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JUNE 2022


This study growth on the comparative evaluation of the growth performance of

spring onion (Allium fistulosum) applied with fermented organic fertilizer devil weed
(chromolaena odorata).This study was conducted at Zone–5, West Kibawe
Bukidnon. The materials used are the newly planted spring onion, moreover, bottle
spayers, mismo size bottle (195 mL), shovel, tons amount of water, bucket lid, ruler,
nature spring bottle(1L), imbued, tablespoon, flowerpots, strainer, scales, chopping
board , knife, scissor and the fermented foliar fertilizer. Also by determining the
effectiveness of using fermented devil weed as foliar fertilizer to the growth
performance of spring onion. The application of water to spring onion leaves was
done every three days a week. Fermented Chromolaena odorata fertilizer was
sprayed into the leaves early in the morning or late in the evening. The application is
about Two weeks and a day after planting and then continue with application after
five days.The experimental study was done through Completely Randomized Design
(CRD) with 3 replication and 4 treatments namely; T 1 control; T2 1tbsp/1L; T3
2tbsp/1L: T4 tbsp./1L.The results revealed that spring onion applied with 1 tbsp.
fermented foliar fertilizer Chromolaena odorata gave off an outstanding growth
performance. It has the highest means in spring onions growth parameters such as
leaf length and plant height. The irregularities of some data might be due to either
plant pest infestation or other environmental variables such as sunlight and soil;
condition of the research area.


The completion of this research study could not have been possible without
the participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be
enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully
acknowledged. However, the group would like to express their deep appreciation
and indebtedness particularly to the following:

Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge and vision for this
countless love.

To Mr. Peter James Baquero for his endless support and understanding spirit
during the research. To our adviser, Mrs. Jeanalyn C. Agor Celis, for unselfishly
sharing her time, patience, guidance, and knowledge to the researcher; indeed, we
are very grateful to have her as adviser and her continued support for her to
accomplish this study. And to Mr. Clark Steven P. Daquiado, agricultural technologist
who partakes his knowledge and expertise on getting the test result of the liquefied
devil weed fertilizer. The reseachers were much thankful to this person for the effort
and time rendered. Without them, the success of this research would be impossible;
to the panelists, Mr. Alberto Felisilda, Mrs .Vergie Berdera, and Ms. Jesseber
Jayseth P. Tapia who help us by giving their valuable comments and suggestions in
making the manuscript a qualified and outstanding one;

To Wilfredo I. Balagas, PhD, the school principal of Old Damulog National

high School, for his moral support as well as granting the researchers to conduct
their study outside the school campus; To the researchers cherished and treasured
family, for the altruistic love, aid, care, and both moral and financial support that they
have guaranteed to the researcher, for making them realize the significance of
education in life. To whom they really dedicate and renders their hard work and
achievements in life.

To all relative, friends, classmates and others who in one way or another
shared their endless support, either morally, financially, and physically. For those
who are not mentioned have done a significant help and guidance to the researchers
in taking steps towards excellence and fulfilling their mission as a son/daughter of
God, the greatest appreciation to all of you from the researchers.

We Thank You

Mary Joy Cabiguin,

Arianne Keth Amor,
Mary Joy Capacite,
Marsha Jane Romero,
Ruben Enoy Jr.





