Reports and Indices RRP 2022

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RRP 2022 – Reports & Indices Ready Reckoner
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RRP 2022 – Reports & Indices Ready Reckoner




Sl. No. Topic Page No.

1. Reports and Indices (International) 1 – 40

2. Reports and Indices (India) 41 – 50

3. NITI Aayog Indices 51 - 58 Page 2


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Reports and Indices (International)

1. Global Gender Gap Report 2021

Index Global gender gap index

Prepared By World Economic Forum (WEF)

Economic participation and opportunity

Educational attainment
Components Political empowerment
Health and survival

Released Annually
140 in 2021
India Rank
112 in 2020
Total Countries 156


2. Global Social Mobility Index 2020

Prepared By World Economic Forum (WEF)

5 Key dimensions
1. Health
2. Education
3. Technology
4. Work
5. Resilience & Institutions Page 1


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India rank 76

Total countries 82
 Released for the first time
 Social Mobility is the upward or downward
movement of an individual in personal
circumstances in relation to their parents.
 Denmark ranks the first followed by Finland,
Norway, Sweden and Iceland.
 The fourth industrial revolution has created
several social inequalities.
 India is among the five countries that stand to
gain the most from a better social mobility score.

3. The Global Competitiveness Report 2020

Index The Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)
Prepared By World Economic Forum (WEF)
103 indicators organised into 12 pillars.
Socio-economic elements like institutions,
Components infrastructure, ICT adoption, macroeconomic
stability, health, skills etc
Released Annually
68 in 2019
India Rank
58 in 2018
Total Countries 141
 The Global Competitiveness Rankings 2020 have
been paused in the wake of the COVID-19
pandemic and challenges brought by it to the
 India ranks high in terms of macroeconomic
stability and market size
 With a ratio of female workers to male workers of
0.26, India has been ranked very low at 128th
 The 2020 edition of the report has been stalled in
the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, WEF
has come up with a special edition of the same
report that analyses historical trends on factors
Observations of competitiveness as well as the latest thinking
on future priorities.

2020 Special Edition

 It aims to support the recovery strategies of policy-
makers, calling for a holistic approach, encompassing
several policy areas and establishing synergies across
different reform objectives. Page 2


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 The special edition does not provide country rankings,

due to missing data from various international
organizations as well as the need for new thinking
regarding the economic recovery after the COVID-19
 As such, it lays the foundations for a new direction to
support policymakers and other leaders to define how
to "build back better".
 Thematic areas that are the key building blocks of an
economy: Enabling Environment, Human Capital,
Markets, and Innovation Ecosystem.

4. Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report

Index Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index

Prepared By WEF
 Enabling environment,
 Travel and tourism policy and enabling
Components conditions,
 Infrastructure, and
 Natural and cultural resources.
Released BIENNIALLY (once in two years)
34 in 2019
India Rank
40 in 2017
Total Countries 140
India’s growth has been mainly driven by its rich
natural &
Observations cultural resources and the strong price
competitiveness observed by the tourists in the

5. Global Energy Transition Report 2021

Index Global Energy Transition index

Prepared By WEF

Ability to balance energy security and access with

Components (Basis)
environmental sustainability and affordability.

Released Annually
87th in 2021
India Rank 74 in 2020
76 in 2019
Total Countries 115 Page 3


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 India improved in energy transition through the

subsidy reforms and by increasing energy access with
a regulatory environment and strong political
 Sweden tops the index. It is followed by Norway and
 Further, China has been ranked 67th on the index.
Observations India and China collectively account for a third of
global energy demand. However, their improvement
level is strong over the past decade even though coal
continues to play a significant role in their energy
 Progress in energy access and environmental
sustainability is strong, but economic growth
challenges remain.

6. Global Risks Report 2022

Prepared By WEF
Released Annually
It examines risks across five categories: economic,
environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological.
 Impact of Covid-19: The societal and environmental risks
have worsened the most since the start of the pandemic.
 “Social cohesion erosion”, “livelihood crises” and “mental
health deterioration” are three of the five risks seen as the
most concerning threats to the world in the next two years.
Apart from this, it has significantly contributed to “debt
crises”, “cybersecurity failures”, “digital inequality” and
“backlash against science”.
 The most serious challenge persisting from the pandemic
is economic stagnation.
 Environmental Risks: “Extreme weather” and “climate
action failure”—appear as top risks in the short-, medium-
and long-term outlooks.
Observations  Governments, businesses, and societies are facing
increasing pressure to transition to net-zero economies.
 Geopolitical and Technological Risks: In the longer-term
horizon, geopolitical and technological risks are of concern
too—including “geoeconomic confrontations”, “geopolitical
resource contestation” and “cybersecurity failure”.
 International Risks: Artificial intelligence, space
exploitation, cross-border cyberattacks and misinformation
and migration and refugees were rated as the top areas of
international concerns.
 Growing insecurity in the forms of economic hardship,
worsening impacts of climate change and political
persecution will force millions to leave their homes in Page 4


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search of a better future.

 The prospect of 70,000 satellite launches in coming
decades, in addition to space tourism, raises risks of
collisions and increasing debris in space, amid a lack of

7. Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Markets: INDIA

Prepared By WEF in collaboration with Bain & Company

 The 2017 study focused on China
 In 2018, the focus was on India
 In 2020 the focus on ASEAN
This is a multi-year project, focuses on the
evolution of consumption in emerging markets
that comprise more than 40% of the world’s
 This report builds on in-depth consumer surveys
conducted across 5,100 households in 30 cities
and towns in India, covering all key demographic
 The report highlights the most significant
implications for businesses that aim to thrive in
India over the next decade.
 It also lays out a call to action for all stakeholders
in India’s growth to build an inclusive future for

With respect to ASEAN

 The world’s next economic powerhouse. With a GDP
growth rate that is third only to India and China,
Observations ASEAN is expected to grow by an annual 4% over the
next decade, making this region the world’s fourth-
largest economy.
 Four mega-forces will drive the future of consumption
1. Favorable demographics
2. Rising income levels
3. Shifts in global geopolitics and local regulations
4. Digital tailwinds
 Business, government and policy-makers will have
increasing influence in the marketplace to guide the
region towards a sustainable consumption future.
 COVID-19 is the first of many trials that will add
uncertainty – and expose the weaknesses that need to
be addressed.
 The private sector will need to embrace stakeholder
capitalism by prioritizing consumer relationships and
put sustainability higher on the agenda. For their part,
the public sector will need to create trade and investor-
friendly reforms, invest in socio-economic inclusion
through talent development and upgrading
infrastructure for a connected and sustainable future. Page 5


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8. Regional Risks for Doing Business 2020

Prepared By WEF
 Globally, the top five were: unemployment;
spread of infectious diseases; fiscal crises; cyber-
attacks; and profound social instability.
 ‘Unemployment’ is the main concern for
executives globally, followed by ‘infectious
diseases’ that progressed by 28 spots to emerge
as the second-most recurring risk, according to
the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) interactive
map on ‘Regional Risks for Doing Business
 Fiscal crisis the top concern in 2019 came in
third among the top risks cited by business
leaders globally.
 ‘Infectious diseases’ progressed by 28 spots,
appearing in the top-10 risks in all regions
except South Asia, in a year where the COVID-19
pandemic dominated global health concerns.

9. Future of Jobs Report 2020

Prepared By WEF
 Four specific technological advances: universal
high- speed mobile internet; artificial
intelligence; widespread adoption of big data
analytics; and cloud technology—are set to
dominate the 2018–2022 period as drivers.

Key findings of the report

The automation and new division of labour
between the Machines and humans will be the
major reason for disruption of jobs in the next five
 The redundancy in workforce will decrease
from 15.4 % to 9 percentage.
 The covid-19 economic crisis has accelerated the
disruption of jobs.
 Around 43 percentage of businesses all over the
world have reduced their work force due to
integration of Technology.
 Around 41 % of businesses in the world are
using contractors for task specialized work.
 Around 31 percentage of the businesses in the
world are planning to expand their workforce due
to integration of Technology.

India Observations Page 7


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 An overreliance on automation is expected to

shrink job creation in India.
 However, loss of jobs can be countered by
reskilling, and by creating new opportunities
 Fourth Industrial Revolution also brings
tremendous opportunities to leapfrog many
stages of development

10. Inclusive Development Index 2018

Prepared By WEF

Growth and development Inclusion

Inter-generational equity and sustainability

Released Annually

India Rank 62 in 2018

Total Countries 103 economies

Of three pillars that make up index, India was

Observations ranked 72nd for inclusion, 66th for growth and
development and 44th for inter-generational equity.

