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Introductory Message

This module was designed, developed and reviewed to assist the

teachers and learners to meet the standards of K to 12 Curriculum while
overcoming social, personal and economic constraints in school.

The Learning resource aims to engage and guide the learners into
independent learning activities at their own pace, and to help the learners
acquire the needed 21st Century skills, taking into consideration their needs
and circumstances.

For the Facilitator/Parent:

Welcome to Health Optimizing Physical Education Grade 11 localized
In view of the current situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic,
this localized module was made with the hope that your children will
continue to learn through engaging them into guided and independent
learning activities. Furthermore, this also aims to help your children acquire
the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs
and circumstances.
As a facilitator/parent, you are expected to encourage, guide and assist your
children as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the Learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning.
You will be enabled to process the contents of this localized learning
resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this localized module:
1. Use the module with care.
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task/activity.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks/activities.
4. Finish the task/activity at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks/activities in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your parent, guardian or facilitator.
Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience a meaningful
learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You
can do it!
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1. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs)

for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of
setting in-and-out-of school - PEH11FH-la-t-8

2. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of

facilities and equipment - PEH11FH-la-t-12

3. Recognize the value of optimization one’s health through

participation in physical activity assessments - PEH11FH-ld-t-



Building muscle mass can be a simple process, although what most people
tend to forget is the time it takes to be successful. Just like trying to lose weight or
increasing your strength, it is not going to happen overnight or even over a few
weeks. You need patience, you need to be consistent and you need to remember
that everyone responds differently to exercise and nutrition, so there could be some
trial and error involved

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

a) Identify the process for your muscle and bone to gain more strength;
b) Indicate the difference between aerobic exercise and muscle and bone
strengthening exercise; and
c) Assess your level of fitness by doing muscle and bone strengthening exercise.

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Write AE in the blank if you think that the activity is Aerobic Exercise and
MBE if Muscle and Bone Strengthening Exercise. Write you answer on your
answer sheet (Intermediate pad).

__________1. Lounges __________6. Running

__________2. Dancing __________7. Push Ups

__________3. Fast Swimming __________8. Gardening

__________4. Squats __________9. Resistance Training

__________5. Heavy shoveling __________10. Zumba

Task 1: Do the fitness

Watch this video via
YouTube and make sure to do the activity as instructed. You will be needing a stable
chair, a higher platform and a rubber matt or any cloth that will prevent you to directly
lay on the floor.
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Task 2: Pick, Sum-up and Contemplate!
Based on your output from DO THIS! (Task1), you may answer the following guide
question on your answer sheet (Intermediate pad).

1. How do you classify the workout that you have made? Is it a moderate
physical activity or a vigorous physical activity? Why?
2. What did you feel when doing the exercise?
3. How often do you think you should do this kind of activity per week? Why?

There are many types of strength training out there, but how do you
determine exactly which type is right for you based on your goals? Is there a
universal way to strength train? Is one method better than another?
To answer these questions, you must first define your goals. Be specific! Don’t
simply say, “I want to lose weight,” or “It would be nice if I was stronger.”
Make a declaration with a quantifiable goal, such as “I want to lose 10 pounds
by my anniversary next month,” or “I want to be able to do a hand stand by
December,” or “Next summer, I will only jiggle where I’m supposed to!” This is going
to be your battle cry.
When you are feeling tired, or when you don’t want to work out, you have this
in your back pocket to help you do the work that needs to be done to achieve the
strength and body that you imagine when you close your eyes at night.
Here are 5 types of strength training along with who each method is
best suited for:

1. Total Body Circuit Training

What it is: This is the traditional boot camp-style workout program, such
as the P90x and Insanity programs. With this method, you will use lighter
weights in a variety of motions to work out your entire body.

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Who it’s good for: This method of training is amazing for people who are
new to weight training. The format ensures that you do not feel too sore in
any particular muscle group. This is one of the best ways to achieve
moderate weight loss over an extended period of time.
Refer back to your goals and if you want to lose 15 pounds for your
outing next summer or some other milestone, this program will help you
achieve those goals.

2. Push-Pull Training
What it is: This type of training is descriptive of the way in which your body
moves. You can break down the body into three basic movement plains: all
the muscles that push, all the muscles that pull, and everything in your
lower body. By dividing the body like this, any muscle is either working
through every movement or fully resting that day. Your muscles are in a
state of work during your workout or rest when not in use. You will divide
your workout into three different days, each day associated with a different
muscle group. Your push days will involve your chest, shoulders, and
triceps. Your pull days will work out your back, biceps, and traps. Your leg
day – don’t forget leg day – will work your entire lower body.

Who it’s good for: This is the optimal method for developing strength
throughout your entire body. This type of training is great for moderate to
advanced lifters or experienced yogis with good muscle definition. You will
see the most strength gains from this, because you are able to work your
muscles to complete exhaustion while still being able to train up to six times
a week. 

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3. Power Lifting Training
What it is: This type of strength training keeps getting more and more
popular. In many gyms, you see power racks and even some centered-on
powerlifting (i.e. Cross Fit). This is the type of strength training where you do
larger movements to incorporate more muscle. Examples of these exercises
are squats, deadlifts, snatches, and power clean. These exercises
incorporate your entire body and are excellent for a full-body workout that
will take your body strength to the next level.

