the hands of the April 3,1971.In the convention Dr. Araneta came
Filipinos, while the rest were in the hands of the prepared with proposals that were a product of
foreigners, particularly the Chinese and the studies conducted by the Philconsa of which he
Japanese.Dr.Araneta emphasized that the was president at that time.He was elected
Chairman of the Committee on Human
Filipinization of the retail commerce would Resources and was also a member of the
address the plight of local manufacturers who Sponsorship Council.
complained that they could not Expand fast
enough because they could not distribute their ● THE BEGINNINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE
products.Foreign retailers were not interested in CONSTITUTION ASSOCIATION, INC.
distributing local products. Another distressing
fact was that prices of commodities were dictated The nation was on the verge of disintegration.The
by foreigners, particularly the price of rice. To government officials were running their offices as
console the supporters of the Filipinization of if they were managing their own businesses.The
Retail Trade, a formal resolution was declared in economy was continuing to weaken. Bothered by
the convention that the National Assembly was the worsening state of the nation,seven men:
authorized to promulgate a law that limits to Cirilo J.Paredes, Justice Pedro Tuazon, Francisco
Filipinos and American citizens the prvilege to Ortigas, Jr.Ernesto V.Lagdameo, Hermenegildo
engage in retail trade.In a caucus on the B.Reyes, Ernesto D.Rufino, and Jose Ma.
proposal,Manuel L.Quezon warned the delegates Hemandez, bound by a common obsession,
of an advanced information he got that the banded together to form a national movement
inclusion of such a nationalistic provision would that could best defend the Constitution. When
jeopardize the approval of the Constitution by the they grew in number the group concentrated on
President of the United States. researches on constitutional problems and
needs.After its formal organization the launching
● DR. ARANETA AND THE 1971 was scheduled. To give impact to the formal
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION launching,the organizers unanimously chose
Sergio Osmena, Sr.,the second president of the
The problems of the Third Republic following the Commonwealth Government to head the
grant of Philippine Independence by the United group.Osmena emerged as the 2nd man in the
States on July4,1946 were continuing to Philippines, having been
mount.Graft and corruption had become a way of

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elected Speaker of the National Assembly in The Constitution might flourish. Dr.Araneta's
1907.The first man in the Philippines at that time administration addressed itself to three basic
was then the executive head of the country,who constitutional problems of the country:the
was an American Governor. Osmena agreed to scandalous excessive expenses during
lend his name to the association, but campaigns, the need for constitutional
apprehensive that he might be unable to amendments,and the need for conservation of
participate actively in the activities of the natural resources. He was given another mandate
association due to some health problems,he in 1971 to steer the Association during a critical
suggested to the organizers that Dr.Salvador period when the nation was in chaos. In his
Araneta be contacted to succeed him. inaugural speech,Philconsa President Salvador
Araneta enunciated four areas of activities which
The approval by the Securities and Exchange the Association had to undertake during his
Commission of the incorporation papers on administration."The intensity of the involvement of
September 26, 1961 marked the official and legal the association,concerned with the defense,the
birth of the Philippine Constitution preservation, and flowering of our Constitution,
Association,Inc.The first election of officers was must be in proportion to the national problems
held at the Mabini Shrine at the foot of the related to the Constitution", he stressed.
Nagtahan bridge n Manila on January AddressingHimself to the delegates-elect,
25,1962.Dr.Araneta after being elected first Dr.Araneta called upon his colleagues not to be
President told his fellow Philconsans: You have just reformists in words.He advised:
honored me with your mandate to provide
leadership to this new group.For a while,I was in We have to be reformists in deeds, paragons of
doubt if there was a need for this manifestation of the very things we will be fighting for, and of the
national concern which has found expression in a changes we presently dream of and hope for. For
patriotic organization dedicated to the study of the whatever we expect our people and our leaders
basic fundamental problems of the nation and the to offer in sacrifice,we,for our part, must be more
practice of civic virtues.And I must confess that than willing to act and live by our own daily lives.
this organization is not my brainchild,but since it Let us not demand of others what we ourselves
was given birth by others-more inspired and are not willing to do or offer. Dr.Salvador Araneta
determined personalities found it to be my duty to added, "Personally,I stand resolute,ready to
accept the directive role entrusted to me. accept whatever challenges,work or
responsibilities the Constitutional Convention may
In his inaugural speech, Dr.Araneta spelled out bring. Sweat and tears, I offer,and even blood,if
the role that Philconsa had to play for the need be.With your help and prayers,I know I shall
nation.He said: I would like to believe that we not fail Philconsa nor the 1971 Constitutional
shall be the people's conscience in the Convention." During Dr. Araneta's administration,
preservation and flowering of the Philconsa was converted into a foundation,a
Constitution.There is need for such a role in our hallmark in its history.
national civic life. Thus, while our Government, in
its three departments, is the main custodian of the ● DR. ARANETA AS A NATIONALIST
Constitution in a democracy,it is the people,who,in
the last analysis,are the last repository of the Different periods in our nation's history chronicle
Constitution.To assume the role of being the various ways by which nationalism is
conscience of the people is neither an easy nor a manifested.Some show it through their pen and
self-appointed task.We can only become it if we tongue,countless in battlefields.Conditions in the
are worthy of this trust,if we ourselves start living country during its dark periods sparked the
the spirit of the Constitution,and make the spirit nascence of nationalism: Spanish, exploitation
part of our own self. He added,thus: To live the and tyranny, America's imperialism, and the five
spirit of the Constitution,we must know the mortal enemies of the Filipinos during the
Constitution;we must believe in the Japanese regime.These were the Japanese
Constitution;and be ready to fight,to live,and even military,diseases,the guerillas, hunger, and the
to sacrifice life that the Japanese-paid Filipino spies.

