Windy Stephanie

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Mrs. Dra. Puspa Melati Marpaung

Created by:
PUTRI (2201101879)
RITA (2201101882)
SALSA BILA (2201101885)
TET BUI (2201101895)
WINDY STEPHANIE (2201101902)




1.1 Background of the paper

As an international language, English is needed to communicate globally.

In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0, English became the most
common and important language of communication. Therefore, English is learned
by all circles in Indonesia. However, in fact, in Indonesia, English is a language
that is considered difficult to master or learn, given by early childhood children
whose notables is still at the level of the "golden age". The biggest challenge
found in the field is that not only do children not like to learn English but also
learning methods that are not up to date and tend to be boring. According to the
results of osbora, white, and bloom's research in Michelle (2017) human
intellectual development at the age of four has reached 50%, the age of 8 years is
80%, and at the age of 18 years can reach 100%. Oh! The study explained that the
golden age is a time when a child absorbs everything around him, as well as
affects the child's development mentally and personally. English is not an
enhancer in life, but it has entered an obligation, without good English skills,
without proficiency in English, and without a good knowledge of English, then a
person will experience various kinds of difficulties in achieving success.


2.1. Importance of language

Seeing the importance of language in communicating between fellow

humans in the world, language mastery is not limited to only the mother tongue,
but must adjust to global developments, where educators and students can use
English which is an international language or trendsetter language around the
world. Therefore, English learning must be taught from an early age, especially
children because by holding a tutoring program like this, children will be
motivated to learn English. According to Harmer (2007), the earlier a person is
introduced to the target language, the faster and better the child's mastery and
acquisition of the language learned. English is a tool for communicating both
orally and in writing. English serves as a tool for communicating in order to
access information. Apart from being a tool to foster interpersonal relationships,
mastery of vocabulary is the most basic thing that a person must master in
learning English which is a foreign language. How can a person express a
language if he does not understand the vocabulary of the language. so that the
mastery of the vocabulary of the language is something that is absolutely
possessed by a learner. English is a language that should be mastered in
technological developments and the era of globalization as it is now. The
development of technology is the reason that as a student or students need to
master English lessons. Being able to speak English fluently is a necessary ability.
Learning English is not easy, if the learning techniques used are not quite right.
However, in this era, the need for mastery of English has been facilitated through
the teaching of English since elementary school. In elementary school students
learning English is a new thing, and in elementary school age learning new things
is a fun thing. In students of primary school age, it will be easier and faster to
absorb new things. Therefore, the teacher as a facilitator in the delivery of
appropriate and fun learning maters so that learning outcomes can be maximized,
in this case it is to use media that is in accordance with children of primary school

2.2. Success of learning process

The learning process is an integral activity between the learner and the
teacher as a teacher, in which there is an interaction of the relationship between
the teacher and the learner in the situation in learning. The success of learning
activities is determined by the cooperation between the teacher and the learner.
Success or failure in the teaching and learning process is a measure or learning
process. When referring to the operational formulation of learning success, then
learning is said to be successful if followed by the following characteristics: 1)
absorption of teaching materials taught to achieve high achievements, both
individually and in groups; 2) the behavior outlined in the specific teaching
objectives has been achieved by the student both individually and in groups; 3)
the occurrence of a process of understanding the material that sequentially ushers
in the next stage of the material. English is one of the languages used
internationally. So that English is used as an important basic competency for
people who want to be insightful and knowledgeable. As a part of culture,
language plays an important role in business talks between nations. Therefore,
English is one of the important subjects taught in schools. So, it is hoped that
graduates who master English well will provide them with the widest possible
space to become part of the global community of the world community.
Therefore, education in elementary school should introduce English to students
from an early age.

In the cross-cultural framework, English, which is used as an international

language, then becomes unique because each nation has a different cultural
background, which of course affects different dialects, grammatical pronunciation
and behavior. The competence of English subjects is that students can
communicate both oral and written using a variety of appropriate, fluent and
accurate languages. English lessons have four skills that must be mastered,
namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Language has a central role in the
intellectual, social, and emotional development of students and is a support for
success in studying all fields of study. Therefore, the main objective of learning
English is directed to improve students' ability to communicate with English, both
orally and in writing. English learning is very different from learning other
sciences, especially language is a communication tool in dealing with others. It is
not enough just to know the theory of English grammar both structure and
vocabulary, but the practice of speaking with a high frequency will make a person
more accustomed to saying English sentences.

