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INGLES C. A. D. - MAYO 2014 - Tiempo: 60 min.- Diccionario: Si. - Consigne sus respuestas en Ia hoja de lectura éptica, - Lea las instruceiones para rellenar la hoja de lectura dptica antes de comenzar. - Marque claramente cada respuesta rellenando una tiniea casilla. - Los etrores no restan puntos. - Si tiene dudas consulte Tribunal. Modelo C al Let me start by thanking you all so much for inviting me to come and talk to your students about my job. I’m lucky cnough to have a profession that I really enjoy. It’s very varied; 1 work shifts and the day shift is quite different from the night shift. The day shift starts at 8 am. I have a coffee when I get in and we get a briefing from the sergeant, which is when all the officers get together to get information about what’s been happening in our area during the night. Then we get in the cars and go out on the streets. Most of the work during the day is the usual routine: traffic problems, street patrols, although occasionally we might get a robbery or something like that. We spend about six hours out and the last couple of hours back at our desks with reports. The night shift is different. You can take up a lot of time just driving round with nothing happening. Actually, it can be quite boring, but then when you get a call it usually means trouble: a fight, an accident, a fire or something even more serious. For example, last night we caught a burglar just as he was running away from a bank with all the money! It was just by chance, we were driving by the bank when we heard the alarm go off. As I said, lots of different things. I like the contact with people. What I don’t like is writing reports! 1, ;Cuil de estos titulos define mejor la informacién del texto? a. Un dia en la vida de una agente de policia. b. La rutina diaria de un médico. c. El trabajo de una enfermera. d. La dura jomada de un bombero. 2. ,Cuail de estas frases es correcta segiin el texto? a, Los dias suelen traer més problemas que las noches b. No hay apenas diferencia entre el tumo de dia y el de noche. c. Las noches suelen ser mas movidas que los dias. d. Las noches nunca son aburridas. 3. ,Cual de estas frases es correcta seguin el texto? a, Al acabar la jornada, se redinen para pasar la informacién, b. Antes de empezar la jomada tienen que escribir informes c. Antes de empezar la jornada, se retinen para recibir informacién. 4. Se escriben informes a lo largo de todo el dia, cada vez que pasa algo. 4, ;Por qué palabra/s NO se puede sustituir “Actually” (linea 9) dentro del texto? a. Really b. In truth c. In fact d. Nowadays Elija la opcién correcta que mejor complete las siguientes frase 5. What’s the correct indirect speech sentence corresponding to the following sentence? He said: “I hate lian food. Curry is too hot for me”. a. He said he hated Indian food, that Curry was too hot for him. b. He said that he hates Indian food, that Curry was too hot for him. c. He says that he hates Indian food, that Curry is too hot for him, d. He said that he has hated Indian food, that Curry has been too hot for him. 6.__ you come to my party if I invited you? a. Will b. Would ©. Should d.Can 7. Have you___to Berlin? a. still / Been B. ever / w c. ever / were d. ever / been 8. He didn’t give me instructions. _I stay or __ I go? a. Do/ don’t b. Did / did ©. Have/ have 4. Should / should 9.Doit___ slowly and ___ carefully. a.most/most b. the more /the more _c. the most / the most d, more / more 10. There is a nice cafeteria___ the train station. a. near b. near of c. near to d. next

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