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By nationalism,Dr.Araneta meant it to include the When his father died on March 9,1930, his
culture of our race and its traditions which should partners were Justice Mariano de Joya,his
be preserved,a culture which stresses family life, brother Antonio, and his uncle Salvador
decency and Purity in our womanhood, love of Zaragoza. He was part time Professor of Law at
parents, respect for elders, a deep sense of moral the University of Sto Tomas,Philippine Law
order and an afterlife, great hospitality and a School,and Jose Rizal College.He was also a bar
simple and an unaffected way of life.In believing examiner ,having been a member of the Board of
nationalism he meant a more personalized love Examiners in 1939,1949,and 1952.It is recorded
for the people we live with,a love that would give in his biography that in one of the bar exams he
and dedicate itself wholeheartedly to conserve realized that his questions were really tough,so
and develop the patrimony of the nation,and he gave the examinees a bonus of 20%.
promote the general welfare of our nationals
under a regime of justice,liberty and democracy. In 1946,Fordham University conferred him the
degree, Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. He
Dr. Araneta practiced what he preached. His stopped practicing law in 1947. It was during this
nationalism subordinated his private interests to time when he was emerging as an enterprising
public service by accepting his appointment into industrialist.A man whose vision is to provide a
the Government. Secretary of Economic decent life for the Filipino people,he became
Coordination by President Elpidio Quirino in preoccupied in examining and seeking solutions
1950,and then as Secretary of Agriculture and to our country's economic problems.
Natural Resources by President Ramon
Magsaysay in 1953.In his speech justifying his ● ON THE YOUTH
reason for accepting his appointments in the
Government he said,"We should not ask The 1987 Constitution,Article II, Declaration of
ourselves, Will this action favor me? Rather, we Principles and State Policies enshrines two
should ask, Will this favor the country as a whole? provisions pertaining to the youth:
For we should realize that the welfare of the
country will eventually bring about the welfare of Section 12.The state shall strengthen the family
every individual." He entered into a daring venture as a basic social institution.The natural right and
when he founded Araneta Institute of the duty of the parents in the rearing of the youth
Agriculture.At that time educational activities were for civic efficiency and the development of moral
not oriented to agriculture but he did not mind the character shall receive the aid and support of the
financial risk for he believed that training in Government.
agriculture would eventually bring about the
prosperity of our country.It was his intense Section 13.The State recognizes the role of the
nationalism that propelled him to battle for the youth in nation-building and shall promote their
Nationalization of Free Trade. physical,intellectual and social well-being.

