Directive 481 - The Strong Must Carry The Weak

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FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014 VOL. 21, NO.


“Include My Mother's messages to the world with My words of

direction also: biweekly, in directives to Our clergy and laity.”
truly cries teardrops from Heaven. You have
THE STRONG MUST CARRY THE WEAK been given a warning, and you will act upon
“O My children, My Mother has gone
“Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a throughout your world as a Mediatrix from

Make copies and pass out or mail to as many people as possible.

roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom God to your world to meet with rejection and
resist ye, strong in faith: knowing that the same affliction befalls scorn, and that is why We can truly say that
your brethren who are in the world.” only a few will be saved.
— St. Peter 5:8-9 “Those who have been given the grace to
hear these warnings and act upon them, much
shall be expected of them. Continue in the
days ahead with great perseverance, fortitude,
PRAYERS NEEDED FOR YOUR PRIESTS and hope, knowing that the eventual victory
We are presenting excerpts from the “I cannot urge you enough to continue your
treasury of heavenly messages given by is with Heaven. This is the day spoken of,
prayers. This you must do from love. Your written of, and prophesied in the past. It is
Our Lord and Our Lady to their voice- prayers are needed sorely for your priests, the time of the separation of the sheep from
box seer Veronica Lueken, from the for they are under heavy attack by the evil the goats, a time of trial for mankind. The
years 1968-1994. ones, Antichrist and his accumulated Eternal Father has a plan for all. No man can
disciples. Yes, his evil will be as hypnotism fully understand the ways of the Eternal
FLOWERS IN GOD’S GARDEN to the weak soul.” Father, for they are surely not akin to man’s.
“Remember, My children, the souls upon Our Lady, May 30, 1971 Continue with your prayers of atonement,
earth are placed in God’s garden. They are and by your example reach out and gather
flowers that must be nourished with pure “THE STRONG MUST CARRY Our sheep.”
waters of teaching so that their stalks will be THE WEAK” Jesus, June 5, 1976
strong and grow to the heavens, their faces “Continue, My child, with your prayers of
turned upwards to receive the rays of light atonement. Many are needed, for the strong “THE VICTORY IS WITH MY SON”
from the heavens. These stalks are bending. must carry the weak.” “As it was in the time of My Son upon earth,
They are breaking. Who will save them in the Our Lady, May 30, 1974 so it shall be in your time. All children of God
ill winds that blow now? shall enter upon a crucifixion. But carry your
“The strong, My child, must carry the FOR CONVERSION AND CURE cross, My child, My children; carry your
weak. Labor for souls, for it is truly a labor of “I dispense upon you, My children, many crosses with great fortitude and perseverance,
love, My child. We will send many arms to graces in the Father—graces for conversion for the victory is with My Son.”
you in this great crisis.” and cure, graces for the salvation of all souls.
Our Lady, November 1, 1974 Our Lady, September 13, 1975
“You will sit now, My child, for you will do
much penance this week for the world. Those “DO NOT BE MISGUIDED”
THE WEAK WILL FALL AWAY who are made strong must carry the weak.”
“My child and My children, as you go “My Mother has directed you well. She has
forward upon the Mission from Heaven, you Our Lady, June 16, 1973 asked you, O parents, to prepare your
will experience all the fury of satan. All in the households, to restore the light to your homes
days ahead will be tested as metals in the fire. ALL NECESSARY HELP WILL BE GIVEN and in the hearts of your children before it is
With every war, there are casualties, My “My child, you will understand in due time, too late. And there shall be much gnashing of
children. The weak will fall away. And so it is in full measure what is going on. I ask that teeth and weeping set upon the earth.
now in this war of the spirits that the weak you continue to send the messages from “Do not be misguided by those who, in
will drop by the wayside. You must all go Heaven, never ceasing in your fortitude,
forward in confidence and perseverance. perseverance. All of the necessary help will
When self-pride and seeking for human gain be given in this battle.
enters upon the mission, the seeds will not “Console your hearts, My children, in the
flower and develop constructively.” time of trial and stress, knowing that the BACKGROUND STORY
Jesus, May 30, 1977 eventual victory is with Heaven and those who “THE LOURDES OF AMERICA”
have joined Us in this crusade against sin.”
PRAYER AND SACRIFICE Veronica Lueken, the seer of Bayside, was a wife and
Our Lady, August 14, 1979 mother of five children. She went to her eternal reward
“The strong must carry the weak. Keep His on August 3rd, 1995. St. Theresa the Little Flower
cross before you always. Prayer and sacrifice “GO FORWARD IN PERSEVERANCE promised to greet her with a bouquet of red roses
