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How to Use BurstCloud

This is an instructional manual on

how to use Burst Cloud
How to Use BurstCloud

Sign up for BurstCloud

1. Starting from the Home page you will need to go to the Cloud Drive page. (You can
also get to the pricing page by clicking the Get Started Button on the Home page or
view pricing at the bottom of the Home page as well as if you are on the Features page
at the bottom you can click the Order Now button.)

2. Once you are on the Pricing page you will have four plans to choose from. The First
one is our Free plan, the Second one is our Basic plan, the Third one is our Family
Plan and the Fourth one is our Pro plan.
How to Use BurstCloud

3. Now that you have decided which plan you want, you will be taken to the order form
page where you will enter the information that is needed. Once you have completed
filling out your information you will then click the Place Order Button and you will now
have successfully signed up for your BurstCloud account and will be taken to the sign
in page.

Start Using BurstCloud

1. First you will need to sign into your account.

How to Use BurstCloud

2. From there you will be taken to your “Locker” where you will upload and see all of your
3. At the top of your locker you will see a place where you can upload all of your files that
will say, “Drop Files Here to Upload” click to start uploading.

4. Once you have clicked there your file explorer will have opened up and from there you
will be able to choose which files you would like to upload.
How to Use BurstCloud

BurstCloud files

1. Now that you have uploaded your files you can now organize them by creating a new
2. To create a new folder just click the new folder button above your files in your locker
and name it whatever you’d like.

3. After you have created and named your new folder you can now start dragging the files
you want into the new folder you created. This is very useful for organizing all of your
pictures, files and videos.
How to Use BurstCloud

4. You are also able to delete any files you wish by clicking the “Trashcan” icon on the top
right of your files.

Finding your BurstCloud My Account

1. When you are inside of your locker, in the Navbar there will be your profile avatar and
you name. Click on your name and a drop down will appear where you will be able to
go to “My Account” or sign out.
2. Click on the “My Account “button.
How to Use BurstCloud

3. From there you will be taken to your My Account page where you can do things like
change your profile picture, change your password or things like keeping track of
tickets or invoices and more.

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