The above provisions were adopted verbatim

● DR. ARANETA AS A LAWYER from the 1973 Constitution that repealed the 1935
Constitution.It should be recalled that the 1971
He earned the degree Bachelor of Laws with constitutional convention was spawned,among
honors (Meritissimus), at the University of Sto others,by social unrest. Student activism was
Tomas at the age of 19. From 1921-1922,he was riding high in colleges and universities and must
a special student of Harvard Law School where have helped influence the thinking of the framers;
he took up Constitutional Law,Administrative Law, recognizing the role of the youth in
Roman Law, Corporation Law,Negotiable nation-building. Our national hero,Dr.Jose Rizal
Instruments, and Insurance Laws.He practiced died at the age of 35.Andres Bonifacio was only
law with his father Don Gregorio Araneta. 33 years old when the revolution first phase broke
out.At the age of 30,Emilio Aguinaldo became
President of the First Philippine Republic,and
Sergio Osmena,Sr.was only 29 when he was

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elected Speaker of the Philippine assembly in


In his My Credo and My Votum, Dr.Araneta

declared that his faith in the youth was the same
faith of Rizal. By this faith he meant to dedicate to
the youth the remaining years of his life in
participating actively and directly in molding not
only the minds and hands for our lands but also
hearts for our country,and souls for god.In
affirming his faith in the youth,he said:

Here I reiterate my conviction that while

superficially he may disappoint us many times,
basically and essentially he is the same young
Rizal, with an ambition for education,determined
to win for himself a place under our tropical sun.
He may be irresponsible at times,but yet he is
made of the stuff of heroes and martyrs when the
call and the hour comes. He may reach college
very formless and uncouth,but like all rough
diamonds in the hands of an artificer,it can be
made to shine and become a material for
leadership, unbending as steel. Very little of the
genius in the student may be apparent,but a keen
and conscientious educator will discover,shape
and direct his genius to what is noble and basic.

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7. (To 9) the places which beckoned them

MOCK EXAMINATION FOR MIDTERMS when Manila began to wilt in the heat
Complete the statement; on the blank; write 8. (10) since his wife could not stop him
the answer that best completes the from delivering his speeches, she tried
statement. to convince him by saying
9. (11-15) the five states of Don
1. Among the two brothers who arrived Salvador’s Federal republic
from the Basque country of Northern 10. (16) He saw it as the main pillar for our
Spain, ____ is the direct ancestor of prosperity since it provided a sense of
Don Salvador Araneta serenity and self respect
2. Though Don Salvador is a mixture of 11. (17) the desert which according to Don
________, Spanish and ________ Salvador is necessary for us to cross, to
blood, he is typically a ______ by heart reach the promised land of plenty
and soul. 12. (18) he was among the first to say “buy
3. The marriage of Don Gregorio Araneta Filipino”. He was evidently observed
and Carmen Zaragosa was blessed with his shoe brand
with ______ children. 13. (19) I believe in God, in love of our
4. Among the siblings of Don Salvador, country and people, in the
______ became a renowned Jesuit Independence of of church and state
priest due to his contribution to Jesuit but __________
education. 14. (20) He graduates in 1918, at age 16,
5. On ________, Don Salvador Araneta with the title bachelor of arts with the
married Dona Victoria Lopez, and they award _________
were blessed with ____ daughters. 15. (21) from what school did Don Salvador
6. By birth order, Don Salvador is the finished his law studies
_____ child in the family. 16. (22) what title did Don Salvador gain
7. __________ was the first Filipino to when he graduated from the University
hold a Cabinet portfolio during the of Santo Tomas at the age of 20
American Regime. 17. (23) Don salvador was conferred to the
degree of ______ by Fordham
Identify what is being asked in the following university in 1946
statements; 18. (24-25) parents of Don salvador

