Journal 10

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DATE: March 7-8, 2022

TIME: 4:51 - 6:53 PM, 4:30,6:32 PM


We started our session by having a little chit chat regarding her lesson. The
subject of our session is English. It is also all about “LOGICAL CONNECTORS
We answer her first activity by me giving some example first and her giving her
answer. After that we start digging into her lesson and it is all about words that is use
as a connector in order to make a good paragraphs. I discuss her lesson by making
example out of it. The logical connectors are divided into 5 parts which are
Numerical, Beginning, Continuation, Conclusion and summation. From the parts
itself you already know what is their purpose and what are they use for. After that, I
wanted to do the origami boat with her but she said she and her mother already did it
as a family bonding. I was happy for her and it reminds me of the bondings I had with
my mother. We finished our session by Praying to GOD about danielle’s mother and
her safety.

Danielle doesn’t have module today so I decided to tackle about division of

integers since we already finished the addition, subtraction and multiplication. I
explain to her the similarities between multiplication and division of integers. She ask
me what is this lesson going to taught her in the future. I replied by saying that every
part of your lesson in Mathematics will use integers. I also told her that negative and
positive is part of our daily lives because life is like a wheel, sometimes we’re up and
sometimes we’re down but that doesn’t makes us stop. Just like car, we are going to
move forward toward the future that GOD sets us up. We finished our lesson by
Praying and Thanking Him for making us a car that will continue to move forward.

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