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TING Magaxine § band i 28 y] } | | 1 IRI. ae eratene ae “ CONTENTS Magazine Number 28 Sronurs: HARP Ci cutting edge NTRAST On the 2.9 SHADES OF PALE sinpicy creates a powerful look. Pi a ee our new yarn Kid Clas. PoE sOn ea Cosy firisles and pretty lace. INTERIORS iG ear the key to stylish contemporary living. FeaTures fle eece ae get in a tangle with rwo-colour knitting. BD () noc ae for boundless, spur-of-the~ joment enthusiasm, D6 MORE one of cir me ‘exquisite natural fibres, INSPIRATIONS: 36 LEVERIDENS Carl op and keep warm with cosy winter knits thie season, & “se ReGULAR FEATURES: (4) ele designs in felted and sculpeutal knitting to handmade glass buttons. Ga BOOKS Tie oe preview of the latese knitting. books. ONAL ‘Become part of Rowan's own world wide network (On vis coven Nell by Debbie Bs & Button Beret by Kim Hargreaves Photographer Joey Toller Soy Kim Hargreaves hair & Make-up Annabel Hobbs “Model Laura Roundell torial Director Stephen Sheard Magazine co-ordinator Kathleen Hargreaves (Charts Software program supplied by Design Partner Design Layout Les Dunford, Holmfirth Published by Rowan Yarns, Green Lane Mil, Holmifich, West Yorkshire HD7 1RW ‘Telephone (01484 681881) E-mail: Reproduction in whole or any par ofall material, including illustrations, in the Rowan Kniting Magazine is stricdy forbidden unless prior content of the publisher has been given in Copyright 2000 Chin Previous pag pattern page 11 in Felted Tiveed € DK Sofi, this pa Funk, pattern page 71, in Felted Tiveed both by Kim Hargreaves, apposite Stone Circles in DK Soft by Kaffe Fassett, pattern page 7 4 bay ea Miss Brown in cee Pa ee aa opposite Horizon in Wool Cotton by Reed eae Wktoriyath This page Lakes, eee All Seasons Cotton aaron ‘opposite China Clouds, pattern page 68, in DK Tiveed ae ected ee . + ’ - Photographer eae 2 fon om ans \ See once : _ ors ead : _ a Design Worksuor FAIRISLE KNITTING NOREEN vies Don’t get in a tangle with two-colour knitting, Kate Buller’s step-by-step guide, taken from her new book “The Knitter’s Bible’, will give you all the help you need ail te tem wed when to diet coloured yume lined sro every Prete stir vgs fom Sh iy of th orn coat o Sk sg als Wel ik clo pete co Thyra worked sete ia thr tn enc cl bred cre necro as ie eee aS inp ig ri te ee ic When wc od ea gla ee ‘Wie locus Tue Knerven’s Busts wy Kare Butter. If ae a regular Rowan Knitting Magarine rea you will be familiar with Kate Buller’ des workshop features. Kate is Rowan’ Re Manager and the force behind the tean Design Consultants who teach, guide inspire knieters across the country. Sh passionate about keeping the craft of h knitting alive,and this book i the culmina ‘of years of experience. [After graduating fiom Art school, Kate her career as a feelince knitwear desig working for magazines such as Essentials Prima. She took a break from this to t widely in Latin America, where she: inspired by the colours and ceafis ofthe cou and by the people she mee there After wo for two years in New York, Kate returnes Britain where she joined Rowan Yarn “The Knitters Bible’ is a comprehensive st ‘of knitting techniques, covering everything need to know: From the basics of easting and making a knit and put stitch, to m advanced techniques like Fairisle kniting hhow to finish a garment, Kate leads you ge step-by-step with a detailed colour photogr of every stage ofthe process. With over twe four designs fiom leading Rowan designers Kim Hargreaves and Kaffe Fass Martin Storey and Ze split-page format of the book enables yo View the pattern, and the step-by-step hhelp you achieve it,at one and the same ti Kate has simplified the way that paterns written, to make sure that you never get So keep ‘The Knitters Bible’at hand and h the benefit of Kate’ expert tuition whens ‘Mellor, the ui you need it Published by Collins & Brown, Septembs 2000. £16.99 (UK), ISBN 1 85585 8193 and in USA as The Ultimate Knitrs Guid by Martingale. $39.95 ee er ‘The: STRANDING METHOD ‘This method involves carrying the yarn not in use loosely across the back of the work. Don't strand the yarn across more than three stitches, if you do so, you will create a loop that can get caught up and distort the fabric. There are different ways of holding the yarn when stranding, choose the method you feel most comfortable with, and remember, practice makes perfect. Holding the yarns in the right hand Holding yarns i ON A kNrr Row ON A KNIT ROW Step 1 Insert the right needle Step 2 Using the index finger, | Step 1 Hold the blue both hands nin the Step 2 Take the pink yarn into the next stitch, holding both loop the blue yarn over the pink | lefthand and che pinkiin the right. forward in the right hand, across coloured yarns together in the yarn and knit the next 3 stitches | Knit the next three stitches with the top of the blue yarn, and knit right hand as ifthey are one yarn, with the blue yarn, the blue in the following way:with de next three stitches in the same the point of the righthand needle, way as you would for a normal loop the blue from the right to knit stitch Step 3 Drop the blue yarn off theleft.Pull he new loop through looped over the index 6 using the pink yarn At the index finger, then loop the the stitch on the needle to the the same time hold the blue yarn a new stitch. Drop away fom the needles so thatthe -w stitch off the eft needle. two colours are kept separate pink yam with the index finger and take it under the blue yarn Knit the next three stitches with pink, (ON 4 PURL Row ON 4 PURL ROW Step 1 Insert the right needle Step 2 Using the index finger, | Step Hold the blue yarn over Step 2 Take the pink yarn ino the next stitch, holding both loop the blue yarn over the pink | thellfé chumb in the left hand and forward in the right hand and purl coloured yarns together in the ya rn and purl the next 3 stitches | the pink yarn in che right hand. the next three stitches in pink, right hand asifthey are one yarn. with the blue yarn Insert the rightneedle in the next holding the blue away from the stil tip of the right needle Step 3 Drop the blue yarn off the index finger, then loop the pink yarn with the index finger and take it under the blue yarn. Paarl the next 3 stitches with pink. Step 3 Purl the nest three stitches with the blue yarn, using the left thumb and index finger. Keep hold of the blue yarn until che needle goes through the stitch, Vikloriyath Desicn Worksnor Tue Weavine METHOD Sometimes its necessary to carry a colour over more than three stitches across the back of the work. In sch cates, you need to catch the loop of yam being carried across the work on every third or fourth stitch. This can be done by using both hands to hold the yarns. ON A Kaur Re y Step 1 Hold the blue yarn in the lefthand and the pink yarn in the Step 2 Take the pink yarn forward in the right hand and knit righthand. Insert the right needle the nextstitch with the pink yarn, and take the blue yarn over the right needle. into the next sit holding the blue yarn away from the tip of the right needle Step 3. Knit the next stitch with the pink yarn, holding the blue yarn down behind the work. Continue weaving inthe blue yarn on every third stitch as shown. OW A FURL Row Pe Step 1 Hold the blue yarn inthe Step 2 forward in the right hand and purl the next stitch in the same Take the pink yarn ft hand and the pink yarn in the sight hand. Insert the right needle into the next stitch, then take the way as you would for a normal blue yarn over the right needle. pur stitch Step 3 Hold down the blue yarn in font of the work with the let thumb, Pur che stitch with the pink yarn, Continue weaving in the blue yarn on every third or fourth stitch as shown, i Kare's Tes Always take the yarn not in use and catch it in with the end stitch by taking ie un + or over the knitting yarn Spread out the stitches on both needles as you work to help keep the tension correct and the fabric clastic ‘There are two ways of stopping yarns getting twisted and tangled: when using the stranding method, always keep the san e colour up and the same colour down across the back of the work; when using both methods, curn knit rows clockwise and purl rows anti-clockwise + When using the weaving method, always try to catch the yarn ‘ona different stitch on every sow to prevent a ridge from forming, FurtHEn Hite AND ADvIc There are a number of stores in the UK where Rowan Design Consultants offer hands-on help and advice through drop-in clinics, and one hour teach-ins: John Lewis stores Liberty James Beatties Nationwide London Wolvethampeon Jenners David Morgan Edinburgh Candiff The Fabric shops Worthing / Horsham Coats Craft Concessions in leading department stores Rowan Independent stockists will alo offer help and advice swith their yes of experience and enthusiasm for the erat. Contact Rowan Yarns of your nearest store for more detail Worxsitors ided a workshop then you really have missed out. Workshops are great fun and will allow you to not If you have never ‘only learn new skills but exchange ideas and spend time with other like minded knitters. Contact Rowan Yarns for an up £0 snes or visit their web-site; Di lorigachh date list of DESIGNER PROFILE BRANDON MABLY He follows in the famous footsteps of his mentor Kaffe Fassett, but Brandon Mably has always had his own enthusiasms. In fact, kind, ‘was a total disaster at schoo!” admits Brandon, the sof lle in his ice tell I sii Th cy pon dene ting Wheat all [knew was that I wanted to do something. creative and work with people but not him, How to channel ll this energy worried his mother ‘Today, happily, after a few fille starts he is settled in a career that allows hhim both satisfictions. The freedom to be creative and to mix that creativity with his very obvious enjoyment of people. He has worked in Kaffe Fassett’ design studio for the past ten years designing many of his own successful knitting patterns for Rowan. He is writing his frst sisting Kaffe solo knitting book (to be published next year). Now he in the varied workshops the studio organis responsibilty for these sessions in the UK, has taken over Eleven years ago life wasn't such a perféct mix, The small boy whose enthusiasm for knitting needles was definitely weapon based, studied hotel management and catering after leaving school. He worked as a talent for boundless, spur-of-the-moment e new and old; transient and lasting, has ruled his life ithusiasm; every ” says Kathryn Samu: chefin hotel kitchens and in an American summer camp; tied his hand at tele-sales and did a stint on the fish counter at Selfridges. Each job ‘was attacked with enthusiasm, each one eventually failing to provide the right combination. “My mother firmly told me it was time to buckle down and stop al chs to-ing and fro-ing’ I was a chance meeting, during one of those interminable waits fora London bus, that set him on the right course. He began chatting to his next-door-neighbour in the queue, who turned out to be Katfe, who told him about his work and his search for the perfect cover for Glorious Inspirations, the book he had just finished. Brandon was intrigued and asked to visit the studio, s soon as I walked in I knew it felt right. loved the colour a the creativityThere were eight people working in the studio at che time and I took to spending as much of my free time there as could. 