Basic of Electrical Equipment

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Final exams - Electrical Installation

Muhammad Aldo Arimirza Amruddin

D4-1A Electricity system

1. Explain and specify the suitable installation for these cables: NYA, NYAF, NYM, NYY, NYFGbY.
NYA : Is a cable with a core made of a single copper material and coated with a single layer of PVC
insulating material. This type of cable is usually used for residential installations and aerial cable
NYAF : This cable has a copper filament core, with a single core insulated with a single layer of PVC
insulating material. This is a cable that has high flexibility due to its fibrous copper core. This type of
cable is suitable for installation on electrical panels that require a lot of bends. However, NYAF
cables should not be used in wet or dry open environments as they peel easily.
NYM : This type of cable is often used in homes and buildings, with the cable core consisting of one to four
cores and equipped with a PVC insulation layer. The existence of an insulating material makes the
cable can be used in dry or wet areas, and has a fairly good level of security
NYY : Is a cable made for fixed installations buried in the ground, or conditions in an open environment
with additional protection such as duct, PVC pipe, or steel pipe. the insulating material on this cable
has a stronger construction so the price is more expensive.
NYFGbY : flexible cable having a copper core or fiber conductor with a PVC sheath. Nominal voltage between
450/750 V. Used for permanent installation in plastered conductor pipes. NYAF cable is used for the
installation of panels that require high flexibility.

2. Explain the selection of cable cross section for residential low voltage building according to PUIL-2011 for:

a. Main circuit

b. Branch circuit

c. Lighting installation

d. Socket outlet

e. Air conditioner

3. For the given house plan below, specify the lighting needs for these 3 rooms:

a. Garage [60 lux] = LED 18W/2000 Lumen, 4000 K, Natural White.

Dimension Area ; 3 m x 5 m = 15 m2

• Lamps ; LED 18W/2000 Lumen, 4000 K, Natural White.

• CRI (80)

• Colour Temp. 4000 K

• Room Indeks ; hk = 3 m – 0.75 = 2.25 m

; k = a x b / hk ( a + b )

; k = 3 x 5 / 2.25 ( 3 + 5 )

; k = 0.83

; UF = 0.44

• Total Luminaire ; E x A / lumen from each luminaire x UF x MF

; 60 x 15 / 2000 x 0.44 x 0.8

; 1.27 -> 1 Luminaire

b. Bedroom (4x5m) [120-250 lux] = TL LED 21.5W/3700 Lumen, 6500 K, Cool Daylight.

Dimension Area ; 4 m x 5 m =20 m2

• Lamps ; TL LED 21.5W/3700 Lumen, 6500 K, Cool Daylight.

• CRI (80)

• Colour Temp. 6.500 K

• Room Indeks ; hk = 3 m – 0.75 = 2.25 m

; k = a x b / hk ( a + b )

; k = 4 x 5 / 2.25 ( 4 + 5 )

; k = 0.98

; UF = 0.50

• Total Luminaire ; E x A / lumen from each luminaire x UF x MF

; 120 x 20 / 3700 x 0.50 x 0.8

; 1.6 -> 1 Luminaire

c. Bathroom [250 lux]. = LED 20W/2500 Lumen, 6500 K, Cool Daylight.

Dimension Area ; 3 m x 3 m = 9 m2

• Lamps ; LED 20W/2500 Lumen, 6500 K, Cool Daylight.

• CRI (80)

• Colour Temp. 6.500 K

• Room Indeks ; hk = 3 m – 0.75 = 2.25 m

; k = a x b / hk ( a + b )

; k = 3 x 3 / 2.25 ( 3 + 3 )

; k = 0.67

; UF = 0.44

• Total Luminaire ; E x A / lumen from each luminaire x UF x MF

; 250 x 9 / 2500 x 0.50 x 0.8

; 1.6 -> 1 Luminaire

4. Explain the working principle of an MCB

In general, when the condition is off, the MCB has a function like a regular ON/OFF switch, which is to connect
and disconnect the electric current manually. However, under certain conditions such as overload or short
circuit, the MCB has a function as an automatic circuit breaker. from these two conditions we can observe the
movement of the knob from one condition to another. The automatic working principle of PCBs can be divided
into two types, namely Magnetic Tripping, aka disconnecting electric current magnetically, and Thermal Tripping
or disconnecting electric current thermally.

5. What is the most common MCB class residential installation? What is the difference between MCB type C and D.

 Using MCB type C for at Residential Installation,

Type C MCB, has a current trip response of 5 - 10 x I nominal, with a trip time of 0.04 - 5 seconds, this type is
suitable for use in electrical installations with inductive loads that can cause relatively large starting currents
when switched on. operate, for example: fan, refrigator, air conditioning, and others.

MCB type D, has a current trip response of between 10 - 20 x I nominal, with a trip time of between 0.04 - 3
seconds. This type is usually used in inductive loads with low power factor (below 0.8). such as welding machine,
induction motor.

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