Background of the Study…………………………………………………………...7

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………..8

Objectives of the Problem………………………………………………………….8

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………….…..8

Scope and Limitation of the Study………………………………………………...9

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………9-10


Review of Related Studies and Literature………………………………….......11


Time and Place of Study…………………………………………………………..12


Data to be Gathered…………………………………………………………...13-14

Care, Maintenance, Management and Evaluation, Designed Treatment..14-15

Fermentation Process for Chromolaena….……………………………………..15

Making Fermented Plant Juice of Chromolaena Leaves…………………..15-17

Plant Height…………………………………………………………………………17

Plant Survival……………………………………………………………………….17

Length of Fully Matured Leaves………………………………………………….17


Computed Marketable Yield………………………………………………………18

Biomass Yield………………………………………………………………………18

Presence of Insect Post………………………………………………………...…18

Statistical analysis……………………………………………………………….…18

METHODOLOGY FLOW…………………………………………………….……19


RESULT AND DISCUSSION…………………………………………………20-21







APPENDICES TABLE 1…………………………………………………………..25

APPENDICES TABLE 2…………………………………………………………..26


1. Collecting devil weed (Chromolaena odorata).....................................…...27

2. Fermentation Process of devil weed………………………………………….28

3. Preparation in Planting Spring onions……………………………………...…29

4: Obtaining of Devil weed in Zone-8 Poblacion Damulog Bukidnon………...30

5. Planting of spring onions in Zone- 5 West Kibawe Bukidnon……..……….31


Background of the Study

Chromolaena odorata is one of the most notorious tropical weeds in the world,
also known as devil weed, siam weed, or bitter bush. This plant suppresses the
growth of other plants contribution to allelophathy. The Target: Devil Weed (The
Hawaii Invasive Species Council (HISC), 2022). According to Aboyeji (2019)
Chromolaena has been widely used as green biomass where it is known to
rejuvenate the soil as a result of its high nutrient source. It has been reported to
enhance and improve plant nutrient levels in the soil under its canopy through its
high leaf senescence and decompositions, hence improving the physical chemical

While livestock urine is considered trash, the weed Chromolaena odorata is

prevalent in grassland areas and is highly harmful to ruminants. These two
materials have a lot of potential for improving soil fertility since they can be
fermented into organic fertilizer. (Syamsuddin Hasan et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. : Earth
Environ. Sci. 247 012021).One of plant protection characteristics of Siam weed
fertilizer is that it can protect against nematodes. Linked to the ability to promote the
multiplication of microorganism such as fungus and bacteria. Some of which are
nematode antagonist or parasites, reducing nematode populations and boosting the
growth and development of other organisms tomato. (Ali et al.2017)

According to another investigation, fermented application using Chromolaena

odorata can reduce the usage of artificial fertilizer on the crop nutrient; although it is
though that the nutrient requirements of each type of plant are different and are
mostly decated by the plants species. Furthermore, it is critical to understand the
ability of fermented Chromolaena odorata to reduce the demand for artificial fertilizer
in rice fields of diverse kinds. (Jamilah Munir, 2017).

Statement of the Problem


The main purpose of the study is to inform people that Chromolaena odorata
can be used as a fertilizer. Specifically, it sight to answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference in the growth performance between organically foliar-

fertilized garden onions with liquefied devil weed fertilizer vs. a non-fertilized garden

2. How effective is the organic foliar fertilizer extracted from the liquefied Devil weed
in improving the growth performance of the garden onion considering the variables
involved to its growth (e.g., environmental condition, type of the soil with regards to
its growth performance).

Objectives of the problem

1. Difference in the growth performance between organically foliar-fertilized garden

onions with liquefied Devil weed fertilizer vs. a non-fertilized garden onion?

2. To assess the effectiveness of the organic foliar fertilizer extracted from the
liquefied Devil weed in improving the growth performance of the garden onion
considering the variables involved to its growth (e.g., environmental condition, type
of the soil with regards to its growth performance).

Significance of the Study

This study will provide further information that will serve as a guide to the people of
todays and their futures inquiry about Chromolaena odorata and its various effects.

The findings of this study will encourage and embolden the students and
locals to have awareness on the importance of this neglected weed to the people,
and community. Moreover, this study will help the local officials to make organic
fertilizers using devil weed.

Furthermore, this study will provide a documentary data about the

Chromolaena odorata or also known hagonoy weeds or Devil weed that will open up
a possibility of new discovery in the field of botany.

Scope and Limitation of the Study


The study focuses on making the devil weed as an organic fertilizer and to
determine the growth performance of the spring onion, also known as Allium
fistulosum and to include the estimated time growth of the plant will be the time
frame of the research.

Definition of Terms

To further understand some important terms used throughout the study, the
following terms will be defined operationally.

Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon by which an organism produces one

or more biochemical that influences the germination, growth, survival, and
reproduction of other organisms.

Ambient temperature colloquially, “room temperature” is a range of air

temperatures that most people prefer for indoor settings.

Canopy is the above-ground portion of vegetation in forests consisting of the

tops of trees forming a kind of ceiling.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment, present in all green plants and in

cyanobacteria, responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for
photosynthesis. Its molecule contains a magnesium atom held in a porphyrin ring.

Ethnopharmology the interdisciplinary scientific exploration of biologically

active agents traditionally employed or observed by man.

Fermentation is the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts,

or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.

Foliar fertilizers are dilute fertilizer solutions applied directly to plant leaves in
which the goal is to supply plants with the nutrients needed for good growth.

Microorganism or a microbe is an organism of microscopic size, which may

exist in its single – celled form or as a colony of cells. The possible existence of
unseen microbial life was suspected from ancient times, such as in Jain scriptures
from sixth century BC India.