1 asked Kaffe for a job. Twice he said No! ~ after all 1 had no art training, no knitting or needlepoint skills, nothing much to offer” On the third time of asking Kaffe agreed ~ this time his enthusiasm obviously showed signs of lasting. He began his apprenticeship, Brandon has a passion forthe unusual and collects many pieces on his travels. Opposite: Brandon wears Shark, one of his oun designs admits Brai disaster at school Wales. “I had too many passions, neve After six months in the studio he dared his first design, based on an Indian straw basket, It gave him inspiration that was completely in tune ‘with his instinctive design preferences, Colour certainly, in vivid. green, pe, blue and yellow used harmoniously; geometric shape but because the original was handworked and stretched with use, the eventual Took was slightly irregular. “I love design that has movement which might mean a wobble, noc a strictly regimented pattern:"The ‘curve wn steep but proved to be endlesdy fascinating At this point hi “Wha enthusiasm for taking over the workshops is evident. 1 s0 enjoy is being able to share what I've learnt to do with other people” he says “To show them how to look at colour, break down the pyschological barriers about colour and let them play with their ideas.” [feel I know exactly what he means. Most of ws say we love colour but ater a decade when fashion in clothes and home decorating. has dictated chic, and, monochromesI for one have forgotten how to dare more than juse a splash in my dress or my surroundings. “I love showing how colours harmonise, how much you need to tickle a shade to bring the picture o life. But above all how to look. Look really well Tm offen astounded that people beaver away at some at something for ages and don't ever stand back, look properly at the whole scheme and have the confidence to make personal choices Brandon travels a lot. As Kaffe’ asistant he has accompanied him on trips to India, Guatemala, South Aftica and Vietnam to name a handful, working with Oxfam or governments sponsored bodies to help indigenous skill adapt and find international markets. They went back to Australia in May for patchwork and knitting workshops; there’ the exhibition in Stockholm to organise, the on-going projects for Rowan, furnishing fabrics for Designers Guild, tapestries for Ehrman and the books. “I have ten designs to finish before Christmas for my own book said Brandon, trying hard noe to sound panicky. Opposite: clockwise from top lefi, the harbour at Rye; Jon lilt i the sof his voice telling of a childhood could concentrate at anything for a moment. too much he flees to his cottage in Rye, Kent which he bought with his twin sister Belinda six years ago. “T wanted to be back near to the coast. I was brought up close to the sea and the ocean has a very powerful pull I found this house at the very end of an exploring day, I peered in through the window and saw this wonderful kitchen with Sinch wide wooden floorboards Thad to have it of a fisherman’ terraced cottage and an orangery at the back. I fell in love with it. Belinda felt the same way and now lives there full time, working at local Art College Brandon manages to get to what he calls his“ paint box” least once a month, “I drop the keys and go for a long walk on the beach, around the town. I relax eventually. I’ as if T've taken my mind out, given it a good wash and then put it back completely reieshed.” Then its time (0 get the paints out; the living-room is warm red with an orange ceiling; the kitchen butter yellow with diamond painted blue and ochre floor: Kaffe has painted cacti al over the orangery. Brandon fought hard with the local council to be allowed to re-instate the garden privy “Every house needs two loos" he laughs. The privy is now his favourite room, decorated with shells from the beach and painted in strong pastel hhc, Back in London, le headed, he’ ready and enthusiastic for anything the studio throws at him, Could be a new knitting design; could be visi to Wormevood Scrubs o work with the Lifes. “That was a fntast experience. You might think I'd get some flack but I didn't. These guys were so proud of what they were doing: it helped them relax, they had something to send out as presents and they were allowed to continue sewing in their cells after lock-up. Iemade me realise thatanyone who works with their hands has a chance to achieve a much higher sensibility of beauty: You're focused, centred, you never take things for granted” ‘oonne wears China Clouds by Kaffe Fasset; Belinda wears Emmeline by Sarah Dallas; Brandon in high spirits; colouyul mosaic transforms an ordinary window box; Yoonne wears Miriam by Debbie Bliss Vikionigath IN Prorite 26 THE LUXURY. OF MOHAIR On catwalks around the world, from Milan and Paris to London and New York, this season sees the return of mohair. he delicate appearance and lustre of mohair makes it one of I ‘our most exquisite nacural fibres, Silky and lustrous, it can take ‘on many guises, from the baby sofiness of kid mohair knits to risply woven suiting fabrics. Fashion designers like Otavia Missoni mohair. It produces colours that have an unmatched clarity and glow, fabrics that are virtually uncrushable, and results in garments that warm east and texture light and wonderful to wear.‘ like the c cof mohaie’ says designer Bill Blass Especially with co-ordinating fabrics and other natural yarns, Ie has a great way of enriching style The mohair bre comes from the back of the Angora goat, not to be confused with the angora rabbit - the rabbit produces angora, the goat iohair. The goat is said to have originated in the mountains of Tibet, and records have been uncovered from the ancient Sumerian civilisation of Turkestan, dating back to the 14th century B.C., which mention the existence of goats, kids and white wool for clothing. The Bible records its appearance in Egypt 1500 years before Christ.The book of Exodus tells us thatthe sons of Israel fled from Egyps, ‘carrying with them go whose fleece was used to make fabric to dress the altar 3 a a 6 i é In PROFILE The mohair industry was born in Ankara, the capital city of Tarkey and the best mohair came from the province of Anchora, hence the name. ‘The word mohair derives from the Arabic for ‘cloth of bright goat's hair ‘mukhaya’-In the 13¢h century Genghis Khan expelled Suleyman Shah fiom the land of the Turkomans, who drove his flocks of Angora goats on an incredible tek of thousands of miles from Turkestan. There the Angora goats found a favourable climate, pure air and water making perfect conditions for breeding and growing excellent fleece However, the Angoran people attributed the beauty of the mohair produced by the fleece to the power of the holy man Hadji Bayram Veli, and wove the fibres into a lustrous silky cloth, worn by Sultans. In 1554 a pair of Angora goats was sent asa gift to the Holy Roman Emperor. Demand for this versatile and beautfil fibre soon exceeded supply and the Sultan of Turkey prohibited the export of the raw fle to Europe. Only spun Mohair entered the market, but by 1600 the quality ofhome grown woollen yarns had improved to the extent that the demand for Mohair declined, Having made succesful treks of thousands of miles from their original homeland in Tiber, the Angora goat resisted many later attempts to transport it. Throughout the 18th century repeated attempts to farm the goat in countries throughout Europe filed, but success eventually came in 1830, when twelve bucks and one doe safely arived in South Aitica. Unfortunately it became obvious that all ewelve males had been secretly deprived of their fertility before their departure. Luckily the doe had given birth to a male on board ship and the animals were cross- bred with local goats, which led to a hardier animal Thirty more Angoras followed and South Africa soon became one of the world’ leading suppliers ofhigh quality mohair Today, South Affica and Turkey remain important breeding countries while Texas, in the United States, has also become an important producer: The goat has found a home in places as far afield as Kenya and Lesotho in Atica, Argentina in South America, Australia and New Zealand and, in the last twenty years, small numbers have been bred and raised in England, Kid mohair is renowned as the softest mohair yarn, Taken from the young goat, or kid, when itis about six months old iti span into a sof, ‘warm yarn perfect for hand knitting into sweaters.A fleece taken from, an older goat will produce a coarser fibre better suited for jackets and throws, but all mohair has the springy curl that characterises the coat of the endearing animals themselves, In Britain, shearing takes place twice year, in the spring and in late summer, when the crimped fleece comes away in soft handfuls. Afier washing, che fibres havea breathtaking lustre and whiteness which is mobair’s trademark, a lustre which is enhanced by the dyeing