1. The object which Don Gregorio Identify what advocacy is the statement
compared life with in admonishing his referring to;
children of living a good life from youth
2. The pious tutor who taught the Araneta *industrialist, agriculturist, economist,
Children of their first letters and lessons constitutionalist, nationalist, lawyer, on the
in the bible youth
3. Why were the students required to be at
Ateneo fifteen minutes before 7:00 am 1. Don Salvador launched several projects
4. Who took over in tutoring Don Salvador that were known for their “firsts”.
when they had to memorize Latin, 2. Other products of AIA known were the
Greek, and spanish Verses biological laboratories that
5. The literary musical presentation, with manufactured poultry and livestock
declamation, and dramatization which vaccines and remedies, and a
Don Salvador enthusiastically joined in workshop that produced glass
Ateneo incubators.
6. The sport which Don Salvado 3. Dr. Araneta co-founded the FEATI
Participated competing with Letran Institute of Technology, the first post war
students airline, and first flying school. And its

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industries were put up in 1957, 12. The military assistance agreement that
manufactured electric motors, allowed the entry of PX goods, free
transformers, and electric floor from duties and customs regulations did
polishers. not only serve as the great source of
4. The Bell Act is a bad medicine not only smuggling and tariff evasion, but also
because of the strings attached to it, but an obstruction to industrialization.
because a free trade economy with the 13. Don Salvador meant a more
United States for a short period of eight personalized love for the people we live
years would simply stop our with, a love that would give and
industrialization and rehabilitation dedicate itself wholeheartedly to
program during that period. conserve and develop the patrimony of
5. The plight of the farmer is the nation’s the nation, and promote the general
plight. If the farmer is miserable, the welfare of our nationals, under a regime
nation is also miserable. of justice, liberty and democracy.
6. Dr. Araneta entered the convention hall 14. In his Credo and Votum, Dr Araneta
equipped with a finished draft of the declared that his faith in the youth was
Philippine Constitution in 1934. He the same faith of Rizal.
authored and supported proposals 15. Don Salvador advocated for the
which found their way in the rejection of the Bell Act and he believes
fundamental law. that from there, we shall see the birth of
7. Agriculture cannot advance in the a prosperous era for the Philippines.
sector of production without chemical 16. The natural right and duty of the
fertilizers and agricultural machinery; parents in the rearing of the youth for
and in the field of utilization without civic efficiency and the development of
driers, canning and other processing moral character shall receive the aid
plants. and support of the Government.
8. Don Salvador envisioned providing a 17. Don Salvador warns that the progress
decent life for the Filipino People, in the country would be remote if
becoming preoccupied in examining farmers are not well and fairly paid for
and seeking solutions to our country’s their services, and farming areas are
economic problems. not made accessible and provided with
9. The culture of our race and its traditions the minimum of modern conveniences.
which should be preserved, a culture 18. Dr. Araneta emphasized that the
which stresses family life, decency and FIlipinization of Retail commerce would
purity in our womanhood, love of address the plight of local
parents, respect for elders, a deep manufacturers who complained that
sense of moral order and an afterlife, they could not expand fast enough
great hospitality, and a simple and an because they could not distribute their
unaffected way of life. products.
10. Don Salvador urged that the objective 19. The state recognizes the role of the
of agriculture should be to make our a youth in nation-building and shall
country a better place to live in by promote physical, intellectual, and
making plants and animals more social well-being.
efficient sources of production 20. The dying of the country’s coffers as a
11. Don Salvador stressed that the need to result of free trade compelled the
strengthen democracy in our lands government in 1950 to adopt Dr.
could be attained by achieving full Araneta’s proposal of import and foreign
employment, facilitating family farm exchange controls.
ownership, house ownership and by 21. Credit policy that will provide farmers
promoting the social well- being, social with ample credit facilities, not only with
security and eradicating social crop loans, but also with facility loans
injustices. and intermediate credit, and with capital

LSVI Spirit of Faith
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loans and long-term credit. and even import controls

