Res No. 16-642-09-2020

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Republic of the Philippines Province of Davao Oriental OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SP Complex, Government Center, Dahican CITY OF MATI EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 66™ REGULAR SESSION OF THE 16™ SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN OF DAVAO ORIENTAL, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2020, AT THE CITY OF MATI, THIS PROVINCE PRESENT: Hon. Nifio Sotero L. Uy, dr. Vice Governor - Presiding Officer Regular Members: District | District 1 Hon. Nelson R. Dayanghirang, Jr Hon. Louis N. Rabat Hon, Dante M. Caubang Hon. Anacleto P. Macatabog Hon. Marietta D. Palmera Hon. Enrico M. Antopuesto Hon. Joselito B. Villademosa Hon. Dennis V. Rofio, Jr Hon. Laureano B. Taya Ex-Officio Member: Ss Hon. Ronald T. Lara, Jr. ‘Sangguniang Kabataan Provincial Federation President ABSENT: Hon. Lemuel lan M. Larcia ‘SP Member, District Il - Filial Leave Hon. Rabsalon M. Lamaran President, Philippine Councilor’s League Hon. Rustan R. Castillones President, Liga Ng Mga Barangay Hon. Charlie S. Ambasan indigenous Peoples’ Mandatory Representative ~ Filial Leave RESOLUTION NO. 16-642-09-2020 Author: Hon. Joselito B. Villademosa Sponsor : Hon, Joselito B. Villademosa A RESOLUTION RETURNING MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 07, SERIES OF 2020, WITHOUT ACTION, TO THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF LUPON, DAVAO ORIENTAL, ENTITLED: “AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE MANDATORY SAFETY MEASURES AS MINIMUM HEALTH STANDARDS FOR MODIFIED GENERAL COMMUNITY QUARANTINE (MGCQ) iN THE MUNICIPALITY OF LUPON, IMPOSING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES”, PENDING COMPLIANCE TO THE DILG MEMORANDUM DATED JULY 23, 2020, RE: “ENACTMENT AND/OR AMENDMENT OF EXISTING LOCAL ORDINANCES TO INCLUDE PENAL PROVISIONS TO STRENGTHEN IMPLEMENTATION OF QUARANTINE AND HEALTH SAFETY STANDARD PROTOCOL TO CONTAIN COVID-19.”. WHEREAS, the subject Municipal Ordinance No. 07, series of 2020, of the Sangguniang Bayan of Lupon, Davao Oriental, was submitted to this Sangguniang Panlalawigan for review and approval; WHEREAS, the subject municipal ordinance was enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan on August 24, 2020, and the same was approved by the Municipal Mayor on August 25, 2020, “FA Resolution No. 16-642-09-2020 66" Regular Session, Page 2 WHEREAS, provided under Section 11 of Administrative Penalty of this ordinance: For Individuals: A fine of Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00) : | ee 2" Offense: _|_A fine of Three Hundred Pesos (P300.00) A fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) | WHEREAS, DILG Memorandum, dated July 23, 2020, re: Enactment and/or Amendment of Existing Local Ordinances to Include Penal Provisions to Strengther Implementation of Quarantine and Health Safety Standard Protocol to Contain COVII 19, directed all local government units to include in the ordinances, the provisions of! penalties for people who violate the mandatory wearing of face masks in public spaces within their jurisdiction following the recommendation below: [For Province: | Fine ranging from P2,500.00— P,000.00 ] | and/or imprisonment for 10-30 days at the discretion of the proper court For City: Fine ranging from P2,500.00—P5,000.00 | } and/or imprisonment for 10-30 days at the | discretion of the proper court Municipality : | and/or imprisonment for 10-30 days at the | | discretion of the proper court ee WHEREAS, the same DILG Memorandum has directed all Sangguniang Panlalawigan to conscientiously exercise their power of review over ordinances approved by their component cities and municipalities and work with them to ensure that the objectives of the issuance is effectively met; CO re ee | For Fine ranging from P7,000.00- P2,500.00 WHEREAS, the subject Municipal Ordinance No. 2020-07 did not meet the recommended penalty provisions pursuant to the DILG Memorandum; WHEREAS, it is recommended for the concerned LGU to take note and undertake appropriate action in accordance with the said DILG Memorandum; WHEREFORE, on motion of SP Member Joselito B. Villademosa, duly and jointly seconded by SP Members Dennis V. Roflo, Jr., and Marietta D. Palmera, it was RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 07, SERIES OF 2020, WITHOUT ACTION, TO THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF LUPON, DAVAO ORIENTAL, ENTITLED: “AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE MANDATORY SAFETY MEASURES AS MINIMUM HEALTH STANDARDS FOR MODIFIED GENERAL COMMUNITY QUARANTINE (MGCQ) IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF LUPON, IMPOSING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES”, PENDING COMPLIANCE TO THE DILG MEMORANDUM DATED JULY 23, 2020, RE: “ENACTMENT AND/OR AMENDMENT OF EXISTING LOCAL ORDINANCES TO INCLUDE PENAL PROVISIONS TO STRENGTHEN St du Resolution No. 16-642-09-2020 66" Regular Session, Page 3 IMPLEMENTATION OF QUARANTINE AND HEALTH SAFETY STANDARD PROTOCOL TO CONTAIN COVID-19."; RESOLVED, FINALLY, That copies of this resolution be fumished: The Honorable Municipal Mayor and the Honorable Sangguniang Bayan Members thru its Presiding Officer, both of the Municipality of Lupon, Davao Oriental, for their information and guidance. CARRIED AND APPROVED. I hereby Certify to the Correctness of the foregoing Resolution. MAXIMINO A. RENO II Secretary to thé Sanggurfang Panlalawigan Attested and Certified to be duly Adopted: UwCOLr . NINO.SOTERO L. UY, JR. Vice Govemor and Presiding Officer

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