2.3. English structure

English is a foreign language that must be learned in junior high schools,

high schools and universities because English is an international communication
tool. Students are required to master four aspects of skills in English lessons,
namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this case, reading
comprehension skills are a difficult thing for students to do. Students, high school
students, especially at the junior high school level, many have not mastered
English well in terms of speaking, writing or reading newspapers, even though
they have been studying English for many years, many of them still do not
understand what they have read. Reading comprehension is reading by
understanding the content of reading that must be taught by English teachers,
because of the importance of reading comprehension skills in English, the
government included this aspect into the Graduation Competency Standards that
were tested, meaning that new students were declared graduated if the student had
scored according to the criteria that had been set. In English subjects in junior
high school researchers found low students' skills in understanding readings, so
that the results of daily tests and national examinations students are always ugly
and students look lazy, bored and bored following lessons, like to cheat friends if
they are given tests, when given assignments they do a lot of not doing, when they
find difficult words they are reluctant to open the dictionary, they like to be
sleepy or chat, they also like to joke, and sometimes there are even those who
often go out of class for various reasons. We realize the possibility that they are
bored, do not understand the benefits they will get so that they do things that can
harm themselves. It could also be that they are bored with the way the teacher
teaches which is always monotonous and less attractive, meaning that researchers
only deliver material with the same method, this makes students lazy and
frustrated which as a result can hinder the achievement of learning. The low
interest in learning students so far illustrates that the process of teaching and
learning activities that are applied is still not interesting. The lack of interest in
learning from students is due to the fact that the learning methods applied are not
appropriate. Inaccuracy of learning methods will result in unsatisfactory student
learning outcomes. This is evidenced from each analysis result in the final test that
the absorption capacity of students is still low. Learning will be more effective
when in pleasant circumstances. Teaching should contain three main aspects,
namely: 1) cognitive aspects, for example capturing the intended meaning in the
learning material. 2) psychomotor aspects, namely applying the material that has
been studied. 3) The three affective aspects, namely the teacher's ability to cause a
sense of interest in the subject. Generally, in the learning process, students are
passive in following them, they are only active if given assignments or told by the

The learning methods used are generally lectures, discussions, and

assignments. Therefore, to create active participatory learning, appropriate
approaches and learning methods are needed. If changes are made in the learning
process, then students' attitudes remain passive, the level of thinking is only at the
stage of remembering, memorizing and if given thinking and conceptual problems
they tend not to be able to solve them. As a result, the achieved value is low.
Those are the consequences that must be borne if efforts are not made to change
and improve, improving the quality of learning and student achievement will not
be realized. As has been stated on a theoretical basis, learning is not the activity of
collecting data, but rather forming meaning through experiences and learning
processes that occur continuously. This means that students must be trained to use
experience in shaping knowledge. Similarly, students must be guided to be able to
be independent in learning and not to consider the teacher as a source of
knowledge, but as a facilitator and moderator in the process of teaching and
learning activities. Such changes in attitudes and views will encourage
independent activity in shaping knowledge. So far, teaching in schools tends to be
conventional. It is rote, full of complicated theories, and inhospitable to efforts to
develop students' abilities. That pattern will only make learners feel saturated and
bored to learn. In Indonesia, one of the foreign languages that dominates various
fields of kehidupan is English. However, its position is only as a foreign language,
not as a primary or second language. Tomlinson argues that English as a foreign
language has a meaning, that English is only used and is positioned as a learning
in an educational institution, both formal educational institutions and non-formal
educational institutions and is not used as a language in social life and in the
interaction of daily life nor is it a basic language in a country.
3.1. Conclusion
The increasingly widespread use of English and used by millions of people
from different nations of the world makes this language a language of "unity" at
the international level. The number of users is also getting more and more and
comes from various backgrounds. English Bahasa is the language that has the
most speakers, otherwise known as lingua franca. Lingua franca is a language
used to communicate between people who come from a variety of different
language backgrounds. Lingua franca is the language of instruction or the
language of association so that each party of different languages equally
understands what is being conveyed. The large number of English users or
speakers scattered around the world hints at the importance of English in the
international arena. The importance of English is not only in how many people
speak but in what it is used for. English is the main language of news and
information in the world. English is the language of business and government,
even for some countries where English is a minority language. English is the
language of maritime communication and international air traffic control, and is
used even for internal air traffic control in various countries where English is not
the native language. When the teacher teaches English with lecture method, the
children will feel bored. Learning English with games can make the learning
atmosphere cool, interesting and fun so that students are motivated to learn and
understand the material being taught. The most important thing is how to attract
students to like English lessons, if they already like and enjoy a lesson then they
can master the lesson.

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