will be your guide to the light. Place not your AND FORTITUDE” when she arrived in heaven.
trust in this world, for it is your exile. Our Lady appeared to Veronica in her home on April
“Make much use of the blessed waters, the 7, 1970, informing her that She would appear on the
Eternity is forever!” holy waters given to you. Wear your grounds of the old St. Robert Bellarmine Church in
Our Lady, July 1, 1970 sacramentals. Direct Our children never to Bayside on June 18, 1970; that vigils of prayer be
held there (now temporarily held at the Vatican Pavilion
VICTIM SOULS remove these sacramentals from their person. Site in Flushing Meadows Park), and that full directions
Veronica asked Our Lady if the petitions of The forces of evil are multiplying among you. be given to the clergy of the parish to prepare for Our
“You, My children, are being tested by the Lady's first visit there.
all those present and those sent to the Shrine Our Lady also requested that a Shrine and Basilica
could be granted, if in the will of the Father. Father. Go forward in perseverance and be erected on this Her chosen Sacred Site, which is to
Our Lady said: fortitude and you will win your crown.” be named “Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of
Mothers.” She promised to come on the eve of the
Our Lady - “Many will be granted their Our Lady, February 10, 1975 great feast days of the Church. The Blessed Mother
supplications, but many will also have to bear also instructed Veronica to disseminate the message
their crosses of illness in order to purify their “YOU SHALL NOT COMPROMISE given to her throughout the whole world.
Our Lady has requested that the Rosary be recited
souls, to enter the Kingdom. They will MY HOUSE” aloud by the crowd during the whole of the Vigil. All
eliminate their stay in purgatory by cleansing “You shall not compromise My House, My are requested to kneel in the presence of Jesus. The
their souls as victim souls upon earth and Church. You shall not gather souls by Message was repeated word for word by Veronica.
suffering for the weak.” Veronica also described what she saw. All has been
destroying the principles of My Church, for recorded on audio tape.
August 21, 1971 you have scattered the sheep. By your fruits
have you been made known to the world. It
These Last Days, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331 1-616-698-6448 1-800-444-MARY
the spirit of darkness, take the knowledge of and the world. I ask you to go forward as victims to the merciful love of the Father—
the supernatural from you. Yes, in order, My bearers of the light. The world now is in deep those who are willing to give of themselves
children, to stay in the light, you will be darkness. The light shall not be extinguished. for the repatriation of another soul. Give, and
rejected by many. You will be scorned; you However, many shall fall away, as they do all will be given to you by the Father. For it is
will be called insane, because, I repeat: there not have the strength of spirit to continue on truly, My children, in giving that you shall
is nothing in common between the light and the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. receive.”
the darkness. As they rejected Me upon your “We will ask in the days ahead many Our Lady, July 1, 1974
earth, you, too, must go the way of the cross. sacrifices from Our children. Each and every
But carry your cross, My children, with bearer of the light will be given the test.” TO OBTAIN MERCY
purpose and fortitude. And I assure you, as Our Lady, November 19, 1977 “In the battle ahead, you will find that you
your God, that the road you follow in the will be rejected by many of your own. Your
light will be well worth your perseverance. SECULARIZING THE CHURCH road, the cross you carry, cannot be lightened
The joys of Heaven are for all, but all do not “My child and My children, I do not, My at this time. The sins of man have placed a
attain this height, My children, for they are child, intend to drain your meager energies at great burden upon those who have offered
not willing to sacrifice and do penance and to this time with a long discourse enlarging upon themselves as victim souls, souls who will do
follow the way of the cross.” the counsel of My Mother. However, it penance to obtain mercy for the wicked.”
Jesus, November 1, 1976 behooves Me at this time to say unto all of Our Lady, December 31, 1972
My clergy, cardinals, bishops, and those
WEAKNESS OF HUMAN NATURE priests of the nations, that My heart is torn WEIGHT OF THE WORLD
“The weakness of human nature will come because of the manner that My trusted have “Mankind is allowing himself to fast plunge
upon all; no one is free from this test. taken upon themselves the rule and broken into a way of life that is not akin to the plan
However, if you remain close to My Son in the rule to suit all manner of fancy. Man has the Eternal Father set forth for him. He is
the tabernacles of the world, tabernacles that been weakened in his spirit, because there are attempting, mankind, to build a new world,
are being defiled and bringing much sorrow to very few to lead them.