22. Don Salvador dedicated to the youth
the remaining years of his life to Identification *words that are bolded is the
participating actively and directly in correct answers
molding not only the minds and hands
for your lands but also hearts for our 1. In 1958 the school was raised to the
country, and souls for God. status of a university and in 1967 it was
23. Dr. Araneta opined that agricultural converted into a foundation.
policies go to the wind if they are not 2. With the university’s endowment equal
supported by the proper economic
to 1/6 of the common mass of the real
policies covering currency,
transportation, labor, industry, and estate of Dr. and Mrs. Araneta, this
foreign trade. gesture amounted to the creation of one
24. The welfare of the country will more heir- Araneta University
eventually bring about the welfare of Foundation as his 6th child, and his
every individual. only son.
25. Sweat and tears I offer, and even blood, 3. Our industrialization will not only mean
if need be.
an iron industry and a chemical industry
26. Free fertilizers to encourage the
establishment of model farms by but also the industrialization of
farmers, co-operators, and the program Agriculture.
of assisting community irrigation 4. Farmers are the backbone of our
systems with free cement with the nation, the base of our economic
people in turn contributing sand, gravel pyramid.
and labor.
5. The University which he founded bears
27. Labor wage-policy that will stop the
emigration of labor from rural areas to the name De La Salle Araneta
cities and stop the unsatisfied desire of University since the time it became part
farm laborers to become public works of the De La Salle System in June
laborers. 2002.
28. He founded Araneta Institute of 6. The Bell Trade Act which gave the
Agriculture, at that time when Americans “parity rights”, that is the
educational activities were not oriented
right to dispose, exploit, develop and
to agriculture but he did not mind the
financial risk for he believed that utilize “all agricultural timber and
training in agriculture would eventually mineral lands” of the Philippines.
bring about the prosperity of our 7. In the preface that Don Salvador wrote
country, in his book ECONOMIC
29. Don Salvador said, we shall be the RE-EXAMINATION OF THE
people’s conscience in the preservation PHILIPPINES, Alejandro Lichuaco
and flowering of the constitution. There
bragged that had this nation heeded the
is a need for such a role in our national
civic life. We have to be reformists in counsel and the specific descriptions Dr
deeds, paragons of the very things we Araneta gave so consistently and
will be fighting for, and of the changes repeatedly during the formative years of
we presently dream of and hope for. the Republic, the country would have
30. A foreign trade policy that will protect been the strongest economy in
our less efficient agricultural practices
Southeast Asia today.
handled by more expensive labor as
compared to that of our neighboring 8. Dr. Araneta was elected one of the 302
countries with proper tariff protection delegates to the 1971 Constitutional

LSVI Spirit of Faith
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9. Philippine Constitution Association result of free trade compelled the

Inc. was formed by seven men bound government in 1950 to adopt Don
by a common obsession banded Salvador’s proposal of import and
together to form a national movement foreign exchange controls.
that could best defend the Constitution 18. In his book, Christian Democracy for
during the times when the nation was the Youth, Dr. Araneta justified the
on the verge of disintegration. urgency of industrialization as a vital
10. The 1987 Constitution Article II, factor necessary to advance our
Declaration of the Principles and Sate agricultural development. He qualified
Policies enshrines two provisions the dependency of agriculture on
pertaining to the youth. industrialization.
11. He earned his Bachelor of Laws with
honors at University of Santo Tomas.
12. In 1946, Fordham University conferred
him the degree, Doctor of Laws,
Honoris Causa. .
13. Dr. Araneta was elected the First
President of Philippine Constitution
Association, Inc. held in Manila on
January 25, 1962.
14. The problems of the Third Republic
following the grant of Philippine
Independence by the United States on
July 4, 1946 were continuing to mount.
Graft and corruption had become a way
of life in the government. The national
economy was in distress, widening
even more, the gap between the haves
and the have-nots. Students and
workers characterize the streets.
People attributed the deplorable
condition of the country to the 1935
15. In the 1934 Constitutional Convention,
Don Salvador Araneta chaired the
committee on the Constitution of the
“Philippine Economic Association”.
16. Jeremias Montemayor articulated: If
the farmer is poor, he cannot afford to
pay taxes. Hence, the government does
not have enough funds with which to
finance its operations, resulting in
insufficiency and inefficiency in our
public service.
17. The dying of the country’s coffers as a


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