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This study focuses on factors that affect the preferred college courses of Grade

12 students at Ark Technological Institute Education System Inc.Choosing a college

course/degree is one of the most challenging decisions for the students who are

graduating. Grade 12 students may be decided or undecided enough to choose the

course that suits their abilities and skills. However, some factors such as family, friends,

and financial aspects may affect the choices of the students in choosing a program in

college. In choosing a course, there are a lot of factors that the students may consider.

As observed, the students that usually took the course that they don’t like may

affect the grades. For example, as a researcher, I even had a hard time deciding what

course to take and ended up having the course that our parents wanted us to take. A

student’s career success can attain if proper guidance is in choosing the right course in

college, suited to the student's personality, ability, and intellect.

Helping students choose the career that suits them can be done by integrating a

career plan with the curriculum so that students can make decisions on what course to

take in college. Making Decisions implies that there are choices to be considered, and

in such cases I want only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to

choose the one that best fits with our goals, objectives, desires, values and so on.

Harris (1980) Decision making is the best way to get one’s satisfaction, and considered

as the best-required thing to do to have a successful and very satisfying life.

One decent decision that a person will make can have a huge impact in his or her life.

Decision-making happens in people, and some are more for their future. This career

choosing requires mature and severe discussion since their choice will decide what their

future will be. Selecting an upcoming course consists of different factors that will

influence their decisions. Choosing a career path can help you set professional goals

and develop a strategy for getting where you want to be part of selecting an appropriate

career path involves making an honest self-evaluation of your talents, skills, and

interests. While elements of your path may change over time due to choice or

circumstance, having an overall professional objective with which to guide yourself will

help you make critical decisions with greater clarity. Your choice of your professions can

dictate where you live and may affect if and when you marry and have a family.

Choosing a career path can help you make other important life decisions. Achieving

a satisfactory work-life balance can be a trial for many professionals. When you choose

a career path, you site yourself to look far into the future as your ultimate objective.

Taking a career path can help you identify positions you want to hold and income stages

you want to achieve, it can also guide you in building your personal and professional

network in the industry in which you’re interested.

Picking a college course is one of the biggest and most challenging decisions your

child will ever make. In making this decision, it cannot be denied that parents, most of

the time, want to have a say on what is the “right,” “best,” or “most practical” course.

With good intentions and high hopes, parents tend to take the wheel in deciding what

college course their child should take. These choices usually lean towards more
traditional courses that promise a financially stable and secure job. For some parents, it

also becomes a way of transferring their unfulfilled dreams onto their children as a

second chance at a brighter future. And children, especially those who are unsure of

who they want to be, follow their parents’ advice to meet their expectations. However,

not all children who pursue the course of their parents’ choice surpass college smoothly.

The decisions we make in our early life can impact our career path. If this decision is

heavily swayed by parental preference, the child may end up following a vocation that,

deep down, they are not interested in. At the same time, without practical guidance and

support when pursuing interests, poor choices can be made.

Everyone has a unique set of skills and aptitudes. Each child is individual in their

own way, so may possess different skills and abilities to their parents. With this in mind,

adopting a similar career role to either parents. With thin in mind, adopting a similar

career role to either parent may not be the right course of action.

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