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I love My
Activity I
Puzzle Game
Direction: Cut and paste the pictures to solve the puzzle.
Activity II
Meet my Lolo and Lola

Direction: Draw your Grandparents both in your mother and father side. Put their names and how old they are.
Activity III
Story Time!!!
The Unhappy Tatang
Grandparents lived with his son, his daughter-in-law and his little grandson, Luis. Their house was very big and they had several servants.
They always ate delicious food. But Grandfather was not happy. You see, nobody talked to him all day. He just sat on a rocking chair in his
room and looked out the window. He used to stroll around the garden, but he stopped because he can’t see any more since his eyes were so
blurred that he often stepped on the flowers. One night, while the family was having supper, Grandfather accidentally dropped the bowl of
soup. The bowl broke into a dozen of pieces. His daughter-in-law got very angry. “Can’t you be more careful?” She scolded the old man.
“That soup bowl was one of the wedding gifts. Now my dinner set will be incomplete. Grandfather’s son was annoyed, too. “You should not
have lifted the bowl, Tatang,” he said sharply. “You know your hands are too weak. Next time we’ll let you use plastic bowls.”
Grandfather was silent. His white head was bowed and his old eyes were filled with tears. Luis was quite too, as he watched his parents’
faces and listened to everything they said. The following evening, Luis’ parents found their little son standing in front of a big mirror. The
boy was scolding at his reflection while stomping his foot.
“What are you doing son?” his mother asked.
“I’m practicing, Mama,” answered Luis.
“Are you to act in a play?” asked his father. “No, Daddy,” said Luis. “I’m just practicing what I will do when you and Mama get old”.
Luis’ parents looked at each other. Suddenly, they felt ashamed of the way they treating Grandfather. How horrible to think that their son
would someday treat them the same way!
From that day on, Grandfather’s life changed. His son and daughter-in-law started to spend time with him, and let him play with Luis. They
stopped scolding him for accidentally breaking dishes and stepping on the flowers. They often prepared his favorite food. Grandfather
stopped being unhappy, and Luis stopped making angry faces at the mirror.
1. Who are the characters of the story?
Aside from Luis’ parents living in the house, who was the other person who lived with them?
2. Was the grandfather of Luis happy?
3. How about you? Do you have time to talk with your grandparents?
4. They love to talk and listen to us. Why the Grandfather of Luis cry?
5. Is it right to scold our grandfather?
6. If you were Luis, how will you show that you love your grandfather?
7. Was Luis right in imitating his parents scolding his grandfather? Why?

God wants us to imitate only what is good. He wants us to be respectful and loving grandchildren.
Memory Verse!!!

3 John 1:11

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does
what is evil has not seen God.
Activity IV
Grandfather and Grandmother, happy or not?

Draw a happy face if the statements will make your Grandfather and Grandmother happy and sad face if it is not.

1. Kiss the hands of grandparents.

2. Never talk to them.
3. Never hug or kiss them.
4. Scold them when the break a glass.
5. Play with them.
6. Listen to their advices.
7. Do not give them gifts especially on birthdays.
8. Feed them when their hands are weak to hold a spoon.
9. Love them by being proud of them.
10. Make them cry.

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