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NAME: ________________ GRADE & SECTION: ______________ WEEK 9 DAY 2

1. The ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and
effectively use digital tools.
A. Information Literacy B. Media C. Media Literacy D. Technology Literacy
2. The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using
printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.
A. Information Literacy B. Literacy C. Media D. Technology Literacy
3. The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through physical objects such as
radio, television, computers, film, etc.
A. Information Literacy B. Literacy C. Media D. Technology Literacy
4. What are the similarities of media literacy and information literacy?
A. They are connected in spreading accurate and credible information with the use of different types of media for
B. They effectively used technology to enhance learning process through problem solving and critical thinking.
C. They are originated from library science, a field of study that teaches how to manage books and other
D. They participate and share knowledge to other people with the use of modern technology.
5. What are the similarities of media literacy and technology literacy?
a. Their ability is to access analyze, evaluate and create media.
b. Their ability is to separate both credible and accurate information.
c. They are giving information directly from a person who speaks in front of people like public or group
d. They are both used to spread information through technology such as gadget/appliances with internet to
communicate, troubleshoot and problem solving.
6. Which situation shows a media, information and technology literate person?
a. Mayeen uses her phone to do her assignment as she browses in google the information she needs and
evaluates it.
b. Danna goes to the library and asks the librarian to search the information she needed.
c. Dave asks his friends and classmates about the topic of his assignment and get the information from them.
d. Abegail uses her book from the school to get the information she needed for her assignment.
7. Which of the following media communication tools can be used to have speedy communication with your
friends, family and loved ones in local and in abroad?
a. FB, Messenger, IMO
b. Google, YouTube, Pinterest
c. Blog, Vlog, Waze
d. iWant, MOOC, Mozilla
8. Ynigo, a TVE-HE student search on YouTube about mixing of different beverages to create Tequila Sunrise
Cocktail, how did the information on You Tube affect communication?
a. Ynigo can get the information in You Tube in just a click.
b. Communicating using media such as FB, IMO etc are quicker than others
c. Ynigo can go to the library and search the process of mixing different beverages.
d. Ynigo can experiment on mixing different beverages until he gets the right taste.
9. Which situation shows how media and information affect communication?
a. Anna calls her mom who works as a domestic helper in Hong Kong using IMO App.
b. Madonna searches in the library about the life of the indigenous people in Zambales.
c. Danica gets information from a friend in her neighborhood about Covid-19.
d. Information are available in the internet and other forms of media anytime and anywhere.
10. Which of the following does not describe how media and information affect communication?
a. Communication becomes faster.
b. Information are available in just a click.
c. Sending letters to friends, loved ones and family via LBC.
d. Tons of information are available online and can be opened as many as you can.
11. What is the first element of information literacy?
A. Information needs B. Access to information C. Sources of information D. Communicate information
12. Which situation shows a responsible producer of information?
a. Writing an essay taken from the internet
b. Sharing information coming from a trusted website
c. Getting information from a favorite social media platform
d. Expressing feelings on social media disregarding the feelings of others
NAME: ________________ GRADE & SECTION: ______________ WEEK 9 DAY 3

I. Look at the pictures then identify them then choose from the option the age that they were
discovered/made. Write the letter only.

A. Pre-Industrial Age B. Industrial Age C. Electronic Age D. Information Age

1. laptop ___________ 6. printing press ___________

2. television ___________ 7. VR/Virtual reality ___________
3. first Apple computer ___________ 8. radio ____________
4. cave paintings ___________ 9. print on wood blocks ____________
5. blogs and vlogs ___________ 10. Social media (FB, Twitter etc.) ___________

II. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. What is new media?

a. Media technologies/equipment that were developed during information age which these media
are interactive and can send feedback simultaneously.
b. Media technologies/equipment that were developed during pre-industrial age
c. An example of these media are cave paintings, papyrus in Egypt, clay tablets in Mesopotamia
d. A person who uses video call/chat, google, messenger and other social media platforms
2. What is traditional media?
a. Media technologies/equipment that were developed pre – from industrial age to electronic age
which these media had limited experience and one directional.
b. An examples of these media are online video chat/call, wearable technology and augmented
c. It is a social media platform where one can upload or send pictures etc.
d. A person who uses online video games, google, FB messenger and other social media platforms.
3. What format/ equipment did people use to communicate with each other during pre-industrial
a. Paper and Pen and Typewriter
b. Traditional paper and writing materials
c. Telegraph, Telegram, Telephone and Computers
d. Personal computers, Mobile phones, Smart phones, Wearable technology, Social Media
4. What format/ equipment did people use to store information electronic age?
a. Printing press or books
b. Printing press or books, Computers
c. Traditional paper and writing materials, Cave paintings/stone tablets
d. Printing press or books, Digital books, Personal computers, Mobile phones, Smart phones,
Wearable technology, Social Media
5. What format/ equipment did people use to share or broadcast information during information
a. Printing press or books, Newspaper/ magazines
b. Traditional paper and writing materials, Cave paintings/stone tablets
c. Printing press or books, Computers, Radio, Newspaper/magazines, Personal computers
d. Printing press or books, Newspaper/ magazines, Television, Radio, Digital books, Websites,
Mobile phones, Smart phones, Wearable technology, Social Media

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