Molasses is thick, dark brown syrup obtained from raw sugar during the
refining process, a version of which is used in baking.

Nematode Parasites of animal occur in almost all organs of the body, but the
most common sites are in the alimentary, circulatory, and respiratory systems.

Notorious generally known and talked of; especially꞉ widely and unfavorably

Osmosis is a process of movements of solvents through a semi-permeable

membrane from a region of lower solute concentration to higher solute

Rejuvenate is the reversal of aging and thus requires a different strategy,

namely repair of the damage that is associated with aging or replacement of
damaged tissue with new tissue.

Senescene is the condition or process of deterioration with age.


Review of related studies and literature


This section contains related studies and literature of Chromolaena odorata.

The benefits of the invasive Chromolaaena odorata on human well-being and

livelihoods were investigated. The findings of this study revealed that Chromolaena
Bioenergy, agricultural production and protection, ethnopharmacology, human
nutrition, and cattle production all use odorata. However, the Asian/West African
biotype recieved the majority of these benefits. On the Southern African biotype,
there was only one ethnopharma cological benefit record. Although odorata has
substantial detrimental effects on the environment and human well-being, its benefits
have been integrated in to human well-being and livelihoods. Consequently, the use
of Chromolaena odorata in bioenergy, agricultural and livestock production, crop
protection, and ethnopharmacology could provide a financial incentive for species
control in invade areas. (Lutendo Mugwedi, 2020)

According to R.M. King et al. (2019) Chromolaena odorata is a neotropical

perennial weedy shrub that poses a major biotic concern throughout its invasive
range. Odorata present in West Africa differs from the southern African (SA) biotype
both physically and genetically. In the late 1930s, the AWA biotype was initially
introduced into Nigeria, and it quickly expanded over West Africa. Currently, 12 of
West Africa's 16 countries have been invaded, with serious consequences for local
flora and animals. Locals in West Africa, on the other hand, have discovered a
variety of uses for the herb. Because chemical, physical, and other traditional control
measures were unsustainable, costly, and ineffectual, three biological control agents,
Apion brunneonigrum (Coleoptera: Brentidae), Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata
(Coleoptera: Pareuchaetes), and Pareuchaetes pseudoinsul (Lepidoptera: Erebidae)


This section contains the methods/processes to attain the objectives of this

study. These include the Time and place of study, Materials, Care, Maintenance,

Management and Evaluation Designed Treatment, Fermentation Process for

Chromolaena, Plant height, Plant survival, Length of fully matured leaves,
Computed marketable, Biomass yield, Presence of insect post, Statistical analysis.

Time and Place of Study

The experimental study was conducted in Zone 5 West, Kibawe, Bukidnon

from February-June 2022.


A total of 60 newly planted spring onions was experimented using the

fermented Chromolaena as an organic foliar fertilizer. Moreover, bottle sprayers,

mismo size bottle (195ml), shovel, tons amount of water, bucket lid, ruler, nature
spring bottle (1L), imbued, tablespoon, flowerpots, strainer, scales, chopping block,
knife, scissor and the fermented foliar liquid fertilizer (Devil weed).

Data to be gathered

May 15 2002

T1 T2 T3 T4
6. 20.6cm 1. 20.7cm 3. 12.7cm 2. 18.8cm
7. 20.3cm 4. 20.3cm 8. 20.3cm 5. 19.3cm
10. 18.3cm 9. 20.6cm 11. 20.8cm 12. 19.8cm

May 18 2022

T1 T2 T3 T4
6. 25cm 1. 26cm 3. 21.5cm 2. 21cm
7. 21.7cm 4. 25cm 8. 21cm 5. 22.5cm
10. 21.1cm 9. 22.2cm 11. 24.7cm 12. 22cm

May 21 2022

T1 T2 T3 T4
6. 26.9cm 1. 26cm 3. 18.3cm 2. 23cm
7. 21.5cm 4. 28cm 8. 22.6cm 5.23.3cm
10. 23.2cm 9. 23.2cm 11. 27.9cm 12.22.4cm

May 24 2022

T1 T2 T3 T4
6. 27cm 1. 26.6cm 3. 21.3cm 2. 23.5cm

7. 22cm 4. 28.8cm 8 .23cm 5. 23.9cm

10. 21cm 9. 23.8cm 11. 25.5cm 12. 22.7cm

May 27 2022

T1 T2 T3 T4
6. 24cm 1. 27cm 3. 22.2cm 2. 24.2cm
7. 22.9cm 4. 28.4cm 8. 20cm 5. 24.6cm
10. 21.6cm 9. 22cm 11. 25.8cm 12. 23.1cm

