English For Nursing - Shauma Eraya Elfitra

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By Shauma Eraya Elfitra, 2206813933, FIK UI 22

In learning english, there are four basic skills that must be mastered by us as the english
learner to improve our english namely, speaking, reading, listening and writing. From the four
skills, writing is the most difficult thing because in writing involves some language component
such us punctuation, grammar, and structure.

Writing is not only about how to put ideas into paper or some digital note, but also discusses
about how to develop these ideas. So that readers can be more understand the content of our
writing. It is significant for students who have competence in writing research papers or digital
journal that required writing skills. Using formal language and avoiding plagiarism are
mandatory for academic writers. (Almaiki, S., 2016)

Paraphrasing is one of writing skill, which can be interpreted as rewriting a source text using
the writer’s own word by changing it into another words while maintaining the main idea.
Paraphrasing is like recycling: when we paraphrase some source text, we will take the author’s
words and turn them into a new sentence by using our own words. And it also likes re-
purposing : while the idea remains the same, some of the words are different, which ensures that
our own writing style and voice is present, along with the original author’s ideas. A citation at
the end of the paraphrase signal that the words are ours but the thought is from the author cited.
(Masniyah, 2017)

Other than investigating the barriers to paraphrasing and how to overcome them. And it is
important to use paraphrasing to help us as the english language learner because paraphrasing is
one of the main methods that we will be able to use to clarify that they have to understood
something correctly. Techniques of paraphrasing are 3 ways. First, using synonyms or word that
mean the same. Second, Changing the form of the words. Third, Changing the grammatical

Paraphrasing can help you prevent overuse of direct quatiations and it can be more concise
than quoting. Paraphrasing can help you think about and understand the text that you are
paraphrasing. When you rephrase another person’s idea, it forces you to think about what that
person really saying. It is a good idea to introduce your paraphrases using attributive tags in
order to make it obvious that you are borrowing ideas from another person rather than coming up
with them on your own. (Pertiwi. I, 2019)

Here is an example of paraphrasing:

Original Quote

“In reality, there is, perhaps, no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise
it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it it still alive, and
will every now and then peep out and show itself”

According to Franklin, pride is the most difficult vice to defeat; no matter how hard one tries to
overcome it, it keeps returning.


Almalki, S. (2016). Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Mixed Methods Research—
Challenges and Benefits. Journal of Education and Learning, 5(3).

Masniyah. (2017). The Use of Paraphrasing Strategy to Improve the Students’ Writing Ability at
the 2nd Year Students of SMAN 1 Tinambung (Bachelor’s thesis, Alauddin State Islamic
University, Makassar, Indonesia). Retrieved
from http://repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4914/1/MASNIYAH_20400113134

Pertiwi, I. (2019). Students’ Paraphrasing Techniques in Writing (A Study at the Senior Students
of English Program of IAIN Parepare) (Bachelor’s thesis, State Islamic Institute (IAIN),
Parepare, Indonesia). Retrieved from http://repository.iainpare.ac.id/943/1/14.1300.042.pdf

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