11. Ease of Doing Business Report, 2020

Index Ease of Doing Business INDEX
Prepared By World bank
 Starting a Business
 Dealing with Construction permits
 Electricity availability
 Property registration
 Credit availability
 Protecting minority Investors
 Paying Taxes
 Trading across borders
 Contract enforcement
 Resolving Insolvency
Released Annually
63 in 2019
India Rank
77 in 2018
Total Countries 190
India improved 14 spots in the ranking
India’s ranking improved basically on four parameters:
 Starting a Business
 Dealing with Construction Permits Page 8


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 Trading across Borders

 Resolving Insolvency
 India continues to maintain its first position among
South Asian countries
 Report will now include Kolkata and Bengaluru,
besides Delhi and Mumbai

12. Global Financial Development Report 2019 / 2020

Prepared By World bank
Bank Regulation and Supervision a Decade after the
Global Financial Crisis
 Developing countries have increased their minimum
capital requirements to help curb risks, but greater
information disclosure and supervisory capacity are
 Effective regulation and supervision need to harness
the power of market discipline to curb excessive
risk-taking by private parties.
 Bank regulations need to be compatible with
incentives, but designing and enforcing
such regulations are complex tasks.
 Less complex regulations may mean more effective
enforcement by supervisors and better monitoring by
 Globalization and technological change are
important trends that make it even more challenging
to provide effective oversight of banks. Page 9


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13. South Asia Economic Focus, 2020

Prepared By World bank

Title “Beaten or Broken? Informality and Covid-19”

 It predicts that the extended closure of schools

amid the Covid-19 pandemic could reduce
India’s future earnings by between 420 billion
USD and 600 billion USD.
 This is so because depleted learning levels of
students will translate into poorer productivity.
 Labour productivity will also take a greater hit
from Covid-19 than most previous natural
 GDP: The regional GDP of the South Asia region
is estimated to contract by 7.7% in 2020. India’s
GDP can contract by 9.6% in 2020-21.
 Around 5.5 million students could drop out of
schools across South Asia.

14. Human Development Report 2020

Index Human development index
 Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index
Other Indices of UNDP HDR  Gender Development Index (GDI),
 Gender Inequality Index (GII) and
 Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
The next frontier Human development and
the Anthropocene
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since
Prepared By
 A long and healthy life.
Components  Access to knowledge.
 A decent standard of living
131 in 2020
India Rank
129 in 2019
Total Countries 189
 The report stated that since 1990, the HDI value of
India has increased to 0.645 from 0.429, registering
an increase of over 50%.
 During the same period, the life expectancy at birth
in India rose by nearly 12 years, while mean years of
schooling witnessed an increase of 3.5 years.
 During this while, the expected years of schooling
also rose by 4.5 years. Moreover, during this period,
GNI per capita of India also increased, registering a
rise of nearly 274%. Page 10


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15. Climate Risk Index, 2021

Prepared By German watch

Analyses to what extent countries have been

Basis affected by the impacts of weather-related
weather loss
events (storms, floods, heat waves etc.,)

Released Annually

India Rank 7th Rank in 2021 5th in 2018

 Most affected: Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and the

Bahamas were respectively the top three
 Monsoon in India: In 2019, the monsoon
continued for a month longer than normal in
Observations India. 110% of the long- period average was
recorded, between June to September 2019.
 Flooding caused by heavy rain was responsible
1,800 deaths and led to the displacement of 1.8
million people.

16. Corruption Perception Index 2020

Prepared By Transparency international
 It is a composite index that draws from 12
surveys to rank nations around the globe.
 It is also based on expert opinions of public
sector corruption

Basis Other factors

 Whether governmental leaders are held to
account or go unpunished for corruption
 The perceived prevalence of bribery
 Whether public institutions respond to citizens’
needs. Page 11


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Released Annually
85th in 202o
India Rank
86 (India Slipped 6 places from 80 in 2019)
Total Countries 180
 India scored 86th in the ranking in 2020. In 2019,
India was ranked 80th. According to the report, the
journalists in India are facing severe risks. Also, the
activists are becoming victims of police attacks,
corrupt local officials, criminal gangs, political
 The report also says that the organizations that are
talking against the government are targeted with
sedition, defamation, security, regulation of foreign
funding, contempt of court charges and hate
 Around 86% of the countries showed little or no
Observations improvement since 2012. India was one among them.
India was in 94th position in 2012.
 Denmark topped the index followed by Denmark, New
Zealand. Their scores were around 88.
 Asia Pacific: Around 70% of the countries in the
region were ranked below 50. However, the dominant
players China and India scored badly. Sri Lanka was
the only country whose performance did not improve
as compared to 2012.
 Seychelles and Armenia made biggest improvement in
increasing their scores.
 Italy, UK, Argentina, Austria, China have improved
their scores.

17. Democracy Index 2020

Prepared By Economic intelligence unit
Title “Democracy in sickness and in health?”
Released Annually
53 in 2020
India Rank
51 in 2019
Norway is the most democratic nation in the world
ranking at 1 in Democracy Index 2020; while North
Korea was ranked at the bottom at 167.
The percentage of the world’s population living in full
democracy has increased from 5.7 percent in 2019 to
8.4 percent in 2020. Page 12


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India Specific
India is as categorised as a ‘Flawed Democracy’ in the
Democracy Index 2020.
The score was at a peak in 2014 (7.92) and has dropped
to 6.61 in 2020. In the past, India had secured the rank
of 27 in the Democracy Index.

18. Emissions Gap Report 2021

Prepared By United Nations Environment Programme

 It informs that the new national climate
pledges combined with other mitigation measures put
the world on track for a global temperature rise of
2.7°C by the end of the century.
 Following an unprecedented drop of 5.4 % in
2020, global carbon dioxide emissions are bouncing
back to pre-COVID levels, and concentrations
of Green House Gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere
continue to rise.
 The long-term net-zero emissions pledged by 50
countries, covering more than half of global emissions
show large ambiguities.
 Few of the G20 members' NDC targets put emissions
on a clear path towards net-zero pledges.
 There is an urgent need to back these pledges up with
near-term targets and actions that give confidence
that net-zero emissions can ultimately be achieved
and the remaining carbon budget kept.
 Reduction of methane emissions from the fossil fuel,
waste and agriculture sectors can contribute
significantly to closing the emissions gap and reduce
warming in the short term.
 Carbon market can deliver real emissions abatement
and drive ambition, but only when rules are clearly
defined, designed to ensure that transactions reflect
actual reductions in emissions, and supported by
arrangements to track progress and provide
transparency. Page 13


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19. Global Diplomacy Index 2019

Prepared By Sydney-based Lowy Institute.

India Rank 12

Total Countries 61
 China now has more diplomatic posts across the
world than United States in 2019.
 US still remains (by a wide margin) the most
Observations popular place for countries to maintain
embassies and consulates.
 As of 2019, India has 123 embassies and high
commissions and 54 consulates globally

20. World Talent Ranking-2021

International Institute for Management Development
Prepared By
Components Investment and development, appeal and readiness.

Released Annually
56th in 2021
India Rank 62nd in 2020
59th in 2019
Total Countries 63
 Europe has dominated the ranking in 2021. Global
top 10 countries are from this region.
 Switzerland has retained its top spot. India has been
ranked at 56th position. In the Middle East & North
 UAE maintained its second position, following Israel
(first in this region).
 Israel has been ranked 22nd. Page 14


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21. World Energy Outlook, 2021

International energy agency IEA) is an inter-
governmental organization of OECD

Prepared By
The 2021 report signaled pressure on governments to
push for greater climate action at the Conference of
Parties (COP26) summit (in Glasgow, UK).
 Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind,
hydropower and bioenergy, need to form a far bigger
share in the rebound in energy investment after the
coronavirus pandemic.
 World is not investing enough to meet future energy
needs, and the uncertainties are setting the stage for
a volatile period ahead.
 Demand for renewables continues to grow. However,
this clean energy progress is still far too slow to put
global emissions into sustained decline towards net
zero by 2050, which the IEA believes will help limit
Observations the increase in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees
 Initially IEA supported continued investment in fossil
fuels. However it has gradually moved toward a “more
distinct tone urging decision makers to
mitigate climate change
 More than 40% of the required emissions reductions
would come from measures that pay for
themselves, such as: Improving efficiency, limiting gas
leakage, or installing wind or solar in places where
they are now the most competitive electricity
generation technologies.