process. Mohair isan all-season fashion fibre that is amazingly versatile. Made into warm knits for winter, oF spun into airy fibres chat breathe with the body for warmer days i is used for an incredibly wide range of products, from fake fur to furnishing fabrics. For beauty, colour and silkiness of texture, mohair exemplifies beauty and quality as much today as it did for the Sultans of old Dip vou know *+ The special lustre, unique to mohair, is derived from the large fat scales on the outer layer of the fibres, which make a soft, slippery yarn that reflects more light than wool + As a decorating fabric, mohair is ideal for concert halls and hotel lobbies because ofits sound absorben nd flame-resistant qualities + In1860 one Angora goat was sold for its weight in silver in the United States + In ancient Egypt, a natural teasel was used to comb mohair cloth ‘worn by the Pharoabs Canunc Rowan’ newest mohair yarns, Kid Classic and Kid Soft are led with the very finest lambswool and Merino wool. Take good care of these lusury yarns and they will repay you with years of wear Wash in tepid water and a mild handwash detergent. Squeeze gently, never wring, ‘or rub, Rinse well in cool water and rollin a towel to remove excess ‘water, or place in a pillowcase and spin. Lay out flat ro dry. Don' keep ‘mohair garments on hangers, instead, fold them and store on a shelf Karrine wir Monin, (Closely knitted mohair garments will feel hard and unyielding, so always make sure you use a loose tension, the secret of mohair is ity light airiness.An open fabric can still be very warm. Mohair may shed fibres as it is knitted, to help prevent this, place the yarn in the fridge for a couple of hours. Place a cloth on your lap to protect your clothes Tue Mona Cena ‘You can visita unique visitors centre, to see over one hundred An goats and learn more about how mohair makes the transition from animal to yarn, ifyou visit The Mohair Centre in Bast Sussex, England, ‘Open at weekends and during the school holidays, The Mohair Centre caters for group visits and holds a variety of spinning and weaving, ‘courses during the week. Call Jacky and Martin Webb for more detail ‘on 01825 872457, or email them on Photographs opposite taken from Rowan's Kid Soft Colleton availble September 2000 S a Diktor ‘yeh I RNSi pe eee Simplicity creates a powerfull look by Kim Hargreave: This page Kiri, pattern page 112, opposite Stefi, ‘patiern page 80, spect” Kil Classic This page Bond, pattern page 76, in DK Sofi, ‘opposite Dotty, pattern page 92, g This page Bond, pattern page 7. in DK Sofi, apposite Miss Brown, pattern page 74, in True 4ply Botany igaDhe This page Funk, pattern page 71, opposite Georgia, pattern page 83 in DK Soft an Model Catharina ae oviya Dh by Kim Har bottle covers are seriously stylish this yer,s0 make the cosiest, cover ever when you knit this one in Rowan’ new Kid CCassc. ts frilly, turn-down collar and button fastenings use the same techniques as for knitting a sweater, making it the ideal project for a beginner to practice their ski E Decorative stitches like cross stitch are quick to do and make all the difference toa plain knitted cushion. Use contrasting colour yarns in subtle tones, or make an impact with bright shades With Rowan’ handwoven cotton fabrics now available by the metre, use rich colours like pin aubergine or deep red and maroon stripes to make soylsh table linen for winter entertaining. For napkins cut squares of ton and hem the edges by hand or machine Wrap wooden chopsticks tightly with raffia and loosely tie the rolled napkin and chopsticks together with rafia bows. Soars Saaves Rowan’ new yarn Kid Clasic, made fiom a mix of mohair and lambswool, knits up into such a lovely ‘touchy-feely’ fabric that its hard to resist making it into cushions for relaxing with on cold winter evenings. Knit simple squares to cover feather cushion pads and embellish with the simplest of embroidery stitches children to make woolly pompoms from leftover balls of yarn and hang them along the mantelpiece for your fest decorations. They look great on the Christmas tre for try them across a winter window For the ultimate in cosy chic, make cushions from felted knitted fabric Knit a square larger than you need and wash on a hot aachine eycle.The fabric will thicken and felt, and when dy is easily cut and sewn together to make cushion cover Decorate with stripes of contrast coloured woollen embroidery or make into a simple envelope cushion with button fastenings Any litle girl will be delight to wear this adorable 4ply botany cardigan with its wo. tone body and ribbed sleeves. Picot edgings, Fairs patterning, hearts which can be worked using the Intatsia technique, and a wide plain border, give you a chance to try out no fewer than five different techniques within the same garment, Find the pattern in ‘Pipsqueaks’ £9.95, available from Rowan stockists Dkiorigath Knitted toys are always irresistible han this mother her lambs. A Kinky in Kid Clas ea a enero ad Siefft in Kid Classic F by aT Re ne kena oa or ne re DESIGNER PROFILE simple knits for easy living THe easy Girt Simplicity is the key to stylish contemporary living, so hit the right note with Erica Knight’s deliciously easy throws and cushions. Relax and take it easy, making beautiful home textiles these days doesn’t mean knitting complicated stitch patterns. The new knitting means one colour fabrics and basic stitches. All you need is a handful of natural yarns and the most elementary skill. Cast on and knit every row in crisp cotton for a textured cushion cover. Make strips of knitting with alternating knit and purl sides and you have a chenille throw with a modern twist, or stitch chunky squares together with the seams on the outside for the latest look. Find all these ideas, and more, in Erica Knight’s new book ‘simple knits for easy living’. Tor S Tunow Knit yourself a erisp cotton bed cover of a sumptuous chenille throw with a beaded and taselled ftinge co drape over a sofa or chair When you knit in strips of alternating, {nit and purl squares, you can make the throw as big or as smal as you like - simply stop knitting when the strips are long enough and make as ‘many, or a few, 2s you need. Owostre Costs bain’ Bas A small, cotton wash bag is knitted in moss stitch for its textural quality, while the single row of blue moss stitch atthe bottom looks like embroidery. The bag has a separate pane! of tocking stitch which is embroidered with the word"bain’and stitched on afterwards. Why not knit more than one ofthese bags and embroider the panels with family initials to hang in a row in the bathroom, Taken from, simple knits jor easy living by Erica Knight. Published in UK by Collins & Brown. £16.99 (UK) ISBN 1 8558 and in USA as comgort of home published by Martingale. $29.95 dwosire BortoM:T > Parco Pe mers, this cushion is knitted in easy squares and seamed together with alternate knit and. putl sides out fora fishionable patchwork’ look.The simple textures sit equally well in a contemporary living space of with rustic furnitore, expecially if the cushion is knitted in different tones of muted shades oF neutrals The chunky yarn and big needles makes it quick to complete too. Auovr: Siete Cussion Knitted in easy garter stitch in either cotton oF chenille this cushion is a perfect example of uncomplicated knitting, With no shaping, just a straight length of simple knitting folded and seamed to make a simple envelope back, knit it in cool cotton or enhance the texture with the luxury of chenille. For fll instructions see index, page 67. g Wihktor ‘yet pattern page 112, EWindfall havi pattern pageM17, in Kid a by Kin Hargy opposite Gameboard © in Felted Tigeed by Brandon Maly, pattern pag 94 Dikionips | ‘ Tras es Pena Ren Sue eae ReaD ken eae 83, in DK Soft, opposite Winter Fi & DK Soft both by Kim Hargreaves erm page 100, Di oniyuce Sh Above Martha, pattern page 75, in Felted Tweed, opposite Monty, pattern page 88, in Chunky Tveed and Button Beret, pattern page 117, in Kid Classic all by Kim Hargreaves \Wktorty aH This page Edie, | pattern page 97, \ pattern page 1 in Wo on be sharon, Peake Wuat’s New A unique kit from Sasha Kagan, handmade glass buttons and new designs in felted and sculptural knitting as well asa museum of vintage patterns, living with ethnic textiles and all the latest knitting books vay Lict Kritted cushions and throws for the home are st ani ware nowadays, but knitted lightshades bring a new and brilliantly contemporary twist. Textile designer Dan Maier has con inal shades which she calls‘Knitted Chandeliers e up with a range of highly 0 Evolved from natural structures such as plants and undersea creatures, Dan's knitted lightshades are more ike sculptures than knitwear. Her challenge was to create something both absolutely extraordinary but sal affordab Jobn Lewis, or by mail order, from £35 10 ! Contact Dan at Extraordinary Design on 0208 883 38 email: extraordinary@dial for more details and the resulting range is now on sale in branches of Har M If you find that you can't keep up with the number of handknits that a rapidly growing family demands, it might be time to take a Took at Susan Moon's mail-order catalogue. Ready-to-wear baby and children’s kentwear, hind knitted in Rowan Wool, Cotton and Denim in simple shapes and stitches, Susan’ designs make the next best thing to kniting yourself Her latest designs, like this baby hat £14 and bag £22, (UK) and are delivered within 28 days fe of charge within the UK. Customers outside the UK can call Susan for prices, Call her ‘on 01704 579941 for a mail-order Kaoecinee For a light-hearted look at the proverbial knitting granny, Ruth Hearson’s new children’s book isa child’s-eye-view of a visit from one very prolific Gran. In seven days Gran manages to knit everything from spaghetti socks for Mum to woolly wigs for the Women’s institute, pullovers for catalogue, or see the range on her website: penguins and earmuf for elephants. As tags pull out and and flaps fold down, Gran’s needles move and pages spring into life, ‘making this book so much more than just story." The Non-stop Knotty Knitter costs just £9.99 (UK) and is published by ‘Orchard Books. ISBN 1 84121 003 X 64 Favutous Fat “Teresa Searle has developed a unique way of combining felted knitting with applique and embroidery. Inspired by folk art and ‘modern painters like Klimt and Klee, Teresa’ brilliantly coloured jackets, hats and accessories are a teat for the eye, Find Teresa's work at craft shows and exhibitions, as well as galleries lke the Devon Guild of Craftsmen and Jolie’ Artisan’ Gallery in New York. You can ‘book Teresa for a one, two or three day group workshop. For more details contact 935 0345 or visit her website; her on 0117 hep://eraining Douw. The latest book from young children’s wear designer Zoe Mellor will delight every knitter who has children to knit for. Colour and playful motifs are Zoe's signature themes, and this book is no exeption. With twenty knitting projects for 0 to 3 year olds, designs in Double Knits’ are not, 2s its name might suggest, all knitted in double kn con a theme, ike the ‘Daisy’ and. wg yarn, but each one has a variation ‘Fisherman’ jacket and sweater. Photographed in full colour on pairs of| ‘wins, Double Knits’, published by Collins & Brown, costs £10.99 (UK) September 2000, ISBN 185585, Baw s: Another musthave baby pattern book from designer Debbie Bliss is about to be published this autunm, so if you love knitting stylish, quirky things for your baby, Took no further: Tis time, Debbie has turned her hand to throws, cot blankets, cushions and cute accessories like baby bags, as well asthe chassic but trendy sweaters and cardigans she is best known, for, Designs are for babies and children aged fom 0 to 3 years, and all the patterns are kitted in Rowan yarns. Baby Seyle’is published by Ebury in October 2000, price £12.99 (UK). ISBN 009 1 87 082 8 Vixneame Burros Hisrowic Kyern Ifyou are in Edinburgh, ies well worth taking Museum and Library Situated just off the Royal Mile, the Museum holds the largest collection of vintage knitting and crochet patterns in the world, Alo on to vist the Vesterknits display is a history of knitting with original garments, wool samples and shade books from the whole of the twentieth century. Open from 10.30 to 12.30pm on Sacurd Chris Bacon is h py to open at other times by appointment. Find Yesterknits at Unit 1, Canongate Venture, 5 New Street, Edinburgh, or phone Chris on (0131 556 3436 to make an appointment, cr send an email to: before your arrival in Edinburgh. Unusual buttons are hard to find, but if you are looking for something different, you won't do better than the glass buttons made by Lior 1 Nichols. Working from 1946 to 1966 in a primitive workroom at home, Mr Nichols made buttons for some of the leading fashion houses of the day. Cut from raw sheets of glass into squares and worked on in an entirely experimental way, these must of the most original and interesting buttons ever made in Britain, Dixie Nichols has 2 treasure trove of her father’ buttons, many in boxes unopened for decades, and is selling them fiom her website. She will also do her best to match fabrics you send her. Vist Dixie = hnup://website lineone:netnicbutns or call her ‘0m 020 7701 3433, Counmy Kern Fans of designer Sasha Kagan have long been awaiting her new book, ‘Country Inspirations, a feast of 40 classic Sasha designs which take their inspiration from the Welsh countryside where she lives and ‘works. Using the colours and natural forms of the leaves, flowers and berries that surround her studio throughout the year, Sasha brings her love of the ever-changing seasons into every one of her beautiful ‘knits From 9th September 2000 to Ist July 2001 you can see a display of Sasha's work at the Victoria and Albert museum, South Kensington, London. Held in Galley’ this isa unigue opportunity for knitting enthusiasts and admirers of Sasha to get a first-hand look at the texture and richness of her work and see how a design progresses from its original inspiration to the fnished garment, Call the Victoria & Albert ‘museum on (020 7942 2000 for opening times. Rowan Knitiing Magazine readers also have the opportunity to buy a kit of the Ivy Coat featured on the front cover ‘of her new book, and knit it for themselves from a selection of Rowan yarns. ‘Onder your kit by sending a cheque or money order for £99 (UK) inclusive of post and packaging or $170 (US) plus $35 post and packaging to: Sasha Kaga “The Studio’, Fron, Liawr-y-Glyn, (Caersws, Powys, SY17 SRY, or order on the interne “Coupe publied by Tremor poe 82795 (05, ISON 1 $058539 Dik yah 66 Rowaw \L I you sill haven't joined up for Rowan’s unique member’ club, what are you waiting for? With members in lover forty countries worldwide, Rowan International members are entitled to a discount on any Rowan UK workshop, wo newsletters every yeu packed with up-to-date information on knitting events, exhibitions and book signings, as well as free delivery of the twice-yearly Rowan Knitting Magazine hot off the press. Get together with ‘other members in your area too, ‘through the famous Knitting circle. New members receive a free knitting kit of an ‘embroidered beach bag (see above), designed by Kim Hargreaves, Membership for one year costs £14.95 (UK), £19.50 (Europe), $39 (US and ‘Canada, to include a free pattern book ) and £24.50 elsewhere. To join, call 1484 681881, of Rowan website: the form on the Sor Row new yarns for autumn 2000. “Kid Classic’, deliciously soft yarn made from a luxurious blend of kid ‘mohair and the very finest lambswool Dyed in a range of 8 stronger shacles like rich, Crushed Velvet red and Juicy ‘orange, or the more muted Galaxy blue and Silver grey shown here double knit ‘Kid Classic’ is soft, sensuous yarn for all seasons “Kid Soft’a mixture of kid mohair and cextra fine merino in a range of 8 shades including Blond, Parma and Hocus-pocus is used in “The Kid Soft Collection’ available autumn 2000. Traditional global texiles make wonderfll home accessories. These Banjara fabrics from southern India were hand woven and decorated all over with tiny running stitches, then ‘trimmed with cowie shells. Originally made as bags, folded and loosely stitched together to ‘make cushions, they bring depth and richness to a cool modem interior. Buy similar textiles from John Gillow at the Knitting and Stitching Show, Alexandra Palace, London 12th to 15th October 2000 (tel 01394 270707 for tickets). To whet your appetite even more, take a look at John’s latest book "World Textiles’ £28 (UK), published by Thames & Hudson, ISBN 0 500 01950 9 Index Design nnn i vue att No Page Bill at 7 Bloomsbuty 104 Bond... 6 Button Beret "7 (Chi nnn 8 China Clouds e Dora 102 Dotty... 2 Eddie a Emmeline. 6 Felted Cushions .. 104 Fank a Game Board. om 18, 3 um 15, Limerick eno vn 6 18 Loopy Loop Bag 3 Martha ‘Milan Cushion ... Miriam. Whisper Scat. ‘Windiall Shawl. ROWAN KNITTING MAGAZINE NUMBER 28 68 Design number 1 888 China Clouds KAFFE FASSETT YARN Rowan DK Tweed XSM MXL 3236 3640 in AChwol 89 95S x Stn B Lo BE Re pe € Cricket Wa DMulbery 85 22x 50gm Ca a ee F Sal sz 2 2 x Stn G Moody B22 x St HMoard 8 22x Sty 1 Poet Raed ies Oe I Ween. 0) Ped lee oles MMelow St 22x Stgm, NSwallow 859 1 Ex 50m NEEDLES 1 pair Yn (n0 9) (US 5) needles 1 pai #?4mm (x07) (US 7) eles FASTENERS (optional) -5 hook and eye fasteners ‘TENSION 20 se and 28 rows to 10 can measured over paterned stocking stitch using nm (US 7 needles, BACK (Cason 102 (116s sing 4mm (US 7 neds and arn. Using dhe imtarsia eclinigue described on the information page, saning a ending rows ae indieted, joining and breaking off colours 2s required and beg. with a K row, work in pat fll lat, which is worked ently in ws, as fll (Cont straight until chart row 42 hs been complete, coding with a WS row ‘Shape side vents Place markers ar both ends of tro Keeping char comect, ine 1 s¢ at each end of next ‘Work 1 row Inc 1 sea each end of next 0 Rep lt 3 rows 4 mes more. 122 (136), ‘Cont straight wat char row 86 (0) has been competed ending with 4 WS ro Shape armholes Keoping chart comet, cat off 10st beg of est 2 1098, 102 (16), Cont straight until char row 150 (1 completed, ending with a WS row Shape shoulders and back neck Cast of 1 (13) svat beg of ext 2 rows 80 (20) ts. Next row (RS): Casto 1 (13), ptt ntl these ae 16 (18) ston right needle and um, leaving rem 18 00 a baler. Work each se of neck separately Casto 4 sts at beg of next ro Cao ean 12 14). With RS facing, rejoin yar to rem ss, ca off entre 26 08) puto end ‘Work to match fst side, reversing shaping hasbeen LEFT FRONT CCaseon 41 (48) as using aun (US 7) needs and yar. Beg with aK row, work in pe il char a ll ‘Cone sraght una care owe 42 hs ben completed, coding with aWS ro. Shape side vent Place marker at end of a 0 Keeping chart correct, inc 1a marked edge of Work 1 ro Inc I stat masked edge of next row Replat 3 rows times more. 1 (8). Cone straight ntl chart row 86 (0) has been competed ending with a WS row Shape armhole Keeping char correct, cat off 1 as a beg of next row 41 (48), ‘Con straight untlehartrow 140 (146) hasbeen competed, ending with 4 WS row Shape neck Place marker at beg ofnex tow 1 denote sat of neck shaping. Keeping chart conect, dec 1st at neck edge on next S rows, then on fll (3) ak rows. 34 (40) Work I row, ending with chart row 150 (158). Shape shoolder (Cast off 1 (13) ssa beg of next and fl alt ro ‘Werk 1 owe Cae orem 1214) RIGHT FRONT Caton 4 (8) using gem. Beg with aK row; work in pate il chara fll: ‘Cont sight une care owe 42 has ben completed, ending with aS row. Shape side vent Place marker t beg of a ow Keeping chat core, ne Is a marked edge of ‘Werk 1 ow Inc 1st at marked edge of next om, Rep se3 rows timer more 1 (58) ‘Complete to match lf font, eversing shapings. 