Topic 1 - Embryonic and Fetal Structures

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● The corpus luteum in the ovary continues to function

rather than atrophying under the influence of human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is secreted by
the trophablast cells.
● Human chorionic gonadotropin causes uterine
endometrium to continue to grow in thickness and
vascularity instead of sloughing off in a usual
menstrual cycle.

The endometrium is now typically called the ‘decidua’ or

the uterine lining. The Decidua has three separate areas:
1. Decidua Basalis’
○ It is where the implantation takes place.
2. Decidua Capsularis
○ It lies as a capsules around the chorion.
3. Decidua Vera
○ It is an exclusive area occupied by the implanted
ovum and the chorion.


These are miniature villi resembling the probing fingers.
There are two covering layers of the chorionic villi.
1. Synctiotrophoblast or Synctial Layer
○ On the 11th or 12th day, the chorionic villi reach
out to the trophoblast cells into the uterine
endometrium to begin the formation of the
2. Cytotrophoblast or Langhan’s Layer
○ This protects the growing embryo and fetus to
certain infectious organisms such as your
syphilis early in pregnancy. It disappears
between the 20th to 24th week of pregnancy.
○ This is why syphilis is not considered to have a
high potential for fetal damage early in

The placenta is the Latin word for ‘pancake’. It has
circulatory and endocrine functions.
1. Circulation
○ The circulation begins on the 12th day of
pregnancy where maternal blood begins to
collect in the intervillious spaces of the uterine
endometrium surrounding the chorionic villa/
○ By the 3rd week, the oxygen and other nutrients
such as glucose, amino acids, fatty acids,
minerals, vitamins, and water osmose from
maternal blood through the cell layers of the
chorionic villi into the capillaries.
2. Endocrine function
○ It includes:
i. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
● It is the first placental hormone
produced and can be found in the
blood or urine as early as first missed
menstrual period.
● It becomes negative 1 to 2 weeks after
birth. When it ebcomes negative, this is
the proof that placental tissue is no
longer present.
ii. Estrogen
● It produced a second of the synctial
● It contributes to a woman’s mammary
gland development in prepartion for
● It stimulates uterine growth to
accommodate the growing fetus.
iii. Progesterone
● Estrogen are hormones of women while
progesterone are hormones of
● These are necessary to maintain the
endometrial lining of the uterus during
iv. Human Placental Lactogen (hPL)
● Human chorionic somatotropin or the
growth promoting lactogenic
properties produced by the placenta
as early as the 6th week of pregnancy.
It promotes mammary gland in
preparation for the lactation in the

The different membrances include:
1. Chorionic membrane
○ It is the outermost fetal membrane.
2. Amniotic membrane
○ It forms beneath the chorion.


● It is formed from fetal membranes, your amnion and
your chorion. It provides circulatory pathways that
connects the embryo to the chorionic villi of the
● It also transports oxygen and nutrients to the fetus
from the placenta.
● It is 53 centimeters in length and 2 centimeters thick.
● Its’ bulk is gelatinous mucopolysaccharide called the
Wharton’s jelly.
● The umbilical cord contents include:
1. Veins (1)
○ Your veins are carrying blood from the
placental villi to the fetus.
2. Arteries (2)
○ Your arteries are carrying blood from the
fetus back to the placental villi.


● It is constantly being formed and absorbed by direct
contact with fetal surface of the placenta.
● It is around 800mL to 1,200mL.
● It’s purpose is to shield the fetus against pressure or
blow to the mother’s abdomen.
● It protects fetus in changes in temperature and aids
in muscular development.
● The two common problems of the amniotic fluid is
1. Hydramnios
○ It is when there is an excessive amniotic
fluid of more than 2,000mL.
2. Oligohydramnios
○ It is when there is a reduction of amniotic
fluid which is less than 300mL.

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