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What is Digital Marketing,

and what is the whole aura

around it, that is making it
so celebrated?

The last decade saw a rise in opportunities for digital marketing. In layman’s words, D
M is a marketing setup  through which advertising is done digitally where channels lik
e Web browsers, websites, electronic mail,  mobile app, etc., can be useful.

Marketers gain an option to interact with and understand consumers and eventually su
rge their trust in the   brand. This becomes helpful 
in revenue generation. Advertisers can also keep a track of inquiries made on   
browsers to contact people on the basis of multiple searches, rather than advertising th
e orthodox ways.

We can find multiple forms of DM like Content Marketing, Optimizing, Pay per click, 
Social media, in addition to affiliate marketing.

Content Marketing
Content marketing is a method in which advertisers use blogs, videos, and case studies
to generate interest and curiosity in the audience for their product or services.

Search Engine Optimiser

Based on the keywords used to search by the consumers, websites rank on the first
page of SERP. This is also helpful in bringing customers without paying.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is a vast arena. It has gripped the population of the world to a
larger extent. More than half the percentage of people in the world spends an ample
amount of time on social media. Hence it is easy to market and advertises a product or
service on Social media. Furthermore, there are innumerable social media portals
globally like LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., and many
more. New applications are born frequently as millions of people use them worldwide.

Email Marketing
Email marketing engages, nurtures, and makes sure the audience purchases the
products and services. Marketers also use personalized emails to target audiences who
seem to be more likely to purchase or avail of the services.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is also called third-party marketing.

It is a commission-based business model where you promote someone else’s product

and earn a pre-defined percentage of commission when a seller is applying for a


Many marketers and advertisers make this blunder of not understanding the intricacies
and consequently  they are struggling to get the topmost ranking on SERP. We need to
comprehend that the common man is not digitally sound and does not understand the
nuances of Digitalization. Advertisers don’t care to explain when they rant niche
words and phrases, making the consumers or clients feign understanding. Children
keep asking all the possible questions to the extent that a grown-up cannot answer.
That is a natural instinct. But growing up we forget that tendency to ask questions
rather than fake understanding. Asking more and more questions always clears all the
doubts in any case. 

DM has mainly three parts to be precise.

Stage 1 of Digital marketing

Generating Lead Any customer or client showing interest in a company’s product or
service is a lead. Planning and implementing an approach by which the right set of
consumers shows their curiosity is the primary stage. Channels of DM or Traditional
marketing is printed and broadcast medium. But that will only target a set number of
audiences. In this time of ruthless competition, the domain of marketing has to reach
far and wide to gain success. Over the years, marketing channels have unwound and
keep on evolving from time to time. Some of the most common and best channels are
SEO, SMM, and Paid Social means to accomplish this stage. This stage comprises
three of the main DM practices called Search Engine Optimization SEO, Search
Engine Marketing (SEM), followed by Paid Social.

Stage 2 of digital marketing

Capturing Leads The next stage is converting the audiences to your website to
prospective clients with the help of optimization of your content. Ultimately, a
marketer’s goal should be to convert the leads generated in organic search. Again this
also comprises three parts Website, Landing Pages, Forms 

Stage 3 of digital marketing

Nurturing Leads. So finally after identifying the prospects and converting them into
leads, it’s time to make them your buyers. In this phase, suitable and understandable
content provided to the buyers persuade them to become actual buyers. This part
contains the Stacking, Nurturing campaigns, and personalization.

Channels of Digital Marketing

Traditionally marketing is Print and broadcasting. But that will only target a set
number of audiences. In this time of ruthless competition, the domain of marketing
has to reach far and wide to gain success. Over the years, marketing channels have
unwound and keep on evolving. Some of the most common and best channels are as

Website marketing

All the activities of DM revolve around a website. Of course, it is influential in its

own way but a series of online campaigns helps the brand to leave an impression on
the customer’s mind regarding its services and uniqueness. A website has to be
responsive and easy to use on all digital gadgets.

PPC Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Marketers use this model to approach users on multiple platforms through paid
advertisements. They carry out drives associated with a user’s searches on different
web browsers and social media.  These surveys can be segregated derived from age,
gender, interest, or even location. One can see such ads on Google, YouTube, or

Content Marketing

Content is a means to reach out to prospective customers. Any Content from the
website can be broadcasted through different social media platforms, email, SEO, or
PPC. Blogs, books (virtual on online), storyboard live streaming, and webinars are
different tools that can be fitted into content marketing.

Email Marketing
As the heading says, this is all about marketing through emails. It is regarded as one of
the best convincing modes of marketing. These emails are different from Spam
emails. Companies can directly get in touch with potential clients.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media has become a primary option for marketing goods and services. As the
number of people surfing these networking websites is increasing rapidly, companies
and marketers have found this to be a lucrative means to publicize their products.
Posts and tweets are some of the main examples of social media marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

One of the aged methods of marketing is affiliate marketing. The Internet has changed
the way of practicing this method.

In this kind of marketing, people promote and advertise a third-party product to

generate sales and procure commission.
Video Marketing

We often see video ads popping up while surfing YouTube, FB, or Insta. The success
ratio of these video ads are higher compared to other forms of marketing, which in
addition benefits corporations.

SMS Messaging

Text messages are another prevalent means of marketing used by smaller companies,
e-commerce, and other non-profit organizations. They use them to send out
promotional messages to the contact numbers in their database.

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