May 30 2022

T1 T2 T3 T4
6. 24.5cm 1. 25.3cm 3. 21.1 cm 2. 24.5cm
7. 23.4cm 4. 25.5cm 8. 23cm 5. 25cm
10.18.6cm 9. 21cm 11. 25.6cm 12. 23.3cm

Care, Maintenance, Management and Evaluation Designed Treatment

The proper amount of water to supply various plants is from plant to plant,
week to week. The application of water to spring onion leaves was done every three
days a week. Fermented chromolaena fertilizer was sprayed into the leaves early in
the morning or late in the evening. The application is about two weeks and 1 day
after planting and then continues with applications after 5 days.

Additionally, constant evaluation for growing plants aside onion garden leaves
was observed. Throughout the session of growth observation of onion garden
leaves, avoid any cause of irregularities to the growth and yield of the plants for
crucial goal for attaining well results of the study.

Treatment Recommendation Rate of Application

ml/liter of water

T1- Control 1L
T2 1 tbsp./1L
T3 2 tbsp./1L
T4 3 tbsp./1L

Fermentation Process for Devil Weed

Chromolaena is a rapid growing weed which can grow in any areas. Devil
weed was obtained in Zone 8 Poblacion, Damulog, Bukidnon which is abundant of
such weed.

Following the method of fermentation natural Farming: Fermented Plant Juice

(Park, H. and M.W. Duponte.2008 (rev. 2010)

Making Fermented Plant Juice of Chromolaena Leaves

Step 1: Collect plant Material

Before sunrise, collect the fast-growing tips (2-3 inches long) of plant devil
weed (1kg). Avoid collecting during or after rainfall.

Step 2: Cut and weigh the plant material

Do not rinse collected plant parts, so as to conserve surface microorganisms.

Record the weight of the plant material. Weigh plant parts before or after cutting,
whichever is easier.

Step 3: Add brown sugar


A 1kg of coarse molasses will be put together with the devil weed cuttings in a
bowl or large pan. Coat as much of the surface area of the plant material with sugar
as possible to expedite the osmotic process and draw out the plant juice.

Step 4: Pack the plant-material-and-molasses mixture into a container

Select clear glass or food-grade polyethylene (PE) plastic containers (no lid)
do not use metal, which will react with the solution. Pack the container tightly with the
plant-material-and-molasses mixture until full (or according to your specified ratio).
Cover the mouth of the container with a breathable material, such as muslin, heavy
cheesecloth, or a towel, to allow air exchange. Secure the cover (with string, rubber
bands, etc.) to keep pests and other contaminants out. Paper towels can be used but
should be replaced if they become wet or torn. Store the covered container in a well-
ventilated area away from artificial or natural light and extreme heat or cold.

Step 5: Check the container after 24 hours and adjust the volume if necessary

In order for the fermentation process to occur properly, the volume of the
plant-material-and-brown-sugar mixture should settle to 2/3 of the container after 24
hours. If the container is too full, the microbes will not have enough air to properly
ferment. Remove some of the plant material until the container is no more than 2/3
full. If the container is less than 2/3 full, add more of the mixture to prevent mold
growth, not all plants will settle in the same way, so it is important to check and
adjust the volume after the first 24 hours.

Step 6: Let the contents ferment undisturbed

The fermentation process is dependent on ambient temperature. Humid

weather speeds up fermentation (3 to 5 days), while cool or cold periods slow the
process. You will know that fermentation is occurring when bubbles start to form,
which normally occurs on the second day. Ideally, fermentation should take no
longer than 7 days, as the quality of FPJ appears to diminish thereafter.
Fermentation is complete when 1) The plant material floats and the liquid settles at
the bottom (note: if too much molasses was used, this separation is not distinct); 2)

There is a light alcohol smell due to breakdown of chlorophyll; and 3) The liquid
tastes sweet, not bitter.

Step 7: Separate the liquid from the solids

After fermentation is complete (3 to 7 days), separate the plant material from

the liquid using a colander or strainer. The spent plant material can be used as
animal feed, or added to mixed compost (another input known as 1MO#5). The liquid
is Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), which can be used immediately or stored in a
loosely covered container.