22. Global Hunger Index-2021

Prepared By Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide
 Undernourishment reflects insufficient caloric
 Child Wasting: The share of children under the age of
five who are wasted (low weight-for-height), reflecting
acute under nutrition.
 Child Stunting: The share of children under the age of
five who are stunted (low height-for-age), reflecting
chronic under nutrition.
 Child Mortality: The mortality rate of children under
the age of five. Page 15


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Released Annually
101st/107 in 2021
India Rank 94/107 in 2020
102/117 in 2019
Total Countries 116
 Based on current GHI projections, the world as a whole -
and 47 countries in particular - will fail to achieve a low
level of hunger by 2030.
 Worsening conflict, weather extremes associated with
global climate change, and the economic and health
challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic are all
driving hunger.
 Inequality - between regions, countries, districts, and
communities - is pervasive and, left unchecked, will keep
the world from achieving the Sustainable Development
Goal (SDG) mandate to “leave no one behind”.
 Africa, South of the Sahara and South Asia are the world
regions where hunger levels are highest. Hunger in both
regions is considered serious.
Observations  Indian Scenario
 India has slipped seven places to rank 101 among 116
countries. The level of hunger in India was ‘serious’
according to the report.
 It ranked fourth among South Asian countries.
 Only 15 other countries ranked below India on the Index.
 Bangladesh (76), Nepal (76) and Pakistan (92) have fared
much better than India on the index.
 In 2020, India ranked at 94 among 107 countries on the
 India’s score on the Index in the recent two decades has
declined by 10 points.
 Globally, India ranked among the worst in ‘child wasting’
or ‘weight for height’. Its performance was worse than
Djibouti and Somalia.

23. World Economic Outlook 2022

Prepared By International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Released Twice a year
 Global economic growth will decrease by half a percentage
point less than it was forecasted earlier.
 The growth will decrease from 5.9% in 2021 to 4.4% in
2022. It will further reduce to 3.8% in 2023.

India’s Growth
 According to IMF forecast, India will grow at 9% in 2021-
2022. In October 2021 estimate, IMF had estimated India’s Page 16


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growth prospects at 9.5% for the year. IMF now projects

9% growth for India’s economy in 2022-23. In October
assessment, growth was forecasted at 8.5% in 2022-23
and 7.1% in 2023-24.
 India’s prospects for 2023 is estimated based on expected
improvements to credit growth. Furthermore, investment
and consumption are building on better performance of
the financial sector.

23. World Economic Outlook 2022

Prepared By International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Released Twice a year

 Global economic growth will decrease by half a
percentage point less than it was forecasted earlier.
 The growth will decrease from 5.9% in 2021 to 4.4%
in 2022. It will further reduce to 3.8% in 2023.

India’s growth
 According to IMF forecast, India will grow at 9% in
2021-2022. In October 2021 estimate, IMF had
estimated India’s growth prospects at 9.5% for the
year. IMF now projects 9% growth for India’s
economy in 2022-23. In October assessment, growth
was forecasted at 8.5% in 2022-23 and 7.1% in
 India’s prospects for 2023 is estimated based on
expected improvements to credit growth.
Furthermore, investment and consumption are
building on better performance of the financial

24. The State of World’s Children Report 2021

Prepared By UNICEF
Released Annually
On My Mind: promoting, protecting and caring for children’s
mental health
 Around 14 percent of 15 to 24-year-olds in India, or 1 in
7, reported often feeling depressed or having little interest
in doing things.
 Almost 46,000 adolescents die from suicide each year,
among the top five causes of death for their age group.
 More than 1.6 billion children have suffered some loss of
education. Page 17


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 Meanwhile, wide gaps persist between mental health

needs and mental health funding. The report finds that
about 2 per cent of government health budgets are
allocated to mental health spending globally.

25. Global Investment Trend Report 2022

United Nation UNCTAD Conference on Trade and
Prepared By
 FDI flows across developing economies increased by
30 per cent. It reached to around USD 870 billion. In
East and South-East Asia, growth accelerated by 20
per cent. This recovery is close to pre-pandemic
levels in Latin America and the Caribbean.
 FDI flows to South Asia decreased by 24 per cent. In
2021, it reached to USD 54 billion as compared to
USD 71 billion in 2020.
 FDI flows to South Asia decreased by 24 per cent. In
2021, it was measured at USD 54 billion as against
USD 71 billion in 2020.
 In United States, FDI increased by 114 per cent to
USD 323 billion. Also, the cross-border M&As almost
tripled to USD 285 billion.
 Out of total increase in global FDI flows in 2021,
around three quarters or USD 500 billion was
recorded in developed economies.
FDI flow in India and China
 FDI Flows to India decreased by 26 per cent because
large M&A deals recorded in 2020 were not repeated.
While in China, FDI increased by 20 percent to USD
179 billion. It was driven by strong services FDI. Page 18


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26. World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2021

International Institute for Management
Prepared By
Development (IMD)
Ranking based on the digital exploration skills of
the economies
 Knowledge – The capacity of the economy to
understand and learn new technologies
 Competence – How well an economy competes
with other countries to develop new digital
 Future readiness of the economy for the coming
Released Annually
46 in 2021
India Rank 48 in 2020
44 in 2019
Total Countries 64
 The US and China see radically divergent strategies
for digital transformation across business,
government and society – latest research from the
IMD World Competitiveness Center reveals
 The US tops the global rankings for digital
Observations competitiveness 4 years running, while China has
surged 15 places in that time
 By regional competitiveness, Eastern Asia has
outstripped North America and Western Europe with
investment in science education, research, robotics,
and high-tech exports

27. Ethnologue (Directory of Languages)

As per Ethnologue, ‘GDI’ is the probability that any
two people of country selected at random would
have different mother tongues
 Value ranges from: 0-1,
 ‘0’ indicates no diversity i.e. Everyone has same
mother tongue and
 ‘1’ indicates total diversity i.e. No two people will
have same mother tongue.
Prepared By SIL international Page 19


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 Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea,

Country in Oceania has highest number of
‘living’ indigenous languages in world (840)
 India stands fourth in list with 453 languages.
 Languages by Region– Asia (2303) and Africa
(2140) account for highest number of
indigenous languages (over 70% of total), Pacific
(1322) and Americas
 The year 2019 is designated as United Nations’
International Year of Indigenous Languages.

28. Working on A Warmer Planet

Working on a Warmer Planet – The Impact of Heat
Stress on Labour Productivity and Decent Work
Prepared By International Labour Organisation (ILO)
 India will be the most affected country
primarily because of its large population
 The major impact would be on agriculture and
construction sectors of the country.
 It projects that India would lose 5.8% of working
hours in 2030 due to global warming.
 Heat stress: is defined as generally above 35
degrees Celsius (or 95 Fahrenheit), in places
with high humidity.
 These projections by ILO are based on a global
temperature rise of 1.5 degree Celsius by end of
21st century and labour force trends.

29. World Population Prospects 2019

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-
Prepared By
 World population is projected to increase by another
2 billion people by 2050 i.e. From 7.7 billion in
2019 to 9.7 billion by 2050
 India is projected to surpass China as world’s most
Observations populous country in just eight years i.e. By 2027.
 This year’s WPPP’s presents population estimates
and projections describe 2 out of 4 demographic
megatrends– population growth and ageing other
being migration and urbanization. Page 20


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30. QS World University Rankings 2022

Prepared By QS Group in collaboration with Times Higher Education
 India’s tally in the top 200 universities hasn’t changed for
the fifth straight year.
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of the US is
the top university for the 10th consecutive year.
 The University of Oxford (UK) has risen to second rank for
the first time since 2006, while Stanford University (US)
and the University of Cambridge (UK) share third spot.
 Asian Institutions: Singapore’s National University of
Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, and
China’s Tsinghua University and Peking University, are the
only Asian universities in the global top 20.
 Indian Institutions: Overall, there are 22 Indian
institutions in the top 1,000 list compared to 21 in
Observations the 2021 Rankings, with the Indian Institutes of
Technology (IITs) in Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur and
Madras making major strides in rankings.

India’s Performance:
 Indian universities have improved their performance on
academic reputation metric and research impact, but
continue to struggle on the teaching capacity metric.
 No Indian university ranks among the top 250 for faculty-
student ratio.
 Poor performance on teaching capacity is not because of
any drop in hiring, but rather an increased student intake
mandated by the government to implement reservations
for economically weaker sections.

31. World Investment Report 2021: UNCTAD

United Nation (UNCTAD) Conference on Trade and

Prepared By

Based On FDI inflow

 FDI in 2020: India’s FDI rose 27% to $64 billion in a year
when global investment flows shrank 35% to $1 trillion.
 India, China and Hong Kong were among the countries
saw a rise in 2020.
 FDI outflows from South Asia fell 12% to USD 12 billion,
due to a drop in investment from India.
 India ranked 18 out of the world’s top 20 economies for
FDI outflows, with 12 billion dollars of outflows recorded
from the country in 2020 as compared to 13 billion
dollars in 2019. Page 21


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32. Global Peace Index (GPI) 2021

Prepared By Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP)
Level of societal safety and security extent of ongoing
Components domestic and international conflict degree of
Released Annually
135 in 2021
India Rank 139 in 2020
141 in 2019
Total Countries 163
 India has moved up by two position from its last year’s
ranking. It has become 135th most peaceful country
while, 5th in South Asia region.
 Bhutan and Nepal are first and second most peaceful in
this region.
 Bangladesh was 91th out of 163 countries across the
world while being 3rd in South Asia.
 Sri Lanka slipped by 19 position to become 95th peaceful
country while, 4th in South Asia region.
 Pakistan witnessed the most improvement in peacefulness
with 150th rank globally and 6th in South Asia region.
 Iceland is most peaceful country worldwide since 2008.
 Iceland is joined by other top countries like Denmark,
New Zealand, Portugal and Slovenia.

