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Slide 1--Greetings and Introduction

Slide 2-- The 1987 Philippine Constitution lays down the basic framework for our policy on the

Section 15 of Article II mandates the State “to protect and promote the people’s right to health.”

Section 16, of the same article states that “The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to
a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.”

Slide 3-- To implement the said policy, Executive Order No. 192 designated the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as the “primary government agency responsible for the
conservation, management, development and proper use of the country’s environment and natural
resources.” Its Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) is specifically tasked “to recommend rules
and regulations for environmental impact assessments and provide technical assistance for their
implementation and monitoring.”

Slide 4—It has been a controversial topic about production activities and projects, especially mining, and
their impact to the environment. It has been a subject to discussions the relationship between the
economy and the environment. This is because most production activities require inputs from the
natural resources like minerals, forest products, land, water, agricultural and marine resources. As a
result, the natural resources become depleted due to several causes such as extracting beyond their
maximum sustainable yield and lack of regulation.

Because of this, the Philippine Environmental Code or PD 1552 was promulgated which requires all land
use management regulating or enforcing agencies to consider significant environmental impacts as well
as other aspects of locating industries.

Later on, in 1978, the Philippines Environmental Impact System (EIS) was formalized in PD 1586 known
as Establishing the Environmental Impact System including other Environmental Management and
Related Measures.

The EIS System:

1. Defined the parameters of for the environmental impact system

2. Established penalty structures for non-compliance
3. Created the Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee
4. Set the procedures for implementing the EIS system
5. Provide for exemptions
6. Establish procedures for public hearings related to an EIS
Section 4 of the said law provides that no person, partnership or corporation shall undertake or operate
any such declared environmentally critical project or area without first securing an Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC)

An ECC is a document issued by the DENR certifying that the project has complied with the EIS system
and has committed to implement its approved Environmental Management Plan to address the
environmental impact of the said project or activity.

Two years later, or on 1981, Presidential proclamation 2146 defined the Environmentally Critical Areas
(ECAs) and the Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) within the scope of the EIS system.

Slide 5-- So, today, I’m going to discuss about the Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) and the
Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) as provided under PP 2146.

Slide 6--

President Ferdinand E. Marcos, signed on December 4, 1981 the said Proclamation in order to:

1. Adhere with our national policy to attain and maintain a rational and orderly balance between
socio-economic growth and environmental conservation and protection
2. Address the urgent need to bring about an intensive, integrated program of environmental
protection through a requirement of environmental impact assessments and statements;
3. Have a proper management of environmentally critical areas;
4. Reconcile the exigencies of socio-economic undertakings with the requirements of
environmental protection and conservation
5. Establish a system to regulate and minimize the environmental impacts of projects and
undertakings which may significantly affect the quality of the environment in Presidential
Decree No. 1586; and
6. in the effective implementation of such a system, there arises the need to identify and declare
certain projects determined to be environmentally critical.

Sledes 7 onwards.. basaha nalang ang naa sa slides. Pictures lang ni about sa ECAs and ECPs

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