Step 8: Store the FPJ properly

Transfer the FPJ into a glass or food grade polyethylene (PE) plastic
container. The microorganisms in the solution are alive and continue to produce
gases. The lid must be kept loose or the container can explode. For long-term
storage, add an equal amount of molasses by weight to FPJ to prevent it from

Plant Height

This was measured every 2 days starting at 3 days after planting. It was measured
from the media level to the tallest tip of the freshly planted allium fistulosum.

Plant Survival

Survival of Spring onion plants will be counted every day after planting. Number of
infected plants by pests was enclosed as a part of the observation and will be
recorded. Damaged, permanently, or severely willed, and rotted or decayed cutting
or seedling will be considered as no surviving.

Length of Fully Matured Leaves

Length of fully matured leaves per plant was counted every 2 days starting 3 days
after planting. A leaf was conducted fully matured when the leaf has a smooth and
dark green color.

Computed Marketable Yield (t / ha)

This was done by trimming off the harvested plants within the net plot, the
weight of total marketable plants per plot was taken and values will be converted to
tons / ha.

Biomass Yield (t / ha)

This was taken in all plants within the 4.0 m² net plot by cutting the whole
plant close to the ground and weight taken. The value was converted to tons / ha.

Presence of Insect Post

Presence of insect post was counted manually before, during and after
harvesting. Identification of such will be analyzed and determined by professionals

Statistical Analysis

Relevant data was subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Completely

Randomized Design (CRD). Means was separated with honesty significant
difference test.


1. Brainstorming; Critical Researching for

Possible Research topic; Finalization of
Research Title.

2. Preparation of Research Proposal

Making of Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Defence

3. Preparation of Research
4. Production of Fermented Devil
weed juice, Acquirement of
Materials Needed; Purchase of
other Materials Needed

5. Planting of Spring onions

6. Constant Management of
Spring onions; Watering, and
Foliar Application

7. Data Gathering; Sample

8. Finalization of Research Paper; (FDWJ) Results; Discussion of
Final Research Defence Gathered Data Results

9. Hard Bound, Compact Disc copy of

the Final Research Paper


The following are results and discussion of the study presented in tables and
figures. Discussion is based on the results of statistical analysis. The data gathered
were subjected through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) under Statistical Tool for
Agricultural Research (STAR).

Plant Height

Table 1 shows that the average plant height of spring onion (Allium
Fistulosum) among the four treatments namely, (T1) Control, (T2) One tablespoon of
foliar fertilizer devil weed per one liter of water, (T3) Two tablespoon of foliar fertilizer
devil weed per one liter, (T4) Three tablespoon of foliar fertilizer devil weed per one
liter of water at 15, 18, 21,24,27,30 days after planting (DAP). Statistical Analysis
shows that there is no significant difference among the four treatments applied to the
spring onion plants. It means that the growth performance of spring onions under
those treatments is closely comparable. Nevertheless, among the four treatments,
(T2) one tablespoon of foliar fertilizer per one liter of water showed in the line graph
shows significance. At 15 DAP results 20.53, 18 DAP results 24.40, 21 DAP results
25.73, 24 DAP results 26.40, 27 DAP results 25. 80, 30 DAP results 23.93. There
may be a decreasing of plant height during data gathering due to some
environmental variables.

On the other hand, (T1) Control has the least mean among all the treatments
only applied with water. The results of study may be influenced by either plant
infestation or other environmental variables such as sunlight or soil condition.

Table 1. Plant Height of Spring Onion at 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30 DAP.

Treatments 15 DAP 18 DAP 21 DAP 24 DAP 27 DAP 30 DAP

T1 Control 19.73 22.60 23.87 23.33 22.83 22.17
T2 1 tbsp/l 20.53 24.40 25.73 26.40 25.80 23.93
T3 2 tbsp/l 17.93 22.40 22.93 23.27 22.67 23.57
T4 3 tbsp/l 19.30 21.83 22.90 23.37 23.97 24.27
F-test ns ns ns ns ns ns
C.V. (%) 12.74 8.75 14.60 10.53 10.94 9.47

Plant Height





15 DAP 18 DAP 21 DAP 24 DAP 27 DAP 30 DAP

T1 T2 T3 T4



This study was to determine the effects of Devil weed (chromolaena odorata)
through fermented process applied to spring onion namely fermented devil weed
juice. Its main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of fermented devil weed juice
as an organic foliar fertilizer. The research was conducted in West Kibawe Bukidnon.
The study was started on April and completely ended in the month of June 2022.

