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Schools Division of Cotabato City

Cotabato City District VIII

Kag. Pinghoy Sero St. Cotabato City
ID no. 131264
May 3, 2021
City Mayor
Cotabato City

Dear Mayor Guiani-Sayadi:

Warm greetings of peace and solidarity!

Don E. Sero Elementary School teachers, pupils, parents/stakeholders are so happy

and forever grateful to YOU and to the engineering team for the perimeter fence (phase 1)
implemented in our school. Our school children and property will be safer. Truly, we could
attest that you have a gargantuan heart for all school children and every Cotabateno as
evidenced by numerous projects in various parts of the city.

One of the areas that has NOT been noticed by our BLGU/Engineering Office is the
drainage canal from the higher ground of the community. It has no outlet so all water from
the community are spilled to the main entrance of the school. It becomes so muddy
especially during rainy days. It also creates pool of stagnant water which in the lower
ground of our school which could become hub of mosquitoes.

Anent this, once again we are appealing at your benevolence to allocate some
funds to finance the construction of CULVERT CANAL. Moreover, may I also take the
opportunity to request the completion of the concreting of footpath/road and the phase 2
of the perimeter fence. Concreting of footpath (phase 1) was also a project by City

Thank you very much for all the favor you have granted to us. Your kindness is
worth emulating. We are steadfast in prayers for your success in all your endeavors. Allah
bless you always.

Sincerely yours,


Principal II
Schools Division of Cotabato City
Cotabato City District VIII
Kag. Pinghoy Sero St RH V Cotabato City
ID no. 131264
May 4, 2021
City Mayor
Cotabato City

Dear Mayor:

Warm greetings of peace and solidarity!

Don E. Sero Elementary School teachers, pupils, parents/stakeholders are so happy

and forever grateful to YOU and to the engineering team for the perimeter fence (phase 1)
allocated in our school. Our school children and property will be safer as soon as it will be
completed. Truly, we could attest that you have a gargantuan heart for all school children
and every Cotabateno as evidenced by numerous projects in various parts of the city.

However, few weeks ago, the construction team has stopped its operation. It still
has seven spans undone. It has come to our knowledge through the contractor that BLGU in
RH 5 has told to halt the project for an unknown reason.

In this regard, may I refer this matter to your preferential attention and
intervention. We firmly believe that you incessantly envision and work too hard for the
benefit of every Cotabateno.

Moreover, may we take this opportunity to once again knock at your benevolence to
allocate some funds to finance the construction of CULVERT CANAL. The drainage canal
from the higher ground of the community has no outlet so all water from the community
are spilled to the main entrance of the school. It becomes so muddy especially during rainy
days. It also creates pool of stagnant water in the lower ground of our school which could
become hub of mosquitoes. In addition, we are also pleading for the completion of the
concreting of footpath/road and the phase 2 of the perimeter fence.

Thank you very much for all the favors you have granted to us. Your kindness is
worth emulating. We are steadfast in prayers for your success in all your endeavors. Allah
bless you always.

Sincerely yours,


Principal II

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