Who it’s good for: This is an advanced method of strength training if you

are looking to become leaner. When you are incorporating this amount of
muscle into your workouts, you are going to see great benefits. But in the
same notion, you need to be careful because these exercises are high risk.
This type of strength training will give you the best hormonal results and
will also allow you to build more muscle and cut more fat than the other

4. Explosive Dynamic Training

What it is: This is the type of training that you will typically see athletes
doing. Along with an excellent strength training component, these exercises
also integrate a large cardiovascular component to get your blood pumping.
Examples of these exercises include box jumps, rope pulls, and lighter
weight powerlifting movements, such as squats, snatches, and cleans. While
this may appear to be similar to powerlifting at first, the difference is that
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you will be moving faster throughout your workout, allowing you to get your
cardio and strength workouts done simultaneously. Additionally, by using
lighter weights, you will do more reps. Physically, you will see improvements
in your muscular endurance while shaping and strengthening your muscles.

Who it’s good for: If you are looking to drop a lot of weight quickly, this is
the program for you. While you are training at a higher rate, your heart rate
will be high as well, which will help you shed those unwanted pounds. When
you are exercising like this, you will also notice a higher demand for muscle;
thus you will build lean mass and burn more calories at rest. Due to the
lower weight that you use in this type of exercise, the risk factor drops,
making explosive dynamic training ideal for yogis wanting to follow a
moderate strength program.

5. Muscular Isolation Training

What it is: This is the age-old weight training program in which you work
only one or two muscle groups in a day. Unlike most of the other programs,
the objective of muscular isolation is to cause muscular contraction in only
one muscle for each exercise. In this type of program, you will do exercises
such as leg extensions, concentration curls, and triceps kickbacks.

Who it’s good for: Unique to this type of exercise program is that it can be
for advanced lifters or beginners. This type of exercise is good for you if you
are looking to develop particular muscle groups further, such as targeting
your booty or arms to achieve a particular desired look.

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Key points:

Motion – motion is the phenomenon in which an object changes its position

over time. Motion is mathematically described in terms of displacement, distance,
velocity, acceleration, speed, and time.

Gym – a place or club where you can go

to exercise using machines, weights, and other equipment

Isolation – movements that target a specific muscle group and make use of

only one joint like the biceps in a bicep curl, whereas a compound exercise utilizes
multiple muscle groups and joints.

Task 3:
List down 10 exercises or workout related to muscle and bone strengthening
that is familiar to you. Make it sure that the benefits of physical activities are as
 Change body composition
 Improve balance
 Improved appearance
 Decrease the chances of osteoporosis
 Ability to do more strenuous work

Write down your answer on your answer sheet (Intermediate pad).

_________ 1. __________ 6.

_________ 2. __________ 7.

_________ 3. __________ 8.

_________ 4. __________ 9.

_________ 5. __________ 10

Congratulations for finishing the entire task included in this module. I hope you learn
more from here. Kindly share to us you’re learning experience by completing the
sentences below: Write your answer on your answer sheet (Intermediate pad).

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I have learned that ________________ ________________ ______.

I have realized that ________________ _________________ _____.

I will apply _____________ _________________ _______________.

Task 4:
Multiple choice: Mark a check on the Answer column if it suits the correct
answer for the question.

Note: Single, multiple or no answers for this activity is possible. You can use videos
(YouTube) as reference if you are not familiar with the exercise terminologies.

Copy the template and write ONLY the answer on your answer sheet
(Intermediate pad).

Question Choices Answer

1. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a 350 lbs. deadlift
B. Power Lifting Training
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
2. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a push up, sit-ups,
B. Power Lifting Training
lounges, and planking done in 20
seconds with 15 seconds rest C. Push-Pull Training
interval classified?
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
3. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a dumbbell bicep curl
B. Power Lifting Training
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
4. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
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training is a 12 repetition of wide B. Power Lifting Training
and closed push up classified?
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
5. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a 6 second full wave
B. Power Lifting Training
battling rope classified?
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
6. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is 10 lbs. by 8 repetitions of
B. Power Lifting Training
bench press classified?
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
7. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a 4 lbs. 10 repetition
B. Power Lifting Training
triceps extension classified?
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
8. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a 10 lbs. 8 repetition
B. Power Lifting Training
shoulder military press classified?
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
9. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a 50 meter full sprint
B. Power Lifting Training
C. Push-Pull Training
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training
10. In what type/s of strength A. Total Body Circuit Training
training is a full battling rope wave,
B. Power Lifting Training
burpees, mountain climbers, and
high knees done in 15 seconds with C. Push-Pull Training
10 seconds rest interval classified?
D. Explosive Dynamic Training
E. Muscular Isolation Training


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8fit, Sara @. 2018. Compound vs. Isolation Exercises: Benefits and

Differences. May. Accessed July 17, 2020.
Beginner, No Equipment Full Body Workout |. 2016. No Equipment Full
Body Workout | Beginner. September 25. Accessed July 17, 2020.
Dictionary, Cambridge. 2020. Cambridge Dictionary. Accessed July 17,
Hun, Cornell. 2014. November 4.
Accessed July 17, 2020.
Spring, Nathan. 2014. Nathan Spring Personal Training and Fitness
Specialist. Accessed July 17, 2020.
Wikepedia. 2020. Motion. Accessed July 17, 2020.

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