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1. The coach said I could wear a knee support during the match.
2. I’ll be able to leave hospital in a few weeks, apparently!
3. The doctor said that I needed to give up red meat.
4. You ought to cut down on the amount of red meat you eat.
5. I must pick up that prescription from the chemist on the way home.
6. You have to be more careful about what you eat in future.
7. Do I need to take this medicine before every meal?
8. I didn’t have to go to the doctor because I suddenly felt better.
9. She must have been in a lot of pain.
10. You should talk to your doctor first because diet might dangerous.
11. You should feel better in a few days, as long as you get lots of rest.
12. I had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks.
13. That must be the district nurse at the door.
14. It is early spring now. Everybody should eat more fruits and vegetables.
15. Do you think I should be worried about these spots on the forehead?
16. Germs can cause stomach upsets.
17. I had to have a filling at the dentist’s
18. I’d hate to have to have injections every day.
19. The bruise should have disappeared days ago. I wonder why it didn’t.
20. Choosing to go to a gym regularly should change your life for the better.
21. Do you have to book equipment in advance, or can you just turn up and use it?
22. My doctor said I have to stay in bed and gave me a prescription for some medicine.
23. If all women over the age of 50 are screened for breast cancer, many lives can be saved.
24. Do you think a cure for cancer will ever be found?
25. All children should be vaccinated against infectious diseases such as measles.
26. I lifted my shirt so the doctor could examine my chest.
27. Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms.
28. When I broke a rib, I had to wear a bandage around my chest.
29. Governments should help guide people towards better eating habits.
30. Working out can really strengthen your muscles.
31. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays can lead to skin cancer and speed up aging.
32. You’re allergic to peanuts, so you ought to be very careful what you eat.
33. Without proper energy, a person can become angry, tired and sad.
34. I could have roasted the potatoes, but I decided that boiling them was healthier.
35. Thankfully, Adrian doesn’t need to have an operation.
Nguyen Hoai Dung, M.A. Department of Foreign Languages
Bùi Thị Huỳnh Hoa, M.A. Quy Nhon University
Doan Tran Thuy Van, M.A.

36. Do you think I should reduce the amount of chocolate I eat?

37. Dan’s gone down with flu, so he can’t come to work today.
38. Being mindful of what you eat and how much you move can help you achieve and maintain
a healthy weight.
39. I wish I could do a hundred press-ups in one go.
40. After a couple of weeks, the plaster cast on my leg became really uncomfortable and I
couldn’t wait to take it off.
41. Did you know that you can have your eyes operated on with lasers these days?
42. You ought not to eat candies at night.
43. You might want to try to find out what are good fats and bad fats, what exercises to do for
what part of the body and how long you need to exercise for.
44. He can make a plan for individual needs.
45. Try to follow the south beach diet, it may help you lose fat and improve your fitness.
46. Here are some exercises you might want to try: squats for the thighs and legs, push-ups,
pull ups, sit ups and other types of stomach exercises.
47. She guessed she may have been having an allergic reaction, but she had no idea what she
was reacting to. She’d never had allergies before, either.
48. If we want to keep our minds sharp and our memories strong, we should work to learn new
things and keep a positive mental attitude.
49. The truth is that you have to ignore all those commercials when they advertise foods that
are useless for your body, fitness machines and supplements.
50. Sometimes you are tired of working out too much, the reason might be you're not
51. You can use a physical measurement such as bicep size, or a time such as how fast you can
run a mile.
52. You may not be able to fit in a workout for another few hours, but at the very least, put that
workout on your calendar.
53. Go for a walk: It doesn’t have to be an hour long session, but simply getting up and moving
around regularly throughout your day has been linked to better overall health.
54. While vitamins never take place of a solid, nutritious diet, many of us can all use a little help
with a multi-vitamin.
55. Whenever you can, stand up instead of sitting down
56. You should get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.
57. Mary should have gone to bed earlier last night. She is very tired today.
58. Building healthy habits could help reduce your risk of cancer.
59. One of the limitations of BMI is that it can overpredict overweight or obesity in people who
are lean and muscular.
60. From what you tell me it sounds as if he ought to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Nguyen Hoai Dung, M.A. Department of Foreign Languages
Bùi Thị Huỳnh Hoa, M.A. Quy Nhon University
Doan Tran Thuy Van, M.A.