4mm (US 7) needles ane SLEEVES (both alike) (Caveon 72st sing 4mm (USS) needles and yarn A. Joining in and breaking off colour x requited, cont 2sfalle Row 1 (RS): Using yen A purl Row 2: Using yar Aka. Rows 3 and 4: Using yar B, kn Row 5: Using yar B, por Rows 6 and 7: Using yar C, push Row 8: Using yar C, knit, Rows 9 and 10: Using yarn A, knit Row 1: Using yarn A, pl Rows 12 and 13: Using yan D, purl Rows 15 and 16: Using yaraE, kn, Row 17: Using yan E pl Rows 18 and 19: Using yarn A, pur Row 20: Using yin A knit, ‘These 20 rows form border pat Change wo 4mm (US 7) needles and work in putt fal chars fll ‘Work 2 rows Inc I stat ech end of next and every fl 10th row unt there ate 92 (80) Medium-extra large size only Inc 1s at each end of every fll 8th row uni there ae 961 Both sizes (Cont straight until chart row 114 (18) hasbeen completed, ending with WS row Caw MAKING UP. PRESS al pieces as described on the information age Join shoulder seams sing back atch, Back hem and side vent border ‘Cast on 224 (238) ss ning 3mm (USS) needle and sar. ‘Mark 5st tin fom each end of ro ‘Work the 20 border pat rows a given Fr sleews, working decreases om 2nd an every fll alt row as fas Decrease row (WS): Work 20g, po within It of marke st, work 3 tog (marked sin cente sof this group), ep om * once mors, at to ist 2 work 2 to tl When all 20 border pat rows sre complete, ato rem 164 (1756, Sew eat-off edge of border in place to back along Them and side edges below markers. Sew shaped ‘ges of border and back together. Left front side vent, hem and front opening edge border (Catton 226 (237) ss using 4am (US 5) needles and yarn, Mark 5st rom beg and 116th ( of row Work the 20 border pat rows a8 given for de ‘working decreases on 2nd and every fllale row 3, falls Decrease row (WS): *Pato within |stats ‘work 3 tog (nuked sin cente xt of this group), ep fiom * once more, pat to at 2s, work 2 tog tl ‘When all 20 border ptt rows are complete eae off rem 176 (187) Right front side vent, hem and front opening ‘edge border (Cast on 26 237) ss using 3m (USS) nedles and yam, ‘Mark Sisestfom end and 116th (1230 from beg ‘Work the 20 order pat rows given fr sleeves working decreases od and every ilk row as fills Decrease row (WS): Work 20g, "pt to within I of marked st, work 3 tog (marked tin centre sof this group), rep fiom * once more, at to cd ‘When all 20 border pat rows ae complete cast of em 176 (187), Sew eas-off edge of font horde in pce in same ‘way as for back border, matching saight row end cigs of boeder to tar of front neck shaping Colle Cason 108 (110 se wing Mmm (US 5) neces and yarn. Row 1 (RS): Using yen A, pus Row 2: Using yarn A. K5,K3tog, Kt as 8, Keogh KS Row 3: Using tn Dknie ow 4: Using yarn D.C, King, Kt ast 7, ’ Diklovigathe a) fom end nif Ly smatl- medium | medium - x targe right from L tet tront x mall- medium — medium -x large I \ x small- medium L medium -xlarge Fight front Lote front x small- medium — medium - x large Dikiowigucth,, Row 5: Using yarn D, purl Row 6: Using yar EPS, Pog, Pros 6, Png ths, Row 7: Usi g yen E, pl yaraE,K2, Keo, K volt 5 Using yarn At sing yarn A, KI, K3eog, Ko hse 40, Ko, K1 Row tf: Using yarn A, pr Caw orem 84 (0) ts sl decreasing as before. ‘Sew eas edges of collar o neck ee, matching stipes of collar to trp of front border. See infomation page fr fnshing inerdctons seing in eeves sing the square set-in method. required, atach book and eye fsteners to inside of font opening eds, postioning top fastener just below neck edge, lowest ener 18 cm up fom lower edge and rem 3 fists everly spaced between, wo ethan 23am) oer N Design number 2 Funk KIM HARGREAVES YARN Rowan Felted Tweed oF DK Soft xs oS M OL XL Tofitbut 8% 1 Dom 24 % B A in Felted Tweed 8 8 8 9 9 x Sign (phocographedin Charcoal 132) pest 77°28 8 (photographed in Chalk 170) x Sogn NEEDLES Felted Tweed version 1 par 2m (no 12) (US 2) needles 1 pir am no 11) (US2/3) neces 1 pir 84mm (v0) (US5) neces DK Soft version 1 pir 3mm (0 11) (US 2/3) needles 1 pair nm (no 10) (U3) needles 1 pair 4mm (20 8) (US 6) needles TENSION 25 as and 32 rows to 10cm measured over tocking ‘sich sing ager size needles 3am (US 5) for Felted Tweed or dm (US 6) for DK Sof. BACK Cast on 11 (117: 128129: 135) using sms ize needles Now work picot hem sf eg with K row work 10 ros in ss. [Next row (RS) (picot edging row): *K210n. i rep fom * toe, KI (Change to middle size needs and beg with aP rows, work 9 rows Change to anges sie neds. Sweater with eyelets only ‘Work a furter 10 ows in set [Next row (RS) (eyelet row): 20g. fod, rep from * roles, KI Bg witha P om work 5 rows in st. Rep le 6 rows once or. Both sweaters Beg with a K row, cone ins sun back measures 39 (4-40-41; 41) cm fom picotrow.ending witha WS ro Shape armboles Cast of 3 (4 4: 5:5) ts atbeg ofnext 2, 108 (109: 115: 119125). Dec tateach end of nest 5 (5:7: 7:9) rows then ‘om every flak row unt 79 (61:85:87: 91) sts te (Cone saight unl ambole measure 21 (21:2 23) mending with a WS roe ‘Shape shoulders and back neck (Cast off7 (7 7.7: 8) sat bey of nest 2 10s 65 (9. 71:73:75). NNoxt row (RS): Cast off7 (7: 7278) K una thereae 10 (10: 12:12:12) ss on right needle and ‘im, lavingrem ss on a older Work each side of neck separately Cast of te at beg of next ro Case 6 (68 8 8) With RS facing, rejoin yar to rm ts, cast off eee 31 @3:33:35:35) 8 Kt end ‘Work to match ise ie, eversing shaping, FRONT “Work s for back unl 14 (14:14:16: 16 rows less hve been worked than on hick wo star of shoulder shaping, ending with 3 WS row Shape ncck [Next row (RS): K31 (31:35:34 36) and rum, leaving rem sts on holder “Work each side of neck separately Caso 4 tat beg of next ro 27 (27:29:30:32) Dee 1 scat neck edge on next 5 rows, then on fll 3:3) altrows. 20 (0: 22:22:24), Work roms ending wath 4 RS ow Shape shoulder Cast off7 77.728) ss at beg of nex and fll rove “Werk 1 row Castor 6 (6:8: 8:8) With RS facing. rejoin yam to em, cst fF centre 17 (19:19:19: 19), K wend Work to mach ist ie, reversing ping. SLEEVES (both alike) Caton 77 (9-81-8388) as sing salle size needs Bg with 3 K row, work 10 rows in ss [Next row (RS) (picot edging row): *K 210g yf rep fom # oss, KL (Change to middle size noes and beg with a P ws work 9 rows in sts Change to lrges size needles ‘Sweater with eyelets only ‘Work a archer 10 rows ins [Next row (RS) (eyelet row): *K2i0g. yd, rep fiom #t las, KI Beg with a P row, work 5 rows in st st Rep last 6 rows once more. oth sweaters eg with 4K row, work straight int st unt sleeve cares 45 (45: 46:46:46) em fom pot 10 ceding with a WS row Shape top (Casto 4 4:5:5) ssa beg ofnext 2 rows TAG: 7373-75). Dec I stat each end of eat 3 rows, then on fll 4 (34:34) al ros, then on every fll 4th row unt ‘Werk 1 1a Dec 1 sat cach ed of nest anf ale sovs.then ofl 3 rom ending with a WS 208.335 Caos at bog of next 2 rows (Cat offrem 25, MAKING UP. PRESS al pieces as described on the info page Join right shoulder seam using back itch, ‘Neckband With RS facing and mide ize needles, pck up and ie 22 22:22:24: 24) as down eft side of neck, 17 (09:19 19: 19)ssfiom om. 8:24) 28 cp right side of eck, and 38 (4: 4 42:42) from eck 9 (1081055 109: 109), Sweater with eyelets only ig wit row, work 7 ro inst. Next row (RS) (eyelet row): *K2t0%. find from # tae, KI Replat Srows twice more ‘Work farther 7 ows in sts Sweater without eyelets Bg with a Pro, work 3 roe ins. Both sweaters Next row (RS) (picot edging row): *K204, yf rep fiom * to ae, KI ‘Change to salle size needles. Beg with aP row; work 31 rows in ss. Cre offkniwie Conde Follovsing instructions a for design 4, Miss Brown ‘on page 75, make one cord 150 em log fr body nd ovo cond, each 46 em long, for sleeves See information page fo nshinginsraction, setting in leves using the set-in method and aving Smal les for cords in sleeve and le side sem ust above pico rove Fld ie 10 rows to ide around Tower edge of by and sleeves to form casings for ‘ie and lp sttch in poston. Thread des dough ‘ing. Fold neckband i bal eo isie long pict row and lip into position, ea ees oom cist ns “WaSGEsaS 0 s351c0 tegen 20 Mi Design number 3 88 Stone Circles KAFFE FASSETT YARN Rowan DK Sof Toftches 7-2 UAOT WT-I12. em 30 4042 42 in Atwy m 6 7 7 x SOgn Pies 1 fg se eg CGbie m4 3 33 Sogn Die 15 lig t= Sgn NEEDLES 1 pai 3Y/n (a0 10 (US3) needles 1 psi Ha (no 8) (US 6) neds ‘TENSION 24 ss and 0 rows 10 cm measured over paterned seocking ch wong mam (US 6) need. BACK Cast on 170 (178: 182) ss using 3am (US 3) needles and yarn D, Break of yam D and jon in yam C Row 1 (RS): K2, #P2, K2, rep from * wo end, ow 2: P2,*K2,P2, rep foal * to end These 2 rows frm ib, Work farther 3 rows in Break off yarn Cand join in yar B Work futher § rows in ib ine 1 (0:1) wat each ca ofa ro. 172 (178: 194), ‘Change to nm (US 6) needs. Using the fair isl technique described on the information page, earing and ending rows a indicted, joining and breaking of colours 2s reid and bg with 2 K row, work in pt fll char, hich s worked ential in sole Contra ntl chart row 110 (116: 124) has been completed, ending with a WS ro Shape armholes Keeping char comsct, cat off at atbeg of next 2 rows 160 (166: 172), Cont aright unl harrow 194 (200: 208) has ben completed, ding with aWS rv Shape shoulders and back neck Ca off 18 (19: 20) ar beg of exe 2 owe 124 (128: 132), Next row (RS): Cast of 18 (19-20, pat unt there are 22 23:24) son right needle sid tam leaving rem #8 on holder, ‘Work each side of neck separately Cas off ss at beg of next re (Cas offer 1 (19: 20) ‘With RS fing, rejoin yarn to rem as, ast off centre 44st, ptt end. ‘Work to mach fist side, reversing shaping, FRONT ‘Works given fr back util char ow 174 (180: 188) thas been completed ending with a RS row ‘Shupe nec [Next row (WS): Pac 68 (71:74) sts and em, loving rem ston a holder ‘Work cach side of neck separately (Cast off ns at beg of ex 8: 64 (67:70) a Dee {stat neck edge on next 7 rr, then on ell 2alt rows, then on al 4h re 54 (57:60) ‘Work 3 rows, ending with chart ew 194 200:20 Shape shoulder Cato 18 (19:20) wea og of net and flare Work 1 row. Cac offer 18 (19:20 ‘With RS fing, xjoin yarn to rem st, ast off centre 24s, patt to end. ‘Work to match it side, reversing shaping. SLEEVES (both ake) (Cason 78 using Sani (US 3) noes and yarn D, Break off yan D and join i yar C ‘Work 5 rows in rb s given for back Break of yam C and join in yarn B SSRek a fan 5 ces cli ase dach cad of last owe 8D, Change tom (US 6) noes an werk input fll chart fl: ‘Work 2 rove Inc 1 eat each end of next and every fll throw til here are 146 (Cont right unl cht ow 144 has be completed ending with a WS rom Cat off MAKING UP PRESS al