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Mauler D. Yabut Gr 11 - Scientia Reading and Writing

The Positive and Negative Effects of Covid-19

By: Mauler D. Yabut

Covid-19, also known as the first SARS-CoV2 infection in Wuhan, China. It is still unknown
how the virus first infected people or whether it developed into a disease either before or after
the overflow incident. It has been claimed that the virus may have come from the animal named
pangolin because many of the early victims were there. However, another study suggests that
travelers could have spread the virus, which would have helped the disease spread quickly. To
examine COVID-19's positive and negative effects on our lives, specifically, we analyze the
changes in individuals and the difference between these changes in our environment.

The first positive impact of COVID-19 which triggers a lockdown is a decrease in human

activity or behavior that can harm others or the environment. For example, the sky is bluer, crime
is down, there are fewer car accidents, and some other infectious diseases are disappearing from
hospital emergency rooms. Additionally, it improves the environment by reducing the use of
fossil fuels and vehicles, which can contribute to climate change, as well as plastic pollution,
which makes the environment cleaner and healthier. Nevertheless, covid 19 has more negatives
than positives, First and foremost, the lockdown causes individuals to feel lonely and bored,
which has a detrimental impact on their health. Additionally, it reduces people's job
opportunities, which results in a weak economy. Last but not least, it has an impact on people's
daily lives as they become unable to leave their homes owing to lockdowns, and on poor
education as face-to-face education is disappearing over time due to people's inability to
participate in modules, or online learning.

In general, COVID-19, the virus that came from an animal named pangolin, has a large
negative impact on people, nature, animals, and other activities. Nevertheless, there is still a
positive impact on us. It helps the environment heal, and it helps us build and balance the
cleanliness of our environment. COVID-19 helps us to understand that even when we are at our
lowest, there is still hope and a solution to all problems.

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