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Notebook Work!
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notebook sequence.
Task 1 Vocabulary Table synonym/ meaning antonym/ opposite
word Part of speech

Copy 1 swirling verb/adjective spinning still, unmoving

table in 2 mist noun fog

3 colossal adjective gigantic, huge miniscule, tiny
books. 4 swivel verb spin, turn on a pivot stay still
Leave a (like a door)

line 5 intently adverb attentively, eagerly absently, casually

6 swiftly adverb quickly, speedily slowly
row of
7 frightsome adjective scary, horrible wonderful, pleasant
word Part of speech synonym/ meaning antonym/ opposite
the 8 maggots noun larvae of a housefly -
table in
your 9 anguish noun agony, pain, suffering happiness
10 exasperated adjective frustrated, very annoyed calm, satisfied, happy
Leave a 11 rumpledumpus noun rumpus, ruckus, a lot of noise silence
after 12 scarlet noun/ adjective bright red colour -
13 curdblooding adjective frightening, terrifying comforting, peaceful
row of (actual word –
words. bloodcurdling)
Task 2 Frame 5 meaningful sentences by
choosing the words from your vocabulary table.

Word: intently
Meaning: attentively
Sentence from the text book: He held the jar
close to one ear and listened intently.
My sentence: The teacher moved closer to the
student to listen to him intently.
Task 3 Write the following questions
and their answers in your notebooks.

Task 4 Choose any one
question and answer it in
your notebook. Home
Notebook work! Copy Everything…………
Task 5 Reference to context
1. He leaped high in the air and swung
the net through the mist with a great
swishing sweep of his arm.
Leave a line…
a. Who is he? Check the-finger
Ans. space, spelling,
Leave a line… punctuations!
b. What is he doing?
Check the-finger
Notebook work! space, spelling,
Copy Everything………… punctuations!

2. The BFG started putting the bottles back into the suitcase.
Leave a line…
a. Why has the BFG started putting the bottles back into the suitcase?
Leave a line…
b. What were the bottles used for?
Notebook work!
Copy Everything…………
Task 6 What did they say? Find the exact words that
the character uses in the lesson. Then answer the
question in your words.
Leave a line…
1. What did Sophie say to the BFG when he told her to
be still?
Ans. ‘I haven’t moved a muscle,’ Sophie said.
Sophie told the BFG that she hadn’t moved a
Leave a line…
2. ‘Oh no!’ he cried. ‘Oh mince my maggots! Oh swipe my
swoggles!’ What question did Sophie ask after she heard
the BFG say these words?
Ans. ‘What is the matter?’ Sophie asked.
Sophie asked the BFG what the matter was.
Leave a line…
3. What did the BFG say when Sophie asked him what he
would do with the trogglehumper?
Ans. ‘I is never never letting it go!’ the BFG cried.
The BFG exclaimed that he would never never let it go.
Notebook work!
Copy Everything…………
Task 7 Cross Curricular Links
Wellness. Importance of good sleep.

1. On an average, how many hours of sleep do we require

per night?
2. Is it different for adults and children? What about
3. Research and write TWO ways to get a good night’s

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