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Judelyn P.



1. What is the value of the network on a college campus? Consider students,

faculty, and staff perspectives in your answer.

 A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share
resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic
communications. Everyone in Quinnipiac university are connected with one
another on the same platform through a network. This is where they can have
their personal spaces which were linked together in the campus.
a) As for students, they use network for a better communication between
one another and to their teachers as well. It also helps them look for
additional resources for their lessons. Networks allows them to be aware
of their campus issues that are currently on talked without personally
visiting their campus.
b) For faculty members and staffs, it allows them to send announcements
and other important information to their students. For faculty, they use
networks also for communication with their students regarding necessary
matter on their subjects. They also use it to assign school works and
recording their lessons as well.

2. What might be some of the tangible and intangible costs of having the
internet down for three days on a busy college campus?

 For a busy college campus, having internet down for three days can really cause
chaos hardship for everyone.
Tangible cost includes having students limited access to subject resources. They
will be having hardship on looking for study materials where they used to search.
As a result, they need to buys books that they will be needed which can cause
them spending more money and time efforts.
On the other hand, intangible cost may be having loss of productivity that may
cause them some delay of works for students and for staffs as well. This may
also cause them some class disruption for those who were having an online

3. What benefits would an intrusion prevention system offer to the end users
on campus [e.g., faculty, staff, and students]?

 Having to use an IPS will give extra protection from denial of service attacks and
protection from many critical attacks such as malware, trojans, phishing and
block threats that may damage your network.
For everyone in the whole campus, it helps maintain regulatory compliance and
meet security regulation as it provides greater visibility across the entire network.
Fewer security incidents. Wile connected units typically do not notice any
changes, the IPS ensures less disruption for university systems and a reduced
number of security incidents.

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