33. SDG Gender Index: India Ranked 95

Prepared By Equal measures 2030

51 indicators across 14 of 17 official Sustainable

Development Goals

India Rank 95
Total Countries 129
 The global average score of 65.7 out of 100 (means
 Till date no country has fully achieved
Observations commitment about gender equality.
 India’s overall score was 56.2 which means that it
is among 43 countries that fall in the ‘very poor’
category. Page 22


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34. World Competitiveness Rankings 2021

International Institute for Management Development
Prepared By
Economic performance Infrastructure Government
efficiency Business efficiency
Released Annually
43 in 2021
India Rank 43 in 2020
43 in 2019
Total Countries 64
 India maintained 43rd rank on an annual World
Competitiveness Index
 The European countries display regional strength in
world competitiveness ranking with Switzerland (1st),
Sweden (2nd), Denmark (3rd), the Netherlands (4th).
 Asia: The top-performing Asian economies are, in
order, Singapore (5th), Hong Kong (7th), Taiwan (8th)
and China (16th).
 India's Performance: In Comparison to BRICS
Nations: Among the BRICS nations India ranked
second (43rd) after China (16th), followed by Russia
(45th), Brazil (57th) and South Africa (62nd).
 Performance on Four Factors: Among the four
indices used, India’s ranking in government
efficiency increased to 46 from 50 a year ago, while
its ranking in other parameters such as economic
performance (37th), business efficiency (32th) and
infrastructure (49) remained the same.

35. Human Capital Index

Prepared By World Bank as part of the Human Capital Project
Basis child mortality, health and education
1. Survival
2. Expected years of Quality-Adjusted School
Components 3. Health environment using two proxies of (a)
adult survival rates and (b) the rate of stunting
for children under age
Index took into account parameters like child
mortality, health and education+ The pandemic
puts at risk the decade’s progress in building
human capital. Page 23


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According to the report, more than 1 billion

children are out of school amid the covid-19.
Pandemic has increased income inequality
116 in 2020
India Rank
115 in 2019

36. Global Drug Survey 2021

Global Drug Survey an independent research
Prepared By
 COVID-19 provided an opportunity for communities
to learn and to consider how to make things –
including drug use – safer for everyone.
 We identified which drugs were consumed more
Observations frequently (weed, benzos and opioids) and which
drugs were consumed less frequently (MDMA and
 Tobacco, Alcohol and Cannabis were among the
most common drugs used by Indians
Total Countries 157
Broader theme of this year is-COVID-19 Special

37. ILO Report: Gender Diversity Good for Business and Economy

Women in Business and Management: The business

case for change.

Prepared By International Labour Organization (ILO)

Global survey conducted by ILO of about 13,000
companies across 70 countries. It also analyzed data
from 186 countries from a period between 1991
and 2017
 Companies that improve gender diversity (i.e.
equitable representation of people of different
genders) especially in their management perform
Observations  Growing number of women at top made it easier
for company to attract and retain talent.
 Effective gender inclusivity they improved in
creativity, innovation and openness and enhanced
their company’s reputation. Page 24


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38. Rise 2020 Report (Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy)

Prepared By World Bank Group

Global inventory of policies and regulations that
support achievement of SDG 7 (electricity access,
energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean
Energy access, renewable energy, and energy
Scores are grouped into 3 categories based on a
“traffic light” system:
 Green for highest third of scores (67 – 100),
 Yellow for middle range (34 – 66)
 Red for lowest scores (0 – 33)
It will be updated every two years and an upcoming,
complementary joint World Bank and International
Energy Agency (IEA) report – Global Tracking
Framework – will track how countries are performing
on sustainable energy goals.

39. Food Sustainability Index (FSI) 2018

Economist Intelligence Unit and Barilla Centre for Food

Prepared By
& Nutrition Foundation (BCFN)

Global study on nutrition, sustainable agriculture

Basis and food waste

Three broad categories:

1. Food loss & waste,
2. Sustainable agriculture and
3. Nutritional challenges.

Total Countries 78
 Food waste is a global issue that affects countries
across the income spectrum, while food loss still
affects low-income countries more acutely.
 In countries performing best in this pillar, food loss is
less of an issue than food waste, with strong policy
responses being put in place to tackle the problem.
Observations  Countries in the top 20 and across the FSI are setting
food waste targets and starting to measure food waste
more systematically, but many could still expand their
set of actions and make better use of the legislation,
market-based instruments and voluntary agreements
in a complementary way. Page 25


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40. Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI)

Prepared By OECD
Restrictions on foreign entry and the movement of
people, barriers to competition, regulatory
Basis transparency and other discriminatory measures
that impact the ease of doing business
22 sectors
Total Countries 45 economies (36 OECD and the rest non-OECD)

Provides information on regulations affecting trade

in services in 22 sectors across all OECD member
countries and Brazil, the People’s Republic of China,
Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Russian
Federation, and South Africa.
India has found problems with the current method
The index seems to show the Indian services sector
as one of the most restrictive, particularly in policy
areas like foreign entry. It reflects a developed
country bias. Page 26


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41. Multidimensional Poverty Index 2021

UNDP and
Prepared By
Oxford Poverty and Human development initiative
Deprivations of countries across
 Education: years of schooling and child
Components enrolment.
 Health: child mortality and nutrition.
 Standard of living
Released Annually

India’s Rank 66

Total Countries 109

 1.3 billion people across 109 countries live in acute
multidimensional poverty.
 Out of 1.3 billion people, 644 million are children
(below the age of 18); whereas 105 million people are
old (above the age of 60).
 Nearly, 85 percent of multi dimensionally poor people
live in Saharan Africa or South Asia.
 84 percent of these poor people live in rural areas.
 67 percent and more of the total multi dimensionally
poor population, live in middle-income countries.
Indian Scenario
 Scheduled Tribe group in India, which accounts for
9.4 percent of the population, is poorest. Out of 129
million people, 65 million are living in
multidimensional poverty.
 Out of 283 million scheduled caste group people, 94
million are living in multidimensional poverty.
 In all, five out of six multi dimensionally poor people
live in households whose head is from a Scheduled
Tribe, a Scheduled Caste or Other Backward Class

42. Financial Secrecy Index

Tax Justice Network, an independent international
Prepared by
Ranks jurisdictions according to their secrecy and
scale of their offshore financial activities every two
It examines how intensely the country’s legal and
financial system allows wealthy individuals and
criminal to hide and launder money.

Observation Cayman Islands rank first, India ranks 47/133. Page 27


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43. “Report titled Estimates of impact of COVID

19 on global poverty”

Prepared by UN University
due to lockdown 400 million workers in informal
sector lose their jobs, decline in wages and quantity
Observations of work in rural areas
Reduced source of income for people
Increase in out-of-pocket
pocket expenditure

44. Report titled “Shared Responsibility, Global solidarity”

Prepared by UN Secretary General

A call to action for the immediate health response
Observations required to tackle the many social and economic
dimensions of crisis.

45. ILO Monitor: COVID

COVID-19 and World of Work

Prepared By ILO
Hardest hit sectors were accommodation and food
services, manufacturing, wholesale, and retail trade.
Observation Earnings of informal workers decline by 60%
Women are over represented in high risk sectors. Page 28


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46. From the Great Lockdown to the Great Meltdown: Developing Country
Debt in the Time of Covid-19

Prepared By UNCTAD
The Covid-19 shock is posing unprecedented
challenges to advanced country governments. But, if
the challenges are huge in advanced economies,
they are enormously more daunting in developing
High and rising developing country indebtedness

47. Global Energy review report 2021

Prepared by International Energy Agency

 Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
are on course to surge by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021
driven by in the resurgence of coal use in the power
 Global energy demand is set to increase by 4.6 per
cent in 2021, led by emerging markets and developing
economies, pushing it above its 2019 level.
 Demand for all fossil fuels is on course to grow
significantly in 2021, with both coal and gas set to
Observation rise above their 2019 levels.
 Oil is also rebounding strongly but is expected to stay
below its 2019 peak, as the aviation sector remains
under pressure.
 Renewables are set to provide 30 per cent of
electricity generation worldwide in 2021.
 China is expected to account for almost half of the
global increase in electricity generation from
renewables, followed by the US, the European Union
and India.

