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The hospital and the hospital staff

Find the French for the following words :

Health care staff :
To care for a patient/to look after a patient /To deal with patients:
To work together as a team/To be part of a team:
To have a lot of support from team members:
To work at a fast pace:
To make a difference to someone’s life:
A rewarding job:
To feel proud to be part of a team :
To get support from other team members:
To have a lot of support available:
A stretcher :
A wheelchair :
Nursing staff :
A state-registered nurse (SRN) (GB) :
A nursing auxiliary(GB)
A nurse’s aide(US) :
To be on duty :
to be on call :
To do my clinical placement(UK):
To do my internship(USA):
A beeper :
A head nurse/a senior nursing officier : cadre infirmière
A student nurse
A trainee nurse : une élève-infirmière
To train to be a doctor
A scrub nurse : un infirmier de bloc
To scrub : frotter
Operating room / the OR/operating theatre
Scrubs: un pyjama de bloc
A scrub cap: une coiffe
Clogs: des sabots
Shoe covers: des sur-chaussures
A mid-wife : une sage-femme
Maternity department/ward
A surgeon : un chirurgien
A speech therapist : une orthophoniste
A physiotherapist : une kinésithérapeute
To have physiotherapy
A psychologist : une psychologue
A social worker : une assistante sociale
Medical staff : personnel médical
An interne : un interne
A consultant : un spécialiste
The outpatient clinic : la consultation externe
The clinics : les consultations
The admission date : la date d’entrée
To admit a patient to hospital
To discharge a patient from hospital
The discharge date : la date de sortie
The doctor’s round =la visite du médecin
During the doctor’s rounds
To follow the doctor
Internal medicine :la médecine interne
Surgery :la chirurgie
The recovery room :la salle de réveil
The delivery room : la salle
The X-ray department : la radiologie
Ear Nose Throat(ENT) l’ORL
An Ear Nose and Throat specialist
The palliative care unit –L’unité de soins
Chest medicine : la pneumologie

Over to you!
Talk about your clinical placement in the
hospital. Try and use as many expressions as possible from the above list or from the list
below. What ward were you in? Did you enjoy the experience? Why or why not? What did
you learn? etc.

to specialize in something/ to work with someone/to attend an operation/to watch a patient being
operated on/to operate on a patient/to assist a surgeon/to give a bed bath/to clean a bedsore/ to lift a
patient/to give an injection/to undergo surgery/to intubate/to graft/to transplant/to inject/ to put up
a drip(an IV)/to take the vital signs/to insert a catheter/to dress a wound/to measure the BP/to draw

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