Make copies and pass out or mail to as many people as possible.

eliminating his God. I say unto you, this will
My Son’s heart . . . My children, remain with “My clergy, you must take yourselves out not be tolerated much longer. The few who
Him; let Him nourish your soul, strengthen of the world. You are secularizing My Church, have given themselves as victim souls have
you with His Body and His Blood, and you but you are also demonizing the sheep, carried the weight of the world upon their
will go through this time of trial with subjecting them to falling into the abyss, shoulders. The cross will be heavy for them
fortitude and peace of spirit.” because—though the mercy of the Eternal and others, but I assure you, My children—I
Our Lady, November 1, 1975 Father is all-knowing, and His heart is merciful, repeat only the words of the past and the
many of Our sheep are falling into the abyss future that only a few will come out saved
BY YOUR EXAMPLE because many of My priests are on the road from the final trial.”
“My children, I have asked you not to to perdition and taking others with them. Jesus, November 19, 1977
abandon My Son’s House, His Church upon “O My children, whatever shall become of
earth. But I must also counsel you that you you! It will take great strength of faith to
must recognize the faces of evil about you, “Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of
even in My Son’s House. “I am the foundation of My Church. The
foundation is solid, but the walls are cracking. prayer. Send My Mother’s message throughout
“Regardless of the state of the soul or the the world. For you who have gathered with
human body and its frailties in the body and Cardinals and bishops, shall you stand before
Me and say that your teaching has been pure Her to pray and do penance, much more is
the nature of man of the priesthood— expected of you. All who have been gathered
regardless of how he disports himself upon in My sight? I shall say unto you: many of
you shall fall into the abyss, to be consumed to the bosom of My Mother, and all who
earth, as a legally ordained priest, he will have have come beneath Her mantle have not
the power through the Holy Spirit to bring by the fires in eternity.”
arrived there by accident, but by a special
My Son’s Body to you. You cannot judge Jesus, May 23, 1979 calling. This calling was not always upon
My Son’s Church by those who call your own, but because of graces extended to
themselves leaders, for they also in their MANY GOOD SOULS you through the prayers of another.”
human nature can be taken over by demons, “Many good souls of light have offered Jesus, June 24, 1976
and they can be used by these diabolical themselves to Heaven as victim souls for the
forces to destroy My Son’s Church. repatriation of the lukewarm and the fallen
“My children of light, it is you who must souls in My House. We accept in all charity “THE STRONG, THOSE WITH FAITH”
save My Son’s Church by your example and of heart from Heaven these fruits from the “Pastors in My House, you are scattering the
fortitude and prayer. But I assure you that light, these fruits from the hearts of the sheep with your teachings, false teachings
prayers without action and works will avail humble. But I say unto you: there are not created by demons. You will bring a
you of nothing.” enough prayers, there are not enough bloodbath to Rome. Turn back from your
sacrifices and penance to save many among folly. Have you not now seen the results, the
Our Lady, February 10, 1978 bad fruits that you have grown? The road to
the Red Hats and the Purple Hats.”
hell is paved by good intentions.
GATHER YOUR PRAYERS AND GRACES Jesus, December 31, 1976 “We will not tolerate division in My
“I bless you, My children, with an abundance Church. Satan knows to divide is to conquer.
of graces: graces for cure and graces for VALUE OF SUFFERING The captains always remain upon the ship,
conversion. Know that the work of My “It is only in suffering, My child, that you even when it is sinking. The strong, those
Mother will go throughout your world will learn compassion for the sufferer. The with faith, shall bail it out, the ship, keep it
without cessation. No man is above the world, My children, has forgotten the value afloat until help arrives from Heaven.”
Eternal Father. of suffering. How many graces you earn when Jesus, March 18, 1978
“In the time left before your chastisement, you make good use of your suffering and
which will come as an eventuality, you will your trials, for you have within your power
spend your time now in gathering your graces that can retrieve from purgatory many
prayers and graces for those who do not have souls who are waiting. Your acts of sacrifice
the strength of spirit to acquire these graces and sufferings may also rescue your brothers
for their own salvation.” and sisters who otherwise would fall fast into
Jesus, June 18, 1975 the abyss, for they have no one to sacrifice or HOLY HOUR
do penance for them, My child. We ask for
“WE ASK FOR MANY VICTIM SOULS” many victim souls, My child, victims for the
merciful heart of My Son, victims who will Our Lady instructed Veronica to hold a Holy Hour
“My children, many latter day saints shall each and every Sunday for the intentions of the
come out of the crisis. The Eternal Father offer themselves for the balance to mankind.” Pope and all clergy, and in reparation for the profanation
knows full well the outcome. He watches Our Lady, February 10, 1975 of the Lord's day. The weekly Holy Hour is held at
with a heavy heart. We ask for many victim 10:30 a.m.; the Vigils of prayer from 7:30 to 10:30
p.m.–both events at the Vatican Pavilion Site in
souls in the days ahead, those who will “GIVE AND ALL WILL BE GIVEN” Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, borough of Queens,
prostrate themselves before My Son on the “The Father, My child, gave you a great in the city of New York. The Apparitions continued
cross and catch the blood coming forth from reprieve upon your earth. His heart is all- until June 18, 1994, and a message was given every
Vigil that Veronica was present.
His wounds again as He is thrashed and merciful, not wishing for one to be lost. But For more information, additional copies, and a
beaten anew by mankind. My Son is being re- now the time has come to separate the sheep calendar of upcoming vigils, including a map, write
crucified by His own. from the goats. Pray much, My children. directly to:
“My children, you will keep a constant Make many acts of penance, sacrifice. Many
vigil of prayer going throughout your country victim souls are needed in the days ahead,
These Last Days, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331 1-616-698-6448 1-800-444-MARY

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