48. Energy Transition Index Report 2021

Prepared by WEF
The index benchmarks 115 countries on the current
performance of their energy systems across three
 Economic development and growth
 Environmental sustainability
 Energy security and access indicators — and their
readiness to transition to secure, sustainable,
affordable, and inclusive energy systems. Page 29


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 The top 10 countries in the index are Western and

Northern European countries.
 Sweden is in the first position followed by Norway
(2nd) and Denmark (3rd).
 Other countries in the top 10 are Switzerland (4),
Austria (5), Finland (6), the United Kingdom (7), New
Zealand (8), France (9) and Iceland (10).
Observation  China (68) and India (87), which collectively account
for a third of global energy demand, have both made
strong improvements over the past decade, despite
coal continuing to play a significant role in their
energy mix.
 India has targeted improvements through subsidy
reforms and rapidly scaling energy access, with
a strong political commitment and regulatory
environment for the energy transition.

49. International Comparison Programme

Prepared by World bank

To produce comparable volume measures of GDP
Basis and its expenditures based on Purchasing power
In 2017, India third largest economy and accounted
for 6.7% of global GDP in PPP
Observation PPP of Indian Rupee was 20.65$.
India is second largest economy in Asia Pacific
accounting 20.83% of regional GDP.

50. World Investment Report

Prepared By UNCTAD

FDIs are expected to fall sharply from 2019 levels of

$1.5 trillion
India is among the five largest recipients of FDI.
India is the biggest FDI host in South Asia
Singapore largest source of FDI in India. US as
largest flow of FDI.

51. UN World Water Development Report, 2021

Prepared by UNESCO on behalf of UN water

Title Valuing Water

The current status of water resources highlights the
need for improved water resources management.
The report groups current methodologies and
approaches to the valuation of water into five Page 30


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interrelated perspectives:
 valuing water sources, in situ water resources
and ecosystems;
 valuing water infrastructure for water storage,
use, reuse
or supply augmentation;
 valuing water services, mainly drinking water,
sanitation and related human health aspects;
 valuing water as an input to production and
economic activity, such as food and agriculture,
energy and industry, business and employment;
 other sociocultural values of water, including
recreational, cultural and spiritual attributes

52. State of the World’s Forest Report 2020

Forests cover 31% of the global land area
Area of naturally regenerating forests decreased
since 1990 Asia had highest net gain of forest area
18% of forest worldwide is in protected areas
Observation 10% forests dedicated to biodiversity conservation.
Total carbon stock decreased from 668 giga ton in
1990 to 662 in 2020. Between 2015 and 2020 rate
of deforestation has decreased. Agricultural
expansion is main reason for deforestation.

53. Report “Gender, Climate and Security”

UNEP, UN women, UNDP and UN DEPTT of political

and peace building affairs

54. Cooling Emissions and Policy Synthesis Report


Observation Kigali amendment could avoid up to 0.4 degree

warming by 2100. Coordinated action on energy
efficient and climate friendly cooling could avoid 460
billion tons of GHG emissions.
Increased demand for cooling is contributing to
emissions of HFC, CO2 and black carbon. Page 31


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55. Global Nutrition Report (GNR), 2021

100 stakeholders spanning governments Published by

Prepared By WHO

aid donors, civil society, UN and businesses + report

Components card on world’s nutrition—globally, regionally, and
country wise + efforts
 At the current rate of progress, the global nutrition
targets will not be achieved by 2025 globally and in
most countries worldwide.
 The Covid-19 pandemic is impeding
progress towards achieving the global nutrition
 An estimated additional 155 million people have
been pushed into extreme poverty globally, while
people with diet-related chronic diseases experience
worse Covid-19 outcomes.
 The previous decade has seen little progress in
improving diets, and a quarter of all deaths among
adults are attributable to poor diets.
 No region is on track to meet the Sustainable
Development Goals aimed at limiting health and
environmental burdens related to diets and the food

Observation India
 India has made no progress on anaemia and
childhood wasting.
 Over half of Indian women in the age group 15-49
years are anaemic.
 There has been a rise in anaemic Indian
women since 2016 from 52.6% to 53% in 2020.
 Over 17% of Indian children under 5 years of age are
 India is also among 23 countries that have made no
progress or are worsening on reducing ‘childhood
 Over 34% of children under 5 years of age are still
 India is among 53 countries ‘on course’ to meet the
target for stunting.
 The country is among 105 countries that are ‘on
course’ to meet the target for ‘childhood overweight’. Page 32


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56. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2020

Released by UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Theme Protection and Human rights

 Victims are targeted when they are vulnerable
and the COVID-19 economic recession will
result in more people at risk of trafficking
 In 2018, for every 10 victims detected globally,
about five were adult women and two were
Observation girls.
 The most vulnerable groups, even in wealthy
nations, are those suffering the most during
the Pandemic Recession.
 India ratified United Nations Convention against
Transnational Organised Crimes, 2000.

57. World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) 2022

UNCTAD, UN DESA and 5 other UN Regional

Prepared By
Economic Commissions

Components publication on expected trends in global economy

 After expanding by 5.5 per cent in 2021, the global
output is projected to grow by only 4.0 per cent in
2022 and 3.5 per cent in 2023
 The robust recovery in 2021 – driven by strong
consumer spending and some uptake in investment,
with trade in goods surpassing pre-pandemic levels
— marked the highest growth rate in more than four
 Momentum for growth – especially in China, the
United States and the European Union – slowed
considerably by the end of 2021, as the effects of
monetary and fiscal stimuli began to recede and
major supply-chain disruptions emerged.
 Rising inflationary pressures in many economies are
posing additional risks to recovery.

58. "State of Food Security and Nutrition In The World" 2021

FAO, International Fund for Agriculture, UN Children’s
Prepared By
Fund World Food Programme and WHO
 As per study, there is a significant decrease in
affordability of healthy food because of loss in income.
 Covid-19 pandemic led to an additional 141 million
people being unable to afford healthy diet because of loss Page 33


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of income and rising food price

Observation  As the 2020 ended, global consumer food prices were
highest in six years which continued to increase in first
four months of 2021.
 Cost of healthy diet was 60 percent more than diet that
meets “requirements for essential nutrients”.
 In 2020, 2.37 billion people couldn’t access adequate
food. This figure has increased by 320 million people as
compared to 2019 figure.
 One in three people worldwide couldn’t access adequate
food in 2020.
 12 per cent of global population faced severe food

59. Greenhouse Gas Bulletin 2021

Prepared By WMO
Reports on atmospheric concentrations of
greenhouse gases
 Abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere reached a new record again in the
year 2020.
 Annual rate of increase was above the 2011-2020
 Report notes that, the trend has continued in 2021.
 Concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) increased to
413.2 parts per million in 2020. It accounted for
Findings 149% of the pre-industrial level.
 Methane (CH4) accounted for 262% and nitrous
oxide (N2O) accounted for 123% of 1750 levels,
when human activities started disrupting the
natural equilibrium of Earth
 Report notes that, economic slowdown due to
COVID-19 did not have any impact on the levels of
greenhouse gases and their growth rates. However,
there was a temporary decline in new emissions Page 34


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60. Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), 2022

German watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action
Prepared By
CCPI looks at four categories, with 14 indicators:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (40% of the overall score),
Renewable Energy (20%), Energy Use (20%), and
Climate Policy (20%).


India retains 10th position in 2021

Indian Rank
India ranked 10th, improving from previous 11th
Total Countries 60
 Scandinavian countries lead the way in climate
protection, together with Morocco and the United
Kingdom. Leaders Denmark, Sweden,
and Norway occupy ranks four through six in the new
Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2022
 Norway stands out as the only country to be awarded a
‘very high’ rating in this category.
 Australia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South
Korea are among the worst performers
 From the G20 countries, only the EU, along with the UK
and India, rank among the high performers, while six
G20 countries are very low performers.
 Hungary and Slovenia are this year’s worst-performing
EU countries.
 India retains its 10th place in the ranking and is a high
performer except for its rank in the renewable energy
category, where it is rated ‘medium’. The country still
benefits from its relatively low per capita emissions. Page 35


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61. Pneumonia and Diarrhoea Progress Report 2020

Prepared By 'International Vaccine Access Centre (IVAC)

Even though vaccine coverage significantly improved
in India
India has achieved the global target of 90% coverage
Observation for three of the five vaccines whose coverage is
monitored in the report.

62. Global Water Monitor & Forecast Watch List

Prepared By by I Science (US based limited liability Corporation)

analyses global water anomalies using observed

temperature & precipitation
Water deficits will increase and intensify in India in

63. Inclusive Wealth Report 2018

Prepared By UN Environment & partners

Released Biennial
It evaluates the capacities and performance of the
Components nations around the world to measure sustainability
of economy and wellbeing of their people.
The Inclusive Wealth (IW) in 135 countries was
higher in 2014 compared to the level in 1990.
Observation This implies an average growth rate of 1.8% per year
(However, during the same period (1990-2014) global
GDP growth per year was 3.4%)

64. Lancet Countdown 2020 Report

Promoted By Lancet Countdown on health and climate change
The 2020 report presents 43 indicators across five
sections: climate change impacts, exposures, and
vulnerabilities; adaptation, planning, and resilience for
health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits;
economics and finance; and public and political
The changing climate has already produced considerable
shifts in the underlying social and environmental
determinants of health at the global level
Observation The changing climate has downstream effects, impacting
broader environmental systems, which in turn harm
human health. Page 36


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Global food security is threatened by rising

temperatures and increases in the frequency of extreme

65. Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Report, 2020

Released By OECD
Unique cross-country measure of discriminatory social
institutions, that are formal and informal laws/practices
which restrict women’s rights and access to
empowerment opportunities.