picce as described on the information page Join right shoulder sam using back itch ens Teneo rane Neck With RS facing, 3mm (US 3) needles and yar B, pik up and kt 27 as down left side of neck, 24 sts from font, 27st upright side of neck, and 52 from back, 130, ‘Work 2.5 ca in rib as gen for back Caton, See information page for finishing traction, Dklonigath Wheoreyacth Design number 4 8 Miss Brown KIM HARGREAVES Rowan rue 4 ply Botan Ise SheMet. Toficbox St 8) 917 MD cin vos % & Hin i is Bee (hoxographed in Fudge 576 andViol 581 ‘NEEDLES 1 pir 27am (0 1 pir 3mm (10 ) (US 2) needles ‘TENSION 28 ser and 36 row 0 10cm meamred ove sacking sckch sing 3am (US 3) neces, Shaping note Allide sam decreases ae worked 2st sens of rows To dec 1s a beg of os work: K2, 2g K to endTo dec 1 sat end of ros wok K ost 5, K20g bh, K2, Allside sear and sleeve increases ac worked 2 in ffom endk of rows To ine 1st at beg of rows work: K2.MI,K to end. To ine 1 tend of rows work Krol, MI, K2, BACK Caton 138 (181218 155161 asing 24am (US 2) seed. Work 3 rosin garter, ending wih 3 RS rove Row 4 (WS):P1 (1: 0:01), KI, Pl rep from*to lac (11:0), KOO: 1:10) Row 5:Asrow 4 Last rows fort moss ‘Work further 9 ows in moss {Change to 3am (US 3) neees and bg with Kx contin st ntl hack measures 30 (Bt; 32:33:34) em om easton edge, ending with a WS soe Dec I st at eich end of next ad every fll h rove ‘unl 121 (129; 135: 143: 149) sem, then on every fol 4h ow wn 108 (113 119-127: 139) rem, Work 11 (13 Inc 1 seat eich end of next and every fl throw ‘nt there are 115 (123: 129: 137: 143) 3 den on ry fll throw tn here are 127 (138: 141: 19% 3:15:15) wows, ending wih aWS rw Work 11 (13; 13:15:18) rows ending with a WS row Shape armholes (Casto (6 6:77 aa bg of next 2 rows, 117 25.129: 138141) Dec lstateach endof next? com fll 8 (2 9:10 10 alos, 929.11) row then (Coot sesight until ambole measures 21 (21: 22:22:28) em, ending wich WS rom ‘Shape shoulders and back neck Caso (88: 9.9) ssa beg of next 2x0 T1G& TET) ss. [Next row (RS): Cast off (499), K unt ‘here are 1 (12:13 12:13) on right needle and ‘ue leaving rem xs ona holder Work each side of neck separately Cat 4 a beg of next rome Cat ff en 7 (89 8:9), With RS facing join yarn to rem txt off centre 33 (95: 35:37:37) K ond ‘Work co match fr sie, reversing shaping. LEFT FRONT Gaston 76 (8:83: 87; 90) wsng 2mm (US 2) needles Work 3 rows in garter tending with 3 RS rove Row 4 (WS): *K1, PI, sep form * cot (0:11 KO (e110 Row 5: KO (01: 1:0),*P1, KI, rep fom * wend, Las rows form moss Werks Rither Bows in mom i Row 14 (WS): Mem 39 and ip these 9 ws onto a hole for button 6701:74:78-81) ‘Change ton (US 3) neat a ag with 2K ro ‘contin sts uni let front measures 30 (31 ‘cm fom cat-on edge, ending with a WS tow Dec I st at beg of net and every fl 6th row unt 61 (65:68; 3) trem, then on every fll 4th ros ‘unl 5357: 60: 6467 sorem Work 1 (13:13:15; Inet stat begof next ade 5) rows, ending with aS row + fll ch row row nl there ate (65:6: 7275) Work 1 ro ending with a WS row Shape front neck Work 22 24:24: 25:26) rows dec 1 sat end front neck edge) of ext and every fl Gch tow and a same time ine Isat beg ede sam edge) of Sd and 2 fall throws ‘Shape arminole [Next row (RS): Cat off (6:6: 7:7) 46 Kost 12:2: 0:0), tog 0 (10:0) ames. 55 (57: 63: 66) Work 1 row Dec Lseatarmbole edge of ext 7 (7: 9:9 1) row, then on fll (9:9; 10-10) ak owsand at same tine {ec | eat front neck edge on next (Sh Sh Se Se) and 3 (1:31) il ode on every thn 35 (06:37:37: 38) Dec 1 scat roar neck edge only on every fll row from previous dec until 23 (24: 25: 26:27) rem, Cone straight untill front matches back to sare of shoulder shaping, ending with 3 WS row Shape shoukier Casto (8% 9) sat beg of next and fl at rom ‘Work 1 row Cat of rn 7 (89:89) RIGHT FRONT aston 76 (80:83:87: 90) st using um (US 2) aaa Werk 3 rows in garters ending with & RS ro Row 4 (WS): KO (1: 1:0), PI, KI, rep from *to nd. Row 5:#K1, Plc rep om # wo lt 0(0: 1: 150) KO(eE 10) Las 2 rows form moss st Work a ircher 8 rows in mon st Row 14 (WS): Mose sto a9 sts and eum, leaving ‘hete las 9 an 2 holier For butonhle band Change to 3 nm (US 3) needs and beg 3 K ro contin stunt righ fot measires 30 (31:32: 38, 34) em fom cast-on ede, ending with a WS row Dec bat nd of next and every fll 6th row nti 73) stem, then on every fll 4h ove ‘Complete omc If font, reversing shaping, SLEEVES (both alike) Caton $9 (59 61: 63:63) using 2% (US) needs Work 3 rows in garter sending with 4 RS ro Row 4 (WS): KI, *P1, KI, rp fom *w end Row 5: Astow 4 Loe? ror france Work farther 9 rows ns most Change to 3enm (US 3) neces ane beg with a XK toy cont in tt al: Ine 1 seat ech end of nex and every fl Sth row unt there are 85 (79:85:87: 81 then on every fol eh ow ul here ate 93 (95:97; 99101 8, Come srght on eve menses (1:42:42: from easton edge, ending with aWS ron Shape top Cast of 5 (66:7: 7 wate of ext 2 os, 5 05: 85:85:87) ws Dec 1 at each end of next 5 rows, then on fil 3 ale rows, then on ever fll th row until 57 (55:57:55: 57) ssrem. Work 1 row Dec I tat each end of next and every fll at row snl 51 a rem, then on fll rows, ending with WS rome 4 at Cast off 4 stat beg of nent 4 rows Cascoffrem 2558, MAKING UP PRESS all pieces a described nthe info page Join bh ssl Botton band seams using back itch, ‘Ship 9 lef om holder for button band onto 2m (US2) needles and rejoin yarn with RS facing ‘Cont in mess set unt band, when Sighy scetched, sup let font opening ede to beg of front neck shaping, up neck edge an aro %9 Cao ck neck, ending with a WS som DikiowigaM Slip witch band in place "Mark position for 7 buttons on this band lowest butts 20 cm up fom ca-on edge, top button 1 below beg of roar neck shaping and rem 5 butons evenly spiced between Bottonbole band ‘Work s for button band rejoining yar with WS facing and with dhe ation oF buttonhoest0 correspond with postions marked for buttons, worked a fle ‘Buttonhole row (RS): Mossst yz (o makes battonhole), work 2rog mow st 3 Slip sich band in lice, joining ends of bands at centre back neck. For te bel, make a swised or knitted cord approx 140 mong, See infomation page Fr Binsin instructions seting in sleeves using dhe set-in method, “To make a twisted cond: Gets friend o help and measure of required lengths of yar. (Finished Teng of cond willbe abou one thi orginal length of arn) Knoe end together and inert pencil at each end in font of knot and beowoen length of yam. Facing each other aed holding yn together berween chumb and finger in fone of knot, tum pencil dockwise, Continue until sand ate ‘igh ewited, chen bring pencil together and allow cond to twist, Remove penis and knot ends, ‘To make a knitted cord: Using swo doutle pointed needles the sme sie at thone ed or eu, Next row (RS): Ké all 4s now on right needle ‘hip st opposite ead of needle and traneer this needle to let hand, withour turing work and aking yam quite cighly acres back of work, Kame 4 ‘gun all 4s now on right needle again ep from * ‘ant cord is required length Next row: Ktog and fisten of (8 (0:82 4 96 am (948 (388 96:97; 98) “Baaemssrsssem (09(99:20-21:22\m Design number 5 8 | Martha KIM HARGREAVES ‘yaRN [Rowai Felted Tweed AS — Wee» Tics Ne Toftbue 8 7 UD om 4% R # in | 2M | 7 7 8 8 8 x Stn | hocagraped in Com 136) NEEDLES 1 pir Sum (no 11) (US 2/3) needles 1 pir 3am (09) (US 5) needles BUTTONS-? ‘TENSION 24 as and 42 rows to 10 cm measured ver patter ‘sing ant (US 5) needles. Pattern note: The pater s worked over a multiple of tpl 1 ale: Row 1 (RS) K2, Ap next Sst purine with yar a front of work, K3, ep fom #, ending with ip 5, K2 Rows 2 and 4:K2, #5, K3,rep fom, ending PS, K Row 4: K4, insert sight needlepoint under loose sernd ying across fron of work and knit this loop tog with next, K7, rep fom *, nding ast ep KA ‘Where pare pac reps occur resuking in sipped ts being worked a sie edges, rand yarn loosely to ani fom row ends before working next st BACK (Cavon 109 (115: 121 127133) as sing 3m (U82/3) neces ‘Werk 11 rows in garters ‘Change to 3%num (US 3) nec, [Next row (WS): PO (0: 3:01), KO(G:3: 1:3). 405, 3. rep fom tole 5 (0: 3:65 1), 5 (0-35: 1, KO(0-0: 1:0), | Cone in pate weting sel | Row 1 (RS): Sip nex 5 (0: 3:00) ts pulse wich yam atffont of work, KS (3:3 1:4), ip nexe 5. purtwise with yam a ont of work, KS, ep from ® | tole 5 (03:61) ip neat (0:3:5:0) ss purwise | with yam atffont of work, KO(@: 0:1: 1), Row 2: (3:01), (33: 1:3, *P5,K3, rep fom fot 5 (3:6: 1) BS (3:51), KO (021-0, Row 3:K2 (0: 0:00), (ser ight new poine under lose stand aying actos font of work and this loop tog with next) 1 (0 1: 0:0) times, KS @:5: 1-4), #K2, inser right needlepoint under Toone sand lying acros front of work and ki this Joop tog with nest st, KS, rep fom #0 5 (0: 3:65 Ips K2 (02:20), Gerrit nce point under lowe strand laying arom Got of work: and ke this lop tog with net 1 (0 1: 120) mes, K2(0-0:3:0. Row 4: Arrow 2 These 4 rows form patt and are repeated thoughout Pasta father 4 (6 6:88) row Keeping pat correct, dee 1 eat each end of next and ‘every ol 6 ow wil 91 (97: 103: 109115) rem, Pat 13 roms endng with 4 WS rove. Keeping pat correct, ine Isat each end of next an every fol th ov unl there ae 109 (115: 121: 127 133), taking ne ss nto part. ‘Cone aie onl bac messes 37 (38 38 2 9) cm from caton ed, nding with a WS row Shape armholes eing at cect, cst of at eget 2 Tot (07:13: 119: 125) 9. Dec Lstateach end of next (5:7:9: 11) 200%, then ‘om every follak row untl 77 (79:81: B35) rem Cont saight unt armbole measures 20 (0:21:21: 22) cm. ending with aWS row. Shape shonllers and hack neck (Caso (7:8: 858) arbeg of ext 2 ows 63 (65:65:67: 69) [Next row (RS): Cs off7 (78: 8:8) spat ut there are 12 (12:11: 1: 12) st onsighe needle and ‘urn, leaving rem sts on a older Work cach side of neck separate Cast off 4s at beg of next 1. Ca offre 8 (7:7: 8), Wilh RS fing, ein yarn vo rom ws, east ff centre 25 Q-77:29:29) a, prttoend. ‘Work to matc ise de, reversing shapings LEFT FRONT. [Note:As row end eds of fonts form actual fined edges of garment, cis important these des are hept neat Therefore, all new ball of yarn should ‘ye joined ina side seam or arbole edges of os. ‘Cason 5962: 