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1. Why study health and safety?

Wisely managing risks is the key to workplace health and safety, which will
safeguard both your employees and your company. A strong leadership approach
that involves your managers, employees, suppliers, contractors, and customers
defines good health and safety management. Health and safety are also a crucial
component of the drive for sustainable development on a global scale.

Additionally, there are advantages to why it is being studied; it is morally right

because it has to do with the safety of both employers and employees. Worker
productivity and efficiency might increase if they perceive that emphasis has been
focused on their safety and health as well. To the employers, having a health and
safety plan in place will reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring on the job site,
improving the company's image in the eyes of both investors and other employees.

2. Importance of safety

Every personnel in the industry understands the importance of workplace safety as

everyone wants to work in a secure environment. All industries must prioritize
health and safety in order to increase the wellbeing of both employers and
employees. The employer has a legal and moral obligation to ensure the safety of
its employees.

Nowadays, occupational health and safety regulations are crucial for the welfare of
both employees and employers since human mortality is unfathomable and
unbearable. Such damages or losses might cause significant financial harm to the

Public Policy relative to occupational illness is expressed in laws such as the Labor
Code of the Philippines, DOLE's Occupational Safety and Health Standards and
the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 US

3. Explain the three categories of workplace accidents

a. Employee Error
 Errors such as poor situational judgment
 Interference from others
 Unsuitable working circumstances
 Deliberately utilizing damaged equipment

b. Equipment Insufficiency
 Use of inappropriate apparatus
 Safety devices being removed or inoperative
 Absence of protective clothing

c. Procedure Insufficiency
 Failure to follow the steps for generating danger warnings
 Inadequate methods of processing materials

4. Explain at least five (5) major health related problems in organizations

and the ways to eliminate or at least minimize job stress

4.1. Skin Diseases – illnesses involving the workers’ skin that are caused by
work exposure to chemicals, plants and other substances
4.2. Respiratory Conditions – it is associated with breathing hazardous agents,
chemicals, dust, gasses or fumes at work. This can lead to tuberculosis,
occupational asthma, etc.
4.3. Poisoning – this may include abnormal concentration of toxic substances in
the circulatory system of the body, caused by breath or ingestion.
4.4. Lower Back Disorders – this may be caused by engaging in activities such
as lifting, carrying and pulling objects.


4.5. Job Site Stress – stress can have ill health effects in various aspects, stress
may affect also the performance of the employees that can lead to poorly or
low productivity and morale.

5. Who are involved in safety and health problems and explain why
 Human resources professionals

Create and assess different employee wellness, training, and safety and health
incentive programs, among others. They are also liable for ensuring that health and
safety regulations are followed.

 Managers / Employers

Must highlight safety throughout new employee introduction and by regularly

reminding their staff of its significance. Ensure that employees are doing their
duties safely. Investigate incidents to stop similar ones from happening again.

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