61. Anh phải trả tiền cho tôi ngay.
62. Cần gì mà phải vội.
63. Tôi có thể làm việc đó và anh cũng vậy.
64. Tôi phải đi đây.
65. Em gái tôi biết chơi dương cầm khi lên năm.
66. Anh vui lòng đợi một lát nhé?
67. Tôi có thể hỏi anh vài điều được không ạ?
68. Tốt hơn hết là tôi nên gọi xe cấp cứu.
69. Buổi sáng con phải dậy sớm hơn đấy.
70. Hẳn bạn phải đói bụng lắm sau chuyến đi bộ dài.
71. Sáng mai, anh phải có mặt tại đây trước 8 giờ.
72. Bạn không được phép đi chân không vào phòng thí nghiệm.
73. Không cần rửa những cái kính đó đâu. Chúng sạch mà.
74. Emma ở đâu vậy? Tôi không biết, có lẽ cô ấy đi mua sắm rồi.
75. Tôi mở ti vi được chứ?
76. Nửa đêm mà Sarah còn thức. Ngày mai, chắc cô ấy sẽ mệt đấy.
77. Tối nay, chúng ta gặp nhau ở đâu?
78. Đơn xin việc phải được gửi đến trước ngày 8 tháng 12.
79. Nên có đèn giao thông tại ngã tư này.
80. Trời lạnh vậy, bọn trẻ nên mặc áo ấm chứ.

1. Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I have to walk to work.
2. The ring you found must be returned to an old lady who had lost it.
3. I didn’t have much time, but I was able to visit a lot of places of interest in London.
4. Diana’s parents don’t let her go to late-night disco. She must be at home at 9 o’clock in the
5. I agree. You shouldn’t apologize for not inviting him to your birthday party.
6. Could you give me some advice about the language courses?
7. The plane was able to take off after the fog had lifted.
8. He was happy. He was able to pass his driving test at the first attempt.
9. Must they leave before supper or have they time to stay until my friends come?
10. You may have my car if you like. I shan’t be using it tomorrow.
11. I decided to have some English lessons so that I can practise when I come to the US.
12. Many species of many animals are threatened, and can easily become extinct if people do
not make an effort to protect them.
13. Sorry, I cannot stay any longer, I really must go home.
14. Last week he said I can use the car at the weekend but now he won’t let me after all.
Nguyen Hoai Dung, M.A. Department of Foreign Languages
Bùi Thị Huỳnh Hoa, M.A. Quy Nhon University
Doan Tran Thuy Van, M.A.

15. I don’t like the cafés that don’t have chairs and people have to eat standing up.
16. “You mustn’t spend your free time on playing football”, my mother used to say when I was
a schoolboy.
17. This cheque must be signed only by the manager of your company.
18. Excuse me, can I borrow your newspaper, if you are not reading it?
19. In the Middle East you should take care not to admire anything in your hosts’ home. They
will feel that they have to give it to you.
20. You mustn’t move this man; he is too ill. You’ll have to leave him here.
21. There are plenty of hotels in the town. It cannot be difficult to find somewhere to stay.
22. When I pass my driving test I will be able to hire a car from our local garage.
23. She tried to think of other things but she could not put that awful memory out of her mind.
24. When the new road is built, I will be able to drive to work in under half an hour. Now I have
to spend much more time.
25. When I go to Paris I may be staying with Richard, but I am not sure yet.
26. Just after college I had to accept any job offer. My life seemed hopeless.
27. It’s a pity but nothing can be done to improve the situation.
28. We must not hungry. We have enough time left.
29. You ought to trust your daughter more. You should not treat her like a child.
30. “Must I really do this translation today?” – “No, you needn’t. You may do it tomorrow if you
31. In today’s world children need all the skills they can get in order to find a successful career
in their future life.
32. Shall we go and watch the carnival procession, where the local people usually are dressed in
their traditional clothes?
33. A pan of oil which was left unattended on the cooker yesterday could start a fire. For this
reason, you should never leave one unattended while you are cooking.
34. Despite yesterday’s snowfalls, we were able to drive home less than an hour.
35. “Will you give me a lift to work tomorrow?” – “Yes, I will pick you up at eight o’clock.”
36. Would you mind my staying here for some days?
37. They might have forgotten about the meeting, that’s why they didn’t come.
38. We must send a telegram to congratulate them on their silver wedding which will take place
in a week.
39. We could have gone away if we had enough money.
40. They have not lived here for very long. They must not know many people.
41. The phone rang but I did not hear it. I should have been asleep.
42. She passed me without speaking. She might not have seen me.
43. “Why did not your sister answer the phone?” – “She must have been asleep.”
44. “Why did Sarah miss the meeting?” – “She might not have known about it.”
45. Do not phone me at eight o’clock. I should be watching the football match on TV.

