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lack Static Thetans


Last Time Around refers to an earlier track, at the end of which Scientology existed. There is data
pointing to that this is not the first time, that all of this has been done before. Which includes the whole
game of Scientology, the Church, the takeover of the Church, changing of the tech, implanting, major
inventions, specific wars, everything. The Church was taken over in 1980 LTA.

LRH tape lecture 27 Nov 1959 Principal Incidents On The Track

"But, you'll find these things repeating themselves one way or the other. But, actually, you don't find
very much space opera as such until about seventy-six trillion years ago. There's actually a double track
involved with all this. It kind of goes in some circular time, and the reason the earlier track gets too
obscured or something of the sort is because it's been cross-implanted, up-implanted and down-
implanted to a point where nobody could make any sense of it. "

Super Static C/S Course Glossary -

Black Static Thetan – A Static attained by implanting and reverse Scientology in the Church Last Time

Briefing on LTA

Excerpts from transcript of Tech Briefing 13 by Captain Bill Robertson –

"This briefing covers LTA, (Last Time Around) Black Static Tech, and Black Static Thetans... "

"We have found that certain cases run into something that may be from a higher level, while they are
doing Excalibur. "

"… I have to give you an explanation for the record here. …it’s an explanation of LTA which means Last
Time Around."

"… you know that all the Players, the thetans in the Games… agreed to play certain Games, and they
were arranged in a certain order. It was all very well decided. "

"Now of course the implanting was not supposed to be part of that. "

"It is actually Thetans who have been processed in the Church "Last Time Around"... And they have really
been screwed up. And that is what we call Black Static State, all-right? "

"They are "Static" though, but they are not in a body, but can influence people. That's the point, ok? "

"None of the Thetans were freed, so people felt they were getting better but they weren't going OT…"

"Now lets get some more recognition. All the events were the same: Inc II, Inc I, Game of Gods, etc.,
even to the degree of Teegeeack being a "restricted planet" and your political incidents. And everything
very much parallel to what they did LTA, because most people are keyed in on LTA, especially if they
haven't looked for the truth. They are just following an LTA pattern…"

Indicators and Analysis for BSTs

Excerpts from transcript of Tech Briefing 13 by Captain Bill Robertson –

Number A

"A guy feels all of a sudden he can't audit, feels griefy about it and like he is a failure, but he has audited
successfully in the past. "

"The "can't audit" or feels bad about auditing after he has been doing well, and he gets real griefy about
it: That means there is a Black Static Thetan in his U-1 and it may be an old friend or maybe even a
Clone… he sent LTA to find out about LTA OT Levels. You see, he wants to find the OT Levels, so he sent a
Clone into it, and that guy got really messed up. Anyway it means he has got a Black Static, or one or
more Black Static Thetans on his case, that were friends of his, or were his own Clones. "

Number B

"He has a High TA, very stuck, needle at a High Sensitivity, not getting any reads at all, all-right? And this
is assuming you have checked all other reasons for this, and now this is still persisting. "

"This is a Black Static thetan again, or one or more and overrun on LTA auditing. And the reason there is
high TA and sticks, is because it had auditing already and they know it's terrible and they have been
totally overrun, ok? That's why the TA goes up and sticks and surprise!- it will sometimes just shoot up all
the way right up to 6, and normally the TA hasn't done anything like that maybe, in years! "

Number D
"The body itself feels "Dead", or almost like it is "two different persons", and the person is complaining
about "compulsions to do something", but he knows it's illogical. "

"Or the guy feels he is 'two people', and has strange compulsions to do something else in life rather than
what he is doing: It seems like he is going down two tracks at once. Well, the funny part is, he is going
down two tracks at once, and it's not coming from a Plug. If the body died in the beginning of "this year"
(LTA), so as soon as the beginning of "this year" (TTA) happens, the guy starts to feel dead, dead, dead. "

Number E

"It looks like a Plug but it won't run as a Plug. In other words, this is a Plug, on which you tried
everything. You have done a Review on it from Excalibur Tech, and it just won't run out. It is still sitting
there. "

Number H

"Feels something, something vague, holding him back from gains. "

"That's LTA again and probably is a Black Static Thetan or several BSTs on the case or the guy's own
Clone. Now normally in this case it might be the guy's own Clone who got BS Tech (Black Static Tech) so
he is identifying with his Clone and he feels terrible because he is not getting any gains because the Black
Static Tech didn't give you any gains as a OT, and his Clone is giving him the message: "Better help! Help!
Help! I got to debrief to you. I got to tell you something. It's not going to go well. It's not going to go well.
It's bad stuff!" And the Clone is all out of PT. "

[b[]Rons Org Handling for BSTs[/b]

Excerpts from transcript of Tech Briefing 13 by Captain Bill Robertson -

"…determine if it's responsive or unresponsive. That means that if the LTA Phenomena (the clone …,
Black Static, or whatever it is) is responsive it will answer up on "Hello!"… "

"Now some of them are responsive, by the way, and they get more so as people do auditing, so
responsive ones that have been run on Black Static Tech, like a Black Static Thetan, can be run on Power
Process 3, that is, using it with the commands: "What condition have you encountered in auditing LTA?"

"Now if it's an unresponsive, what are you going to do? Well the good old reliable tool that works TTA,
LTA, anywhere … and it doesn't care about time, and that is Power Processes 4, 5, 6. "

"When you are running Power on these LTA things, make sure… that you are only including that what you
are auditing in the TRO for Power 4, 5, 6. Have the guy narrow his attention to exactly what he is
auditing. …he is auditing the Black Static thetan and no other."

"Now after that, you have to do the "Blow and Can't Blow" Steps

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