68:68 71) as using Sum (US 23) needles. ‘Work 1 rows in garter Change vo ¥enm (US 3) needles [Next rose (WS): Ko, 05, K3, ep fom # oi 5 (0: 3651) P5 (05:5: 1, KO 000-0, ‘Cone in pat fll: Row f (RS): Sip nex 5 (3: 0:0) pane wid ym at oat of work, KS 3: 3:1: 4) tsp next 38 puslwise with yarn at font of work, KS. rep rom * toate, K3, Row 2: K6,*P5, K3, rep fiom *tolat 5 (0:3:6:1) 5, P5 e351, KO (HUE 1:0, Row 3: K2(0: 00:0, Gnsert ight nee point ‘under lowe stand lying scr roe of work and [eit es oop tog with next a) 1 (1:00) te, 5 865: 1-4), #12, inser ght needle poineunder loose trad laying acros ont of work a ait his Joop tog with next, KS, rep from whse 3s, KB. Row 4: As row 2 “These 4 rows form pattand are repeated tnoughout Pac afrther 4 (66:8: 8) rows Keeping ptt comec, dec | seat bg of neta ever ols ow an 5 (53: 565962) rem Pe 13 eos, ending with WS row ‘Kecping pt correct, ine stat beg of est and every fell row unl cher ate 59 (62: 65:68:71} 5, taking in into pat. ‘Cont straight unl et font matches bak to beg armhole shaping, ending with 2WS ro. Dy a Shape armholes Keeping pt correct cat off 4 ts at beg of nex ro: 55 GR61: 64:67) 50 ‘Work 1 rom Dec I statambhole edge of next (5:7:9: 11) 2008, them on very ola rowe until 43 (44 45:46:47) ‘Cont xraigh unl 29 (29:29: 31:31) rowsles have been worked thin on back to wart of shoulder stoping ending with a RS cow ‘Shape neck Keeping ptt comec, cast of? (8: 8:88) svat bey of rest row and 5 at be of fol a row: 31,81:32:35:38 5 Dec 1 stat neck ege on next 3 ows hen on fol 46 (44:55) alerows then on every fol Ah rome unl 22(22:25:23:24) rem. “Work 7 rows, ending with 3 WS row ‘Shape shoulder (Cat off 7 78:88) at beg of next and fal ae rove Work 1 row Cas off em 8 (77:8), ‘Mark postions fr 7 buttons along lef front opening slge lower butzon to be 5 cm up from cao ‘lg ln baton 2 cr below nck shaping and em S buttons evenly spiced between RIGHT FRONT aston 39 (62: 65:68:71) ss using Sm (US2/3) oes Work 11 rows in garter st Change ro Wéanm (US 5) needles. [Next row (WS): PD: 3:01), KO (G3: 123), 485, 3, rp fromm * toast 3 ts, 3, Cont in pat ls: Row 1 (RS): Ks, "lip neat 5s puslwise with yn axfronof work, K3, rep ftom * to a5 (0: 3:61), Sip next (03:5: 0) ss prise wih yam a fom of work KD(O0: 1: 1 Row 2:0 (0:30: 1), KO (8:3: 1:3), PS, K3,rep fom * wos 3s, KS ‘Row 3: Ké, *K2, insert right neele point under love stand laying acrow Goat of work and kit his Toop tog with nett, KS, ep fom * to ase 5 (0: 3:6 1s, K2(0: 2:20), insererighe needlepoint under loose rand lying acros front of work and knit this Toop th next) 1 (111) mes, K2 (1). Row 4:Asrow 2 “Thee 4 rows form pat and are repeted throughout Complete to match left font, reversing shaping and wotking burtonhoes to correspond with postions ‘ated fr buttons on let front fll: Buttonhole row (RS): K2,K2tog, yd, pero end SLEEVES (both alike) (Case on 51 (51:55:55: 59) ss using 3mm (US2/3) secdles ‘Work 11 rows in garter sin 1 sat each end of at row 53 53:57:57:61) Change to Bnm (US5) needles. [Next row (WS): PI (1:3:3:5)-K3,4P5,K3, rep fom rola 1 (1:3:3:5)s, PI (1:3:3:5). ‘Cont in pt fs ow 1 (RS): Sip next 0 (0: 3:3:5) prise with yamat font of work, K4 (4: 3:3:3), "sip next ts purse with yarn at one of work, K3, ep from * tlt (1:3:3:5)ss sp nex (0. 3:3:5) 8 pulwise with yam at foot of work, KI (1:0:0:0) Row 2:PI (1:3:3:5), K3,P5,K3, rep from #ro st 1(1:3:35) a PL(1:3:3:9) ow 3 KO(0: 00:2), (met right needle point ‘unde lot rand lying 2ers front of work and Jaitthislop tog with next) (01:1: 1) mes 4 (45:55), #12 inser right needle point under loose stand laying actos font of work and knit his loop tog with next st, KS, rep from * toast (1: 3:3 5)ts KI (L:2:2:2), inser right needle point under Teoe rand ayn aro font of work and nit hi ‘Joop tog with next st) 0 (0: 1: 1:1) times, KO (0: 0: 0:2). Row 4: Asrovr2 ‘These 4 rows form pat and are repeated throughout. ‘Keeping ptt correct, nc 1st a each end of 7th and every fll 12th row unt dere re 79 (79:8: 83:87), taking ine as ineo pat ‘Contsrighunti sdeeve menue 40 (4044142) fiom easton edge, ending wih 4 WS row. Shape top Keeping pt comet, ca off 4 at bg of nest 2 ows TG: 75:75:79) x Dec Isat each end of next 3 rows, then on fall 3 (3 4:45) altrows, then on every fll ow unl Dec Ista each end of next and every fl 6 row ‘unl 49 (49: 45:49:51) sem, chen om every fll 4th row unl 45 (5:45:45: 47) sre, then on every fol ale ow unt 39 wren Dec 1s ateach end of exe 5 rows, ending wich a WS rom. Case off 4 us at beg of next 2 rows, Cafe 21s MAKING UP. PRESS all pieces s described on the information page Join both shoulder seam using back witch Colle ‘With RS facing and 3am (US 2/3) needles, starting and ending 3s in from font opening edges, pick ‘opand knit 29 29:29: 5:31) opi side of neck, 35 (7:37: 39:38 ssfom back, and 29 29: 29:31:31) 8 down lef ide of neck 93 95:95; 101: 101) Work 8c in garter, Cat off ‘See information page fo nshing instructions, setting in sleeves using the set-in method. ab 455 (5 505 63 5S5)on (Gaia 20-28-20 0) Ll] 57 (68 59-60.61) on (2215 (28:28:285:20 ny 16-165) ) Wao aan agen ossss Design number 6 a Bond KIM HARGREAVES ‘YARN Rowan Felted Tweed of DK Soft XS ML XL SE8 91 97 MD cm 2M % RW in Polo neck sweater with long sleeves Feked'Tweed 6 67-7 8 (phoropraphed in Melody 142) Polo neck sweater with three-quarter sleeves DK Soft 55 55 6 x Siem (Ghotographed in Minty 166) Slash neck sweater with long sleeves DK Soft 55 5 5 6 (photographed in Tawny 171) Striped lash neck sweater with three-quarter sleeves “Toficbuse x Sgn x Stn DK Soft Afrhe 14 1 1 1 2 2 x Sim BTwny 1 1 1 tL tx Sim CMimy 16 1 1 tL tx Stim Diu = 13-222 22 x Siem E Thunder 1 1 1 1 1 1 x Stim F Paley 18 2 2 2 2 2 x Sim NEEDLES Felted Tweed versions 1 pair 3mm (no 11) (US 2/3) needles 1 pac 3m (209) (US) needles DK Soft versions 1 pir 3m (no 10) (US 3) neces 1 pac zum (no 8) (US 6) needles ‘TENSION 23 ws and 32 rows to 10cm messuted over stocking seich asinganger ste needles - mm (US 5) or Feked Tweed or dam (US 6) for DK Soft ‘Shaping nove:Alside sear decreases are worked 2 asim from end of ows. To dec 1 tt beg of ows work: K2, K2tog, K to end:'To dee 1st at end of ows work: Koa 4s, K2t0g el, K2 Allside eam and sleeve increases arc worked 2s in rom endh of ro “Taine 1 stat beg of rows work: K2, MI, K to end Te ine 1 tat nd of ow work: K to lt 2, MI, KO, Polo neck sweater BACK (Cason 9905 111: 117: 123) sing mle size needles Row 1 (RS): 3, #3, 13, rep om # ro end. Row 2:K3, *P3,K3, rep from * to end These 2 ows form i. ‘Werk farther 12 resin i, ending with WS row ‘Change ta larger size ness and beg with aK row, cone in a fall ‘Work 8 (10: 10+ 10:10) rows ending with a WS ro Dec stat each end of next and every fll th ow ‘unt 93 09: 105111: 117) en, ther on every fall 44 ro unt 88 (9:95: TOI: 107) sem. Work 11 rows, ending with 4 WS roe ne 1 tat each end of next and every fll th row tn dere re 99 (105: 111: 117123) Cont srg nt back messes 38 (39-39: 4 4) cn from cat-on edge, ending with aWS ro Shape armholes (Cast off sa beg ofnext 2 rows, ‘91 (97108: 108-115), Dec Isat each end of nex 3 (55:55) rows, then on ever fol ltrow until 75 (7: 83-89:95) rem. ‘Cont scaight unt arminole measures 20 0:21:21: 22) cm, ending with aWS ow Shape shoulders and back neck (Cat of? (78:9: 10) rat beg oF nxt 2r0¥n, 61 (63:67: 71:75) 9, Next row (RS): Cascof77 (7:9 0) 8 Kun there are 11 (11: 1212: 13) son right needle and tum, leaving rem a ona holder. Work cath ie of eck separately Cas off ss at bey of ext (Cas orem 7 (4:8: 9 With RS facing. rejoin yar to em se, ca ff centre 25 27.27:29-23) K toend ‘Work to mate fs side reversing shaping, FRONT ‘Work as given fr back until 2 (22:22:2424) rows les have been worked than on back to sti of shoulder shaping, ending with aWS row. Shape neck [Next row (RS): K32 (3235: 8541) ands, leaving rem on holder. ‘Werk each side of neck separately Cat svat beg of next ow, 28 2831-437), Dee 1 tat neck edge on next 3 rows, then an fll 2,2:2:3:3) alrows, then om ever oll 4h row un 21,@1: 24-26-25) aeeem Work 5 rows, ending with a RS ro Shape shoulder Cast ff? (7:8:9: 10) tbe of ex an flat ow Work 1 0% Casco em 78:8: 9) With RS fing. join yr to rem st, ext off conte 1 (1313: 13:13), Kto end ‘Work to match fit side, reversing shaping. LONG SLEEVES (both alike) (Cat on 45 (67: 49:51:53) easing emailer size sede. ‘Row 1 (RS): KO (1:20: 1), P3, 4K3,P3, ep fom * toast (1: 2:0: 1), KO(1:2:0. 9, Rov 2: PO (1: 2:01), 3, *P3,K3, rep fom * rola (1:20) ss, (L202, These 2 ows fore ib, Work after 12 rows inribine 1 sta each end of ‘nh of thee rows. 47 (49:51; 53:55). (Change to lrgr ste needles and beg with 3K ros ont in ts fll: ork 6 roms, ending with WS row te 1 at cach end of next and every fl 10th row nt here are 83 35: 5961: 63) st, then on every fol eh roe unt there ae 73 (78:77:79: 81) Cont righ unt aloeve measues 4 (41: 42:42:42) ca, from enton dg, ening with a WS roe Shape top Cat of 45:5: 6) seat bog ofuest 2100s, (5 (67:67: 09:65) 8, Dec 1 st at each end of next 5 rows, then on fl 3 alt rows then on every fll throw ntl 39 (41:39: 4 Work 1 row Dee | ateach end of next anf (1: 1:0) al ros, then on fll ow ending with aWS row 31 (Cas of sat bog of next row. Cast off rem 15 THREE-QUARTER SLEEVES (both lik) (Cason 1 (53:55:57: 59) as using slr sie needles. Row 1 (RS): PO (1:20: 1), K3,AP3, KS, rp from * ol (1:2:0: 1) PD (1:20) Row 2: KO (1:2: 0:1), P3,*K3, B, rep from * tole (00: 2:01), KO (1: 2:0: 1 These 2 rows form iby “Work further 12 rove in rib ine 1 stat each end of ‘hf thee ro. 53 (65:57: 59:61) a. (Change to larger size needles and beg with aK ro contin ta fall “Work 4 rows, ending with a WS rom Inc 1 seat each end of nest and every fll th row tnt here are 73 75:77: 79:8 (Contstaight unt sdeeve messues 32 52: fiom easton edge, ending with 4 WS row: Shape top ‘Complete a given for long sleeves, 38:38)em ‘One colour slash eck swenter BACK and FRONT (bot alike) ‘Work as given for back of polo neck sweater to (Cont aight une aro measures 175 (175-185 185: 19.5) emending with a ro Shape neck [Next row (RS): K unt her ae 14 (14: 1618-29) ‘on right needle and turn, leaving rem son a holder Work each