Climate of India during 2021

Prepared By Indian Meteorological Department

 Year 2021 was the fifth warmest year in India since
country-wide records started in India in 1901.
 India reported a loss of 1,750 lives because of
extreme weather events in 2021.
 Maharashtra was the most adversely affected state,
with 350 deaths.
 Among extreme weather events, lightning &
thunderstorms was responsible for highest 787
lives followed by floods, heavy rains, and
landslides, causing deaths of 759 people.
 Cyclones was responsible for 172 deaths in
different states in 2021.

Global Cyber security Outlook 2022

Prepared By WEF
 In 2021, the ransom ware attacks have increased by
151%. Each organization faced 270 cyber-attacks
on an average.
 59% of the cyber leaders believe that there is not
difference between cyber resilience and cyber
security. It is not so. Cyber security is providing
protection to the computers, data storages and
internet. Cyber resilience is anticipating and
adapting to cyber-attacks.
 There is no anticipation component in cyber
security. It is an overall protection. Cyber resilience
knows its enemy. And cyber security doesn’t. Page 37


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Global Economic Prospects

Prepared By World Bank

 Global economic growth will decrease sharply to
4.1% in 2022 and 3.2% in 2023, from 5.5% in 2021.
 It also flagged the risks posed by rising inflation and
growing inequality.
 It noted that, after having recovered in 2021, global
economy is headed towards “pronounced
slowdown”, because of new Covid-19 variants,
Findings increasing inflation, debt & income inequality,
reducing fiscal & monetary support and decreasing

 It projects India’s annual growth to be 8.3% in the
fiscal year 2021-2022, 8.7% in 2022-23, while 6.8%
in 2023-24.

World Inequality Report 2022

Published By World Inequality Lab

 The poorest half of the global population “barely
owns any wealth” possessing just 2% of the
total, whereas the richest 10% of the global
population own 76% of all wealth.
 The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are
the most unequal regions in the world, whereas
Europe has the lowest inequality levels.
 Women’s share of total incomes from work (labour
income) was about 30% in 1990 and is less than
35% now.
 Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis that
followed hit all world regions, but it hit them with
varying intensity.

 India stands out as a poor and very unequal
 The top 1% of the population hold more than one-
fifth of the total national income in 2021 and the
bottom half just 13%.
 The economic reforms and liberalization adopted by
India have mostly benefited the top 1%. Page 38


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The Changing Wealth of Nations 2021

Published By World Bank

Countries 146
Gross domestic product, human capital, human-
produced capital, and natural capital such as renewable
& non-renewable natural resources to measure the
Human capital was the largest source of worldwide
wealth. In the year 2018, it comprised of 64 per cent of
total global wealth.
Middle-income countries increased their investment in
human capital as a result, their share of global human
capital wealth increased significantly
In South Asia, human capital accounts for 50 per cent of
total wealth in the region.
Electricity Market Report

Prepared By International Energy Agency

Published Bi-annual
 Countries are largely turning to fossil fuels for
meeting the increase in electricity demand, as
Covid-19 lockdown restrictions are lowering down.
 Global electricity demand increased by 6% year-on-
year in 2021. It was the steepest year-on-year
increase recorded by the IEA since 2008 financial
 Global energy intensity decreased by 1.9% year-on-
year. This drop was only half as compared to the
level required to lay foundation for net-zero by
 In 2021, the electricity generation from renewables
increased by 6% year-on-year. Generation from coal
was increased by 9%. This increase was led by
markets like China and India, where coal served as
greater than half of the increase in demand.
 There was an increase of 2% in gas-fired
generation. This increase resulted into a 7% year-
on-year increase in emissions from power sector. Page 39


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State of the climate in Asia2020

Published By UN’s World Meteorological Organisation

Published Annually
In 2020 floods and storms affected around 50 million
people in Asia, causing about 5,000 fatalities.
sustainable development is threatened because health
risks, food & water insecurity, and environmental
degradation is increasing.
Increased heat and humidity are forecast will also lead to
an effective loss of outdoor working hours in Asia.
Several weathers and climate-related displacements
across Asia are prolonged. People are unable to return
home or integrate locally.

Cost of Living Index 2021

Published By The Economic Intelligence Unit

Cities 173 cities

The index bench marks the prices against the prices in
New York. Thus, the cities with currencies that are
stronger than the US Dollars appear higher in the
Tel Aviv is the world’s most expensive cities. It was
followed by Paris in second place and Singapore in third
In 2020, Paris was the most expensive city according to
the index.
Overall, the upper rankings were dominated by developed
Asian cities and European cities.
The lowest rankings were occupied by cities in Africa,
Middle East and less wealthier parts of Asia.

None of the Indian cities topped the first 20 ranks.
However, Tokyo of Japan, Shanghai of China topped in
first twenty ranks. Page 40


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Reports and Indices (INDIA)

1. State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 (First Launched In 2018)

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in association
Released By
with Alliance for Energy Efficient Economy.
The report tracks the progress of Energy
Basis Efficiency initiatives in 36 states and Union
Karnataka is the top performer.
Karnataka and Rajasthan are included in front
runner category
6 states in achiever category
Rajasthan and Maharastra are the most improved
The outcomes of 5 distinct sectors were studied
Indicators namely industry, buildings, transport,
municipalities, Discoms and agriculture.
Significant improvement in outcome-based
indicators such as adoption of EE and energy
State Energy Conservation Fund (SECF) has been
established in 32 states and UTs.

Additional Information:
 The Index categorises states as ‘Front Runner’,
‘Achiever’, ‘Contender’ and ‘Aspirant’ based on
their efforts and achievements towards energy
efficiency implementation.
 For peer comparision of states' performance, states
are grouped into 4 categories based on their Total
Final Energy consumption (TFEC).

2. India State of Forest Report (ISFR)

Forest Survey of India(FSI), MoEFCC
Starting 1987, 16 assessment have been
Released By
completed so far. ISFR 2021 is the 16th report in
the series.
Published Two years once Page 41


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 increase in area of forest and tree cover by

1540 in past two years
 Forest cover constitutes 21.71% of countries
geographical area
 In terms of forest cover as percentage of total
geographical area, the top five States are
Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh,Meghalaya,
Manipurand Nagaland.
 In terms of area wise Madya Pradesh has
largest cover followed by Arunachal Pradesh,
Chattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra.
 Telangana, Andra Pradesh and Odisha are top
three states in showing highest increase in
forest cover.
 The mangrove cover in the country has
 Forest carbon stock has also increased to 7204
million tonnes.

3. Good Governance Index 2021

Index Launched on Good Governance Day (December 25)

Dept of Administrative reforms and Public
Released by Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public grievance
and Pensions
The GGI takes into consideration ten sectors:
1. Agriculture and Allied Sectors,
2. Commerce &Industries,
3. Human Resource Development,
4. Public Health,
5. Public Infrastructure & Utilities,
6. Economic Governance,
Basis 7. Social Welfare & Development,
8. Judicial & Public Security,
9. Environment and
10. Citizen-Centric Governance.

These ten Governance Sectors are measured on

total 58 indicators.
3 categories namely
Group A states- Tamil Nadu 1st
Rankings Group B states- Madya Pradesh 1st
North East and hill states- Himachal Pradesh 1st
union territories – Delhi 1st Page 42


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4. India Corruption Survey 2020

Local Circles, a social media firm and the
Released By
Transparency International India.
Survey conducted in 20 states across the country.
56% citizens of the country had paid bribes,
according to the 2018 survey. The reduced
percentage of citizens is 51%
Delhi, Haryana, Gujarat, West Bengal, Kerala, Goa
and Odisha turned out to be the states where citizens
reported low instances of corruption
Rajasthan, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand and Punjab were
the states where citizens reported higher instances of
Rajasthan tops corruption chart in India, followed
by Bihar and UP.
Kerala is one of the least corrupt states.