Nguyen Hoai Dung, M.A. Department of Foreign Languages
Bùi Thị Huỳnh Hoa, M.A. Quy Nhon University
Doan Tran Thuy Van, M.A.

46. “What time are you going?” – “Well, I am ready, so I might as well go now.”
47. We do not have much time. We must hurry.
48. You can come with me if you like but you do not have to come if you do not want.
49. Mary must be in this room. It is her voice.
50. He may be a good father but he's a terrible husband.
51. You don’t need to worry about the party any more. I’ll take care of it.
52. She has passed the exam. She must have studied all last night.
53. Mary had better to close the window; it is getting cold.
54. Must I use the phone, please?
55. Michael mustn’t drive without headlights, it is forbidden.
56. It is only ten a.m. She must be at school now.
57. Mary wasn’t able to pass the English exam yesterday, because she felt seriously ill and
58. That may or may not be true.
59. Everything is white. It must have snowed last night.
60. Alex didn’t do his homework, he should have done it.
61. Police, firefighters, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters must work on holiday in
the USA.
62. Teenagers who commit crimes should be treated as adults and sentenced to significant
63. The Senate and the House of Representatives must approve a bill for it to become a law.
64. Janet and Tom did not want to come with us at first time but in the end we were able to
persuade them.
65. The baseball match was cancelled last week. Craig could not have played anyway because
he was ill.
66. The dog started to bark loudly, it may have found traces.
67. Knock again. They might not have heard the first time.
68. We'd better phone tomorrow, they might asleep now
69. Would you mind sending me all our pictures through Facebook?
70. I do not think you should go out without a raincoat on; it looks like rain.
71. Where is she? She can’t have gone out – the door’s locked.
72. If Ann had called at his office at five o’clock yesterday, she might have found him there.
73. John could not find any reasons to refuse the invitation to the party. So he accepted it.
74. They must be tired. They have been working all day.
75. She must be Ukrainian with such a surname.
76. They must feel very satisfied after being graded highly.
77. You must be joking! No one enjoys taking exams.
78. “Where is Nick?” – “I am not sure. He may be playing the piano.”
79. Look! She can’t be talking to him. They had a row yesterday.

Nguyen Hoai Dung, M.A. Department of Foreign Languages
Bùi Thị Huỳnh Hoa, M.A. Quy Nhon University
Doan Tran Thuy Van, M.A.

80. You look tanned. You must have been in Africa.

81. She is tired. She might have seen on a long walk.
82. They hate each other. They can’t be in love.
83. It’s because of Tom that we may be late. We ought to have agreed on an earlier train.
84. Granny evidently did not hear us, that’s why we had to knock loudly before she opened the
85. I pity her because she must be feeling that she has acted wrong. She shouldn’t have said it
to everybody.
86. “Where’s Kate? She should not go away. She has told me to come at 5.” – “She could have
sunbathed on the balcony. That’s why she must not have heard your call.”
87. “We are to meet Jack tomorrow.” – “You should have spoken to him of the matter long ago.
Why keep him in the dark?”
88. You may have changed at the wrong station, that’s why it took you so long to get here. I
ought to have phoned you yesterday to explain everything to you in more detail.
89. “I can’t have done the work so carelessly. Shall I do it again?” – “Yes, it must be done by
90. We were to have met at seven, but I couldn’t come here in time. I think he might have
waited till I came.
91. “Why are you so upset? She may have mixed up the dates.” – “She couldn’t have forgotten
about our meeting. She fixed the day and time herself.”
92. “Can he have got into an accident? He is such a careful driver.” – “But other drivers are not.
Somebody may have crashed into his car.”
93. Washing dirty dishes and bathing in a stream, river, or lake can pollute water systems and
should be avoided.
94. China may become a major economic power
95. May I have another glass of orange juice?
96. They were to come an hour ago. That they might have met without ill consequence is least
97. It is one of Harris’s fixed ideas that he can sing a comic song; the fixed idea, on the contrary,
among those of Harris’s friends who have heard him try, is that he can’t, and never will be
able , and that he ought not to be allowed to try.
98. He did not have to marry my mother, and all his brothers quarreled with him because he
99. I have to work from morning till night; I ought to pay our debts.
100.You might have gone to see your sister when she was in trouble. Brother and sister should
take care of each other.

Nguyen Hoai Dung, M.A. Department of Foreign Languages
Bùi Thị Huỳnh Hoa, M.A. Quy Nhon University
Doan Tran Thuy Van, M.A.

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