side of neck sepaitely Cas off ss at bey of next and fl lero 6 (68: 10:12), Dee 1 seat neck edge on next rows. 3 (3: 5:79). Work 1 rom. Cato rem 3(8:5:7:9) ‘With RS ficing, rejoin yar to rm ca off cote 47 49:51: 53:55), Koend ‘Work to match fs side reversing shaping SLEEVES (both alts) Work as given for appropriate length sleeves of polo eck sweate. Striped la ‘Work as given for one colour sash neck sweater in szripe sequence as fl: For back and front (Caweon using am D. Rows 1 to 5: Using yn D. Rows 6 and 7: Using yarn E Row 8: Using yan D, Rows 9 t0 12: Using ym C. Rows 15 and 14: Using yar A. Rows 15 to 25: Using yarn E Rows 26 ¢0 35: Using yar D. Rows 36 and 37: Using yar. Rows 38 and 39: Using yarn D. Rows 40 and A1: Using ir B. Rows 42 to 45: Using arn E Rows 46 and 47: Using yarn D. Rows 48 and 49 Using yam C Row 50: Using yam B Rows 51 0 59: Using yar . Rows 60 and 61: Using yarn F Row 62: Usingyarn. Rows 63 to 67: Using yam C Row 68 and 69: Using yarn E Rows 70 and 71: Using yarn B. Rows 72 to 80: Using yn E. Rows 81 to 85: Using yarn D. Rows 86 to BK: Using yarn C neck sweater Rows 89 and 90: Using yn E Rows 91 and 92: Using yrn A Rows 98 and 94: Using vi Rows 95 to 97: Using yam E. Rows 98 and 99: Using yarn C- Rows 100 to 108: Using yar D. Row 109; Using yar F Ros 110 and 111: Using yar. Rows 112 t0 119: Using yar F Rows 120 to 125: Using yar B Rows 124 and 125: Using yam E. Row 126: Using arm B, Rows 127 to 130: Using yan D. ows 131 and 132: Using yar C Rows 153 to 138: Using yarn A. Rows 139 to 142; Using yan D. Rows 143 and 144: Using yan Row 145: Usingyana A Rows 146 and 147: Using yam B Rows 148 to 181: Using yarn C Rows 152 to 154: Using yarn Rows 155 to 139: Using yar B Rows 160 to 170: Using yar D. Rows 171 and 172: Using yarn E Rows 173 and 174: Using yarn A. Rows 178 and 176: Using yam C Row 177: Usngyara Rows 178 and 179: Using yarn E Rows 180 to 183: Using yarn B. Rows 184 and 185: Using yarn C Rows 186 to 189: Using yarn D. Rows 190 to 195: Usng yarn E, Rows 196 and 197: Using yarn F Row 198 and 199: Using yarn A. Rows 200 and 201: Using yarn B, Rows 202 to 205: Using yar C Rows 206 and 207: Using yar D. Rows 208 to 210: Using yarn For lef sleeve Ca on using yarn F Roms 1 to 4: Using atm F Rows § 07: Using yar A. Rows 8 to 12: Using yar D. Rows 13 to 18: Using yam B. Rows 19 and 20: Using yen F ‘Row 21: Using yarn B Rows 22 to 24 Using yam E. Rows 25 and 26: Using yarn C Rows 27 and 28: Using yarn D. Rows 29 to 38: Using yarn F Row 39: Using yar. Rows 40 to 44: Using yarn B. Rows 45 to 47: Using yam E. Rows 48 and 49: Using yarn F [Rows 50 and 51 Using yarn A Rove 82 and $3: Using yarn B Row $6 t0 63: Using arn D. Rows 66 and 65: Using yar C Row 66: Using ata D. ing yarn B. sing yam C. Rows 76 to 84 Using yarn A Rows 85 to 47: Ung yarn D. Rows 86 to 90: Using atm & Rows 91 t0.94: Using yam C. Row 95 Using yar. Rows 96 to 98: Using yarn D. Rows 99 and 100: Using yan Rows 101 to 104 Using yar Rows 105 and 106: Using yarn A Rows 107 to 115: Using sam B, Rows 116 and 117: Using yara F Rows 118 and 119: Using yarn A. Rows 120 and 121: Using yara E Row 122: Using yam I Rows 128 and 124: Using yar C. Row 128: Using yar D. ows 126 to 129: Using yam C. Rows 130 4 139: Using yarn D. Rows 140 and 141: Using yun, Rows 142 and 143: Using yarn D. Rowe 144 and 145: Using yarn Be Rows 146 to 151: Using yn F [owes 152 and 153: Using yen E. Rows 154 and 195: Using yarn C ews 156 to 164: Using yarn A. Rows 165 and 166: Using yen F Rew 167: Using yarn A Rows 168 ¢o 172: Using yam B. Rows 173 to 175: Using yarn D. Rows 176 and 177: Usingyam C. Rows 178 and 179: Using yam E Row 180: Using yarn E Rows 181 to 183: Using yarn A, Rowe 184 and 185: Using yarn Rows 196 to 188: Using yarn D, Rows 189 to 192: Using yam E. Rows 193 t0 195: Using vit B. Rows 196 and 197: Using yarn C Rows 198 to 200% Using yarn D. For right sleeve (Cascon using atm. Rows 1 aid 2: Using yarn D. Rows 3 and 4: Using yn A Rows 5 and 6: Using yen D. ‘Rows 7 and 8: Using yar 8 Rows 940 12: Using yara E Using yarn D Using yarn Row 17: Using yar Rows 18 to 26: Using arn D. Rows 27 and 24: Using en F Row 29: Using yarn D. Rows 30 4932: Using yar C. Rows 38 and 34: Using yatn E Rows 38 and 86 Using yam I, [Rows 37 and 38: Using yarn F Rows 53 to 35: Using yarn C Rows 56 and 57: Using yarn F Rows 58 and 59: Using yarn A Rows 60 to 68: Using yarn B. Rows 69 to 72: Using yar E Rows 73 and 74: Using yam C [Rows 75 to #3: Using yen D, Row #4: Using yan F Rows 85 and 86: Usingvarn A, Rows 87 to 94: Using ata F Rows 95 to 98: Using yarn B. Rows 99 and 100: Using yar E Row 101: Using yarn B, Rows 102 to 105: Using yen D. ows 106 and 107: Using ym C Rows 108 ¢0 110: Using yarn E Row It: Using yarn F ows 112 and 113: Using yarn A Rows 114 to 117: Using yen D. Rows 118 and 119: Using yen E Row 120: Using yarn A. Rows 121 and 122: Using yarn B, Rows 128 ¢0 126: Using yn C. Rows 127 to 129: Using yam E Rows 130 to 134: Using yarn B. Row 138: Using yam C Rows 136 t0 139: Using yarn F Rows 140 and 141: Using yarn A. Rows 142 to 150; Using yarn D. Rows 151 and 152: Using yarn Rows 153 and 154: Using yarn A. Rows 155 and 156: Using yam C. Row 157: Using yam D. Rows 158 and 159: Using yar E Row 160 Using yarn B. Rows 161 t0 164: Using yam E Rows 165 t0 167: Using yam Bs Rows 168 and 169: Using yarn Rows 170 to 178: Using yen D, Rows 176 and 175: Using yarn A Row 176 and 17: Using yarn Rows 178 and 179: Using yarn D i: Using yam C. ‘Rowe 185: Using yar B. Rows 186: Using yon D, Rows 187 to 190: Using yarn E Rows 191 to 198: Using yao A Rows 194: Using yar C Rows 195 and 196: Using yarn D. Rows 197 t0 200: Using yun E. MAKING UP. PRESS al pieces a devcribe on the info page Polo neck sweater Join right shoul Neckband ‘With RS facing and smaller ize needle, pick up and nit 28 29 29:31:31) a downside of one neck, 1 (43:13: 18:13) sfom font, 28 29: 29:31:31) 3 ‘upright side of frome neck, and 32 (34:4: 36:36) fom back, 9 (105108 111: 11) Beg with row 2, work nib a given or back for 9 cm, Cae offi Slash neck sweater Neck edging ‘With RS facing and smaller siae needles, pick up and [ene 14 (13: 12: 1413) ts down ef side of ron neck, 47 (49:51:53: 55) fom font and 14 (13: 12:14:13) ssp righ side offromt neck, 75 (15:75:81 BI Beg with row 2, workin iba given for back for rows and at same time dec {tat each end of 2nd and every fll row 6 (61:61:67:67) (Cas off in rib still dec 1 sta both ends of rove ork edging across ack neck in sme wy. For striped slash neck sweater, work neck sing in stripe sequence a fll: Pick up sing yaa D. Row 1: Using yarn D. Rows 2 and 3: Using yam E. Rows 410 6: Using yarn F Rows 7 and &: Using yata D. Caco using yar D. All sweaters Tie (optional) Following instructions a given for design 4 Mis Brown on page 75,miake ie 120 em long See information page for finishing insructons, setingin sleeves using the se-in method. tain back sich, weecoer een eauansozs Sumas cagies ai 19m) Dikovigathe Design number 7 8 Bill DEBBIE BLISS Rowan All Seasons Cotton S° MAL. Tofitchex 7 KO 7 112 cm x9 2 4 in 1 2 x5hgn (pborographed in Safi 189) NEEDLES 1 pie (no 8) (US 6) neces 1 pene (0 7) (US 7) neds 1 pie Sau (a0 6) (US 8) neces ‘TENSION 17 ets and 24 rows to 10 con memured over stocking seh using mim (US 8) needles BACK acon 110 114: 118 122) ss using 4mm (US7) needles. Row 1 (RS): K2, #P2,K2, rep fiom *to end Row 2:P2, *K2,P2, scp fiom * wend ‘Change to 4mm (US 6) neds and work irther These 2 rows fort ib, 20 own nba set, nc (10 1) a each end of Work s farther 18 rows in rib, dee 1 seat nd ofa Instron 0 (82:54:56) row 109 (113-117: 121) 9 ange to Sm (US 6) needles sn beg wid aK ro ‘Change to Si (US 6) neces ad beg witha Krom, contin ss in fs a cach end of next and every concn sc unl back measures 37 cm fom cat-on fll 4th row wn there are 88 (92 96:10), edge, ending with 2 WS row ‘Cont sight unt deeve meatrec 55 (56:57:58) cm Staring and ending rows as indicated and epeating from cast-on edge ending with aWS ro the 40 row repeat throughout, contin pat Fon Ca ft. char afl: (Cont srsght until chart ow 12 ha been completed, MAKING UP. ending with aWS rw. PRESS all pcces as decribed onthe info page. Shape aribcles ‘With WS together jin right shoulder sean by Keeping pa comet, cat off6auat beg ofnest2rows, casing off left on bolder together. 97 GOL: 105: 109) Neckband (Contig uni ambole mesaes25 (26:27: 28)cm, With IRS facing and onm (US 6) neds, pick up ending with aWS ro. and knit 21 (21:24 24) te dow let side of neck, Shape back neck 13 (15:13:15) fom fron, 2 (21:24: 24) up ight [Next row (RS): Pc 35 (36:38:39) sts and, side o eck, and 35 (37: 37.39) fom bac. Ieaving rms on a hoe. ‘9 (94:58 102} Work each side of neck separately ‘Work 10 cm in riba given for bach, Cast off sts at bey of next re ‘Change to 4mm (US 7) needles and work a farher Work | sow on rem 31 (32:3435) 1 cain ab et Break yam and leave ss on a holder for right Cast offin ib solder vim, ‘See information age for Binicing insect With RS facing rejoin yarn to rm as, cast of centre joining lf shoeler sear in same way sight 27 09:29:31) 9 petted shoulder and setting in lceves ising the square sein Work 1 row method. Cast off $s at beg of next r ‘Break yam and leave re 31 (32:34:36) on another older fo let shoulder sam, Ee FRONT ‘Work as given for back uml 20 (20 22:22) rows less 18 69:70 7h om GF G7 27528) m) tare been worked thar on tack to pint where shoulders are lef on holders ending with 2 RS 1ow Shape neck [Next row (WS): Pte 2 (4 46:47) and, leaving rem sts on Werk each side of neck sparsely Casto sabe of next rs. 39 (40:48:44) 3, Dee twat neck edge on next 5 rvs, then on fl 2 2:33) alerows, thon ofall 4s 0 = “ 21¢3435 14065 68.71) em (25 (2627-28) ‘Werk 5 rows, cing with 4 RS row Beak yam and leave rem 31 (32:34:38) s8on a holder for left shoulder seam. ‘With RS facing, join arn to vem cat off centre 13 (15: 1315) patton ‘Werk to march fist ie, reversing shaping. SLEEVES (both alike) (Cavan 0 (te 54:54) ae esing 4mm (UST) needles. Work 20 rows in sb as given for back Key Kon RS, P on WS = P on RS, Kon WS. pe ee ee ee ee 5 Bet Ba ie a a

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