5. Water Quality Report

Released By BIS (Bureau of India Standards)

To check on the quality of piped drinking water
Basis provided in the cities, especially in the state
 Organoleptic and Physical Tests,
 Chemical test,
 Toxic substances and Bacteriological tests in the
first stage.
The report is in line with the Jal Jeevan Mission
that was launched to provide clean and safe
drinking water to all by 2024.
Observations  InDelhi,allthe11samples drawn from various
places did not comply
 All the 10 samples drawn from Mumbai were
found to comply with the requirements. Page 43


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6. Crime in India Report 2020

Released By National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Home Ministry

 Civil conflicts like communal riots, agrarian riots,
caste riots increased by 12%.
 Registered cases of crime against women
decreased by 8.3%
 Murder cases marginally increased by 1%.
 Environmental related offences increased by 78%
 Rate of cyber crime(incidence per lakh
population) increased to 3.7% from 3.1% in
 Offences against state dropped by 27%.
 Top three states in crime rate are Tamil Nadu,
Kerala and Delhi
 Bottom three states are Sikkim, Manipur,

7. Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat 2019

Released By QCI – Quality Council of India.

Inspected the station premises for presence of
different forms of waste such as stain, stagnant
water, litter and excreta frequency of cleaning
Rankings Jaipur was ranked first, followed by Jodhpur

 It is a cleanliness survey
 The North Western Railway zone was awarded the
Observations cleanest railway zone of 2019
 Southern Railways dropped five places. IT slipped
to 7th position from 12th position in2018.

8. Ease of Living Index 2020

Released By Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs (MoH & UA)
Pune ranked first among 116 cities with
population of 1 million plus. (2018 Rankings)
Rampur in Uttar Pradesh was ranked worst.
2020 – Bengaluru has emerged as the best city on
ease of living parameters among 49 million plus
The Ease of Living Index (EoLI), 2020 aims to
assess the ease of living of citizens across three
Observations pillars:
 Quality of Life,
 Economic Ability Page 44


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 Sustainability and resilience

 Citizen’s Perception Survey – introduced in 2020

The Municipal Performance Index (MPI) was launched

as an accompaniment to the Ease of Living Index
The four pillars of EoLI are expanded across 49
indicators that are examined under these 14

9. Swachh Survekshan League, 2021

6 Edition of the Annual Cleanliness Survey

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs First edition

Released By
in 2016

It is a cleanliness federalism. Survey that helps in

 Indore and Vita are India’s Cleanest City under 'more
than 1lakh' and ‘less than 1 lakh’ population
 Varanasi emerged as the ‘Best Ganga Town’
 Ahmedabad Cantonment won the title of ‘India’s
Cleanest Cantonment’,
 In the category of ‘Fastest Mover’, Hoshangabad
(Madhya Pradesh) emerged as the ‘Fastest Mover City’
 In the State awards, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
emerged as the ‘Cleanest State’ in the category of
Rankings “more than 100 Urban Local Bodies” and “less than
100 ULBs category” respectively.
 Karnataka and Mizoram became the ‘Fastest Mover
States’ in the more than 100 ULBs and less than 100
ULBs state category respectively.

A new category of award called PrerakDaaur

Samman” is being introduced which is awarded to
five cities – Indore, Surat, Navi Mumbai, New Delhi
Municipal Council and Tirupati were categorized as
‘Divya’ (Platinum).
 Segregated Collection
Indicators  Processing and Disposal
 Sustainable sanitation Page 45


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10. City Liveability Index

Released By Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs (MoH & UA).

Basis Measure’s quality of life in 100 smart cities,

79 parameters (57 core indicators and 22

supporting indicators) are based on four broad
pillars: physical (weightage 45%), institutional
(25%), social (25%) and economic (5%).

 It will cover cities with a population above one

million, including the capital cities.
 The index will help cities to analyse where they
stand in terms of the quality of life.

11. First National Nutrition Survey 2019

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with the help

Released By
of UNICEF conducted between 2016 and 2018.

 Micro nutrient deficiencies

 Sub clinical inflammation
Indicators  Worm infestation
 Overweight or obesity
 Cardio – metabolic risks
The survey measured the malnutrition for the first
One in five children in the age group 5 to 9 years
were stunted for the first time proved the
coexistence of obesity and under nutrition.

Observations Page 46


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12. Residex Or Residential Index

Launched in July, 2007
Released By National Housing Bank (NHB).

13. Financial Inclusion Index Launched in 2018

Department of Financial Services (DFS), Ministry of
Conceptualized By
a measure of access and usage of a basket of
formal financial products and services that
includes savings, remittances, credit, insurance and
pension products
Eas of Access (weightage 35%)
Availability and usage of service (weightage 45%)
Quality of service (Weightage 20%)
The annual FI-Index for the period ending March
2021 is 53.9 as against 43.4 for the period ending
March 2017.
The single composite index gives a snapshot of the
level of financial inclusion that would guide the
macro policy perspective.
It enables fulfilment of G20 Financial Inclusion
Indicators requirements.
Observation It will also facilitate researchers to study the impact
of financial inclusion and other macro-economic

14. State of the Education Report for India 2021

Released By
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and UNESCO
No Teacher, No class
 There are nearly 1.2 lakh single-teacher schools in
the India of which 89% are in rural areas.
 Tripura has the least number of women teachers
 The proportion of teachers employed in the private
sector grew from 21% in 2013-14 to 35% in 2018-
Observations 19.
 The overall availability of computing devices
(desktops or laptops) in schools is 22% for all India.
 Gross enrolment ratio for elementary schools has
increased from 93.03 in 2018-19 and stands at
102.1 in 2019-2020.

15. National Institutional Ranking Framework 2020

Released By Ministry of Education.

Basis It ranks best institutions and universities of India Page 47


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IIT Madras has retained the1st position in the list

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru tops the
University as well as Research Institution category
introduced for the first time in India Rankings
Rankings 2021.

IIM Ahmedabad tops in Management subject

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
occupies the top slot in Medical
Teaching, Learning and Resources
Research and Professional Practice
Graduation Outcomes
Outreach and Inclusivity
Pe er Perception.
The ranking is necessary for transparency and
healthy competition.

16. National Annual Rural Sanitation Survey 2019-20 (3rd EDITION)

Independent Verification Agency (IVA) -third-party

Prepared By
survey under the World Bank support
Reduction in prevalence of open defecation Sustain
ODF status in villages
Increase in population with solid and liquid
waste management
NARSS 2019-20 was the third edition of the survey
The primary objective of the survey was to measure
the Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) in
Observations Round-3 against the earlier round of NARSS survey.
The NARSS Round3 DLI report is intended to work
as a reference point for the World Bank project
support to the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen).

17. Ease Reforms Index

Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and Boston Consulting
Prepared By
Measures the performance of each PublicSector Banks
Basis (PSB) on EASE (Enhanced Access and Service
Excellence) Agenda
Smart lending for aspiring India,
Tech enabled ease of banking
Themes Institutionalizing prudent banking
Governance and outcome centric HR
Deepening FI and customer protection
The Public Sector Banks (PSBs) have shown a healthy

PSB reported profit for the FY21 after fiver years of Page 48


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loss Reduction in GNPA

Average EASE 3.0 Index improved from 44.2 to 59.7
The State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda and Union Bank
were felicitated for being the top three in the ‘Top
Performing Banks’forPSBreformsEASE3.0.
Indian Bank won the best improvement from baseline

18. Fiscal Performance Index

Prepared by Confederation of Indian Industry(CII)

It assesses the quality of budgets presented by the

centre and stategovernments
Revenue Expenditure, Capital Expenditure,
Components Revenues, Fiscal Prudence and the level of Public
Financial performance of states with low-income
levels is better than those with higher income.

19. Impact of energy efficiency measures for 2019-20 report

Bureau of Energy
By Renewable (Mo Power and New
The overall objective of the study is to assess the
impact of all the energy efficiency schemes or
programmes in India in terms of total energy saved
and reduction of CO2 emissions during FY 2019-20.
Adoption of energy efficiency scheme led to
1. Thermal energy saving of 15.59Mtoe(million ton
of oil equivalent)
2. Monetary saving of 1.1lakh crore
3. CO2 emission reduction by 177 Mn ton of the
total energy Saved
Observation 1. PAT scheme contributed to 62.6% of total
energy savings.
2. Ujala scheme contributed 30% of total energy

20. Report “Assessment of climate change over the Indian region”

Ministry of Earth Sciences

First ever attempt to document and assess climate
change in India Page 49


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Average temperature risen around 0.7 degree

Celsius from 1901-2018
Summer monsoon rainfall declined by 6% between
1951- 2016
Flood increased since 1950
Sea level rise increased to 3.3 mm per year between
Observation 1993- 2017
Frequency of very severe cyclone during post
monsoon season has increased.