The study was conducted last laid out in Completely Randomized Design
(CRD) with four treatments replicated three times. The plant height collected data
treated with (T1) control (T2) 1 tbsp. fermented devil weed juice, (T3) 2 tbsp.
fermented devil weed juice, (T4) fermented devil weed juice at 15,18, 21, 24r , 27, 30
days after planting were subjected to statistical analysis of Variance (ANOVA) under
Statistical tool for Agricultural Research (STAR).

The average plant height of spring onions (Allium fistulosum) at 15, 18, 21,
24, 27 and 30 days after planting (DAP) shows no significant difference among the
four treatments applied to the spring onions in the experiment. This means that the
growth performance of spring onions under those treatments were comparable. The
mean data of all treatments, however, revealed that treatment 2, Fermented devil
weed juice (1tbsp/1L), has an outstanding mean or growth.

Furthermore, the Plant height of spring onions at 15,18,21,24,27 and 30 days

after planting, as revealed by statistical analysis, resulted that, only the 24 DAP
showed a significant difference among all treatments. Plant height of spring onions
ranges from 26.6 cm to 28.8 cm on this particular day. With all, the statistical
analysis at 15, 18,21,24,27 and 30 days after planting (DAP) show no significant at


Based on the result and discussion presented, it is concluded that Spring

onions with fermented devil weed juice (1tbsp/1L) revealed an outstanding growth
performance. It has the highest means in spring onions growth parameters such as
plant height. Although, the statistical analysis revealed that T 1-Control has the lowest
plant survival mean among all treatments, probably that only water is being applied.

Generally, statistical analysis disclosed that most of the data are quite
comparable or not significant, except to the data gathered under the Plant height of
sprig onions 24 days after planting wherein, T2 (1tbsp/1L) got the highest mean.


Based on the results and conclusions of this study, the use of organic
fertilizers especially fermented devil weed juice is highly recommended (only
1tbsp/1L) applied in spring onions

In the perspective of cultivations of this study it is recommended to apply

organic foliar fertilizers early as possible to attain well results of the growth
performance, upon the production of organic foliar fertilizers, the researcher
recommended to ferment the devil weed (Chromolaena odorata) for more than two
weeks for a more effective organic foliar spray.


Christopher MUyiwa Aboyeji,(2019) Impact of green manures of Vernonia

amygdalina and Chromolaena Odorata on growth, yield, mineral proximate
composition of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)

Collage of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University 323

Agricultural Administration Building University Park, PA 16802,

J.M.Goodall, D.J. Erasmus,(1996) Review of the status and integrated control

of the invasive alien weed, Chromolaena odorata, in South Africa, Agriculture,
Ecosystem & Environment, Volume 56, Issue 3, Pages 151-164;

Lutendo Mugwedi,(2022) Harnessing Opportunities Provided by the Invasive

Chromolaena odorata to Keep it under Control, Sustainability 2020, 12(16), 6505;

MOWBOT TEAM, Organic Fertilizer vs. Inorganic, April 12,



Plant Height

Table 1. Plant Height of Spring Onion at 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30 DAP.

Treatments 15 DAP 18 DAP 21 DAP 24 DAP 27 DAP 30 DAP

T1 Control 19.73 22.60 23.87 23.33 22.83 22.17
T2 1 tbsp/l 20.53 24.40 25.73 26.40 25.80 23.93
T3 2 tbsp/l 17.93 22.40 22.93 23.27 22.67 23.57
T4 3 tbsp/l 19.30 21.83 22.90 23.37 23.97 24.27
C.V. (%) 12.74 8.75 14.60 10.53 10.94 9.47

Appendix Table 2. Research Proposal Budget Cost

Research budget Proposal

Item Description Amount

Laboratory Analysis:
Fermented devil weed 1 sample Php. 470.00
Foliar Fertilizer Laboratory
Analysis Fee

Fermenting Materials:
Devil weed (Chromolaena
odorata) leaves
Muscovado Sugar 1 Kg. Php. 97.00

Care and Maintenance

Materials, etc. :
Spring Onion 1kg Php. 60.00
Bottle sprayer 3pcs Php. 120.00
Flower Pot 12pcs Php. 110.00

Others: Php. 1,000

(e.g. Transportation Fee)
Total Php. 1,857.00

Appendix Figure 1. Collecting devil weed (Chromolaena odorata)


Figure 2.Fermentation Process of devil weed

Appendix Figure 3. Preparation in Planting Spring onions


Appendix Fig. 4: Obtaining of Devil weed in Zone-8 Poblacion Damulog Bukidnon


Appendix Figure 5. Planting of spring onions in Zone- 5 West Kibawe Bukidnon


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