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2021

Published By Pratham foundation

Provides report on schooling status of children in the
About age group of 5-16 age across rural India including the
ability to do basic reading & arithmetic tasks.
Increase in proportion of children enrolled in govt
schools in between 2018 and 2020. Enrolment
increased from 64.3% to 65.8%. But in 2021, enrolment
suddenly increased to 70.3%.
Enrolment rate in private schools has decreased as
compared to last year. In 2020, enrolment rate was
28.8% which decreased to 24.4% in 2021.
In 2021, 73.1% school respondents received training to
implement Covid-19 prevention measures.
Even though availability of smartphones increased to
67.6% in 2021 as compared to 36.5% in 2018, around
79% of children in private schools had smartphone at
home as opposed to 63.7% children in government
Number of school-going children taking tuition
increased by 40% during closure of their schools.
52% of the respondents cited financial distress caused
by covid-19 pandemic as the reason of increase in
enrolments in government school. Page 50


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NITI Aayog Indices

Key Performance Indices by NITI Aayog

 Composite Water Management Index
 School Education Quality Index (SEQI)
 Index of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs)
 Agricultural Marketing & Farm Friendly Reforms Index
 Ease of Doing Agriculture Index
 SDG India Index
 India Innovation Index 2020
 Healthy States, Progressive India: Health Index 2019

1. Composite Water Management Index

 The CWMI is an important tool to assess and improve the performance of
States/ Union Territories in efficient management of water resources.
 This has been done through a first of its kind, water data collection exercise, in
 with Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation and
all the States/ Union Territories
 CWMI aims to enable effective water management in Indian states in the face of
this growing crisis.
 NITI Aayog has ranked all states in the index on the composite wate water
 comprising 9 broad sectors with 28 different indicators

States Performance in CWMI 2.0:

 Gujarat was ranked first in the reference year (2017
18), followed by Andhra
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Page 51


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 In North Eastern and Himalayan States: Himachal Pradesh was adjudged

number 1 in 2017--
 18 followed by Uttarakhand, Tripura and Assam
 Union Territories: They have for first time submitted their data. Puducherry
was declared as the top ranker.
 In terms of incremental change in index (over 2016-1717 level), Haryana holds
number one
 position in general States and Uttarakhand ranks at first position amongst
North Eastern and Himalayan States. Page 52


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2. School Education Quality Index (SEQI)

 First edition released in 2019.
 The goal of the School Education Quality Index (SEQI) is to institutionalize a
focus on improving education outcomes (learning, access, equity) in India.
 It evaluates the performance of States and Union
 Territories (UTs) in the school education sector.
 index consists
ists of 30 critical indicators that assess the delivery of quality
 States/UTs were ranked on their overall performance in reference year 2016
17, as well as on change in performance between reference year and base year
(2015- 16).

Index Composition:

States Performance:
 Among 20 large States, Kerala was ranked first for overall performance on the
quality of school education while Uttar Pradesh came in last.
 Among smaller States, Manipur emerged as the best performer, while
Chandigarh topped the list of Union Territories.
 West Bengal has refused to participate hence not been included in the
rankings. Page 53


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3. Index of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)

 A Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is an agricultural extension centre in India.
 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs), one in each district (in select large districts two)
are the only gateway of front-line technology dissemination at district level in
 It is 100% funded by the government of India through a central sector scheme
implemented by
 KVKs are important both in terms of financing and also the delivery.
 Agriculture Vertical developed a performance monitoring index to measure
performance of KVKs as institutions of frontline extension against select
indicators in consultation with ICAR.

Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to

agricultural practices through farmer education. The field of 'extension' now
encompasses a wider range of communication and learning activities organized for
rural people by educators from different disciplines, including agriculture,
agricultural marketing, health, and business studies

The index comprises 20 indicators divided among four sub-heads, namely,

 Capacity building & training,
 Technology assessment and dissemination,
 Sustainable agriculture, and
 Infrastructure, administrative & reporting.

4. Agricultural Marketing & Farm Friendly Reforms Index

 It was launched in 2016
 NITI Aayog has launched this index to rank States & UTs based on
implementation of seven provisions
 Proposed under model APMC Act, joining e-NAM initiative, special treatment to
fruits and vegetables for marketing and level of taxes in mandis. This indicator
reveal ease of doing agribusiness as well as opportunities for farmers to benefit
from modern trade and commerce and have wider option for sale of her/his

AMFFRI has a score that can have:

1. Minimum value “0” implying no reforms
2. Maximum value “100” implying complete reforms in the selected areas.
 No state in the country has implemented the entire
 Set of market reforms Page 54


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States Performance:
 Maharashtra achieved the first rank.
 Gujarat ranks second with a score of 71.5 out of 100, followed by Rajasthan
and Madhya Pradesh

5. Ease of Doing Agriculture Index – Draft Index

 A draft index to measure status of agriculture friendliness among states has
been prepared by NITI Aayog, it ranks the states on the same basis.
 Ranking based on measures taken towards making farming an attractive
business proposition particularly for the farmer in the State.
 The indicators are categorised into the sub-indices related to States’
Investment in Agriculture & Allied Sectors, Land and water, Raising
Productivity, Farmers income catalysts, Reforms for Modernisation,
Infrastructure Development, and Risk Management.

6. SDG Index 2020 (SDG 2021 Launch has been Delayed)

 SDG India Index which intends to provide a holistic view on the
social, economic and environmental status of the country and its
 NITI Aayog has prepared the SDG India Index spanning across 17
SDGs with 54 targets
 NITI Aayog has given India an overall score of 60 points, driven
mostly by progress in clean energy and sanitation (88); peace,
justice and strong institutions (72); and affordable and clean
energy (70).

The States Were Classified Under 4 Categories Based on Their Scores


States Performance
 Himachal Pradesh ranks high on providing clean water & sanitation, in
reducing inequalities & preserving mountain ecosystem
 Kerala’s top rank is attributed to its superior performance in providing good
health, reducing hunger, achieving gender equality & providing quality
 Chandigarh leads because of its exemplary performance in providing clean
water & sanitation, affordable & clean energy, generating decent work &
economic growth, & providing quality education
 No state is under Aspirant category in the latest edition. Page 55


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6. India Innovation Index 2020

NITI Aayog with Institute for Competitiveness as the knowledge partner released the
India Innovation Index (III) 2020

Examines the innovation capabilities and performance of Indian states and union
territories. Index performs the following three functions
 Ranking of states and UTs based on their index scores,
 Recognizing opportunities and challenges, and
 Assisting in tailoring governmental policies to foster innovation.

State Performance
 Karnataka ranks first among the ‘Major States’ category and it was also
ranked first in the India Innovation Index 2019.
 The top ten major states are majorly concentrated
 in southern and western India.
 Bihar has replaced Jharkhand as the worst performer in the 2020 edition
under ‘Major States’ category.
 Among the North East an andd Hill states, Himachal Pradesh has replaced Sikkim
as the best performer in India Innovation Index 2020.
 Delhi has retained top spot among the Union Territory and City States.
 Jammu & Kashmir has been ranked among the Union Territory category in
the 2020 edition and it was ranked in North East and Hill States category in
2019 Page 56


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8. Healthy States, Progressive India: Health Index (4th)

The 1st edition of Health Index was released in February 2018. In collaboration with
Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare along with technical assistance from
World Bank.

Round IV of the report focuses on measuring and highlighting the overall

performance and incremental improvement of states and UTs over the period 2018–
19 to 2019–20.

The index has three categories to ensure comparison among similar entities:
 Larger States.
 Smaller States.
 Union Territories (UTs).
 Overall:

The index score is calculated against a base year.

Based on indicators in three domains:
 Health Outcomes (70%);
 Governance and Information (12%); and
 Key Inputs and Processes (18%), with each domain assigned a weight based on
its importance. Report and Indices International Organisations

States Performance:
The top-ranking states were Kerala and Tamil Nadu among the ‘Larger
States’, Mizoram and Tripura among the ‘Smaller States’, and Dadra and Nagar
Haveli and Daman and Diu (DH&DD) and Chandigarh among the UTs.

Multidimensional Poverty Index

Published By NITI Aayog

Leveraging the monitoring mechanism and methodology of MPI
Aim in order to rigorously benchmark national and sub-national
This baseline report of the national MPI measure is based on the
reference period of 2015-16 of the National Family Health
Survey (NFHS-4)
Kerala registered the lowest population poverty levels, followed
by Puducherry, Lakshadweep, Goa and Sikkim.
Findings Bihar has the highest proportion of people of the state’s
population followed by Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh who are
multidimensionally poor. Page 57


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SDG Urban Index, 2021

Published By NITI Aayog

Cities 56
Achiever (100 marks),
Front runner (65-99 marks),
Performer (50-64 marks) and
Aspirant ( 0-49 points).
For the first time under this type of sustainable development
goal, urban index has been released by NITI Aayog.
Shimla is on the first rank with the highest score of 75.5. Patna
has got a total score of 57.29 in this index.
Patna has got only 45 score in terms of achievement of
Findings Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) - 1 (Zero Poverty). While
Patna has performed worst in terms of achieving SDG target 8.
In this, Patna's score is only 17.
In terms of achieving SDG-12 (Ensuring Sustainable
Consumption and Production Pattern), Patna has scored the
best performing 100. Page 58


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